- /* bindec.s - Motorola 68040 FP binary/decimal conversion routines (EXC) */
- /* Copyright 1991-1993 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- .data
- .globl _copyright_wind_river
- .long _copyright_wind_river
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01e,21jul93,kdl added .text (SPR #2372).
- 01d,23aug92,jcf changed bxxx to jxx.
- 01c,26may92,rrr the tree shuffle
- 01b,10jan92,kdl general cleanup.
- 01b,01jan92,jcf reversed order of cmp <reg>,<reg>
- 01a,12aug91,kdl changed routine names which begin "Ax_" to aboid
- confusion when converting to lower case reg names.
- */
- /*
- __x_bindecsa 3.4 1/3/91
- __x_bindec
- Description:
- Converts an input in extended precision format
- to bcd format.
- Input:
- a0 points to the input extended precision value
- value in memory| d0 contains the k-factor sign-extended
- to 32-bits. The input may be either normalized,
- unnormalized, or denormalized.
- Output: result in the FP_SCR1 space on the stack.
- Saves and Modifies: D2-D7,A2,FP2
- Algorithm:
- A1. Set RM and size ext| Set SIGMA = sign of input.
- The k-factor is saved for use in d7. Clear the
- BINDEC_FLG for separating normalized/denormalized
- input. If input is unnormalized or denormalized,
- normalize it.
- A2. Set X = abs(input).
- A3. Compute ILOG.
- ILOG is the log base 10 of the input value. It is
- approximated by adding e + 0.f when the original
- value is viewed as 2^^e * 1.f in extended precision.
- This value is stored in d6.
- A4. Clr INEX bit.
- The operation in A3 above may have set INEX2.
- A5. Set ICTR = 0|
- ICTR is a flag used in A13. It must be set before the
- loop entry A6.
- A6. Calculate LEN.
- LEN is the number of digits to be displayed. The
- k-factor can dictate either the total number of digits,
- if it is a positive number, or the number of digits
- after the decimal point which are to be included as
- significant. See the 68882 manual for examples.
- If LEN is computed to be greater than 17, set OPERR in
- USER_FPSR. LEN is stored in d4.
- A7. Calculate SCALE.
- SCALE is equal to 10^ISCALE, where ISCALE is the number
- of decimal places needed to insure LEN integer digits
- in the output before conversion to bcd. LAMBDA is the
- sign of ISCALE, used in A9. Fp1 contains
- 10^^(abs(ISCALE)) using a rounding mode which is a
- function of the original rounding mode and the signs
- of ISCALE and X. A table is given in the code.
- A8. Clr INEX| Force RZ.
- The operation in A3 above may have set INEX2.
- RZ mode is forced for the scaling operation to insure
- only one rounding error. The grs bits are collected in
- the INEX flag for use in A10.
- A9. Scale X -> Y.
- The mantissa is scaled to the desired number of
- significant digits. The excess digits are collected
- in INEX2.
- A10. Or in INEX.
- If INEX is set, round error occured. This is
- compensated for by 'or-ing' in the INEX2 flag to
- the lsb of Y.
- A11. Restore original fpcr| set size ext.
- Perform FINT operation in the user's rounding mode.
- Keep the size to extended.
- A12. Calculate YINT = FINT(Y) according to user's rounding
- mode. The FPSP routine __x_sintd0 is used. The output
- is in fp0.
- A13. Check for LEN digits.
- If the int operation results in more than LEN digits,
- or less than LEN -1 digits, adjust ILOG and repeat from
- A6. This test occurs only on the first pass. If the
- result is exactly 10^LEN, decrement ILOG and divide
- the mantissa by 10.
- A14. Convert the mantissa to bcd.
- The __x_binstr routine is used to convert the LEN digit
- mantissa to bcd in memory. The input to __x_binstr is
- to be a fraction| i.e. (mantissa)/10^LEN and adjusted
- such that the decimal point is to the left of bit 63.
- The bcd digits are stored in the correct position in
- the final string area in memory.
- A15. Convert the exponent to bcd.
- As in A14 above, the exp is converted to bcd and the
- digits are stored in the final string.
- Test the length of the final exponent string. If the
- length is 4, set operr.
- A16. Write sign bits to final string.
- Implementation Notes:
- The registers are used as follows:
- d0: scratch| LEN input to __x_binstr
- d1: scratch
- d2: upper 32-bits of mantissa for __x_binstr
- d3: scratch| lower 32-bits of mantissa for __x_binstr
- d4: LEN
- d6: ILOG
- d7: k-factor
- a0: ptr for original operand/final result
- a1: scratch pointer
- a2: pointer to FP_X| abs(original value) in ext
- fp0: scratch
- fp1: scratch
- fp2: scratch
- F_SCR1:
- F_SCR2:
- L_SCR1:
- L_SCR2:
- Copyright (C) Motorola, Inc. 1990
- All Rights Reserved
- The copyright notice above does not evidence any
- actual or intended publication of such source code.
