- "----- pridkett's .vimrc file
- "----- designed for vim 5.3
- "----- october 10th, 1998
- "----- all of this stuff should also be performed
- "----- remember to include it in your .Xdefaults file
- "----- it requires the pixmap slate.xpm for the menus
- " Vim*useSchemes: all
- " Vim*sgiMode: true
- " Vim*useEnhancedFSB: true
- " Vim*foreground: Wheat
- " Vim*background: #000020
- " Vim*menuBar*backgroundPixmap: ~/graphics/slate.xpm
- " Vim*menuForeground: Wheat
- " Vim*menuBackground: #2f4f4f
- " Vim*scrollbarWidth: 12
- " Vim*scrollForeground: #3f6262
- " Vim*scrollBackground: #2f4f4f
- " Vim*font: fixed
- "----- set up the stuff for color highlighing in an xterm
- "if &term =~ "xterm"
- if has("terminfo")
- set t_Co=16
- set t_Sf=[3%p1%dm
- set t_Sb=[4%p1%dm
- set t_vb=
- else
- set t_Co=16
- set t_Sf=[3%dm
- set t_Sb=[4%dm
- set t_vb=
- endif
- "endif
- "----- only turn on syntax highlighting of there are more than one color
- syntax on
- "----- don't don't out in insert mode
- set noinsertmode
- "----- allow us to backspace before an insert
- set backspace=2
- "----- tabs are to be set at 4 spaces
- set tabstop=3
- "----- Expand tabs
- set expandtab
- "set noexpandtab
- set list
- "set listchars=tab:>-,trail: