- /* vmBaseLib.c - base virtual memory support library */
- /* Copyright 1984-2001 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01w,16nov01,to declare global variables in vmData.c to avoid getting multiple
- vm*Lib.o pulled
- 01v,26jul01,scm add extended small page table support for XScale...
- 01u,13nov98,jpd added support for Protection Unit style MMUs (MPUs).
- 01v,14mar99,jdi doc: removed refs to config.h and/or configAll.h (SPR 25663).
- 01u,21feb99,jdi doc: listed errnos.
- 01t,31jul98,ms make vmContextClassId LOCAL.
- vmBaseGlobalMapInit().
- 01r,18nov93,edm changed BOOL mmuPhysAddrShifted to int mmuPhysAddrShift.
- 01q,13sep93,caf made null for MIPS.
- 01p,05apr93,edm added support for physical addresses->page number option.
- 01o,23feb93,jdi doc tweaks.
- 01n,12feb93,jdi doc tweaks.
- 01m,12feb93,rdc mods to aid testing and reorg of data struture visability.
- 01l,10feb93,rdc made vmBaseStateSet global - allow write protection.
- 01k,04feb93,jdi documentation cleanup for 5.1.
- 01j,19oct92,jcf cleanup.
- 01i,08oct92,rdc name changes, doc, cleanup.
- 01h,01oct92,jcf added cacheFuncsSet() to attach mmu to cache support. warnings.
- 01g,22sep92,rdc changed NUM_PAGE_STATES to 256.
- 01f,30jul92,rdc added pointer to vmTranslate routine to vmLibInfo.
- 01e,27jul92,rdc moved "vmLib.c" to "vmBaseLib.c"
- 01d,21jul92,rdc took out mutex in vmStateSet so callable from int level.
- 01c,13jul92,rdc changed reference to vmLib.h to vmLibP.h.
- 01b,09jul92,rdc changed indirect routine pointer configuration.
- 01a,08jul92,rdc written.
- */
- /*
- This library provides the minimal MMU (Memory Management Unit) support
- needed in a system. Its primary purpose is to create cache-safe buffers for
- cacheLib. Buffers are provided to optimize I/O throughput.
- A call to vmBaseLibInit() initializes this library, thus permitting
- vmBaseGlobalMapInit() to initialize the MMU and set up MMU translation tables.
- Additionally, vmBaseStateSet() can be called to change the
- translation tables dynamically.
- This library is a release-bundled complement to vmLib and vmShow,
- modules that offer full-featured MMU support and virtual memory information
- display routines. The vmLib and vmShow libraries are distributed as the
- unbundled virtual memory support option, VxVMI.
- Bundled MMU support is included in VxWorks when the configuration macro
- INCLUDE_MMU_BASIC is defined. If the configuration macro INCLUDE_MMU_FULL
- is also defined, the default is full MMU support (unbundled).
- INCLUDE FILES: sysLib.h, vmLib.h
- SEE ALSO: vmLib, vmShow,
- .pG "Virtual Memory"
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #if (CPU_FAMILY != MIPS)
- #include "private/vmLibP.h"
- #include "stdlib.h"
- #include "mmuLib.h"
- #include "private/classLibP.h"
- #include "private/objLibP.h"
- #include "errno.h"
- #include "cacheLib.h"
- #include "sysLib.h"
- /* macros to reference mmuLib routines indirectly through mmuLibFunc table */
- #define MMU_LIB_INIT (*(mmuLibFuncs.mmuLibInit))
- #define MMU_TRANS_TBL_CREATE (*(mmuLibFuncs.mmuTransTblCreate))
- #define MMU_TRANS_TBL_DELETE (*(mmuLibFuncs.mmuTransTblDelete))
- #define MMU_ENABLE (*(mmuLibFuncs.mmuEnable))
- #define MMU_STATE_SET (*(mmuLibFuncs.mmuStateSet))
- #define MMU_STATE_GET (*(mmuLibFuncs.mmuStateGet))
- #define MMU_PAGE_MAP (*(mmuLibFuncs.mmuPageMap))
- #define MMU_GLOBAL_PAGE_MAP (*(mmuLibFuncs.mmuGlobalPageMap))
- #define MMU_TRANSLATE (*(mmuLibFuncs.mmuTranslate))
- #define MMU_CURRENT_SET (*(mmuLibFuncs.mmuCurrentSet))
- IMPORT int mmuPageBlockSize; /* initialized by mmuLib.c */