- BINDEC idnt 2,1 Motorola 040 Floating Point Software Package
- */
- #include "fpsp040E.h"
- | section 8
- | Constants in extended precision
- LOG2: .long 0x3FFD0000,0x9A209A84,0xFBCFF798,0x00000000
- LOG2UP1: .long 0x3FFD0000,0x9A209A84,0xFBCFF799,0x00000000
- | Constants in single precision
- FONE: .long 0x3F800000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000
- FTWO: .long 0x40000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000
- FTEN: .long 0x41200000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000
- F4933: .long 0x459A2800,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000
- RBDTBL: .byte 0,0,0,0
- .byte 3,3,2,2
- .byte 3,2,2,3
- .byte 2,3,3,2
- | xref __x_binstr
- | xref __x_sintdo
- | xref ptenrn,ptenrm,ptenrp
- .globl __x_bindec
- .globl __x_sc_mul
- .text
- __x_bindec:
- moveml d2-d7/a2,a7@-
- fmovemx fp0-fp2,a7@-
- | A1. Set RM and size ext. Set SIGMA = sign input|
- | The k-factor is saved for use in d7. Clear BINDEC_FLG for
- | separating normalized/denormalized input. If the input
- | is a denormalized number, set the BINDEC_FLG memory word
- | to signal denorm. If the input is unnormalized, normalize
- | the input and test for denormalized result.
- |
- fmovel #rm_mode,fpcr | set RM and ext
- movel a0@,a6@(L_SCR2) | save exponent for sign check
- movel d0,d7 | move k-factor to d7
- clrb a6@(BINDEC_FLG) | clr norm/denorm flag
- movew a6@(STAG),d0 | get stag
- andiw #0xe000,d0 | isolate stag bits
- jeq __A2_str | if zero, input is norm
- |
- | Normalize the denorm
- |
- un_de_norm:
- movew a0@,d0
- andiw #0x7fff,d0 | strip sign of normalized exp
- movel a0@(4),d1
- movel a0@(8),d2
- __x_norm_loop:
- subw #1,d0
- lsll #1,d2
- roxll #1,d1
- tstl d1
- jge __x_norm_loop
- |
- | Test if the normalized input is denormalized
- |
- tstw d0
- jgt pos_exp | if greater than zero, it is a norm
- st a6@(BINDEC_FLG) | set flag for denorm
- pos_exp:
- andiw #0x7fff,d0 | strip sign of normalized exp
- movew d0,a0@
- movel d1,a0@(4)
- movel d2,a0@(8)
- | A2. Set X = abs(input).
- |
- __A2_str:
- movel a0@,a6@(FP_SCR2) | move input to work space
- movel a0@(4),a6@(FP_SCR2+4) | move input to work space
- movel a0@(8),a6@(FP_SCR2+8) | move input to work space
- andil #0x7fffffff,a6@(FP_SCR2) | create abs(X)
- | A3. Compute ILOG.
- | ILOG is the log base 10 of the input value. It is approx-
- | imated by adding e + 0.f when the original value is viewed
- | as 2^^e * 1.f in extended precision. This value is stored
- | in d6.
- |
- | Register usage:
- | Input/Output
- | d0: k-factor/exponent
- | d2: x/x
- | d3: x/x
- | d4: x/x
- | d5: x/x
- | d6: x/ILOG
- | d7: k-factor/Unchanged
- | a0: ptr for original operand/final result
- | a1: x/x
- | a2: x/x
- | fp0: x/float(ILOG)
- | fp1: x/x
- | fp2: x/x
- | F_SCR1:x/x
- | F_SCR2:Abs(X)/Abs(X) with 0x3fff exponent
- | L_SCR1:x/x
- | L_SCR2:first word of X packed/Unchanged
- tstb a6@(BINDEC_FLG) | check for denorm
- jeq __A3_cont | if clr, continue with norm
- movel #-4933,d6 | force ILOG = -4933
- jra __A4_str
- __A3_cont:
- movew a6@(FP_SCR2),d0 | move exp to d0
- movew #0x3fff,a6@(FP_SCR2) | replace exponent with 0x3fff
- fmovex a6@(FP_SCR2),fp0 | now fp0 has 1.f
- subw #0x3fff,d0 | strip off bias
- faddw d0,fp0 | add in exp
- fsubs FONE,fp0 | subtract off 1.0
- fbge pos_res | if pos, branch
- fmulx LOG2UP1,fp0 | if neg, mul by LOG2UP1
- fmovel fp0,d6 | put ILOG in d6 as a lword
- jra __A4_str | go move out ILOG
- pos_res:
- fmulx LOG2,fp0 | if pos, mul by LOG2
- fmovel fp0,d6 | put ILOG in d6 as a lword
- | A4. Clr INEX bit.
- | The operation in A3 above may have set INEX2.
- __A4_str:
- fmovel #0,FPSR | zero all of fpsr - nothing needed
- | A5. Set ICTR = 0|
- | ICTR is a flag used in A13. It must be set before the
- | loop entry A6. The lower word of d5 is used for ICTR.
- clrw d5 | clear ICTR
- | A6. Calculate LEN.
- | LEN is the number of digits to be displayed. The k-factor
- | can dictate either the total number of digits, if it is
- | a positive number, or the number of digits after the
- | original decimal point which are to be included as
- | significant. See the 68882 manual for examples.
- | If LEN is computed to be greater than 17, set OPERR in
- | USER_FPSR. LEN is stored in d4.
- |
- | Register usage:
- | Input/Output
- | d0: exponent/Unchanged
- | d2: x/x/scratch
- | d3: x/x
- | d4: exc picture/LEN
- | d5: ICTR/Unchanged
- | d6: ILOG/Unchanged
- | d7: k-factor/Unchanged
- | a0: ptr for original operand/final result
- | a1: x/x
- | a2: x/x
- | fp0: float(ILOG)/Unchanged
- | fp1: x/x
- | fp2: x/x
- | F_SCR1:x/x
- | F_SCR2:Abs(X) with 0x3fff exponent/Unchanged
- | L_SCR1:x/x
- | L_SCR2:first word of X packed/Unchanged
- __A6_str:
- tstl d7 | branch on sign of k
- jle k_neg | if k <= 0, LEN = ILOG + 1 - k
- movel d7,d4 | if k > 0, LEN = k
- jra len_ck | skip to LEN check
- k_neg:
- movel d6,d4 | first load ILOG to d4
- subl d7,d4 | subtract off k
- addql #1,d4 | add in the 1
- len_ck:
- tstl d4 | LEN check: branch on sign of LEN
- jle LEN_ng | if neg, set LEN = 1
- cmpl #17,d4 | test if LEN > 17
- jle __A7_str | if not, forget it
- movel #17,d4 | set max LEN = 17
- tstl d7 | if negative, never set OPERR
- jle __A7_str | if positive, continue
- orl #opaop_mask,a6@(USER_FPSR) | set OPERR # AIOP in USER_FPSR
- jra __A7_str | finished here
- LEN_ng:
- moveql #1,d4 | min LEN is 1
- | A7. Calculate SCALE.
- | SCALE is equal to 10^ISCALE, where ISCALE is the number
- | of decimal places needed to insure LEN integer digits
- | in the output before conversion to bcd. LAMBDA is the sign
- | of ISCALE, used in A9. Fp1 contains 10^^(abs(ISCALE)) using
- | the rounding mode as given in the following table (see
- | Coonen, p. 7.23 as ref.| however, the SCALE variable is
- | of opposite sign in __x_bindecsa from Coonen).
- |
- | Initial USE
- | fpcr[6:5] LAMBDA SIGN(X) fpcr[6:5]
- | ----------------------------------------------
- | RN 00 0 0 00/0 RN
- | RN 00 0 1 00/0 RN
- | RN 00 1 0 00/0 RN
- | RN 00 1 1 00/0 RN
- | RZ 01 0 0 11/3 RP
- | RZ 01 0 1 11/3 RP
- | RZ 01 1 0 10/2 RM
- | RZ 01 1 1 10/2 RM
- | RM 10 0 0 11/3 RP
- | RM 10 0 1 10/2 RM
- | RM 10 1 0 10/2 RM
- | RM 10 1 1 11/3 RP
- | RP 11 0 0 10/2 RM
- | RP 11 0 1 11/3 RP
- | RP 11 1 0 11/3 RP
- | RP 11 1 1 10/2 RM
- |
- | Register usage:
- | Input/Output
- | d0: exponent/scratch - final is 0
- | d2: x/0 or 24 for A9
- | d3: x/scratch - offset ptr into __x_PTENRM array
- | d4: LEN/Unchanged
- | d5: 0/ICTR:LAMBDA
- | d6: ILOG/ILOG or k if ((k<=0)#(ILOG<k))
- | d7: k-factor/Unchanged
- | a0: ptr for original operand/final result
- | a1: x/ptr to __x_PTENRM array
- | a2: x/x
- | fp0: float(ILOG)/Unchanged
- | fp1: x/10^ISCALE
- | fp2: x/x
- | F_SCR1:x/x
- | F_SCR2:Abs(X) with 0x3fff exponent/Unchanged
- | L_SCR1:x/x
- | L_SCR2:first word of X packed/Unchanged
- __A7_str:
- tstl d7 | test sign of k
- jgt k_pos | if pos and > 0, skip this
- cmpl d6,d7 | test ILOG - k
- jlt k_pos | if ILOG >= k, skip this
- movel d7,d6 | if ((k<0) # (ILOG < k)) ILOG = k
- k_pos:
- movel d6,d0 | calc ILOG + 1 - LEN in d0
- addql #1,d0 | add the 1
- subl d4,d0 | sub off LEN
- swap d5 | use upper word of d5 for LAMBDA
- clrw d5 | set it zero initially
- clrw d2 | set up d2 for very small case
- tstl d0 | test sign of ISCALE
- jge iscale | if pos, skip next inst
- addqw #1,d5 | if neg, set LAMBDA true
- cmpl #0xffffecd4,d0 | test iscale <= -4908
- jgt no_inf | if false, skip rest
- addil #24,d0 | add in 24 to iscale
- movel #24,d2 | put 24 in d2 for A9
- no_inf:
- negl d0 | and take abs of ISCALE
- iscale:
- fmoves FONE,fp1 | init fp1 to 1
- bfextu a6@(USER_FPCR){#26:#2},d1 | get initial rmode bits
- lslw #1,d1 | put them in bits 2:1
- addw d5,d1 | add in LAMBDA
- lslw #1,d1 | put them in bits 3:1
- tstl a6@(L_SCR2) | test sign of original x
- jge x_pos /* | if pos, don't set bit 0 */
- addql #1,d1 | if neg, set bit 0
- x_pos:
- lea RBDTBL,a2 | load rbdtbl base
- moveb a2@(d1),d3 | load d3 with new rmode
- lsll #4,d3 | put bits in proper position
- fmovel d3,fpcr | load bits into fpu
- lsrl #4,d3 | put bits in proper position
- tstb d3 | decode new rmode for pten table
- jne not_rn | if zero, it is RN
- lea __x_PTENRN,a1 | load a1 with RN table base
- jra rmode | exit decode
- not_rn:
- lsrb #1,d3 | get lsb in carry
- jcc not_rp | if carry clear, it is RM
- lea __x_PTENRP,a1 | load a1 with RP table base
- jra rmode | exit decode
- not_rp:
- lea __x_PTENRM,a1 | load a1 with RM table base
- rmode:
- clrl d3 | clr table index
- e_loop:
- lsrl #1,d0 | shift next bit into carry
- jcc e_next | if zero, skip the mul
- fmulx a1@(d3),fp1 | mul by 10**(d3_bit_no)
- e_next:
- addl #12,d3 | inc d3 to next __x_pwrten table entry
- tstl d0 | test if ISCALE is zero
- jne e_loop | if not, loop
- | A8. Clr INEX| Force RZ.
- | The operation in A3 above may have set INEX2.
- | RZ mode is forced for the scaling operation to insure
- | only one rounding error. The grs bits are collected in
- | the INEX flag for use in A10.
- |
- | Register usage:
- | Input/Output
- fmovel #0,FPSR | clr INEX
- fmovel #rz_mode,fpcr | set RZ rounding mode
- | A9. Scale X -> Y.
- | The mantissa is scaled to the desired number of significant
- | digits. The excess digits are collected in INEX2. If mul,
- | Check d2 for excess 10 exponential value. If not zero,
- | the iscale value would have caused the __x_pwrten calculation
- | to overflow. Only a negative iscale can cause this, so
- | multiply by d2@(10^), which is now only allowed to be 24,
- | with a multiply by 10^8 and 10^16, which is exact since
- | 10^24 is exact. If the input was denormalized, we must
- | create a busy stack frame with the mul command and the
- | two operands, and allow the fpu to complete the multiply.
- |
- | Register usage:
- | Input/Output
- | d0: fpcr with RZ mode/Unchanged
- | d2: 0 or 24/unchanged
- | d3: x/x
- | d4: LEN/Unchanged
- | d6: ILOG/Unchanged
- | d7: k-factor/Unchanged
- | a0: ptr for original operand/final result
- | a1: ptr to __x_PTENRM array/Unchanged
- | a2: x/x
- | fp0: float(ILOG)/X adjusted for SCALE (Y)
- | fp1: 10^ISCALE/Unchanged
- | fp2: x/x
- | F_SCR1:x/x
- | F_SCR2:Abs(X) with 0x3fff exponent/Unchanged
- | L_SCR1:x/x
- | L_SCR2:first word of X packed/Unchanged
- A9_str:
- fmovex a0@,fp0 | load X from memory
- fabsx fp0 | use abs(X)
- tstw d5 | LAMBDA is in lower word of d5
- jne __x_sc_mul | if neg (LAMBDA = 0), scale by mul
- fdivx fp1,fp0 | calculate X / SCALE -> Y to fp0
- jra __A10_st | branch to A10
- __x_sc_mul:
- tstb a6@(BINDEC_FLG) | check for denorm
- jeq A9_norm | if norm, continue with mul
- fmovemx fp1-fp1,a7@- | load ETEMP with 10^ISCALE
- movel a0@(8),a7@- | load FPTEMP with input arg
- movel a0@(4),a7@-
- movel a0@,a7@-
- movel #18,d3 | load count for busy stack
- A9_loop:
- clrl a7@- | clear lword on stack
- dbf d3,A9_loop
- moveb a6@(VER_TMP),a7@ | write current version number
- moveb #BUSY_SIZE-4,a7@(1) | write current busy size
- moveb #0x10,a7@(0x44) | set fcefpte[15] bit
- movew #0x0023,a7@(0x40) | load cmdreg1b with mul command
- moveb #0xfe,a7@(0x8) | load all 1s to cu savepc
- frestore a7@+ | restore frame to fpu for completion
- fmulx a1@(36),fp0 | multiply fp0 by 10^8
- fmulx a1@(48),fp0 | multiply fp0 by 10^16
- jra __A10_st
- A9_norm:
- tstw d2 | test for small exp case
- jeq A9_con | if zero, continue as normal
- fmulx a1@(36),fp0 | multiply fp0 by 10^8
- fmulx a1@(48),fp0 | multiply fp0 by 10^16
- A9_con:
- fmulx fp1,fp0 | calculate X * SCALE -> Y to fp0
- | A10. Or in INEX.
- | If INEX is set, round error occured. This is compensated
- /* | for by 'or-ing' in the INEX2 flag to the lsb of Y. */
- |
- | Register usage:
- | Input/Output
- | d0: fpcr with RZ mode/FPSR with INEX2 isolated
- | d2: x/x
- | d3: x/x
- | d4: LEN/Unchanged
- | d6: ILOG/Unchanged
- | d7: k-factor/Unchanged
- | a0: ptr for original operand/final result
- | a1: ptr to PTENxx array/Unchanged
- | a2: x/ptr to a6@(FP_SCR2)
- | fp0: Y/Y with lsb adjusted
- | fp1: 10^ISCALE/Unchanged
- | fp2: x/x
- __A10_st:
- fmovel FPSR,d0 | get FPSR
- fmovex fp0,a6@(FP_SCR2) | move Y to memory
- lea a6@(FP_SCR2),a2 | load a2 with ptr to FP_SCR2
- btst #9,d0 | check if INEX2 set
- jeq __A11_st | if clear, skip rest
- oril #1,a2@(8) | or in 1 to lsb of mantissa
- fmovex a6@(FP_SCR2),fp0 | write adjusted Y back to fpu
- | A11. Restore original fpcr| set size ext.
- /* | Perform FINT operation in the user's rounding mode. Keep */
- | the size to extended. The __x_sintdo entry point in the __x_sint
- | routine expects the fpcr value to be in USER_FPCR for
- | mode and precision. The original fpcr is saved in L_SCR1.
- __A11_st:
- movel a6@(USER_FPCR),a6@(L_SCR1) | save it for later
- andil #0x00000030,a6@(USER_FPCR) | set size to ext,
- | | block exceptions
- /* | A12. Calculate YINT = FINT(Y) according to user's rounding mode. */
- | The FPSP routine __x_sintd0 is used. The output is in fp0.
- |
- | Register usage:
- | Input/Output
- | d0: FPSR with AINEX cleared/fpcr with size set to ext
- | d2: x/x/scratch
- | d3: x/x
- | d4: LEN/Unchanged
- | d5: ICTR:LAMBDA/Unchanged
- | d6: ILOG/Unchanged
- | d7: k-factor/Unchanged
- | a0: ptr for original operand/src ptr for __x_sintdo
- | a1: ptr to PTENxx array/Unchanged
- | a2: ptr to a6@(FP_SCR2)/Unchanged
- | a6: temp pointer to a6@(FP_SCR2) - orig value saved and restored
- | fp0: Y/YINT
- | fp1: 10^ISCALE/Unchanged
- | fp2: x/x
- | F_SCR1:x/x
- | F_SCR2:Y adjusted for inex/Y with original exponent
- | L_SCR1:x/original USER_FPCR
- | L_SCR2:first word of X packed/Unchanged
- __A12_st:
- moveml d0-d1/a0-a1,a7@- | save regs used by __x_sintd0
- movel a6@(L_SCR1),a7@-
- movel a6@(L_SCR2),a7@-
- lea a6@(FP_SCR2),a0 | a0 is ptr to a6@(F_SCR2)
- fmovex fp0,a0@ | move Y to memory at a6@(FP_SCR2)
- tstl a6@(L_SCR2) | test sign of original operand
- jge do_fint | if pos, use Y
- orl #0x80000000,a0@ | if neg, use -Y
- do_fint:
- movel a6@(USER_FPSR),a7@-
- bsrl __x_sintdo | sint routine returns int in fp0
- moveb a7@,a6@(USER_FPSR)
- addl #4,a7
- movel a7@+,a6@(L_SCR2)
- movel a7@+,a6@(L_SCR1)
- moveml a7@+,d0-d1/a0-a1 | restore regs used by __x_sint
- movel a6@(L_SCR2),a6@(FP_SCR2) | restore original exponent
- movel a6@(L_SCR1),a6@(USER_FPCR) /* | restore user's fpcr */
- | A13. Check for LEN digits.
