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Visual C++
- /* Some of the code in this file was originally based on the following file:
- * gateway.c : Paul Healy, EI9GL, 900818
- *
- * Rewrote forwarding mechanism to use "X-Forwarded-To" paradigm instead of
- * "X-BBS-To", added timer support, etc. Anders Klemets, SM0RGV, 901009.
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include "global.h"
- #include "config.h"
- #include "bm.h"
- #include "mailbox.h"
- #include "smtp.h"
- #include "cmdparse.h"
- #include "proc.h"
- #include "socket.h"
- #include "timer.h"
- #include "usock.h"
- #include "netuser.h"
- #include "ax25.h"
- #include "netrom.h"
- #include "nr4.h"
- #include "files.h"
- #define ISPROMPT(s) (strlen(s) > 1 && s[strlen(s)-2] == '>')
- static struct timer fwdtimer;
- static char *findident(char *str, int n, char *result);
- static void sendmsg(struct mbx *m,int msgn);
- static char *mbxtime(char *line);
- static int fwdinit(struct mbx *m);
- static char *fwdanybbs(struct mbx *m);
- static int timeok(char *line);
- static void fwdtick(void *v);
- static int isconnbbs(struct mbx *m);
- static void startfwd(int a,void *v1,void *v2);
- static int openconn(int argc,char *argv[],void *p);
- static int sendmsgtobbs(struct mbx *m,int msgn,char *dest,int bulletin);
- static int makecl(struct mbx *m,int msgn,char *dest,char *line,char *subj,int bulletin);
- static char *grabtext(char *from,char *to,int marker);
- /***************************************************************************
- findident copies the 'n'th alphanumeric sequence from 'str' to result.
- It returns a ptr to result. It returns "" for missing identifier etc.
- Uses isalnum macro to decide on alphanumeric/non-alnum status.
- */
- static char *
- findident(str, n, result)
- char *str, *result;
- int n;
- {
- int count; /* current identifier */
- count = 0;
- *result = '';
- while ( (count<n) && (*str!='') ) { /* Process alnum or non alnum seq */
- while ( (*str!='') && (!isalnum(*str)) ) /* Get rid of ';:.@%"# etc */
- str++;
- if ( (str!='') && isalnum(*str) ) { /* this is an alnum seq */
- count++;
- while ( (*str!='') && (isalnum(*str) || (*str=='_')) )
- if (count==n)
- *result++ = *str++;
- else str++;
- if (count==n)
- *result = '';
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- /**************************************************************************/
- static void
- sendmsg(m,msgn)
- struct mbx *m;
- int msgn;
- {
- char buf[LINELEN], tb[LINELEN], *cp;
- int len, rec = 0;
- long cnt;
- fseek(m->mfile,m->mbox[msgn].start,0);
- cnt = m->mbox[msgn].size;
- /* If the data part of the message starts with "R:" the RFC-822
- * headers will not be forwarded. Instead we will add an R:
- * line of our own.
