- ========================================================================
- ========================================================================
- ControlWizard has created this project for your WINFINDER OLE Control DLL,
- which contains 1 control.
- This skeleton project not only demonstrates the basics of writing an OLE
- Control, but is also a starting point for writing the specific features
- of your control.
- This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files
- that make up your WINFINDER OLE Control DLL.
- WinFinder.mak
- The Visual C++ project makefile for building your OLE Control.
- WinFinder.h
- This is the main include file for the OLE Control DLL. It
- includes other project-specific includes such as resource.h.
- WinFinder.cpp
- This is the main source file that contains code for DLL initialization,
- termination and other bookkeeping.
- WinFinder.rc
- This is a listing of the Microsoft Windows resources that the project
- uses. This file can be directly edited with the Visual C++ resource
- editor.
- WinFinder.def
- This file contains information about the OLE Control DLL that
- must be provided to run with Microsoft Windows.
- WinFinder.clw
- This file contains information used by ClassWizard to edit existing
- classes or add new classes. ClassWizard also uses this file to store
- information needed to generate and edit message maps and dialog data
- maps and to generate prototype member functions.
- WinFinder.odl
- This file contains the Object Description Language source code for the
- type library of your control.
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- WinFinder control:
- WinFinderCtl.h
- This file contains the declaration of the CWinFinderCtrl C++ class.
- WinFinderCtl.cpp
- This file contains the implementation of the CWinFinderCtrl C++ class.
- WinFinderPpg.h
- This file contains the declaration of the CWinFinderPropPage C++ class.
- WinFinderPpg.cpp
- This file contains the implementation of the CWinFinderPropPage C++ class.
- WinFinderCtl.bmp
- This file contains a bitmap that a container will use to represent the
- CWinFinderCtrl control when it appears on a tool palette. This bitmap
- is included by the main resource file WinFinder.rc.
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- Help Support:
- MakeHelp.bat
- Use this batch file to create your OLE control's Help file, WinFinder.hlp.
- WinFinder.hpj
- This file is the Help Project file used by the Help compiler to create
- your OLE control's Help file.
- *.bmp
- These are bitmap files required by the standard Help file topics for
- Microsoft Foundation Class Library standard commands. These files are
- located in the HLP subdirectory.
- WinFinder.rtf
- This file contains the standard help topics for the common properties,
- events and methods supported by many OLE controls. You can edit
- this to add or remove additional control specific topics. This file is
- located in the HLP subdirectory.
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- Licensing support:
- WinFinder.lic
- This is the user license file. This file must be present in the same
- directory as the control's DLL to allow an instance of the control to be
- created in a design-time environment. Typically, you will distribute
- this file with your control, but your customers will not distribute it.
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- Other standard files:
- stdafx.h, stdafx.cpp
- These files are used to build a precompiled header (PCH) file
- named stdafx.pch and a precompiled types (PCT) file named stdafx.obj.
- resource.h
- This is the standard header file, which defines new resource IDs.
- The Visual C++ resource editor reads and updates this file.
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- Other notes:
- ControlWizard uses "TODO:" to indicate parts of the source code you
- should add to or customize.
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////