资源名称:cku197.tar.Z [点击查看]
- #include "ckcsym.h"
- #ifdef NOICP
- int cmdsrc() { return(0); }
- #endif /* NOICP */
- #ifndef NOICP
- /* C K U U S 5 -- "User Interface" for C-Kermit, part 5 */
- /*
- Author: Frank da Cruz <>,
- Columbia University Academic Information Systems, New York City.
- Copyright (C) 1985, 2000,
- Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York.
- All rights reserved. See the C-Kermit COPYING.TXT file or the
- copyright text in the ckcmai.c module for disclaimer and permissions.
- */
- /* Includes */
- #include "ckcdeb.h"
- #include "ckcasc.h"
- #include "ckcker.h"
- #include "ckuusr.h"
- #include "ckcnet.h"
- #ifndef NOCSETS
- #include "ckcxla.h"
- #endif /* NOCSETS */
- #ifdef MAC
- #include "ckmasm.h"
- #endif /* MAC */
- #ifdef CK_SSL
- #include "ck_ssl.h"
- #endif /* CK_SSL */
- #ifdef OS2
- #include "ckoetc.h"
- #ifndef NT
- #define INCL_NOPM
- #define INCL_VIO /* Needed for ckocon.h */
- #include <os2.h>
- #undef COMMENT
- #else /* NT */
- #include <windows.h>
- #define TAPI_CURRENT_VERSION 0x00010004
- #include <tapi.h>
- #include <mcx.h>
- #include "ckntap.h"
- #define APIRET ULONG
- extern int DialerHandle;
- extern int StartedFromDialer;
- #endif /* NT */
- #include "ckocon.h"
- #include "ckokey.h"
- #ifdef putchar
- #undef putchar
- #endif /* putchar */
- #define putchar(x) conoc(x)
- extern int cursor_save ;
- extern bool cursorena[] ;
- #endif /* OS2 */
- /* For formatted screens, "more?" prompting, etc. */
- #ifdef FT18
- #define isxdigit(c) isdigit(c)
- #endif /* FT18 */
- #ifdef STRATUS /* Stratus Computer, Inc. VOS */
- #ifdef putchar
- #undef putchar
- #endif /* putchar */
- #define putchar(x) conoc(x)
- #ifdef getchar
- #undef getchar
- #endif /* getchar */
- #define getchar(x) coninc(0)
- #endif /* STRATUS */
- /* External variables */
- extern int carrier, cdtimo, local, quiet, backgrd, bgset, sosi, suspend,
- binary, escape, xargs, flow, cmdmsk, duplex, ckxech, seslog, what,
- inserver, diractive, tlevel, cwdf, nfuncs, msgflg, remappd, hints, mdmtyp,
- zincnt, cmask, rcflag, success, xitsta, pflag, tnlm, tn_nlm, xitwarn,
- debses, xaskmore, parity, saveask, wasclosed, whyclosed;
- #ifdef CK_SPEED
- extern int prefixing;
- #endif /* CK_SPEED */
- extern int g_matchdot;
- #ifdef RECURSIVE
- extern int recursive;
- #endif /* RECURSIVE */
- #ifdef IKSDCONF
- extern char * iksdconf;
- #endif /* IKSDCONF */
- extern int ngetpath, exitonclose;
- extern char * getpath[];
- extern CHAR * epktmsg;
- extern char * snd_move;
- extern char * snd_rename;
- extern char * rcv_move;
- extern char * rcv_rename;
- extern char * g_snd_move;
- extern char * g_snd_rename;
- extern char * g_rcv_move;
- extern char * g_rcv_rename;
- extern char * nm[];
- #ifdef CK_UTSNAME
- extern char unm_mch[];
- extern char unm_mod[];
- extern char unm_nam[];
- extern char unm_rel[];
- extern char unm_ver[];
- #endif /* CK_UTSNAME */
- #ifndef NOPUSH
- #ifndef NOFRILLS
- extern char editor[];
- extern char editfile[];
- extern char editopts[];
- #ifdef BROWSER
- extern char browser[];
- extern char browsopts[];
- extern char browsurl[];
- #endif /* BROWSER */
- #endif /* NOFRILLS */
- #endif /* NOPUSH */
- #ifndef NOSERVER
- extern char * x_user, * x_passwd, * x_acct;
- #endif /* NOSERVER */
- #ifdef CKLOGDIAL
- extern int dialog;
- extern char diafil[];
- #endif /* CKLOGDIAL */
- #ifndef NOSPL
- extern int cfilef, xxdot;
- extern char cmdfil[];
- struct localvar * localhead[CMDSTKL];
- struct localvar * localtail = NULL;
- struct localvar * localnext = NULL;
- _PROTOTYP( static VOID shoinput, (void) );
- _PROTOTYP( static char gettok, (void) );
- _PROTOTYP( static VOID factor, (void) );
- _PROTOTYP( static VOID term, (void) );
- _PROTOTYP( static VOID termp, (void) );
- _PROTOTYP( static VOID exprp, (void) );
- _PROTOTYP( static VOID expr, (void) );
- _PROTOTYP( static VOID simple, (void) );
- _PROTOTYP( static VOID simpler, (void) );
- _PROTOTYP( static VOID simplest, (void) );
- _PROTOTYP( static long xparse, (void) );
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- #ifdef MAC
- char * ckprompt = "Mac-Kermit>"; /* Default prompt for Macintosh */
- char * ikprompt = "IKSD>";
- #else /* Not MAC */
- #ifdef NOSPL
- #ifdef OS2
- char * ckprompt = "K-95> "; /* Default prompt for Win32 */
- char * ikprompt = "IKSD> ";
- #else
- char * ckprompt = "C-Kermit>";
- char * ikprompt = "IKSD>";
- #endif /* NT */
- #else /* NOSPL */
- #ifdef OS2
- /* Default prompt for OS/2 and Win32 */
- char * ckprompt = "[\freplace(\v(dir),/,\\)] K-95> ";
- char * ikprompt = "[\freplace(\v(dir),/,\\)] IKSD> ";
- #else
- #ifdef VMS
- char * ckprompt = "\v(dir) C-Kermit>"; /* Default prompt VMS */
- char * ikprompt = "\v(dir) IKSD>";
- #else
- char * ckprompt = "(\v(dir)) C-Kermit>"; /* Default prompt for others */
- char * ikprompt = "(\v(dir)) IKSD>";
- #endif /* VMS */
- #endif /* NT */
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- #endif /* MAC */
- #ifndef CCHMAXPATH
- #define CCHMAXPATH 257
- #endif /* CCHMAXPATH */
- char inidir[CCHMAXPATH] = { NUL, NUL }; /* Directory INI file executed from */
- #ifdef TNCODE
- extern int tn_b_nlm; /* TELNET BINARY newline mode */
- #endif /* TNCODE */
- #ifndef NOKVERBS
- extern struct keytab kverbs[]; /* Table of Kverbs */
- extern int nkverbs; /* Number of Kverbs */
- #endif /* NOKVERBS */
- #ifndef NOPUSH
- extern int nopush;
- #endif /* NOPUSH */
- #ifdef CK_RECALL
- extern int cm_recall;
- #endif /* CK_RECALL */
- extern char *ccntab[];
- /* Printer stuff */
- extern char *printername;
- extern int printpipe;
- #ifdef BPRINT
- extern int printbidi, pportparity, pportflow;
- extern long pportspeed;
- #endif /* BPRINT */
- #ifdef OS2
- _PROTOTYP (int os2getcp, (void) );
- _PROTOTYP (int os2getcplist, (int *, int) );
- #ifdef OS2MOUSE
- extern int tt_mouse;
- #endif /* OS2MOUSE */
- extern int tt_update, tt_updmode, tt_font, updmode;
- extern struct keytab termfont[];
- extern int ntermfont;
- extern unsigned char colornormal, colorunderline, colorstatus,
- colorhelp, colorselect, colorborder, colorgraphic, colordebug,
- colorreverse, colorcmd;
- extern int priority;
- extern struct keytab prtytab[];
- extern int nprty;
- char * cmdmac = NULL;
- #endif /* OS2 */
- #ifdef VMS
- _PROTOTYP (int zkermini, (char *, int, char *) );
- #endif /* VMS */
- extern long vernum;
- extern int inecho, insilence, inbufsize, nvars, inintr;
- extern char *protv, *fnsv, *cmdv, *userv, *ckxv, *ckzv, *ckzsys, *xlav,
- *cknetv, *clcmds;
- extern char * ckathv;
- #endif /* CK_AUTHENTICATION */
- #ifdef CK_SSL
- extern char * cksslv;
- #endif /* CK_SSL */
- #ifndef CRYPT_DLL
- extern char * ckcrpv;
- #endif /* CRYPT_DLL */
- #endif /* CK_ENCRYPTION */
- #ifdef TNCODE
- extern char *cktelv;
- #endif /* TNCODE */
- extern int srvidl;
- #ifdef OS2
- extern char *ckonetv;
- extern int interm;
- #ifdef CK_NETBIOS
- extern char *ckonbiv;
- #endif /* CK_NETBIOS */
- #ifdef OS2MOUSE
- extern char *ckomouv;
- #endif /* OS2MOUSE */
- #endif /* OS2 */
- #ifndef NOLOCAL
- extern char *connv;
- #endif /* NOLOCAL */
- #ifndef NODIAL
- extern char *dialv;
- #endif /* NODIAL */
- #ifndef NOSCRIPT
- extern char *loginv;
- extern int secho;
- #endif /* NOSCRIPT */
- #ifndef NODIAL
- extern int nmdm, dirline;
- extern struct keytab mdmtab[];
- #endif /* NODIAL */
- extern int network, ttnproto;
- #ifdef OS2
- /* SET TERMINAL items... */
- extern int tt_type, tt_arrow, tt_keypad, tt_wrap, tt_answer, tt_scrsize[];
- extern int tt_bell, tt_roll[], tt_ctstmo, tt_cursor, tt_pacing, tt_type_mode;
- extern char answerback[];
- extern struct tt_info_rec tt_info[]; /* Indexed by terminal type */
- extern int max_tt;
- #endif /* OS2 */
- _PROTOTYP( VOID shotrm, (void) );
- _PROTOTYP( int shofea, (void) );
- #ifdef OS2
- extern int tt_rows[], tt_cols[];
- #else /* OS2 */
- extern int tt_rows, tt_cols;
- #endif /* OS2 */
- extern int cmd_rows, cmd_cols;
- #ifdef CK_TMPDIR
- extern int f_tmpdir; /* Directory changed temporarily */
- extern char savdir[]; /* Temporary directory */
- #endif /* CK_TMPDIR */
- #ifndef NOLOCAL
- extern int tt_crd, tt_escape;
- #endif /* NOLOCAL */
- #ifndef NOCSETS
- extern int language, nfilc, tcsr, tcsl, tcs_transp, fcharset;
- extern struct keytab fcstab[];
- extern struct csinfo fcsinfo[];
- #ifndef MAC
- extern struct keytab ttcstab[];
- #endif /* MAC */
- #endif /* NOCSETS */
- extern long speed;
- #ifndef NOXMIT
- extern int xmitf, xmitl, xmitp, xmitx, xmits, xmitw, xmitt;
- extern char xmitbuf[];
- #endif /* NOXMIT */
- extern char **xargv, *versio, *ckxsys, *dftty, *lp;
- #ifdef DCMDBUF
- extern char *cmdbuf, *atmbuf; /* Command buffers */
- #ifndef NOSPL
- extern char *savbuf; /* Command buffers */
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- #else
- extern char cmdbuf[], atmbuf[]; /* Command buffers */
- #ifndef NOSPL
- extern char savbuf[]; /* Command buffers */
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- #endif /* DCMDBUF */
- extern char toktab[], ttname[], psave[];
- extern CHAR sstate, feol;
- extern int cmflgs, techo, repars, ncmd;
- extern struct keytab cmdtab[];
- #ifndef NOSETKEY
- KEY *keymap;
- #ifndef OS2
- #define mapkey(x) keymap[x]
- #endif /* OS2 */
- MACRO *macrotab;
- _PROTOTYP( VOID shostrdef, (CHAR *) );
- #endif /* NOSETKEY */
- extern int cmdlvl;
- #ifndef NOSPL
- extern struct mtab *mactab;
- extern struct keytab mackey[];
- extern struct keytab vartab[], fnctab[];
- extern int maclvl, nmac, mecho, fndiags, fnerror, fnsuccess;
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- FILE *tfile[MAXTAKE]; /* TAKE file stack */
- char *tfnam[MAXTAKE];
- int tfline[MAXTAKE];
- int topcmd = -1; /* cmdtab index of current command */
- #ifdef DCMDBUF /* Initialization filespec */
- char *kermrc = NULL;
- #else
- char kermrcb[KERMRCL];
- char *kermrc = kermrcb;
- #endif /* DCMDBUF */
- int noherald = 0;
- int cm_retry = 1; /* Command retry enabled */
- xx_strp xxstring = zzstring;
- #ifndef NOXFER
- extern int displa, bye_active, protocol, pktlog, remfile, rempipe, unkcs,
- keep, lf_opts, fncnv, pktpaus, autodl, xfrcan, xfrchr, xfrnum, srvtim,
- srvdis, query, retrans, streamed, reliable, crunched, timeouts,
- fnrpath, autopath, rpackets, spackets, epktrcvd, srvping;
- #ifdef CK_AUTODL
- extern int inautodl, cmdadl;
- #endif /* CK_AUTODL */
- #ifndef NOSERVER
- extern int en_asg, en_cwd, en_cpy, en_del, en_dir, en_fin, en_bye, en_ret,
- en_get, en_hos, en_que, en_ren, en_sen, en_set, en_spa, en_typ, en_who,
- en_mai, en_pri, en_mkd, en_rmd, en_xit, en_ena;
- #endif /* NOSERVER */
- extern int atcapr,
- atenci, atenco, atdati, atdato, atleni, atleno, atblki, atblko,
- attypi, attypo, atsidi, atsido, atsysi, atsyso, atdisi, atdiso;
- #ifdef STRATUS
- extern int atfrmi, atfrmo, atcrei, atcreo, atacti, atacto;
- #endif /* STRATUS */
- #ifdef CK_PERMS
- extern int atlpri, atlpro, atgpri, atgpro;
- #endif /* CK_PERMS */
- #ifdef CK_LOGIN
- extern char * anonfile; /* Anonymous login init file */
- extern char * anonroot; /* Anonymous file-system root */
- extern char * userfile; /* Forbidden user file */
- extern int isguest; /* Flag for anonymous user */
- #endif /* CK_LOGIN */
- #endif /* NOXFER */
- #ifdef DCMDBUF
- int *xquiet = NULL;
- #else
- int xquiet[CMDSTKL];
- #endif /* DCMDBUF */
- #ifndef NOSPL
- extern long ck_alarm;
- extern char alrm_date[], alrm_time[];
- /* Local declarations */
- static int nulcmd = 0; /* Flag for next cmd to be ignored */
- /* Definitions for predefined macros */
- /* First, the single-line macros, installed with addmac()... */
- /* IBM-LINEMODE macro */
- char *m_ibm = "set parity mark, set dupl half, set handsh xon, set flow none";
- /* FATAL macro */
- char *m_fat = "if def \%1 echo \%1, if not = \v(local) 0 hangup, stop 1";
- #ifdef CK_SPEED
- #ifdef IRIX65
- char *m_fast = "set win 30, set rec pack 4000, set prefix cautious";
- #else
- #ifdef IRIX
- /* Because of bug in telnet server */
- char *m_fast = "set window 30, set rec pack 4000, set send pack 4000,
- set pref cautious";
- #else
- #ifdef pdp11
- char *m_fast = "set win 3, set rec pack 1024, set prefix cautious";
- #else
- #ifdef BIGBUFOK
- char *m_fast = "set win 30, set rec pack 4000, set prefix cautious";
- #else
- char *m_fast = "set win 4, set rec pack 2200, set prefix cautious";
- #endif /* BIGBUFOK */
- #endif /* IRIX */
- #endif /* IRIX65 */
- #endif /* pdp11 */
- #ifdef pdp11
- char *m_cautious = "set win 2, set rec pack 512, set prefixing cautious";
- #else
- char *m_cautious = "set win 4, set rec pack 1000, set prefixing cautious";
- #endif /* pdp11 */
- char *m_robust = "set win 1, set rec pack 90, set prefixing all,
- set reliable off, set clearchannel off";
- #else
- #ifdef BIGBUFOK
- #ifdef IRIX65
- char *m_fast = "set win 30, set rec pack 4000";
- #else
- #ifdef IRIX
- char *m_fast = "set win 30, set rec pack 4000, set send pack 4000";
- #else
- char *m_fast = "set win 30, set rec pack 4000";
- #endif /* IRIX */
- #endif /* IRIX65 */
- #else /* Not BIGBUFOK */
- char *m_fast = "set win 4, set rec pack 2200";
- #endif /* BIGBUFOK */
- char *m_cautious = "set win 4, set rec pack 1000";
- char *m_robust = "set win 1, set rec pack 90, set reliable off";
- #endif /* CK_SPEED */
- #ifdef VMS
- char *m_purge = "run purge \%*";
- #endif /* VMS */
- #ifdef OS2
- char *m_manual = "browse \v(exedir)docs/manual/kermit95.htm";
- #endif /* OS2 */
- /* Now the multiline macros, defined with addmmac()... */
- /* FOR macro */
- char *for_def[] = { "_assign _for\v(cmdlevel) { _getargs,",
- "define \\\%1 \feval(\%2),,if \%5 \\\%1 \%3 goto,",
- "\%6,,incr \\\%1 \%4,goto,,_putargs},",
- "def break goto, def continue goto,",
- "do _for\v(cmdlevel) \%1 \%2 \%3 \%4 { \%5 },_assign _for\v(cmdlevel)",
- ""};
- /* WHILE macro */
- char *whil_def[] = { "_assign _whi\v(cmdlevel) {_getargs,",
- ",\%1,\%2,goto,,_putargs},",
- "_def break goto, _def continue goto,",
- "do _whi\v(cmdlevel),_assign _whi\v(cmdlevel)",
- ""};
- /* SWITCH macro */
- char *sw_def[] = { "_assign _sw_\v(cmdlevel) {_getargs,",
- "_forward \%1,\%2,:default,,_putargs},_def break goto,",
- "do _sw_\v(cmdlevel),_assign _sw_\v(cmdlevel)",
- ""};
- /* XIF macro */
- char *xif_def[] = {
- "_assign _if\v(cmdlevel) {_getargs,\%1,_putargs},",
- "do _if\v(cmdlevel),_assign _if\v(cmdlevel)",
- ""};
- /*
- Variables declared here for use by other ckuus*.c modules.
- Space is allocated here to save room in ckuusr.c.
- */
- #ifdef DCMDBUF
- struct cmdptr *cmdstk;
- int
- *ifcmd = NULL,
- *count = NULL,
- *iftest = NULL,
- *intime = NULL,
- *inpcas = NULL,
- *takerr = NULL,
- *merror = NULL;
- #else
- struct cmdptr cmdstk[CMDSTKL];
- int ifcmd[CMDSTKL], count[CMDSTKL], iftest[CMDSTKL], intime[CMDSTKL],
- inpcas[CMDSTKL], takerr[CMDSTKL], merror[CMDSTKL];
- #endif /* DCMDBUF */
- /* Macro stack */
- char *m_line[MACLEVEL] = { NULL, NULL }; /* Stack of macro invocation lines */
- char **m_xarg[MACLEVEL]; /* Pointers to arg vector arrays */
- int n_xarg[MACLEVEL]; /* Sizes of arg vector arrays */
- char *m_arg[MACLEVEL][NARGS]; /* Args of each level */
- int macargc[MACLEVEL]; /* Argc of each level */
- char *macp[MACLEVEL]; /* Current position in each macro */
- char *macx[MACLEVEL]; /* Beginning of each macro def */
- char *mrval[MACLEVEL]; /* RETURN value at each level */
- int topargc = 0; /* Argc at top level */
- char **topxarg = NULL; /* Argv at top level */
- char *toparg[MAXARGLIST+2];
- /* Global Variables */
- char *g_var[GVARS]; /* Global %a..z pointers */
- extern char varnam[]; /* %x variable name buffer */
- /* Arrays -- Dimension must be 'z' - ARRAYBASE + 1 */
- char **a_ptr[28]; /* Array pointers, for arrays a-z */
- int a_dim[28]; /* Dimensions for each array */
- char **aa_ptr[CMDSTKL][28]; /* Array stack for automatic arrays */
- int aa_dim[CMDSTKL][28]; /* Dimensions for each array */
- /* INPUT command buffers and variables */
- char * inpbuf = NULL; /* Buffer for INPUT and REINPUT */
- extern char * inpbp; /* Global/static pointer to it */
- char inchar[2] = { NUL, NUL }; /* Last character that was INPUT */
- int incount = 0; /* INPUT character count */
- extern int instatus; /* INPUT status */
- static char * i_text[] = { /* INPUT status text */
- "success", "timeout", "interrupted", "internal error", "i/o error"
- };
- char lblbuf[LBLSIZ]; /* Buffer for labels */
- #else /* NOSPL */
- int takerr[MAXTAKE];
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- static char *prevdir = NULL;
- int pacing = 0; /* OUTPUT pacing */
- #ifdef DCMDBUF
- char *line; /* Character buffer for anything */
- char *tmpbuf;
- #else
- char line[LINBUFSIZ+1];
- char tmpbuf[TMPBUFSIZ+1]; /* Temporary buffer */
- #endif /* DCMDBUF */
- char *tp; /* Temporary buffer pointer */
- int timelimit = 0, asktimer = 0; /* Timers for time-limited commands */
- #ifdef CK_APC /* Application Program Command (APC) */
- int apcactive = APC_INACTIVE;
- int apcstatus = APC_OFF; /* OFF by default everywhere */
- #ifdef DCMDBUF
- char *apcbuf;
- #else
- char apcbuf[APCBUFLEN];
- #endif /* DCMDBUF */
- #endif /* CK_APC */
- extern char pktfil[],
- #ifdef DEBUG
- debfil[],
- #endif /* DEBUG */
- #ifdef TLOG
- trafil[],
- #endif /* TLOG */
- sesfil[];
- #ifndef NOFRILLS
- extern int rmailf, rprintf; /* REMOTE MAIL & PRINT items */
- extern char optbuf[];
- #endif /* NOFRILLS */
- char *homdir = ""; /* Pointer to home directory string */
- char numbuf[20]; /* Buffer for numeric strings. */
- extern int noinit;
- #ifndef NOSPL
- _PROTOTYP( VOID freelocal, (int) );
- _PROTOTYP( static long expon, (long, long) );
- _PROTOTYP( static long gcd, (long, long) );
- _PROTOTYP( static long fact, (long) );
- int /* Initialize macro data structures. */
- macini() { /* Allocate mactab and preset the first element. */
- int i;
- if (!(mactab = (struct mtab *) malloc(sizeof(struct mtab) * MAC_MAX)))
- return(-1);
- mactab[0].kwd = NULL;
- mactab[0].mval = NULL;
- mactab[0].flgs = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < MACLEVEL; i++)
- localhead[i] = NULL;
- return(0);
- }
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- /* C M D S R C -- Returns current command source */
- /* 0 = top level, 1 = file, 2 = macro, -1 = error (shouldn't happen) */
- int
- cmdsrc() {
- #ifndef NOSPL
- if (cmdlvl == 0)
- return(0);
- else if (cmdstk[cmdlvl].src == CMD_MD)
- return(2);
- else if (cmdstk[cmdlvl].src == CMD_TF)
- return(1);
- else
- return(-1);
- #else
- if (tlevel < 0)
- return(0);
- else
- return(1);
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- }
- /* C M D I N I -- Initialize the interactive command parser */
- static int cmdinited = 0; /* Command parser initialized */
- extern int cmdint; /* Interrupts are allowed */
- #ifdef CK_AUTODL
- int cmdadl = 1; /* Autodownload */
- #else
- int cmdadl = 0;
- #endif /* CK_AUTODL */
- char * k_info_dir = NULL; /* Where to find text files */
- #ifdef UNIX
- static char * txtdir[] = {
- "/usr/local/doc/", /* Linux, SunOS, ... */
- "/usr/share/lib/", /* HP-UX 10.xx... */
- "/usr/share/doc/", /* Other possibilities... */
- "/usr/local/lib/", /* NOTE: Each of these is tried */
- "/usr/local/share/", /* as is, and also with a kermit */
- "/usr/local/share/doc/", /* subdirectory. */
- "/usr/local/share/lib/",
- "/usr/doc/",
- "/opt/",
- "/doc/",
- ""
- };
- #endif /* UNIX */
- cmdini() {
- int i = 0, x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, skip = 0;
- char * p;
- #ifdef TTSPDLIST
- long * ss = NULL;
- extern int nspd;
- extern struct keytab * spdtab;
- #endif /* TTSPDLIST */
- #ifndef NOSPL
- /*
- On stack to allow recursion!