- */
- for(;;) {
- if(fgets(buf,sizeof(buf),m->mfile) == NULL)
- break;
- cnt -= strlen(buf);
- if(rec == 1) { /* look at the line following Received: */
- ++rec;
- if((cp = strchr(buf,';')) != NULL){
- strcpy(tb,cp+1); /* get the date of receipt */
- ++rec;
- }
- }
- /* The first Received: line is the one that we have added */
- if(!rec && htype(buf) == RECEIVED)
- ++rec;
- if(*buf == 'n') {
- if(rec == 3 && cnt > 1) {
- fread(buf,1,2,m->mfile);
- cnt -= 2;
- if(strncmp(buf,"R:",2) == 0) {
- pax25(buf,Mycall);
- if((cp = strchr(buf,'-')) != NULL)
- *cp = ''; /* remove SSID */
- fprintf(m->user,"R:%s @%s %s (%s)nR:",
- mbxtime(tb),buf,Hostname,Version);
- break;
- }
- }
- /* Start over, forwarding the RFC-822 headers */
- fseek(m->mfile,m->mbox[msgn].start,0);
- cnt = m->mbox[msgn].size;
- rec = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- while(rec != 3) { /* Forward the RFC-822 headers */
- if(fgets(buf,sizeof(buf),m->mfile) == NULL)
- break;
- cnt -= strlen(buf);
- switch(htype(buf)) {
- case XFORWARD: /* Do not forward the "X-Forwarded-To:" lines */
- case STATUS: /* Don't forward the "Status:" line either */
- break;
- default:
- fputs(buf,m->user);
- }
- if(*buf == 'n') /* last header line */
- break;
- }
- do { /* the rest of the message is treated below */
- len = min(cnt,sizeof(buf)-1);
- if(fread(buf,1,len,m->mfile) != len)
- break;
- cnt -= len;
- buf[len] = '';
- fputs(buf,m->user);
- } while(cnt);
- }
- /* Parse a line for date and time in Arpanet format
- * (Day, day Month year hh:mm:ss Zone) and return it in mailbox format
- * (yymmdd/hhmmz)
- */
- static char *
- mbxtime(line)
- char *line;
- {
- extern char *Months[];
- static char buf[13];
- char *cp;
- int i, day;
- cp = line;
- while(isspace(*cp)) /* skip initial blanks */
- ++cp;
- if(*cp == '')
- return NULL;
- if(strlen(cp) < 22)
- return NULL;
- cp += 5;
- day = atoi(cp);
- if(*(++cp) != ' ')
- ++cp;
- ++cp;
- for(i=0; i < 12; ++i)
- if(strnicmp(Months[i],cp,3) == 0)
- break;
- if(i == 12)
- return NULL;
- sprintf(buf,"%02d%02d%02d/%02d%02d%c",atoi(cp + 4),i+1,day,atoi(cp + 7),
- atoi(cp + 10), (strnicmp(cp + 16,"GMT",3) &&
- strnicmp(cp + 16,"UTC",3)) ? ' ' : 'z');
- return buf;
- }
- static char *
- grabtext(from, to, marker)
- char *from, *to;
- int marker;
- {
- while (*from!=marker)
- *to++ = *from++;
- *to = '';
- return from+1;
- }
- /* Makes a command line and returns -1 if the message cannot be sent. */
- static int
- makecl(m, msgn, dest, line, subj, bulletin)
- struct mbx *m;
- int msgn; /* Message number */
- char *dest; /* Destination address to use instead of To: line */
- char *line, *subj; /* Buffers to keep command line and subject */
- int bulletin; /* True if message is in public message area */
- {
- char bid[LINELEN], to[LINELEN], atbbs[LINELEN], from[LINELEN],
- buf[LINELEN], *cp;
- if(m->mfile == NULL)
- return -1;
- if(!bulletin && (m->mbox[msgn].status & BM_READ))
- return -1; /* the message was already read */
- fseek(m->mfile,m->mbox[msgn].start,0);
- *bid = *to = *atbbs = *from = '';
- if(subj != NULL)
- *subj = '';
- m->stype = bulletin ? 'B' : 'P'; /* default to SB or SP */
- while (fgets(buf,sizeof(buf),m->mfile) != NULL) {
- if (buf[0] == 'n')
- break; /* envelope finished */
- switch (htype(buf)) {
- case TO:
- /* The following code tries to parse "To: " lines where the
- * address looks like any of the following: "to@atbbs",
- * "<to@atbbs>", "<to%atbbs@host>" and with possible spaces
- * surrounding the '<>' characters.
