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资源名称:cku197.tar.Z [点击查看]
- #include "ckcsym.h"
- #ifdef NOLOCAL
- char *connv = "";
- #else
- char *connv = "CONNECT Command for UNIX:fork(), 7.0.104, 14 Nov 1999";
- /* C K U C O N -- Terminal connection to remote system, for UNIX */
- /*
- Author: Frank da Cruz <fdc@columbia.edu>,
- Columbia University Academic Information Systems, New York City.
- Copyright (C) 1985, 2000,
- Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York.
- All rights reserved. See the C-Kermit COPYING.TXT file or the
- copyright text in the ckcmai.c module for disclaimer and permissions.
- NOTE: This module has been superseded on most platforms by ckucns.c, which
- uses select() rather than fork() for multiplexing its i/o. This module
- is still needed for platforms that do not support select(), and also for
- its X.25 support. Although the two modules share large amounts of code,
- their structure is radically different and therefore attempts at merging
- them have so far been unsuccessful. (November 1998.)
- Special thanks to Eduard Vopicka, Prague University of Economics,
- Czech Republic, for valuable contributions to this module in July 1994,
- and to Neal P. Murphy of the Motorola Cellular Infrastructure Group in 1996
- for rearranging the code to allow operation on the BeBox, yet still work
- in regular UNIX.
- */
- #include "ckcdeb.h" /* Common things first */
- static double time_started = 0.0;
- #include <kernel/OS.h>
- _PROTOTYP( static long concld, (void *) );
- #else
- _PROTOTYP( static VOID concld, (void) );
- #endif /* BEOSORBEBOX */
- #ifdef NEXT
- #undef NSIG
- #include <sys/wait.h> /* For wait() */
- #endif /* NEXT */
- #include <signal.h> /* Signals */
- #include <errno.h> /* Error numbers */
- #ifdef ZILOG /* Longjumps */
- #include <setret.h>
- #else
- #include <setjmp.h>
- #endif /* ZILOG */
- #include "ckcsig.h"
- /* Kermit-specific includes */
- #include "ckcasc.h" /* ASCII characters */
- #include "ckcker.h" /* Kermit things */
- #include "ckucmd.h" /* For xxesc() prototype */
- #include "ckcnet.h" /* Network symbols */
- #ifndef NOCSETS
- #include "ckcxla.h" /* Character set translation */
- #endif /* NOCSETS */
- /* Internal function prototypes */
- _PROTOTYP( VOID ttflux, (void) );
- _PROTOTYP( VOID doesc, (char) );
- _PROTOTYP( VOID logchar, (char) );
- _PROTOTYP( int hconne, (void) );
- #ifndef NOSHOW
- _PROTOTYP( VOID shomdm, (void) );
- #endif /* NOSHOW */
- _PROTOTYP( static int kbget, (void) );
- _PROTOTYP( static int pipemsg, (int) );
- _PROTOTYP( static int ckcputf, (void) );
- _PROTOTYP( static VOID ck_sndmsg, (void) );
- /*
- For inter-fork signaling. Normally we use SIGUSR1, except on SCO, where
- we use SIGUSR2 because SIGUSR1 is used by the system. You can define
- CK_FORK_SIG to be whatever other signal you might want to use at compile
- time. We don't use SIGUSR2 everywhere because in some systems, like
- UnixWare, the default action for SIGUSR2 is to kill the process that gets it.
- */
- #ifndef CK_FORK_SIG
- #ifndef SIGUSR1 /* User-defined signals */
- #define SIGUSR1 30
- #endif /* SIGUSR1 */
- #ifndef SIGUSR2
- #define SIGUSR2 31
- #endif /* SIGUSR2 */
- #ifdef M_UNIX
- #define CK_FORK_SIG SIGUSR2 /* SCO - use SIGUSR2 */
- #else
- #define CK_FORK_SIG SIGUSR1 /* Others - use SIGUSR1 */
- #endif /* M_UNIX */
- #endif /* CK_FORK_SIG */
- /* External variables */
- extern struct ck_p ptab[];
- extern int local, escape, duplex, parity, flow, seslog, sessft, debses,
- mdmtyp, ttnproto, cmask, cmdmsk, network, nettype, deblog, sosi, tnlm,
- xitsta, what, ttyfd, ttpipe, quiet, backgrd, pflag, tt_crd, tn_nlm, ttfdflg,
- tt_escape, justone, carrier;
- extern long speed;
- extern char ttname[], sesfil[], myhost[], *ccntab[];
- #ifdef TNCODE
- extern int tn_b_nlm, tn_rem_echo;
- #endif /* TNCODE */
- #ifdef CK_TRIGGER
- extern char * tt_trigger[], * triggerval;
- #endif /* CK_TRIGGER */
- extern int nopush;
- #ifdef CK_APC
- extern int apcactive; /* Application Program Command (APC) */
- extern int apcstatus; /* items ... */
- static int apclength = 0;
- #ifdef DCMDBUF
- extern char *apcbuf;
- #else
- extern char apcbuf[];
- #endif /* DCMDBUF */
- static int apcbuflen = APCBUFLEN - 2;
- extern int protocol; /* Auto download */
- #endif /* CK_APC */
- extern int autodl;
- #ifdef CK_AUTODL
- extern CHAR ksbuf[];
- #endif /* CK_AUTODL */
- #ifdef CK_XYZ
- static int zmdlok = 1; /* Zmodem autodownloads available */
- #else
- static int zmdlok = 0; /* Depends on external protocol def */
- #endif /* XYZ_INTERNAL */
- #else
- static int zmdlok = 0; /* Not available at all */
- #endif /* CK_XYZ */
- #ifndef NOSETKEY /* Keyboard mapping */
- extern KEY *keymap; /* Single-character key map */
- extern MACRO *macrotab; /* Key macro pointer table */
- static MACRO kmptr = NULL; /* Pointer to current key macro */
- #endif /* NOSETKEY */
- /* Global variables local to this module */
- static int
- quitnow = 0, /* <esc-char>Q was typed */
- jbset = 0, /* Flag whether jmp buf is set. */
- dohangup = 0, /* <esc-char>H was typed */
- sjval, /* Setjump return value */
- goterr = 0, /* Fork/pipe creation error flag */
- inshift = 0, /* SO/SI shift states */
- outshift = 0;
- int active = 0; /* Lower fork active flag */
- static PID_T parent_id = (PID_T)0; /* Process ID of keyboard fork */
- static char ecbuf[10], *ecbp; /* Escape char buffer & pointer */
- #ifdef CK_SMALL
- #define IBUFL 1536 /* Input buffer length */
- #else
- #define IBUFL 4096
- #endif /* CK_SMALL */
- static int obc = 0; /* Output buffer count */
- #ifndef OXOS
- #define OBUFL 1024 /* Output buffer length */
- #else
- #define OBUFL IBUFL
- #endif /* OXOS */
- #ifdef BIGBUFOK
- #define TMPLEN 4096 /* Temporary message buffer length */
- #else
- #define TMPLEN 200
- #endif /* BIGBUFOK */
- #ifdef DYNAMIC
- static char *ibuf = NULL, *obuf = NULL, *temp = NULL; /* Buffers */
- #else
- static char ibuf[IBUFL], obuf[OBUFL], temp[TMPLEN];
- #endif /* DYNAMIC */
- #ifdef DYNAMIC
- static char *ibp; /* Input buffer pointer */
- #else
- static char *ibp = ibuf; /* Input buffer pointer */
- #endif /*DYNAMIC */
- static int ibc = 0; /* Input buffer count */
- #ifdef DYNAMIC
- static char *obp; /* Output buffer pointer */
- #else
- static char *obp = obuf; /* Output buffer pointer */
- #endif /* DYNAMIC */
- /* X.25 items */
- #ifdef ANYX25
- static char *p; /* General purpose pointer */
- char x25ibuf[MAXIX25]; /* Input buffer */
- char x25obuf[MAXOX25]; /* Output buffer */
- int ibufl; /* Length of input buffer */
- int obufl; /* Length of output buffer */
- unsigned char tosend = 0;
- int linkid, lcn;
- static int dox25clr = 0;
- #ifndef IBMX25
- extern CHAR padparms[];
- #endif /* IBMX25 */
- #endif /* ANYX25 */
- static int xpipe[2] = {-1, -1}; /* Pipe descriptor for child-parent messages */
- static PID_T pid = (PID_T) 0; /* Process ID of child */
- /* Character-set items */
- static int unicode = 0;
- static int
- escseq = 0, /* 1 = Recognizer is active */
- inesc = 0, /* State of sequence recognizer */
- oldesc = -1; /* Previous state of recognizer */
- #define OUTXBUFSIZ 15
- static CHAR inxbuf[OUTXBUFSIZ+1]; /* Host-to-screen expansion buffer */
- static int inxcount = 0; /* and count */
- static CHAR outxbuf[OUTXBUFSIZ+1]; /* Keyboard-to-host expansion buf */
- static int outxcount = 0; /* and count */
- #ifndef NOCSETS
- #ifdef CK_ANSIC /* ANSI C prototypes... */
- extern CHAR (*xls[MAXTCSETS+1][MAXFCSETS+1])(CHAR); /* Character set */
- extern CHAR (*xlr[MAXTCSETS+1][MAXFCSETS+1])(CHAR); /* translation functions */
- static CHAR (*sxo)(CHAR); /* Local translation functions */
- static CHAR (*rxo)(CHAR); /* for output (sending) terminal chars */
- static CHAR (*sxi)(CHAR); /* and for input (receiving) terminal chars. */
- static CHAR (*rxi)(CHAR);
- #else /* Not ANSI C... */
- extern CHAR (*xls[MAXTCSETS+1][MAXFCSETS+1])(); /* Character set */
- extern CHAR (*xlr[MAXTCSETS+1][MAXFCSETS+1])(); /* translation functions. */
- static CHAR (*sxo)(); /* Local translation functions */
- static CHAR (*rxo)(); /* for output (sending) terminal chars */
- static CHAR (*sxi)(); /* and for input (receiving) terminal chars. */
- static CHAR (*rxi)();
- #endif /* CK_ANSIC */
- extern int language; /* Current language. */
- static int langsv; /* For remembering language setting. */
- extern struct csinfo fcsinfo[]; /* File character set info. */
- extern int tcsr, tcsl; /* Terminal character sets, remote & local. */
- static int tcs; /* Intermediate ("transfer") character set. */
- static int tcssize = 0; /* Size of tcs */
- #ifdef UNICODE /* UTF-8 support */
- #ifdef CK_ANSIC
- extern int (*xl_ufc[MAXFCSETS+1])(USHORT); /* Unicode to FCS */
- extern USHORT (*xl_fcu[MAXFCSETS+1])(CHAR); /* FCS to Unicode */
- extern int (*xuf)(USHORT); /* Translation function UCS to FCS */
- extern USHORT (*xfu)(CHAR); /* Translation function FCS to UCS */
- #else
- extern int (*xl_ufc[MAXFCSETS+1])();
- extern USHORT (*xl_fcu[MAXFCSETS+1])();
- extern int (*xuf)();
- extern USHORT (*xfu)();
- #endif /* CK_ANSIC */
- #endif /* UNICODE */
- #endif /* NOCSETS */
- /*
- We do not need to parse and recognize escape sequences if we are being built
- without character-set support AND without APC support.
- */
- #ifdef NOCSETS /* No character sets */
- #ifndef CK_APC /* No APC */
- #ifndef NOESCSEQ
- #define NOESCSEQ /* So no escape sequence recognizer */
- #endif /* NOESCSEQ */
- #endif /* CK_APC */
- #endif /* NOCSETS */
- /* Child process events and messages */
- #define CEV_NO 0 /* No event */
- #define CEV_HUP 1 /* Communications hangup */
- #define CEV_PAD 2 /* X.25 - change PAD parameters */
- #define CEV_DUP 3 /* Toggle duplex */
- #define CEV_APC 4 /* Execute APC */
- #ifdef TNCODE
- #define CEV_MEBIN 5 /* Change of me_binary */
- #define CEV_UBIN 6 /* Change of u_binary */
- #endif /* TNCODE */
- #define CEV_ADL 7 /* Autodownload */
- #define CEV_AUL 8 /* Autoupload */
- #define CEV_TRI 9 /* Trigger string */
- #ifdef NOESCSEQ
- #define chkaes(x) 0
- #else
- /*
- As of edit 178, the CONNECT command skips past ANSI escape sequences to
- avoid translating the characters within them. This allows the CONNECT
- command to work correctly with a host that uses a 7-bit ISO 646 national
- character set, in which characters like '[' would normally be translated
- into accented characters, ruining the terminal's interpretation (and
- generation) of escape sequences.
