- # file.conf
- ### Global allow/deny the PUT method
- # method-put = no
- ### Global allow/deny the DELETE method
- # method-delete = no
- # default-type = unknown
- ### PHTTPD will follow SYMLINKS quiet happily. This may cause a security risk,
- ### is users may create symlinks within their webroot, even if the login
- ### and the cgi is chrooted, files may be accessed outside that area
- ### using this module.
- #
- # do-not-follow-symlink = no
- ### If put or delete is allowed, this will prevent files owned by root
- ### to be removed, overwritten or created in directories owend by root,
- ### even if group/other access rights would allow that !
- #
- # allow-root-write = no
- ### This will allow access only to files that match the patter of the
- ### "homedir" field in the access-handler. This requiers, that
- ### the accessfile is in 'passwd' format.
- ### Thus users can only modify specific parts.
- ### The homedir is matched against patterns:
- ### e.g.: homedir= /updir/*html will only allow files below serverroot in
- ### the directory updir (or subdirs of that) ending on html being changeable...
- ###
- ### sample for 'passwd-style' authfile:
- ### user:crypted-pw:uid:gid:gcos:/updir/*html:/noshell
- ### Currently uid/gid and gcos are not used, but this will change (?)
- #
- # write-needs-putdir = yes
- ### Same as write-needs-putdir but for authenticated read requests.
- ### So you can have several Users in the same file and restrict access to
- ### subdirs etc.
- #
- # read-needs-homedir = no
- ###
- ### This will allow a DELETE /url/path , if /url/path translates to a
- ### directory. Watch out, not to end up with / !!
- #
- # allow-rmdir = no
- ### In case you publish, this will allow you to create directories.
- ### Currenty, if you have /path, and want to load /path/dir/file.html
- ### this will do a mkdir on /path/dir and then continue to create the file.
- ### You cannot do a 'mkdir -p' at this version.
- #
- # allow-implied-mkdir = no
- content-encodings = {
- .Z x-compress
- .gz x-gzip
- }
- content-types = {
- .html text/html
- .HTML text/html
- .htm text/html
- .HTM text/html
- .txt text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
- .tsv text/tab-separated-values; charset=ISO-8859-1
- .gif image/gif
- .GIF image/gif
- .jpeg image/jpeg
- .jpg image/jpeg
- .JPG image/jpeg
- .tiff image/tiff
- .tif image/tiff
- .xbm image/x-xbitmap
- .ps application/postscript
- .eps application/postscript
- .dat application/octet-stream
- .pdf application/pdf
- .rtf application/rtf
- .java application/java
- .class application/java-vm
- .jar application/x-java-archive
- .mif application/x-mif
- .dvi application/x-dvi
- .man application/x-troff-man
- .tar application/x-tar
- .cdrw application/x-coreldraw
- .cdr application/x-coreldraw
- .doc application/x-word
- .tcl application/x-tcl
- .hqx application/mac-binhex40
- .sit application/x-stuffit
- .bin application/x-macbinary
- .au audio/basic
- .snd audio/basic
- .mid audio/midi
- .midi audio/midi
- .aiff audio/aiff
- .wav audio/x-wav
- .ampg audio/mpeg
- .ampeg audio/mpeg
- .mpeg video/mpeg
- .mpg video/mpeg
- .qt video/quicktime
- .ra audio/x-pn-realaudio
- .ram audio/x-pn-realaudio
- .fh4 image/x-freehand
- .fh5 image/x-freehand
- .fhc image/x-freehand
- }