- */
- if((cp = getaddress(buf,0)) == NULL)
- break;
- strcpy(to,cp);
- if((cp = strchr(to,'%')) != NULL) { /* look for a '%' */
- strcpy(atbbs,cp + 1);
- *cp = ''; /* "to" ends at the '%' character */
- }
- else { /* no '%' but maybe a '@'? */
- if((cp = strchr(to,'@')) != NULL) {
- strcpy(atbbs,cp + 1);
- *cp = ''; /* "to" ends at the '@' character */
- }
- }
- if(*atbbs != '') /* either '%' or '@' found */
- /* cut "atbbs" at the first '@' character */
- for(cp = atbbs; *cp != ''; ++cp)
- if(*cp == '@') {
- *cp = '';
- break;
- }
- /* "to" or "atbbs" should not be more than 6 characters (ALEN).
- * If "to" is too long, it might simply be because the area name
- * is longer than 6 characters, but it might also be because
- * the address on the To: line is in an obscure format that we
- * failed to parse (eg '!' character notation.)
- */
- if(strlen(to) > ALEN) {
- /* Play safe and set "to" and "atbbs" to the area name */
- strcpy(to,m->area);
- strcpy(atbbs,m->area);
- }
- if(*atbbs == '')
- strcpy(atbbs,to);
- to[ALEN] = '';
- /* Only if the BBS supports "hierarchical routing designators"
- * is the atbbs field allowd to be longer than 6 characters and
- * have dots in it.
- */
- if((m->sid & MBX_HIER_SID) == 0) {
- atbbs[ALEN] = ''; /* 6 character limit */
- if((cp = strchr(atbbs,'.')) != NULL)
- *cp = ''; /* cut "atbbs" at first dot */
- }
- break;
- case MSGID:
- /* The following code distinguishes between two different types
- * of Message-IDs: <abcde@callsign.bbs> and <abcde@host.domain>.
- * The first type is converted to $abcde and the second to
- * $abcde_host.domain. This preserves compability with BBSes.
- */
- if((cp = getname(buf)) == NULL)
- break;
- bid[0] = '$';
- strcpy(&bid[1],cp);
- cp = strchr(bid,'@');
- /* A trailing ".bbs" indicates that the Message-ID was generated
- * from a BBS style message, and not a RFC-822 message.
- */
- if(cp != NULL && stricmp(&bid[strlen(bid) - 4], ".bbs") == 0)
- *cp = '';
- else
- *cp = '_';
- bid[13] = ''; /* BIDs should be no longer than 13 bytes */
- break;
- case SUBJECT:
- if(subj != NULL)
- (void) grabtext(buf+9, subj, 'n');
- break;
- case FROM:
- if((cp = getaddress(buf,0)) != NULL) {
- findident(cp, 1, from); /* cp points to from@domain */
- from[ALEN] = ''; /* 6 character limit */
- }
- break;
- case XFORWARD:
- if((cp = getaddress(buf,0)) == NULL)
- break;
- if(stricmp(m->name,cp) == 0)
- /* This message has already been forwarded, abort */
- return -1;
- break;
- case BBSTYPE:
- m->stype = buf[16];
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- /* Check for an invalid RFC-822 header */
- if((to[0] == '' && ((dest != NULL && *dest == '') ||
- dest == NULL)) || from[0] == '')
- return -1;
- if(line != NULL) {
- if(dest != NULL && *dest != ''){
- /* strip off hierarchical routing designators from the predefined
- * destination address if they are not supported
- */
- if((m->sid & MBX_HIER_SID) == 0 && (cp = strchr(dest,'.')) !=
- *cp = '';
- sprintf(line, "S%c %s < %s ", m->stype, dest, from);
- }
- else
- sprintf(line, "S%c %s @ %s < %s ", m->stype, to, atbbs, from);
- if(bulletin & (m->sid & MBX_SID))
- strcat(line,bid);
- strcat(line,"n");
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static int /* 0 = ok, -1 = problem so disc */
- sendmsgtobbs(m, msgn, dest, bulletin)
- struct mbx *m;
- int msgn;
- char *dest; /* Optional destination address to override To: line */
- int bulletin;
- {
- int result = -1;
