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资源名称:r-time.zip [点击查看]
Visual C++
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- //* FileName: clPlot.cpp
- //*
- //* Contents: Implementation of clPlot, axis, legend, serie and timeaxis
- //*
- //* NOTE 1: Only a minimum of parameter validation is implemented to save time since this plot is
- //* time critical.
- //*
- //* NOTE 2: All functionality is not fully implemented.
- //*
- //* Author: Jan Vidar Berger
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- //* 12.feb.98 Jan Vidar Berger Implemented flicker free drawing. Thanks to John Kim for providing
- //* the MemDC and to Keith Rule, the author of CMemDC.
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "clPlot.h"
- #include "MemDC.h"
- #include "malloc.h"
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif
- long clPlot::m_lMaxDataPrSerie; // max allowed data pr. serie.
- long clPlot::m_lMaxDataTotal; // max allowed data total.
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- //* time axis threshold. contains grid and label intervals to be used within specified
- //* seconds pr. pixels thresholds. The array is terminated by a 'bIAmInUse'=FALSE.
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- struct{
- BOOL bIAmInUse; // indicate valid entry, last=FALSE
- long lgridinterval; // grid line interval in seconds
- long llabelinterval; // time label interval in seconds
- long lmodethreshold; // mode threshold in seconds pr. pixel
- }gridsetting[]={
- TRUE, 1, 4, 0, // 0: pr. second
- FALSE, 1, 1,0, // last entry in table
- };
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- //* Function: serie::serie
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- serie::serie()
- {
- m_bIAmInUse = FALSE;
- m_color = RGB(0,0,0);
- m_iLineStyle = PS_SOLID;
- m_bRightAxisAlign = FALSE;
- m_lNoValues = 0;
- m_lbegin = 0;
- m_lend = 0;
- m_pvalues = NULL;
- }
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- //* Function: serie::~serie
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- serie::~serie()
- {
- if(m_pvalues !=NULL)
- free(m_pvalues);
- }
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- //* Function: serie::AddPoint
- //*
- //* Description: AddPoint add new data to the end of a data serie. It will simply append the data,
- //* update the list index and get out.
- //*
- //* This function will also call realloc or malloc to re-size or create the plot array as
- //* needed.
- //*
- //* The nice thing about circular lists is that they are multi thread enabled as is. You
- //* must however implement a syncronization mechanism if more than one thread is supposed
- //* to enter data into the plot.
- //*
- //* Parameters: valuetime Time (x value).
- //* y y value
- //*
- //* Return Value: -none-
- //*
- //* Author: Jan Vidar Berger
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- void serie::AddPoint(CTime &valuetime , double &y)
- {
- if(m_lNoValues > 0)
- m_pvalues = (value*)realloc(m_pvalues, (m_lNoValues+1)*sizeof(value));
- else
- m_pvalues = (value*)malloc((m_lNoValues+1)*sizeof(value));
- m_pvalues[m_lend].ValueTime = valuetime;
- m_pvalues[m_lend].dValue = y;
- m_lNoValues++;
- m_lend++;
- if(m_lend >= clPlot::m_lMaxDataPrSerie)
- m_lend=0;
- if(m_lbegin == m_lend){
- m_lbegin++;
- if(m_lbegin >= clPlot::m_lMaxDataPrSerie)
- m_lbegin=0;
- }
- }
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- //* Function: serie::Reset
- //*
- //* Description: Reset the serie. Remove data and reset indexes and pointers.
