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Visual C++
- /* Generic driver for Z8530 boards, modified from the PE1CHL
- * driver for use with NOS. This version also supports the NRS
- * mode when used as an asynch port. Device setup is similar to
- * that of the PE1CHL version, with the addition of user specification
- * of buffer size (bufsize). See the file "scc.txt" for general
- * information on the use of this driver and setup procedures.
- *
- * General differences between this driver and the original version:
- *
- * 1) Slip encoding and decoding is not done in the driver, but
- * using the routines in slip.c, and these routines are supported
- * in a manner similar to the asynch routines for the 8250. The
- * input is handled via fifo buffer, while output is direct. The
- * routines scc_send and get_scc are called via pointers in the
- * Slip and Nrs structs for the parcticular channel.
- *
- * 2) The timer routine, scctim, is not installed directly in the
- * timer interrupt chain, but is called through the systick routine
- * in pc.c.
- *
- * 3) Facilities of nos are used whenever possible in place of direct
- * structure or variable manipulation. Mbuf management is handled
- * this way, along with interface initialization.
- *
- * 4) Nrs mode support is added in a manner similar to that of the
- * Slip support. I have not had an opportunity to test this, but
- * it is essentially identical to the way the 8250 version works.
- *
- * 5) Callsign specification on radio modes (kiss,nrs,ax25) is an
- * option. If not supplied, the value of Mycall will be used.
- *
- * 6) Bufsize specification is now a parameter on setup of each channel.
- * This is the size of the fifo on asynch input, and the size of
- * mbuf buffers for sdlc mode. Since the fifo buffer can fill up,
- * this value should be reasonably large for asynch mode. Mbufs
- * are chained when they fill up, so having a small bufsize with
- * sdlc modes (ax25) does not result in loss of characters.
- *
- * 7) Because slip and nrs decoding is handled outside the driver,
- * sccstat cannot be used to report sent and receive packet counts
- * in asynch mode, and these fields are blanked on display in asynch
- * modes.
- *
- *
- * I am interested in setting up some default initializations for
- * the popular Z8530 boards, to minimize user problems in constructing
- * the proper attach init entries. These would allow for shortened
- * entries to use the defaults, such as "attach scc 1 init drsi" to
- * attach a DRSI board in standard configuration at its default address.
- * Since I do not have complete technical information on all such boards,
- * I would very much appreciate any information that users can provide
- * me regarding particular boards.
- *
- * 1/25/90
- *
- * Modifications:
- *
- * 2/17/90:
- *
- * 1) Added mods from PE1CHL which reflect relevent changes to the
- * scc driver in his version of net between 10/89 and 1/90. Changes
- * incorporated include additional delays in sccvec.asm, addition
- * of external clock mode, and initialization for the 8536 as a
- * clock divider on the DRSI board. "INLINE" is a slight delay
- * for register access incorporated for use with the inline i/o
- * code in MSC. This may not be useful or necessary with TURBO.
- * Changes making "TPS" a variable were not added, since the
- * scc timer does not install itself on the hardware interrupt
- * in this version.
- *
- *
- * Ken Mitchum, KY3B km@cs.pitt.edu km@dsl.pitt.edu
- * or mail to the tcpip group
- *
- * 5 Aug 91:
- * Support added for Sealevel Systems Inc's ACB-IV 8530 card (HWSEALEVEL)
- * <hdwe> == HWSEALEVEL (0x10) sets the control/status port at chipbase + 4
- * to the value in <param>. (Where the control bits for both side's DTR
- * lines are; the 8530-internal DTR/REQB is used for DMA...)
- *
- * Added a side-effect to ATTACH SCC's <speed> == 'ext'. Previously, all
- * async modes set a 16X clock; now when external clock is selected, the
- * baud rate divider in R4 is set to 1X.
- *
- * Tom Jennings, Cygnus Support (tomj@cygnus.com)
- *
- *
- * 9 Aug 91:
- * Allow 'v' to specify Van Jacobson TCP header compression (SLIP only).
- * Because the 8th arg is optional [<call>], this checks for 'v' in the
- * 9th arg if that exists, otherwise the 8th arg is used. Not pretty
- * but servicable.
- *
- * Tom Jennings, Cygnus Support (tomj@cygnus.com)
- */
- /* Added ANSI-style prototypes, reformatted source, minor delinting.
- * Integrated into standard 900201 NOS by KA9Q.
- */
- /*
- * Generic driver for Z8530 SCC chip in SLIP, KISS or AX.25 mode.
- *
- * Written by R.E. Janssen (PE1CHL) using material from earlier
- * EAGLE and PC100 drivers in this package.
- *
- * The driver has initially been written for my own Atari SCC interface
- * board, but it could eventually replace the other SCC drivers.
- *
- * Unfortunately, there is little consistency between the different interface
- * boards, as to the use of a clock source, the solution for the fullduplex
- * clocking problem, and most important of all: the generation of the INTACK
- * signal. Most designs do not even support the generation of an INTACK and
- * the read of the interrupt vector provided by the chip.
- * This results in lots of configuration parameters, and a fuzzy
- * polltable to be able to support multiple chips connected at one interrupt
- * line...
- *
- */
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <dos.h>
- #include "global.h"
- #include "mbuf.h"
- #include "config.h"
- #include "netuser.h"
- #include "proc.h"
- #include "iface.h"
- #include "pktdrvr.h"
- #include "slip.h"
- #include "nrs.h"
- #include "n8250.h"
- #include "scc.h"
- #include "z8530.h"
- #include "z8536.h"
- #include "ax25.h"
- #include "trace.h"
- #include "nospc.h"
- #include "kiss.h"
- #include "devparam.h"
- /* interrupt handlers */
- extern INTERRUPT sccvec();
- extern INTERRUPT sccnovec();
- /* variables used by the SCC interrupt handler in sccvec.asm */
- static INTERRUPT (*Orgivec)(); /* original interrupt vector */
- struct sccinfo Sccinfo = {0}; /* global info about SCCs */
- struct sccchan *Sccchan[2 * MAXSCC] = {0}; /* information per channel */
- ioaddr Sccvecloc = {0}; /* location to access for SCC vector */
- unsigned char Sccmaxvec = {0}; /* maximum legal vector from SCC */
- ioaddr Sccpolltab[MAXSCC+1][2] = {0}; /* polling table when no vectoring */
- #if defined(INLINE)
- static unsigned scc_delay(unsigned v);
- static unsigned scc_delay (v) /* delay for about 5 PCLK cycles */
- unsigned v; /* pass-through used for input */
- {
- register int i,j; /* it takes time to save them */
- return v; /* return the passed parameter */
- }
- #endif
- unsigned char Random = 0; /* random number for p-persist */
- static int scc_call(struct iface *ifp,char *call);
- static int scc_init(int nchips,ioaddr iobase,int space,int aoff,
- int boff,int doff,ioaddr intack,int ivec,long clk,int pclk,int hwtype,
- int hwparam);
- static int scc_raw(struct iface *ifp,struct mbuf **bpp);
- static int scc_stop(struct iface *ifp);
- static int get_scc(int dev);
- static int scc_send(int dev,struct mbuf **bpp);
- static int scc_async(struct sccchan *scc);
- static void scc_sdlc(struct sccchan *scc);
- static void scc_tossb(struct sccchan *scc);
- static void scc_txon(struct sccchan *scc);
- static void scc_txoff(struct sccchan *scc);
- static int32 scc_aioctl(struct iface *ifp,int cmd,int set,int32 val);
- static int32 scc_sioctl(struct iface *ifp,int cmd,int set,int32 val);
- static void scc_sstart(struct sccchan *scc);
- static unsigned int scc_speed(struct sccchan *scc,
- unsigned int clkmode,long speed);
- static void scc_asytx(struct sccchan *scc);
- static void scc_asyex(struct sccchan *scc);
- static void scc_asyrx(struct sccchan *scc);
- static void scc_asysp(struct sccchan *scc);
- static void scc_sdlctx(struct sccchan *scc);
- static void scc_sdlcex(struct sccchan *scc);
- static void scc_sdlcrx(struct sccchan *scc);
- static void scc_sdlcsp(struct sccchan *scc);
- /* Attach an SCC channel to the system, or initialize SCC driver.