- char line[64], subj[256];
- if(makecl(m, msgn, dest, line, subj, bulletin) == -1)
- return 0; /* do not forward this particular message */
- fputs(line,stdout); /* Send mail offer to bbs */
- rip(line);
- fflush(m->user);
- if (fgets(m->line, MBXLINE,m->user) != NULL ) {
- if (m->line[0] == 'O' || m->line[0] == 'o' || (m->sid & MBX_SID) == 0) {
- /* Got 'OK' or any line if the bbs is unsofisticated */
- printf("%sn", subj);
- sendmsg(m,msgn); /* send the message */
- puts("/EX"); /* was 0x1a */
- fflush(m->user);
- /* get F> for a good deliver */
- while (fgets(m->line, MBXLINE,m->user) != NULL )
- if (ISPROMPT(m->line)) {
- logmsg(fileno(m->user),"MBOX bbs mail sent: %s ", line);
- if(bulletin)
- m->mbox[msgn].status |= BM_FORWARDED;
- else
- m->mbox[msgn].status |= BM_DELETE;
- m->change = 1;
- result = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- else { /* OK response not received from bbs */
- if (m->line[0] == 'N' || m->line[0] == 'n') { /* 'NO' respone */
- logmsg(fileno(m->user),"MBOX bbs mail refused: %sn %s",line,m->line);
- /* Mark refused message as forwarded if it is a bulletin.
- * The message was probably a duplicate. Non-bulletin
- * messages are sent without BID, so they cannot be dected
- * as duplicates. The reason why it was refused is probably
- * because the address was invalid. Retry later.
- */
- if(bulletin){
- m->mbox[msgn].status |= BM_FORWARDED;
- m->change = 1;
- }
- }
- /* should get a F> here */
- while (fgets(m->line, MBXLINE,m->user) != NULL )
- if (ISPROMPT(m->line)) {
- result = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- } /* OK or NO here */
- return result;
- }
- /* This is the main entry point for reverse forwarding. It is also used
- * for normal, "forward", forwarding.
- */
- int
- dorevfwd(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- char oldarea[64], *cp;
- struct mbx *m;
- int i, bulletin, err = 0;
- m = (struct mbx *)p;
- logmsg(fileno(m->user),"MBOX forwarding mail to: %s ", m->name);
- /* indicate we are doing reverse forwarding, if we are not already
- * doing normal forwarding.
- */
- if(m->state != MBX_FORWARD)
- m->state = MBX_REVFWD;
- if(fwdinit(m) != -1) {
- strcpy(oldarea,m->area);
- while(!err && fgets(m->line,MBXLINE,m->tfile) != NULL) {
- if(*m->line == '-') /* end of record reached */
- break;
- rip(m->line); /* adds extra null at end */
- cp = strchr(m->line,' '); /* remove trailing blanks */
- if(cp != NULL)
- *cp = '';
- if((cp = strchr(m->line,'t')) != NULL)
- *cp = '';
- if(*m->line == '' || *m->line == '.')
- continue;
- changearea(m,m->line);
- bulletin = isarea(m->line); /* public area */
- /* get the optional destination field, cp will point
- * at null byte if it is missing.
- */
- cp = &m->line[strlen(m->line)] + 1;
- while(*cp != '' && isspace(*cp)) /* strip blanks */
- ++cp;
- for(i=1; i<=m->nmsgs; i++)
- if(sendmsgtobbs(m, i, cp, bulletin) == -1) {
- err = 1; /* abort */
- break;
- }
- }
- fclose(m->tfile);
- m->tfile = NULL;
- if(*oldarea != '')
- changearea(m,oldarea);
- }
- if(m->state == MBX_FORWARD)
- return 0;
- printf("*** Donen");
- if((m->sid & MBX_RLI_SID)) /* disconnect if it is a W0RLI bbs */
- return domboxbye(0,NULL,m);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Read the forward file for a record for the connected BBS. If found,
- * return 1 if this is the right time to forward, m->tfile is left pointing
- * at the first message area to be forwarded.