- IMPORT STATE_TRANS_TUPLE *mmuStateTransArray; /* initialized by mmuLib.c */
- IMPORT int mmuStateTransArraySize; /* initialized by mmuLib.c */
- IMPORT MMU_LIB_FUNCS mmuLibFuncs; /* initialized by mmuLib.c */
- IMPORT int mmuPhysAddrShift; /* see vmData.c */
- /* locals */
- /* arch indep. state info uses 8 bits - 2^8=256 possible states */
- #define NUM_PAGE_STATES 256
- LOCAL int vmPageSize;
- LOCAL VM_CONTEXT sysVmContext; /* initial vm context */
- LOCAL VM_CONTEXT_CLASS_ID vmContextClassId = &vmContextClass;
- /* globals */
- VM_CONTEXT * currentContext = NULL;
- int mutexOptionsVmBaseLib = SEM_Q_PRIORITY |
- /* forward declarations */
- LOCAL STATUS vmBaseContextInit (VM_CONTEXT *context);
- LOCAL STATUS vmBaseEnable (BOOL enable);
- LOCAL STATUS vmBaseGlobalMap (void *virtualAddr, void *physicalAddr,
- UINT len);
- LOCAL STATUS vmBaseTranslate (VM_CONTEXT_ID context, void *virtualAddr,
- void **physicalAddr);
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * vmBaseLibInit - initialize base virtual memory support
- *
- * This routine initializes the virtual memory context class and
- * module-specific data structures. It is called only once during
- * system initialization, and should be followed with a call to
- * vmBaseGlobalMapInit(), which initializes and enables the MMU.
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: vmBaseGlobalMapInit()
- */
- STATUS vmBaseLibInit
- (
- int pageSize /* size of page */
- )
- {
- int i;
- int j;
- UINT newState;
- UINT newMask;
- if (vmLibInfo.vmBaseLibInstalled) /* only install vmBaseLib once */
- return (OK);
- if (pageSize == 0)
- return (ERROR); /* check for reasonable parameter */
- vmPageSize = pageSize;
- /*
- * Initialize the page state translation table. This table is used to
- * translate between architecture independent state values and architecture
- * dependent state values.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < NUM_PAGE_STATES; i++)
- {
- newState = 0;
- for (j = 0; j < mmuStateTransArraySize; j++)
- {
- STATE_TRANS_TUPLE *thisTuple = &mmuStateTransArray[j];
- UINT archIndepState = thisTuple->archIndepState;
- UINT archDepState = thisTuple->archDepState;
- UINT archIndepMask = thisTuple->archIndepMask;
- if ((i & archIndepMask) == archIndepState)
- newState |= archDepState;
- }
- vmStateTransTbl [i] = newState;
- }
- /*
- * Initialize the page state mask translation table. This table is used to
- * translate between architecture independent state masks and architecture
- * dependent state masks.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < NUM_PAGE_STATES; i++)
- {
- newMask = 0;
- for (j = 0; j < mmuStateTransArraySize; j++)
- {
- STATE_TRANS_TUPLE *thisTuple = &mmuStateTransArray[j];
- UINT archIndepMask = thisTuple->archIndepMask;
- UINT archDepMask = thisTuple->archDepMask;
- if ((i & archIndepMask) == archIndepMask)
- newMask |= archDepMask;
- }
- vmMaskTransTbl [i] = newMask;
- }
- classInit ((OBJ_CLASS *) &vmContextClass.coreClass, sizeof (VM_CONTEXT),
- vmLibInfo.pVmStateSetRtn = vmBaseStateSet;
- vmLibInfo.pVmEnableRtn = vmBaseEnable;
- vmLibInfo.pVmPageSizeGetRtn = vmBasePageSizeGet;
- vmLibInfo.pVmTranslateRtn = vmBaseTranslate;
- vmLibInfo.vmBaseLibInstalled = TRUE;
- cacheMmuAvailable = TRUE;
- cacheFuncsSet (); /* update cache funtion pointers */
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * vmBaseGlobalMapInit - initialize global mapping
- *
- * This routine creates and installs a virtual memory context with mappings
- * defined for each contiguous memory segment defined in <pMemDescArray>.
