- /* l_support.s - Motorola 68040 FP support routines (LIB) */
- /* Copyright 1991-1993 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- .data
- .globl _copyright_wind_river
- .long _copyright_wind_river
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01e,21jul93,kdl added .text (SPR #2372).
- 01d,23aug92,jcf changed bxxx to jxx.
- 01c,26may92,rrr the tree shuffle
- 01b,10jan92,kdl added modification history; general cleanup.
- 01a,15aug91,kdl original version, from Motorola FPSP v2.0;
- added missing comment symbols.
- */
- /*
- supportsa 1.2 5/1/91
- Copyright (C) Motorola, Inc. 1991
- All Rights Reserved
- The copyright notice above does not evidence any
- actual or intended publication of such source code.
- L_SUPPORT idnt 2,1 Motorola 040 Floating Point Software Package
- section 8
- */
- mns_one: .long 0xbfff0000,0x80000000,0x00000000
- pls_one: .long 0x3fff0000,0x80000000,0x00000000
- pls_inf: .long 0x7fff0000,0x00000000,0x00000000
- pls_huge: .long 0x7ffe0000,0xffffffff,0xffffffff
- mns_huge: .long 0xfffe0000,0xffffffff,0xffffffff
- pls_tiny: .long 0x00000000,0x80000000,0x00000000
- mns_tiny: .long 0x80000000,0x80000000,0x00000000
- small: .long 0x20000000,0x80000000,0x00000000
- pls_zero: .long 0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000
- #include "fpsp040L.h"
- |
- | __l_tag --- determine the type of an extended precision operand
- |
- | The tag values returned match the way the 68040 would have
- | tagged them.
- |
- | Input: a0 points to operand
- |
- | Output d0b = 0x00 norm
- | 0x20 zero
- | 0x40 inf
- | 0x60 nan
- | 0x80 denorm
- | All other registers are unchanged
- |
- .text
- .globl __l_tag
- __l_tag:
- movew a0@(LOCAL_EX),d0
- andiw #0x7fff,d0
- jeq chk_zro
- cmpiw #0x7fff,d0
- jeq chk_inf
- __l_tag_nrm:
- clrb d0
- rts
- __l_tag_nan:
- moveb #0x60,d0
- rts
- __l_tag_dnrm:
- moveb #0x80,d0
- rts
- chk_zro:
- btst #7,a0@(LOCAL_HI) | # check if J-bit is set
- jne __l_tag_nrm
- tstl a0@(LOCAL_HI)
- jne __l_tag_dnrm
- tstl a0@(LOCAL_LO)
- jne __l_tag_dnrm
- __l_tag_zero:
- moveb #0x20,d0
- rts
- chk_inf:
- tstl a0@(LOCAL_HI)
- jne __l_tag_nan
- tstl a0@(LOCAL_LO)
- jne __l_tag_nan
- __l_tag_inf:
- moveb #0x40,d0
- rts
- |
- | __l_t_dz, __l_t_dz2 --- divide by zero exception
- |
- | __l_t_dz2 is used by monadic functions such as flogn (from __l_do_func).
- | __l_t_dz is used by monadic functions such as __l_satanh (from the
- | transcendental function).
- |
- .globl __l_t_dz2
- __l_t_dz2:
- fmovemx mns_one,fp0-fp0
- fmovel d1,fpcr
- fdivx pls_zero,fp0
- rts
- .globl __l_t_dz
- __l_t_dz:
- btst #sign_bit,a6@(ETEMP_EX) | check sign for neg or pos
- jeq p_inf | branch if pos sign
- m_inf:
- fmovemx mns_one,fp0-fp0
- fmovel d1,fpcr
- fdivx pls_zero,fp0
- rts
- p_inf:
- fmovemx pls_one,fp0-fp0
- fmovel d1,fpcr
- fdivx pls_zero,fp0
- rts
- |
- | __l_t_operr --- Operand Error exception
- |
- .globl __l_t_operr
- __l_t_operr:
- fmovemx pls_inf,fp0-fp0
- fmovel d1,fpcr
- fmulx pls_zero,fp0
- rts
- |
- | __l_t_unfl --- UNFL exception
- |
- .globl __l_t_unfl
- __l_t_unfl:
- btst #sign_bit,a6@(ETEMP)
- jeq unf_pos
- unf_neg:
- fmovemx mns_tiny,fp0-fp0
- fmovel d1,fpcr
- fmulx pls_tiny,fp0
- rts
- unf_pos:
- fmovemx pls_tiny,fp0-fp0
- fmovel d1,fpcr
- fmulx fp0,fp0
- rts
- |
- | __l_t_ovfl --- OVFL exception
- |
- | __l_t_ovfl is called as an exit for monadic functions. __l_t_ovfl2
- | is for dyadic exits.