- */
- static int
- fwdinit(m)
- struct mbx *m;
- {
- char host[80];
- int start = 1;
- if((m->tfile = fopen(Forwardfile,READ_TEXT)) == NULL)
- return -1;
- while(fgets(m->line,MBXLINE,m->tfile) != NULL) {
- if(*m->line == 'n')
- continue;
- /* lines starting with '-' separate the forwarding records */
- if(*m->line == '-') {
- start = 1;
- continue;
- }
- if(start) {
- start = 0;
- /* get the name of this forwarding record */
- findident(m->line,1,host);
- if(stricmp(m->name,host) == 0) {
- if(!timeok(m->line))
- break;
- /* eat the connect command line */
- fgets(m->line,MBXLINE,m->tfile);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- fclose(m->tfile);
- m->tfile = NULL;
- return -1;
- }
- /* Read the forward file for a record for the connected BBS. If found,
- * determine if this is the right time to forward, and return the command
- * line to establish a forwarding connection. m->tfile is left pointing
- * at the first message area to be forwarded.
- */
- static char *
- fwdanybbs(m)
- struct mbx *m;
- {
- char host[80];
- int start = 1;
- if(m->tfile == NULL && (m->tfile = fopen(Forwardfile,READ_TEXT))
- == NULL)
- return NULL;
- while(fgets(m->line,MBXLINE,m->tfile) != NULL) {
- if(*m->line == 'n')
- continue;
- /* lines starting with '-' separate the forwarding records */
- if(*m->line == '-') {
- start = 1;
- continue;
- }
- if(start) {
- start = 0;
- /* get the name of this forwarding record */
- findident(m->line,1,host);
- strcpy(m->name,host);
- if(!timeok(m->line))
- continue; /* too late or too early */
- /* get the connect command line */
- fgets(m->line,MBXLINE,m->tfile);
- return strdup(m->line);
- }
- }
- fclose(m->tfile);
- m->tfile = NULL;
- return NULL;
- }
- /* get any groups of four digits that specify the begin and ending hours of
- * forwarding. Returns 1 if forwarding may take place.
- */
- static int
- timeok(line)
- char *line;
- {
- char hours[80], *now;
- long t;
- int t1, t2, pos = 2;
- findident(line,pos++,hours);
- if(*hours == '')
- return 1; /* no digits default to 0023, ie. anytime */
- time(&t);
- now = ctime(&t) + 11;
- *(now + 2) = '';
- while(*hours != '') {
- t1 = (*hours - '0') * 10 + (*(hours+1) - '0');
- t2 = (*(hours+2) - '0') * 10 + (*(hours+3) - '0');
- if(atoi(now) >= t1 && atoi(now) <= t2)
- return 1; /* right in time */
- findident(line,pos++,hours); /* get next group if any */
- }
- return 0; /* too early or too late */
- }
- int
- dombtimer(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- if(argc < 2){
- printf("Forwarding timer: %lu/%lun",
- read_timer(&fwdtimer)/1000L,
- dur_timer(&fwdtimer)/1000L);
- return 0;
- }
- fwdtimer.func = (void (*)())fwdtick;/* what to call on timeout */
- fwdtimer.arg = NULL; /* dummy value */
- set_timer(&fwdtimer,atol(argv[1])*1000L); /* set timer duration */
- start_timer(&fwdtimer); /* and fire it up */
- return 0;
- }
- int
- dombkick(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- fwdtick(NULL);
- return 0;
- }
- /* called when the forward timer expires or explicitly by dombkick() */
- static void
- fwdtick(v)
- void *v;
- {
- char *cc, *cp;
- struct mbx *m;
- int i, bulletin, skip = 0;
- /* restart the timer */
- start_timer(&fwdtimer);
- if((m = newmbx()) == NULL)
- return;
- m->user = stdout;
- m->state = MBX_TRYING;
- while((cc = fwdanybbs(m)) != NULL) {
- if(isconnbbs(m)) /* already connected to this BBS, skip it */
- skip = 1;
- while(fgets(m->line,MBXLINE,m->tfile) != NULL) {
- if(*m->line == '-') { /* end of record reached */
- skip = 0;
- break;
- }
- if((cp = strchr(m->line,' ')) != NULL)
- *cp = '';
- if((cp = strchr(m->line,'t')) != NULL)
- *cp = '';
- if(skip || *m->line == '' || *m->line == '.')