- | If the int operation results in more than LEN digits,
- | or less than LEN -1 digits, adjust ILOG and repeat from
- | A6. This test occurs only on the first pass. If the
- | result is exactly 10^LEN, decrement ILOG and divide
- | the mantissa by 10. The calculation of 10^LEN cannot
- | be inexact, since all powers of ten upto 10^27 are exact
- | in extended precision, so the use of a previous power-of-ten
- | table will introduce no error.
- |
- |
- | Register usage:
- | Input/Output
- | d0: fpcr with size set to ext/scratch final = 0
- | d2: x/x
- | d3: x/scratch final = x
- | d4: LEN/LEN adjusted
- | d6: ILOG/ILOG adjusted
- | d7: k-factor/Unchanged
- | a0: pointer into memory for packed bcd string formation
- | a1: ptr to PTENxx array/Unchanged
- | a2: ptr to a6@(FP_SCR2)/Unchanged
- | fp0: int portion of Y/abs(YINT) adjusted
- | fp1: 10^ISCALE/Unchanged
- | fp2: x/10^LEN
- | F_SCR1:x/x
- | F_SCR2:Y with original exponent/Unchanged
- | L_SCR1:original USER_FPCR/Unchanged
- | L_SCR2:first word of X packed/Unchanged
- __A13_st:
- swap d5 | put ICTR in lower word of d5
- tstw d5 | check if ICTR = 0
- jne not_zr | if non-zero, go to second test
- |
- | Compute 10^(LEN-1)
- |
- fmoves FONE,fp2 | init fp2 to 1.0
- movel d4,d0 | put LEN in d0
- subql #1,d0 | d0 = LEN -1
- clrl d3 | clr table index
- l_loop:
- lsrl #1,d0 | shift next bit into carry
- jcc l_next | if zero, skip the mul
- fmulx a1@(d3),fp2 | mul by 10**(d3_bit_no)
- l_next:
- addl #12,d3 | inc d3 to next __x_pwrten table entry
- tstl d0 | test if LEN is zero
- jne l_loop | if not, loop
- |
- | 10^LEN-1 is computed for this test and A14. If the input was
- | denormalized, check only the case in which YINT > 10^LEN.
- |
- tstb a6@(BINDEC_FLG) | check if input was norm
- jeq __A13_con | if norm, continue with checking
- fabsx fp0 | take abs of YINT
- jra test_2
- |
- | Compare abs(YINT) to 10^(LEN-1) and 10^LEN
- |
- __A13_con:
- fabsx fp0 | take abs of YINT
- fcmpx fp2,fp0 | compare abs(YINT) with 10^(LEN-1)
- fbge test_2 | if greater, do next test
- subql #1,d6 | subtract 1 from ILOG
- movew #1,d5 | set ICTR
- fmovel #rm_mode,fpcr | set rmode to RM
- fmuls FTEN,fp2 | compute 10^LEN
- jra __A6_str | return to a6 and recompute YINT
- test_2:
- fmuls FTEN,fp2 | compute 10^LEN
- fcmpx fp2,fp0 | compare abs(YINT) with 10^LEN
- fblt __A14_st | if less, all is ok, go to A14
- fbgt fix_ex | if greater, fix and redo
- fdivs FTEN,fp0 | if equal, divide by 10
- addql #1,d6 | and inc ILOG
- jra __A14_st | and continue elsewhere
- fix_ex:
- addql #1,d6 | increment ILOG by 1
- movew #1,d5 | set ICTR
- fmovel #rm_mode,fpcr | set rmode to RM
- jra __A6_str | return to a6 and recompute YINT
- |
- | Since ICTR <> 0, we have already been through one adjustment,
- /* | and shouldn't have another| this is to check if abs(YINT) = 10^LEN */
- | 10^LEN is again computed using whatever table is in a1 since the
- | value calculated cannot be inexact.