- As of edit 190, the CONNECT command responds to APC escape sequences
- (ESC _ text ESC ) if the user SETs TERMINAL APC ON or UNCHECKED, and the
- program was built with CK_APC defined.
- Non-ANSI/ISO-compliant escape sequences are not handled.
- */
- /* States for the escape-sequence recognizer. */
- #define ES_NORMAL 0 /* Normal, not in an escape sequence */
- #define ES_GOTESC 1 /* Current character is ESC */
- #define ES_ESCSEQ 2 /* Inside an escape sequence */
- #define ES_GOTCSI 3 /* Inside a control sequence */
- #define ES_STRING 4 /* Inside DCS,OSC,PM, or APC string */
- #define ES_TERMIN 5 /* 1st char of string terminator */
- /*
- ANSI escape sequence handling. Only the 7-bit form is treated, because
- translation is not a problem in the 8-bit environment, in which all GL
- characters are ASCII and no translation takes place. So we don't check
- for the 8-bit single-character versions of CSI, DCS, OSC, APC, or ST.
- Here is the ANSI sequence recognizer state table, followed by the code
- that implements it.
- Definitions:
- CAN = Cancel 01/08 Ctrl-X
- SUB = Substitute 01/10 Ctrl-Z
- DCS = Device Control Sequence 01/11 05/00 ESC P
- CSI = Control Sequence Introducer 01/11 05/11 ESC [
- ST = String Terminator 01/11 05/12 ESC
- OSC = Operating System Command 01/11 05/13 ESC ]
- PM = Privacy Message 01/11 05/14 ESC ^
- APC = Application Program Command 01/11 05/15 ESC _
- ANSI escape sequence recognizer:
- State Input New State ; Commentary
- NORMAL (start) ; Start in NORMAL state
- (any) CAN NORMAL ; ^X cancels
- (any) SUB NORMAL ; ^Z cancels
- NORMAL ESC GOTESC ; Begin escape sequence
- NORMAL other ; NORMAL control or graphic character
- GOTESC ESC ; Start again
- GOTESC P STRING ; DCS introducer, consume through ST
- GOTESC ] STRING ; OSC introducer, consume through ST
- GOTESC ^ STRING ; PM introducer, consume through ST
- GOTESC _ STRING ; APC introducer, consume through ST
- GOTESC 0..~ NORMAL ; 03/00 through 17/14 = Final character
- GOTESC other ESCSEQ ; Intermediate or ignored control character
- ESCSEQ ESC GOTESC ; Start again
- ESCSEQ 0..~ NORMAL ; 03/00 through 17/14 = Final character
- ESCSEQ other ; Intermediate or ignored control character
- GOTCSI ESC GOTESC ; Start again
- GOTCSI @..~ NORMAL ; 04/00 through 17/14 = Final character
- GOTCSI other ; Intermediate char or ignored control char
- STRING other ; Consume all else
- TERMIN NORMAL ; End of string
- TERMIN other STRING ; Still in string
- */
- /*
- chkaes() -- Check ANSI Escape Sequence.
- Call with EACH character in input stream.
- Sets global inesc variable according to escape sequence state.
- Returns 0 normally, 1 if an APC sequence is to be executed.
- */
- int
- #ifdef CK_ANSIC
- chkaes(char c)
- #else
- chkaes(c) char c;
- #endif /* CK_ANSIC */
- /* chkaes */ {
- oldesc = inesc; /* Remember previous state */
- if (c == CAN || c == SUB) /* CAN and SUB cancel any sequence */
- inesc = ES_NORMAL;
- else /* Otherwise */
- switch (inesc) { /* enter state switcher */
- case ES_NORMAL: /* NORMAL state */
- if (c == ESC) /* Got an ESC */
- inesc = ES_GOTESC; /* Change state to GOTESC */
- break; /* Otherwise stay in NORMAL state */
- case ES_GOTESC: /* GOTESC state */
- if (c == '[') /* Left bracket after ESC is CSI */
- inesc = ES_GOTCSI; /* Change to GOTCSI state */
- else if (c == 'P' || (c > 0134 && c < 0140)) { /* P, [, ^, or _ */
- inesc = ES_STRING; /* Switch to STRING-absorption state */
- #ifdef CK_APC
- if (c == '_' && pid == 0 && /* APC handled in child only */
- apcstatus != APC_OFF) { /* and only if not disabled. */
- debug(F100,"CONNECT APC begin","",0);
- apcactive = APC_REMOTE; /* Set APC-Active flag */
- apclength = 0; /* and reset APC buffer pointer */
- }
- #endif /* CK_APC */
- } else if (c > 057 && c < 0177) /* Final character '0' thru '~' */
- inesc = ES_NORMAL; /* Back to normal */
- else if (c != ESC) /* ESC in an escape sequence... */
- inesc = ES_ESCSEQ; /* starts a new escape sequence */
- break; /* Intermediate or ignored ctrl char */
- case ES_ESCSEQ: /* ESCSEQ -- in an escape sequence */
- if (c > 057 && c < 0177) /* Final character '0' thru '~' */
- inesc = ES_NORMAL; /* Return to NORMAL state. */
- else if (c == ESC) /* ESC ... */
- inesc = ES_GOTESC; /* starts a new escape sequence */
- break; /* Intermediate or ignored ctrl char */
- case ES_GOTCSI: /* GOTCSI -- In a control sequence */
- if (c > 077 && c < 0177) /* Final character '@' thru '~' */
- inesc = ES_NORMAL; /* Return to NORMAL. */
- else if (c == ESC) /* ESC ... */
- inesc = ES_GOTESC; /* starts over. */
- break; /* Intermediate or ignored ctrl char */
- case ES_STRING: /* Inside a string */
- if (c == ESC) /* ESC may be 1st char of terminator */
- inesc = ES_TERMIN; /* Go see. */
- #ifdef CK_APC
- else if (apcactive && (apclength < apcbuflen)) /* If in APC, */
- apcbuf[apclength++] = c; /* deposit this character. */
- else { /* Buffer overrun */
- apcactive = 0; /* Discard what we got */
- apclength = 0; /* and go back to normal */
- apcbuf[0] = 0; /* Not pretty, but what else */
- inesc = ES_NORMAL; /* can we do? (ST might not come) */
- }
- #endif /* CK_APC */
- break; /* Absorb all other characters. */
- case ES_TERMIN: /* May have a string terminator */
- if (c == '\') { /* which must be backslash */
- inesc = ES_NORMAL; /* If so, back to NORMAL */
- #ifdef CK_APC
- if (apcactive) { /* If it was an APC string, */
- debug(F101,"CONNECT APC terminated","",c);
- apcbuf[apclength] = NUL; /* terminate it and then ... */
- return(1);
- }
- #endif /* CK_APC */
- } else { /* Otherwise */
- inesc = ES_STRING; /* Back to string absorption. */
- #ifdef CK_APC
- if (apcactive && (apclength+1 < apcbuflen)) { /* In APC string */
- apcbuf[apclength++] = ESC; /* deposit the Esc character */
- apcbuf[apclength++] = c; /* and this character too */
- }
- #endif /* CK_APC */
- }
- }
- return(0);
- }
- #endif /* NOESCSEQ */
- /* Connect state parent/child communication signal handlers */
- /* Routines used by the child process */
- static int
- pipemsg(n) int n; { /* Send message ID to parent */
- int code = n & 255;
- return(write(xpipe[1], &code, sizeof(code)));
- }
- /* Environment pointer for CK_FORK_SIG signal handling in child... */
- #ifdef CK_POSIX_SIG
- static sigjmp_buf sig_env;
- #else
- static jmp_buf sig_env;
- #endif /* CK_POSIX_SIG */
- static SIGTYP /* CK_FORK_SIG handling in child ... */
- forkint(foo) int foo; {
- /* It is important to disable CK_FORK_SIG before longjmp */
- signal(CK_FORK_SIG, SIG_IGN); /* Set to ignore CK_FORK_SIG */
- debug(F100,"CONNECT forkint - CK_FORK_SIG", "", 0);
- /* Force return from ck_sndmsg() */
- cklongjmp(sig_env, 1);
- }
- static VOID
- ck_sndmsg() { /* Executed by child only ... */
- debug(F100,"CONNECT ck_sndmsg, active", "", active);
- if (
- #ifdef CK_POSIX_SIG
- sigsetjmp(sig_env,1)
- #else
- setjmp(sig_env)
- #endif /* CK_POSIX_SIG */
- == 0) {
- debug(F100,"CONNECT ck_sndmsg signaling parent","",0);
- signal(CK_FORK_SIG, forkint); /* Set up signal handler */
- kill(parent_id, CK_FORK_SIG); /* Kick the parent */
- debug(F100,"ck_sndmsg pausing","",0);
- for (;;) pause(); /* Wait for CK_FORK_SIG or SIGKILL */
- }
- /* We come here from forkint() via [sig]cklongjmp(sig_env,1) */
- debug(F100,"CONNECT ck_sndmsg is parent - returning", "", 0);
- }
- /* Routines used by the parent process */
- #ifdef CK_POSIX_SIG /* Environment pointer for CONNECT errors */
- static sigjmp_buf con_env;
- #else
- static jmp_buf con_env;
- #endif /* CK_POSIX_SIG */
- /*
- pipeint() handles CK_FORK_SIG signals from the lower (port) fork.
- It reads a function code from the pipe that connects the two forks,
- then reads additional data from the pipe, then handles it.
- */
- static SIGTYP
- pipeint(arg) int arg; { /* Dummy argument */
- int code, cx, x, i, n;
- #ifndef NOCCTRAP
- extern ckjmpbuf cmjbuf;
- #endif /* NOCCTRAP */
- /*
- IMPORTANT: At this point, the child fork is waiting for CK_FORK_SIG
- (eventually for SIGKILL) inside of ck_sndmsg(). So we can't get any
- subsequent CK_FORK_SIG from child before we send it CK_FORK_SIG.
- */
- signal(CK_FORK_SIG, SIG_IGN); /* Ignore CK_FORK_SIG now */
- debug(F101,"CONNECT pipeint arg","",arg);
- read(xpipe[0], &code, sizeof(code)); /* Get function code from pipe */
- debug(F101,"CONNECT pipeint code","",code);
- cx = code & 255; /* 8-bit version of function code */
- #ifndef NOCCTRAP
- #ifndef NOICP
- #endif /* NOICP */
- #endif /* NOCCTRAP */
- /*
- Read info passed back up to us by the lower fork, depending on the function
- requested. The same number of items must be read from the pipe in the same
- order as the lower fork put them there. Trying to read something that's not
- there makes the program hang uninterruptibly. Pay close attention -- notice
- how we fall through some of the cases rather than break; that's deliberate.
- */
- switch (cx) {
- #ifdef CK_TRIGGER
- case CEV_TRI: /* Trigger string */
- debug(F100,"CONNECT trigger","",0);
- read(xpipe[0], (char *)&i, sizeof(i)); /* Trigger index */
- debug(F101,"CONNECT trigger index","",i);
- makestr(&triggerval,tt_trigger[i]); /* Make a copy of the trigger */
- debug(F110,"CONNECT triggerval",triggerval,0);
- read(xpipe[0], (char *)&ibc, sizeof(ibc)); /* Copy child's */
- debug(F101,"CONNECT trigger ibc (upper)","",ibc); /* input buffer. */
- if (ibc > 0) {
- read(xpipe[0], (char *)&ibp, sizeof(ibp));
- read(xpipe[0], ibp, ibc);
- }
- /* Fall thru... */
- #endif /* CK_TRIGGER */
- case CEV_HUP:
- /*
- The CEV_HUP case is executed when the other side has hung up on us.
