资源名称:export.zip [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /* IP header conversion routines
- * Copyright 1991 Phil Karn, KA9Q
- */
- #include "global.h"
- #include "mbuf.h"
- #include "ip.h"
- #include "internet.h"
- /* Convert IP header in host format to network mbuf
- * If cflag != 0, take checksum from structure,
- * otherwise compute it automatically.
- */
- void
- htonip(
- struct ip *ip,
- struct mbuf **bpp,
- int cflag
- ){
- uint16 hdr_len;
- register uint8 *cp;
- uint16 fl_offs;
- if(bpp == NULL)
- return;
- hdr_len = IPLEN + ip->optlen;
- if(hdr_len > IPLEN + IP_MAXOPT)
- hdr_len = IPLEN + IP_MAXOPT;
- pushdown(bpp,NULL,hdr_len);
- cp = (*bpp)->data;
- *cp++ = (ip->version << 4) | (hdr_len >> 2);
- *cp++ = ip->tos;
- cp = put16(cp,ip->length);
- cp = put16(cp,ip->id);
- fl_offs = ip->offset >> 3;
- if(ip->flags.congest)
- fl_offs |= 0x8000;
- if(ip->flags.df)
- fl_offs |= 0x4000;
- if(ip->flags.mf)
- fl_offs |= 0x2000;
- cp = put16(cp,fl_offs);
- *cp++ = ip->ttl;
- *cp++ = ip->protocol;
- if(cflag){
- /* Use checksum from host structure */
- cp = put16(cp,ip->checksum);
- } else {
- /* Clear checksum for later recalculation */
- *cp++ = 0;
- *cp++ = 0;
- }
- cp = put32(cp,ip->source);
- cp = put32(cp,ip->dest);
- if(ip->optlen != 0)
- memcpy(cp,ip->options,min(ip->optlen,IP_MAXOPT));
- /* If requested, recompute checksum and insert into header */
- if(!cflag)
- put16(&(*bpp)->data[10],cksum(NULL,*bpp,hdr_len));
- }
- /* Extract an IP header from mbuf */
- int
- ntohip(
- struct ip *ip,
- struct mbuf **bpp
- ){
- int ihl;
- uint16 fl_offs;
- uint8 ipbuf[IPLEN];
- if(pullup(bpp,ipbuf,IPLEN) != IPLEN)
- return -1;
- ip->version = (ipbuf[0] >> 4) & 0xf;
- ip->tos = ipbuf[1];
- ip->length = get16(&ipbuf[2]);
- ip->id = get16(&ipbuf[4]);
- fl_offs = get16(&ipbuf[6]);
- ip->offset = (fl_offs & 0x1fff) << 3;
- ip->flags.mf = (fl_offs & 0x2000) ? 1 : 0;
- ip->flags.df = (fl_offs & 0x4000) ? 1 : 0;
- ip->flags.congest = (fl_offs & 0x8000) ? 1 : 0;
- ip->ttl = ipbuf[8];
- ip->protocol = ipbuf[9];
- ip->checksum = get16(&ipbuf[10]);
- ip->source = get32(&ipbuf[12]);
- ip->dest = get32(&ipbuf[16]);
- ihl = (ipbuf[0] & 0xf) << 2;
- if(ihl < IPLEN){
- /* Bogus packet; header is too short */
- ip->optlen = 0;
- return -1;
- }
- if ( (ip->optlen = ihl - IPLEN) != 0 ) {
- if ( pullup(bpp,ip->options,ip->optlen) < ip->optlen )
- return -1;
- }
- return ihl;
- }
- /* Perform end-around-carry adjustment */
- uint16
- eac(
- int32 sum /* Carries in high order 16 bits */
- ){
- register uint16 csum;
- while((csum = sum >> 16) != 0)
- sum = csum + (sum & 0xffffL);
- return (uint16) (sum & 0xffffl); /* Chops to 16 bits */
- }
- /* Checksum a mbuf chain, with optional pseudo-header */
- uint16
- cksum(
- struct pseudo_header *ph,
- struct mbuf *m,
- uint16 len
- ){
- register uint16 cnt, total;
- register int32 sum, csum;
- register uint8 *up;
- uint16 csum1;
- int swap = 0;
- sum = 0l;
- /* Sum pseudo-header, if present */
- if(ph != NULL){
- sum = hiword(ph->source);
- sum += loword(ph->source);
- sum += hiword(ph->dest);
- sum += loword(ph->dest);
- sum += ph->protocol;
- sum += ph->length;
- }
- /* Now do each mbuf on the chain */
- for(total = 0; m != NULL && total < len; m = m->next) {
- cnt = min(m->cnt, len - total);
- up = m->data;
- csum = 0;
- if(((long)up) & 1){
- /* Handle odd leading byte */
- if(swap)
- csum = *up++;
- else
- csum = (uint16)*up++ << 8;
- cnt--;
- swap = !swap;
- }
- if(cnt > 1){
- /* Have the primitive checksumming routine do most of
- * the work. At this point, up is guaranteed to be on
- * a short boundary
- */
- csum1 = lcsum((unsigned short *)up, (uint16)(cnt >> 1));
- if(swap)
- csum1 = (csum1 << 8) | (csum1 >> 8);
- csum += csum1;
- }
- /* Handle odd trailing byte */
- if(cnt & 1){
- if(swap)
- csum += up[--cnt];
- else
- csum += (uint16)up[--cnt] << 8;
- swap = !swap;
- }
- sum += csum;
- total += m->cnt;
- }
- /* Do final end-around carry, complement and return */
- return (uint16)(~eac(sum) & 0xffff);
- }