- #include <memory.h>
- #include "portab.h"
- #include "yuv2rgb.h"
- #define MAXIMUM_Y_WIDTH 800
- #define _USE_PREFETCH
- static uint64_t mmw_mult_Y = 0x2568256825682568;
- static uint64_t mmw_mult_U_G = 0xf36ef36ef36ef36e;
- static uint64_t mmw_mult_U_B = 0x40cf40cf40cf40cf;
- static uint64_t mmw_mult_V_R = 0x3343334333433343;
- static uint64_t mmw_mult_V_G = 0xe5e2e5e2e5e2e5e2;
- static uint64_t mmb_0x10 = 0x1010101010101010;
- static uint64_t mmw_0x0080 = 0x0080008000800080;
- static uint64_t mmw_0x00ff = 0x00ff00ff00ff00ff;
- static uint64_t mmw_cut_red = 0x7c007c007c007c00;
- static uint64_t mmw_cut_green = 0x03e003e003e003e0;
- static uint64_t mmw_cut_blue = 0x001f001f001f001f;
- void yuv2rgb_32(uint8_t *puc_y, int stride_y,
- uint8_t *puc_u, uint8_t *puc_v, int stride_uv,
- uint8_t *puc_out, int width_y, int height_y,
- unsigned int _stride_out) {
- int y, horiz_count;
- int stride_out = width_y * 4;
- if (height_y < 0) {
- height_y = -height_y;
- puc_y += (height_y - 1) * stride_y ;
- puc_u += (height_y/2 - 1) * stride_uv;
- puc_v += (height_y/2 - 1) * stride_uv;
- stride_y = -stride_y;
- stride_uv = -stride_uv;
- }
- horiz_count = -(width_y >> 3);
- for (y=0; y<height_y; y++) {
- _asm {
- push eax
- push ebx
- push ecx
- push edx
- push edi
- mov eax, puc_out
- mov ebx, puc_y
- mov ecx, puc_u
- mov edx, puc_v
- mov edi, horiz_count
- horiz_loop:
- movd mm2, [ecx]
- pxor mm7, mm7
- movd mm3, [edx]
- punpcklbw mm2, mm7 ; mm2 = __u3__u2__u1__u0
- movq mm0, [ebx] ; mm0 = y7y6y5y4y3y2y1y0
- punpcklbw mm3, mm7 ; mm3 = __v3__v2__v1__v0
- movq mm1, mmw_0x00ff ; mm1 = 00ff00ff00ff00ff
- psubusb mm0, mmb_0x10 ; mm0 -= 16
- psubw mm2, mmw_0x0080 ; mm2 -= 128
- pand mm1, mm0 ; mm1 = __y6__y4__y2__y0
- psubw mm3, mmw_0x0080 ; mm3 -= 128
- psllw mm1, 3 ; mm1 *= 8
- psrlw mm0, 8 ; mm0 = __y7__y5__y3__y1
- psllw mm2, 3 ; mm2 *= 8
- pmulhw mm1, mmw_mult_Y ; mm1 *= luma coeff
- psllw mm0, 3 ; mm0 *= 8
- psllw mm3, 3 ; mm3 *= 8
- movq mm5, mm3 ; mm5 = mm3 = v
- pmulhw mm5, mmw_mult_V_R ; mm5 = red chroma
- movq mm4, mm2 ; mm4 = mm2 = u
- pmulhw mm0, mmw_mult_Y ; mm0 *= luma coeff
- movq mm7, mm1 ; even luma part
- pmulhw mm2, mmw_mult_U_G ; mm2 *= u green coeff
- paddsw mm7, mm5 ; mm7 = luma + chroma __r6__r4__r2__r0
- pmulhw mm3, mmw_mult_V_G ; mm3 *= v green coeff
- packuswb mm7, mm7 ; mm7 = r6r4r2r0r6r4r2r0
