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Visual C++
- Note : GIF support has been removed as of 9/24/97. I am
- pursuing a license from Unisys to enable me to include GIF support
- in this package. Until then, no GIF. Sorry. -cdl
- My JpegLib2 library and JpegFile class
- I've been looking for a long time for a JPEG package that will allow me
- to do this :
- BYTE * RGBbuffer = ReadJPEGFile(filename,&width,&height);
- and this:
- SaveJPG(RGBbuf, width, height...);
- I never found one that didn't cost many hundreds of dollars, so I wrote
- my own.
- What is it?
- My class is called JpegFile.cpp. It is based on a Win32 compilation of
- the IJG V.6a JPEG source. It does two main things :
- it reads a JPEG file into an RGB buffer,
- it saves an RGB buffer as an RGB or grayscale JPEG file.
- There are some utility routines in it to do things like
- RGB -> BGR
- vertical flip
- DWORD-align
- un DWORD-align
- convert to grayscale
- Color quantize a 24-bit image to an 8-bit image
- It can also read
- 1, 4, 8 and 24 bit BMP files
- It can also write
- 1, 4, 8 and 24-bit BMP files
- There are no provisions for progressive reading, progress bars, partial
- reads/saves, extended error handling, etc.. I use a very small portion
- of what the IJG code is capable of doing. I tried to keep the IJG
- source as intact as possible, to ease debugging - I assume the IJG code
- works.perfectly and that anything going wrong is my fault. You should
- assume this is true, also.
- This code has worked in every application I've tried it in. This has
- only run (to my knowledge) on Win 95, VC++ 4.x and VC++5.0 . I have
- heard, however, that one person successfully modified it to work on a
- Borland compiler to create a DLL for use in Visual BASIC - I don't have
- his code.
- Color quantization code is based on Dennis Lee's DL1Quant.
- If you don't like MFC, or would prefer to have your JPG and BMP code all
- wrapped up in a DLL, with dozens of handy image processing utilities (
- resize, zoom, rotate, matrix, LUT, crop, draw, etc.) then check out my
- ImgDLL package.
- Non-MFC support
- I do offer a Win32 DLL that does everything this package does, for
- those of you who don't have access to VC++ or would rather not mess
- with VC++ (all you Borland or Visual BASIC types, for instance). Check
- out my ImgDLL page for more info.
- Terms of use
- 1: I've decided to make this class, as well as my compilation of the
- IJG library available to the public. This is entirely free - no
- royalties, no time bombs, no annoyance screens. All I ask is that you
- mention me in your software, especially if it's commercial software -
- and, if possible, add a link to my page . I just want some
- acknowledgment... :)
- 2: Because it is free, however, there are no guarantees - use at your
- own risk! If you want software that comes with someone you can point
- your finger at if it fails, spend the money on a commercial package
- from a company with a legal department. I'm just sharing.
- 3: The main reason for this package is to provide simple C++ JPG
- support. The BMP functions are in there only so that I won't
- have to answer the question "I got your JPG stuff, do you do BMP ?"
- 4: Come to me first for help with this code.
- Troubleshooting
- This package is not the responsibility of the people who's code I have
- used here - the IJG people, for example. Let me rephrase that. Come to
- me first with any problems you are having with this package.
- If you run into any problems with this software, please feel free to
- contact me. If it turns out that the problem is in my code, I will fix
- it. Please do not ask the IJG people, or any of the other people who's
- code I have included here for help unless we've first determined that
- the problem is not in my code.
- If you feel the problem is with the IJG code that I have included, I
- recommend you get a full copy of the official IJG source. The full IJG
- source comes with excellent documentation and should be able to help
- you. You can get the IJG code at the simtel archives.
- MSVC 5.0 Dialog App Problem + BOOL redefinition problem
- Problem : There is some serious type conflict associated with the IJG
- code's use of the name "boolean" and MSVC 5.0's use of the name
- "boolean". In MSVC 5.0, "boolean" is a different size than it is in the
- IJG code (one is a char and one is an int). You typically run into this
- if you start using OLE stuff, which Dialog Apps come with by default.
- You will see lots of "struct mismatch" errors and your code won't run.
- It doesn't seem to happen in MSVC 4.x dialog apps. This is new.
- Fix method #1 - Specific to MSVC 5.0 Dialog Apps
- 1. Compile the Jpeglib2.lib as-is.
