- #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
- use strict;
- # $Id: test-ellipses.pl,v 1.1 1998/03/09 07:32:53 rousskov Exp $
- #
- # Replaces printf-like function calls with printf and compiles with gcc -Wall
- # to catch %-escape bugs.
- #
- # params
- die(&usage()) unless @ARGV;
- # globals
- my @FileNames = ();
- my $CC = 'gcc';
- my $CFlags = '-Wall -I../include -I. -DDEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE="config"'; #default
- my $TmpDir = '/tmp';
- my $ErrCount = 0;
- exit(&main() == 0);
- sub main {
- # find compiler options
- my ($fnames, $options) = split(/--/, join('|', @ARGV));
- @FileNames = split(/|/, $fnames);
- die(&usage()) unless @FileNames;
- $CFlags = join(' ', split(/|/, $options)) if defined $options;
- warn("Warning: no -Wall in cflags '$CFlags'n") unless $CFlags =~ /Q-WallE/;
- mkdir($TmpDir, umask()) unless -d $TmpDir;
- foreach (@FileNames) {
- &processFile($_);
- }
- warn("Found $ErrCount potential error(s)n");
- return scalar @FileNames;
- }
- sub processFile {
- my $fname = shift;
- # test that the file is compilable
- my $cmd = "$CC $CFlags -c $fname -o /dev/null";
- my $result = `$cmd 2>&1`;
- if ($result) {
- warn("Warning: '$cmd' produced this output:n$resultn");
- warn("Warning: skipping potentially un-compileable file: $fnamen");
- return;
- }
- my $fname_tmp = "$TmpDir/test-elipses.tmp.c";
- # replace printf-likes with printf
- open(IFH, "<$fname") or die("cannot open $fname: $!, stopped");
- open(OFH, ">$fname_tmp") or die("cannot create $fname_tmp: $!, stopped");
- $/ = ';';
- my $line;
- while (defined($line = <IFH>)) {
- # comments are a disaster
- # next if $line =~ m|Q/*E|;
- # debug
- next if $line =~ s|debug(d+,s+d+)s*|/*$&*/ printf|;
- # other (e.g., storeAppendPrintf) with '?' before format
- next if $line =~ s@w+[pP]rintfs*((?![)])(n|[^;"])+?s+"@/*$&*/ printf(1 ? "@;
- # other (e.g., storeAppendPrintf)
- next if $line =~ s@w+[pP]rintfs*((?![)])(n|[^;"])+"@/*$&*/ printf("@;
- } continue {
- print(OFH $line);
- }
- close(IFH);
- close(OFH) or die("cannot close $fname_tmp: $!, stopped");
- # compile
- $cmd = "$CC $CFlags -c $fname_tmp -o /dev/null";
- # warn("Exec: '$cmd'");
- open(CFH, "$cmd 2>&1 |") or die("cannot start '$cmd': $!, stopped");
- $/ = "n";
- $| = 0;
- # read errors, restore file name, print;
- while (defined($line = <CFH>)) {
- if ($line =~ s/Q$fname_tmpE/$fname/g) {
- $ErrCount++ if $line =~ /(warning|error)/i;
- }
- print($line);
- }
- (close(CFH) || !$!) or die("cannot close '$cmd': $!, stopped");
- }
- sub usage {
- my $buf = << "USAGE";
- usage: $0 <file.c> ... -- [cflags]
- return $buf;
- }