- pmulhw mm4, mmw_mult_U_B ; mm4 = blue chroma
- paddsw mm5, mm0 ; mm5 = luma + chroma __r7__r5__r3__r1
- packuswb mm5, mm5 ; mm6 = r7r5r3r1r7r5r3r1
- paddsw mm2, mm3 ; mm2 = green chroma
- movq mm3, mm1 ; mm3 = __y6__y4__y2__y0
- movq mm6, mm1 ; mm6 = __y6__y4__y2__y0
- paddsw mm3, mm4 ; mm3 = luma + chroma __b6__b4__b2__b0
- paddsw mm6, mm2 ; mm6 = luma + chroma __g6__g4__g2__g0
- punpcklbw mm7, mm5 ; mm7 = r7r6r5r4r3r2r1r0
- paddsw mm2, mm0 ; odd luma part plus chroma part __g7__g5__g3__g1
- packuswb mm6, mm6 ; mm2 = g6g4g2g0g6g4g2g0
- packuswb mm2, mm2 ; mm2 = g7g5g3g1g7g5g3g1
- packuswb mm3, mm3 ; mm3 = b6b4b2b0b6b4b2b0
- paddsw mm4, mm0 ; odd luma part plus chroma part __b7__b5__b3__b1
- packuswb mm4, mm4 ; mm4 = b7b5b3b1b7b5b3b1
- punpcklbw mm6, mm2 ; mm6 = g7g6g5g4g3g2g1g0
- punpcklbw mm3, mm4 ; mm3 = b7b6b5b4b3b2b1b0
- /* 32-bit shuffle.... */
- pxor mm0, mm0 ; is this needed?
- movq mm1, mm6 ; mm1 = g7g6g5g4g3g2g1g0
- punpcklbw mm1, mm0 ; mm1 = __g3__g2__g1__g0
- movq mm0, mm3 ; mm0 = b7b6b5b4b3b2b1b0
- punpcklbw mm0, mm7 ; mm0 = r3b3r2b2r1b1r0b0
- movq mm2, mm0 ; mm2 = r3b3r2b2r1b1r0b0
- punpcklbw mm0, mm1 ; mm0 = __r1g1b1__r0g0b0
- punpckhbw mm2, mm1 ; mm2 = __r3g3b3__r2g2b2
- movq [eax], mm0 ; eax[0] = __r1g1b1__r0g0b0
- movq mm1, mm6 ; mm1 = g7g6g5g4g3g2g1g0
- movq 8[eax], mm2 ; eax[8] = __r3g3b3__r2g2b2
- pxor mm0, mm0 ; is this needed?
- punpckhbw mm1, mm0 ; mm1 = __g7__g6__g5__g4
- movq mm0, mm3 ; mm0 = b7b6b5b4b3b2b1b0
- punpckhbw mm0, mm7 ; mm0 = r7b7r6b6r5b5r4b4
- movq mm2, mm0 ; mm2 = r7b7r6b6r5b5r4b4
- punpcklbw mm0, mm1 ; mm0 = __r5g5b5__r4g4b4
- punpckhbw mm2, mm1 ; mm2 = __r7g7b7__r6g6b6
- add ebx, 8 ; puc_y += 8;
- add ecx, 4 ; puc_u += 4;
- movq 16[eax], mm0 ; eax[16] = __r5g5b5__r4g4b4
- add edx, 4 ; puc_v += 4;
- movq 24[eax], mm2 ; eax[24] = __r7g7b7__r6g6b6
- add eax, 32 ; puc_out += 32
- inc edi
- jne horiz_loop
- pop edi
- pop edx
- pop ecx
- pop ebx
- pop eax
- emms
- }
- puc_y += stride_y;
- if (y%2) {
- puc_u += stride_uv;
- puc_v += stride_uv;
- }
- puc_out += stride_out;
- }
- }
- void yuv2rgb_24(uint8_t *puc_y, int stride_y,
- uint8_t *puc_u, uint8_t *puc_v, int stride_uv,
- uint8_t *puc_out, int width_y, int height_y,
- unsigned int _stride_out) {
- int y, horiz_count;
- uint8_t *puc_out_remembered;
- int stride_out = width_y * 3;
- if (height_y < 0) {
- height_y = -height_y;
