- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "globals.h"
- #include "resource.h"
- #include "CompositeFile.h"
- void CPSK_DestroySkin(CPs_Skin* pSkin);
- CPs_Skin* CPSK_LoadSkin(CP_COMPOSITEFILE hComposite, const char* pcSkinFile, const unsigned int iFileSize);
- CPs_Skin* glb_pSkin = NULL;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- //
- //
- void CPSK_Initialise()
- {
- char* pcSkinFile;
- unsigned int iFileSize;
- hComposite = CF_Create_FromResource(NULL, IDR_DEFAULTSKIN, "SKIN");
- //hComposite = CF_Create_FromFile("P:\Skin\Default.CPSkin");
- CF_GetSubFile(hComposite, "Skin.def", &pcSkinFile, &iFileSize);
- glb_pSkin = CPSK_LoadSkin(hComposite, pcSkinFile, iFileSize);
- free(pcSkinFile);
- CF_Destroy(hComposite);
- }
- //
- //
- //
- void CPSK_Uninitialise()
- {
- if(glb_pSkin)
- CPSK_DestroySkin(glb_pSkin);
- glb_pSkin = NULL;
- }
- //
- //
- //
- void CPSK_DestroySkin(CPs_Skin* pSkin)
- {
- if(pSkin->mpl_hfFont)
- DeleteObject(pSkin->mpl_hfFont);
- CPIG_DestroyImage(pSkin->mpl_pBackground);
- CPIG_DestroyImage(pSkin->mpl_pListBackground);
- CPIG_DestroyImage(pSkin->mpl_pListHeader_Up);
- CPIG_DestroyImage(pSkin->mpl_pListHeader_Down);
- CPIG_DestroyImage(pSkin->mpl_pHScrollBar_Bk);
- CPIG_DestroyImage(pSkin->mpl_pHScrollBar_TrackUp);
- CPIG_DestroyImage(pSkin->mpl_pHScrollBar_TrackDn);
- CPIG_DestroyImage_WithState(pSkin->mpl_pHScrollBar_Left);
- CPIG_DestroyImage_WithState(pSkin->mpl_pHScrollBar_Right);
- CPIG_DestroyImage(pSkin->mpl_pVScrollBar_Bk);
- CPIG_DestroyImage(pSkin->mpl_pVScrollBar_TrackUp);
- CPIG_DestroyImage(pSkin->mpl_pVScrollBar_TrackDn);
- CPIG_DestroyImage_WithState(pSkin->mpl_pVScrollBar_Up);
- CPIG_DestroyImage_WithState(pSkin->mpl_pVScrollBar_Down);
- CPIG_DestroyImage(pSkin->mpl_pSelection);
- // Remove the command targets
- {
- CPs_CommandTarget* pCT_Cursor = pSkin->mpl_pCommandTargets;
- CPs_CommandTarget* pCT_Cursor_Next;
- while(pCT_Cursor)
- {
- CPIG_DestroyImage_WithState(pCT_Cursor->m_pStateImage);
- pCT_Cursor_Next = (CPs_CommandTarget*)pCT_Cursor->m_pNext;
- free(pCT_Cursor);
- pCT_Cursor = pCT_Cursor_Next;
- }
- }
- // Remove the indicators
- {
- CPs_Indicator* pCT_Cursor = pSkin->mpl_pIndicators;
- CPs_Indicator* pCT_Cursor_Next;
- while(pCT_Cursor)
- {
- pCT_Cursor_Next = (CPs_Indicator*)pCT_Cursor->m_pNext;
- free(pCT_Cursor->m_pcName);
- free(pCT_Cursor);
- pCT_Cursor = pCT_Cursor_Next;
- }
- }
- free(pSkin);
- }
- //
- //
- //
- COLORREF CPSK_DecodeColour(const char* pcColour)
- {
- DWORD dwColour;
- if(sscanf(pcColour, "#%x", &dwColour) == 1)
- {
- // Swap red and blue bytes
- return ((dwColour&0x0000FF)<<16) | (dwColour&0x00FF00) | ((dwColour&0xFF0000)>>16);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- //