- * In the standard VxWorks configuration, an instance of PHYS_MEM_DESC (called
- * `sysPhysMemDesc') is defined in sysLib.c; the variable is passed to
- * vmBaseGlobalMapInit() by the system configuration mechanism.
- *
- * The physical memory descriptor also contains state information
- * used to initialize the state information in the MMU's translation table
- * for that memory segment. The following state bits may be or'ed together:
- *
- * .TS
- * tab(|);
- * l0 l0 l .
- * VM_STATE_VALID | VM_STATE_VALID_NOT | valid/invalid
- * VM_STATE_WRITABLE | VM_STATE_WRITABLE_NOT | writable/write-protected
- * VM_STATE_CACHEABLE | VM_STATE_CACHEABLE_NOT | cacheable/not-cacheable
- * .TE
- *
- * Additionally, mask bits are or'ed together in the `initialStateMask' structure
- * element to describe which state bits are being specified in the `initialState'
- * structure element:
- *
- *
- * If <enable> is TRUE, the MMU is enabled upon return.
- *
- * RETURNS: A pointer to a newly created virtual memory context, or NULL if
- * memory cannot be mapped.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: vmBaseLibInit()
- */
- VM_CONTEXT_ID vmBaseGlobalMapInit
- (
- PHYS_MEM_DESC *pMemDescArray, /* pointer to array of mem descs */
- int numDescArrayElements, /* no. of elements in pMemDescArray */
- BOOL enable /* enable virtual memory */
- )
- {
- int i;
- PHYS_MEM_DESC *thisDesc;
- FAST char *thisPage;
- #if !defined(BUILD_MPU_LIB)
- FAST UINT numBytesProcessed;
- int pageSize = vmPageSize;
- #endif
- UINT archIndepStateMask;
- UINT archDepStateMask;
- UINT archDepState;
- UINT archIndepState;
- /* set up global transparent mapping of physical to virtual memory */
- for (i = 0; i < numDescArrayElements; i++)
- {
- thisDesc = &pMemDescArray[i];
- /* map physical directly to virtual and set initial state */
- if (vmBaseGlobalMap ((void *) thisDesc->virtualAddr,
- (void *) thisDesc->physicalAddr,
- thisDesc->len) == ERROR)
- {
- return (NULL);
- }
- }
- /* create default virtual memory context */
- if (vmBaseContextInit (&sysVmContext) == ERROR)
- {
- return (NULL);
- }
- /* set the state of all the global memory we just created */
- for (i = 0; i < numDescArrayElements; i++)
- {
- thisDesc = &pMemDescArray[i];
- thisPage = thisDesc->virtualAddr;
- #if !defined(BUILD_MPU_LIB)
- numBytesProcessed = 0;
- while (numBytesProcessed < thisDesc->len)
- {
- /* we let the use specifiy cacheablility, but not writeablility */
- archIndepState = thisDesc->initialState;
- archDepState = vmStateTransTbl [archIndepState];
- archIndepStateMask =
- archDepStateMask = vmMaskTransTbl [archIndepStateMask];
- if (MMU_STATE_SET (sysVmContext.mmuTransTbl, thisPage,
- archDepStateMask, archDepState) == ERROR)
- return (NULL);
- thisPage += pageSize;
- numBytesProcessed += pageSize;
- }
- #else /* !defined(BUILD_MPU_LIB) */
- /*
- * On an MPU, we need to pass the whole region on to the
- * architecture-specific code, not break it up into pages.
- */
- archIndepState = thisDesc->initialState;
- archDepState = vmStateTransTbl [archIndepState];
- archIndepStateMask =
- archDepStateMask = vmMaskTransTbl [archIndepStateMask];
- if (MMU_STATE_SET (sysVmContext.mmuTransTbl, thisPage,
- archDepStateMask, archDepState, thisDesc->len) == ERROR)
- return NULL;
- #endif /* !defined(BUILD_MPU_LIB) */
- }
- currentContext = &sysVmContext;
- MMU_CURRENT_SET (sysVmContext.mmuTransTbl);
- if (enable)
- return (NULL);
- return (&sysVmContext);
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *
- * vmBaseContextInit - initializer for VM_CONTEXT.