- puc_y += (height_y - 1) * stride_y ;
- puc_u += (height_y/2 - 1) * stride_uv;
- puc_v += (height_y/2 - 1) * stride_uv;
- stride_y = -stride_y;
- stride_uv = -stride_uv;
- }
- horiz_count = -(width_y >> 3);
- for (y=0; y<height_y; y++) {
- if (y == height_y-1) {
- uint8_t temp_buff[3*MAXIMUM_Y_WIDTH+1];
- puc_out_remembered = puc_out;
- puc_out = temp_buff;
- }
- _asm {
- push eax
- push ebx
- push ecx
- push edx
- push edi
- mov eax, puc_out
- mov ebx, puc_y
- mov ecx, puc_u
- mov edx, puc_v
- mov edi, horiz_count
- horiz_loop:
- movd mm2, [ecx]
- pxor mm7, mm7
- movd mm3, [edx]
- punpcklbw mm2, mm7 ; mm2 = __u3__u2__u1__u0
- movq mm0, [ebx] ; mm0 = y7y6y5y4y3y2y1y0
- punpcklbw mm3, mm7 ; mm3 = __v3__v2__v1__v0
- movq mm1, mmw_0x00ff ; mm1 = 00ff00ff00ff00ff
- psubusb mm0, mmb_0x10 ; mm0 -= 16
- psubw mm2, mmw_0x0080 ; mm2 -= 128
- pand mm1, mm0 ; mm1 = __y6__y4__y2__y0
- psubw mm3, mmw_0x0080 ; mm3 -= 128
- psllw mm1, 3 ; mm1 *= 8
- psrlw mm0, 8 ; mm0 = __y7__y5__y3__y1
- psllw mm2, 3 ; mm2 *= 8
- pmulhw mm1, mmw_mult_Y ; mm1 *= luma coeff
- psllw mm0, 3 ; mm0 *= 8
- psllw mm3, 3 ; mm3 *= 8
- movq mm5, mm3 ; mm5 = mm3 = v
- pmulhw mm5, mmw_mult_V_R ; mm5 = red chroma
- movq mm4, mm2 ; mm4 = mm2 = u
- pmulhw mm0, mmw_mult_Y ; mm0 *= luma coeff
- movq mm7, mm1 ; even luma part
- pmulhw mm2, mmw_mult_U_G ; mm2 *= u green coeff
- paddsw mm7, mm5 ; mm7 = luma + chroma __r6__r4__r2__r0
- pmulhw mm3, mmw_mult_V_G ; mm3 *= v green coeff
- packuswb mm7, mm7 ; mm7 = r6r4r2r0r6r4r2r0
- pmulhw mm4, mmw_mult_U_B ; mm4 = blue chroma
- paddsw mm5, mm0 ; mm5 = luma + chroma __r7__r5__r3__r1
- packuswb mm5, mm5 ; mm6 = r7r5r3r1r7r5r3r1
- paddsw mm2, mm3 ; mm2 = green chroma
- movq mm3, mm1 ; mm3 = __y6__y4__y2__y0
- movq mm6, mm1 ; mm6 = __y6__y4__y2__y0
- paddsw mm3, mm4 ; mm3 = luma + chroma __b6__b4__b2__b0
- paddsw mm6, mm2 ; mm6 = luma + chroma __g6__g4__g2__g0
- punpcklbw mm7, mm5 ; mm7 = r7r6r5r4r3r2r1r0
- paddsw mm2, mm0 ; odd luma part plus chroma part __g7__g5__g3__g1
- packuswb mm6, mm6 ; mm2 = g6g4g2g0g6g4g2g0
- packuswb mm2, mm2 ; mm2 = g7g5g3g1g7g5g3g1
- packuswb mm3, mm3 ; mm3 = b6b4b2b0b6b4b2b0
- paddsw mm4, mm0 ; odd luma part plus chroma part __b7__b5__b3__b1
- packuswb mm4, mm4 ; mm4 = b7b5b3b1b7b5b3b1
- punpcklbw mm6, mm2 ; mm6 = g7g6g5g4g3g2g1g0
- punpcklbw mm3, mm4 ; mm3 = b7b6b5b4b3b2b1b0
- pxor mm0, mm0 ; is this needed?