- * operation depends on argv[2]:
- * when "init", the SCC driver is initialized, and global information about
- * the hardware is set up.
- * argv[0]: hardware type, must be "scc"
- * argv[1]: number of SCC chips we will support
- * argv[2]: mode, must be: "init" in this case
- * argv[3]: base address of SCC chip #0 (hex)
- * argv[4]: spacing between SCC chip base addresses
- * argv[5]: offset from chip base address to channel A control register
- * argv[6]: offset from chip base address to channel B control register
- * argv[7]: offset from each channel's control register to data register
- * argv[8]: address of INTACK/Read Vector port. 0 to read from RR3A/RR2B
- * argv[9]: CPU interrupt vector number for all connected SCCs
- * argv[10]: clock frequency (PCLK/RTxC) of all SCCs in cycles per second
- * prefix with "p" for PCLK, "r" for RTxC clock (for baudrate gen)
- * argv[11]: optional hardware type (for special features)
- * argv[12]: optional extra parameter for special hardware
- *
- * otherwise, a single channel is attached using the specified parameters:
- * argv[0]: hardware type, must be "scc"
- * argv[1]: SCC channel number to attach, 0/1 for first chip A/B, 2/3 for 2nd...
- * argv[2]: mode, can be:
- * "slip", "kiss", "ax25"
- * argv[3]: interface label, e.g., "sl0"
- * argv[4]: maximum transmission unit, bytes
- * argv[5]: interface speed, e.g, "1200". prefix with "d" when an external
- * divider is available to generate the TX clock. When the clock
- * source is PCLK, this can be a /32 divider between TRxC and RTxC.
- * When the clock is at RTxC, the TX rate must be supplied at TRxC.
- * This is needed only for AX.25 fullduplex.
- * When this arg is given as "ext", the transmit and receive clock
- * are external, and the BRG and DPLL are not used.
- * argv[6]: buffer size
- * argv[7]: callsign used on the radio channels (optional) or 'v' to
- * specify Van Jacobson TCP header compression. See argv[8] below.
- * argv[8]: 'v' here specifies Van Jacobson TCP header compression iff
- * there is a 9th arg (ie. [7] is a callsign.)
- */
- int
- scc_attach(argc,argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- register struct iface *ifp;
- struct sccchan *scc;
- unsigned int chan,brgrate;
- int pclk = 0,hwtype = 0,hwparam = 0;
- int xdev;
- char *cp;
- /* first handle the special "init" mode, to initialize global stuff */
- if(!strcmp(argv[2],"init")){
- if(argc < 11) /* need at least argv[1]..argv[10] */
- return -1;
- if(isupper(argv[10][0]))
- argv[10][0] = tolower(argv[10][0]);
- if(argv[10][0] == 'p'){ /* wants to use PCLK as clock? */
- pclk = 1;
- argv[10]++;
- } else {
- if(argv[10][0] == 'r') /* wants to use RTxC? */
- argv[10]++; /* that's the default */
- }
- if(argc > 11) /* optional hardware type */
- hwtype = htoi(argv[11]); /* it is given in hex */
- if(argc > 12) /* optional hardware param */
- hwparam = htoi(argv[12]); /* also in hex */
- return scc_init(atoi(argv[1]),(ioaddr) htol(argv[3]),atoi(argv[4]),
- atoi(argv[5]),atoi(argv[6]),atoi(argv[7]),
- (ioaddr) htol(argv[8]),atoi(argv[9]),
- atol(argv[10]),pclk,hwtype,hwparam);
- }
- /* not "init", so it must be a valid mode to attach a channel */
- if(strcmp(argv[2],"ax25") && strcmp(argv[2],"kiss") &&
- strcmp(argv[2],"slip")){
- printf("Mode %s unknown for SCCn",argv[2]);
- return -1;
- }
- if(strcmp(argv[2],"slip") == 0 || strcmp(argv[2],"kiss") == 0){
- for(xdev = 0;xdev < SLIP_MAX;xdev++)
- if(Slip[xdev].iface == NULL)
- break;
- if(xdev >= SLIP_MAX){
- printf("Too many slip devicesn");
- return -1;
- }
- }
- if(strcmp(argv[2],"nrs") == 0){
- for(xdev = 0;xdev < NRS_MAX;xdev++)
- if(Nrs[xdev].iface == NULL)
- break;
- if(xdev >= NRS_MAX){
- printf("Too many nrs devicesn");
- return -1;
- }
- }
- if(!Sccinfo.init){
- printf("First init SCC drivern");
- return -1;
- }
- if((chan = atoi(argv[1])) > Sccinfo.maxchan){
- printf("SCC channel %d out of rangen",chan);
- return -1;
- }
- if(Sccchan[chan] != NULL){
- printf("SCC channel %d already attachedn",chan);
- return -1;
- }
- /* create interface structure and fill in details */
- ifp = (struct iface *) callocw(1,sizeof(struct iface));
- ifp->name = mallocw(strlen(argv[3]) + 1);
- strcpy(ifp->name,argv[3]);
- ifp->mtu = atoi(argv[4]);
- ifp->dev = chan;
- ifp->stop = scc_stop;
- scc = (struct sccchan *) callocw(1,sizeof(struct sccchan));
- scc->ctrl = Sccinfo.iobase + (chan / 2) * Sccinfo.space + Sccinfo.off[chan % 2];
- scc->data = scc->ctrl + Sccinfo.doff;
- scc->iface = ifp;
- if(isupper(argv[5][0]))
- argv[5][0] = tolower(argv[5][0]);
- switch (argv[5][0]) {
- case 'd': /* fulldup divider installed? */
- scc->fulldup = 1; /* set appropriate flag */
- argv[5]++; /* skip the 'd' */
- break;
- case 'e': /* external clocking? */
- scc->extclock = 1; /* set the flag */
- break;
- }
- scc->bufsiz = atoi(argv[6]);
- ifp->addr = Ip_addr;
- Sccchan[chan] = scc; /* put addr in table for interrupts */
- switch(argv[2][0]){ /* mode already checked above */
- #ifdef AX25
- case 'a': /* AX.25 */
- scc_sdlc(scc); /* init SCC in SDLC mode */
- if (!scc->extclock) {
