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Visual C++
- ; Collection of assembler support routines for NOS
- ; Copyright 1991 Phil Karn, KA9Q
- include asmglobal.h
- extrn ctick:proc
- extrn kbpoll:proc
- extrn kbsave:proc
- extrn ksignal:proc
- public eoi
- ; Hardware vector for timer linkage
- ; We use the timer hardware channel here instead of the indirect BIOS
- ; channel (1ch) because the latter is sluggish when running under DoubleDos
- public Intstk,Stktop,Spsave,Sssave,Mtasker,Hashtab,Kbvec
- extrn Isat:word
- Spsave dw ? ; Save location for SP during interrupts
- Sssave dw ? ; Save location for SS during interrupts
- Intstk dw 1024 dup(?) ; Interrupt working stack
- Stktop equ $ ; SP set here when entering interrupt
- Mtasker db ? ; Type of higher multitasker, if any
- Hashtab db 256 dup(?) ; Modulus lookup table for iphash()
- Kbvec dd ? ; Address of BIOS keyboard handler
- dbase dw @Data
- jtable dw l0,l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7,l8,l9,l10,l11,l12,l13,l14,l15
- vector dd ? ; place to stash chained vector
- vectlo equ word ptr vector
- vecthi equ word ptr vector+2
- ; Re-arm 8259 interrupt controller(s)
- ; Should be called just after taking an interrupt, instead of just
- ; before returning. This is because the 8259 inputs are edge triggered, and
- ; new interrupts arriving during an interrupt service routine might be missed.
- eoi proc
- cmp Isat,1
- jnz @@1 ; Only one 8259, so skip this stuff
- mov al,0bh ; read in-service register from
- out 0a0h,al ; secondary 8259
- nop ; settling delay
- nop
- nop
- in al,0a0h ; get it
- or al,al ; Any bits set?
- jz @@1 ; nope, not a secondary interrupt
- mov al,20h ; Get EOI instruction
- out 0a0h,al ; Secondary 8259 (PC/AT only)
- @@1: mov al,20h ; 8259 end-of-interrupt command
- out 20h,al ; Primary 8259
- ret
- eoi endp
- ; common routine for interrupt return
- ; Note that all hardware interrupt handlers are expected to return
- ; the original vector found when the device first attached. We branch
- ; to it just after we've cleaned up here -- this implements shared
- ; interrupts through vector chaining. If the original vector isn't
- ; available, the interrupt handler must return NULL to avoid a crash!
- public doret
- label doret far
- cmp ax,0 ; is a chained vector present?
- jne @@1 ; yes
- if @Datasize NE 0
- cmp dx,ax
- jne @@1 ; yes
- endif
- pop es ; nope, return directly from interrupt
- mov ss,Sssave
- mov sp,Spsave ; restore original stack context
- pop ds
- iret
- ; Code to handle vector chaining
- @@1: mov cs:vectlo,ax ; stash vector for later branch
- if @Datasize NE 0
- mov cs:vecthi,dx
- endif
- pop es
- mov ss,Sssave
- mov sp,Spsave ; restore original stack context
- pop ds
- if @Datasize NE 0
- jmp cs:[vector] ; jump to the original interrupt handler
- else
- jmp cs:[vectlo]
- endif
- ; istate - return current interrupt state
- public istate
- istate proc
- pushf
- pop ax
- and ax,200h
- jnz @@1
- ret
- @@1: mov ax,1
- ret
- istate endp
- ; dirps - disable interrupts and return previous state: 0 = disabled,
- ; 1 = enabled
- public dirps
- dirps proc
- pushf ; save flags on stack
- pop ax ; flags -> ax
- and ax,200h ; 1<<9 is IF bit
- jz @@1 ; ints are already off; return 0
- mov ax,1
- cli ; interrupts now off
- @@1: ret
- dirps endp
- ; restore - restore interrupt state: 0 = off, nonzero = on
- public restore
- restore proc
- arg is:word
- test is,0ffffh
- jz @@1
- sti
- ret
- @@1: cli ; should already be off, but just in case...
