- ###############################################################################
- #
- # MIME-TYPES and the extensions that represent them
- #
- # This file is part of the "mime-support" package. Please send email (not a
- # bug report) to mime-support@packages.debian.org if you would like new types
- # and/or extensions to be added.
- #
- # Note: Compression schemes like "gzip", "bzip", and "compress" are not
- # actually "mime-types". They are "encodings" and hence must _not_ have
- # entries in this file to map their extensions. The "mime-type" of an
- # encoded file refers to the type of data that has been encoded, not the
- # type of the encoding.
- #
- ###############################################################################
- application/activemessage
- application/andrew-inset
- application/applefile
- application/atomicmail
- application/cu-seeme csm cu
- application/dca-rft
- application/dec-dx
- application/dsptype tsp
- application/excel xls
- application/futuresplash spl
- application/ghostview
- application/mac-binhex40 hqx
- application/macwriteii
- application/msword doc dot
- application/news-message-id
- application/news-transmission
- application/octet-stream bin
- application/oda oda
- application/pdf pdf
- application/pgp-signature pgp
- application/postscript ps ai eps
- application/powerpoint ppt
- application/remote-printing
- application/rtf rtf
- application/slate
- application/wita
- application/wordperfect5.1 wp5
- application/zip zip
- application/x-123 wk
- application/x-bcpio bcpio
- application/x-chess-pgn pgn
- application/x-core
- application/x-cpio cpio
- application/x-csh
- application/x-debian-package deb
- application/x-director dcr dir dxr
- application/x-dvi dvi
- application/x-executable
- application/x-font pfa pfb gsf pcf pcf.Z
- application/x-gtar gtar tgz
- application/x-hdf hdf
- application/x-httpd-php phtml pht php
- application/x-httpd-php3 php3
- application/x-httpd-php3-source phps
- application/x-httpd-php3-preprocessed php3p
- application/x-java class
- application/x-kdelnk
- application/x-latex latex
- application/x-maker frm maker frame fm fb book fbdoc
- application/x-mif mif
- application/x-msdos-program com exe bat dll
- application/x-netcdf nc cdf
- application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig pac
- application/x-object o
- application/x-perl pl pm
- application/x-rx
- application/x-sh
- application/x-shar shar
- application/x-shellscript
- application/x-shockwave-flash swf swfl
- application/x-stuffit sit
- application/x-sv4cpio sv4cpio
- application/x-sv4crc sv4crc
- application/x-tar tar
- application/x-tcl
- application/x-tex
- application/x-tex-gf gf
- application/x-tex-pk pk PK
- application/x-texinfo texinfo texi
- application/x-trash ~ % bak old sik
- application/x-troff t tr roff
- application/x-troff-man man
- application/x-troff-me me
- application/x-troff-ms ms
- application/x-ustar ustar
- application/x-wais-source src
- application/x-wingz wz
- audio/basic au snd
- audio/midi mid midi
- audio/mpeg mpga mpega mp2 mp3
- audio/mpegurl m3u
- audio/x-aiff aif aiff aifc
- audio/x-gsm gsm
- audio/x-pn-realaudio ra rm ram
- audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin rpm
- audio/x-wav wav
- image/gif gif
- image/ief ief
- image/jpeg jpeg jpg jpe
- image/png png
- image/tiff tiff tif
- image/x-cmu-raster ras
- image/x-ms-bmp bmp
- image/x-portable-anymap pnm
- image/x-portable-bitmap pbm
- image/x-portable-graymap pgm
- image/x-portable-pixmap ppm
- image/x-rgb rgb
- image/x-xbitmap xbm
- image/x-xpixmap xpm
- image/x-xwindowdump xwd
- inode/chardevice
- inode/blockdevice
- inode/directory-locked
- inode/directory
- inode/fifo
- inode/socket
- message/external-body
- message/news
- message/partial
- message/rfc822
- multipart/alternative
- multipart/appledouble
- multipart/digest
- multipart/mixed
- multipart/parallel
- text/comma-separated-values csv
- text/english
- text/html html htm
- text/mathml mml
- text/plain txt
- text/richtext rtx
- text/tab-separated-values tsv
- text/x-c++hdr h++ hpp hxx hh
- text/x-c++src c++ cpp cxx cc
- text/x-chdr h
- text/x-crontab
- text/x-csh csh
- text/x-csrc c
- text/x-java java
- text/x-makefile
- text/x-moc moc
- text/x-pascal p pas
- text/x-setext etx
- text/x-sh sh
- text/x-tcl tcl tk
- text/x-tex tex ltx sty cls
- text/x-vCalendar vcs
- text/x-vCard vcf
- video/dl dl
- video/fli fli
- video/gl gl
- video/mpeg mpeg mpg mpe
- video/quicktime qt mov
- video/x-ms-asf asf asx
- video/x-msvideo avi
- video/x-sgi-movie movie
- x-world/x-vrml vrm vrml wrl