- /* unixDrv.c - UNIX-file disk driver (VxSim for Solaris and VxSim for HP) */
- /* Copyright 1984-1999 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01j,16mar99,elg mention unixDrv is for Solaris and HP simulators (SPR 7719).
- 01i,11jul97,dgp doc: ad (VxSim) to title line
- 01h,09jan97,pr added ARCHCVTFLAGS for simsolaris
- 01g,30oct95,ism added support for simsolaris
- 01f,31oct94,kdl made conditional for simulator only.
- 01e,18aug93,gae modified unix_stat for hp.
- 01d,30jul93,gae doc touchup.
- 01c,23jan93,gae ANSIfied.
- 01b,20jul92,gae minor revision.
- 01a,01apr91,smeg derived from ramDrv.
- */
- /*
- This driver emulates a VxWorks disk driver, but actually uses the UNIX
- file system to store the data. The VxWorks disk appears under
- UNIX as a single file.
- The UNIX file name, and the size of the disk, may be specified during the
- unixDiskDevCreate() call.
- Most of the routines in this driver are accessible only through the I/O
- system. The routine unixDrv() must be called to initialize the driver and
- the unixDiskDevCreate() routine is used to create devices.
- Before a UNIX disk can be used, it must be created. This is done
- with the unixDiskDevCreate() call. The format of this call is:
- .CS
- BLK_DEV *unixDiskDevCreate
- (
- char *unixFile, /@ name of the UNIX file to use @/
- int bytesPerBlk, /@ number of bytes per block @/
- int blksPerTrack, /@ number of blocks per track @/
- int nBlocks /@ number of blocks on this device @/
- )
- .CE
- The UNIX file must be pre-allocated separately. This
- can be done using the UNIX mkfile(8) command. Note that you have to
- create an appropriately sized file. For example, to create a UNIX
- file system that is used as a common floppy dosFs file system, you
- would issue the comand:
- .CS
- mkfile 1440k /tmp/floppy.dos
- .CE
- This will create space for a 1.44 Meg DOS floppy (1474560 bytes,
- or 2880 512-byte blocks).
- The <bytesPerBlk> parameter specifies the size of each logical block
- on the disk. If <bytesPerBlk> is zero, 512 is the default.
- The <blksPerTrack> parameter specifies the number of blocks on each
- logical track of the UNIX disk. If <blksPerTrack> is zero, the count of
- blocks per track will be set to <nBlocks> (i.e., the disk will be defined
- as having only one track). UNIX disk devices typically are specified
- with only one track.
- The <nBlocks> parameter specifies the size of the disk, in blocks.
- If <nBlocks> is zero the size of the UNIX file specified, divided by
- the number of bytes per block, is used.
- The formatting parameters (<bytesPerBlk>, <blksPerTrack>, and <nBlocks>)
- are critical only if the UNIX disk already contains the contents
- of a disk created elsewhere. In that case, the formatting
- parameters must be identical to those used when the image was created.
- Otherwise, they may be any convenient number.
- Once the device has been created it still does not have a name or
- file system associated with it. This must be done by using the file
- system's device initialization routine (e.g., dosFsDevInit()). The
- dosFs and rt11Fs file systems also provide make-file-system routines
- (dosFsMkfs() and rt11FsMkfs()), which may be used to associate a name
- and file system with the block device and initialize that file system
- on the device using default configuration parameters.
- The unixDiskDevCreate() call returns a pointer to a block device
- structure (BLK_DEV).
- This structure contains fields that describe the physical properties of a
- disk device and specify the addresses of routines within the UNIX disk driver.
- The BLK_DEV structure address must be passed to the desired file system
- (dosFs, rt11Fs, or rawFs) during the file system's device
- initialization or make-file-system routine. Only then is a name and file
- system associated with the device, making it available for use.
- As an example, to create a 200KB disk, 512-byte blocks, and only one track,
- the proper call would be:
- .CS
- BLK_DEV *pBlkDev;
- pBlkDev = unixDiskDevCreate ("/tmp/filesys1", 512, 400, 400, 0);
- .CE
- This will attach the UNIX file /tmp/filesys1 as a block device.