- */
- char vnambuf[VNAML]; /* Buffer for variable names */
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- if (cmdinited) /* Already initialized */
- return; /* Don't do it again */
- p = getenv("K_INFO_DIRECTORY");
- if (p && *p && strlen(p) <= CKMAXPATH)
- makestr(&k_info_dir,p);
- if (!k_info_dir) {
- p = getenv("K_INFO_DIR");
- if (p && *p && strlen(p) <= CKMAXPATH)
- makestr(&k_info_dir,p);
- }
- #ifdef UNIX
- if (k_info_dir) { /* Look for Kermit docs directory */
- if (zchki(k_info_dir) == -2) {
- char xbuf[CKMAXPATH+32], *s = "";
- if (ckrchar(k_info_dir) != '/')
- s = "/";
- sprintf(xbuf,"%s%sckermit2.txt",k_info_dir,s);
- if (zchki(xbuf) < 0)
- makestr(&k_info_dir,NULL);
- }
- }
- if (!k_info_dir) {
- char xbuf[CKMAXPATH+32];
- int i;
- for (i = 0; *(txtdir[i]); i++) {
- sprintf(xbuf,"%s%s",txtdir[i],"ckermit2.txt");
- if (zchki(xbuf) > 0) {
- makestr(&k_info_dir,txtdir[i]);
- debug(F110,"k_info_dir 1",k_info_dir,0);
- break;
- }
- sprintf(xbuf,"%skermit/%s",txtdir[i],"ckermit2.txt");
- if (zchki(xbuf) > 0) {
- sprintf(xbuf,"%skermit/",txtdir[i]);
- makestr(&k_info_dir,xbuf);
- debug(F110,"k_info_dir 2",k_info_dir,0);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (k_info_dir) { /* Make sure it ends with "/" */
- if (ckrchar(k_info_dir) != '/') {
- char xbuf[CKMAXPATH+32];
- sprintf(xbuf,"%s/",k_info_dir);
- makestr(&k_info_dir,xbuf);
- }
- }
- }
- #else
- #ifdef OS2
- {
- char xdir[CKMAXPATH+8], *s = "";
- extern char startupdir[];
- xdir[0] = NUL;
- if (ckrchar(startupdir) != '/')
- s = "/";
- if (strlen(s) + strlen(startupdir) + 5 < CKMAXPATH + 8 )
- sprintf(xdir,"%s%sDOC/",s,startupdir);
- makestr(&k_info_dir,xdir);
- }
- #endif /* OS2 */
- #endif /* UNIX */
- #ifdef TTSPDLIST
- if (!spdtab && (ss = ttspdlist())) { /* Get speed list if necessary */
- int j, k, m = 0, n; /* Create sorted keyword table */
- char buf[16];
- char * p;
- if ((spdtab =
- (struct keytab *) malloc(sizeof(struct keytab) * ss[0]))) {
- for (i = 1; i <= ss[0]; i++) { /* ss[0] = number of elements */
- if (ss[i] < 1L) break; /* Shouldn't happen */
- buf[0] = NUL; /* Make string */
- sprintf(buf,"%ld",ss[i]);
- if (ss[i] == 8880L)
- strcpy(buf,"75/1200");
- if (ss[i] == 134L)
- strcat(buf,".5");
- n = strlen(buf);
- if ((n > 0) && (p = (char *)malloc(n+1))) {
- if (m > 0) { /* Have at least one in list */
- for (j = 0; /* Find slot */
- j < m && strcmp(buf,spdtab[j].kwd) > 0;
- j++
- )
- ;
- if (j < m) { /* Must insert */
- for (k = m-1; k >= j; k--) { /* Move others down */
- spdtab[k+1].kwd = spdtab[k].kwd;
- spdtab[k+1].flgs = spdtab[k].flgs;
- spdtab[k+1].kwval = spdtab[k].kwval;
- }
- }
- } else /* First one */
- j = 0;
- strcpy(p,buf); /* Add new speed */
- spdtab[j].kwd = p;
- spdtab[j].flgs = 0;
- spdtab[j].kwval = (int) ss[i] / 10;
- m++; /* Count this one */
- }
- }
- }
- nspd = m;
- }
- #endif /* TTSPDLIST */
- #ifndef NOSPL
- /* Allocate INPUT command buffer */
- if (!inpbuf) {
- if (!(inpbuf = (char *) malloc(INPBUFSIZ+1)))
- fatal("cmdini: no memory for INPUT buffer");
- }
- for (x = 0; x < INPBUFSIZ; x++) /* Initialize it */
- inpbuf[x] = NUL;
- inpbp = inpbuf; /* Initialize pointer */
- inbufsize = INPBUFSIZ; /* and size. */
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- #ifdef DCMDBUF
- if (cmsetup() < 0) fatal("Can't allocate command buffers!");
- #ifndef NOSPL
- /* Allocate command stack allowing command parser to call itself */
- if (!(cmdstk = (struct cmdptr *) malloc(sizeof(struct cmdptr)*CMDSTKL)))
- fatal("cmdini: no memory for cmdstk");
- if (!(ifcmd = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)*CMDSTKL)))
- fatal("cmdini: no memory for ifcmd");
- if (!(count = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)*CMDSTKL)))
- fatal("cmdini: no memory for count");
- if (!(iftest = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)*CMDSTKL)))
- fatal("cmdini: no memory for iftest");
- if (!(intime = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)*CMDSTKL)))
- fatal("cmdini: no memory for intime");
- if (!(inpcas = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)*CMDSTKL)))
- fatal("cmdini: no memory for inpcas");
- if (!(takerr = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)*CMDSTKL)))
- fatal("cmdini: no memory for takerr");
- if (!(merror = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)*CMDSTKL)))
- fatal("cmdini: no memory for merror");
- if (!(xquiet = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)*CMDSTKL)))
- fatal("cmdini: no memory for xquiet");
- if (!kermrc)
- if (!(kermrc = (char *) malloc(KERMRCL+1)))
- fatal("cmdini: no memory for kermrc");
- #ifdef CK_APC
- /* Application Program Command buffer */
- if (!(apcbuf = malloc(APCBUFLEN + 1)))
- fatal("cmdini: no memory for apcbuf");
- #endif /* CK_APC */
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- /* line[] and tmpbuf[] are the two string buffers used by the command parser */
- if (!(line = malloc(LINBUFSIZ + 1)))
- fatal("cmdini: no memory for line");
- if (!(tmpbuf = malloc(LINBUFSIZ + 1)))
- fatal("cmdini: no memory for tmpbuf");
- #endif /* DCMDBUF */
- #ifndef NOSPL
- #ifdef CK_MINPUT
- { /* Initialize MINPUT pointers */
- int i;
- extern char *ms[];
- for (i = 0; i < MINPMAX; i++)
- ms[i] = NULL;
- }
- #endif /* CK_MINPUT */
- if (macini() < 0) /* Allocate macro buffers */
- fatal("Can't allocate macro buffers!");
- ifcmd[0] = 0; /* Command-level related variables. */
- iftest[0] = 0; /* Initialize variables at top level */
- count[0] = 0; /* of stack... */
- intime[0] = 0;
- inpcas[0] = 0;
- takerr[0] = 0;
- merror[0] = 0;
- xquiet[0] = quiet;
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- #ifndef NOSPL
- cmdlvl = 0; /* Initialize the command stack */
- cmdstk[cmdlvl].src = CMD_KB; /* Source is console */
- cmdstk[cmdlvl].lvl = 0; /* Level is 0 */
- cmdstk[cmdlvl].ccflgs = 0; /* No flags */
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- tlevel = -1; /* Take file level = keyboard */
- for (i = 0; i < MAXTAKE; i++) /* Initialize command file names */
- tfnam[i] = NULL;
- cmsetp(ckprompt); /* Set up C-Kermit's prompt */
- /* Can't set IKSD prompt here since */
- /* we do not yet know if we are IKSD */
- #ifndef NOSPL
- initmac(); /* Initialize macro table */
- /* Predefine built-in one-line macros */
- addmac("ibm-linemode",m_ibm); /* IBM-LINEMODE */
- addmac("fatal",m_fat); /* FATAL macro */
- y = addmac("fast",m_fast); /* FAST macro */
- addmac("cautious",m_cautious); /* CAUTIOUS macro */
- addmac("robust",m_robust); /* ROBUST macro */
- #ifdef OS2
- addmac("manual",m_manual); /* MANUAL macro */
- #endif /* OS2 */
- #ifdef VMS
- addmac("purge",m_purge); /* PURGE macro */
- #endif /* VMS */
- /*
- Predefine built-in multiline macros; these are top-level commands
- that are implemented internally as macros. NOTE: When adding a new
- one of these, remember to update the END and RETURN commands to
- account for it, or else END and RETURN from within it won't work right.
- */
- x = addmmac("_forx",for_def); /* FOR macro */
- if (x > -1) mactab[x].flgs = CM_INV;
- x = addmmac("_xif",xif_def); /* XIF macro */
- if (x > -1) mactab[x].flgs = CM_INV;
- x = addmmac("_while",whil_def); /* WHILE macro */
- if (x > -1) mactab[x].flgs = CM_INV;
- x = addmmac("_switx",sw_def); /* SWITCH macro */
- if (x > -1) mactab[x].flgs = CM_INV;
- /* Fill in command-line argument vector */
- sprintf(vnambuf,"\&@[%d]",xargs); /* Command line argument vector */
- if (inserver) { /* (except in IKSD) */
- y = -1;
- xargs = 0;
- } else
- y = arraynam(vnambuf,&x,&z); /* goes in array &@[] */
- if (y > -1) {
- int j = -1;
- int yy = 0;
- dclarray((char)x,z); /* Declare the array */
- #ifndef NOTAKEARGS
- sprintf(vnambuf,"\&_[%d]",z); /* Macro argument vector */
- yy = arraynam(vnambuf,&x,&z); /* goes in array &_[] */
- if (yy > -1) /* Name is OK */
- dclarray((char)x,z); /* Declare the array */
- #endif /* NOTAKEARGS */
- skip = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < xargs; i++) { /* Fill the arrays */
- sprintf(vnambuf,"\&@[%d]",i);
- addmac(vnambuf,xargv[i]);
- if (cfilef && i == 0)
- continue;
- #ifdef KERBANG
- if (skip) {
- j = 0;
- skip = 0;
- continue;
- }
- #endif /* KERBANG */
- if (j < 0 && /* Assign items after "=" or "--"*/
- (!strcmp(xargv[i],"=") || !strcmp(xargv[i],"--"))
- ) {
- j = 0; /* to %1..%9 */
- #ifdef KERBANG
- } else if (j < 0 && !strcmp(xargv[i],"+")) {
- skip = 1;
- continue;
- #endif /* KERBANG */
- } else if (j > -1) {
- j++;
- if (j <= 9) {
- vnambuf[0] = '\';
- vnambuf[1] = '%';
- vnambuf[2] = (char)(j+'0');
- vnambuf[3] = NUL;
- addmac(vnambuf,xargv[i]);
- }
- if (yy > -1)
- makestr(&(toparg[j]),xargv[i]);
- }
- }
- if (cfilef) {
- addmac("\%0",cmdfil);
- if (yy > -1)
- makestr(&(toparg[0]),cmdfil);
- } else {
- addmac("\%0",xargv[0]);
- if (yy > -1)
- makestr(&(toparg[0]),xargv[0]);
- }
- if (yy > -1) {
- topargc = (j < 0) ? 1 : j + 1;
- topxarg = toparg;
- } else {
- topargc = 0;
- topxarg = NULL;
- }
- a_dim[0] = topargc - 1;
- a_ptr[0] = topxarg;
- }
- *vnambuf = NUL;
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- /* Get our home directory now. This needed in lots of places. */
- homdir = zhome();
- cmdinited = 1;
- }
- doinit() {
- int x = 0, ok = 0;
- #ifdef OS2
- char * ptr = 0;
- #endif /* OS2 */
- if (!cmdinited)
- cmdini();
- #ifdef MAC
- return; /* Mac Kermit has no init file */
- #else /* !MAC */
- /* If skipping init file ('-Y' on Kermit command line), return now. */
- if (noinit) {
- kermrc[0] = ' ';
- inidir[0] = ' ';
- /*
- But returning from here results in inidir[] never being set to anything.