- //*
- //* Parameters: -none-
- //*
- //* Return Value: -none-
- //*
- //* Author: Jan Vidar Berger
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- void serie::Reset()
- {
- m_lNoValues=0;
- if(m_pvalues !=NULL)
- free(m_pvalues);
- m_pvalues = NULL;
- m_lbegin = 0;
- m_lend = 0;
- }
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- clPlot::clPlot()
- {
- m_ctlBkColor = RGB(255,255,255);
- m_plotBkColor = RGB(255,255,255);
- m_legendBkColor = RGB(255,255,255);
- m_gridColor = RGB(127,127,127);
- m_bctlBorder = TRUE;
- m_bplotBorder = TRUE;
- m_blegendBorder = TRUE;
- m_bPrimaryLegend = FALSE;
- m_bSecondaryLegend = FALSE;
- m_bAxisLY = TRUE;
- m_bAxisRY = TRUE;
- m_bAxisBX = TRUE;
- m_bAutoScrollX = FALSE;
- m_bSimMode = FALSE;
- m_lMaxDataPrSerie = 10000;
- m_lMaxDataTotal = 100000;
- m_dNoData = 0.0;
- m_dzoom = 1.0;
- lArraySize = 1000; // only points with differebt x,y will be put into the array
- pLineArray = new CPoint[lArraySize];
- SetBXRange(CTime::GetCurrentTime()-CTimeSpan(60),CTime::GetCurrentTime());
- m_logFont.lfHeight = -13;
- m_logFont.lfWidth = 0;
- m_logFont.lfEscapement = 0;
- m_logFont.lfOrientation = 0;
- m_logFont.lfWeight = 400;
- m_logFont.lfItalic = FALSE;
- m_logFont.lfUnderline = FALSE;
- m_logFont.lfStrikeOut = FALSE;
- m_logFont.lfCharSet = ANSI_CHARSET;
- m_logFont.lfOutPrecision = OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
- m_logFont.lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
- m_logFont.lfQuality = PROOF_QUALITY;
- m_logFont.lfPitchAndFamily = DEFAULT_PITCH;
- strcpy(m_logFont.lfFaceName,"Ariel");
- m_zoomFont.lfHeight = -13;
- m_zoomFont.lfWidth = 0;
- m_zoomFont.lfEscapement = 0;
- m_zoomFont.lfOrientation = 0;
- m_zoomFont.lfWeight = 400;
- m_zoomFont.lfItalic = FALSE;
- m_zoomFont.lfUnderline = FALSE;
- m_zoomFont.lfStrikeOut = FALSE;
- m_zoomFont.lfCharSet = ANSI_CHARSET;
- m_zoomFont.lfOutPrecision = OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
- m_zoomFont.lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
- m_zoomFont.lfQuality = PROOF_QUALITY;
- m_zoomFont.lfPitchAndFamily = DEFAULT_PITCH;
- strcpy(m_zoomFont.lfFaceName,"Ariel");
- m_font.CreateFontIndirect(&m_zoomFont);
- }
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- clPlot::~clPlot()
- {
- delete [] pLineArray;
- }
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(clPlot)
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- BOOL clPlot::Create(DWORD dwstyle, CRect &rect, CWnd *pParent, UINT id)
- {
- DWORD style = dwstyle & (~WS_BORDER);
- if(dwstyle & WS_BORDER)
- m_bctlBorder=TRUE;
- else
- m_bctlBorder=FALSE;
- if(!CWnd::Create(NULL, "", style, rect, pParent, id, NULL))
- return FALSE;
- m_ctlRect = rect;
- pParent->ClientToScreen(m_ctlRect);
- ScreenToClient(m_ctlRect);
- ComputeRects(TRUE);
- return TRUE;
- }
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- //* Function : clPlot::ComputeRects
- //*
- //* Description : Compute rects used for internal possitioning of different objects. This function is
- //* called when the plot is created or sized.
- //*
- //* Return type : void
- //*
- //* Parameter(s) : bInitialization indicate wherever parameters that can be changed abu the user
- //* also should be computed.
- //*
- //* Author : Jan Vidar Berger
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- void clPlot::ComputeRects(BOOL bInitialization)
- {
- // adjust the client rect for borders
- //GetClientRect(m_ctlRect);
- CClientDC dc(this);
- int w = 0;
- int n=0;
- CSize z=dc.GetTextExtent(CString("A"));
- // m_TextHeight = z.cy;
- m_dzoom = ((double)m_ctlRect.Height()/(double)z.cy) / 25.0;
- m_zoomFont.lfWidth = (int)(m_logFont.lfWidth * m_dzoom);
- m_zoomFont.lfHeight = (int)(m_logFont.lfHeight * m_dzoom);
- m_font.Detach();
- m_font.CreateFontIndirect(&m_zoomFont);
- CFont *oFont = dc.SelectObject(&m_font);
- // SetFont(&m_font);
- z=dc.GetTextExtent(CString("A"));
- m_TextHeight = z.cy;
- if(m_bctlBorder){
- m_clientRect.left = m_ctlRect.left+2;
- m_clientRect.right = m_ctlRect.right-2;
- m_clientRect.top = m_ctlRect.top+2;
- m_clientRect.bottom = m_ctlRect.bottom-2;
- }else{
- m_clientRect = m_ctlRect;
- }
- if(bInitialization)
- {
- m_iMtop = m_iMbottom = m_clientRect.Height()/10;
- m_iMleft = m_iMright = m_clientRect.Width()/10;
- }
- // compute plot rect.