- In some cases, this happens before we have had a chance to execute the
- setjmp(con_env,1) call, and in that case we'd better not take the longjmp!
- A good example is when you TELNET to port 13 on the local host; it prints
- its asctime() string (26 chars) and then closes the connection.
- */
- #ifdef CK_TRIGGER
- if (cx == CEV_TRI)
- sjval = CEV_TRI; /* Set global variable. */
- else
- #endif /* CK_TRIGGER */
- sjval = CEV_HUP;
- if (jbset) { /* jmp_buf is initialized */
- cklongjmp(con_env,sjval); /* so do the right thing. */
- } else {
- int x = 0;
- /* jmp_buf not init'd yet a close approximation... */
- #ifdef CK_TRIGGER
- if (cx == CEV_HUP)
- #endif /* CK_TRIGGER */
- ttclos(0); /* Close our end of the connection */
- if (pid) {
- debug(F101,"CONNECT trigger killing pid","",pid);
- {
- long ret_val;
- x = kill(pid,SIGKILLTHR); /* Kill lower fork */
- wait_for_thread (pid, &ret_val);
- }
- #else
- #ifdef Plan9
- x = kill(pid, SIGKILL); /* (should always use this really) */
- #else
- x = kill(pid,9); /* Kill lower fork (history) */
- #endif /* Plan9 */
- wait((WAIT_T *)0); /* Wait till gone. */
- if (x < 0) {
- printf("ERROR: Failure to kill pid %d: %s, errno=%dn",
- (int) pid, ck_errstr(), errno);
- debug(F111,"CONNECT error killing stale pid",
- ck_errstr(),errno);
- }
- pid = (PID_T) 0;
- #endif /* BEOSORBEBOX */
- }
- conres(); /* Reset the console. */
- if (!quiet) {
- printf("rn(Back at %s)rn",
- *myhost ? myhost :
- #ifdef UNIX
- "local UNIX system"
- #else
- "local system"
- #endif /* UNIX */
- );
- }
- what = W_NOTHING; /* So console modes are set right. */
- printf("rn"); /* prevent prompt-stomping */
- cklongjmp(cmjbuf,0); /* Do what the Ctrl-C handler does */
- #else
- printf("rnLongjump failure - fatalrn");
- doexit(GOOD_EXIT,-1); /* Better than dumping core... */
- #endif /* USECCJMPBUF */
- }
- #endif /* USECCJMPBUF */
- case CEV_DUP: /* Child sends duplex change */
- read(xpipe[0], (char *)&duplex, sizeof(duplex));
- debug(F101,"CONNECT pipeint duplex","",duplex);
- break;
- #ifdef TNCODE
- case CEV_MEBIN: /* Child sends me_binary change */
- read(xpipe[0],
- );
- debug(F101,"CONNECT pipeint me_binary","",TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_BINARY));
- break;
- case CEV_UBIN: /* Child sends u_binary change */
- read(xpipe[0],
- );
- debug(F101,"CONNECT pipeint u_binary","",TELOPT_U(TELOPT_BINARY));
- break;
- #endif /* TNCODE */
- #ifdef CK_APC
- case CEV_AUL: /* Autoupload */
- justone = 1;
- debug(F100,"CONNECT autoupload at parent","",0);
- #ifdef CK_AUTODL
- case CEV_ADL: /* Autodownload */
- apcstatus = APC_LOCAL;
- if (!justone) debug(F100,"CONNECT autodownload at parent","",0);
- /* Copy child's Kermit packet if any */
- read(xpipe[0], (char *)&x, sizeof(x));
- debug(F101,"CONNECT trigger ibc (upper)","",ibc);
- if (x > 0)
- read(xpipe[0], (char *)ksbuf, x+1);
- #endif /* CK_AUTODL */
- case CEV_APC: /* Application Program Command */
- read(xpipe[0], (char *)&apclength, sizeof(apclength));
- read(xpipe[0], apcbuf, apclength+1); /* Include trailing zero byte */
- debug(F111,"CONNECT APC at parent",apcbuf,apclength);
- read(xpipe[0], (char *)&ibc, sizeof(ibc)); /* Copy child's */
- if (ibc > 0) { /* input buffer. */
- read(xpipe[0], (char *)&ibp, sizeof(ibp));
- read(xpipe[0], ibp, ibc);
- }
- obc = 0; obp = obuf; *obuf = NUL; /* Because port fork flushed */
- sjval = CEV_APC;
- cklongjmp(con_env,sjval);
- #endif /* CK_APC */
- #ifdef SUNX25
- case CEV_PAD: /* X.25 PAD parameter change */
- debug(F100,"CONNECT pipeint PAD change","",0);
- read(xpipe[0],padparms,MAXPADPARMS);
- sjval = CEV_PAD; /* Set global variable. */
- #ifdef COMMENT /* We might not need to do this... */
- cklongjmp(con_env,sjval);
- #else /* COMMENT */
- break;
- #endif /* COMMENT */
- #endif /* SUNX25 */
- }
- signal(CK_FORK_SIG, pipeint); /* Set up signal handler */
- kill(pid, CK_FORK_SIG); /* Signal the port fork ... */
- }
- /* C K C P U T C -- C-Kermit CONNECT Put Character to Screen */
- /*
- Output is buffered to avoid slow screen writes on fast connections.
- NOTE: These could (easily?) become macros ...
- */
- static int
- ckcputf() { /* Dump the output buffer */
- int x = 0;
- if (obc > 0) /* If we have any characters, */
- x = conxo(obc,obuf); /* dump them, */
- obp = obuf; /* reset the pointer */
- obc = 0; /* and the counter. */
- return(x); /* Return conxo's return code */
- }
- int
- ckcputc(c) int c; {
- int x;
- *obp++ = c & 0xff; /* Deposit the character */
- obc++; /* Count it */
- if (ibc == 0 || /* If input buffer about empty */
- obc == OBUFL) { /* or output buffer full */
- debug(F101,"CONNECT CKCPUTC obc","",obc);
- x = conxo(obc,obuf); /* dump the buffer, */
- obp = obuf; /* reset the pointer */
- obc = 0; /* and the counter. */
- return(x); /* Return conxo's return code */
- } else return(0);
- }
- /* C K C G E T C -- C-Kermit CONNECT Get Character */
- /*
- Buffered read from communication device.
- Returns the next character, refilling the buffer if necessary.
- On error, returns ttinc's return code (see ttinc() description).
- Dummy argument for compatible calling conventions with ttinc().
- NOTE: We don't have a macro for this because we have to pass
- a pointer to this function as an argument to tn_doop().
- */
- int
- ckcgetc(dummy) int dummy; {
- int c, n;
- #ifdef COMMENT
- /* too much */
- debug(F101,"CONNECT CKCGETC 1 ibc","",ibc); /* Log */
- #endif /* COMMENT */
- if (ibc < 1) { /* Need to refill buffer? */
- ibc = 0; /* Yes, reset count */
- ibp = ibuf; /* and buffer pointer */
- /* debug(F100,"CONNECT CKCGETC 1 calling ttinc(0)","",0); */
- #ifdef COMMENT
- /*
- This check is not worth the overhead. Scenario: ttchk() returns 0, so we
- fall through to the blocking ttinc(). While in ttinc(), the connection is
- lost. But the read() that ttinc() calls does not notice, and never returns.
- This happens at least in HP-UX, and can be seen when we turn off the modem.
- */
- if (!network && (carrier != CAR_OFF))
- if ((n = ttchk()) < 0) /* Make sure connection is not lost */
- return(n);
- #endif /* COMMENT */
- c = ttinc(0); /* Read one character, blocking */
- /* debug(F101,"CONNECT CKCGETC 1 ttinc(0)","",c); */
- if (c < 0) { /* If error, return error code */
- return(c);
- } else { /* Otherwise, got one character */
- *ibp++ = c; /* Advance buffer pointer */
- ibc++; /* and count. */
- }
- if ((n = ttchk()) > 0) { /* Any more waiting? */
- if (n > (IBUFL - ibc)) /* Get them all at once. */
- n = IBUFL - ibc; /* Don't overflow buffer */
- if ((n = ttxin(n,(CHAR *)ibp)) > 0) {
- ck_tn_decrypt(ibp,n);
- #endif /* CK_ENCRYPTION */
- ibc += n; /* Advance counter */
- }
- } else if (n < 0) { /* Error? */
- return(n); /* Return the error code */
- }
- debug(F101,"CONNECT CKCGETC 2 ibc","",ibc); /* Log how many */
- ibp = ibuf; /* Point to beginning of buffer */
- }
- c = *ibp++ & 0xff; /* Get next character from buffer */
- ibc--; /* Reduce buffer count */
- return(c); /* Return the character */
- }
- /*
- Keyboard handling, buffered for speed, which is needed when C-Kermit is
- in CONNECT mode between two other computers that are transferring data.
- */
- static char *kbp; /* Keyboard input buffer pointer */
- static int kbc; /* Keyboard input buffer count */
- #ifdef CK_SMALL /* Keyboard input buffer length */
- #define KBUFL 32 /* Small for PDP-11 UNIX */
- #else
- #define KBUFL 257 /* Regular kernel size for others */
- #endif /* CK_SMALL */
- #ifdef DYNAMIC
- static char *kbuf = NULL;
- #else
- static char kbuf[KBUFL];
- #endif /* DYNAMIC */
- /* Macro for reading keystrokes. */
- #define CONGKS() (((--kbc)>=0) ? ((int)(*kbp++) & 0377) : kbget())
- /*
- Note that we call read() directly here, normally a no-no, but in this case
- we know it's UNIX and we're only doing what coninc(0) would have done,
- except we're reading a block of characters rather than just one. There is,
- at present, no conxin() analog to ttxin() for chunk reads, and instituting
- one would only add function-call overhead as it would only be a wrapper for
- a read() call anyway.
- */
- /*
- Another note: We stick in this read() till the user types something.
- But the other (lower) fork is running too, and on TELNET connections,
- it will signal us to indicate echo-change negotiations, and this can
- interrupt the read(). Some UNIXes automatically restart the interrupted
- system call, others return from it with errno == EINTR.