- Instead it should be set to wherever the init file *would* have been
- executed from. So this bit of code should be removed, and then we should
- sprinkle "if (noinit)" tests throughout the following code until we have
- set inidir[], and then return without actually taking the init file.
- */
- return;
- }
- #ifdef OS2
- /*
- The -y init file must be fully specified or in the current directory.
- KERMRC is looked for via INIT, DPATH and PATH in that order. Finally, our
- own executable file path is taken and the .EXE suffix is replaced by .INI
- and this is tried as the initialization file.
- */
- if (rcflag) {
- ckstrncpy(line,kermrc,LINBUFSIZ+1);
- } else {
- char * env = 0;
- #ifdef NT
- env = getenv("K95.KSC");
- #else
- env = getenv("K2.KSC");
- #endif /* NT */
- if (!env) {
- #ifdef NT
- env = getenv("K95.INI");
- #else
- env = getenv("K2.INI");
- #endif /* NT */
- }
- if (!env)
- env = getenv("CKERMIT.INI");
- if (!env)
- env = getenv("CKERMIT_INI");
- line[0] = ' ';
- if (env)
- ckstrncpy(line,env,LINBUFSIZ+1);
- if (line[0] == 0)
- _searchenv(kermrc,"INIT",line);
- if (line[0] == 0)
- _searchenv(kermrc,"DPATH",line);
- if (line[0] == 0)
- _searchenv(kermrc,"PATH",line);
- if (line[0] == 0) {
- char *pgmptr = GetLoadPath();
- if (pgmptr && strlen(pgmptr) < LINBUFSIZ-8) {
- lp = strrchr(pgmptr, '\');
- if (lp) {
- strncpy(line, pgmptr, lp - pgmptr);
- #ifdef NT
- strcpy(line + (lp - pgmptr), "\k95.ini");
- #else /* NT */
- strcpy(line + (lp - pgmptr), "\k2.ini");
- #endif /* NT */
- } else {
- lp = strrchr(pgmptr, '.');
- if (lp) {
- strncpy(line, pgmptr, lp - pgmptr);
- strcpy(line + (lp - pgmptr), ".ini");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ((tfile[0] = fopen(line,"r")) != NULL) {
- ok = 1;
- tlevel = 0;
- tfline[tlevel] = 0;
- if (tfnam[tlevel] = malloc(strlen(line)+1))
- strcpy(tfnam[tlevel],line);
- #ifndef NOSPL
- cmdlvl++;
- cmdstk[cmdlvl].src = CMD_TF;
- cmdstk[cmdlvl].lvl = tlevel;
- cmdstk[cmdlvl].ccflgs = 0;
- ifcmd[cmdlvl] = 0;
- iftest[cmdlvl] = 0;
- count[cmdlvl] = count[cmdlvl-1]; /* Inherit from previous level */
- intime[cmdlvl] = intime[cmdlvl-1];
- inpcas[cmdlvl] = inpcas[cmdlvl-1];
- takerr[cmdlvl] = takerr[cmdlvl-1];
- merror[cmdlvl] = merror[cmdlvl-1];
- xquiet[cmdlvl] = quiet;
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- debug(F110,"doinit init file",line,0);
- } else {
- debug(F100,"doinit no init file","",0);
- }
- ckstrncpy(kermrc,line,KERMRCL);
- for (ptr = kermrc; *ptr; ptr++) /* Convert backslashes to slashes */
- if (*ptr == '\')
- *ptr = '/';
- #else /* not OS2 */
- lp = line;
- lp[0] = ' ';
- debug(F101,"doinit rcflag","",rcflag);
- #ifdef GEMDOS
- zkermini(line, rcflag, kermrc);
- #else
- #ifdef VMS
- zkermini(line,LINBUFSIZ,kermrc);
- #else /* not VMS */
- #ifdef CK_LOGIN
- debug(F101,"doinit isguest","",isguest);
- if (isguest)
- strcpy(lp, anonfile ? anonfile : kermrc);
- else
- #endif /* CK_LOGIN */
- if (rcflag) { /* If init file name from cmd line */
- strcpy(lp,kermrc); /* use it, */
- } else { /* otherwise... */
- #ifdef CK_INI_A /* If we've a system-wide init file */
- /* And it takes precedence over the user's... */
- ckstrncpy(lp,CK_SYSINI,KERMRCL); /* Use it */
- if (zchki(lp) < 0) { /* (if it exists...) */
- #endif /* CK_INI_A */
- line[0] = NUL;
- if (homdir) { /* Home directory for init file. */
- strcpy(lp,homdir);
- #ifdef STRATUS
- strcat(lp,">"); /* VOS separates dirs with >'s */
- #else
- if (lp[0] == '/') strcat(lp,"/");
- #endif /* STRATUS */
- }
- strcat(lp,kermrc); /* Append the default file name */
- #ifdef CK_INI_A
- }
- #endif /* CK_INI_A */
- }
- #ifdef CK_INI_B /* System-wide init defined? */
- /* But user's ini file takes precedence */
- if (zchki(lp) < 0) /* If user doesn't have her own, */
- ckstrncpy(lp,CK_SYSINI,KERMRCL); /* use system-wide one. */
- #endif /* CK_INI_B */
- #endif /* VMS */
- #endif /* GEMDOS */
- #ifdef AMIGA
- reqoff(); /* Disable requestors */
- #endif /* AMIGA */
- debug(F110,"doinit ini file is",line,0);
- if ((tfile[0] = fopen(line,"r")) != NULL) { /* Try to open init file. */
- ok = 1;
- tlevel = 0;
- tfline[tlevel] = 0;
- if (tfnam[tlevel] = malloc(strlen(line)+1))
- strcpy(tfnam[tlevel],line);
- ckstrncpy(kermrc,line,KERMRCL);
- #ifndef NOSPL
- cmdlvl++;
- ifcmd[cmdlvl] = 0;
- iftest[cmdlvl] = 0;
- count[cmdlvl] = count[cmdlvl-1]; /* Inherit from previous level */
- intime[cmdlvl] = intime[cmdlvl-1];
- inpcas[cmdlvl] = inpcas[cmdlvl-1];
- takerr[cmdlvl] = takerr[cmdlvl-1];
- merror[cmdlvl] = merror[cmdlvl-1];
- xquiet[cmdlvl] = quiet;
- debug(F101,"doinit open ok","",cmdlvl);
- cmdstk[cmdlvl].src = CMD_TF;
- cmdstk[cmdlvl].lvl = tlevel;
- cmdstk[cmdlvl].ccflgs = 0;
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- } else if (rcflag) {
- /* Print an error message only if a specific file was asked for. */
- printf("?%s - %sn", ck_errstr(), line);
- }
- #ifdef datageneral
- /* If CKERMIT.INI not found in home directory, look in searchlist */
- if (homdir && (tlevel < 0)) {
- strcpy(lp,kermrc);
- if ((tfile[0] = fopen(line,"r")) != NULL) {
- ok = 1;
- tlevel = 0;
- tfline[tlevel] = 0;
- if (tfnam[tlevel] = malloc(strlen(line)+1))
- strcpy(tfnam[tlevel],line);
- #ifndef NOSPL
- cmdlvl++;
- cmdstk[cmdlvl].src = CMD_TF;
- cmdstk[cmdlvl].lvl = tlevel;
- cmdstk[cmdlvl].ccflgs = 0;
- ifcmd[cmdlvl] = 0;
- iftest[cmdlvl] = 0;
- count[cmdlvl] = count[cmdlvl-1]; /* Inherit from previous level */
- intime[cmdlvl] = intime[cmdlvl-1];
- inpcas[cmdlvl] = inpcas[cmdlvl-1];
- takerr[cmdlvl] = takerr[cmdlvl-1];
- merror[cmdlvl] = merror[cmdlvl-1];
- xquiet[cmdlvl] = quiet;
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- }
- }
- #endif /* datageneral */
- #ifdef AMIGA /* Amiga... */
- reqpop(); /* Restore requestors */
- #endif /* AMIGA */
- #endif /* OS2 */
- #endif /* MAC */
- /* Assign value to inidir */
- if (!ok) {
- inidir[0] = NUL;
- } else {
- strcpy(inidir, kermrc);
- x = strlen(inidir);
- if (x > 0) {
- int i;
- for (i = x - 1; i > 0; i-- ) {
- if (inidir[i] ==
- #ifdef MAC
- ':'
- #else
- #ifdef UNIX
- '/'
- #else
- #ifdef OSK
- '/'
- #else
- #ifdef STRATUS
- '>'
- #else
- #ifdef VMS
- ']' || inidir[i] == ':'
- #else