- movq mm1, mm6 ; mm1 = g7g6g5g4g3g2g1g0
- punpcklbw mm1, mm0 ; mm1 = __g3__g2__g1__g0
- movq mm0, mm3 ; mm0 = b7b6b5b4b3b2b1b0
- punpcklbw mm0, mm7 ; mm0 = r3b3r2b2r1b1r0b0
- movq mm2, mm0 ; mm2 = r3b3r2b2r1b1r0b0
- punpcklbw mm0, mm1 ; mm0 = __r1g1b1__r0g0b0
- punpckhbw mm2, mm1 ; mm2 = __r3g3b3__r2g2b2
- movd [eax], mm0 ; eax[0] = __r0g0b0
- psrlq mm0, 32 ; mm0 = __r1g1b1
- movd 3[eax], mm0 ; eax[3] = __r1g1b1
- movd 6[eax], mm2 ; eax[6] = __r2g2b2
- psrlq mm2, 32 ; mm2 = __r3g3b3
- movd 9[eax], mm2 ; eax[9] = __r3g3b3
- pxor mm0, mm0 ; is this needed?
- movq mm1, mm6 ; mm1 = g7g6g5g4g3g2g1g0
- punpckhbw mm1, mm0 ; mm1 = __g7__g6__g5__g4
- movq mm0, mm3 ; mm0 = b7b6b5b4b3b2b1b0
- punpckhbw mm0, mm7 ; mm0 = r7b7r6b6r5b5r4b4
- movq mm2, mm0 ; mm2 = r7b7r6b6r5b5r4b4
- punpcklbw mm0, mm1 ; mm0 = __r5g5b5__r4g4b4
- punpckhbw mm2, mm1 ; mm2 = __r7g7b7__r6g6b6
- movd 12[eax], mm0 ; eax[12] = __r4g4b4
- psrlq mm0, 32 ; mm0 = __r5g5b5
- movd 15[eax], mm0 ; eax[15] = __r5g5b5
- add ebx, 8 ; puc_y += 8;
- movd 18[eax], mm2 ; eax[18] = __r6g6b6
- psrlq mm2, 32 ; mm2 = __r7g7b7
- add ecx, 4 ; puc_u += 4;
- add edx, 4 ; puc_v += 4;
- movd 21[eax], mm2 ; eax[21] = __r7g7b7
- add eax, 24 ; puc_out += 24
- inc edi
- jne horiz_loop
- pop edi
- pop edx
- pop ecx
- pop ebx
- pop eax
- emms
- }
- if (y == height_y-1) {
- int x = 3 * width_y;
- uint8_t *ps = puc_out;
- uint8_t *pd = puc_out_remembered;
- while (x--) *(pd++) = *(ps++);
- }
- puc_y += stride_y;
- if (y%2) {
- puc_u += stride_uv;
- puc_v += stride_uv;
- }
- puc_out += stride_out;
- }
- }
- static uint64_t mask_5 = 0xf8f8f8f8f8f8f8f8;
- static uint64_t mask_6 = 0xfcfcfcfcfcfcfcfc;
- static uint64_t mask_blue = 0x1f1f1f1f1f1f1f1f;
- void yuv2rgb_555(uint8_t *puc_y, int stride_y,
- uint8_t *puc_u, uint8_t *puc_v, int stride_uv,
- uint8_t *puc_out, int width_y, int height_y,
- unsigned int _stride_out) {
- int y, horiz_count;
- int stride_out = width_y * 2;
- if (height_y < 0) {
- height_y = -height_y;
- puc_y += (height_y - 1) * stride_y ;
- puc_u += (height_y/2 - 1) * stride_uv;
- puc_v += (height_y/2 - 1) * stride_uv;
- stride_y = -stride_y;
- stride_uv = -stride_uv;
- }
- horiz_count = -(width_y >> 3);
- for (y=0; y<height_y; y++) {
- _asm {
- push eax
- push ebx
- push ecx
- push edx
- push edi
- mov eax, puc_out
- mov ebx, puc_y
- mov ecx, puc_u
- mov edx, puc_v
- mov edi, horiz_count
- horiz_loop:
- movd mm2, [ecx] ; mm2 = ________u3u2u1u0
- movd mm3, [edx] ; mm3 = ________v3v2v1v0
- movq mm0, [ebx] ; mm0 = y7y6y5y4y3y2y1y0
- pxor mm7, mm7 ; zero mm7
- punpcklbw mm2, mm7 ; mm2 = __u3__u2__u1__u0
- punpcklbw mm3, mm7 ; mm3 = __v3__v2__v1__v0
- psubw mm2, mmw_0x0080 ; mm2 -= 128
- psubw mm3, mmw_0x0080 ; mm3 -= 128
- psllw mm2, 3 ; mm2 *= 8
- psllw mm3, 3 ; mm3 *= 8
- movq mm4, mm2 ; mm4 = mm2 = u
- movq mm5, mm3 ; mm5 = mm3 = v
- pmulhw mm2, mmw_mult_U_G ; mm2 *= u green coeff
- pmulhw mm3, mmw_mult_V_G ; mm3 *= v green coeff
- pmulhw mm4, mmw_mult_U_B ; mm4 = blue chroma
- pmulhw mm5, mmw_mult_V_R ; mm5 = red chroma
- paddsw mm2, mm3 ; mm2 = green chroma
- psubusb mm0, mmb_0x10 ; mm0 -= 16
- movq mm1, mmw_0x00ff ; mm1 = 00ff00ff00ff00ff
- psrlw mm0, 8 ; mm0 = __y7__y5__y3__y1 luma odd
- pand mm1, mm0 ; mm1 = __y6__y4__y2__y0 luma even
- psllw mm0, 3 ; mm0 *= 8
- psllw mm1, 3 ; mm1 *= 8
- pmulhw mm0, mmw_mult_Y ; mm0 luma odd *= luma coeff
- pmulhw mm1, mmw_mult_Y ; mm1 luma even *= luma coeff
- movq mm3, mm4 ; copy blue chroma
- movq mm6, mm5 ; copy red chroma
- movq mm7, mm2 ; copy green chroma
- paddsw mm3, mm0 ; mm3 = luma odd + blue chroma
- paddsw mm4, mm1 ; mm4 = luma even + blue chroma
- paddsw mm6, mm0 ; mm6 = luma odd + red chroma
- paddsw mm5, mm1 ; mm5 = luma even + red chroma
- paddsw mm7, mm0 ; mm7 = luma odd + green chroma
- paddsw mm2, mm1 ; mm2 = luma even + green chroma
- packuswb mm3, mm3
- packuswb mm4, mm4
- packuswb mm6, mm6
- packuswb mm5, mm5
- packuswb mm7, mm7
- packuswb mm2, mm2
- punpcklbw mm4, mm3 ; mm4 = b7b6b5b4b3b2b1b0 blue
- punpcklbw mm5, mm6 ; mm5 = r7r6r5r4r3r2r1r0 red
- punpcklbw mm2, mm7 ; mm2 = g7g6g5g4g3g2g1g0 green
- pand mm4, mask_5
- pand mm5, mask_5
- pand mm2, mask_5
- psrlw mm4, 3 ; mm4 = blue shifted
- pand mm4, mask_blue ; mask the blue again
- pxor mm7, mm7 ; zero mm7
- movq mm1, mm4 ; mm1 = copy blue
- movq mm3, mm5 ; mm3 = copy red
- movq mm6, mm2 ; mm6 = copy green
- punpckhbw mm1, mm7
- punpckhbw mm3, mm7
- punpckhbw mm6, mm7
- psllw mm6, 2 ; shift green
- psllw mm3, 7 ; shift red
- por mm6, mm3
- por mm6, mm1
- movq 8[eax], mm6
- punpcklbw mm2, mm7 ; mm2 = __g3__g2__g1__g0 already masked
- punpcklbw mm5, mm7
- punpcklbw mm4, mm7
- psllw mm2, 2 ; shift green
- psllw mm5, 7 ; shift red
- por mm2, mm5
- por mm2, mm4
- movq [eax], mm2
- add ebx, 8 ; puc_y += 8;
- add ecx, 4 ; puc_u += 4;
- add edx, 4 ; puc_v += 4;
