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Visual C++
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- //* FileName: MemDC.h
- //*
- //* Contents: Definition and implementation for CMemDC
- //*
- //* Copyright You may freely use or modify this code provided this Copyright is included in all
- //* Notice: derived versions.
- //*
- //* Author: Keith Rule
- //*
- //* Email: keithr@europa.com
- //*
- //* Copyright 1996-1997, Keith Rule
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- //* 10/3/97 Keith Rule Fixed scrolling bug.
- //* 10/3/97 Keith Rule Added print support.
- //* 12.feb.98 Jan Vidar Berger Ported CMemDC into clPlot and added some comments.
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- #ifndef _MEMDC_H_
- #define _MEMDC_H_
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- //* Class: CMemDC - memory DC
- //*
- //* Base Class: public CDC
- //*
- //* Description: This class implements a memory Device Context that enables flicker free drawing.
- //*
- //* Usage: Implemen CMemDC in your CMyWnd::OnPaint as following:
- //* {
- //* CPaintDC dc(pWnd);
- //* CMemDC mDC(dc); // call CMemDC::CMemDC(CDC *dc)
- //*
- //* Draw(mDC); // draw on CMemDC rather than CDC directly.
- //* } // call CMemDC::~CMemDC()
- //*
- //* Finally, add and modify WM_ERASEBKGND message in your project as following.
- //*
- //* BOOL CMyView::OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC)
- //* {
- //* return FALSE;
- //* }
- //*
- //* How it works: 1. The constructor will construct compatibledc and do the work required to enable
- //* drawing on a memory dc.
- //* 2. You can draw on the CMemDC as if it is a CDC.
- //* 3. The destructor copies the memory dc into the real DC.
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- class CMemDC : public CDC {
- private:
- CBitmap m_bitmap; // Offscreen bitmap
- CBitmap* m_oldBitmap; // bitmap originally found in CMemDC
- CDC* m_pDC; // Saves CDC passed in constructor
- CRect m_rect; // Rectangle of drawing area.
- BOOL m_bMemDC; // TRUE if CDC really is a Memory DC.
- public:
- CMemDC(CDC* pDC) : CDC(), m_oldBitmap(NULL), m_pDC(pDC)
- {
- ASSERT(m_pDC != NULL); // If you asserted here, you passed in a NULL CDC.
- m_bMemDC = !pDC->IsPrinting();
- if (m_bMemDC){
- // Create a Memory DC
- CreateCompatibleDC(pDC);
- pDC->GetClipBox(&m_rect);
- m_bitmap.CreateCompatibleBitmap(pDC, m_rect.Width(), m_rect.Height());
- m_oldBitmap = SelectObject(&m_bitmap);
- SetWindowOrg(m_rect.left, m_rect.top);
- } else {
- // Make a copy of the relevent parts of the current DC for printing
- m_bPrinting = pDC->m_bPrinting;
- m_hDC = pDC->m_hDC;
- m_hAttribDC = pDC->m_hAttribDC;
- }
- }
- ~CMemDC()
- {
- if (m_bMemDC) {
- // Copy the offscreen bitmap onto the screen.
- m_pDC->BitBlt(m_rect.left, m_rect.top, m_rect.Width(), m_rect.Height(),
- this, m_rect.left, m_rect.top, SRCCOPY);
- //Swap back the original bitmap.
- SelectObject(m_oldBitmap);
- } else {
- // All we need to do is replace the DC with an illegal value,
- // this keeps us from accidently deleting the handles associated with
- // the CDC that was passed to the constructor.
- m_hDC = m_hAttribDC = NULL;
- }
- }
- // Allow usage as a pointer
- CMemDC* operator->() {return this;}
- // Allow usage as a pointer
- operator CMemDC*() {return this;}
- };
- #endif