


Visual C++

  1. --------------------Configuration: lib - Win32 Release--------------------
  2. Begining build with project "C:mymyodbcliblib.dsp", at root.
  3. Active configuration is Win32 (x86) Static Library (based on Win32 (x86) Static Library)
  4. Project's tools are:
  5. "32-bit C/C++ Compiler for 80x86" with flags "/nologo /G5 /MT /W3 /GX /O2 /I "..include" /D "DBUG_OFF" /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "ENGLISH" /Fp".Release/lib.pch" /YX /Fo".Release/" /Fd".Release/" /FD /c "
  6. "Browser Database Maker" with flags "/nologo /o".Release/lib.bsc" "
  7. "Library Manager" with flags "/nologo /out:".Releaselib.lib" "
  8. "Custom Build" with flags ""
  9. "<Component 0xa>" with flags ""
  10. Creating temp file "C:TMPRSPC195.TMP" with contents </nologo /G5 /MT /W3 /GX /O2 /I "..include" /D "DBUG_OFF" /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "ENGLISH" /Fp".Release/lib.pch" /YX /Fo".Release/" /Fd".Release/" /FD /c 
  11. "C:mymyodbcliblibmysql.c"
  12. "C:mymyodbclibnet.c"
  13. "C:mymyodbclibpassword.c"
  14. >
  15. Creating command line "cl.exe @C:TMPRSPC195.TMP" 
  16. Creating command line "link.exe -lib /nologo /out:".Releaselib.lib"  .Releaseerrmsg.obj .Releaselibmysql.obj .Releasenet.obj .Releasepassword.obj" 
  17. Compiling...
  18. libmysql.c
  19. net.c
  20. password.c
  21. Creating library...
  22. --------------------Configuration: myodbc - Win32 Release--------------------
  23. Begining build with project "C:mymyodbcmyodbcmyodbc.dsp", at root.
  24. Active configuration is Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library (based on Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library)
  25. Project's tools are:
  26. "32-bit C/C++ Compiler for 80x86" with flags "/nologo /G5 /MT /W3 /GX /O2 /Ob2 /I "..include" /D "DBUG_OFF" /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "ENGLISH" /FR".Release/" /Fp".Release/myodbc.pch" /Yu"myodbc.h" /Fo".Release/" /Fd".Release/" /FD /c "
  27. "OLE Type Library Maker" with flags "/nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32 "
  28. "Win32 Resource Compiler" with flags "/l 0x40b /fo".Release/Myodbc.res" /d "NDEBUG" "
  29. "Browser Database Maker" with flags "/nologo /o".Release/myodbc.bsc" "
  30. "COFF Linker for 80x86" with flags "libc.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib wsock32.lib ctl3d32.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /dll /incremental:no /pdb:".Release/myodbc.pdb" /machine:I386 /nodefaultlib /def:".Myodbc.def" /out:".myodbc.dll" /implib:".Release/myodbc.lib" "
  31. "Custom Build" with flags ""
  32. "<Component 0xa>" with flags ""
  33. Creating command line "rc.exe /l 0x40b /fo".Release/Myodbc.res" /i "." /i "..include" /d "NDEBUG" "C:mymyodbcmyodbcMyodbc.rc"" 
  34. Creating temp file "C:TMPRSPC254.TMP" with contents </nologo /G5 /MT /W3 /GX /O2 /Ob2 /I "..include" /D "DBUG_OFF" /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "ENGLISH" /FR".Release/" /Fp".Release/myodbc.pch" /Yu"myodbc.h" /Fo".Release/" /Fd".Release/" /FD /c 
  35. "C:mymyodbcmyodbcCatalog.c"
  36. "C:mymyodbcmyodbcConnect.c"
  37. "C:mymyodbcmyodbcDll.c"
  38. "C:mymyodbcmyodbcExecute.c"
  39. "C:mymyodbcmyodbcInfo.c"
  40. "C:mymyodbcmyodbcOptions.c"
  41. "C:mymyodbcmyodbcPrepare.c"
  42. "C:mymyodbcmyodbcResults.c"
  43. "C:mymyodbcmyodbcSetup.c"
  44. "C:mymyodbcmyodbcTransact.c"
  45. "C:mymyodbcmyodbcUtility.c"
  46. >
  47. Creating command line "cl.exe @C:TMPRSPC254.TMP" 
  48. Creating temp file "C:TMPRSPC255.TMP" with contents </nologo /G5 /MT /W3 /GX /O2 /Ob2 /I "..include" /D "DBUG_OFF" /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "ENGLISH" /FR".Release/" /Fp".Release/myodbc.pch" /Yc"myodbc.h" /Fo".Release/" /Fd".Release/" /FD /c 
  49. "C:mymyodbcmyodbcmyodbc.c"
  50. >
  51. Creating command line "cl.exe @C:TMPRSPC255.TMP" 
  52. Creating temp file "C:TMPRSPC256.TMP" with contents <libc.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib wsock32.lib ctl3d32.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /dll /incremental:no /pdb:".Release/myodbc.pdb" /machine:I386 /nodefaultlib /def:".Myodbc.def" /out:".myodbc.dll" /implib:".Release/myodbc.lib" 
  53. .ReleaseCatalog.obj
  54. .ReleaseConnect.obj
  55. .ReleaseDll.obj
  56. .ReleaseExecute.obj
  57. .ReleaseInfo.obj
  58. .Releasemyodbc.obj
  59. .ReleaseOptions.obj
  60. .ReleasePrepare.obj
  61. .ReleaseResults.obj
  62. .ReleaseSetup.obj
  63. .ReleaseTransact.obj
  64. .ReleaseUtility.obj
  65. .ReleaseMyodbc.res
  66. mymyodbcdbugReleasedbug.lib
  67. mymyodbcmysysReleasemysys.lib
  68. mymyodbcstringsReleasestrings.lib
  69. mymyodbclibReleaselib.lib>
  70. Creating command line "link.exe @C:TMPRSPC256.TMP" 
  71. Creating temp file "C:TMPRSPC257.BAT" with contents <@echo off
  72. copy myodbc.dll windowssystem
  73. copy myodbc.dll mymyodbcsetup32myodbc2.dll
  74. >
  75. Creating command line "C:TMPRSPC257.BAT" 
  76. Compiling resources...
  77. Compiling...
  78. myodbc.c
  79. Compiling...
  80. Catalog.c
  81. Connect.c
  82. Dll.c
  83. Execute.c
  84. Info.c
  85. Options.c
  86. Prepare.c
  87. Results.c
  88. Setup.c
  89. Transact.c
  90. Utility.c
  91. Generating Code...
  92. Linking...
  93. .Myodbc.def : warning LNK4017: CODE statement not supported for the target platform; ignored
  94. .Myodbc.def : warning LNK4017: DATA statement not supported for the target platform; ignored
  95. .Myodbc.def : warning LNK4017: PROTMODE statement not supported for the target platform; ignored
  96. .Myodbc.def : warning LNK4017: DATA statement not supported for the target platform; ignored
  97.    Creating library .Release/myodbc.lib and object .Release/myodbc.exp
  98. Performing Custom Build Step
  99.         1 file(s) copied
  100.         1 file(s) copied
  101. Creating temp file "C:TMPRSPC384.TMP" with contents </nologo /o".Release/myodbc.bsc" 
  102. .Releasemyodbc.sbr
  103. .ReleaseCatalog.sbr
  104. .ReleaseConnect.sbr
  105. .ReleaseDll.sbr
  106. .ReleaseExecute.sbr
  107. .ReleaseInfo.sbr
  108. .ReleaseOptions.sbr
  109. .ReleasePrepare.sbr
  110. .ReleaseResults.sbr
  111. .ReleaseSetup.sbr
  112. .ReleaseTransact.sbr
  113. .ReleaseUtility.sbr>
  114. Creating command line "bscmake.exe @C:TMPRSPC384.TMP" 
  115. Creating browse info file...
  116. myodbc.dll - 0 error(s), 4 warning(s)