- add eax, 16 ; puc_out += 16 // wrote 16 bytes
- inc edi
- jne horiz_loop
- pop edi
- pop edx
- pop ecx
- pop ebx
- pop eax
- emms
- }
- puc_y += stride_y;
- if (y%2) {
- puc_u += stride_uv;
- puc_v += stride_uv;
- }
- puc_out += stride_out;
- }
- }
- /***/
- #define _S(a) (a)>255 ? 255 : (a)<0 ? 0 : (a)
- #define _R(y,u,v) (0x2568*(y) + 0x3343*(u)) /0x2000
- #define _G(y,u,v) (0x2568*(y) - 0x0c92*(v) - 0x1a1e*(u)) /0x2000
- #define _B(y,u,v) (0x2568*(y) + 0x40cf*(v)) /0x2000
- #define _mR 0x7c00
- #define _mG 0x03e0
- #define _mB 0x001f
- #define _Ps565(r,g,b) ( ((r & 0xF8) >> 3) | (((g & 0xF8) << 3)) | (((b & 0xF8) << 8)) )
- void yuv2rgb_565(uint8_t *puc_y, int stride_y,
- uint8_t *puc_u, uint8_t *puc_v, int stride_uv,
- uint8_t *puc_out, int width_y, int height_y,
- unsigned int _stride_out)
- {
- int y, horiz_count;
- unsigned short * pus_out;
- int stride_out = width_y * 2;
- if (height_y < 0) {
- height_y = -height_y;
- puc_y += (height_y - 1) * stride_y ;
- puc_u += (height_y/2 - 1) * stride_uv;
- puc_v += (height_y/2 - 1) * stride_uv;
- stride_y = -stride_y;
- stride_uv = -stride_uv;
- }
- pus_out = (unsigned short *) puc_out;
- horiz_count = -(width_y >> 3);
- for (y=0; y<height_y; y++)
- {
- _asm {
- push eax
- push ebx
- push ecx
- push edx
- push edi
- mov eax, puc_out
- mov ebx, puc_y
- mov ecx, puc_u
- mov edx, puc_v
- mov edi, horiz_count
- horiz_loop:
- movd mm2, [ecx] ; mm2 = ________u3u2u1u0
- movd mm3, [edx] ; mm3 = ________v3v2v1v0
- movq mm0, [ebx] ; mm0 = y7y6y5y4y3y2y1y0
- pxor mm7, mm7 ; zero mm7
- punpcklbw mm2, mm7 ; mm2 = __u3__u2__u1__u0
- punpcklbw mm3, mm7 ; mm3 = __v3__v2__v1__v0
- psubw mm2, mmw_0x0080 ; mm2 -= 128
- psubw mm3, mmw_0x0080 ; mm3 -= 128
- psllw mm2, 3 ; mm2 *= 8
- psllw mm3, 3 ; mm3 *= 8
- movq mm4, mm2 ; mm4 = mm2 = u
- movq mm5, mm3 ; mm5 = mm3 = v
- pmulhw mm2, mmw_mult_U_G ; mm2 *= u green coeff
- pmulhw mm3, mmw_mult_V_G ; mm3 *= v green coeff
- pmulhw mm4, mmw_mult_U_B ; mm4 = blue chroma
- pmulhw mm5, mmw_mult_V_R ; mm5 = red chroma
- paddsw mm2, mm3 ; mm2 = green chroma
- psubusb mm0, mmb_0x10 ; mm0 -= 16
- movq mm1, mmw_0x00ff ; mm1 = 00ff00ff00ff00ff
- psrlw mm0, 8 ; mm0 = __y7__y5__y3__y1 luma odd
- pand mm1, mm0 ; mm1 = __y6__y4__y2__y0 luma even
- psllw mm0, 3 ; mm0 *= 8
- psllw mm1, 3 ; mm1 *= 8
- pmulhw mm0, mmw_mult_Y ; mm0 luma odd *= luma coeff
- pmulhw mm1, mmw_mult_Y ; mm1 luma even *= luma coeff