- */
- static int /* Keyboard buffer filler */
- kbget() {
- #ifdef EINTR
- int tries = 10; /* If read() is interrupted, */
- int ok = 0;
- while (tries-- > 0) { /* try a few times... */
- #endif /* EINTR */
- if ((kbc = conchk()) < 1) /* How many chars waiting? */
- kbc = 1; /* If none or dunno, wait for one. */
- else if (kbc > KBUFL) /* If too many, */
- kbc = KBUFL; /* only read this many. */
- if ((kbc = read(0, kbuf, kbc)) < 1) { /* Now read it/them. */
- debug(F101,"CONNECT kbget errno","",errno); /* Got an error. */
- #ifdef EINTR
- if (errno == EINTR) /* Interrupted system call. */
- continue; /* Try again, up to limit. */
- else /* Something else. */
- #endif /* EINTR */
- return(-1); /* Pass along read() error. */
- }
- #ifdef EINTR
- else { ok = 1; break; }
- }
- if (!ok) return(-1);
- #endif /* EINTR */
- kbp = kbuf; /* Adjust buffer pointer, */
- kbc--; /* count, */
- return((int)(*kbp++) & 0377); /* and return first character. */
- }
- /* C O N C L D -- Interactive terminal connection child function */
- static
- long
- #else
- #endif /* BEOSORBEBOX */
- concld (
- void *bevoid
- #endif /* BEOSORBEBOX */
- ) {
- int n; /* General purpose counter */
- int i; /* For loops... */
- int c; /* c is a character, but must be signed
- integer to pass thru -1, which is the
- modem disconnection signal, and is
- different from the character 0377 */
- int c2; /* A copy of c */
- int csave; /* Another copy of c */
- int tx; /* tn_doop() return code */
- #ifdef CK_TRIGGER
- int ix; /* Trigger index */
- #endif /* CK_TRIGGER */
- #ifndef NOESCSEQ
- int apcrc;
- #endif /* NOESCSEQ */
- int conret = 0; /* Return value from conect() */
- /* jbchksum = -1L; */
- jbset = 0; /* jmp_buf not set yet, don't use it */
- debug(F101,"CONNECT concld entry","",CK_FORK_SIG);
- /* *** */ /* Inferior reads, prints port input */
- if (priv_can()) { /* Cancel all privs */
- printf("?setuid error - fataln");
- doexit(BAD_EXIT,-1);
- }
- signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); /* In case these haven't been */
- signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN); /* inherited from above... */
- signal(CK_FORK_SIG, SIG_IGN); /* CK_FORK_SIG not expected yet */
- inshift = outshift = 0; /* Initial SO/SI shift state. */
- { /* Wait for parent's setup */
- int i;
- while ((i = read(xpipe[0], &c, 1)) <= 0) {
- if (i < 0) {
- debug(F101,"CONNECT concld setup error","",i);
- debug(F111,"CONNECT concld setup error",ck_errstr(),errno);
- pipemsg(CEV_HUP); /* Read error - hangup */
- ck_sndmsg(); /* Send and wait to be killed */
- } /* Restart interrupted read() */
- }
- }
- close(xpipe[0]); xpipe[0] = -1; /* Child - prevent future reads */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if (deblog) {
- debug(F100,"CONNECT starting port fork","",0);
- debug(F101,"CONNECT port fork ibc","",ibc);
- debug(F101,"CONNECT port fork obc","",obc);
- }
- #endif /* DEBUG */
- what = W_CONNECT;
- while (1) { /* Fresh read, wait for a character. */
- #ifdef ANYX25
- if (network && (nettype == NET_SX25)) {
- bzero(x25ibuf,sizeof(x25ibuf)) ;
- if ((ibufl = ttxin(MAXIX25,(CHAR *)x25ibuf)) < 0) {
- #ifndef IBMX25
- if (ibufl == -2) { /* PAD parms changes */
- pipemsg(CEV_PAD);
- write(xpipe[1],padparms,MAXPADPARMS);
- ck_sndmsg();
- } else {
- #endif /* IBMX25 */
- if (!quiet)
- printf("rnCommunications disconnect ");
- pipemsg(CEV_HUP);
- ck_sndmsg(); /* Wait to be killed */
- #ifndef IBMX25
- }
- #endif /* IBMX25 */
- /* pause(); <--- SHOULD BE OBSOLETE NOW! */
- /* BECAUSE pause() is done inside of ck_sndmsg() */
- }
- if (debses) { /* Debugging output */
- p = x25ibuf ;
- while (ibufl--) { c = *p++; conol(dbchr(c)); }
- } else {
- if (seslog && sessft) /* Binary session log */
- logchar((char)c); /* Log char before translation */
- if (sosi
- #ifndef NOCSETS
- || tcsl != tcsr
- #endif /* NOCSETS */
- ) { /* Character at a time */
- for (i = 1; i < ibufl; i++) {
- c = x25ibuf[i] & cmask;
- if (sosi) { /* Handle SI/SO */
- if (c == SO) {
- inshift = 1;
- continue;
- } else if (c == SI) {
- inshift = 0;
- continue;
- }
- if (inshift)
- c |= 0200;
- }
- #ifndef NOCSETS
- if (inesc == ES_NORMAL) {
- #ifdef UNICODE
- int x;
- if (unicode == 1) { /* Remote is UTF-8 */
- x = u_to_b((CHAR)c);
- debug(F101,"XXX conect u_to_b","",x);
- if (x == -1)
- continue;
- else if (x == -2) { /* LS or PS */
- inxbuf[0] = CR;
- inxbuf[1] = LF;
- inxcount = 2;
- } else {
- inxbuf[0] = (unsigned)(x & 0xff);
- }
- c = inxbuf[0];
- } else if (unicode == 2) { /* Local is UTF-8 */
- inxcount =
- b_to_u((CHAR)c,inxbuf,OUTXBUFSIZ,tcssize);
- c = inxbuf[0];
- } else {
- #endif /* UNICODE */
- if (sxi) c = (*sxi)((CHAR)c);
- if (rxi) c = (*rxi)((CHAR)c);
- inxbuf[0] = c;
- #ifdef UNICODE
- }
- #endif /* UNICODE */
- }
- #endif /* NOCSETS */
- c &= cmdmsk; /* Apply command mask. */
- conoc(c); /* Output to screen */
- if (seslog && !sessft) /* and session log */
- logchar(c);
- }
- } else { /* All at once */
- for (i = 1; i < ibufl; i++)
- x25ibuf[i] &= (cmask & cmdmsk);
- conxo(ibufl,x25ibuf);
- if (seslog) zsoutx(ZSFILE,x25ibuf,ibufl);
- }
- }
- continue;
- } else { /* Not X.25... */
- #endif /* ANYX25 */
- /*
- Get the next communication line character from our internal buffer.
- If the buffer is empty, refill it.
- */
- c = ckcgetc(0); /* Get next character */
- /* debug(F101,"CONNECT c","",c); */
- if (c < 0) { /* Failed... */
- debug(F101,"CONNECT disconnect ibc","",ibc);
- debug(F101,"CONNECT disconnect obc","",obc);
- ckcputf(); /* Flush CONNECT output buffer */
- if (!quiet) {
- printf("rnCommunications disconnect ");
- #ifdef COMMENT
- if ( c == -3
- #ifdef ultrix
- /* This happens on Ultrix if there's no carrier */
- && errno != EIO
- #endif /* ultrix */
- #ifdef UTEK
- /* This happens on UTEK if there's no carrier */
- && errno != EWOULDBLOCK
- #endif /* UTEK */
- )
- perror("rnCan't read character");
- #endif /* COMMENT */
- }
- #ifdef NOSETBUF
- fflush(stdout);
- #endif /* NOSETBUF */
- tthang(); /* Hang up the connection */
- debug(F111,"CONNECT concld i/o error",ck_errstr(),errno);
- pipemsg(CEV_HUP);
- ck_sndmsg(); /* Wait to be killed */
- }
- #ifdef COMMENT
- /* too much... */
- debug(F101,"CONNECT ** PORT","",c); /* Got character c OK. */
- #endif /* COMMENT */
- #ifdef TNCODE
- /* Handle TELNET negotiations... */
- if ((c == IAC) && network && (ttnproto == NP_TELNET)) {
- int me_bin = TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_BINARY);
- int u_bin = TELOPT_U(TELOPT_BINARY);
- debug(F100,"CONNECT got IAC","",0);
- ckcputf(); /* Dump screen-output buffer */
- if ((tx = tn_doop((CHAR)(c & 0xff),duplex,ckcgetc)) == 0) {
- if (me_bin != TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_BINARY)) {
- debug(F101,
- "CONNECT TELNET me_bin",
- "",
- );
- pipemsg(CEV_MEBIN); /* Tell parent */
- write(xpipe[1],
- );
- ck_sndmsg(); /* Tell the parent fork */
- } else if (u_bin != TELOPT_U(TELOPT_BINARY)) {
- debug(F101,
- "",
- );
- pipemsg(CEV_UBIN); /* Tell parent */
- write(xpipe[1],
- );
- ck_sndmsg(); /* Tell the parent fork */
- }
- continue;
- } else if (tx == -1) { /* I/O error */
- if (!quiet)
- printf("rnCommunications disconnect ");
- #ifdef NOSETBUF
- fflush(stdout);
- #endif /* NOSETBUF */
- debug(F111,"CONNECT concld i/o error 2",ck_errstr(),errno);
- pipemsg(CEV_HUP);
- ck_sndmsg(); /* Wait to be killed */
- } else if (tx == -3) { /* I/O error */
- if (!quiet)
- printf("rnConnection closed due to telnet policy ");
- #ifdef NOSETBUF
- fflush(stdout);
- #endif /* NOSETBUF */
- debug(F111,"CONNECT concld i/o error 2",ck_errstr(),errno);
- pipemsg(CEV_HUP);
- ck_sndmsg(); /* Wait to be killed */
- } else if (tx == -2) { /* I/O error */
- if (!quiet)
- printf("rnConnection closed by peer ");
- #ifdef NOSETBUF
- fflush(stdout);
- #endif /* NOSETBUF */
- debug(F111,"CONNECT concld i/o error 2",ck_errstr(),errno);
- pipemsg(CEV_HUP);
- ck_sndmsg(); /* Wait to be killed */
- } else if ((tx == 1) && (!duplex)) { /* ECHO change */
- duplex = 1; /* Turn on local echo */
- debug(F101,"CONNECT TELNET duplex change","",duplex);
- pipemsg(CEV_DUP); /* Tell parent */
- write(xpipe[1], &duplex, sizeof(duplex));
- ck_sndmsg(); /* Tell the parent fork */
- continue;
- } else if ((tx == 2) && (duplex)) { /* ECHO change */
- duplex = 0;
- debug(F101,"CONNECT TELNET duplex change","",duplex);
- pipemsg(CEV_DUP);
- write(xpipe[1], &duplex, sizeof(duplex));
- ck_sndmsg();
- continue;
- } else if (tx == 3) { /* Quoted IAC */
- c = parity ? 127 : 255;
- }
- #ifdef IKS_OPTION
- else if (tx == 4) { /* IKS State Change */
- if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.u_start &&
- !tcp_incoming
- ) {
- /* here we need to print a msg that the other */
- /* side is in SERVER mode and that REMOTE */
- /* commands should be used. And CONNECT mode */
- /* should be ended. */
- active = 0;
- }
- }
- #endif /* IKS_OPTION */
- else if (tx == 6) {
- /* DO LOGOUT received */
- if (!quiet)
- printf("rnRemote Logout ");
- #ifdef NOSETBUF
- fflush(stdout);
- #endif /* NOSETBUF */
- debug(F100,"CONNECT Remote Logout","",0);
- pipemsg(CEV_HUP);
- ck_sndmsg(); /* Wait to be killed */
- } else
- continue; /* Negotiation OK, get next char. */
- } else if (parity)
- c &= 0x7f;
- if (TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_ECHO) && tn_rem_echo)
- ttoc(c); /* I'm echoing for the remote */
- #endif /* TNCODE */
- if (debses) { /* Output character to screen */
- char *s; /* Debugging display... */
- s = dbchr(c);
- while (*s)
- ckcputc(*s++);
- } else { /* Regular display ... */
- c &= cmask; /* Apply Kermit-to-remote mask */
- #ifdef CK_AUTODL
- /*
- Autodownload. Check for Kermit S packet prior to translation, since that
- can change the packet and make it unrecognizable (as when the terminal
- character set is an ISO 646 one)... Ditto for Zmodem start packet.
- */
- if (autodl /* Autodownload enabled? */
- #ifdef IKS_OPTION
- || TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.me_start
- #endif /* IKS_OPTION */
- ) {
- int k;
- k = kstart((CHAR)c); /* Kermit S or I packet? */
- #ifdef CK_XYZ
- if (!k && zmdlok) /* Or an "sz" start? */
- k = zstart((CHAR)c);
- #endif /* CK_XYZ */
- if (k) {
- int ksign = 0;
- debug(F101,"CONNECT autodownload k","",k);
- if (k < 0) { /* Minus-Protocol? */
- #ifdef NOSERVER
- goto noserver; /* Need server mode for this */
- #else
- ksign = 1; /* Remember */
- k = 0 - k; /* Convert to actual protocol */
- justone = 1; /* Flag for protocol module */
- #endif /* NOSERVER */
- } else
- justone = 0;
- k--; /* Adjust [kz]start's return value */
- if (k == PROTO_K
- #ifdef CK_XYZ
- || k == PROTO_Z
- #endif /* CK_XYZ */
- ) {
- /* Now damage the packet so that it does not */
- /* trigger autodownload detection on subsquent */
- /* links. */
- if (k == PROTO_K) {
- int i, len = strlen((char*)ksbuf);
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
- ckcputc(BS);
- }
- #ifdef CK_XYZ
- else {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
- ckcputc(CAN);
- }
- #endif /* CK_XYZ */
- /* Notify parent */
- pipemsg(justone ? CEV_AUL : CEV_ADL);
- /*
- Send our memory back up to the top fork thru the pipe.
