- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // File: AsyncIo.h
- //
- // Desc: DirectShow sample code - base library for I/O functionality.
- //
- // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #ifndef __ASYNCIO_H__
- #define __ASYNCIO_H__
- //
- // definition of CAsyncFile object that performs file access. It provides
- // asynchronous, unbuffered, aligned reads from a file, using a worker thread
- // on win95 and potentially overlapped i/o if available.
- // !!! Need to use real overlapped i/o if available
- // currently only uses worker thread, not overlapped i/o
- class CAsyncIo;
- class CAsyncStream;
- //
- // Model the stream we read from based on a file-like interface
- //
- class CAsyncStream
- {
- public:
- virtual ~CAsyncStream() {};
- virtual HRESULT SetPointer(LONGLONG llPos) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT Read(PBYTE pbBuffer,
- DWORD dwBytesToRead,
- BOOL bAlign,
- LPDWORD pdwBytesRead) = 0;
- virtual LONGLONG Size(LONGLONG *pSizeAvailable = NULL) = 0;
- virtual DWORD Alignment() = 0;
- virtual void Lock() = 0;
- virtual void Unlock() = 0;
- //virtual void SetStopHandle(HANDLE hevStop) {}
- };
- // represents a single request and performs the i/o. Can be called on either
- // worker thread or app thread, but must hold pcsFile across file accesses.
- // (ie across SetFilePointer/ReadFile pairs)
- class CAsyncRequest
- {
- CAsyncIo *m_pIo;
- CAsyncStream *m_pStream;
- LONGLONG m_llPos;
- BOOL m_bAligned;
- LONG m_lLength;
- BYTE* m_pBuffer;
- LPVOID m_pContext;
- DWORD m_dwUser;
- HRESULT m_hr;
- public:
- // init the params for this request. Issue the i/o
- // if overlapped i/o is possible.
- HRESULT Request(
- CAsyncIo *pIo,
- CAsyncStream *pStream,
- LONG lLength,
- BOOL bAligned,
- BYTE* pBuffer,
- LPVOID pContext, // filter's context
- DWORD dwUser); // downstream filter's context
- // issue the i/o if not overlapped, and block until i/o complete.
- // returns error code of file i/o
- HRESULT Complete();
- // cancels the i/o. blocks until i/o is no longer pending
- HRESULT Cancel()
- {
- return S_OK;
- };
- // accessor functions
- LPVOID GetContext()
- {
- return m_pContext;
- };
- DWORD GetUser()
- {
- return m_dwUser;
- };
- HRESULT GetHResult() {
- return m_hr;
- };
- // we set m_lLength to the actual length
- LONG GetActualLength() {
- return m_lLength;
- };
- LONGLONG GetStart() {
- return m_llPos;
- };
- };
- typedef CGenericList<CAsyncRequest> CRequestList;
- // this class needs a worker thread, but the ones defined in classesbase
- // are not suitable (they assume you have one message sent or posted per
- // request, whereas here for efficiency we want just to set an event when
- // there is work on the queue).
- //
- // we create CAsyncRequest objects and queue them on m_listWork. The worker
- // thread pulls them off, completes them and puts them on m_listDone.
- // The events m_evWork and m_evDone are set when the corresponding lists are
- // not empty.
- //
- // Synchronous requests are done on the caller thread. These should be
- // synchronised by the caller, but to make sure we hold m_csFile across
- // the SetFilePointer/ReadFile code.
- //
- // Flush by calling BeginFlush. This rejects all further requests (by
- // setting m_bFlushing within m_csLists), cancels all requests and moves them
- // to the done list, and sets m_evDone to ensure that no WaitForNext operations
- // will block. Call EndFlush to cancel this state.
- //
- // we support unaligned calls to SyncRead. This is done by opening the file
- // twice if we are using unbuffered i/o (m_dwAlign > 1).
- // !!!fix this to buffer on top of existing file handle?
- class CAsyncIo
- {
- CCritSec m_csReader;
- CAsyncStream *m_pStream;
- CCritSec m_csLists; // locks access to the list and events
- BOOL m_bFlushing; // true if between BeginFlush/EndFlush
- CRequestList m_listWork;
- CRequestList m_listDone;
- CAMEvent m_evWork; // set when list is not empty
- CAMEvent m_evDone;
- // for correct flush behaviour: all protected by m_csLists
- LONG m_cItemsOut; // nr of items not on listDone or listWork
- BOOL m_bWaiting; // TRUE if someone waiting for m_evAllDone
- CAMEvent m_evAllDone; // signal when m_cItemsOut goes to 0 if m_cWaiting
- CAMEvent m_evStop; // set when thread should exit
- HANDLE m_hThread;
- LONGLONG Size() {
- ASSERT(m_pStream != NULL);
- return m_pStream->Size();
- };
- // start the thread
- HRESULT StartThread(void);
- // stop the thread and close the handle
- HRESULT CloseThread(void);
- // manage the list of requests. hold m_csLists and ensure
- // that the (manual reset) event hevList is set when things on
- // the list but reset when the list is empty.
- // returns null if list empty
- CAsyncRequest* GetWorkItem();
- // get an item from the done list
- CAsyncRequest* GetDoneItem();
- // put an item on the work list
- HRESULT PutWorkItem(CAsyncRequest* pRequest);
- // put an item on the done list
- HRESULT PutDoneItem(CAsyncRequest* pRequest);
- // called on thread to process any active requests
- void ProcessRequests(void);
- // initial static thread proc calls ThreadProc with DWORD
- // param as this
- static DWORD WINAPI InitialThreadProc(LPVOID pv) {
- CAsyncIo * pThis = (CAsyncIo*) pv;
- return pThis->ThreadProc();
- };
- DWORD ThreadProc(void);
- public:
- CAsyncIo(CAsyncStream *pStream);
- ~CAsyncIo();
- // open the file
- // ready for async activity - call this before
- // calling Request
- HRESULT AsyncActive(void);
- // call this when no more async activity will happen before
- // the next AsyncActive call
- HRESULT AsyncInactive(void);
- // queue a requested read. must be aligned.
- HRESULT Request(
- LONG lLength,
- BOOL bAligned,
- BYTE* pBuffer,
- LPVOID pContext,
- DWORD dwUser);
- // wait for the next read to complete
- HRESULT WaitForNext(
- DWORD dwTimeout,
- LPVOID *ppContext,
- DWORD * pdwUser,
- LONG * pcbActual);
- // perform a read of an already aligned buffer
- HRESULT SyncReadAligned(
- LONG lLength,
- BYTE* pBuffer,
- LONG* pcbActual,
- PVOID pvContext);
- // perform a synchronous read. will be buffered
- // if not aligned.
- HRESULT SyncRead(
- LONG lLength,
- BYTE* pBuffer);
- // return length
- HRESULT Length(LONGLONG *pllTotal, LONGLONG* pllAvailable);
- // all Reader positions, read lengths and memory locations must
- // be aligned to this.
- HRESULT Alignment(LONG* pl);
- HRESULT BeginFlush();
- HRESULT EndFlush();
- LONG Alignment()
- {
- return m_pStream->Alignment();
- };
- BOOL IsAligned(LONG l) {
- if ((l & (Alignment() -1)) == 0) {
- return TRUE;
- } else {
- return FALSE;
- }
- };
- BOOL IsAligned(LONGLONG ll) {
- return IsAligned( (LONG) (ll & 0xffffffff));
- };
- // Accessor
- HANDLE StopEvent() const { return m_evDone; }
- };
- #endif // __ASYNCIO_H__