- |
- .globl __l_t_ovfl
- __l_t_ovfl:
- .globl __l_t_ovfl2
- movel d1,a6@(USER_FPCR) /* | user's control register */
- movel #ovfinx_mask,d0
- jra t_work
- __l_t_ovfl2:
- movel #__l_ovfl_inx_mask,d0
- t_work:
- btst #sign_bit,a6@(ETEMP)
- jeq ovf_pos
- ovf_neg:
- fmovemx mns_huge,fp0-fp0
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr
- fmulx pls_huge,fp0
- fmovel fpsr,d1
- orl d1,d0
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- rts
- ovf_pos:
- fmovemx pls_huge,fp0-fp0
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr
- fmulx pls_huge,fp0
- fmovel fpsr,d1
- orl d1,d0
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- rts
- |
- | __l_t_inx2 --- INEX2 exception (correct fpcr is in a6@(USER_FPCR))
- |
- .globl __l_t_inx2
- __l_t_inx2:
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR) | capture incoming fpsr
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr
- |
- | create an inex2 exception by adding two numbers with very different exponents
- | do the add in fp1 so as to not disturb the result sitting in fp0
- |
- fmovex pls_one,fp1
- faddx small,fp1
- |
- orl #inx2a_mask,a6@(USER_FPSR) | set INEX2, AINEX
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPSR),fpsr
- rts
- |
- | __l_t_frcinx --- Force Inex2 (for monadic functions)
- |
- .globl __l_t_frcinx
- __l_t_frcinx:
- fmovel fpsr,a6@(USER_FPSR) | capture incoming fpsr
- fmovel d1,fpcr
- |
- | create an inex2 exception by adding two numbers with very different exponents
- | do the add in fp1 so as to not disturb the result sitting in fp0
- |
- fmovex pls_one,fp1
- faddx small,fp1
- |
- orl #inx2a_mask,a6@(USER_FPSR) | set INEX2, AINEX
- btst #__l_unfl_bit,a6@(FPSR_EXCEPT) | test for unfl bit set
- jeq no_uacc1 | if clear, do not set aunfl
- bset #aunfl_bit,a6@(FPSR_AEXCEPT)
- no_uacc1:
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPSR),fpsr
- rts
- |
- | __l_dst_nan --- force result when destination is a NaN
- |
- .globl __l_dst_nan
- __l_dst_nan:
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr
- fmovex a6@(FPTEMP),fp0
- rts
- |
- | __l_src_nan --- force result when source is a NaN
- |
- .globl __l_src_nan
- __l_src_nan:
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr
- fmovex a6@(ETEMP),fp0
- rts
- |
- | __l_mon_nan --- force result when source is a NaN (monadic version)
- |
- /* | This is the same as __l_src_nan except that the user's fpcr comes */
- | in via d1, not a6@(USER_FPCR).
- |
- .globl __l_mon_nan
- __l_mon_nan:
- fmovel d1,fpcr
- fmovex a6@(ETEMP),fp0
- rts
- |
- | __l_t_extdnrm, __l_t_resdnrm --- generate results for denorm inputs
- |
- | For all functions that have a denormalized input and that f(x)=x,
- | this is the entry point.
- |
- .globl __l_t_extdnrm
- __l_t_extdnrm:
- fmovel d1,fpcr
- fmovex a0@(LOCAL_EX),fp0
- fmovel fpsr,d0
- orl #unfinx_mask,d0
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- rts
- .globl __l_t_resdnrm
- __l_t_resdnrm:
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr
- fmovex a0@(LOCAL_EX),fp0
- fmovel fpsr,d0
- orl #__l_unfl_mask,d0
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- rts
- |
- |
- |
- .globl __l_t_avoid_unsupp
- __l_t_avoid_unsupp:
- fmovex fp0,fp0
- rts
- .globl __l_sto_cos
- __l_sto_cos:
- fmovemx a0@(LOCAL_EX),fp1-fp1
- rts
- |
- | Native instruction support
- |
- | Some systems may need entry points even for 68040 native
- | instructions. These routines are provided for
- | convenience.
- |
- .globl __l_sadd
- __l_sadd:
- fmovemx a6@(FPTEMP),fp0-fp0
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr
- faddx a6@(ETEMP),fp0
- rts
- .globl __l_ssub
- __l_ssub:
- fmovemx a6@(FPTEMP),fp0-fp0
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr
- fsubx a6@(ETEMP),fp0
- rts
- .globl __l_smul
- __l_smul:
- fmovemx a6@(FPTEMP),fp0-fp0
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr
- fmulx a6@(ETEMP),fp0
- rts
- .globl __l_sdiv
- __l_sdiv:
- fmovemx a6@(FPTEMP),fp0-fp0
- fmovel a6@(USER_FPCR),fpcr
- fdivx a6@(ETEMP),fp0
- rts
- .globl __l_sabs
- __l_sabs:
- fmovemx a6@(ETEMP),fp0-fp0
- fmovel d1,fpcr
- fabsx fp0
- rts
- .globl __l_sneg
- __l_sneg:
- fmovemx a6@(ETEMP),fp0-fp0
- fmovel d1,fpcr
- fnegx fp0
- rts
- .globl __l_ssqrt
- __l_ssqrt:
- fmovemx a6@(ETEMP),fp0-fp0
- fmovel d1,fpcr
- fsqrtx fp0
- rts
- |
- | __l_l_sint,__l_l_sintrz,__l_l_sintd --- wrapper for fint and fintrz
- |
- /* On entry, move the user's fpcr to USER_FPCR. */
- |
- | On return from, we need to pickup the INEX2/AINEX bits
- | that are in USER_FPSR.
- |
- | xref __l_sint
- | xref __l_sintrz
- | xref __l_sintd
- .globl __l_l_sint
- __l_l_sint:
- movel d1,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- jsr __l_sint
- fmovel fpsr,d0
- orl a6@(USER_FPSR),d0
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- rts
- .globl __l_l_sintrz
- __l_l_sintrz:
- movel d1,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- jsr __l_sintrz
- fmovel fpsr,d0
- orl a6@(USER_FPSR),d0
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- rts
- .globl __l_l_sintd
- __l_l_sintd:
- movel d1,a6@(USER_FPCR)
- jsr __l_sintd
- fmovel fpsr,d0
- orl a6@(USER_FPSR),d0
- fmovel d0,fpsr
- rts
- | end