- continue;
- rip(m->line);
- changearea(m,m->line);
- bulletin = isarea(m->line); /* public area */
- /* check if there are any messages in this area
- * that need to be forwarded.
- */
- for(i=1; i<=m->nmsgs; i++)
- if(makecl(m, i, NULL, NULL, NULL,
- bulletin) == 0) {
- newproc("Mbox forwarding", 2048,
- startfwd, 0, (void *)cc,
- (void *)strdup(m->name),0);
- skip = 1;
- cc = NULL;
- break;
- }
- }
- free(cc);
- }
- exitbbs(m);
- }
- /* returns 1 if m->name matches the name of another connected mailbox. */
- static int
- isconnbbs(m)
- struct mbx *m;
- {
- int i;
- for(i = 0; i < NUMMBX; ++i)
- if(Mbox[i] != NULL && Mbox[i] != m &&
- stricmp(m->name,Mbox[i]->name) == 0)
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- /* possible commands on the command line in the forwarding file */
- static struct cmds cfwdcmds[] = {
- "tcp", openconn, 0, 0, NULL,
- "telnet", openconn, 0, 0, NULL,
- #ifdef AX25
- "ax25", openconn, 0, 0, NULL,
- "connect", openconn, 0, 0, NULL,
- #endif
- #ifdef NETROM
- "netrom", openconn, 0, 0, NULL,
- #endif
- };
- /* this function is called whenever the forwarding timer expires */
- static void
- startfwd(a,v1,v2)
- int a;
- void *v1, *v2;
- {
- struct mbx *m;
- char *cc;
- cc = (char *) v1;
- if((m = newmbx()) == NULL) {
- free(cc);
- free(v2);
- return;
- }
- strcpy(m->name,(char *)v2);
- free(v2);
- m->state = MBX_TRYING;
- /* open the connection, m->user will be the new stream */
- if(cmdparse(cfwdcmds,cc,(void *)m) == -1) {
- free(cc);
- exitbbs(m);
- return;
- }
- free(cc);
- m->state = MBX_FORWARD;
- sockowner(fileno(m->user),Curproc);
- /* m->user will be closed automatically when this process exits */
- stdin = stdout = m->user;
- if(fwdinit(m) == -1) {
- /* it is probably not the right time to forward anymore */
- exitbbs(m);
- return;
- }
- /* read the connect script. Lines starting with a dot will be sent
- * to the remote BBS.
- */
- while(fgets(m->line,MBXLINE,m->tfile) != NULL)
- if(*m->line == '.')
- fputs(m->line + 1,stdout);
- else
- break;
- fflush(m->user);
- fclose(m->tfile);
- m->tfile = NULL;
- /* read the initial output from the bbs, looking for the SID */
- for(;;) {
- if(fgets(m->line,MBXLINE,m->user) == NULL) {
- exitbbs(m);
- return;
- }
- if(ISPROMPT(m->line))
- break;
- if(*m->line == '[') { /* parse the SID */
- rip(m->line);
- mbx_parse(m);
- continue;
- }
- }
- /* Now sync the two ends as telnet password messes them up */
- if(socklen(fileno(m->user),0)) /* discard any remaining input */
- recv_mbuf(fileno(m->user),NULL,0,NULL,0);
- /* send our SID if the peer announced its SID */
- if(m->sid & MBX_SID) {
- puts("[NET-HMR$]");
- fflush(m->user);
- for(;;) {
- if(fgets(m->line,MBXLINE,m->user) == NULL) {
- exitbbs(m);
- return;
- }
- if(ISPROMPT(m->line))
- break;
- }
- }
- /* start the actual forwarding */
- dorevfwd(0,NULL,(void *)m);
- /* ask for reverse forwarding or just disconnect */
- if(((m->sid & MBX_SID) && puts("F>") == -1) ||
- (m->sid & MBX_SID) == 0) {
- exitbbs(m);
- fclose(stdout);
- return;
- }
- fflush(m->user);
- /* parse the commands that are are received during reverse
- * forwarding.