- m_plotRect.left = m_clientRect.left + m_iMleft;
- m_plotRect.right = m_clientRect.right - m_iMright;
- m_plotRect.top = m_clientRect.top + m_iMtop;
- m_plotRect.bottom = m_clientRect.bottom - m_iMbottom;
- // compute default legend possition
- if(bInitialization)
- {
- m_legendRect.left = m_plotRect.left + (m_iMleft/5);
- m_legendRect.right = m_plotRect.left + (m_plotRect.Width()/5);
- m_legendRect.top = m_plotRect.top - (m_iMtop/2);
- m_legendRect.bottom = m_plotRect.top + (m_iMtop);
- int w = 0;
- int n=0;
- for(int x = 0; x< MAXLEGENDS;x++){
- if(m_primarylegends[x].m_bIAmInUse){
- n++;
- z=dc.GetTextExtent(CString(m_primarylegends[x].m_szTitle));
- if(z.cx > w )
- w=z.cx;
- // m_TextHeight = z.cy;
- }
- }
- m_legendRect.right = m_legendRect.left + 40 + w;
- m_legendRect.bottom = m_legendRect.top + 10 + (m_TextHeight*n);
- }
- // compute left axis area
- m_axisLYRect.left = m_clientRect.left + (m_iMleft/5);
- m_axisLYRect.right = m_plotRect.left;
- m_axisLYRect.top = m_plotRect.top;
- m_axisLYRect.bottom = m_plotRect.bottom;
- // compute right axis area
- m_axisRYRect.left = m_plotRect.left;
- m_axisRYRect.right = m_clientRect.right - (m_iMright/5);
- m_axisRYRect.top = m_plotRect.top;
- m_axisRYRect.bottom = m_plotRect.bottom;
- // compute bottom axis area
- m_axisBXRect.left = m_plotRect.left;
- m_axisBXRect.right = m_plotRect.right;
- m_axisBXRect.top = m_plotRect.bottom;
- m_axisBXRect.bottom = m_clientRect.bottom - (m_iMbottom/5);
- // if(bInitialization)
- // {
- m_timeaxis.m_dSecondsPrPixel = ((double)(m_timeaxis.m_maxtime.GetTime() - m_timeaxis.m_mintime.GetTime())) / (double)m_plotRect.Width();
- m_leftaxis.m_dValuePrPixel = ((double)(m_leftaxis.maxrange- m_leftaxis.minrange) / (double)m_plotRect.Height());
- m_rightaxis.m_dValuePrPixel = ((double)(m_rightaxis.maxrange- m_rightaxis.minrange) / (double)m_plotRect.Height());
- // }
- dc.SelectObject(oFont);
- }
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- //* Function: clPlot::OnPaint
- //*
- //* Description: This function will create a memory image, call Draw to draw the plot on it, and when
- //* copy the image into memory.
- //*
- //* This is fast and provides flicker free plot update.