- A convenience routine, unixDiskInit(), is provided to do the
- unixDiskDevCreate() followed by either a dosFsMkFs() or dosFsDevInit(),
- whichever is appropriate.
- The format of this call is:
- .CS
- BLK_DEV *unixDiskInit
- (
- char * unixFile, /@ name of the UNIX file to use @/
- char * volName, /@ name of the dosFs volume to use @/
- int nBytes /@ number of bytes in dosFs volume @/
- )
- .CE
- This call will create the UNIX disk if required.
- Only the FIODISKFORMAT request is supported; all other ioctl requests
- return an error, and set the task's errno to S_ioLib_UNKNOWN_REQUEST.
- dosFsDevInit(), dosFsMkfs(), rt11FsDevInit(), rt11FsMkfs(), rawFsDevInit(),
- .pG "I/O System, Local File Systems"
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "blkIo.h"
- #include "ioLib.h"
- #include "iosLib.h"
- #include "memLib.h"
- #include "errno.h"
- /* #include "stdio.h" */
- #include "dosFsLib.h"
- #include "stdlib.h"
- #include "simLib.h"
- #include "u_Lib.h"
- extern int printErr ();
- int unixRWFlag = O_RDWR;
- int unixRWMode = 0;
- int unixCRFlag = O_RDWR | O_CREAT; /* 514 */
- int unixCRMode = 0644;
- #define DEFAULT_SEC_SIZE 512
- #define DEFAULT_DISK_SIZE (1024*1024)
- typedef struct /* UNIXDISK_DEV - UNIX disk device descriptor */
- {
- BLK_DEV unixDiskBlkDev; /* generic block device structure */
- int unixFd; /* UNIX file descriptor */
- /* forward declarations */
- LOCAL STATUS unixDiskIoctl ();
- LOCAL STATUS unixDiskBlkRd ();
- LOCAL STATUS unixDiskBlkWrt ();
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * unixDrv - install UNIX disk driver
- *
- * Used in usrConfig.c to cause the UNIX disk driver to be linked in
- * when building VxWorks. Otherwise, it is not necessary to call this
- * routine before using the UNIX disk driver.
- *
- * This routine is only applicable to VxSim for Solaris and VxSim for HP.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK (always).
- */
- STATUS unixDrv (void)
- {
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * unixDiskDevCreate - create a UNIX disk device
- *
- * This routine creates a UNIX disk device.
- *
- * The <unixFile> parameter specifies the name of the UNIX file to use
- * for the disk device.
- *
- * The <bytesPerBlk> parameter specifies the size of each logical block
- * on the disk. If <bytesPerBlk> is zero, 512 is the default.
- *
- * The <blksPerTrack> parameter specifies the number of blocks on each
- * logical track of the disk. If <blksPerTrack> is zero, the count of
- * blocks per track is set to <nBlocks> (i.e., the disk is defined
- * as having only one track).
- *
- * The <nBlocks> parameter specifies the size of the disk, in blocks.
- * If <nBlocks> is zero, a default size is used. The default is calculated
- * as the size of the UNIX disk divided by the number of bytes per block.
- *
- * This routine is only applicable to VxSim for Solaris and VxSim for HP.
- *
- * RETURNS: A pointer to block device (BLK_DEV) structure,
- * or NULL, if unable to open the UNIX disk.