- */
- while(fgets(m->line,MBXLINE,m->user) != NULL) {
- rip(m->line);
- if(mbx_parse(m) == 2) /* got the "*** Done" command */
- break;
- puts("F>");
- fflush(m->user);
- }
- exitbbs(m);
- fclose(stdout);
- }
- /* open a network connection based upon information in the cc line.
- * m->user is set to the socket number.
- */
- static int
- openconn(argc,argv,p)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- void *p;
- {
- struct mbx *m;
- struct sockaddr sock;
- uint8 *np;
- char alias[AXBUF];
- union sp sp;
- int len;
- int s;
- m = (struct mbx *)p;
- sp.sa = &sock;
- if(argc < 2)
- return -1;
- switch(*argv[0]) {
- case 't':
- sp.in->sin_family = AF_INET;
- if((sp.in->sin_addr.s_addr = resolve(argv[1])) == 0)
- return -1;
- /* get the optional port number */
- if(argc > 2)
- sp.in->sin_port = atoi(argv[2]);
- else
- sp.in->sin_port = IPPORT_TELNET;
- if((s = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0)) == -1)
- return -1;
- m->user = fdopen(s,"r+t");
- len = sizeof(*sp.in);
- break;
- #ifdef AX25
- case 'a':
- case 'c': /* allow 'c' for 'connect' as well */
- if(argc < 3)
- return -1;
- sp.ax->sax_family = AF_AX25;
- strncpy(sp.ax->iface,argv[1],ILEN); /* the interface name */
- setcall(sp.ax->ax25_addr,argv[2]); /* the remote callsign */
- /* no digipeaters for now, use the "ax25 route add" command */
- if((s = socket(AF_AX25,SOCK_STREAM,0)) == -1)
- return -1;
- m->user = fdopen(s,"r+t");
- len = sizeof(*sp.ax);
- break;
- #endif /* AX25 */
- #ifdef NETROM
- case 'n':
- sp.nr->nr_family = AF_NETROM;
- len = sizeof(*sp.nr);
- if((s = socket(AF_NETROM,SOCK_SEQPACKET,0)) == -1)
- return -1;
- m->user = fdopen(s,"r+t");
- memcpy(sp.nr->nr_addr.user,Nr4user,AXALEN);
- memcpy(sp.nr->nr_addr.node,Mycall,AXALEN);
- bind(s,sp.sa,len);
- /* See if the requested destination could be an alias, and
- * use it if it is. Otherwise assume it is an AX.25
- * address.
- */
- if (putalias(alias,argv[1],0) != -1 &&
- (np = find_nralias(alias)) != NULL) {
- memcpy(sp.nr->nr_addr.user,np,AXALEN) ;
- memcpy(sp.nr->nr_addr.node,np,AXALEN) ;
- }
- else { /* parse ax25 callsign */
- /* Only the user callsign of the remote station is never
- * used by NET/ROM, but it is needed for the psocket() call.
- */
- setcall(sp.nr->nr_addr.user,argv[1]);
- setcall(sp.nr->nr_addr.node,argv[1]);
- }
- break;
- #endif /* NETROM */
- default:
- return -1;
- }
- if(connect(fileno(m->user),sp.sa,len) == -1) {
- logmsg(fileno(m->user),"MBOX forward failed: %s errno %d",
- sockerr(fileno(m->user)),errno);
- fclose(m->user);
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
- }