- ret
- restore endp
- ; multitasker types
- NONE equ 0
- DESQVIEW equ 2
- WINDOWS3 equ 3
- OS2 equ 4
- ; Relinquish processor so other task can run
- public giveup
- giveup proc
- pushf ;save caller's interrupt state
- sti ;re-enable interrupts
- cmp mtasker, DOUBLEDOS
- jnz @@1
- mov al,2 ; 110 ms
- mov ah,0eeh
- int 21h
- POPFLAGS ; restore caller's interrupt state
- ret
- @@1: cmp mtasker, DESQVIEW
- jnz @@2
- mov ax, 1000h
- int 15h
- POPFLAGS ; restore interrupts
- ret
- @@2: cmp mtasker, WINDOWS3
- jnz @@3
- mov ax, 1680h
- int 2fh
- cmp al, 80h ; call supported?
- jz @@3 ; nope
- POPFLAGS ; yes - restore interrupts
- ret
- @@3: cmp mtasker, OS2
- jnz @@4
- mov ax, 1680h
- int 2fh
- POPFLAGS ; restore interrupts
- ret
- @@4: hlt ; wait for an interrupt
- POPFLAGS ; restore interrupts
- ret
- giveup endp
- ; check for a multitasker running
- public chktasker
- chktasker proc
- mov mtasker,NONE
- ; Check for OS/2
- mov ax,3000h ; Get MS-DOS Version Number call
- int 21h
- cmp al,20 ; Version 20 = OS/2 2.0
- jnz @@5
- mov mtasker, OS2
- ret
- ; Check for Microsoft Windows
- @@5: mov ax,1600h
- ; Check for Microsoft Windows
- mov ax,1600h
- int 2fh
- cmp al, 00h ; 0 means windows multitasking not running
- jz @@4
- cmp al, 80h ; ditto for 80h return
- jz @@4
- mov mtasker, WINDOWS3
- ret
- ; Check for DoubleDos
- @@4: mov ah,0e4h
- int 21h
- cmp al,1
- jz @@1
- cmp al,2
- jnz @@2
- @@1: mov mtasker, DOUBLEDOS
- ret
- ; Check for DESQVIEW
- @@2: mov ax, 2b01h
- mov cx, 4445h
- mov dx, 5351h
- int 21h
- cmp al, 0ffh
- jnz @@3
- ret
- @@3: mov mtasker, DESQVIEW
- ret
- chktasker endp
- ; getss - Read SS for debugging purposes
- public getss
- getss proc
- mov ax,ss
- ret
- getss endp
- ; clockbits - Read low order bits of timer 0 (the TOD clock)
- ; This works only for the 8254 chips used in ATs and 386s.
- ;
- ; The timer runs in mode 3 (square wave mode), counting down
- ; by twos, twice for each cycle. So it is necessary to read back the
- ; OUTPUT pin to see which half of the cycle we're in. I.e., the OUTPUT
- ; pin forms the most significant bit of the count. Unfortunately,
- ; the 8253 in the PC/XT lacks a command to read the OUTPUT pin...
- ;
- ; The PC's clock design is soooo brain damaged...
- public clockbits
- clockbits proc
- mov al,0c2h ; latch timer 0 count and status for reading
- @@1: pushf
- cli ; make chip references atomic
- out 43h,al ; send latch command
- in al,40h ; get status of timer 0
- mov bl,al ; save status
- in al,40h ; get lsb of count
- mov ah,al ; save lsb
- in al,40h ; get msb of count
- POPFLAGS ; no more chip references
- test bl,40h ; test NULL COUNT bit
- jnz @@1 ; count is invalid, try again
- and bl,80h ; we're only interested in the OUT bit
- xchg ah,al ; ax = count in correct order
- shr ax,1 ; count /= 2
- jz @@3 ; zero count requires carry propagation
- @@2: or ah,bl ; combine with OUT bit as most sig bit of count
- ret
- @@3: xor bl,80h ; propagate carry by toggling OUT bit when cnt == 0
- or ah,bl ; combine with !OUT bit as most sig bit of count
- ret
- clockbits endp
- ; Internet checksum subroutine
- ; Compute 1's-complement sum of data buffer
- ; Uses an unwound loop inspired by "Duff's Device" for performance
- ;
- ; Called from C as
- ; unsigned short
- ; lcsum(buf,cnt)
- ; unsigned short *buf;
- ; unsigned short cnt;
- public lcsum
- lcsum proc
- arg buf:ptr,cnt:word
- if @Datasize NE 0
- uses ds,si
- lds si,buf ; ds:si = buf
- else
- uses si
- mov si,buf ; ds:si = buf (ds already set)
- endif
- mov cx,cnt ; cx = cnt
- cld ; autoincrement si
- mov ax,cx
- shr cx,1 ; cx /= 16, number of loop iterations
- shr cx,1
- shr cx,1
- shr cx,1
- inc cx ; make fencepost adjustment for 1st pass
- and ax,15 ; ax = number of words modulo 16
- shl ax,1 ; *=2 for word table index
- lea bx,jtable ; bx -> branch table
- add bx,ax ; index into jump table
- clc ; initialize carry = 0
- mov dx,0 ; clear accumulated sum
- jmp word ptr cs:[bx] ; jump into loop
- ; Here the real work gets done. The numeric labels on the lodsw instructions
- ; are the targets for the indirect jump we just made.