- //*
- //* Author: Jan Vidar Berger
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- void clPlot::OnPaint()
- {
- CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting
- CMemDC pdc(&dc); // non flickering painting
- Draw(&pdc);
- // Do not call CWnd::OnPaint() for painting messages
- }
- BOOL clPlot::OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- void clPlot::Draw(CDC * dc)
- {
- CFont *oFont = dc->SelectObject(&m_font);
- DrawBasic(dc);
- DrawGrid(dc);
- DrawPlot(dc);
- DrawLegend(dc);
- dc->SelectObject(oFont);
- }
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- void clPlot::DrawBasic(CDC * dc)
- {
- CBrush brushctlBkColor(m_ctlBkColor);
- dc->FillRect(m_ctlRect,&brushctlBkColor);
- if(m_bctlBorder)
- {
- }
- dc->Rectangle(m_plotRect);
- DrawLegendShadow(dc);
- }
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- void clPlot::DrawPlot(CDC * dc)
- {
- for(int s=0;s<MAXSERIES;s++)
- {
- if(m_series[s].m_bIAmInUse)
- {
- DrawSerie(dc, s);
- }
- }
- }
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- void clPlot::DrawSerie(CDC *dc,int s)
- {
- BOOL bMore=TRUE;
- BOOL bDraw;
- CPoint p;
- int ly;
- // lets get some serie parameters now and save the time of indexing during the loop
- long y = m_series[s].m_lbegin;
- long m = m_series[s].m_lend;
- long a = m_series[s].m_lNoValues;
- BOOL bRightAxis = m_series[s].m_bRightAxisAlign;
- CPen pen(m_series[s].m_iLineStyle, 1, m_series[s].m_color);
- CPen *old = dc->SelectObject(&pen);
- while(bMore){
- bDraw=FALSE;
- bMore=FALSE;
- ly=0;
- while(y != m && !bDraw){
- if(m_series[s].m_pvalues[y].dValue == m_dNoData)
- {
- bDraw = TRUE;
- bMore = TRUE;
- }else{
- // Scaling. We do scaling inline to save some time
- time_t valuetime = m_series[s].m_pvalues[y].ValueTime.GetTime();
- p.x = (int)(m_plotRect.left + ((valuetime-m_timeaxis.m_mintime.GetTime())/m_timeaxis.m_dSecondsPrPixel));
- if(bRightAxis){
- p.y = (int)(m_plotRect.bottom - ((m_series[s].m_pvalues[y].dValue-m_rightaxis.minrange)/m_rightaxis.m_dValuePrPixel));
- }else{
- p.y = (int)(m_plotRect.bottom - ((m_series[s].m_pvalues[y].dValue-m_leftaxis.minrange)/m_leftaxis.m_dValuePrPixel));
- }
- if((ly == 0 || p.x != pLineArray[ly].x || p.y != pLineArray[ly].y)
- && (p.x >= m_plotRect.left && p.x <= m_plotRect.right))
- {
- pLineArray[ly].x = p.x;
- pLineArray[ly].y = p.y;
- ly++;
- }
- }
- y++;
- if(y > a) // wrap list index ?
- y=0;
- }
- if(ly > 0){
- dc->Polyline(pLineArray, ly);
- }
- }
- dc->SelectObject(old);
- }
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- //*
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- void clPlot::DrawGrid(CDC * dc)
- {
- DrawXAxisGrid(dc);
- DrawYAxisGrid(dc);
- }
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- void clPlot::DrawYAxisGrid(CDC * dc)
- {
- double yGrid = m_leftaxis.minrange;
- double delta = 25.0 + (long)(((m_leftaxis.m_dValuePrPixel)))*25;
- if((long)delta%50 != 0 && delta > 20.0)
- delta +=25;
- double d10 = delta / 5.0;
- // todo: delta switch
- long diff = ((long)yGrid)%((long)delta);
- yGrid = yGrid - diff;
- CPen *old, pen(PS_SOLID, 1, m_gridColor);
- CPen stick(PS_SOLID,0,RGB(0,0,0));
- CPen mline(PS_SOLID,0,RGB(192,192,192));
- for( long sy = (long)((long)(m_leftaxis.minrange) - diff); sy < m_leftaxis.maxrange; sy+=(long)d10)
- {
- int off=3;
- if((long)sy%(long)delta == 0){
- off=5;
- }
- if(sy > m_leftaxis.minrange){
- int y = (int)(m_plotRect.bottom - ((sy-m_leftaxis.minrange)/m_leftaxis.m_dValuePrPixel));
- old = dc->SelectObject(&stick);
- dc->MoveTo(CPoint(m_plotRect.left,y));
- dc->LineTo(CPoint(m_plotRect.left-off,y));
- dc->MoveTo(CPoint(m_plotRect.right,y));