- movq mm3, mm4 ; copy blue chroma
- movq mm6, mm5 ; copy red chroma
- movq mm7, mm2 ; copy green chroma
- paddsw mm3, mm0 ; mm3 = luma odd + blue chroma
- paddsw mm4, mm1 ; mm4 = luma even + blue chroma
- paddsw mm6, mm0 ; mm6 = luma odd + red chroma
- paddsw mm5, mm1 ; mm5 = luma even + red chroma
- paddsw mm7, mm0 ; mm7 = luma odd + green chroma
- paddsw mm2, mm1 ; mm2 = luma even + green chroma
- packuswb mm3, mm3
- packuswb mm4, mm4
- packuswb mm6, mm6
- packuswb mm5, mm5
- packuswb mm7, mm7
- packuswb mm2, mm2
- punpcklbw mm4, mm3 ; mm4 = b7b6b5b4b3b2b1b0 blue
- punpcklbw mm5, mm6 ; mm5 = r7r6r5r4r3r2r1r0 red
- punpcklbw mm2, mm7 ; mm2 = g7g6g5g4g3g2g1g0 green
- pand mm4, mask_5
- pand mm5, mask_5
- pand mm2, mask_5
- psrlw mm4, 3 ; mm4 = red shifted
- pand mm4, mask_blue ; mask the blue again
- pxor mm7, mm7 ; zero mm7
- movq mm1, mm5 ; mm1 = copy blue
- movq mm3, mm4 ; mm3 = copy red
- movq mm6, mm2 ; mm6 = copy green
- punpckhbw mm1, mm7
- punpckhbw mm3, mm7
- punpckhbw mm6, mm7
- psllw mm6, 3 ; shift green
- psllw mm1, 8 ; shift blue
- por mm6, mm3
- por mm6, mm1
- movq 8[eax], mm6
- punpcklbw mm2, mm7 ; mm2 = __g3__g2__g1__g0 already masked
- punpcklbw mm4, mm7
- punpcklbw mm5, mm7
- psllw mm2, 3 ; shift green
- psllw mm5, 8 ; shift blue
- por mm2, mm4
- por mm2, mm5
- movq [eax], mm2
- add ebx, 8 ; puc_y += 8;
- add ecx, 4 ; puc_u += 4;
- add edx, 4 ; puc_v += 4;
- add eax, 16 ; puc_out += 16 // wrote 16 bytes
- inc edi
- jne horiz_loop
- pop edi
- pop edx
- pop ecx
- pop ebx
- pop eax
- emms
- }
- /***/
- puc_y += stride_y;
- if (y%2) {
- puc_u += stride_uv;
- puc_v += stride_uv;
- }
- puc_out += stride_out;
- }
- }
- /***/
- void yuy2_out(uint8_t *puc_y, int stride_y,
- uint8_t *puc_u, uint8_t *puc_v, int stride_uv,
- uint8_t *puc_out, int width_y, int height_y,
- unsigned int stride_out)
- {
- int y;
- uint8_t* puc_out2;
- unsigned int stride_diff = 4 * stride_out - 2 * width_y;
- if (height_y < 0) {
- height_y = -height_y;
- puc_y += (height_y - 1) * stride_y ;
- puc_u += (height_y/2 - 1) * stride_uv;
- puc_v += (height_y/2 - 1) * stride_uv;
- stride_y = -stride_y;
- stride_uv = -stride_uv;
- }
- puc_out2 = puc_out + 2 * stride_out;
- for (y=height_y/2; y; y--) {
- register uint8_t *py, *py2, *pu, *pv;
- register int x;
- uint32_t tmp;
- py = puc_y;
- py2 = puc_y + stride_y;
- pu = puc_u;
- pv = puc_v;
- for (x=width_y/2; x; x--) {