- ;
- ; Each label corresponds to a possible remainder of (count / 16), while
- ; the number of times around the loop is determined by the quotient.
- ;
- ; The loop iteration count in cx has been incremented by one to adjust for
- ; the first pass.
- ;
- deloop: lodsw
- adc dx,ax
- l15: lodsw
- adc dx,ax
- l14: lodsw
- adc dx,ax
- l13: lodsw
- adc dx,ax
- l12: lodsw
- adc dx,ax
- l11: lodsw
- adc dx,ax
- l10: lodsw
- adc dx,ax
- l9: lodsw
- adc dx,ax
- l8: lodsw
- adc dx,ax
- l7: lodsw
- adc dx,ax
- l6: lodsw
- adc dx,ax
- l5: lodsw
- adc dx,ax
- l4: lodsw
- adc dx,ax
- l3: lodsw
- adc dx,ax
- l2: lodsw
- adc dx,ax
- l1: lodsw
- adc dx,ax
- l0: loop deloop ; :-)
- adc dx,0 ; get last carries
- adc dx,0
- mov ax,dx ; result into ax
- xchg al,ah ; byte swap result (8088 is little-endian)
- ret
- lcsum endp
- ; Link timer handler into timer chain
- ; Arg == address of timer handler routine
- ; MUST be called exactly once before uchtimer is called!
- toff dw ? ; save location for old vector
- tseg dw ? ; must be in code segment
- public chtimer
- chtimer proc
- arg vec:far ptr
- uses ds
- mov ah,35h ; get current vector
- mov al,TIMEVEC
- int 21h ; puts vector in es:bx
- mov cs:tseg,es ; stash
- mov cs:toff,bx
- mov ah,25h
- mov al,TIMEVEC
- lds dx,vec ; ds:si = vec
- int 21h ; set new vector
- ret
- chtimer endp
- ; unchain timer handler from timer chain
- ; MUST NOT be called before chtimer!
- public uchtimer
- uchtimer proc
- uses ds
- mov ah,25h
- mov al,TIMEVEC
- mov dx,toff
- mov ds,tseg
- int 21h ; restore old vector
- ret
- uchtimer endp
- ; Keyboard hardware interrupt handler.
- ; First pass the interrupt to the original handler in the BIOS,
- ; then do a ksignal() to wake up any task sleeping on it.
- public kbint
- label kbint far
- cld
- push ds
- mov ds,cs:dbase ; establish interrupt data segment
- pushf ; Make it look like a hardware interrupt
- call dword ptr [Kbvec] ; Call BIOS handler
- mov Sssave,ss ; stash user stack context
- mov Spsave,sp
- mov ss,cs:dbase ; switch to interrupt stack
- lea sp,Stktop
- push es
- ; ksignal(&Kbvec,1);
- mov ax,1
- push ax
- push ds
- mov ax,offset DGROUP:Kbvec
- push ax
- call ksignal
- add sp,6 ; remove args
- pop es
- mov ss,Sssave
- mov sp,Spsave ; restore original stack context
- pop ds
- iret
- ; Poll keyboard through BIOS. Returns ascii char in low byte, scan code
- ; in high byte. If low byte == 0, character is "extended ascii"
- public kbraw
- kbraw proc
- mov ah,1 ; poll BIOS for character
- int 16h
- jz nochar ; no character available
- mov ah,0
- int 16h ; get it for real: ah = scan code, al = ascii char (or 0)
- ret
- nochar: xor ax,ax
- ret
- kbraw endp
- ; Clock tick interrupt handler. Note the use of "label" rather than "proc"
- ; here, necessitated by the fact that "proc" automatically generates BP-saving
- ; code that we don't want here.