- brgrate = scc_speed(scc,32,atol(argv[5]));/* init SCC speed */
- scc->speed = Sccinfo.clk / (64L * (brgrate + 2));/* calc real speed */
- }
- brgrate = scc_speed(scc,32,atol(argv[5]));/* init SCC speed */
- scc->speed = Sccinfo.clk / (64L * (brgrate + 2));/* calc real speed */
- setencap(ifp,"AX25UI");
- scc_call(ifp,argc > 7 ? argv[7] : (char *) 0); /* set the callsign */
- ifp->ioctl = scc_sioctl;
- ifp->raw = scc_raw;
- /* default KISS Params */
- scc->a.txdelay = 36*TPS/100; /* 360 ms */
- scc->a.persist = 25; /* 10% persistence */
- scc->a.slottime = 16*TPS/100; /* 160 ms */
- #if TPS > 67
- scc->a.tailtime = 3*TPS/100; /* 30 ms */
- #else
- scc->a.tailtime = 2; /* minimal reasonable value */
- #endif
- scc->a.fulldup = 0; /* CSMA */
- scc->a.waittime = 50*TPS/100; /* 500 ms */
- scc->a.maxkeyup = 7; /* 7 s */
- scc->a.mintime = 3; /* 3 s */
- scc->a.idletime = 120; /* 120 s */
- break;
- case 'k': /* kiss */
- scc_async(scc); /* init SCC in async mode */
- brgrate = scc_speed(scc,16,atol(argv[5]));
- scc->speed = Sccinfo.clk / (32L * (brgrate + 2));
- setencap(ifp,"AX25UI");
- scc_call(ifp,argc > 7 ? argv[7] : (char *) 0); /* set the callsign */
- ifp->ioctl = kiss_ioctl;
- ifp->raw = kiss_raw;
- for(xdev = 0;xdev < SLIP_MAX;xdev++){
- if(Slip[xdev].iface == NULL)
- break;
- }
- ifp->xdev = xdev;
- Slip[xdev].iface = ifp;
- Slip[xdev].type = CL_KISS;
- Slip[xdev].send = scc_send;
- Slip[xdev].get = get_scc;
- cp = if_name(ifp," rx");
- ifp->rxproc = newproc(cp,256,slip_rx,xdev,NULL,NULL,0);
- free(cp);
- break;
- #endif
- #ifdef SLIP
- case 's': /* slip */
- scc_async(scc); /* init SCC in async mode */
- brgrate = scc_speed(scc,16,atol(argv[5]));
- scc->speed = Sccinfo.clk / (32L * (brgrate + 2));
- setencap(ifp,"SLIP");
- ifp->ioctl = scc_aioctl;
- ifp->raw = slip_raw;
- for(xdev = 0;xdev < SLIP_MAX;xdev++){
- if(Slip[xdev].iface == NULL)
- break;
- }
- ifp->xdev = xdev;
- Slip[xdev].iface = ifp;
- Slip[xdev].type = CL_SERIAL_LINE;
- Slip[xdev].send = scc_send;
- Slip[xdev].get = get_scc;
- cp = if_name(ifp," rx");
- if((argc > 8) && (strchr(argv[8],'v') != NULL)) {
- Slip[xdev].escaped |= SLIP_VJCOMPR;
- Slip[xdev].slcomp = slhc_init(16,16);
- } else if((argc > 7) && (strchr(argv[7],'v') != NULL)) {
- Slip[xdev].escaped |= SLIP_VJCOMPR;
- Slip[xdev].slcomp = slhc_init(16,16);
- }
- #else
- Slip[xdev].slcomp = NULL;
- #endif /* VJCOMPRESS */
- ifp->rxproc = newproc(cp,256,slip_rx,xdev,NULL,NULL,0);
- free(cp);
- break;
- #endif
- #ifdef NRS
- case 'n': /* nrs */
- scc_async(scc); /* init SCC in async mode */
- brgrate = scc_speed(scc,16,atol(argv[5]));
- scc->speed = Sccinfo.clk / (32L * (brgrate + 2));
- setencap(ifp,"AX25UI");
- scc_call(ifp,argc > 7 ? argv[7] : (char *) 0); /* set the callsign */
- ifp->ioctl = scc_aioctl;
- ifp->raw = nrs_raw;
- for(xdev = 0;xdev < NRS_MAX;xdev++)
- if(Nrs[xdev].iface == NULL)
- break;
- ifp->xdev = xdev;
- Nrs[xdev].iface = ifp;
- Nrs[xdev].send = scc_send;
- Nrs[xdev].get = get_scc;
- cp = if_name(ifp," rx");
- ifp->rxproc = newproc(cp,256,nrs_recv,xdev,NULL,NULL,0);
- free(cp);
- break;
- #endif
- }
- ifp->next = Ifaces; /* link interface in list */
- Ifaces = ifp;
- cp = if_name(ifp," tx");
- ifp->txproc = newproc(cp,512,if_tx,0,ifp,NULL,0);
- free(cp);
- return 0;
- }
- /* SCC driver initialisation. called on "attach scc <num> init ..." */
- static int
- scc_init(nchips,iobase,space,aoff,boff,doff,intack,ivec,clk,pclk,hwtype,hwparam)
- int nchips; /* number of chips */
- ioaddr iobase; /* base of first chip */
- int space,aoff,boff,doff;
- ioaddr intack; /* INTACK ioport or 0 for no INTACK */
- int ivec; /* interrupt vector number */
- long clk; /* clock frequency */
- int pclk; /* PCLK or RTxC for clock */
- int hwtype; /* selection of special hardware types */
- int hwparam; /* extra parameter for special hardware */
- {
- int chip,chan;
- ioaddr chipbase;
- register ioaddr ctrl;
- int d;
- int dum = 1;
- int i_state;
- #define z 0
- if(Sccinfo.init){
- printf("SCC driver already initialized - nothing donen");
- return 1;
- }
- Sccinfo.init = 1;
- Sccinfo.nchips = nchips;
- Sccinfo.maxchan = (2 * nchips) - 1;
- Sccinfo.iobase = iobase;
- Sccinfo.space = space;
- Sccinfo.off[0] = aoff;
- Sccinfo.off[1] = boff;
- Sccinfo.doff = doff;
- Sccinfo.ivec = ivec;
- Sccinfo.clk = clk;
- Sccinfo.pclk = pclk;
- Sccinfo.hwtype = hwtype;
- Sccinfo.hwparam = hwparam;
- /* reset and pre-init all chips in the system */
- for(chip = 0; chip < nchips; chip++){
- chipbase = iobase + chip * space;
- ctrl = chipbase + Sccinfo.off[0];
- i_state = dirps(); /* because of 2-step accesses */
- VOID(RDREG(ctrl)); /* make sure pointer is written */
- WRSCC(ctrl,R9,FHWRES); /* force hardware reset */
- for (d = 0; d < 1000; d++) /* wait a while to be sure */
- dum *= 10;
- for(chan = 0; chan < 2; chan++){
- ctrl = chipbase + Sccinfo.off[chan];
- /* initialize a single channel to no-op */
- VOID(RDREG(ctrl)); /* make sure pointer is written */
- WRSCC(ctrl,R4,z); /* no mode selected yet */
- WRSCC(ctrl,R1,z); /* no W/REQ operation */
