- unit hxDllClient;
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Forms, Dialogs, Classes, SysUtils, hxUpdate, hxClasses, hxFileRes;
- type
- ThxDllClient = class(TObject)
- private
- FDownloadProgress: TDownloadProgress;
- FTotalSize: Integer;
- FWorking: Boolean;
- FNewVersions: TVersionList;
- FOldVersions: TVersionList;
- FClient: ThxUpdateClient;
- FHost: string;
- FPort: Integer;
- FProjectName: string;
- FProxyInfo: TProxyInfo;
- procedure DoDownloadFileList(Sender: TObject; DownloadStatus: TDownloadStatus;
- const WorkCount: Integer);
- procedure DoDownloadFiles(Sender: TObject; DownloadStatus: TDownloadStatus;
- const WorkCount: Integer);
- procedure RefreshNewFileList(ResTree: TResTree; var TotalSize: Integer);
- function GetOldVersion(FileName: string): TVersion;
- function GetNewVersion(FileName: string): TVersion;
- procedure SetActive(const Value: Boolean);
- function GetActive: Boolean;
- public
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function CheckNewVersion: Boolean;
- procedure UpdateProduct(DownloadProgress: TDownloadProgress);
- property Host: string read FHost write FHost;
- property Port: Integer read FPort write FPort;
- property ProxyInfo: TProxyInfo read FProxyInfo write FProxyInfo;
- property ProjectName: string read FProjectName write FProjectName;
- property OldVersions: TVersionList read FOldVersions;
- property NewVersions: TVersionList read FNewVersions;
- property Active: Boolean read GetActive write SetActive;
- end;
- implementation
- { ThxDllClient }
- function ThxDllClient.CheckNewVersion: Boolean;
- var
- T: Cardinal;
- begin
- Active:= True;
- T:= GetTickCount;
- FClient.DownloadFileList(DoDownloadFileList);
- while GetTickCount - T < G_TimeOut do
- begin
- if not FWorking then
- begin
- Result:= FTotalSize <> 0;
- Active:= False;
- Exit;
- end;
- if Application.Terminated then
- Break;
- Application.ProcessMessages;
- end;
- raise Exception.Create('网络超时,无法连接到LiveUpdate服务器!');
- end;
- constructor ThxDllClient.Create;
- var
- VerName: string;
- begin
- FNewVersions:= TVersionList.Create('');
- VerName:= ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + ProjectName + '.ver';
- //VerName:= StringReplace(Application.ExeName, '.exe', '.ver', [rfReplaceAll]);
- FOldVersions:= TVersionList.Create(VerName);
- FTotalSize:= 0;
- FWorking:= True;
- FClient:= nil;
- FDownloadProgress:= nil;
- FProjectName:= ProjectName;
- end;
- destructor ThxDllClient.Destroy;
- begin
- FOldVersions.Free;
- if Assigned(FClient) then
- FClient.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure ThxDllClient.DoDownloadFileList(Sender: TObject;
- DownloadStatus: TDownloadStatus; const WorkCount: Integer);
- begin
- case DownloadStatus of
- dsBegin:
- begin
- end;
- dsFileData:
- begin
- end;
- dsEnd:
- begin
- FTotalSize:= 0;
- RefreshNewFileList((Sender as TDownloadFileListThread).ResTree, FTotalSize);
- FWorking:= False;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure ThxDllClient.DoDownloadFiles(Sender: TObject; DownloadStatus: TDownloadStatus;
- const WorkCount: Integer);
- var
- FileName: string;
- NewVersion: TVersion;
- begin
- FileName:= (Sender as TDownloadFilesThread).DownloadFileName;
- case DownloadStatus of
- dsBegin, dsFileBegin, dsFileData, dsEnd:
- begin
- if Assigned(FDownloadProgress) then
- FDownloadProgress(DownloadStatus, FileName, WorkCount);
- end;
- dsFileEnd: //更新版本号
- begin
- NewVersion:= GetNewVersion(FileName);
- FOldVersions.Update(FileName, NewVersion);
- if Assigned(FDownloadProgress) then
- FDownloadProgress(dsFileEnd, FileName, WorkCount);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function ThxDllClient.GetActive: Boolean;
- begin
- Result:= FClient.Active;
- end;
- function ThxDllClient.GetNewVersion(FileName: string): TVersion;
- var
- Index: Integer;
- begin
- Index:= FNewVersions.IndexOf(FileName);
- if Index <> -1 then
- Result:= FNewVersions.Items[Index]^.Version;
- end;
- function ThxDllClient.GetOldVersion(FileName: string): TVersion;
- var
- Index: Integer;
- begin
- Index:= FOldVersions.IndexOf(FileName);
- if Index <> -1 then
- Result:= FOldVersions[Index].Version
- else
- Result:= 'Unknown';
- end;
- procedure ThxDllClient.RefreshNewFileList(ResTree: TResTree;
- var TotalSize: Integer);
- procedure TravelTree(Node: TNode);
- var
- I: Integer;
- pInfo: PResInfo;
- begin
- if Node = nil then Exit;
- pInfo:= PResInfo(Node.Data);
- if pInfo^.ResType = rtFile then
- begin
- if not SameVersion(pInfo^.Version, GetOldVersion(pInfo^.DownloadURL)) then
- begin
- FNewVersions.Update(pInfo^.DownloadURL, pInfo^.Version);
- Inc(TotalSize, pInfo^.FileSize);
- end;
- end;
- for I:= 0 to Node.Count - 1 do
- TravelTree(Node.Children[I]);
- end;
- var
- I: Integer;
- Node: TNode;
- begin
- FNewVersions.Clear;
- Node:= ResTree.RootNode;
- for I:= 0 to Node.Count - 1 do
- TravelTree(Node.Children[I]);
- end;
- procedure ThxDllClient.SetActive(const Value: Boolean);
- var
- T: Cardinal;
- begin
- if FProjectName = '' then
- raise Exception.Create('Dll未初始化,必须先调用Init函数进行初始化!');
- if not Assigned(FClient) then
- FClient:= ThxUpdateClient.Create(FProjectName);
- if FClient.Active <> Value then
- begin
- if not FClient.Active then
- begin
- T:= GetTickCount;
- FClient.ProxyInfo:= FProxyInfo;
- FClient.Open(Host, Port);
- //异步转为同步
- while GetTickCount - T < 60000 do
- begin
- if FClient.Active = True then Exit;
- Application.ProcessMessages;
- end;
- raise Exception.CreateFmt('连接超时,错误码是%d', [GetLastError]);
- end
- else
- FClient.Close;
- end;
- end;
- procedure ThxDllClient.UpdateProduct(DownloadProgress: TDownloadProgress);
- var
- I: Integer;
- slFiles: TStrings;
- begin
- Active:= True;
- Assert(FClient.Active = True);
- FDownloadProgress:= DownloadProgress;
- if Assigned(FDownloadProgress) then
- FDownloadProgress(dsBegin, '', FTotalSize);
- slFiles:= TStringList.Create;
- try
- for I:= 0 to FNewVersions.Count - 1 do
- slFiles.Add(FNewVersions[I].FileName);
- FClient.DownloadFiles(slFiles, DoDownloadFiles);
- finally
- slFiles.Free;
- end;
- end;
- end.