- |
- not_zr:
- fmoves FONE,fp2 | init fp2 to 1.0
- movel d4,d0 | put LEN in d0
- clrl d3 | clr table index
- z_loop:
- lsrl #1,d0 | shift next bit into carry
- jcc z_next | if zero, skip the mul
- fmulx a1@(d3),fp2 | mul by 10**(d3_bit_no)
- z_next:
- addl #12,d3 | inc d3 to next __x_pwrten table entry
- tstl d0 | test if LEN is zero
- jne z_loop | if not, loop
- fabsx fp0 | get abs(YINT)
- fcmpx fp2,fp0 | check if abs(YINT) = 10^LEN
- fbne __A14_st | if not, skip this
- fdivs FTEN,fp0 | divide abs(YINT) by 10
- addql #1,d6 | and inc ILOG by 1
- addql #1,d4 | and inc LEN
- fmuls FTEN,fp2 | if LEN++, the get 10^^LEN
- | A14. Convert the mantissa to bcd.
- | The __x_binstr routine is used to convert the LEN digit
- | mantissa to bcd in memory. The input to __x_binstr is
- | to be a fraction| i.e. (mantissa)/10^LEN and adjusted
- | such that the decimal point is to the left of bit 63.
- | The bcd digits are stored in the correct position in
- | the final string area in memory.
- |
- |
- | Register usage:
- | Input/Output
- | d0: x/LEN call to __x_binstr - final is 0
- | d1: x/0
- | d2: x/ms 32-bits of mant of abs(YINT)
- | d3: x/ls 32-bits of mant of abs(YINT)
- | d4: LEN/Unchanged
- | d6: ILOG
- | d7: k-factor/Unchanged
- | a0: pointer into memory for packed bcd string formation
- | /ptr to first mantissa byte in result string
- | a1: ptr to PTENxx array/Unchanged
- | a2: ptr to a6@(FP_SCR2)/Unchanged
- | fp0: int portion of Y/abs(YINT) adjusted
- | fp1: 10^ISCALE/Unchanged
- | fp2: 10^LEN/Unchanged
- | F_SCR1:x/Work area for final result
- | F_SCR2:Y with original exponent/Unchanged
- | L_SCR1:original USER_FPCR/Unchanged
- | L_SCR2:first word of X packed/Unchanged
- __A14_st:
- fmovel #rz_mode,fpcr | force rz for conversion
- fdivx fp2,fp0 | divide abs(YINT) by 10^LEN
- lea a6@(FP_SCR1),a0
- fmovex fp0,a0@ | move abs(YINT)/10^LEN to memory
- movel a0@(4),d2 | move 2nd word of FP_RES to d2
- movel a0@(8),d3 | move 3rd word of FP_RES to d3
- clrl a0@(4) | zero word 2 of FP_RES
- clrl a0@(8) | zero word 3 of FP_RES
- movel a0@,d0 | move exponent to d0
- swap d0 | put exponent in lower word
- jeq no_sft /* | if zero, don't shift */
- subil #0x3ffd,d0 | sub bias less 2 to make fract
- tstl d0 | check if > 1
- jgt no_sft /* | if so, don't shift */
- negl d0 | make exp positive
- m_loop:
- lsrl #1,d2 | shift d2:d3 right, add 0s
- roxrl #1,d3 | the number of places
- dbf d0,m_loop | given in d0
- no_sft:
- tstl d2 | check for mantissa of zero
- jne no_zr | if not, go on
- tstl d3 | continue zero check
- jeq zer_m | if zero, go directly to __x_binstr
- no_zr:
- clrl d1 | put zero in d1 for addx
- addil #0x00000080,d3 | inc at bit 7
- addxl d1,d2 | continue inc
- andil #0xffffff80,d3 | strip off lsb not used by 882
- zer_m:
- movel d4,d0 | put LEN in d0 for __x_binstr call
- addql #3,a0 | a0 points to M16 byte in result
- bsrl __x_binstr | call __x_binstr to convert mant
- | A15. Convert the exponent to bcd.
- | As in A14 above, the exp is converted to bcd and the
- | digits are stored in the final string.
- |
- | Digits are stored in a6@(L_SCR1) on return from BINDEC as:
- |
- | 32 16 15 0
- | -----------------------------------------
- | | 0 | e3 | e2 | e1 | e4 | X | X | X |
- | -----------------------------------------
- |
- | And are moved into their proper places in FP_SCR1. If digit e4
- | is non-zero, OPERR is signaled. In all cases, all 4 digits are
- | written as specified in the 881/882 manual for packed decimal.