- WRSCC(ctrl,R2,16 * chip); /* chip# in upper 4 bits of vector */
- WRSCC(ctrl,R3,z); /* disable rx */
- WRSCC(ctrl,R5,z); /* disable tx */
- WRSCC(ctrl,R9,VIS); /* vector includes status, MIE off */
- Sccpolltab[chip][chan] = ctrl; /* store ctrl addr for polling */
- }
- if (hwtype & HWSEALEVEL) /* if a SEALEVEL card, */
- WRREG(chipbase + 4,hwparam); /* set control/status (DTR) */
- if(hwtype & HWEAGLE) /* this is an EAGLE card */
- WRREG(chipbase + 4,0x08); /* enable interrupt on the board */
- if(hwtype & HWPC100) /* this is a PC100 card */
- WRREG(chipbase,hwparam); /* set the MODEM mode (22H normally) */
- if(hwtype & HWPRIMUS) /* this is a PRIMUS-PC */
- WRREG(chipbase + 4,hwparam); /* set the MODEM mode (02H normally) */
- if (hwtype & HWDRSI) { /* this is a DRSI PC*Packet card */
- ioaddr z8536 = chipbase + 7; /* point to 8536 master ctrl reg */
- /* Initialize 8536 to perform its divide-by-32 function */
- /* This part copied from N6TTO DRSI-driver */
- /* Start by forcing chip into known state */
- VOID(RDREG(z8536)); /* make sure pointer is written */
- WRSCC(z8536,CIO_MICR,0x01); /* force hardware reset */
- for (d = 0; d < 1000; d++) /* wait a while to be sure */
- dum *= 10;
- WRSCC(z8536,CIO_MICR,0x00); /* Clear reset and start */
- /* Wait for chip to come ready */
- while (RDSCC(z8536,CIO_MICR) != 0x02)
- dum *= 10;
- WRSCC(z8536,CIO_MICR,0x26); /* NV|CT_VIS|RJA */
- WRSCC(z8536,CIO_MCCR,0xf4); /* PBE|CT1E|CT2E|CT3E|PAE */
- WRSCC(z8536,CIO_CTMS1,0xe2);/* Continuous, EOE, ECE, Pulse output */
- WRSCC(z8536,CIO_CTMS2,0xe2);/* Continuous, EOE, ECE, Pulse output */
- WRSCC(z8536,CIO_CT1MSB,0x00); /* Load time constant CTC #1 */
- WRSCC(z8536,CIO_CT1LSB,0x10);
- WRSCC(z8536,CIO_CT2MSB,0x00); /* Load time constant CTC #2 */
- WRSCC(z8536,CIO_CT2LSB,0x10);
- WRSCC(z8536,CIO_IVR,0x06);
- /* Set port direction bits in port A and B */
- /* Data is input on bits d1 and d5, output on d0 and d4. */
- /* The direction is set by 1 for input and 0 for output */
- WRSCC(z8536,CIO_PDCA,0x22);
- WRSCC(z8536,CIO_PDCB,0x22);
- WRSCC(z8536,CIO_CSR1,CIO_GCB|CIO_TCB); /* Start CTC #1 running */
- WRSCC(z8536,CIO_CSR2,CIO_GCB|CIO_TCB); /* Start CTC #2 running */
- }
- restore(i_state);
- }
- Sccpolltab[chip][0] = 0; /* terminate the polling table */
- Sccvecloc = intack; /* location of INTACK/vector read */
- Sccmaxvec = 16 * nchips; /* upper limit on valid vector */
- /* save original interrupt vector */
- Orgivec = getirq(ivec);
- if(intack){ /* INTACK method selected? */
- /* set interrupt vector to INTACK-generating routine */
- setirq(ivec,sccvec);
- } else {
- /* set interrupt vector to polling routine */
- setirq(ivec,sccnovec);
- }
- /* enable the interrupt */
- maskon(ivec);
- return 0;
- }
- /* initialize an SCC channel in asynchronous mode */
- static int
- scc_async(scc)
- register struct sccchan *scc;
- {
- register struct fifo *fp = &(scc->fifo);
- int i_state;
- if((fp->buf = malloc(scc->bufsiz)) == NULL){
- printf("scc%d: No space for rx buffern",scc->iface->dev);
- return -1;
- }
- fp->bufsize = scc->bufsiz;
- fp->wp = fp->rp = fp->buf;
- fp->cnt = 0;
- scc->int_transmit = scc_asytx; /* set interrupt handlers */
- scc->int_extstat = scc_asyex;
- scc->int_receive = scc_asyrx;
- scc->int_special = scc_asysp;
- i_state = dirps();
- if (scc->extclock) {
- wr(scc,R4,X1CLK|SB1); /* *1 clock, 1 stopbit, no parity */
- wr(scc,R11,RCRTxCP|TCTRxCP); /* RXclk RTxC, TXclk TRxC. */
- wr(scc,R14,z); /* No BRG options */
- wr(scc,R4,X16CLK|SB1); /* *16 clock, 1 stopbit, no parity */
- wr(scc,R11,RCBR|TCBR); /* clocks are BR generator */
- wr(scc,R14,Sccinfo.pclk? BRSRC:z); /* brg source = PCLK/RTxC */
- }
- wr(scc,R1,z); /* no W/REQ operation */
- wr(scc,R3,Rx8); /* RX 8 bits/char, disabled */
- wr(scc,R5,Tx8|DTR|RTS); /* TX 8 bits/char, disabled, DTR RTS */
- wr(scc,R9,VIS); /* vector includes status */
- wr(scc,R10,NRZ|z); /* select NRZ */
- wr(scc,R15,BRKIE); /* enable BREAK ext/status int */
- or(scc,R3,RxENABLE); /* enable receiver */
- or(scc,R5,TxENAB); /* enable transmitter */
- WRREG(scc->ctrl,RES_EXT_INT); /* reset ext/status interrupts */
- WRREG(scc->ctrl,RES_EXT_INT); /* must be done twice */
- scc->status = RDREG(scc->ctrl); /* read initial status */
- or(scc,R1,INT_ALL_Rx|TxINT_ENAB|EXT_INT_ENAB); /* enable interrupts */
- or(scc,R9,MIE); /* master interrupt enable */
- restore(i_state);
- return 0;
- }
- /* initialize an SCC channel in SDLC mode */
- static void
- scc_sdlc(scc)
- register struct sccchan *scc;
- {
- int i_state;
- scc->int_transmit = scc_sdlctx; /* set interrupt handlers */
- scc->int_extstat = scc_sdlcex;
- scc->int_receive = scc_sdlcrx;
- scc->int_special = scc_sdlcsp;
- i_state = dirps();
- wr(scc,R4,X1CLK|SDLC); /* *1 clock, SDLC mode */
- wr(scc,R1,z); /* no W/REQ operation */
- wr(scc,R3,Rx8|RxCRC_ENAB); /* RX 8 bits/char, CRC, disabled */
- wr(scc,R5,Tx8|DTR|TxCRC_ENAB); /* TX 8 bits/char, disabled, DTR */
- wr(scc,R6,z); /* SDLC address zero (not used) */
- wr(scc,R7,FLAG); /* SDLC flag value */
- wr(scc,R9,VIS); /* vector includes status */