- */
- BLK_DEV *unixDiskDevCreate
- (
- char *unixFile, /* name of the UNIX file */
- int bytesPerBlk, /* number of bytes per block */
- int blksPerTrack, /* number of blocks per track */
- int nBlocks /* number of blocks on this device */
- )
- {
- FAST UNIXDISK_DEV *pUnixDiskDev; /* ptr to created UNIXDISK_DEV struct */
- FAST BLK_DEV *pBlkDev; /* ptr to BLK_DEV struct in UNIXDISK_DEV */
- int fd;
- /* Set up defaults for any values not specified */
- if (bytesPerBlk == 0)
- bytesPerBlk = DEFAULT_SEC_SIZE;
- if ((fd = u_open (unixFile, ARCHCVTFLAGS(unixRWFlag), unixRWMode)) < 0)
- {
- printErr ("unixDiskDevCreate: Could not open %s read/writen", unixFile);
- return (NULL);
- }
- if (nBlocks == 0)
- {
- struct unix_stat buf;
- if (u_fstat (fd, (char*)&buf) < 0)
- {
- printErr ("unixDiskDevCreate: Could not stat %sn", unixFile);
- u_close (fd);
- return (NULL);
- }
- nBlocks = (int) buf.st_size / bytesPerBlk;
- }
- if (blksPerTrack == 0)
- blksPerTrack = nBlocks;
- /* Allocate a UNIXDISK_DEV structure for device */
- pUnixDiskDev = (UNIXDISK_DEV *) calloc (1, sizeof (UNIXDISK_DEV));
- if (pUnixDiskDev == NULL)
- {
- u_close (fd);
- return (NULL); /* no memory */
- }
- /* Initialize BLK_DEV structure (in UNIXDISK_DEV) */
- pBlkDev = &pUnixDiskDev->unixDiskBlkDev;
- pBlkDev->bd_nBlocks = nBlocks; /* number of blocks */
- pBlkDev->bd_bytesPerBlk = bytesPerBlk; /* bytes per block */
- pBlkDev->bd_blksPerTrack = blksPerTrack; /* blocks per track */
- pBlkDev->bd_nHeads = 1; /* one "head" */
- pBlkDev->bd_removable = FALSE; /* not removable */
- pBlkDev->bd_retry = 1; /* retry count */
- pBlkDev->bd_mode = UPDATE; /* initial mode for device */
- pBlkDev->bd_readyChanged = TRUE; /* new ready status */
- pBlkDev->bd_blkRd = unixDiskBlkRd; /* read block function */
- pBlkDev->bd_blkWrt = unixDiskBlkWrt; /* write block function */
- pBlkDev->bd_ioctl = unixDiskIoctl; /* ioctl function */
- pBlkDev->bd_reset = NULL; /* no reset function */
- pBlkDev->bd_statusChk = NULL; /* no check-status function */
- /* Initialize remainder of device struct */
- pUnixDiskDev->unixFd = fd;
- return (&pUnixDiskDev->unixDiskBlkDev);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * unixDiskIoctl - do device specific control function
- *
- * This routine is called when the file system cannot handle an ioctl
- * function.
- *
- * The FIODISKFORMAT function always returns OK, since a UNIX file does
- * not require formatting. All other requests return ERROR.
- *
- */
- LOCAL STATUS unixDiskIoctl
- (
- UNIXDISK_DEV *pUnixDiskDev, /* device structure pointer */
- int function, /* function code */
- int arg /* some argument */
- )
- {
- FAST int status; /* returned status value */
- switch (function)
- {
- status = OK;
- break;
- default:
- status = ERROR;
- errno = S_ioLib_UNKNOWN_REQUEST;
- break;
- }
- return (status);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * unixDiskBlkRd - read one or more blocks from a unix file disk volume
- *
- * This routine reads one or more blocks from the specified volume,
- * starting with the specified block number. The byte offset is
- * calculated and the UNIX disk data is copied to the specified buffer.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK for success and ERROR for bad block.
- */
- LOCAL STATUS unixDiskBlkRd
- (
- UNIXDISK_DEV *pUnixDiskDev, /* pointer to device desriptor */
- int startBlk, /* starting block number to read */
- int numBlks, /* number of blocks to read */
- char *pBuffer /* pointer to buffer to receive data */
- )
- {
- long offset;
- int numBytes, ret;
- FAST int bytesPerBlk; /* number of bytes per block */
- bytesPerBlk = pUnixDiskDev->unixDiskBlkDev.bd_bytesPerBlk;
- /* Add in the block offset */
- offset = startBlk*bytesPerBlk;
- if (u_lseek (pUnixDiskDev->unixFd, offset, 0) != offset)
- {
- printErr ("unixDiskBlkRd: lseek to offset %d failedn", offset);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- numBytes = bytesPerBlk * numBlks;
- /* Read the block(s) */
- if ((ret = u_read (pUnixDiskDev->unixFd, pBuffer, numBytes)) != numBytes)
- {
- printErr ("unixDiskBlkRd: failed to read %d bytesn", numBytes);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * unixDiskBlkWrt - write one or more blocks to a unix disk volume
- *
- * This routine writes one or more blocks to the specified volume,
- * starting with the specified block number. The byte offset is
- * calculated and the buffer data is copied to the unix disk.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK for success and ERROR for bad block.