- //
- //
- void CPSK_ReadSkinCommand_Define(CP_COMPOSITEFILE hComposite, CPs_Skin* pSkin, const char* pcParams)
- {
- char cSymbol[32];
- char cValue[128];
- // Decode params
- if(sscanf(pcParams, " %32[A-Za-z_] = "%128[^"]"", cSymbol, cValue) != 2)
- return;
- if(stricmp(cSymbol, "CoolSkinVersion") == 0)
- {
- sscanf(cValue, " %d ", &pSkin->m_dwSkinVersion);
- }
- else if(stricmp(cSymbol, "Transparent_MaskColour") == 0)
- {
- pSkin->m_clrTransparent = CPSK_DecodeColour(cValue);
- }
- else if(stricmp(cSymbol, "Playlist_Font") == 0)
- {
- // Clean up old object if the skindef has more than one font
- if(pSkin->mpl_hfFont)
- DeleteObject(pSkin->mpl_hfFont);
- pSkin->mpl_hfFont = CreateFont(-12, 0, 0, 0, FW_NORMAL,
- cValue);
- }
- else if(stricmp(cSymbol, "Playlist_Colour_Text") == 0)
- {
- pSkin->mpl_ListTextColour = CPSK_DecodeColour(cValue);
- }
- else if(stricmp(cSymbol, "Playlist_Colour_Selected") == 0)
- {
- pSkin->mpl_ListTextColour_Selected = CPSK_DecodeColour(cValue);
- }
- else if(stricmp(cSymbol, "Playlist_Colour_Playing") == 0)
- {
- pSkin->mpl_ListTextColour_HotItem = CPSK_DecodeColour(cValue);
- }
- else if(stricmp(cSymbol, "Playlist_Colour_HeaderText") == 0)
- {
- pSkin->mpl_ListHeaderColour = CPSK_DecodeColour(cValue);
- }
- else if(stricmp(cSymbol, "Playlist_ListBorders") == 0)
- {
- if(sscanf(cValue, " %d , %d , %d , %d ",
- &pSkin->mpl_rList_Border.left,
- &pSkin->mpl_rList_Border.right,
- &pSkin->mpl_rList_Border.top,
- &pSkin->mpl_rList_Border.bottom) != 4)
- {
- SetRect(&pSkin->mpl_rList_Border, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- }
- else if(stricmp(cSymbol, "Playlist_MinSize") == 0)
- {
- if(sscanf(cValue, " %d , %d ",
- &pSkin->mpl_szMinWindow.cx,
- &pSkin->mpl_szMinWindow.cy) != 2)
- {
- pSkin->mpl_szMinWindow.cx = 400;
- pSkin->mpl_szMinWindow.cy = 200;
- }
- }
- }
- //
- //
- //
- void CPSK_ReadSkinCommand_TiledDraw(CP_COMPOSITEFILE hComposite, CPs_Skin* pSkin, const char* pcParams)
- {
- char cElement[32];
- char cFile[128];
- RECT rTileBorders;
- CPs_Image** ppImage;
- RECT* pRect;
- // Decode params
- if(sscanf(pcParams, " %32[A-Za-z_-] , "%128[^"]" , %d , %d , %d , %d ",
- cElement, cFile,
- &rTileBorders.left, &rTileBorders.top, &rTileBorders.right, &rTileBorders.bottom) != 6)
- {
- return;
- }
- // Decide which data members are affected
- if(stricmp(cElement, "Playlist_Background") == 0)
- {
- pRect = &pSkin->mpl_rBackground_SourceTile;
- ppImage = &pSkin->mpl_pBackground;
- }
- else if(stricmp(cElement, "Playlist_ListBackground") == 0)
- {
- pRect = &pSkin->mpl_rListBackground_SourceTile;
- ppImage = &pSkin->mpl_pListBackground;