- dc->LineTo(CPoint(m_plotRect.right+off,y));
- dc->SelectObject(old);
- old = dc->SelectObject(&mline);
- dc->MoveTo(CPoint(m_plotRect.left+1,y));
- dc->LineTo(CPoint(m_plotRect.right-1,y));
- dc->SelectObject(old);
- }
- }
- old = dc->SelectObject(&pen);
- while(yGrid <= m_leftaxis.maxrange)
- {
- double yy = m_plotRect.bottom - ((yGrid-m_leftaxis.minrange)/m_leftaxis.m_dValuePrPixel);
- int y = (int)yy;
- if(yGrid > m_leftaxis.minrange && yGrid<m_leftaxis.maxrange){
- dc->MoveTo(CPoint(m_plotRect.left+1,y));
- dc->LineTo(CPoint(m_plotRect.right-1,y));
- }
- char b[100];
- sprintf(b, "%.0f", yGrid);
- dc->DrawText(b, CRect(m_clientRect.left, y-m_TextHeight/2,m_plotRect.left-5,y+m_TextHeight/2), DT_RIGHT|DT_BOTTOM);
- double yr = (m_plotRect.bottom - yy) * m_rightaxis.m_dValuePrPixel + m_rightaxis.minrange;
- sprintf(b, "%.0f", yr);
- dc->DrawText(b, CRect(m_plotRect.right+5, y-m_TextHeight/2,m_clientRect.right,y+m_TextHeight/2), DT_LEFT|DT_BOTTOM);
- yGrid += delta;
- }
- dc->SelectObject(old);
- }
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- void clPlot::DrawXAxisGrid(CDC * dc)
- {
- long yGrid = m_timeaxis.m_mintime.GetTime();
- long delta = (long)(10.0 + (long)(((m_timeaxis.m_dSecondsPrPixel)))*10);
- long d10 = (long)(delta / 10.0);
- // todo: delta switch
- long diff = ((long)yGrid)%((long)delta);
- yGrid = yGrid - diff;
- CPen *old, pen(PS_SOLID, 1, m_gridColor);
- CPen stick(PS_SOLID,0,RGB(0,0,0));
- CPen mline(PS_SOLID,0,RGB(192,192,192));
- for( long sx = m_timeaxis.m_mintime.GetTime() - diff; sx < m_timeaxis.m_maxtime.GetTime(); sx+=d10)
- {
- int off=3;
- if((long)sx%(long)delta == 0){
- off=5;
- }
- if(sx > m_timeaxis.m_mintime.GetTime()){
- int x = (int)(m_plotRect.left + ((sx-m_timeaxis.m_mintime.GetTime())/m_timeaxis.m_dSecondsPrPixel));
- // int x = m_plotRect.right - ((sx-m_timeaxis.m_mintime.GetTime())/m_timeaxis.m_lSecondsPrPixel);
- old = dc->SelectObject(&stick);
- dc->MoveTo(CPoint(x,m_plotRect.bottom));
- dc->LineTo(CPoint(x+off,m_plotRect.bottom));
- dc->SelectObject(old);
- old = dc->SelectObject(&mline);
- dc->MoveTo(CPoint(x,m_plotRect.bottom-1));
- dc->LineTo(CPoint(x,m_plotRect.top+1));
- dc->SelectObject(old);
- }
- }
- old = dc->SelectObject(&pen);
- while(yGrid <= m_timeaxis.m_maxtime.GetTime())
- {
- int x = (int)(m_plotRect.left + ((yGrid-m_timeaxis.m_mintime.GetTime())/m_timeaxis.m_dSecondsPrPixel));
- if(yGrid > m_timeaxis.m_mintime.GetTime() && yGrid<m_timeaxis.m_maxtime.GetTime()){
- dc->MoveTo(CPoint(x,m_plotRect.bottom-1));
- dc->LineTo(CPoint(x,m_plotRect.top+1));
- }
- // char b[100];
- // sprintf(b, "%.0f", yGrid);
- // dc->DrawText(b, CRect(m_clientRect.left, y-m_TextHeight/2,m_plotRect.left-5,y+m_TextHeight/2), DT_RIGHT|DT_BOTTOM);
- yGrid += delta;
- }
- dc->SelectObject(old);
- }
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- void clPlot::DrawLegendShadow(CDC * dc)
- {
- if(m_blegendBorder){
- CPen pen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(127,127,127));
- CPen *oPen = dc->SelectObject(&pen);
- CBrush *oBrush , brush(RGB(127,127,127));
- oBrush = dc->SelectObject(&brush);
- dc->Rectangle(CRect(m_legendRect.left+5,m_legendRect.top+5,m_legendRect.right+5, m_legendRect.bottom+5));
- dc->SelectObject(oBrush);
- dc->SelectObject(oPen);
- }
- }
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- void clPlot::DrawLegend(CDC * dc)
- {
- if(m_blegendBorder){
- CPen pen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(0,0,0));
- CPen *oPen = dc->SelectObject(&pen);
- CBrush *oBrush , brush(m_legendBkColor);
- oBrush = dc->SelectObject(&brush);
- dc->Rectangle(m_legendRect);