- CAREFUL -- Write this stuff in the same order it is to be read!
- */
- /* Copy our Kermit packet to the parent fork */
- n = (int) strlen((char *)ksbuf);
- write(xpipe[1], (char *)&n, sizeof(n));
- if (n > 0)
- write(xpipe[1], (char *)ksbuf, n+1);
- debug(F111,"CONNECT autodownload ksbuf",ksbuf,n);
- debug(F101,"CONNECT autodownload justone","",
- justone);
- /* Construct the APC command */
- sprintf(apcbuf,
- "set proto %s, %s, set proto %s",
- ptab[k].p_name,
- ksign ? "server" : "receive",
- ptab[protocol].p_name
- );
- apclength = strlen(apcbuf);
- debug(F111,"CONNECT ksbuf",ksbuf,k);
- debug(F110,"CONNECT autodownload",apcbuf,0);
- apcactive = APC_LOCAL;
- ckcputf(); /* Force screen update */
- /* Write buffer including trailing NUL byte */
- debug(F101,"CONNECT write xpipe apclength","",
- apclength);
- write(xpipe[1],
- (char *)&apclength,
- sizeof(apclength)
- );
- debug(F110,"CONNECT write xpipe apcbuf",apcbuf,0);
- write(xpipe[1], apcbuf, apclength+1);
- /* Copy our input buffer to the parent fork */
- debug(F101,"CONNECT autodownload complete ibc",
- "",ibc);
- debug(F101,"CONNECT autodownload complete obc",
- "",obc);
- write(xpipe[1], (char *)&ibc, sizeof(ibc));
- if (ibc > 0) {
- write(xpipe[1], (char *)&ibp, sizeof(ibp));
- write(xpipe[1], ibp, ibc);
- }
- ck_sndmsg(); /* Wait to be killed */
- }
- }
- }
- #ifdef NOSERVER
- noserver:
- #endif /* NOSERVER */
- #endif /* CK_AUTODL */
- if (sosi) { /* Handle SI/SO */
- if (c == SO) { /* Shift Out */
- inshift = 1;
- continue;
- } else if (c == SI) { /* Shift In */
- inshift = 0;
- continue;
- }
- if (inshift) c |= 0200;
- }
- inxbuf[0] = c; /* In case there is no translation */
- inxcount = 1; /* ... */
- #ifndef NOCSETS
- if (inesc == ES_NORMAL) { /* If not in an escape sequence */
- #ifdef UNICODE
- int x; /* Translate character sets */
- CHAR ch;
- ch = c;
- if (unicode == 1) { /* Remote is UTF-8 */
- x = u_to_b(ch);
- if (x < 0)
- continue;
- inxbuf[0] = (unsigned)(x & 0xff);
- c = inxbuf[0];
- } else if (unicode == 2) { /* Local is UTF-8 */
- inxcount = b_to_u(ch,inxbuf,OUTXBUFSIZ,tcssize);
- c = inxbuf[0];
- } else {
- #endif /* UNICODE */
- if (sxi) c = (*sxi)((CHAR)c);
- if (rxi) c = (*rxi)((CHAR)c);
- inxbuf[0] = c;
- #ifdef UNICODE
- }
- #endif /* UNICODE */
- }
- #endif /* NOCSETS */
- #ifndef NOESCSEQ
- if (escseq) /* If handling escape sequences */
- apcrc = chkaes((char)c); /* update our state */
- #ifdef CK_APC
- /*
- If we are handling APCs, we have several possibilities at this point:
- 1. Ordinary character to be written to the screen.
- 2. An Esc; we can't write it because it might be the beginning of an APC.
- 3. The character following an Esc, in which case we write Esc, then char,
- but only if we have not just entered an APC sequence.
- */
- if (escseq && apcstatus != APC_OFF) {
- if (inesc == ES_GOTESC) /* Don't write ESC yet */
- continue;
- else if (oldesc == ES_GOTESC && !apcactive) {
- ckcputc(ESC); /* Write saved ESC */
- if (seslog && !sessft)
- logchar((char)ESC);
- } else if (apcrc) { /* We have an APC */
- debug(F111,"CONNECT APC complete",apcbuf,apclength);
- ckcputf(); /* Force screen update */
- pipemsg(CEV_APC); /* Notify parent */
- write(xpipe[1],
- (char *)&apclength,
- sizeof(apclength)
- );
- /* Write buffer including trailing NUL byte */
- write(xpipe[1], apcbuf, apclength+1);
- /* Copy our input buffer to the parent fork */
- debug(F101,"CONNECT APC complete ibc","",ibc);
- debug(F101,"CONNECT APC complete obc","",obc);
- write(xpipe[1], (char *)&ibc, sizeof(ibc));
- if (ibc > 0) {
- write(xpipe[1], (char *)&ibp, sizeof(ibp));
- write(xpipe[1], ibp, ibc);
- }
- ck_sndmsg(); /* Wait to be killed */
- }
- }
- #endif /* CK_APC */
- #endif /* NOESCSEQ */
- for (i = 0; i < inxcount; i++) { /* Loop thru */
- c = inxbuf[i]; /* input expansion buffer... */
- if (
- #ifdef CK_APC
- !apcactive /* Ignore APC sequences */
- #else
- 1
- #endif /* CK_APC */
- ) {
- c &= cmdmsk; /* Apply command mask. */
- if (c == CR && tt_crd) { /* SET TERM CR-DISPLA CRLF? */
- ckcputc(c); /* Yes, output CR */
- if (seslog && !sessft)
- logchar((char)c);
- c = LF; /* and insert a linefeed */
- }
- ckcputc(c); /* Write character to screen */
- }
- if (seslog && !sessft) /* Handle session log */
- logchar((char)c);
- #ifdef CK_TRIGGER
- /* Check for trigger string */
- if (tt_trigger[0]) if ((ix = autoexitchk((CHAR)c)) > -1) {
- ckcputf(); /* Force screen update */
- #ifdef NOSETBUF
- fflush(stdout); /* I mean really force it */
- #endif /* NOSETBUF */
- pipemsg(CEV_TRI); /* Send up trigger indication */
- write(xpipe[1], (char *)&ix, sizeof(ix)); /* index */
- write(xpipe[1], (char *)&ibc, sizeof(ibc));
- if (ibc > 0) {
- write(xpipe[1], (char *)&ibp, sizeof(ibp));
- write(xpipe[1], ibp, ibc);
- }
- debug(F100,"CONNECT concld trigger","",0);
- ck_sndmsg(); /* Wait to be killed */
- active = 0; /* Shouldn't be necessary... */
- break;
- }
- #endif /* CK_TRIGGER */
- }
- }
- #ifdef ANYX25
- }
- #endif /* ANYX25 */
- }
- }
- /* C O N E C T -- Interactive terminal connection */
- int
- conect() {
- int n; /* General purpose counter */
- int i; /* For loops... */
- int c; /* c is a character, but must be signed
- integer to pass thru -1, which is the
- modem disconnection signal, and is
- different from the character 0377 */
- int c2; /* A copy of c */
- int csave; /* Another copy of c */
- #ifndef NOESCSEQ
- int apcrc;
- #endif /* NOESCSEQ */
- int conret = 0; /* Return value from conect() */
- int msgflg = 0;
- /* jbchksum = -1L; */
- jbset = 0; /* jmp_buf not set yet, don't use it */
- debug(F101,"CONNECT fork signal","",CK_FORK_SIG);
- debug(F101,"CONNECT entry pid","",pid);
- msgflg = !quiet
- #ifdef CK_APC
- && !apcactive
- #endif /* CK_APC */
- ;
- /*
- The following is to handle a fork left behind if we exit CONNECT mode
- without killing it, and then return to CONNECT mode. This happened in
- HP-UX, where the Reset key would raise SIGINT even though SIGINT was set to
- SIG_IGN. The code below fixes the symptom; the real fix is in the main
- SIGINT handler (if SIGINT shows up during CONNECT, just return rather than
- taking the longjmp).
- */
- if (pid) { /* This should be 0 */
- int x = 0;
- debug(F101,"CONNECT entry killing stale pid","",pid);
- printf("WARNING: Old CONNECT fork seems to be active.n");
- printf("Attempting to remove it...");
- {
- long ret_val;
- x = kill(pid,SIGKILLTHR); /* Kill lower fork */
- wait_for_thread (pid, &ret_val);
- }
- #else
- #ifdef Plan9
- x = kill(pid,SIGKILL); /* Kill lower fork */
- #else
- x = kill(pid,9);
- #endif /* Plan9 */
- #endif /* BEOSORBEBOX */
- wait((WAIT_T *)0); /* Wait till gone. */
- if (x < 0) {
- printf("ERROR: Failure to kill pid %d: %s, errno=%dn",
- (int) pid, ck_errstr(), errno);
- debug(F111,"CONNECT error killing stale pid",ck_errstr(),pid);
- }
- pid = (PID_T) 0;
- printf("n");
- }
- signal(CK_FORK_SIG, SIG_IGN); /* Initial CK_FORK_SIG handling, */
- /*
- The following ttimoff() call should not be necessary, but evidently there
- are cases where a timer is left active and then goes off, taking a longjmp
- to nowhere after the program's stack has changed. In any case, this is
- safe because the CONNECT module uses no timer of any kind, and no other timer
- should be armed while Kermit is in CONNECT mode.