- */
- LOCAL STATUS unixDiskBlkWrt
- (
- UNIXDISK_DEV *pUnixDiskDev, /* pointer to device desriptor */
- int startBlk, /* starting block number to write */
- int numBlks, /* number of blocks to write */
- char *pBuffer /* pointer to buffer of data to write */
- )
- {
- long offset;
- int numBytes, ret;
- FAST int bytesPerBlk; /* number of bytes per block */
- bytesPerBlk = pUnixDiskDev->unixDiskBlkDev.bd_bytesPerBlk;
- /* Add in the block offset */
- offset = startBlk * bytesPerBlk;
- if (u_lseek (pUnixDiskDev->unixFd, offset, 0) != offset)
- {
- printErr ("unixDiskBlkWrt: lseek to offset %d failedn", offset);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- numBytes = bytesPerBlk * numBlks;
- if ((ret = u_write (pUnixDiskDev->unixFd, pBuffer, numBytes)) != numBytes)
- {
- printErr ("unixDiskBlkWrt: failed to write %d bytesn", numBytes);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * unixDiskInit - initialize a dosFs disk on top of UNIX
- *
- * This routine provides some convenience for a user wanting to create
- * a UNIX disk-based dosFs file system under VxWorks. The user only
- * specifes the UNIX file to use, the dosFs volume name, and the
- * size of the volume in bytes, if the UNIX file needs to be created.
- *
- * This routine is only applicable to VxSim for Solaris and VxSim for HP.
- *
- */
- void unixDiskInit
- (
- char *unixFile, /* UNIX file name */
- char *volName, /* dosFs name */
- int diskSize /* number of bytes */
- )
- {
- int ix;
- int fd;
- int numEightKBlocks;
- int numHalfKBlocks;
- int create = 0;
- int stat;
- struct unix_stat buf;
- char *emptySpace;
- BLK_DEV *pBlkDev;
- if (u_stat (unixFile, (char*)&buf) < 0)
- {
- printErr ("unixDiskInit: %s not found. Creating...", unixFile);
- if ((fd = u_open (unixFile, ARCHCVTFLAGS(unixCRFlag), unixCRMode)) < 0)
- {
- printErr ("permission deniedn");
- return;
- }
- if (diskSize == 0)
- #define BLOCKSIZE 8192
- emptySpace = calloc (1, BLOCKSIZE);
- numEightKBlocks = diskSize / BLOCKSIZE;
- numHalfKBlocks = (diskSize % BLOCKSIZE) / DEFAULT_SEC_SIZE;
- for (ix = 0; ix < numEightKBlocks; ix++)
- if (u_write (fd, emptySpace, BLOCKSIZE) < 0)
- {
- printErr ("Disk Write failed (disk full?)n");
- free (emptySpace);
- return;
- }
- for (ix = 0; ix < numHalfKBlocks; ix++)
- if (u_write (fd, emptySpace, DEFAULT_SEC_SIZE) < 0)
- {
- printErr ("Disk Write failed (disk full?)n");
- free (emptySpace);
- return;
- }
- printErr ("donen");
- u_close (fd);
- free (emptySpace);
- create = 1;
- }
- pBlkDev = unixDiskDevCreate (unixFile, DEFAULT_SEC_SIZE, 0, 0);
- if (pBlkDev != NULL)
- {
- if (create)
- stat = (dosFsMkfs (volName, pBlkDev) == NULL) ? -1 : 0;
- else
- stat = (dosFsDevInit (volName, pBlkDev, 0) == NULL) ? -1 : 0;
- if (stat == -1)
- {
- printErr ("unixDiskInit: could not init dosFs file system on %sn",
- unixFile);
- }
- else
- {
- printErr ("unixDiskInit: dosFs file system %s as device %sn",
- create ? "init'd" : "attached", volName);
- }
- }
- else
- printErr ("unixDiskInit: failedn");
- }