- }
- else if(stricmp(cElement, "Playlist_Header_up") == 0)
- {
- pRect = &pSkin->mpl_rListHeader_SourceTile;
- ppImage = &pSkin->mpl_pListHeader_Up;
- }
- else if(stricmp(cElement, "Playlist_Header_dn") == 0)
- {
- pRect = &pSkin->mpl_rListHeader_SourceTile;
- ppImage = &pSkin->mpl_pListHeader_Down;
- }
- else if(stricmp(cElement, "Playlist_Selection") == 0)
- {
- pRect = &pSkin->mpl_rSelection_Tile;
- ppImage = &pSkin->mpl_pSelection;
- }
- else if(stricmp(cElement, "Playlist_Focus") == 0)
- {
- pRect = &pSkin->mpl_rFocus_Tile;
- ppImage = &pSkin->mpl_pFocus;
- }
- else if(stricmp(cElement, "HScrollBar_Background") == 0)
- {
- pRect = &pSkin->mpl_rHScrollBar_Bk_Tile;
- ppImage = &pSkin->mpl_pHScrollBar_Bk;
- }
- else if(stricmp(cElement, "HScrollBar_Tracker_up") == 0)
- {
- pRect = &pSkin->mpl_rHScrollBar_Track_Tile;
- ppImage = &pSkin->mpl_pHScrollBar_TrackUp;
- }
- else if(stricmp(cElement, "HScrollBar_Tracker_dn") == 0)
- {
- pRect = &pSkin->mpl_rHScrollBar_Track_Tile;
- ppImage = &pSkin->mpl_pHScrollBar_TrackDn;
- }
- else if(stricmp(cElement, "VScrollBar_Background") == 0)
- {
- pRect = &pSkin->mpl_rVScrollBar_Bk_Tile;
- ppImage = &pSkin->mpl_pVScrollBar_Bk;
- }
- else if(stricmp(cElement, "VScrollBar_Tracker_up") == 0)
- {
- pRect = &pSkin->mpl_rVScrollBar_Track_Tile;
- ppImage = &pSkin->mpl_pVScrollBar_TrackUp;
- }
- else if(stricmp(cElement, "VScrollBar_Tracker_dn") == 0)
- {
- pRect = &pSkin->mpl_rVScrollBar_Track_Tile;
- ppImage = &pSkin->mpl_pVScrollBar_TrackDn;
- }
- else
- return;
- // Set data members
- if(*ppImage)
- CPIG_DestroyImage(*ppImage);
- *ppImage = CPIG_CreateImage_FromSubFile(hComposite, cFile);
- *pRect = rTileBorders;
- if(*ppImage)
- {
- pRect->right = (*ppImage)->m_szSize.cx - rTileBorders.right;
- pRect->bottom = (*ppImage)->m_szSize.cy - rTileBorders.bottom;
- }
- }
- //
- //
- //
- void CPSK_ReadSkinCommand_ButtonDraw(CP_COMPOSITEFILE hComposite, CPs_Skin* pSkin, const char* pcParams)
- {
- char cElement[32];
- char cStates[12];
- char cFile[128];
- CPs_Image_WithState** ppImage;
- int iNumStates;
- // Decode params
- if(sscanf(pcParams, " %32[A-Za-z_-] , "%128[^"]" , %12s ",
- cElement, cFile, cStates) != 3)
- {
- return;
- }
- // Setup number of states
- if(stricmp(cStates, "2State") == 0)
- iNumStates = 2;
- else
- iNumStates = 2;
- // Decide which data members are affected by this command
- if(stricmp(cElement, "HScrollBar_Left") == 0)
- {
- ppImage = &pSkin->mpl_pHScrollBar_Left;
- }
- else if(stricmp(cElement, "HScrollBar_Right") == 0)
- {
- ppImage = &pSkin->mpl_pHScrollBar_Right;
- }
- else if(stricmp(cElement, "VScrollBar_Up") == 0)
- {
- ppImage = &pSkin->mpl_pVScrollBar_Up;
- }