- public btick
- label btick far
- pushf
- cld
- push ds
- cli
- mov ds,cs:dbase ; establish interrupt data segment
- mov Sssave,ss ; stash user stack context
- mov Spsave,sp
- mov ss,cs:dbase
- lea sp,Stktop
- push es
- call ctick
- pop es
- mov ss,Sssave
- mov sp,Spsave ; restore original stack context
- pop ds
- jmp dword ptr [toff] ; link to previous vector
- ; Convert 32-bit int in network order to host order (dh, dl, ah, al)
- ; Called from C as
- ; int32 get32(char *cp);
- public get32
- get32 proc
- arg cp:ptr
- if @Datasize NE 0
- uses ds,si
- lds si,cp ; ds:si = cp
- else
- uses si
- mov si,cp ; ds:si = cp (ds already set)
- endif
- cld
- lodsw
- mov dh,al ; high word to dx, a-swapping as we go
- mov dl,ah
- lodsw
- xchg al,ah ; low word stays in ax, just swap
- ret
- get32 endp
- ; Convert 16-bit int in network order to host order (ah, al)
- ; Called from C as
- ; int16 get16(char *cp);
- public get16
- get16 proc
- arg cp:ptr
- if @Datasize NE 0
- uses ds,si
- lds si,cp ; ds:si = cp
- else
- uses si
- mov si,cp ; ds:si = cp (ds already set)
- endif
- lodsw ; note: direction flag is don't-care
- xchg al,ah ; word stays in ax, just swap
- ret
- get16 endp
- ; Convert 32-bit int to network order, returning new pointer
- ; Called from C as
- ; char *put32(char *cp,int32 x);
- public put32
- put32 proc
- arg cp:ptr,x:dword
- if @Datasize NE 0
- uses ds,di
- les di,cp ; es:di = cp
- mov ax,ss ; our parameter is on the stack, and ds might not
- mov ds,ax ; be pointing to ss.
- else
- uses di
- mov di,cp ; es:di = cp
- mov ax,ds ; point es at data segment
- mov es,ax
- endif
- cld
- mov ax,word ptr (x+2) ; read high word of machine version
- xchg ah,al ; swap bytes
- stosw ; output in network order
- mov ax,word ptr x ; read low word of machine version
- xchg ah,al ; swap bytes
- stosw ; put in network order
- mov ax,di ; return incremented output pointer
- if @Datasize NE 0
- mov dx,es ; upper half of pointer
- endif
- ret
- put32 endp
- ; Convert 16-bit int to network order, returning new pointer
- ; Called from C as
- ; char *put16(char *cp,int16 x);
- public put16
- put16 proc
- arg cp:ptr,x:word
- uses di
- if @Datasize NE 0
- les di,cp ;es:di = cp
- else
- mov di,cp ; es:di = cp
- mov ax,ds
- mov es,ax
- endif
- cld
- mov ax,x ; fetch source word in machine order
- xchg ah,al ; swap bytes
- stosw ; save in network order
- mov ax,di ; return new output pointer to user
- if @Datasize NE 0
- mov dx,es ; upper half of pointer
- endif
- ret
- put16 endp
- if @CPU AND 2
- ; fast I/O buffer routines
- ; version for 80[1234]86 (uses ins, outs instructions)
- ; outbuf - put a buffer to an output port
- public outbuf
- outbuf proc
- arg port:word,buf:ptr,cnt:word
- if @Datasize NE 0
- uses ds,si
- lds si,buf ; ds:si = buf
- else
- uses si
- mov si,buf ;ds:si = buf (ds already set)
- endif
- mov dx,port
- mov cx,cnt
- cld
- rep outsb ; works only on PC/AT (80286)
- mov dx,ds
- mov ax,si ; return pointer just past end of buffer
- ret
- outbuf endp
- ; inbuf - get a buffer from an input port
- public inbuf
- inbuf proc
- arg port:word,buf:ptr,cnt:word
- uses di
- if @Datasize NE 0
- les di,buf ; es:di = buf
- else
- mov di,buf ; es:di = buf
- mov ax,ds
- mov es,ax
- endif
- mov dx,port
- mov cx,cnt
- cld
- rep insb ; works only on PC/AT (80286)
- mov dx,es
- mov ax,di ; return pointer just past end of buffer
- ret
- inbuf endp
- else
- ; fast buffer I/O routines
- ; version for 8086/8
- ; outbuf - put a buffer to an output port
- public outbuf
- outbuf proc
- arg port:word,buf:ptr,cnt:word
- if @Datasize NE 0
- uses ds,si
- lds si,buf ; ds:si = buf
- else
- uses si
- mov si,buf ; ds:si = buf (ds already set)
- endif
- mov dx,port
- mov cx,cnt
- cld
- ; If buffer doesn't begin on a word boundary, send the first byte
- test si,1 ; (buf & 1) ?