- wr(scc,R10,CRCPS|NRZI|ABUNDER); /* CRC preset 1, select NRZI, ABORT on underrun */
- if (scc->extclock){ /* when using external clocks */
- /* RXclk RTxC, TXclk TRxC. */
- wr(scc,R11,RCRTxCP|TCTRxCP);
- wr(scc,R14,z); /* No BRG options */
- WRSCC(scc->ctrl,R14,DISDPLL|scc->wreg[R14]); /* No DPLL operation */
- } else {
- if(scc->fulldup){ /* when external clock divider */
- if(Sccinfo.pclk){ /* when using PCLK as clock source */
- /* RXclk DPLL, TXclk RTxC, out=BRG. external /32 TRxC->RTxC */
- } else {
- /* RXclk DPLL, TXclk TRxC. external TX clock to TRxC */
- wr(scc,R11,RCDPLL|TCTRxCP);
- }
- } else { /* only half-duplex operation */
- /* RXclk DPLL, TXclk BRG. BRG reprogrammed at every TX/RX switch */
- #ifdef notdef /* KA9Q - for PSK modem */
- wr(scc,R11,RCDPLL|TCBR);
- #else
- /* DPLL -> Rx clk, DPLL -> Tx CLK, TxCLK -> TRxC pin */
- #endif
- }
- wr(scc,R14,Sccinfo.pclk? BRSRC:z); /* BRG source = PCLK/RTxC */
- WRSCC(scc->ctrl,R14,SSBR|scc->wreg[R14]); /* DPLL source = BRG */
- WRSCC(scc->ctrl,R14,SNRZI|scc->wreg[R14]); /* DPLL NRZI mode */
- }
- wr(scc,R15,BRKIE|CTSIE|DCDIE); /* enable ABORT, CTS & DCD interrupts */
- if(RDREG(scc->ctrl) & DCD){ /* DCD is now ON */
- if (!scc->extclock)
- WRSCC(scc->ctrl,R14,SEARCH|scc->wreg[R14]); /* DPLL: enter search mode */
- or(scc,R3,ENT_HM|RxENABLE); /* enable the receiver, hunt mode */
- }
- WRREG(scc->ctrl,RES_EXT_INT); /* reset ext/status interrupts */
- WRREG(scc->ctrl,RES_EXT_INT); /* must be done twice */
- scc->status = RDREG(scc->ctrl); /* read initial status */
- or(scc,R1,INT_ALL_Rx|TxINT_ENAB|EXT_INT_ENAB); /* enable interrupts */
- or(scc,R9,MIE); /* master interrupt enable */
- restore(i_state);
- }
- /* set SCC channel speed
- * clkmode specifies the division rate (1,16,32) inside the SCC
- * returns the selected brgrate for "real speed" calculation
- */
- static unsigned int
- scc_speed(scc,clkmode,speed)
- register struct sccchan *scc;
- unsigned int clkmode;
- long speed; /* the desired baudrate */
- {
- unsigned int brgrate;
- long spdclkm;
- int i_state;
- /* calculate baudrate generator value */
- if ((spdclkm = speed * clkmode) == 0)
- return 65000U; /* avoid divide-by-zero */
- brgrate = (unsigned) ((Sccinfo.clk + spdclkm) / (spdclkm * 2)) - 2;
- i_state = dirps(); /* 2-step register accesses... */
- cl(scc,R14,BRENABL); /* disable baudrate generator */
- wr(scc,R12,brgrate); /* brg rate LOW */
- wr(scc,R13,brgrate >> 8); /* brg rate HIGH */
- or(scc,R14,BRENABL); /* enable baudrate generator */
- restore(i_state);
- return brgrate;
- }
- /* de-activate SCC channel */
- static int
- scc_stop(ifp)
- struct iface *ifp;
- {
- struct sccchan *scc = Sccchan[ifp->dev];
- int i_state;
- i_state = dirps();
- VOID(RDREG(scc->ctrl)); /* make sure pointer is written */
- wr(scc,R9,(ifp->dev % 2)? CHRB : CHRA); /* reset the channel */
- switch(ifp->iftype->type){
- case CL_KISS:
- free(scc->fifo.buf);
- default:
- break;
- }
- free(scc);
- Sccchan[ifp->dev] = NULL;
- restore(i_state);
- return 0;
- }
- /* de-activate SCC driver on program exit */
- void
- sccstop()
- {
- if(Sccinfo.init){ /* was it initialized? */
- maskoff(Sccinfo.ivec); /* disable the interrupt */
- setirq(Sccinfo.ivec,Orgivec); /* restore original interrupt vector */
- }
- }
- /* perform ioctl on SCC (async) channel
- * this is used for SLIP mode only, and will read/set the line speed
- */
- static int32
- scc_aioctl(ifp,cmd,set,val)
- struct iface *ifp;
- int cmd;
- int set;
- int32 val;
- {
- struct sccchan *scc;
- unsigned int brgrate;
- scc = Sccchan[ifp->dev];
- switch(cmd){
- if(set){
- brgrate = scc_speed(scc,16,val);
- scc->speed = Sccinfo.clk / (32L * (brgrate + 2));
- }
- return scc->speed;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* perform ioctl on SCC (sdlc) channel
- * this is used for AX.25 mode only, and will set the "kiss" parameters
- */
- static int32
- scc_sioctl(ifp,cmd,set,val)
- struct iface *ifp;
- int cmd;
- int set;
- int32 val;
- {
- struct sccchan *scc;
- unsigned int brgrate;
- int i_state;
- scc = Sccchan[ifp->dev];
- switch(cmd){
- if(set){
- if(val == 0)
- scc->extclock = 1;
- else {
- brgrate = scc_speed(scc,32,val);/* init SCC speed */
- scc->speed = Sccinfo.clk / (64L * (brgrate + 2));/* calc real speed */
- }
- }
- return scc->speed;
- if(set)
- scc->a.txdelay = val;
- return scc->a.txdelay;
- if(set)
- scc->a.persist = val;
- return scc->a.persist;
- if(set)
- scc->a.slottime = val;
- return scc->a.slottime;
- if(set)
- scc->a.tailtime = val;
- return scc->a.tailtime;
- if(set)
- scc->a.fulldup = val;
- return scc->a.fulldup;
- case PARAM_WAIT:
- if(set)
- scc->a.waittime = val;
- return scc->a.waittime;
- if(set)
- scc->a.maxkeyup = val;
- return scc->a.maxkeyup;
- case PARAM_MIN:
- if(set)
- scc->a.mintime = val;
- return scc->a.mintime;
- case PARAM_IDLE:
- if(set)
- scc->a.idletime = val;
- return scc->a.idletime;
- case PARAM_DTR:
- if(set){
- if(val)
- scc->wreg[R5] |= DTR;
- else
- scc->wreg[R5] &= ~DTR;
- i_state = dirps();
- if(scc->a.tstate == IDLE && scc->timercount == 0)