- */
- ttimoff(); /* Turn off any timer interrupts */
- #ifdef CK_TRIGGER
- makestr(&triggerval,NULL); /* Reset trigger */
- #endif /* CK_TRIGGER */
- if (!local) {
- #ifdef NETCONN
- printf("Sorry, you must SET LINE or SET HOST firstn");
- #else
- printf("Sorry, you must SET LINE firstn");
- #endif /* NETCONN */
- goto conret0;
- }
- if (speed < 0L && network == 0 && ttfdflg == 0) {
- printf("Sorry, you must SET SPEED firstn");
- goto conret0;
- }
- #ifdef TCPSOCKET
- if (network && (nettype != NET_TCPB)
- #ifdef SUNX25
- && (nettype != NET_SX25)
- #endif /* SUNX25 */
- #ifdef IBMX25
- && (nettype != NET_IX25)
- #endif /* IBMX25 */
- #ifdef NETCMD
- && (nettype != NET_CMD)
- #endif /* NETCMD */
- #ifdef NETPTY
- && (nettype != NET_PTY)
- #endif /* NETPTY */
- ) {
- printf("Sorry, network type not supportedn");
- goto conret0;
- }
- #endif /* TCPSOCKET */
- #ifdef DYNAMIC
- if (!ibuf) {
- if (!(ibuf = malloc(IBUFL+1))) { /* Allocate input line buffer */
- printf("Sorry, CONNECT input buffer can't be allocatedn");
- goto conret0;
- } else {
- ibp = ibuf;
- ibc = 0;
- }
- }
- if (!obuf) {
- if (!(obuf = malloc(OBUFL+1))) { /* Allocate output line buffer */
- printf("Sorry, CONNECT output buffer can't be allocatedn");
- goto conret0;
- } else {
- obp = obuf;
- obc = 0;
- }
- }
- if (!kbuf) {
- if (!(kbuf = malloc(KBUFL+1))) { /* Allocate keyboard input buffer */
- printf("Sorry, CONNECT keyboard buffer can't be allocatedn");
- goto conret0;
- }
- }
- if (!temp) {
- if (!(temp = malloc(TMPLEN+1))) { /* Allocate temporary buffer */
- printf("Sorry, CONNECT temporary buffer can't be allocatedn");
- goto conret0;
- }
- }
- #else
- #ifdef COMMENT
- ibp = ibuf;
- ibc = 0;
- #endif /* COMMENT */
- obp = obuf;
- obc = 0;
- #endif /* DYNAMIC */
- kbp = kbuf; /* Always clear these. */
- *kbp = NUL; /* No need to preserve them between */
- kbc = 0; /* CONNECT sessions. */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if (deblog) {
- debug(F101,"CONNECT conect entry ttyfd","",ttyfd);
- debug(F101,"CONNECT conect entry ibc","",ibc);
- debug(F101,"CONNECT conect entry obc","",obc);
- debug(F101,"CONNECT conect entry kbc","",kbc);
- #ifdef CK_TRIGGER
- debug(F110,"CONNECT conect trigger",tt_trigger[0],0);
- #endif /* CK_TRIGGER */
- if (ttyfd > -1) {
- n = ttchk();
- debug(F101,"CONNECT conect entry ttchk","",n);
- }
- }
- #endif /* DEBUG */
- if (ttyfd < 0) { /* If communication device not open */
- debug(F101,"CONNECT ttnproto","",ttnproto);
- debug(F111,"CONNECT opening",ttname,0); /* Open it now */
- if (ttopen(ttname,
- &local,
- network ? -nettype : mdmtyp,
- 0
- ) < 0) {
- sprintf(temp,"Sorry, can't open %s",ttname);
- perror(temp);
- debug(F110,"CONNECT open failure",ttname,0);
- goto conret0;
- }
- #ifdef IKS_OPTION
- /* If peer is in Kermit server mode, return now. */
- if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.u_start)
- return(0);
- #endif /* IKS_OPTION */
- }
- dohangup = 0; /* Hangup not requested yet */
- #ifdef ANYX25
- dox25clr = 0; /* X.25 clear not requested yet */
- #endif /* ANYX25 */
- if (msgflg) {
- #ifdef NETCONN
- if (network) {
- if (ttpipe)
- printf("Connecting via command "%s"",ttname);
- else
- printf("Connecting to host %s",ttname);
- #ifdef ANYX25
- if (nettype == NET_SX25 || nettype == NET_IX25)
- printf(", Link ID %d, LCN %d",linkid,lcn);
- #endif /* ANYX25 */
- } else {
- #endif /* NETCONN */
- printf("Connecting to %s",ttname);
- if (speed > -1L) printf(", speed %ld",speed);
- #ifdef NETCONN
- }
- #endif /* NETCONN */
- if (tt_escape) {
- printf(".rnThe escape character is Ctrl-%c (ASCII %d, %s)rn",
- ctl(escape), escape,
- (escape == 127 ? "DEL" : ccntab[escape]));
- printf("Type the escape character followed by C to get back,rn");
- printf("or followed by ? to see other options.rn");
- } else {
- }
- if (seslog) {
- printf("(Session logged to %s, ",sesfil);
- printf("%s)rn", sessft ? "binary" : "text");
- }
- if (debses) printf("Debugging Display...)rn");
- printf("----------------------------------------------------rn");
- fflush(stdout);
- }
- /* Condition console terminal and communication line */
- if (conbin((char)escape) < 0) {
- printf("Sorry, can't condition console terminaln");
- goto conret0;
- }
- debug(F101,"CONNECT cmask","",cmask);
- debug(F101,"CONNECT cmdmsk","",cmdmsk);
- debug(F101,"CONNECT speed before ttvt","",speed);
- if ((n = ttvt(speed,flow)) < 0) { /* Enter "virtual terminal" mode */
- if (!network) {
- debug(F101,"CONNECT ttvt","",n);
- tthang(); /* Hang up and close the device. */
- ttclos(0);
- if (ttopen(ttname, /* Open it again... */
- &local,
- network ? -nettype : mdmtyp,
- 0
- ) < 0) {
- sprintf(temp,"Sorry, can't reopen %s",ttname);
- perror(temp);
- goto conret0;
- }
- #ifdef IKS_OPTION
- if (TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.u_start)
- return(0);
- #endif /* IKS_OPTION */
- if (ttvt(speed,flow) < 0) { /* Try virtual terminal mode again. */
- conres(); /* Failure this time is fatal. */
- printf("Sorry, Can't condition communication linen");
- goto conret0;
- }
- }
- }
- debug(F101,"CONNECT ttvt ok, escape","",escape);
- debug(F101,"CONNECT carrier-watch","",carrier);
- if (!network && (carrier != CAR_OFF)) {
- int x;
- x = ttgmdm();
- debug(F100,"CONNECT ttgmdm","",x);
- if ((x > -1) && !(x & BM_DCD)) {
- #ifndef NOICP
- extern int hints;
- #endif /* NOICP */
- debug(F100,"CONNECT ttgmdm CD test fails","",x);
- conres();
- printf("?Carrier required but not detected.n");
- #ifndef NOICP
- if (!hints)
- return(0);
- printf("***********************************n");
- printf(" Hint: To CONNECT to a serial device thatn");
- printf(" is not presenting the Carrier Detect signal,n");
- printf(" first tell C-Kermit to:nn");
- printf(" SET CARRIER-WATCH OFFnn");
- printf("***********************************nn");
- #endif /* NOICP */
- goto conret0;
- }
- debug(F100,"CONNECT ttgmdm ok","",0);
- }
- #ifndef NOCSETS
- /* Set up character set translations */
- unicode = 0; /* Assume Unicode won't be involved */
- tcs = 0; /* "Transfer" or "Other" charset */
- sxo = rxo = NULL; /* Initialize byte-to-byte functions */
- sxi = rxi = NULL;
- if (tcsr != tcsl) { /* Remote and local sets differ... */
- #ifdef UNICODE
- if (tcsr == FC_UTF8 || /* Remote charset is UTF-8 */
- tcsl == FC_UTF8) { /* or local one is. */
- xuf = xl_ufc[tcsl]; /* Incoming Unicode to local */
- if (xuf) {
- tcs = (tcsr == FC_UTF8) ? tcsl : tcsr; /* The "other" set */
- xfu = xl_fcu[tcs]; /* Local byte to remote Unicode */
- if (xfu)
- unicode = (tcsr == FC_UTF8) ? 1 : 2;
- }
- tcssize = fcsinfo[tcs].size; /* Size of other character set. */
- } else {
- #endif /* UNICODE */
- tcs = gettcs(tcsr,tcsl); /* Get intermediate set. */
- sxo = xls[tcs][tcsl]; /* translation function */
- rxo = xlr[tcs][tcsr]; /* pointers for output functions */
- sxi = xls[tcs][tcsr]; /* and for input functions. */
- rxi = xlr[tcs][tcsl];
- #ifdef UNICODE
- }
- #endif /* UNICODE */
- }
- /*
- This is to prevent use of zmstuff() and zdstuff() by translation functions.
- They only work with disk i/o, not with communication i/o. Luckily Russian
- translation functions don't do any stuffing...
- */
- langsv = language;
- #ifndef NOCYRIL
- if (language != L_RUSSIAN)
- #endif /* NOCYRIL */
- language = L_USASCII;
- #ifdef COMMENT
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if (deblog) {
- debug(F101,"CONNECT tcs","",tcs);
- debug(F101,"CONNECT tcsl","",tcsl);
- debug(F101,"CONNECT tcsr","",tcsr);
- debug(F101,"CONNECT fcsinfo[tcsl].size","",fcsinfo[tcsl].size);
- debug(F101,"CONNECT fcsinfo[tcsr].size","",fcsinfo[tcsr].size);
- debug(F101,"CONNECT unicode","",unicode);
- }
- #endif /* DEBUG */
- #endif /* COMMENT */
- #ifdef CK_XYZ
- #ifndef XYZ_INTERNAL
- {
- extern int binary; /* See about ZMODEM autodownloads */
- char * s;
- s = binary ? ptab[PROTO_Z].p_b_rcmd : ptab[PROTO_Z].p_t_rcmd;
- if (!s) s = "";
- zmdlok = (*s != NUL); /* OK if we have external commands */
- }
- #endif /* XYZ_INTERNAL */
- #endif /* CK_XYZ */
- #ifndef NOESCSEQ
- /*
- We need to activate the escape-sequence recognition feature when:
- (a) translation is elected, AND
- (b) the local and/or remote set is a 7-bit set other than US ASCII.
- Or:
- SET TERMINAL APC is not OFF (handled in the next statement).
- */
- escseq = (tcs != TC_TRANSP) && /* Not transparent */
- (fcsinfo[tcsl].size == 128 || fcsinfo[tcsr].size == 128) && /* 7 bits */
- (fcsinfo[tcsl].code != FC_USASCII); /* But not ASCII */
- #endif /* NOESCSEQ */
- #endif /* NOCSETS */
- #ifndef NOESCSEQ
- #ifdef CK_APC
- escseq = escseq || (apcstatus != APC_OFF);
- apcactive = 0; /* An APC command is not active */
- apclength = 0; /* ... */
- #endif /* CK_APC */
- inesc = ES_NORMAL; /* Initial state of recognizer */
- debug(F101,"CONNECT escseq","",escseq);
- #endif /* NOESCSEQ */
- parent_id = getpid(); /* Get parent's pid for signalling */
- debug(F101,"CONNECT parent pid","",parent_id);
- if (xpipe[0] > -1) /* If old pipe hanging around, close */
- close(xpipe[0]);
- xpipe[0] = -1;
- if (xpipe[1] > -1)
- close(xpipe[1]);
- xpipe[1] = -1;
- goterr = 0; /* Error flag for pipe & fork */
- if (pipe(xpipe) != 0) { /* Create new pipe to pass info */
- perror("Can't make pipe"); /* between forks. */
- debug(F101,"CONNECT pipe error","",errno);
- goterr = 1;
- } else
- {
- pid = spawn_thread(concld, "Lower Fork", B_NORMAL_PRIORITY, NULL);
- resume_thread(pid);
- }
- #else
- if ((pid = fork()) == (PID_T) -1) { /* Pipe OK, make port fork. */
- perror("Can't make port fork");
- debug(F101,"CONNECT fork error","",errno);
- goterr = 1;
- }
- #endif /* BEOSORBEBOX */
- debug(F101,"CONNECT created fork, pid","",pid);
- if (goterr) { /* Failed to make pipe or fork */
- conres(); /* Reset the console. */
- if (msgflg) {
- printf("rnCommunications disconnect (Back at %s)rn",
- *myhost ?
- myhost :
- #ifdef UNIX
- "local UNIX system"
- #else
- "local system"
- #endif /* UNIX */
- );
- }
- printf("n");
- what = W_NOTHING; /* So console modes are set right. */
- #ifndef NOCSETS
- language = langsv; /* Restore language */
- #endif /* NOCSETS */
- parent_id = (PID_T) 0; /* Clean up */
- goto conret1;
- }
- debug(F101,"CONNECT fork pid","",pid);
- /* Upper fork (KEYB fork) reads keystrokes and sends them out. */
- if (pid) { /* pid != 0, so I am the upper fork. */
- /*
- Before doing anything significant, the child fork must wait for a go-ahead
- character from xpipe[0]. Before starting to wait, we have enough time to
- clear buffers and set up the signal handler. When done with this, we will
- allow the child to continue by satisfying its pending read.
- Remember the child and parent have separate address space. The child has
- its own copy of input buffers, so we must clear the input buffers in the
- parent. Otherwise strange effects may occur, like chunks of characters
- repeatedly echoed on terminal screen. The child process is designed to
- empty its input buffers by reading all available characters and either
- echoing them on the terminal screen or saving them for future use in the
- parent. The latter case happens during APC processing - see the code around
- CEV_APC occurrences to see how the child passes its ibuf etc to parent via
- xpipe, for preservation until the next entry to this module, to ensure that
- no characters are lost between CONNECT sessions.
- */
- /*
- This one needs a bit of extra explanation... In addition to the CONNECT
- module's own buffers, which are communicated and synchronized via xpipe,
- the low-level UNIX communication routines (ttinc, ttxin, etc) are also
- buffered, statically, in the ckutio.c module. But when the two CONNECT
- forks split off, the lower fork is updating this buffer's pointers and
- counts, but the upper fork never finds out about it and still has the old
- ones. The following UNIX-specific call to the ckutio.c module takes care
- of this... Without it, we get dual echoing of incoming characters.
- */
- ttflux();
- /*
- At this point, perhaps you are wondering why we use forks at all. It is
- simply because there is no other method portable among all UNIX variations.
- Not threads, not select(), ... (Yes, select() is more common now; it might
- actually be worth writing a variation of this module that works like BSD
- Telnet, one fork, driven by select()).
- */
- ibp = ibuf; /* Clear ibuf[]. */
- ibc = 0; /* Child now has its own copy */
- signal(CK_FORK_SIG, pipeint); /* Handler for messages from child. */
- write(xpipe[1], ibuf, 1); /* Allow child to proceed */
- close(xpipe[1]); xpipe[1] = -1; /* Parent - prevent future writes */
- what = W_CONNECT; /* Keep track of what we're doing */
- active = 1;
- debug(F101,"CONNECT keyboard fork duplex","",duplex);
- /*
- Catch communication errors or mode changes in lower fork.
- Note: Some C compilers (e.g. Cray UNICOS) interpret the ANSI C standard
- about setjmp() in a way that disallows constructions like:
- if ((var = [sig]setjmp(env)) == 0) ...
- which prevents the value returned by cklongjmp() from being used at all.
- So the signal handlers set a global variable, sjval, instead.
- */
- if (
- #ifdef CK_POSIX_SIG
- sigsetjmp(con_env,1)
- #else
- setjmp(con_env)
- #endif /* CK_POSIX_SIG */
- == 0) { /* Normal entry... */
- jbset = 1; /* Now we have a longjmp buffer */
- sjval = CEV_NO; /* Initialize setjmp return code. */
- debug(F101,"CONNECT setjmp normal entry","",sjval);
- #ifdef ANYX25
- if (network && (nettype == NET_SX25 || nettype == NET_IX25)) {
- obufl = 0;
- bzero (x25obuf,sizeof(x25obuf));
- }
- #endif /* ANYX25 */
- /*
- Here is the big loop that gets characters from the keyboard and sends them
- out the communication device. There are two components to the communication
- path: the connection from the keyboard to C-Kermit, and from C-Kermit to
- the remote computer. The treatment of the 8th bit of keyboard characters
- is governed by SET COMMAND BYTESIZE (cmdmsk). The treatment of the 8th bit
- of characters sent to the remote is governed by SET TERMINAL BYTESIZE
- (cmask). This distinction was introduced in edit 5A(164).
- */
- while (active) {
- #ifndef NOSETKEY
- if (kmptr) { /* Have current macro? */
- debug(F100,"CONNECT kmptr non NULL","",0);
- if ((c = (CHAR) *kmptr++) == NUL) { /* Get char from it */
- kmptr = NULL; /* If no more chars, */
- debug(F100,"CONNECT macro empty, continuing","",0);
- continue; /* reset pointer and continue */
- }
- debug(F000,"CONNECT char from macro","",c);
- } else /* No macro... */
- #endif /* NOSETKEY */
- c = CONGKS(); /* Read from keyboard */
- #ifdef COMMENT
- /* too much... */
- debug(F101,"CONNECT ** KEYB","",c);
- #endif /* COMMENT */
- if (c == -1) { /* If read() got an error... */
- debug(F101,"CONNECT keyboard read errno","",errno);
- #ifdef COMMENT
- /*
- This seems to cause problems. If read() returns -1, the signal has already
- been delivered, and nothing will wake up the pause().
- */
- pause(); /* Wait for transmitter to finish. */
- #else
- #ifdef A986
- /*
- On Altos machines with Xenix 3.0, pressing DEL in connect mode brings us
- here (reason unknown). The console line discipline at this point has
- intr = ^C. The communications tty has intr = DEL but we get here after
- pressing DEL on the keyboard, even when the remote system has been set not
- to echo. With A986 defined, we stay in the read loop and beep only if the
- offending character is not DEL.
- */
- if ((c & 127) != 127) conoc(BEL);
- #else
- #ifdef EINTR
- /*
- This can be caused by the other fork signalling this one about
- an echoing change during TELNET negotiations.
- */
- if (errno == EINTR)
- continue;
- #endif /* EINTR */
- conoc(BEL); /* Otherwise, beep */
- active = 0; /* and terminate the read loop */
- continue;
- #endif /* A986 */
- #endif /* COMMENT */
- }
- c &= cmdmsk; /* Do any requested masking */
- #ifndef NOSETKEY
- /*
- Note: kmptr is NULL if we got character c from the keyboard, and it is
- not NULL if it came from a macro. In the latter case, we must avoid
- expanding it again.
- */
- if (!kmptr && macrotab[c]) { /* Macro definition for c? */
- kmptr = macrotab[c]; /* Yes, set up macro pointer */
- continue; /* and restart the loop, */
- } else c = keymap[c]; /* else use single-char keymap */
- #endif /* NOSETKEY */
- if (
- #ifndef NOSETKEY
- !kmptr &&
- #endif /* NOSETKEY */
- (tt_escape && (c & 0x7f) == escape)) { /* Escape char? */
- debug(F000,"CONNECT got escape","",c);
- c = CONGKS() & 0177; /* Got esc, get its arg */
- /* No key mapping here */
- doesc((char) c); /* Now process it */
- } else { /* It's not the escape character */
- csave = c; /* Save it before translation */
- /* for local echoing. */
- #ifndef NOCSETS
- if (inesc == ES_NORMAL) { /* If not inside escape seq.. */
- /* Translate character sets */
- #ifdef UNICODE
- int x;
- CHAR ch;
- ch = c;
- if (unicode == 1) { /* Remote is UTF-8 */
- outxcount = b_to_u(ch,outxbuf,OUTXBUFSIZ,tcssize);
- outxbuf[outxcount] = NUL;
- } else if (unicode == 2) { /* Local is UTF-8 */
- x = u_to_b(ch); /* So translate to remote byte */
- if (x < 0)
- continue;
- outxbuf[0] = (unsigned)(x & 0xff);
- outxcount = 1;
- outxbuf[outxcount] = NUL;
- } else {
- #endif /* UNICODE */
- /* Local-to-intermediate */
- if (sxo) c = (*sxo)((char)c);
- /* Intermediate-to-remote */
- if (rxo) c = (*rxo)((char)c);
- outxbuf[0] = c;
- outxcount = 1;
- outxbuf[outxcount] = NUL;
- #ifdef UNICODE
- }
- #endif /* UNICODE */
- }
- if (escseq)
- apcrc = chkaes((char)c);
- #else
- outxbuf[0] = c;
- outxcount = 1;
- outxbuf[outxcount] = NUL;
- #endif /* NOCSETS */
- for (i = 0; i < outxcount; i++) {
- c = outxbuf[i];
- /*
- If Shift-In/Shift-Out is selected and we have a 7-bit connection,
- handle shifting here.
- */
- if (sosi) { /* Shift-In/Out selected? */
- if (cmask == 0177) { /* In 7-bit environment? */
- if (c & 0200) { /* 8-bit character? */
- if (outshift == 0) { /* If not shifted, */
- ttoc(dopar(SO)); /* shift. */
- outshift = 1;
- }
- } else {
- if (outshift == 1) { /* 7-bit character */
- ttoc(dopar(SI)); /* If shifted, */
- outshift = 0; /* unshift. */
- }
- }
- }
- if (c == SO) outshift = 1; /* User typed SO */
- if (c == SI) outshift = 0; /* User typed SI */
- }
- c &= cmask; /* Apply Kermit-to-host mask now. */
- #ifdef SUNX25
- if (network && nettype == NET_SX25) {
- if (padparms[PAD_ECHO]) {
- if (debses)
- conol(dbchr(c)) ;
- else
- if ((c != padparms[PAD_CHAR_DELETE_CHAR]) &&
- (c != padparms[PAD_BUFFER_DELETE_CHAR]) &&
- (c != padparms[PAD_BUFFER_DISPLAY_CHAR]))
- conoc(c) ;
- if (seslog && !sessft)
- logchar(c);
- }
- if (c == CR && (padparms[PAD_LF_AFTER_CR] == 4 ||
- padparms[PAD_LF_AFTER_CR] == 5)) {
- if (debses)
- conol(dbchr(LF)) ;
- else
- conoc(LF) ;
- if (seslog && !sessft)
- logchar(LF);
- }
- if (c == padparms[PAD_BREAK_CHARACTER]) {
- breakact();
- } else if (padparms[PAD_DATA_FORWARD_TIMEOUT]) {
- tosend = 1;
- x25obuf [obufl++] = c;
- } else if (((c == padparms[PAD_CHAR_DELETE_CHAR])||
- (c == padparms[PAD_BUFFER_DELETE_CHAR]) ||
- (c == padparms[PAD_BUFFER_DISPLAY_CHAR]))
- && (padparms[PAD_EDITING])) {
- if (c == padparms[PAD_CHAR_DELETE_CHAR]) {
- if (obufl > 0) {
- conol("b b"); obufl--;
- } else {}
- } else if
- (c == padparms[PAD_BUFFER_DELETE_CHAR]) {
- conol ("rnPAD Buffer Deletedrn");
- obufl = 0;
- } else if
- (c==padparms[PAD_BUFFER_DISPLAY_CHAR]) {
- conol("rn");
- conol(x25obuf);
- conol("rn");
- } else {}
- } else {
- x25obuf [obufl++] = c;
- if (obufl == MAXOX25) tosend = 1;
- else if (c == CR) tosend = 1;
- }
- if (tosend) {
- if (ttol((CHAR *)x25obuf,obufl) < 0) {
- perror ("rnCan't send characters");
- active = 0;
- } else {
- bzero (x25obuf,sizeof(x25obuf));
- obufl = 0;
- tosend = 0;
- }
- } else {};
- } else {
- #endif /* SUNX25 */
- if (c == '15') { /* Carriage Return */
- int stuff = -1;
- if (tnlm) { /* TERMINAL NEWLINE ON */
- stuff = LF; /* Stuff LF */
- #ifdef TNCODE
- } else if (network && /* TELNET NEWLINE */
- (ttnproto == NP_TELNET)) {
- tn_nlm :
- tn_b_nlm
- ) {
- case TNL_CRLF:
- stuff = LF;
- break;
- case TNL_CRNUL:
- stuff = NUL;
- break;
- }
- #endif /* TNCODE */
- }
- if (stuff > -1) {
- ttoc(dopar('15')); /* Send CR */
- if (duplex) conoc('15'); /* Echo CR */
- c = stuff; /* Char to stuff */
- csave = c;
- }
- }
- #ifdef TNCODE
- /* If user types the 0xff character (TELNET IAC), it must be doubled. */
- else /* Not CR */
- if ((dopar((CHAR) c) == IAC) && /* IAC (0xff) */
- network && (ttnproto == NP_TELNET)) {
- /* Send one copy now */
- /* and the other one just below. */
- ttoc((char)IAC);
- }
- #endif /* TNCODE */
- /* Send the character */
- if (ttoc((char)dopar((CHAR) c)) > -1) {
- if (duplex) { /* If half duplex, must echo */
- if (debses)
- conol(dbchr(csave)); /* original char */
- else /* not the translated one */
- conoc((char)csave);
- if (seslog) { /* And maybe log it too */
- c2 = csave;
- if (sessft == 0 && csave == 'r')
- c2 = 'n';
- logchar((char)c2);
- }
- }
- } else {
- perror("rnCan't send character");
- active = 0;
- }
- #ifdef SUNX25
- }
- #endif /* SUNX25 */
- } /* for... */
- }
- }
- /* now active == 0 */
- signal(CK_FORK_SIG, SIG_IGN); /* Turn off CK_FORK_SIG */
- sjval = CEV_NO; /* Set to hangup */
- } /* Come here on termination of child */
- /* cklongjmp() executed in pipeint() (parent only!) comes here */
- /*
- Now the child fork is gone or is waiting for CK_FORK_SIG in ck_sndmsg().