- #ifdef datageneral
- ':'
- #else
- #ifdef OS2
- '/' || inidir[i+1] == '\'
- #else
- #ifdef AMIGA
- '/' || inidir[i+1] == ':'
- #endif /* AMIGA */
- #endif /* OS2 */
- #endif /* datageneral */
- #endif /* VMS */
- #endif /* STRATUS */
- #endif /* OSK */
- #endif /* UNIX */
- #endif /* MAC */
- ) {
- inidir[i+1] = NUL;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- doiksdinit() {
- #ifdef CK_SSL
- /* IKSD doesn't request client certs */
- ssl_verify_flag = SSL_VERIFY_NONE;
- #endif /* CK_SSL */
- if (!cmdinited)
- cmdini();
- #ifdef IKSDCONF
- #ifdef OS2
- line[0] = ' ';
- _searchenv(iksdconf,"INIT",line);
- if (line[0] == 0)
- _searchenv(iksdconf,"DPATH",line);
- if (line[0] == 0)
- _searchenv(iksdconf,"PATH",line);
- if (line[0] == 0) {
- char *pgmptr = GetLoadPath();
- if (pgmptr && strlen(pgmptr) < LINBUFSIZ-8) {
- lp = strrchr(pgmptr, '\');
- if (lp) {
- strncpy(line, pgmptr, lp - pgmptr);
- strcpy(line + (lp - pgmptr + 1), "\");
- strcpy(line + (lp - pgmptr + 1), iksdconf);
- } else {
- lp = strrchr(pgmptr, '.');
- if (lp) {
- strncpy(line, pgmptr, lp - pgmptr);
- strcpy(line + (lp - pgmptr), ".ksc");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- debug(F110,"doiksdinit() line",line,0);
- tfile[0] = fopen(line,"r");
- #else /* OS2 */
- tfile[0] = fopen(iksdconf,"r");
- #endif /* OS2 */
- if (tfile[0] != NULL) {
- tlevel = 0;
- tfline[tlevel] = 0;
- if (tfnam[tlevel] = malloc(strlen(line)+1))
- strcpy(tfnam[tlevel],iksdconf);
- #ifndef NOSPL
- cmdlvl++;
- cmdstk[cmdlvl].src = CMD_TF;
- cmdstk[cmdlvl].lvl = tlevel;
- cmdstk[cmdlvl].ccflgs = 0;
- ifcmd[cmdlvl] = 0;
- iftest[cmdlvl] = 0;
- count[cmdlvl] = count[cmdlvl-1]; /* Inherit from previous level */
- intime[cmdlvl] = intime[cmdlvl-1];
- inpcas[cmdlvl] = inpcas[cmdlvl-1];
- takerr[cmdlvl] = takerr[cmdlvl-1];
- merror[cmdlvl] = merror[cmdlvl-1];
- xquiet[cmdlvl] = quiet;
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- debug(F110,"doiksdinit file ok",iksdconf,0);
- } else {
- debug(F110,"doiksdinit open failed",iksdconf,0);
- }
- #endif /* IKSDCONF */
- }
- #ifndef NOSPL
- /*
- G E T N C M
- Get next command from current macro definition. Command is copied
- into string pointed to by argument s, max length n. Returns:
- 0 if a string was copied;
- -1 if there was no string to copy.
- */
- int
- getncm(s,n) char *s; int n; {
- int y, /* Character counter */
- #ifdef COMMENT
- quote = 0,
- #endif /* COMMENT */
- kp = 0, /* Brace up-down counter */
- pp = 0; /* Parenthesis up-down counter */
- char *s2; /* Copy of destination pointer */
- s2 = s; /* Initialize string pointers */
- *s = NUL; /* and destination buffer */
- debug(F101,"getncm dest length","",n);
- for (y = 0; /* Loop for n bytes max */
- macp[maclvl] && *macp[maclvl] && y < n;
- y++, s++, macp[maclvl]++) {
- *s = *macp[maclvl]; /* Get next char from macro def */
- /* debug(F000,"char","",*s); */
- #ifdef COMMENT
- /*
- The intention here was to allow quoting of commas, braces, etc,
- in macro definitions, e.g. "define rows mode co80,%1". And it
- works, but it breaks just about everything else.
- */
- if (*s == CMDQ && quote == 0) { /* Allow for quoting of */
- quote = 1; /* braces, commas, etc. */
- continue;
- }
- #endif /* COMMENT */
- /*
- Allow braces around macro definition to prevent commas from being turned to
- end-of-lines and also treat any commas within parens as text so that
- multiple-argument functions won't cause the command to break prematurely.
- */
- #ifdef COMMENT
- if (!quote) {
- #endif /* COMMENT */
- if (*s == '{') kp++; /* Count braces */
- if (*s == '}') kp--;
- if (*s == '(') pp++; /* Count parentheses. */
- if (*s == ')') pp--;
- if (*s == ',' && pp <= 0 && kp <= 0) {
- macp[maclvl]++; /* Comma not in {} or () */
- debug(F110,"next cmd",s,0);
- kp = pp = 0; /* so we have the next command */
- break;
- }
- #ifdef COMMENT
- }
- #endif /* COMMENT */
- } /* Reached end. */
- if (*s2 == NUL) { /* If nothing was copied, */
- debug(F100,"getncm eom","",0);
- popclvl(); /* pop command level. */
- return(-1);
- } else { /* otherwise, tack CR onto end */
- *s++ = CR;
- *s = ' ';
- if (mecho && pflag) /* If MACRO ECHO ON, echo the cmd */
- printf("%sn",s2);
- debug(F110,"getncm returns ptr to",s2,0);
- }
- return(0);
- }
- /* D O M A C -- Define and then execute a macro */
- int
- domac(name, def, flags) char *name, *def; int flags; {
- int x, m;
- #ifdef OS2
- extern int term_io;
- int term_io_sav = term_io;
- term_io = 0; /* Disable Terminal Emulator I/O */
- #endif /* OS2 */
- m = maclvl; /* Current macro stack level */
- debug(F101,"domac entry maclvl","",maclvl);
- x = addmac(name, def); /* Define a new macro */
- if (x > -1) { /* If successful, */
- dodo(x,NULL,flags); /* start it (increments maclvl). */
- while (maclvl > m) { /* Keep going till done with it, */
- debug(F101,"domac loop maclvl 1","",maclvl);
- sstate = (CHAR) parser(1); /* parsing & executing each command, */
- debug(F101,"domac loop maclvl 2","",maclvl);
- if (sstate) proto(); /* including protocol commands. */
- }
- debug(F101,"domac loop exit maclvl","",maclvl);
- }
- #ifdef OS2
- term_io = term_io_sav;
- #endif /* OS2 */
- return(success);
- }
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- /*
- G E T N C T
- Get next command from TAKE (command) file.
- Call with:
- s Pointer to buffer to read into
- n Length of buffer
- f File descriptor of file to read from
- flag 0 == keep line terminator on and allow continuation
- 1 == discard line terminator and don't allow continuation
- Call with flag == 0 to read a command from a TAKE file;
- Call with flag != 0 to read a line from a dialing or network directory.
- In both cases, trailing comments and/or trailing whitespace is/are stripped.
- If flag == 0, continued lines are combined into one line. A continued line
- is one that ends in hypen, or any line in a "block", which starts with "{"
- at the end of a line and ends with a matching "}" at the beginning of a
- subsequent line; blocks may be nested.
- Returns:
- 0 if a string was copied,
- -1 on EOF,
- -2 on malloc failure
- -3 if line is not properly terminated
- -4 if (possibly continued) line is too long.