- |
- | Register usage:
- | Input/Output
- | d0: x/LEN call to __x_binstr - final is 0
- | d1: x/scratch (0)| shift count for final exponent packing
- | d2: x/ms 32-bits of exp fraction/scratch
- | d3: x/ls 32-bits of exp fraction
- | d4: LEN/Unchanged
- | d6: ILOG
- | d7: k-factor/Unchanged
- | a0: ptr to result string/ptr to a6@(L_SCR1)
- | a1: ptr to PTENxx array/Unchanged
- | a2: ptr to a6@(FP_SCR2)/Unchanged
- | fp0: abs(YINT) adjusted/float(ILOG)
- | fp1: 10^ISCALE/Unchanged
- | fp2: 10^LEN/Unchanged
- | F_SCR1:Work area for final result/BCD result
- | F_SCR2:Y with original exponent/ILOG/10^4
- | L_SCR1:original USER_FPCR/Exponent digits on return from __x_binstr
- | L_SCR2:first word of X packed/Unchanged
- __A15_st:
- tstb a6@(BINDEC_FLG) | check for denorm
- jeq not_denorm
- ftstx fp0 | test for zero
- fbeq den_zero | if zero, use k-factor or 4933
- fmovel d6,fp0 | float ILOG
- fabsx fp0 | get abs of ILOG
- jra convrt
- den_zero:
- tstl d7 | check sign of the k-factor
- jlt use_ilog | if negative, use ILOG
- fmoves F4933,fp0 | force exponent to 4933
- jra convrt | do it
- use_ilog:
- fmovel d6,fp0 | float ILOG
- fabsx fp0 | get abs of ILOG
- jra convrt
- not_denorm:
- ftstx fp0 | test for zero
- fbne not_zero | if zero, force exponent
- fmoves FONE,fp0 | force exponent to 1
- jra convrt | do it
- not_zero:
- fmovel d6,fp0 | float ILOG
- fabsx fp0 | get abs of ILOG
- convrt:
- fdivx a1@(24),fp0 | compute ILOG/10^4
- fmovex fp0,a6@(FP_SCR2) | store fp0 in memory
- movel a2@(4),d2 | move word 2 to d2
- movel a2@(8),d3 | move word 3 to d3
- movew a2@,d0 | move exp to d0
- jeq x_loop_fin | if zero, skip the shift
- subiw #0x3ffd,d0 | subtract off bias
- negw d0 | make exp positive
- x_loop:
- lsrl #1,d2 | shift d2:d3 right
- roxrl #1,d3 | the number of places
- dbf d0,x_loop | given in d0
- x_loop_fin:
- clrl d1 | put zero in d1 for addx
- addil #0x00000080,d3 | inc at bit 6
- addxl d1,d2 | continue inc
- andil #0xffffff80,d3 | strip off lsb not used by 882
- movel #4,d0 | put 4 in d0 for __x_binstr call
- lea a6@(L_SCR1),a0 | a0 is ptr to L_SCR1 for exp digits
- bsrl __x_binstr | call __x_binstr to convert exp
- movel a6@(L_SCR1),d0 | load L_SCR1 lword to d0
- movel #12,d1 | use d1 for shift count
- lsrl d1,d0 | shift d0 right by 12
- bfins d0,a6@(FP_SCR1){#4:#12} | put e3:e2:e1 in FP_SCR1
- lsrl d1,d0 | shift d0 right by 12
- bfins d0,a6@(FP_SCR1){#16:#4} | put e4 in FP_SCR1
- tstb d0 | check if e4 is zero
- jeq __A16_st | if zero, skip rest
- orl #opaop_mask,a6@(USER_FPSR) | set OPERR # AIOP in USER_FPSR
- | A16. Write sign bits to final string.
- | Sigma is bit 31 of initial value| RHO is bit 31 of d6 (ILOG).
- |
- | Register usage:
- | Input/Output
- | d0: x/scratch - final is x
- | d2: x/x
- | d3: x/x
- | d4: LEN/Unchanged
- | d6: ILOG/ILOG adjusted
- | d7: k-factor/Unchanged
- | a0: ptr to a6@(L_SCR1)/Unchanged
- | a1: ptr to PTENxx array/Unchanged
- | a2: ptr to a6@(FP_SCR2)/Unchanged
- | fp0: float(ILOG)/Unchanged
- | fp1: 10^ISCALE/Unchanged
- | fp2: 10^LEN/Unchanged
- | F_SCR1:BCD result with correct signs
- | F_SCR2:ILOG/10^4
- | L_SCR1:Exponent digits on return from __x_binstr
- | L_SCR2:first word of X packed/Unchanged
- __A16_st:
- clrl d0 | clr d0 for collection of signs
- andib #0x0f,a6@(FP_SCR1) | clear first nibble of FP_SCR1
- tstl a6@(L_SCR2) | check sign of original mantissa
- jge mant_p /* | if pos, don't set SM */
- moveql #2,d0 | move 2 in to d0 for SM
- mant_p:
- tstl d6 | check sign of ILOG
- jge wr_sgn /* | if pos, don't set SE */
- addql #1,d0 | set bit 0 in d0 for SE
- wr_sgn:
- bfins d0,a6@(FP_SCR1){#0:#2} | insert SM and SE into FP_SCR1
- | Clean up and restore all registers used.
- fmovel #0,FPSR | clear possible inex2/ainex bits
- fmovemx a7@+,fp0-fp2
- moveml a7@+,d2-d7/a2
- rts
- | end