- jz @@even ; no
- lodsb ; al = *si++;
- out dx,al ; out(dx,al);
- dec cx ; cx--;
- mov cnt,cx ; save for later test
- @@even:
- shr cx,1 ; cx = cnt >> 1; (convert to word count)
- ; Do the bulk of the buffer, a word at a time
- jcxz @@nobuf ; if(cx != 0){
- @@deloop:
- lodsw ; do { ax = *si++; (si is word pointer)
- out dx,al ; out(dx,lowbyte(ax));
- mov al,ah
- out dx,al ; out(dx,hibyte(ax));
- loop @@deloop ; } while(--cx != 0); }
- ; now check for odd trailing byte
- @@nobuf:
- mov cx,cnt
- test cx,1
- jz @@cnteven
- lodsb ; al = *si++;
- out dx,al
- @@cnteven:
- mov dx,ds
- mov ax,si ; return pointer just past end of buffer
- ret
- outbuf endp
- ; inbuf - get a buffer from an input port
- public inbuf
- inbuf proc
- arg port:word,buf:ptr,cnt:word
- uses di
- if @Datasize NE 0
- les di,buf ; es:di = buf
- else
- mov di,buf ; es:di = buf
- mov ax,ds
- mov es,ax
- endif
- mov dx,port
- mov cx,cnt
- cld
- ; If buffer doesn't begin on a word boundary, get the first byte
- test di,1 ; if(buf & 1){
- jz @@bufeven ;
- in al,dx ; al = in(dx);
- stosb ; *di++ = al
- dec cx ; cx--;
- mov cnt,cx ; cnt = cx; } save for later test
- @@bufeven:
- shr cx,1 ; cx = cnt >> 1; (convert to word count)
- ; Do the bulk of the buffer, a word at a time
- jcxz @@nobuf ; if(cx != 0){
- @@deloop:
- in al,dx ; do { al = in(dx);
- mov ah,al
- in al,dx ; ah = in(dx);
- xchg al,ah
- stosw ; *si++ = ax; (di is word pointer)
- loop @@deloop ; } while(--cx != 0);
- ; now check for odd trailing byte
- @@nobuf:
- mov cx,cnt
- test cx,1
- jz @@cnteven
- in al,dx
- stosb ; *di++ = al
- @@cnteven:
- mov dx,es
- mov ax,di ; return pointer just past end of buffer
- ret
- inbuf endp
- endif
- public longdiv
- ; long unsigned integer division - divide an arbitrary length dividend by
- ; a 16-bit divisor. Replaces the dividend with the quotient and returns the
- ; remainder. Called from C as
- ;
- ; unsigned short
- ; longdiv(unsigned short divisor,int cnt,unsigned short *dividend);
- ;
- ;Register usage:
- ; di - divisor
- ; si - pointer into dividend array
- ; cx - loop counter, initialized to the number of 16-bit words in the dividend
- ; ax - low word of current dividend before each divide, current quotient after
- ; dx - remainder from previous divide carried over, becomes high word of
- ; dividend for next divide
- longdiv proc
- arg divisor:word,cnt:word,dividend:ptr
- if @Datasize NE 0
- uses ds,si,di
- lds si,dividend
- else
- uses si,di
- mov si,dividend ;si -> dividend array
- endif
- cmp divisor,0 ; divisor == 0?