- */
- static char * lpx = NULL;
- static int lpxlen = 0;
- int
- getnct(s,n,f,flag) char *s; int n; FILE *f; int flag; {
- int i = 0, len = 0, buflen = 0;
- char c = NUL, cc = NUL, ccl = NUL, ccx = NUL, *s2 = NULL;
- char *lp = NULL, *lpx = NULL, *lp2 = NULL, *lp3 = NULL, *lastcomma = NULL;
- int bc = 0; /* Block counter */
- s2 = s; /* Remember original pointer */
- buflen = n; /* Remember original buffer length */
- debug(F101,"getnct","",n);
- if (n < 0)
- return(-2);
- /* Allocate a line buffer only if we don't have one that's big enough */
- if (lpx && (n > lpxlen)) { /* Have one already */
- free(lpx); /* But it's not big enough */
- lpx = NULL; /* Free current one */
- lpxlen = 0;
- }
- if (!lpx) { /* Get new one */
- if (!(lpx = (char *) malloc(n))) {
- debug(F101,"getnct malloc failure","",0);
- printf("?Memory allocation failure [getnct]n");
- return(-2);
- }
- lpxlen = n;
- }
- lp2 = lpx;
- #define KLUDGE /* See below */
- #ifdef KLUDGE
- lp2++;
- #endif /* KLUDGE */
- while (1) { /* Loop to read lines from file */
- if (fgets(lp2,n,f) == NULL) { /* Read a line into lp2 */
- debug(F100,"getnct fgets EOF","",0); /* EOF */
- free(lpx); /* Free temporary storage */
- lpx = NULL;
- *s = NUL; /* Make destination be empty */
- return(-1); /* Return failure code */
- }
- #ifndef NODIAL
- if (flag) /* Count this line */
- dirline++;
- else
- #endif /* NODIAL */
- tfline[tlevel]++;
- len = strlen(lp2) - 1; /* Position of line terminator */
- debug(F111,"getnct fgets ok",lp2,len);
- if (len == 0 && lp2[0] != 'n') { /* Last line in file has one char */
- lp2[++len] = 'n'; /* that is not a newline */
- lp2[len] = NUL;
- }
- if (len < 0)
- len = 0;
- if (techo && pflag) /* If TAKE ECHO ON, */
- printf("%3d. %s", /* echo it this line. */
- #ifndef NODIAL
- flag ? dirline :
- #endif /* NODIAL */
- tfline[tlevel],
- lp2
- );
- lp3 = lp2; /* Working pointer */
- i = len; /* Get first nonwhitespace character */
- while (i > 0 && *lp3 == SP || *lp3 == HT) {
- i--;
- lp3++;
- }
- if (i == 0 && bc > 0) /* Blank line in {...} block */
- continue;
- /* Isolate, remove, and check terminator */
- c = lp2[len]; /* Value of line terminator */
- debug(F101,"getnct terminator","",c);
- if (c < LF || c > CR) { /* It's not a terminator */
- debug(F111,"getnct bad line",lp2,c);
- if (feof(f) && len > 0 && len < n) {
- /* Kludge Alert... */
- if (!quiet)
- printf("WARNING: Last line of %s lacks terminatorn",
- s2 == cmdbuf ? "command file" : "directory file");
- c = lp2[++len] = 'n'; /* No big deal - supply one. */
- } else { /* Something's wrong, fail. */
- free(lpx);
- lpx = NULL;
- return(-3);
- }
- }
- /* Trim trailing whitespace */
- for (i = len - 1; i > -1 && lp2[i] <= SP; i--) /* Trim */
- ;
- debug(F101,"getnct i","",i);
- lp2[i+1] = NUL; /* Terminate the string */
- debug(F110,"getnct lp2",lp2,0);
- lp = lp2; /* Make a working pointer */
- /* Remove trailing or full-line comment */
- while (cc = *lp) {
- if (cc == ';' || cc == '#') { /* Comment introducer? */
- if (lp == lp2) { /* First char on line */
- *lp = NUL;
- break;
- } else if (*(lp - 1) == SP || *(lp - 1) == HT) {
- lp--;
- *lp = NUL; /* Or preceded by whitespace */
- break;
- }
- }
- lp++;
- }
- if (lp > lp2)
- lp--; /* Back up over the NUL */
- /* Now trim any space that preceded the comment */
- while ((*lp == SP || *lp == HT) && lp >= lp2) {
- *lp = NUL;
- if (lp <= lp2)
- break;
- lp--;
- }
- debug(F110,"getnct comment trimmed",lp2,0);
- len = strlen(lp2); /* Length after trimming */
- if (n - len < 2) { /* Check remaining space */
- debug(F111,"getnct command too long",s2,buflen);
- printf("?Line too long, maximum length: %d.n",buflen);
- free(lpx);
- return(-4);
- }
- ccl = (len > 0) ? lp2[len-1] : 0; /* Last character in line */
- ccx = (len > 1) ? lp2[len-2] : 0; /* Penultimate char in line */
- #ifdef KLUDGE
- /*
- If it is a command and it begins with a token (like ! or .) that is not
- followed by a space, insert a space now; otherwise cmkey() can get might
- confused.
- */
- if (s == s2 && !flag) {
- char *p = toktab;
- while (*p) {
- if (*p == *lp3 && *(p+1) != SP) {
- *lp3-- = SP;
- *lp3 = *p;
- if (lp3 < lp2) {
- lp2--;
- len++;
- }
- break;
- } else
- p++;
- }
- }
- #endif /* KLUDGE */
- lp = lp2;
- while (*s++ = *lp++) /* Copy result to target buffer */
- n--; /* accounting for length */
- s--; /* Back up over the NUL */
- /* Check whether this line is continued */
- if (flag) /* No line continuation when flag=1 */
- break; /* So break out of read-lines loop */
- debug(F000,"getnct first char","",*lp3);
- debug(F000,"getnct last char","",ccl);
- debug(F000,"getnct next-to-last char","",ccx);
- if (bc > 0 && *lp3 == '}') /* First char on line is '}' */
- bc--; /* Decrement block counter */
- if (bc == 0 && /* Line is continued if bc > 0 */
- #ifdef COMMENT
- /* Not supported as of C-Kermit 6.0 */
- ccl != CMDQ && /* or line ends with CMDQ */
- #endif /* COMMENT */
- ccl != '-' && /* or line ends with dash */
- ccl != '{') /* or line ends with opening brace */
- break; /* None of those, we're done. */
- if (ccl == '-' || ccl == '{') /* Continuation character */
- if (ccx == CMDQ) /* But it's quoted */
- break; /* so ignore it */
- if (ccl == '{') { /* Last char on line is '{'? */
- bc++; /* Count the block opener. */
- } else if (ccl == '-' /* Explicit continue? */
- #ifdef COMMENT
- /* Not supported as of C-Kermit 6.0. */
- || ccl == CMDQ
- #endif /* COMMENT */
- ) {
- char c, * ss;
- int state = 0, nn;
- s--; /* Yes, back up over terminators */
- n++; /* and over continuation character */
- nn = n; /* Save current count */
- ss = s; /* and pointer */
- s--; /* Back up over dash */
- n++;
- debug(F110,"XXX lp2 A",s2,0);
- while (state < 2 && s >= s2) { /* Check for "{,-" */
- n++;
- c = *s--;
- debug(F000,"XXX c","",c);
- if (c <= SP)
- continue;
- if (c != ',' && c != '{')
- break;
- switch (state) {
- case 0: /* Looking for comma */
- if (c == ',')
- state = 1;
- break;
- case 1: /* Looking for left brace */
- if (c == '{') {
- state = 2;
- s += 2;
- *s = NUL;
- bc++;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if (state != 2) { s = ss; n = nn; }
- debug(F110,"XXX lp2 B",s2,0);
- } else { /* None of those but (bc > 0) */
- lastcomma = s;
- *s++ = ','; /* and insert a comma */
- n--;
- }
- debug(F101,"getnct bc","",bc);
- debug(F100,"getnct continued","",0);
- } /* read-lines while loop */
- if (lastcomma)
- *lastcomma = SP;
- if (!flag) /* Tack line terminator back on */
- *s++ = c;
- *s++ = NUL; /* Terminate the string */
- untab(s2); /* Done, convert tabs to spaces */
- debug(F110,"getnct return",s2,0);
- free(lpx); /* Free temporary storage */
- return(0); /* Return success */
- }
- shostack() { /* Dump the command stack */
- int i;
- char *p;
- #ifndef NOSPL
- for (i = cmdlvl; i > 0; i--) {
- if (cmdstk[i].src == CMD_TF) {
- p = tfnam[cmdstk[i].lvl];
- if (zfnqfp(p,TMPBUFSIZ,tmpbuf))
- p = tmpbuf;
- printf(" %2d. File : %s (line %d)n",
- i,
- p,
- tfline[cmdstk[i].lvl]
- );
- } else if (cmdstk[i].src == CMD_MD) {
- char * m;
- m = m_arg[cmdstk[i].lvl][0]; /* Name of this macro */
- if (i > 0) { /* Special handling for 2-level */
- char *s; /* built-in macros... */
- s = m_arg[cmdstk[i-1].lvl][0]; /* Name next level up */
- if (s && cmdstk[i-1].src == CMD_MD) {
- if (!strcmp(s,"_forx"))
- m = "FOR";
- else if (!strcmp(s,"_xif"))
- m = "XIF";
- else if (!strcmp(s,"_while"))
- m = "WHILE";
- else if (!strcmp(s,"_switx"))
- m = "SWITCH";
- }
- }
- printf(" %2d. Macro : %sn",i,m);
- } else {
- printf(" 00. ERROR : Command source unknownn");
- }
- }
- #else
- for (i = tlevel; i > -1; i--) {
- p = tfnam[i];
- if (zfnqfp(p,TMPBUFSIZ,tmpbuf))
- p = tmpbuf;
- printf(" %2d. File : %s (line %d)n",
- i,
- p,
- tfline[i]
- );
- }
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- if (i == 0)
- printf(" %2d. Prompt: (top level)n",0);
- }
- /* P A R S E R -- Top-level interactive command parser. */
- /*
- Call with:
- m = 0 for normal behavior: keep parsing and executing commands
- until an action command is parsed, then return with a
- Kermit start-state as the value of this function.
- m = 1 to parse only one command, can also be used to call parser()
- recursively.
- m = 2 to read but do not execute one command.
- In all cases, parser() returns:
- 0 if no Kermit protocol action required
- > 0 with a Kermit protocol start-state.
- < 0 upon error.