- tmp = *(py++);
- tmp |= *(pu++) << 8;
- tmp |= *(py++) << 16;
- tmp |= *(pv++) << 24;
- *(uint32_t*)puc_out=tmp;
- puc_out += 4;
- tmp &= 0xFF00FF00;
- tmp |= *(py2++);
- tmp |= *(py2++) << 16;
- *(uint32_t*)puc_out2=tmp;
- puc_out2 += 4;
- }
- puc_y += 2*stride_y;
- puc_u += stride_uv;
- puc_v += stride_uv;
- puc_out += stride_diff;
- puc_out2 += stride_diff;
- }
- }
- void uyvy_out(uint8_t *puc_y, int stride_y,
- uint8_t *puc_u, uint8_t *puc_v, int stride_uv,
- uint8_t *puc_out, int width_y, int height_y,
- unsigned int stride_out)
- {
- int y;
- uint8_t* puc_out2;
- unsigned int stride_diff = 4 * stride_out - 2 * width_y;
- if (height_y < 0) {
- height_y = -height_y;
- puc_y += (height_y - 1) * stride_y ;
- puc_u += (height_y/2 - 1) * stride_uv;
- puc_v += (height_y/2 - 1) * stride_uv;
- stride_y = -stride_y;
- stride_uv = -stride_uv;
- }
- puc_out2 = puc_out + 2 * stride_out;
- for (y=height_y/2; y; y--) {
- register uint8_t *py, *py2, *pu, *pv;
- register int x;
- uint32_t tmp;
- py = puc_y;
- py2 = puc_y + stride_y;
- pu = puc_u;
- pv = puc_v;
- for (x=width_y/2; x; x--) {
- tmp = *(pu++);
- tmp |= *(py++) << 8;
- tmp |= *(pv++) << 16;
- tmp |= *(py++) << 24;
- *(uint32_t*)puc_out=tmp;
- puc_out += 4;
- tmp &= 0x00FF00FF;
- tmp |= *(py2++) << 8;
- tmp |= *(py2++) << 24;
- *(uint32_t*)puc_out2=tmp;
- puc_out2 += 4;
- }
- puc_y += 2*stride_y;
- puc_u += stride_uv;
- puc_v += stride_uv;
- puc_out += stride_diff;
- puc_out2 += stride_diff;
- }
- }
- void yuv12_out(uint8_t *puc_y, int stride_y,
- uint8_t *puc_u, uint8_t *puc_v, int stride_uv,
- uint8_t *puc_out, int width_y, int height_y,
- unsigned int stride_out)
- {
- int i;
- unsigned char * pauc_out[3];
- if (height_y < 0) {
- height_y = -height_y;
- puc_y += (height_y - 1) * stride_y ;
- puc_u += (height_y/2 - 1) * stride_uv;
- puc_v += (height_y/2 - 1) * stride_uv;
- stride_y = -stride_y;
- stride_uv = -stride_uv;
- }
- pauc_out[0] = puc_out;
- pauc_out[1] = puc_out + stride_out * height_y;
- pauc_out[2] = puc_out + stride_out * height_y * 5 / 4;
- for (i=0; i<height_y; i++) {
- memcpy(pauc_out[0], puc_y, width_y);
- pauc_out[0] += stride_out;
- puc_y += stride_y;
- }
- for (i=0; i<height_y/2; i++) {
- memcpy(pauc_out[2], puc_u, width_y/2);
- memcpy(pauc_out[1], puc_v, width_y/2);
- pauc_out[1] += stride_out/2;
- pauc_out[2] += stride_out/2;
- puc_u += stride_uv;
- puc_v += stride_uv;
- }
- }
- /***/