- jne @2 ; no, ok
- xor ax,ax ; yes, avoid divide-by-zero trap
- jmp short @1
- @2: mov dx,0 ; init remainder = 0
- mov cx,cnt ; init cnt
- mov di,divisor ; cache divisor in register
- @@deloop:
- mov ax,word ptr [si] ; fetch current word of dividend
- cmp ax,0 ; dividend == 0 ?
- jne @7 ; nope, must do division
- cmp dx,0 ; remainder also == 0?
- je @4 ; yes, skip division, continue
- @7: div di ; do division
- mov word ptr [si],ax ; save quotient
- @4: inc si ; next word of dividend
- inc si
- loop @@deloop
- mov ax,dx ; return last remainder
- @1: ret
- longdiv endp
- ; long unsigned integer multiplication - multiply an arbitrary length
- ; multiplicand by a 16-bit multiplier, leaving the product in place of
- ; the multipler, returning the carry. Called from C as
- ;
- ; unsigned short
- ; longmul(unsigned short multiplier,int cnt,unsigned short *multiplier);
- ;
- ; Register usage:
- ; di = multiplier
- ; si = pointer to current word of multiplicand
- ; bx = carry from previous round
- ; cx = count of words in multiplicand
- ; dx,ax = scratch for multiply
- public longmul
- longmul proc far
- arg multiplier:word,n:word,multiplicand:ptr
- if @Datasize NE 0
- uses ds,si,di
- lds si,multiplicand
- else
- uses si,di
- mov si,multiplicand ; si -> multiplicand array
- endif
- mov di,multiplier ; cache multiplier in register
- xor bx,bx ; init carry = 0
- mov cx,n ; fetch n
- mov ax,cx
- shl ax,1 ; *2 = word offset
- add si,ax ; multiplicand += n
- @@deloop:
- dec si
- dec si ; work from right to left
- mov ax,word ptr [si] ; fetch current multiplicand
- or ax,ax ; skip multiply if zero
- jz @@nomult
- mul di ; dx:ax <- ax * di
- @@nomult:
- add ax,bx ; add carry from previous multiply
- mov word ptr [si],ax ; save low order word of product
- mov bx,0 ; clear previous carry, leaving CF alone
- adc bx,dx ; save new carry
- xor dx,dx ; clear in case we skip the next mult
- loop @@deloop
- mov ax,bx ; return final carry
- ret
- longmul endp
- ifdef notdef
- ; divide 32 bits by 16 bits, returning both quotient and remainder
- ; This allows C programs that need both to avoid having to do two divisions
- ;
- ; Called from C as
- ; long divrem(dividend,divisor)
- ; long dividend;
- ; short divisor;
- ;
- ; The quotient is returned in the low 16 bits of the result,
- ; and the remainder is returned in the high 16 bits.
- public divrem
- divrem proc
- arg dividend:dword,divisor:word
- mov ax,word ptr dividend
- mov dx,word ptr (dividend+2)
- div divisor
- ret
- divrem endp
- endif
- ; General purpose hash function for IP addresses
- ; Uses lookup table Hashtab[] initialized in iproute.c
- ; Called from C as
- ; char hash_ip(int32 ipaddr);
- public hash_ip
- hash_ip proc
- arg ipaddr:dword
- lea bx,Hashtab
- mov ax,word ptr ipaddr
- xor ax,word ptr (ipaddr+2)
- xor al,ah
- xlat
- xor ah,ah
- ret
- hash_ip endp
- ; Compute int(log2(x))
- ; Called from C as
- ; int ilog2(int16 x);
- public ilog2
- ilog2 proc
- arg x:word
- mov cx,16
- mov ax,x
- @@2: rcl ax,1
- jc @@1
- loop @@2
- @@1: dec cx
- mov ax,cx
- ret
- ilog2 endp
- end