- dc->SelectObject(oBrush);
- dc->SelectObject(oPen);
- }
- int y = m_legendRect.top + 5;
- int dx = m_legendRect.left + (2*m_TextHeight);
- int mh = m_TextHeight/2;
- for(int x = 0; x< MAXLEGENDS;x++){
- if(m_primarylegends[x].m_bIAmInUse){
- CRect lRect( dx + 5, y, m_legendRect.right - 5, y + m_TextHeight);
- CPen pen(m_primarylegends[x].m_istyle, 1, m_primarylegends[x].m_color);
- CPen *oPen = dc->SelectObject(&pen);
- dc->MoveTo(CPoint(m_legendRect.left+5, y + mh));
- dc->LineTo(CPoint(dx, y+mh));
- dc->SelectObject(oPen);
- dc->DrawText(m_primarylegends[x].m_szTitle, lRect, DT_LEFT);
- y+=m_TextHeight+1;
- }
- }
- }
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- //* Function: clPlot::AddPoint
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- BOOL clPlot::AddPoint(int serie, CTime &valuetime, double &value)
- {
- if(m_series[serie].m_lNoValues < m_lMaxDataPrSerie){
- m_series[serie].AddPoint(valuetime, value);
- if(m_bAutoScrollX && valuetime > m_timeaxis.m_maxtime){
- time_t span = m_timeaxis.m_maxtime.GetTime() - m_timeaxis.m_mintime.GetTime();
- time_t mintime = valuetime.GetTime() - span;
- SetBXRange(CTime(mintime), valuetime);
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- void clPlot::SetBXRange(CTime &fromtime, CTime &totime, BOOL bMove)
- {
- m_timeaxis.m_mintime = fromtime;
- m_timeaxis.m_maxtime = totime;
- if(!bMove){
- m_timeaxis.m_dSecondsPrPixel = ((double)(m_timeaxis.m_maxtime.GetTime() - m_timeaxis.m_mintime.GetTime()+1)) / (double)m_plotRect.Width();
- }
- }
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- void clPlot::SetLYRange(double &minrange, double &maxrange)
- {
- }
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- void clPlot::SetRYRange(double &minrange, double &maxrange)
- {
- }
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- void clPlot::SetBXTitle(const char *title)
- {
- }
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- void clPlot::SetLYTitle(const char *title)
- {
- }
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- void clPlot::SetRYTitle(const char *title)
- {
- }
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- void clPlot::Reset()
- {
- }
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- void clPlot::SetSerie(int s, int style, COLORREF color, double minrange, double maxrange, const char *szTitle, BOOL Rightalign)
- {
- m_series[s].m_bIAmInUse = TRUE;
- m_series[s].m_color = color;
- m_series[s].m_iLineStyle = style;
- m_series[s].m_bRightAxisAlign = Rightalign;
- }
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- void clPlot::MoveWindow(CRect & Rect)
- {
- m_ctlRect = Rect;
- GetParent()->ClientToScreen(m_ctlRect);
- ScreenToClient(m_ctlRect);
- ComputeRects(TRUE);
- CWnd::MoveWindow(Rect);
- }
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- //*******************************************************************************************************/
- void clPlot::SetLegend(int l, int style, COLORREF color, const char *text)
- {
- m_primarylegends[l].m_bIAmInUse = TRUE;
- m_primarylegends[l].m_color = color;
- m_primarylegends[l].m_istyle = style;
- m_primarylegends[l].m_szTitle = text;
- CClientDC dc(this);
- CFont *oFont = dc.SelectObject(&m_font);
- int w = 0;
- int n=0;
- for(int x = 0; x< MAXLEGENDS;x++){
- if(m_primarylegends[x].m_bIAmInUse){
- n++;
- CSize z=dc.GetTextExtent(CString(m_primarylegends[x].m_szTitle));
- if(z.cx > w )
- w=z.cx;
- // m_TextHeight = z.cy;
- }
- }
- m_legendRect.right = m_legendRect.left + 10+(2*m_TextHeight) + w;
- m_legendRect.bottom = m_legendRect.top + 10 + (m_TextHeight*n);
- dc.SelectObject(oFont);
- }