- scc->timercount = 1; /* force an update */
- restore(i_state);
- }
- return (scc->wreg[R5] & DTR) ? 1 : 0;
- if(set)
- scc->group = val;
- return scc->group;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- /* start SCC transmitter when it is idle (SLIP/KISS mode only) */
- static void
- scc_sstart(scc)
- register struct sccchan *scc;
- {
- if(scc->tbp != NULL || /* busy */
- scc->sndq == NULL) /* no work */
- return;
- scc->tbp = dequeue(&scc->sndq);
- WRREG(scc->data,FR_END);
- }
- /* show SCC status */
- int
- dosccstat()
- {
- register struct sccchan *scc;
- int i;
- if(!Sccinfo.init){
- printf("SCC driver not initializedn");
- return 0;
- }
- printf("Ch Iface Sent Rcvd Error Space Overr Rxints Txints Exints Spintsn");
- for(i = 0; i <= Sccinfo.maxchan; i++){
- if((scc = Sccchan[i]) == NULL)
- continue;
- if(scc->int_receive == scc_asyrx)
- printf("%2d %-6s ** asynch ** %7lu %5u %5u %8lu %8lu %8lu %8lun",i,scc->iface->name,
- scc->rxerrs,scc->nospace,scc->rovers,
- scc->rxints,scc->txints,scc->exints,scc->spints);
- else
- printf("%2d %-6s %6lu %6lu %7lu %5u %5u %8lu %8lu %8lu %8lun",i,scc->iface->name,
- scc->enqueued,scc->rxframes,scc->rxerrs,scc->nospace,scc->rovers,
- scc->rxints,scc->txints,scc->exints,scc->spints);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* send raw frame to SCC. used for AX.25 */
- static int
- scc_raw(
- struct iface *ifp,
- struct mbuf **bpp
- ){
- struct sccchan *scc;
- int i_state;
- dump(ifp,IF_TRACE_OUT,*bpp);
- ifp->rawsndcnt++;
- ifp->lastsent = secclock();
- scc = Sccchan[ifp->dev];
- if (scc->tx_inhibit){ /* transmitter inhibit */
- free_p(bpp);
- return -1;
- }
- enqueue(&scc->sndq,bpp); /* enqueue packet */
- scc->enqueued++;
- i_state = dirps();
- if(scc->a.tstate == IDLE){ /* when transmitter is idle */
- scc->a.tstate = DEFER; /* start the key-up sequence */
- scc->a.maxdefer = TPS * scc->a.idletime /
- scc->a.slottime;
- scc->timercount = scc->a.waittime;
- }
- restore(i_state);
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- scc_send(
- int dev,
- struct mbuf **bpp
- ){
- struct sccchan *scc;
- scc = Sccchan[dev];
- enqueue(&scc->sndq,bpp);
- if(scc->tbp == NULL)
- scc_sstart(scc);
- return(0);
- }
- /* initialize interface for AX.25 use */
- static int
- scc_call(ifp,call)
- register struct iface *ifp;
- char *call;
- {
- uint8 out[AXALEN];
- ifp->hwaddr = mallocw(AXALEN);
- if(setcall(out,call) == 0)
- memcpy(ifp->hwaddr,out,AXALEN);
- else
- memcpy(ifp->hwaddr,Mycall,AXALEN);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Interrupt handlers for asynchronous modes (kiss, slip) */
- /* Transmitter interrupt handler */
- /* This routine sends data from mbufs in SLIP format */
- static void
- scc_asytx(scc)
- register struct sccchan *scc;
- {
- register struct mbuf *bp;
- scc->txints++;
- if(scc->txchar != 0){ /* a character pending for transmit? */
- WRREG(scc->data,scc->txchar); /* send it now */
- scc->txchar = 0; /* next time, ignore it */
- return;
- }
- if(scc->tbp == NULL){ /* nothing to send? */
- if((scc->tbp = scc->sndq) != NULL){ /* dequeue next frame */
- scc->sndq = scc->sndq->anext;
- WRREG(scc->data,FR_END); /* send FR_END to flush line garbage */
- } else {
- WRREG(scc->ctrl,RES_Tx_P); /* else only reset pending int */
- }
- return;
- }
- while ((bp = scc->tbp)->cnt == 0){ /* nothing left in this mbuf? */
- bp = bp->next; /* save link to next */
- free_mbuf(&scc->tbp);
- if((scc->tbp = bp) == NULL){ /* see if more mbufs follow */
- WRREG(scc->data,FR_END); /* frame complete, send FR_END */
- return;
- }
- }
- /* now bp = scc->tbp (either from while or from if stmt above) */
- WRREG(scc->data,*(bp->data)); /* just send the character */
- bp->cnt--; /* decrease mbuf byte count */
- bp->data++; /* and increment the data pointer */
- }
- /* External/Status interrupt handler */
- static void
- scc_asyex(scc)
- register struct sccchan *scc;
- {
- register unsigned char status,changes;
- scc->exints++;
- status = RDREG(scc->ctrl);
- changes = status ^ scc->status;
- if(changes & BRK_ABRT){ /* BREAK? */
- if((status & BRK_ABRT) == 0) /* BREAK now over? */
- VOID(RDREG(scc->data)); /* read the NUL character */
- }
- scc->status = status;
- WRREG(scc->ctrl,RES_EXT_INT);
- }
- /* Receiver interrupt handler under NOS.
- * Since the higher serial protocol routines are all written to work
- * well with the routines in 8250.c, it makes sense to handle
- * asynch i/o with the 8530 in a similar manner. Therefore, these
- * routines are as close to their counterparts in 8250.c as possible.
- */
- static void
- scc_asyrx(scc)
- register struct sccchan *scc;
- {
- register struct fifo *fp;
- char c;
- scc->rxints++;
- fp = &(scc->fifo);
- do {
- c = RDREG(scc->data);
- if(fp->cnt != fp->bufsize){
- *fp->wp++ = c;
- if(fp->wp >= &fp->buf[fp->bufsize])
- fp->wp = fp->buf;
- fp->cnt++;
- } else
- scc->nospace++;
- } while(RDREG(scc->ctrl) & Rx_CH_AV);
- ksignal(fp,1); /* eventually move this to timer routine */
- }
- /* Blocking read from asynch input.
- * Essentially the same as get_asy() in 8250.c
- * See comments in asyrxint().