- *
- * This routine may be used to initialize static definitions of VM_CONTEXT
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the translation table could not be created.
- */
- LOCAL STATUS vmBaseContextInit
- (
- VM_CONTEXT *context
- )
- {
- objCoreInit (&context->objCore, (CLASS_ID) vmContextClassId);
- semMInit (&context->sem, mutexOptionsVmBaseLib);
- context->mmuTransTbl = MMU_TRANS_TBL_CREATE ();
- if (context->mmuTransTbl == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- return (OK);
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *
- * vmBaseGlobalMap - map physical to virtual in shared global virtual memory
- *
- * vmBaseGlobalMap maps physical pages to virtual space that is shared by all
- * virtual memory contexts. Calls to vmBaseGlobalMap should be made before any
- * virtual memory contexts are created to insure that the shared global mappings
- * will be included in all virtual memory contexts. Mappings created with
- * vmBaseGlobalMap after virtual memory contexts are created are not guaranteed
- * to appear in all virtual memory contexts.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if virtualAddr or physical page addresses are not on
- * page boundaries, len is not a multiple of page size, or mapping failed.
- */
- LOCAL STATUS vmBaseGlobalMap
- (
- void *virtualAddr,
- void *physicalAddr,
- UINT len
- )
- {
- int pageSize = vmPageSize;
- char *thisVirtPage = (char *) virtualAddr;
- char *thisPhysPage = (char *) physicalAddr;
- #if !defined(BUILD_MPU_LIB)
- FAST UINT numBytesProcessed = 0;
- #endif
- if (!vmLibInfo.vmBaseLibInstalled)
- return (ERROR);
- if (((UINT) thisVirtPage % pageSize) != 0)
- {
- errno = S_vmLib_NOT_PAGE_ALIGNED;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if ((!mmuPhysAddrShift) && (((UINT) thisPhysPage % pageSize) != 0))
- {
- errno = S_vmLib_NOT_PAGE_ALIGNED;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if ((len % pageSize) != 0)
- {
- errno = S_vmLib_NOT_PAGE_ALIGNED;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- #if !defined(BUILD_MPU_LIB)
- while (numBytesProcessed < len)
- {
- if (MMU_GLOBAL_PAGE_MAP (thisVirtPage, thisPhysPage) == ERROR)
- return (ERROR);
- thisVirtPage += pageSize;
- thisPhysPage += (mmuPhysAddrShift ? 1 : pageSize);
- numBytesProcessed += pageSize;
- }
- #else /* !defined(BUILD_MPU_LIB) */
- /*
- * On an MPU, we need to pass the whole region on to the
- * architecture-specific code, not break it up into pages.
- */
- if (MMU_GLOBAL_PAGE_MAP (thisVirtPage, thisPhysPage, len) == ERROR)
- return ERROR;
- #endif /* !defined(BUILD_MPU_LIB) */
- return (OK);
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *
- * vmBaseStateSet - change the state of a block of virtual memory
- *
- * This routine changes the state of a block of virtual memory. Each page
- * of virtual memory has at least three elements of state information:
- * validity, writability, and cacheability. Specific architectures may
- * define additional state information; see vmLib.h for additional
- * architecture-specific states. Memory accesses to a page marked as
- * invalid will result in an exception. Pages may be invalidated to prevent
- * them from being corrupted by invalid references. Pages may be defined as
- * read-only or writable, depending on the state of the writable bits.
- * Memory accesses to pages marked as not-cacheable will always result in a
- * memory cycle, bypassing the cache. This is useful for multiprocessing,
- * multiple bus masters, and hardware control registers.
- *
- * The following states are provided and may be or'ed together in the
- * state parameter:
- *
- * .TS
- * tab(|);
- * l0 l0 l .
- * VM_STATE_VALID | VM_STATE_VALID_NOT | valid/invalid
- * VM_STATE_WRITABLE | VM_STATE_WRITABLE_NOT | writable/write-protected
- * VM_STATE_CACHEABLE | VM_STATE_CACHEABLE_NOT | cacheable/not-cacheable
- * .TE
- *
- * Additionally, the following masks are provided so that only specific
- * states may be set. These may be or'ed together in the `stateMask' parameter.
- *
- *
- * If <context> is specified as NULL, the current context is used.