- else if(stricmp(cElement, "VScrollBar_Down") == 0)
- {
- ppImage = &pSkin->mpl_pVScrollBar_Down;
- }
- else
- return;
- // Set data members
- if(*ppImage)
- CPIG_DestroyImage_WithState(*ppImage);
- *ppImage = CPIG_CreateStateImage(CPIG_CreateImage_FromSubFile(hComposite, cFile), iNumStates);
- }
- //
- //
- //
- DWORD CPSK_DecodeAlign(const char* pcAlign)
- {
- char cAlign[1024];
- char cAlign_Remains[128];
- char cAlignFlag[128];
- DWORD dwAlignFlag = 0;
- strcpy(cAlign, pcAlign);
- while(sscanf(cAlign, " %128[a-zA-Z_] | %[^ ]", cAlignFlag, cAlign_Remains) > 0)
- {
- strcpy(cAlign, cAlign_Remains);
- cAlign_Remains[0] = ' ';
- if(stricmp(cAlignFlag, "ALIGN_LEFT") == 0)
- else if(stricmp(cAlignFlag, "ALIGN_TOP") == 0)
- else if(stricmp(cAlignFlag, "ALIGN_RIGHT") == 0)
- else if(stricmp(cAlignFlag, "ALIGN_BOTTOM") == 0)
- }
- return dwAlignFlag;
- }
- //
- //
- //
- void CPSK_ReadSkinCommand_AddVerb(CP_COMPOSITEFILE hComposite, CPs_CommandTarget** ppCommandTarget, const char* pcParams)
- {
- char cElement[32];
- char cStates[12];
- char cAlign[128];
- char cFile[128];
- int iNumStates;
- POINT ptOffset;
- wp_Verb pfnVerb = NULL;
- DWORD dwAlignFlag;
- CPs_CommandTarget* pNext;
- // Decode params
- if(sscanf(pcParams, " %32[A-Za-z_-] , "%128[^"]" , %12[0-9a-zA-Z] , %d , %d , "%128[^"]" ",
- cElement, cFile, cStates, &ptOffset.x, &ptOffset.y, cAlign) != 6)
- {
- return;
- }
- // Setup number of states
- if(stricmp(cStates, "3State") == 0)
- iNumStates = 3;
- else
- iNumStates = 2;
- // Find the verb with this name
- {
- int iVerbIDX;
- CPs_VerbQueryName queryname;
- queryname.m_pcName = cElement;
- queryname.m_bNameMatched = FALSE;
- for(iVerbIDX = 0; glb_pfnAllVerbs[iVerbIDX]; iVerbIDX++)
- {
- glb_pfnAllVerbs[iVerbIDX](vaQueryName, &queryname);
- if(queryname.m_bNameMatched)
- {
- pfnVerb = glb_pfnAllVerbs[iVerbIDX];
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // Build the align flags
- dwAlignFlag = CPSK_DecodeAlign(cAlign);
- // Load state image
- pNext = *ppCommandTarget;
- *ppCommandTarget = (CPs_CommandTarget*)malloc(sizeof(CPs_CommandTarget));
- (*ppCommandTarget)->m_pStateImage = CPIG_CreateStateImage(CPIG_CreateImage_FromSubFile(hComposite, cFile), iNumStates);
- (*ppCommandTarget)->m_ptOffset = ptOffset;
- (*ppCommandTarget)->m_dwAlign = dwAlignFlag;
- (*ppCommandTarget)->m_pfnVerb = pfnVerb;
- (*ppCommandTarget)->m_pNext = pNext;
- }
- //
- //
- //
- void CPSK_ReadSkinCommand_AddIndicator(CP_COMPOSITEFILE hComposite, CPs_Skin* pSkin, const char* pcParams)
- {
- char cElement[32];
- char cAlign[128];
- RECT rOffset;
- DWORD dwAlignFlag;
- CPs_Indicator* pNext;
- // Decode params