- */
- static int
- get_scc(dev)
- int dev;
- {
- register struct fifo *fp;
- uint8 c;
- int tmp;
- int i_state;
- fp = &(Sccchan[dev]->fifo);
- for(;;){
- i_state = dirps();
- tmp = fp->cnt;
- if(tmp != 0){
- fp->cnt--;
- restore(i_state);
- break;
- }
- restore(i_state);
- kwait(fp);
- }
- c = *fp->rp++;
- if(fp->rp >= &fp->buf[fp->bufsize])
- fp->rp = fp->buf;
- return c;
- }
- int
- scc_frameup(dev)
- int dev;
- {
- Sccchan[dev]->rxframes++;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Receive Special Condition interrupt handler */
- static void
- scc_asysp(scc)
- register struct sccchan *scc;
- {
- register unsigned char status;
- scc->spints++;
- status = rd(scc,R1); /* read receiver status */
- VOID(RDREG(scc->data)); /* flush offending character */
- if(status & (CRC_ERR | Rx_OVR)) /* did a framing error or overrun occur ? */
- scc->rovers++; /* report as overrun */
- WRREG(scc->ctrl,ERR_RES);
- }
- /* Interrupt handlers for sdlc mode (AX.25) */
- /* Transmitter interrupt handler */
- static void
- scc_sdlctx(scc)
- register struct sccchan *scc;
- {
- register struct mbuf *bp;
- scc->txints++;
- switch(scc->a.tstate){ /* look at transmitter state */
- case ACTIVE: /* busy sending data bytes */
- while ((bp = scc->tbp)->cnt == 0){ /* nothing left in this mbuf? */
- bp = bp->next; /* save link to next */
- free_mbuf(&scc->tbp); /*KM*/
- if((scc->tbp = bp) == NULL){/* see if more mbufs follow */
- if(RDREG(scc->ctrl) & TxEOM){ /* check tx underrun status */
- scc->rovers++; /* oops, an underrun! count them */
- WRREG(scc->ctrl,SEND_ABORT);/* send an abort to be sure */
- scc->a.tstate = TAIL; /* key down tx after TAILTIME */
- scc->timercount = scc->a.tailtime;
- return;
- }
- cl(scc,R10,ABUNDER); /* frame complete, allow CRC transmit */
- scc->a.tstate = FLUSH;
- WRREG(scc->ctrl,RES_Tx_P); /* reset pending int */
- return;
- }
- }
- /* now bp = scc->tbp (either from while or from if stmt above) */
- WRREG(scc->data,*(bp->data++)); /* send the character */
- bp->cnt--; /* decrease mbuf byte count */
- return;
- case FLUSH: /* CRC just went out, more to send? */
- or(scc,R10,ABUNDER); /* re-install underrun protection */
- /* verify that we are not exeeding max tx time (if defined) */
- if((scc->timercount != 0 || scc->a.maxkeyup == 0) &&
- (scc->tbp = scc->sndq) != NULL){ /* dequeue a frame */
- scc->sndq = scc->sndq->anext;
- WRREG(scc->ctrl,RES_Tx_CRC); /* reset the TX CRC generator */
- scc->a.tstate = ACTIVE;
- scc_sdlctx(scc); /* write 1st byte */
- WRREG(scc->ctrl,RES_EOM_L); /* reset the EOM latch */
- return;
- }
- scc->a.tstate = TAIL; /* no more, key down tx after TAILTIME */
- scc->timercount = scc->a.tailtime;
- WRREG(scc->ctrl,RES_Tx_P);
- return;
- default: /* another state */
- WRREG(scc->ctrl,RES_Tx_P); /* then don't send anything */
- return;
- }
- }
- /* External/Status interrupt handler */
- static void
- scc_sdlcex(scc)
- register struct sccchan *scc;
- {
- register unsigned char status,changes;
- scc->exints++;
- status = RDREG(scc->ctrl);
- changes = status ^ scc->status;
- if(changes & BRK_ABRT){ /* Received an ABORT */
- if(status & BRK_ABRT){ /* is this the beginning? */
- if(scc->rbp != NULL){/* did we receive something? */
- /* check if a significant amount of data came in */
- /* this is because the drop of DCD tends to generate an ABORT */
- if(scc->rbp->next != NULL || scc->rbp->cnt > 0)
- scc->rxerrs++; /* then count it as an error */
- scc_tossb(scc); /* throw away buffer */
- }
- VOID(RDREG(scc->data)); /* flush the FIFO */
- VOID(RDREG(scc->data));
- VOID(RDREG(scc->data));
- }
- }
- if(changes & CTS){ /* CTS input changed state */
- if(status & CTS){ /* CTS is now ON */
- if(scc->a.tstate == KEYWT &&
- scc->a.txdelay == 0) /* zero TXDELAY = wait for CTS */
- scc->timercount = 1; /* it will start within 10 ms */
- }
- }
- if(changes & DCD){ /* DCD input changed state */
- if(status & DCD){ /* DCD is now ON */
- if (!scc->extclock)
- WRSCC(scc->ctrl,R14,SEARCH|scc->wreg[R14]); /* DPLL: enter search mode */
- or(scc,R3,ENT_HM|RxENABLE); /* enable the receiver, hunt mode */
- } else { /* DCD is now OFF */
- cl(scc,R3,ENT_HM|RxENABLE); /* disable the receiver */
- VOID(RDREG(scc->data)); /* flush the FIFO */
- VOID(RDREG(scc->data));
- VOID(RDREG(scc->data));
- if(scc->rbp != NULL){/* did we receive something? */
- /* check if a significant amount of data came in */
- /* this is because some characters precede the drop of DCD */
- if(scc->rbp->next != NULL || scc->rbp->cnt > 0)
- scc->rxerrs++; /* then count it as an error */
- scc_tossb(scc); /* throw away buffer */
- }
- }
- }
- scc->status = status;
- WRREG(scc->ctrl,RES_EXT_INT);
- }
- /* Receiver interrupt handler */
- static void
- scc_sdlcrx(scc)
- register struct sccchan *scc;
- {
- register struct mbuf *bp;
- scc->rxints++;
- if((bp = scc->rbp1) == NULL){ /* no buffer available now */
- if(scc->rbp == NULL){
- if((bp = alloc_mbuf(scc->bufsiz+sizeof(struct iface *))) != NULL){
- scc->rbp = scc->rbp1 = bp;
- bp->cnt = 0;
- }
- } else if((bp = alloc_mbuf(scc->bufsiz)) != NULL){
- scc->rbp1 = bp;
- for(bp = scc->rbp; bp->next != NULL; bp = bp->next)
- ;
- bp->next = scc->rbp1;
- bp = scc->rbp1;
- }
- if(bp == NULL){
- VOID(RDREG(scc->data)); /* so we have to discard the char */
- or(scc,R3,ENT_HM); /* enter hunt mode for next flag */
- scc_tossb(scc); /* put buffers back on pool */
- scc->nospace++; /* count these events */
- return;
- }
- }
- /* now, we have a buffer (at bp). read character and store it */
- bp->data[bp->cnt++] = RDREG(scc->data);
- if(bp->cnt == bp->size) /* buffer full? */
- scc->rbp1 = NULL; /* acquire a new one next time */
- }
- /* Receive Special Condition interrupt handler */
- static void
- scc_sdlcsp(scc)
- register struct sccchan *scc;
- {
- register unsigned char status;
- register struct mbuf *bp;
- scc->spints++;
- status = rd(scc,R1); /* read receiver status */
- VOID(RDREG(scc->data)); /* flush offending character */
- if(status & Rx_OVR){ /* receiver overrun */
- scc->rovers++; /* count them */
- or(scc,R3,ENT_HM); /* enter hunt mode for next flag */
- scc_tossb(scc); /* rewind the buffer and toss */
- }
- if(status & END_FR && /* end of frame */
- scc->rbp != NULL){ /* at least received something */
- if((status & CRC_ERR) == 0 && /* no CRC error is indicated */