- *
- * This routine is callable from interrupt level.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the validation fails, <pVirtual> is not on a page
- * boundary, <len> is not a multiple of the page size, or the
- * architecture-dependent state set fails for the specified virtual address.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- *
- */
- STATUS vmBaseStateSet
- (
- VM_CONTEXT_ID context, /* context - NULL == currentContext */
- void *pVirtual, /* virtual address to modify state of */
- int len, /* len of virtual space to modify state of */
- UINT stateMask, /* state mask */
- UINT state /* state */
- )
- {
- FAST int pageSize = vmPageSize;
- FAST char *thisPage = (char *) pVirtual;
- #if !defined(BUILD_MPU_LIB)
- FAST UINT numBytesProcessed = 0;
- #endif
- UINT archDepState;
- UINT archDepStateMask;
- STATUS retVal = OK;
- if (!vmLibInfo.vmBaseLibInstalled)
- return (ERROR);
- if (context == NULL)
- context = currentContext;
- if (OBJ_VERIFY (context, vmContextClassId) != OK)
- return (ERROR);
- if (((UINT) thisPage % pageSize) != 0)
- {
- errno = S_vmLib_NOT_PAGE_ALIGNED;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if ((len % pageSize) != 0)
- {
- errno = S_vmLib_NOT_PAGE_ALIGNED;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if (state > NUM_PAGE_STATES)
- {
- errno = S_vmLib_BAD_STATE_PARAM;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if (stateMask > NUM_PAGE_STATES)
- {
- errno = S_vmLib_BAD_MASK_PARAM;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* get the architecture dependent states and state masks */
- archDepState = vmStateTransTbl [state];
- archDepStateMask = vmMaskTransTbl [stateMask];
- /* call mmuStateSet to do the actual work */
- #if !defined(BUILD_MPU_LIB)
- while (numBytesProcessed < (UINT)len)
- {
- if (MMU_STATE_SET (context->mmuTransTbl, thisPage,
- archDepStateMask, archDepState) == ERROR)
- {
- retVal = ERROR;
- break;
- }
- thisPage += pageSize;
- numBytesProcessed += pageSize;
- }
- #else /* !defined(BUILD_MPU_LIB) */
- /*
- * On an MPU, we need to pass the whole region on to the
- * architecture-specific code, not break it up into pages.
- */
- if (MMU_STATE_SET (context->mmuTransTbl, thisPage,
- archDepStateMask, archDepState, len) == ERROR)
- retVal = ERROR;
- #endif /*!defined(BUILD_MPU_LIB) */
- return (retVal);
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *
- * vmBaseEnable - enable/disable virtual memory
- *
- * vmBaseEnable turns virtual memory on and off.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if validation failed, or architecture-dependent
- * code failed.
- */
- LOCAL STATUS vmBaseEnable
- (
- BOOL enable /* TRUE == enable MMU, FALSE == disable MMU */
- )
- {
- return (MMU_ENABLE (enable));
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *
- * vmBasePageSizeGet - return the page size
- *
- * This routine returns the architecture-dependent page size.
- *
- * This routine is callable from interrupt level.
- *
- * RETURNS: The page size of the current architecture.
- *
- */
- int vmBasePageSizeGet (void)
- {
- return (vmPageSize);
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *
- * vmBaseTranslate - translate a virtual address to a physical address
- *
- * vmBaseTranslate may be used to retrieve the mapping information for a
- * virtual address from the page translation tables. If the given
- * virtual address has never been mapped, either the returned status will
- * be ERROR, or, the returned status will be OK, but the returned physical
- * address will be -1.
- * If context is specified as NULL, the current context is used.
- * This routine is callable from interrupt level.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or validation failed, or translation failed.
- */
- LOCAL STATUS vmBaseTranslate
- (
- VM_CONTEXT_ID context, /* context - NULL == currentContext */
- void *virtualAddr, /* virtual address */
- void **physicalAddr /* place to put result */
- )
- {
- STATUS retVal;
- if (context == NULL)
- context = currentContext;
- if (OBJ_VERIFY (context, vmContextClassId) != OK)
- return (ERROR);
- retVal = MMU_TRANSLATE (context->mmuTransTbl, virtualAddr, physicalAddr);
- return (retVal);
- }
- #endif /* (CPU_FAMILY != MIPS) */