- if(sscanf(pcParams, " %32[A-Za-z_-] , %d , %d , %d , %d , "%128[^"]" ",
- cElement, &rOffset.left, &rOffset.top, &rOffset.right, &rOffset.bottom, cAlign) != 6)
- {
- return;
- }
- // Build the align flags
- dwAlignFlag = CPSK_DecodeAlign(cAlign);
- // Load state image
- pNext = pSkin->mpl_pIndicators;
- pSkin->mpl_pIndicators = (CPs_Indicator*)malloc(sizeof(CPs_Indicator));
- pSkin->mpl_pIndicators->m_pNext = pNext;
- pSkin->mpl_pIndicators->m_dwAlign = dwAlignFlag;
- pSkin->mpl_pIndicators->m_rAlign = rOffset;
- STR_AllocSetString(&pSkin->mpl_pIndicators->m_pcName, cElement, FALSE);
- }
- void CPSK_ReadSkinCommand_AddPlaylistVerb(CP_COMPOSITEFILE hComposite, CPs_Skin* pSkin, const char* pcParams)
- {
- CPSK_ReadSkinCommand_AddVerb(hComposite, &pSkin->mpl_pCommandTargets, pcParams);
- }
- //
- //
- //
- void CPSK_ReadSkinLine(CP_COMPOSITEFILE hComposite, CPs_Skin* pSkin, const char* pcLine)
- {
- char cCommand[32];
- char cParams[480];
- // Decode command
- if(sscanf(pcLine, " %32s %480[^ ]", cCommand, cParams) != 2)
- return;
- // Skip comments
- if(cCommand[0] == '#')
- return;
- CP_TRACE2("Command:"%s" Params:"%s"", cCommand, cParams);
- if(stricmp(cCommand, "define") == 0)
- CPSK_ReadSkinCommand_Define(hComposite, pSkin, cParams);
- else if(stricmp(cCommand, "tileddraw") == 0)
- CPSK_ReadSkinCommand_TiledDraw(hComposite, pSkin, cParams);
- else if(stricmp(cCommand, "buttondraw") == 0)
- CPSK_ReadSkinCommand_ButtonDraw(hComposite, pSkin, cParams);
- else if(stricmp(cCommand, "addplaylistverb") == 0)
- CPSK_ReadSkinCommand_AddPlaylistVerb(hComposite, pSkin, cParams);
- else if(stricmp(cCommand, "addplaylistindicator") == 0)
- CPSK_ReadSkinCommand_AddIndicator(hComposite, pSkin, cParams);
- }
- //
- //
- //
- CPs_Skin* CPSK_LoadSkin(CP_COMPOSITEFILE hComposite, const char* pcSkinFile, const unsigned int iFileSize)
- {
- unsigned int iLastLineStartIDX, iCharIDX;
- CPs_Skin* pNewSkin = (CPs_Skin*)malloc(sizeof(CPs_Skin));
- memset(pNewSkin, 0, sizeof(*pNewSkin));
- // Read in the file line by line
- iLastLineStartIDX = 0;
- for(iCharIDX = 0; iCharIDX < iFileSize+1; iCharIDX++)
- {
- if( (pcSkinFile[iCharIDX] == 'r'
- || pcSkinFile[iCharIDX] == 'n'
- || iCharIDX == iFileSize)
- && iLastLineStartIDX < iCharIDX)
- {
- char cBuffer[512];
- int iBytesOnLine;
- iBytesOnLine = iCharIDX-iLastLineStartIDX;
- if(iBytesOnLine >= 512)
- iBytesOnLine = 511;
- memcpy(cBuffer, pcSkinFile + iLastLineStartIDX, iBytesOnLine);
- cBuffer[iBytesOnLine] = ' ';
- CPSK_ReadSkinLine(hComposite, pNewSkin, cBuffer);
- // Set the line start for the next line
- if(pcSkinFile[iCharIDX + 1] == 'n')
- iCharIDX++;
- iLastLineStartIDX = iCharIDX + 1;
- }
- }
- return pNewSkin;
- }
- //
- //
- //