- (status & 0xe) == RES8 && /* 8 bits in last byte */
- scc->rbp->cnt > 0){
- /* we seem to have a good frame. but the last byte received */
- /* from rx interrupt is in fact a CRC byte, so discard it */
- if(scc->rbp1 != NULL){
- scc->rbp1->cnt--; /* current mbuf was not full */
- } else {
- for(bp = scc->rbp; bp->next != NULL; bp = bp->next);
- /* find last mbuf */
- bp->cnt--; /* last byte is first CRC byte */
- }
- net_route(scc->iface,&scc->rbp);
- scc->rbp = scc->rbp1 = NULL;
- scc->rxframes++;
- } else { /* a bad frame */
- scc_tossb(scc); /* throw away frame */
- scc->rxerrs++;
- }
- }
- WRREG(scc->ctrl,ERR_RES);
- }
- /* Throw away receive mbuf(s) when an error occurred */
- static void
- scc_tossb (scc)
- register struct sccchan *scc;
- {
- register struct mbuf *bp;
- if((bp = scc->rbp) != NULL){
- free_p(&bp->next);
- free_p(&bp->dup); /* Should be NULL */
- bp->next = NULL;
- scc->rbp1 = bp; /* Don't throw this one away */
- bp->cnt = 0; /* Simply rewind it */
- }
- }
- /* Switch the SCC to "transmit" mode */
- /* Only to be called from an interrupt handler, while in AX.25 mode */
- static void
- scc_txon(scc)
- register struct sccchan *scc;
- {
- if (!scc->fulldup && !scc->extclock){ /* no fulldup divider? */
- cl(scc,R3,RxENABLE); /* then switch off receiver */
- cl(scc,R5,TxENAB); /* transmitter off during switch */
- scc_speed(scc,1,scc->speed); /* reprogram baudrate generator */
- }
- or(scc,R5,RTS|TxENAB); /* set the RTS line and enable TX */
- if(Sccinfo.hwtype & HWPRIMUS) /* PRIMUS has another PTT bit... */
- WRREG(scc->ctrl + 4,Sccinfo.hwparam | 0x80); /* set that bit! */
- }
- /* Switch the SCC to "receive" mode (or: switch off transmitter)
- * Only to be called from an interrupt handler, while in AX.25 mode
- */
- static void
- scc_txoff(scc)
- register struct sccchan *scc;
- {
- cl(scc,R5,RTS); /* turn off RTS line */
- if(Sccinfo.hwtype & HWPRIMUS) /* PRIMUS has another PTT bit... */
- WRREG(scc->ctrl + 4,Sccinfo.hwparam); /* clear that bit! */
- if (!scc->fulldup && !scc->extclock){ /* no fulldup divider? */
- cl(scc,R5,TxENAB); /* then disable the transmitter */
- scc_speed(scc,32,scc->speed); /* back to receiver baudrate */
- }
- }
- /* SCC timer interrupt handler. Will be called every 1/TPS s by the
- * routine systick in pc.c
- */
- void scctimer()
- {
- register struct sccchan *scc;
- register struct sccchan **sccp;
- int i_state;
- i_state = dirps();
- for(sccp = Sccchan + Sccinfo.maxchan; sccp >= Sccchan; sccp--){
- if((scc = *sccp) != NULL &&
- scc->timercount != 0 &&
- --(scc->timercount) == 0){
- /* handle an SCC timer event for this SCC channel
- * this can only happen when the channel is AX.25 type
- * (the SLIP/KISS driver does not use timers)
- */
- switch(scc->a.tstate){
- case IDLE: /* it was idle, this is FULLDUP2 timeout */
- scc_txoff(scc); /* switch-off the transmitter */
- break;
- case DEFER: /* trying to get the channel */
- /* operation is as follows:
- * CSMA: when channel clear AND persistence randomgenerator
- * wins, AND group restrictions allow it:
- * keyup the transmitter
- * if not, delay one SLOTTIME and try again
- * FULL: always keyup the transmitter
- */
- if(scc->a.fulldup == 0){
- Random = 21 * Random + 53;
- if(scc->status & DCD || scc->a.persist < Random){
- /* defer transmission again. check for limit */
- defer_it: if(--(scc->a.maxdefer) == 0){
- /* deferred too long. choice is to:
- * - throw away pending frames, or
- * - smash-on the transmitter and send them.
- * the first would be the choice in a clean
- * environment, but in the amateur radio world
- * a distant faulty station could tie us up
- * forever, so the second may be better...
- */
- struct mbuf *bp,*bp1;
- while ((bp = scc->sndq) != NULL){
- scc->sndq = scc->sndq->anext;
- free_p(&bp);
- }
- #else
- goto keyup; /* just keyup the transmitter... */
- #endif
- }
- scc->timercount = scc->a.slottime;
- break;
- }
- if(scc->group != NOGROUP){
- int i;
- struct sccchan *scc2;
- for(i = 0; i <= Sccinfo.maxchan; i++)
- if((scc2 = Sccchan[i]) != NULL &&
- scc2 != scc &&
- scc2->group & scc->group &&
- ((scc->group & TXGROUP && scc2->wreg[R5] & RTS) ||
- (scc->group & RXGROUP && scc2->status & DCD))){
- goto defer_it;
- }
- }
- }
- case KEYUP: /* keyup transmitter (note fallthrough) */
- keyup: if((scc->wreg[R5] & RTS) == 0){ /* when not yet keyed */
- scc->a.tstate = KEYWT;
- scc->timercount = scc->a.txdelay; /* 0 if CTSwait */
- scc_txon(scc);
- break;
- }
- /* when already keyed, directly fall through */
- case KEYWT: /* waited for CTS or TXDELAY */
- /* when a frame is available (it should be...):
- * - dequeue it from the send queue
- * - reset the transmitter CRC generator
- * - set a timeout on transmission length, if defined
- * - send the first byte of the frame
- * - reset the EOM latch
- * when no frame available, proceed to TAIL handling
- */
- if((scc->tbp = scc->sndq) != NULL){
- scc->sndq = scc->sndq->anext;
- WRREG(scc->ctrl,RES_Tx_CRC);
- scc->a.tstate = ACTIVE;
- scc->timercount = TPS * scc->a.maxkeyup;
- scc_sdlctx(scc);
- WRREG(scc->ctrl,RES_EOM_L);
- break;
- }
- /* when no frame queued, fall through to TAIL case */
- case TAIL: /* at end of frame */
- /* when fulldup is 0 or 1, switch off the transmitter.
- * when frames are still queued (because of transmit time limit),
- * restart the procedure to get the channel after MINTIME.
- * when fulldup is 2, the transmitter remains keyed and we
- * continue sending. IDLETIME is an idle timeout in this case.
- */
- if(scc->a.fulldup < 2){
- scc->a.tstate = IDLE;
- scc_txoff(scc);
- if(scc->sndq != NULL){
- scc->a.tstate = DEFER;
- scc->a.maxdefer = TPS * scc->a.idletime /
- scc->a.slottime;
- scc->timercount = TPS * scc->a.mintime;
- }
- break;
- }
- if(scc->sndq != NULL){ /* still frames on the queue? */
- scc->a.tstate = KEYWT; /* continue sending */
- scc->timercount = TPS * scc->a.mintime; /* after mintime */
- } else {
- scc->a.tstate = IDLE;
- scc->timercount = TPS * scc->a.idletime;
- }
- break;
- case ACTIVE: /* max keyup time expired */
- case FLUSH: /* same while in flush mode */
- break; /* no action required yet */
- default: /* unexpected state */
- scc->a.tstate = IDLE; /* that should not happen, but... */
- scc_txoff(scc); /* at least stop the transmitter */
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- restore(i_state);
- }