- So we can't get (in the parent) any subsequent CK_FORK_SIG signals until
- we signal the child with CK_FORK_SIG.
- */
- debug(F100,"CONNECT signaling port fork","",0);
- signal(CK_FORK_SIG, SIG_IGN); /* Turn this off */
- debug(F101,"CONNECT killing port fork","",pid);
- if (pid) {
- int x = 0;
- {
- long ret_val;
- x = kill(pid,SIGKILLTHR); /* Kill lower fork */
- wait_for_thread(pid, &ret_val);
- }
- #else
- #ifdef Plan9
- x = kill(pid,SIGKILL); /* Kill lower fork */
- #else
- x = kill(pid,9);
- #endif /* Plan9 */
- #endif /* BEOSORBEBOX */
- wait((WAIT_T *)0); /* Wait till gone. */
- if (x < 0) {
- printf("WARNING: Failure to kill fork, pid %d: %s, errno=%dn",
- (int) pid, ck_errstr(), errno);
- debug(F111,"CONNECT error killing pid",ck_errstr(),errno);
- }
- debug(F101,"CONNECT killed port fork","",pid);
- pid = (PID_T) 0;
- }
- if (sjval == CEV_HUP) { /* Read error on comm device */
- dohangup = 1; /* so we want to hang up our side */
- #ifdef NETCONN
- if (network) { /* and/or close network connection */
- ttclos(0);
- #ifdef SUNX25
- if (nettype == NET_SX25) /* If X.25, restore the PAD params */
- initpad();
- #endif /* SUNX25 */
- }
- #endif /* NETCONN */
- }
- #ifdef CK_APC
- if (sjval == CEV_APC) { /* Application Program Command rec'd */
- apcactive = APC_REMOTE; /* Flag APC as active */
- active = 0; /* Flag CONNECT as inactive */
- }
- #endif /* CK_APC */
- conres(); /* Reset the console. */
- if (dohangup > 0) { /* If hangup requested, do that. */
- #ifndef NODIAL
- if (dohangup > 1) /* User asked for it */
- if (mdmhup() < 1) /* Maybe hang up via modem */
- #endif /* NODIAL */
- tthang(); /* And make sure we don't hang up */
- dohangup = 0; /* again unless requested again. */
- }
- #ifdef COMMENT
- #ifdef NETCONN
- #ifdef SIGPIPE
- if (network && sigpiph) /* Restore previous SIGPIPE handler */
- (VOID) signal(SIGPIPE, sigpiph);
- #endif /* SIGPIPE */
- #endif /* NETCONN */
- #endif /* COMMENT */
- #ifdef ANYX25
- if (dox25clr) { /* If X.25 Clear requested */
- x25clear(); /* do that. */
- #ifndef IBMX25
- initpad();
- #endif /* IBMX25 */
- dox25clr = 0; /* But only once. */
- }
- #endif /* ANYX25 */
- if (quitnow) doexit(GOOD_EXIT,xitsta); /* Exit now if requested. */
- if (msgflg)
- printf("(Back at %s)", *myhost ? myhost : "local UNIX system");
- #ifdef CK_APC
- if (!apcactive)
- #endif /* CK_APC */
- printf("n");
- what = W_NOTHING; /* So console modes set right. */
- #ifndef NOCSETS
- language = langsv; /* Restore language */
- #endif /* NOCSETS */
- parent_id = (PID_T) 0;
- goto conret1;
- }
- else { /* *** */ /* Inferior reads, prints port input */
- concld(/* (void *)&pid */);
- }
- #endif /* BEOSORBEBOX */
- conret1:
- conret = 1;
- conret0:
- signal(CK_FORK_SIG, SIG_IGN); /* In case this wasn't done already */
- debug(F101,"CONNECT conect exit ibc","",ibc);
- debug(F101,"CONNECT conect exit obc","",obc);
- close(xpipe[0]); xpipe[0] = -1; /* Close the pipe */
- close(xpipe[1]); xpipe[1] = -1;
- if (msgflg) {
- #ifdef CK_APC
- if (apcactive == APC_LOCAL)
- printf("n");
- #endif /* CK_APC */
- printf("----------------------------------------------------rn");
- }
- fflush(stdout);
- return(conret);
- }
- /* H C O N N E -- Give help message for connect. */
- int
- hconne() {
- int c;
- static char *hlpmsg[] = {
- "rn ? for this message",
- "rn 0 (zero) to send a null",
- "rn B to send a BREAK",
- #ifdef CK_LBRK
- "rn L to send a Long BREAK",
- #endif /* CK_LBRK */
- #ifdef NETCONN
- "rn I to send a network interrupt packet",
- #ifdef TCPSOCKET
- "rn A to send Are You There?",
- #endif /* TCPSOCKET */
- #ifdef ANYX25
- "rn R to reset X.25 virtual circuit",
- #endif /* ANYX25 */
- #endif /* NETCONN */
- "rn U to hangup and close the connection",
- "rn Q to hangup and quit Kermit",
- "rn S for status",
- #ifdef NOPUSH
- "rn ! to push to local shell (disabled)",
- "rn Z to suspend (disabled)",
- #else
- "rn ! to push to local shell",
- #ifdef NOJC
- "rn Z to suspend (disabled)",
- #else
- "rn Z to suspend",
- #endif /* NOJC */
- #endif /* NOPUSH */
- "rn \ backslash code:",
- "rn \nnn decimal character code",
- "rn \Onnn octal character code",
- "rn \Xhh hexadecimal character code",
- "rn terminate with carriage return.",
- "rn Type the escape character again to send the escape character, or",
- "rn press the space-bar to resume the CONNECT command.rn",
- "" };
- conol("rn----------------------------------------------------");
- conol("rnPress C to return to ");
- conol(*myhost ? myhost : "the C-Kermit prompt");
- conol(", or:");
- conola(hlpmsg); /* Print the help message. */
- conol("Command>"); /* Prompt for command. */
- c = CONGKS() & 0177; /* Get character, strip any parity. */
- /* No key mapping or translation here */
- if (c != CMDQ)
- conoll("");
- conoll("----------------------------------------------------");
- return(c); /* Return it. */
- }
- /* D O E S C -- Process an escape character argument */
- #ifdef CK_ANSIC
- doesc(char c)
- #else
- doesc(c) char c;
- #endif /* CK_ANSIC */
- /* doesc */ {
- CHAR d;
- debug(F101,"CONNECT doesc","",c);
- while (1) {
- if (c == escape) { /* Send escape character */
- d = dopar((CHAR) c); ttoc((char) d); return;
- } else /* Or else look it up below. */
- if (isupper(c)) c = tolower(c);
- switch(c) {
- case 'c': /* Escape back to prompt */
- case '3':
- active = 0; conol("rn"); return;
- case 'b': /* Send a BREAK signal */
- case '2':
- ttsndb(); return;
- #ifdef NETCONN
- case 'i': /* Send Interrupt */
- case '11':
- #ifdef TCPSOCKET
- #ifndef IP
- #define IP 244
- #endif /* IP */
- if (network && ttnproto == NP_TELNET) { /* TELNET */
- temp[0] = (CHAR) IAC; /* I Am a Command */
- temp[1] = (CHAR) IP; /* Interrupt Process */
- temp[2] = NUL;
- ttol((CHAR *)temp,2);
- } else
- #endif /* TCPSOCKET */
- #ifdef SUNX25
- if (network && (nettype == NET_SX25)) {
- (VOID) x25intr(0); /* X.25 interrupt packet */
- conol("rn");
- } else
- #endif /* SUNX25 */
- conoc(BEL);
- return;
- #ifdef TCPSOCKET
- case 'a': /* "Are You There?" */
- case '1':
- #ifndef AYT
- #define AYT 246
- #endif /* AYT */
- if (network && ttnproto == NP_TELNET) {
- temp[0] = (CHAR) IAC; /* I Am a Command */
- temp[1] = (CHAR) AYT; /* Are You There? */
- temp[2] = NUL;
- ttol((CHAR *)temp,2);
- } else conoc(BEL);
- return;
- #endif /* TCPSOCKET */
- #endif /* NETCONN */
- #ifdef CK_LBRK
- case 'l': /* Send a Long BREAK signal */
- ttsndlb(); return;
- #endif /* CK_LBRK */
- case 'u': /* Hangup */
- /* case '10': */ /* No, too dangerous */
- #ifdef ANYX25
- if (network && (nettype == NET_SX25 || nettype == NET_IX25))
- dox25clr = 1;
- else
- #endif /* ANYX25 */
- dohangup = 2; active = 0; conol("rnHanging up "); return;
- #ifdef ANYX25
- case 'r': /* Reset the X.25 virtual circuit */
- case '22':
- if (network && (nettype == NET_SX25 || nettype == NET_IX25))
- (VOID) x25reset(0,0);
- conol("rn");
- return;
- #endif /* ANYX25 */
- case 'q': /* Quit */
- dohangup = 2; quitnow = 1; active = 0; conol("rn"); return;
- case 's': /* Status */
- conoll("");
- conoll("----------------------------------------------------");
- #ifdef NETCMD
- if (ttpipe)
- sprintf(temp, " Pipe: "%s"", ttname);
- else
- #endif /* NETCMD */
- sprintf(temp, " %s: %s", (network ? "Host" : "Device"), ttname);
- conoll(temp);
- if (!network && speed >= 0L) {
- sprintf(temp,"Speed %ld", speed);
- conoll(temp);
- }
- sprintf(temp," Terminal echo: %s", duplex ? "local" : "remote");
- conoll(temp);
- sprintf(temp," Terminal bytesize: %d", (cmask == 0177) ? 7 : 8);
- conoll(temp);
- sprintf(temp," Command bytesize: %d", (cmdmsk == 0177) ? 7 : 8 );
- conoll(temp);
- sprintf(temp," Parity: %s", parnam(parity));
- conoll(temp);
- sprintf(temp," Autodownload: %s", autodl ? "on" : "off");
- conoll(temp);
- sprintf(temp," Session log: %s", *sesfil ? sesfil : "(none)");
- conoll(temp);
- #ifndef NOSHOW
- if (!network) shomdm();
- #endif /* NOSHOW */
- #ifdef CKLOGDIAL
- {
- long z;
- z = dologshow(0);
- if (z > -1L) {
- sprintf(temp," Elapsed time: %s",hhmmss(z));
- conoll(temp);
- }
- }
- #endif /* CKLOGDIAL */
- conoll("----------------------------------------------------");
- return;
- case 'h': /* Help */
- case '?': /* Help */
- c = hconne(); continue;
- case '0': /* Send a null */
- c = ''; d = dopar((CHAR) c); ttoc((char) d); return;
- case 'z': case '32': /* Suspend */
- #ifndef NOPUSH
- if (!nopush)
- stptrap(0);
- else
- conoc(BEL);
- #else
- conoc(BEL);
- #endif /* NOPUSH */
- return;
- case '@': /* Start inferior command processor */
- case '!':
- #ifndef NOPUSH
- if (!nopush) {
- conres(); /* Put console back to normal */
- zshcmd(""); /* Fork a shell. */
- if (conbin((char)escape) < 0) {
- printf("Error resuming CONNECT sessionn");
- active = 0;
- }
- } else conoc(BEL);
- #else
- conoc(BEL);
- #endif /* NOPUSH */
- return;
- case SP: /* Space, ignore */
- return;
- default: /* Other */
- if (c == CMDQ) { /* Backslash escape */
- int x;
- ecbp = ecbuf;
- *ecbp++ = c;
- while (((c = (CONGKS() & cmdmsk)) != 'r') && (c != 'n'))
- *ecbp++ = c;
- *ecbp = NUL; ecbp = ecbuf;
- x = xxesc(&ecbp); /* Interpret it */
- if (x >= 0) { /* No key mapping here */
- c = dopar((CHAR) x);
- ttoc((char) c);
- return;
- } else { /* Invalid backslash code. */
- conoc(BEL);
- return;
- }
- }
- conoc(BEL); return; /* Invalid esc arg, beep */
- }
- }
- }
- #endif /* NOLOCAL */