- 2. In your app, stdafx.h, remove the line:
- #include <afxdisp.h> // MFC OLE automation classes
- 3. In your main app class InitInstance() remove the line :
- AfxEnableControlContainer();
- 4. In jpegfile.cpp, be sure not to :
- #define HAVE_BOOLEAN
- This might break a whole bunch of OLE things. But, if you're not using
- OLE, I think this is safe.
- Fix method #2 - General fix.
- 1. In the Jpeglib2.lib files, change jmorecfg.h :
- from (line 228):
- #ifndef HAVE_BOOLEAN
- typedef int boolean;
- #endif
- to:
- #ifndef HAVE_BOOLEAN
- typedef char boolean;
- #endif
- 2. Compile Jpeglib2.lib as usual - ignore the warnings...
- 3. In your app, in jpegfile.cpp, add
- #define HAVE_BOOLEAN
- before
- #include "jpeglib.h"
- This method allows you to use OLE. But makes a change in the IJG code.
- This is something I've tried to avoid doing. All of my tests have
- worked, though I'm unsure of what effect this change could have.
- I include a file, which contains a tiny sample MSVC 5.0
- dialog app example. It simply loads and displays JPEG files. I used the
- steps outlined in method #1 above in creating it.
- Thanks to Bryce Burrows, Brian Krisler and Alexandre Maltais for taking
- the time to point out the problem to me.
- The Package
- This is the VC++ 4.x project (JPEGLIB2.MDP) for my compilation of the
- IJG source for Win95. Most of the IJG source is included here -
- everything but the example programs and the documentation. This is what
- does the actual work. It is absolutely necessary that this library is
- compiled and linked to the application using the JpegFile class.
- Fortunately, it should be a matter of unZipping the project into it own
- directory and aiming VC++ 4.x at it.
- It is possible to use this library (or the source for the library) on
- its own, if you know the IJG codebase. I really don't. I know that it
- works for my JpegFile class, though.
- I have changed only two lines of the original source. I commented out
- the exit(..) in jerror.c and replaced the fprintf(stderr,..) with a
- MessageBox(...). That's right, it launches a message box on warnings.
- It's certainly possible to remove this line if you absolutely can not
- have message boxes popping up. It is also possible for you to write
- your own error handler.
- The biggest benefit of using my JPEG package is that I've managed to
- get the IJG codebase into a VC++ 4.x (Win32) project. The other part of
- my package is really a thin wrapper.
- This is a small MFC C++ sample application using a class called
- JpegFile. JpegFile is a wrapper around the JPEGLIB2 library. If you
- know what you're doing, you can certainly ignore my class. If you want
- simple functionality for reading and writing JPEG files, JpegFile does
- it very well. If nothing else, this class is a great starting place
- for those who wish to figure out more of the IJG codebase. I use it for
- all of my JPEG needs.
- The application provides the following functions in C++ :
- Read a BMP (1, 4, 8 or 24-bit) or JPG file, display the result.
- Save a BMP (1, 4, 8 or 24 bit) or JPG (RGB or grayscale) file.
- Examine the dimensions of a JPG file.
- It should be very simple to compile and run this app, as well. If you
- want to use the JpegFile class in another app, you need to :
- Add JpegFile.cpp to your project.
- #include "JpegFile.h"
- Link with JPEGLIB2.LIB you built as descibed above.
- Tell the linker using Build/Settings/Link/Input to ignore the LIBC
- and/or LIBCD files. There are some conflicts with this library. I've
- never been able to figure out what they are. But, I've never found
- ignoring these libraries to be a problem. If someone knows what's up
- here, tell me.
- Using Tools/Options/Directories/Include Files, add a path entry to the
- location of the JPEGLIB2 source files. There are many .H files here
- that need to be included by way of JpegFile.cpp.
- The BMP code is fairly simple to extract to different apps. I do it all
- the time.
- This is a small sample MSVC 5.0 dialog app. It shows how to fix the
- struct size mismatch (boolean size) problem.
- Disclaimer Disclaimer Disclaimer Disclaimer Disclaimer
- I make no guarantees about this code's suitablilty for use. I find it very useful for my applications, but
- cannot anticipate all places this code could wind up. If you have problems with this software, you should
- ask me about it.If there is a problem with anything I wrote, I will certainly try to help solve it. If it is a
- problem with the IJG code, I will try my best.
- Since I have left the IJG source essentially intact (but for two lines in jerror.c) you should be able to find all
- the answers you need in the full IJG distribution, which can be found at the simtel archives You are
- strongly encouraged to look in the original IJG source for any questions you might have. There is excellent
- documentation included in the IJG package, which will probably answer all of your JPG questions.