- Version: 2.75 Release Date: 05/26/2000
- ============================================================
- * Imap folder support
- - add folder
- - remove folder
- - move message to another folder
- - folder navigation
- * PHP4 Support
- Version: 2.51 Release Date: 05/13/2000
- ============================================================
- * Fixed the domain manager to do the edits and deletes
- correctly.
- * Migrated the themes support to be style sheet aware and
- migrated all of the bgcolor="$template_obj->Foo" to
- $template_obj->Foo which returns a properly formated
- class or bgcolor statement depending on the mode
- * Added the ability to create the prouser at install time,
- completely wizard based install now.
- * Added a sync_passwd_file.pl script to sychronize passwd
- file based hosts with prometheus.
- Version: 2.5 Release Date: 04/29/2000
- ============================================================
- * Modified the User* objects to do encrypted storage of
- passwords.
- * Fixed a bug that causes segfaults within php due to
- imap_sort not handling a empty mailbox correctly
- * Rewrote the mailbox selection methodology, the icky
- multiple post methods are gone
- * Sending mail outbound uses smtp or sendmail now
- * Html* objects are gone now, long live the templates
- * Migrated to style sheets, makes inbox downloads smaller
- * Fixed a issue within the title for the mailboxes containing
- a scewed username@host@host when the username is a
- email address (Qmail+vpopmail for example)
- * Added the ability to expire the session (Logout)
- * Added user changeable theme support
- Version: 2.21 Release Date: 04/17/2000
- ============================================================
- * Fixed the installer to not create the prometheus tables
- under the mysql administration database
- Version: 2.2 Release Date: 04/14/2000
- ============================================================
- * NEW php based installer, no more perl requirement
- * Did away with the $default->body (legacy)
- * Cleaned up the optimizer
- Version: 2.1 Release Date: 03/31/2000
- ============================================================
- * Fixed the lack of the autoload.lib optimization support.
- * Added user theme customization support
- * Fixed the hardcoded /graphics/ url
- Version: 2.0 Release Date: 03/21/2000
- ============================================================
- * Initial public release