- */
- int
- parser(m) int m; {
- int tfcode, xx, yy, zz; /* Workers */
- int is_tn = 0;
- #ifndef NOSPL
- int inlevel; /* Level we were called at */
- extern int askflag;
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- char *cbp; /* Command buffer pointer */
- #ifdef MAC
- extern char *lfiles; /* Fake extern cast */
- #endif /* MAC */
- #ifndef NOXFER
- extern int sndcmd, getcmd, interrupted, fatalio, clearrq;
- #endif /* NOXFER */
- #ifdef AMIGA
- reqres(); /* Restore AmigaDOS requestors */
- #endif /* AMIGA */
- #ifdef OS2
- if (cursor_save > -1) { /* Restore cursor if it was */
- cursorena[VCMD] = cursor_save; /* turned off during file transfer */
- cursor_save = -1;
- }
- #endif /* OS2 */
- what = W_COMMAND; /* Now we're parsing commands. */
- #ifdef IKSDB
- if (ikdbopen) slotstate(what,"COMMAND PROMPT","",""); /* IKSD database */
- #endif /* IKSDB */
- is_tn = (local && network && ttnproto == NP_TELNET) ||
- (!local && sstelnet);
- if (!cmdsrc()) /* If at top (interactive) level ... */
- concb((char)escape); /* put console in 'cbreak' mode. */
- #ifdef CK_TMPDIR
- /* If we were cd'd temporarily to another device or directory ... */
- if (f_tmpdir) {
- int x;
- x = zchdir((char *) savdir); /* ... restore previous directory */
- f_tmpdir = 0; /* and remember we did it. */
- debug(F111,"parser tmpdir restoring",savdir,x);
- }
- #endif /* CK_TMPDIR */
- #ifndef NOSPL
- inlevel = cmdlvl; /* Current macro level */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if (deblog) {
- debug(F101,"&parser entry maclvl","",maclvl);
- debug(F101,"&parser entry inlevel","",inlevel);
- debug(F101,"&parser entry tlevel","",tlevel);
- debug(F101,"&parser entry cmdlvl","",cmdlvl);
- debug(F101,"&parser entry m","",m);
- }
- #endif /* DEBUG */
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- #ifndef NOXFER
- ftreset(); /* Reset global file-xfer settings */
- #endif /* NOXFER */
- /*
- sstate becomes nonzero when a command has been parsed that requires some
- action from the protocol module. Any non-protocol actions, such as local
- directory listing or terminal emulation, are invoked directly from below.
- */
- sstate = 0; /* Start with no start state. */
- #ifndef NOXFER
- #ifndef NOSPL
- query = 0; /* QUERY not active */
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- #ifndef NOHINTS
- if (sndcmd && !success && hints && !interrupted && !fatalio && !cmdsrc()) {
- int x = 0;
- printf("n*************************n");
- printf("SEND-class command failed.n");
- printf(" Packets sent: %dn", spackets);
- printf(" Retransmissions: %dn",retrans);
- printf(" Timeouts: %dn", timeouts);
- if (epktrcvd) {
- printf(" Transfer canceled by receiver.n");
- printf(" Receiver's message: "%s"n",(char *)epktmsg);
- }
- printf(" Most recent local error: "%s"n",ck_errstr());
- printf(
- "nHINTS... If the preceding error message%s not explain the failure:n",
- epktrcvd ? "s do" : " does"
- );
- #ifndef NOLOCAL
- if (local) {
- if (rpackets == 0)
- printf(" . Did you start a Kermit receiver on the far end?n");
- else
- printf(
- " . Try changing the remote Kermit's FLOW-CONTROL setting.n");
- } else if (rpackets > 0) {
- if (flow == FLO_NONE)
- printf(" . Give me a SET FLOW XON/XOFF command and try again.n");
- else
- printf(" . Give me a SET FLOW NONE command and try again.n");
- }
- x++;
- #endif /* NOLOCAL */
- #ifdef CK_SPEED
- if (prefixing != PX_ALL && rpackets > 2) {
- printf(" . Try it again with SET PREFIXING ALL.n");
- x++;
- }
- #endif /* CK_SPEED */
- #ifdef STREAMING
- if (streamed) {
- printf(" . Try it again with SET STREAMING OFF.n");
- x++;
- } else if (reliable) {
- printf(" . Try it again with SET RELIABLE OFF.n");
- x++;
- }
- #endif /* STREAMING */
- if (clearrq > 0 && prefixing == PX_NON) {
- printf(" . Try it again with SET CLEAR-CHANNEL OFF.n");
- x++;
- }
- if (!parity) {
- printf(" . Try it again with SET PARITY SPACE.n");
- x++;
- }
- printf(" . %sive a ROBUST command and try again.n",
- (x > 0) ? "As a last resort, g" : "G"
- );
- printf("Also:n");
- printf(" . Be sure the source file has read permission.n");
- printf(" . Be sure the target directory has write permission.n");
- printf("(Use SET HINTS OFF to suppress hints.)n");
- printf("*************************nn");
- }
- if (getcmd && !success && hints && !interrupted && !fatalio && !cmdsrc()) {
- int x = 0;
- extern int urpsiz, wslotr;
- printf("n*************************n");
- printf("RECEIVE- or GET-class command failed.n");
- printf(" Packets received: %dn", rpackets);
- printf(" Damaged packets: %dn", crunched);
- printf(" Timeouts: %dn", timeouts);
- if (rpackets > 0)
- printf(" Packet length: %dn", urpsiz);
- if (epktrcvd) {
- printf(" Transfer canceled by sender.n");
- printf(" Sender's message: "%s"n",(char *)epktmsg);
- }
- printf(" Most recent local error: "%s"n",ck_errstr());
- printf(
- "nHINTS... If the preceding error message%s not explain the failure:n",
- epktrcvd ? "s do" : " does"
- );
- #ifndef NOLOCAL
- if (local) {
- if (rpackets == 0)
- printf(" . Did you start a Kermit sender on the far end?n");
- else
- printf(
- " . Choose a different FLOW-CONTROL setting and try again.n");
- }
- if (rpackets > 0 && urpsiz > 90)
- printf(" . Try smaller packets (SET RECEIVE PACKET-LENGH).n");
- if (rpackets > 0 && wslotr > 1 && !streamed)
- printf(" . Try a smaller window size (SET WINDOW).n");
- if (!local && rpackets > 0) {
- if (flow == FLO_NONE)
- printf(" . Give me a SET FLOW XON/XOFF command and try again.n");
- else
- printf(" . Give me a SET FLOW NONE command and try again.n");
- }
- x++;
- #endif /* NOLOCAL */
- #ifdef STREAMING
- if (streamed) {
- printf(" . Try it again with SET STREAMING OFF.n");
- x++;
- } else if (reliable && local) {
- printf(" . Try it again with SET RELIABLE OFF.n");
- x++;
- } else
- #endif /* STREAMING */
- if (!parity) {
- printf(" . Try it again with SET PARITY SPACE.n");
- x++;
- }
- printf((x > 0) ?
- " . As a last resort, give a ROBUST command and try again.n" :
- " . Give a ROBUST command and try again.n"
- );
- printf("Also:n");
- printf(" . Be sure the target directory has write permission.n");
- printf(" . Try telling sender to SET PREFIXING ALL.n");
- printf(" . Try giving a ROBUST command to the sender.n");
- printf("(Use SET HINTS OFF to suppress hints.)n");
- printf("*************************nn");
- }
- #endif /* NOHINTS */
- getcmd = 0;
- sndcmd = 0;
- interrupted = 0;
- #endif /* NOXFER */
- while (sstate == 0) { /* Parse cmds until action requested */
- debug(F100,"parse top","",0);
- #ifdef IKS_OPTION
- if ((local &&
- !cmdsrc() &&
- is_tn &&
- TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.me_start) ||
- (!local &&
- !cmdadl &&
- TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.me_start)
- ) {
- tn_siks(KERMIT_STOP);
- }
- #endif /* IKS_OPTION */
- #ifndef NOXFER
- if (autopath) {
- fnrpath = PATH_AUTO;
- autopath = 0;
- }
- remfile = 0; /* Clear these in case REMOTE */
- remappd = 0; /* command was interrupted... */
- rempipe = 0;
- makestr(&snd_move,g_snd_move); /* Restore these */
- makestr(&rcv_move,g_rcv_move);
- makestr(&snd_rename,g_snd_rename);
- makestr(&rcv_rename,g_rcv_rename);
- #endif /* NOXFER */
- diractive = 0;
- #ifndef NOSPL
- askflag = 0;
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- /* Take requested action if there was an error in the previous command */
- setint();
- debug(F101,"parser tlevel","",tlevel);
- debug(F101,"parser cmd_rows","",cmd_rows);
- #ifndef NOLOCAL
- if (wasclosed) { /* If connection was just closed */
- #ifndef NOSPL
- int k;
- k = mlook(mactab,"on_close",nmac); /* Look up "on_close" */
- if (k >= 0) { /* If found, */
- /* printf("ON_CLOSE CMD LOOPn"); */
- dodo(k,ckitoa(whyclosed),0); /* Set it up */
- }
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- whyclosed = WC_REMO;
- wasclosed = 0;
- }
- #endif /* NOLOCAL */
- #ifndef NOSPL
- xxdot = 0; /* Clear this... */
- if (success == 0) {
- if (cmdstk[cmdlvl].src == CMD_TF && takerr[cmdlvl]) {
- printf("Command file terminated by error.n");
- popclvl();
- if (cmdlvl == 0) return(0);
- }
- if (cmdstk[cmdlvl].src == CMD_MD && merror[cmdlvl]) {
- printf("Command error: macro terminated.n");
- popclvl();
- if (m && (cmdlvl < inlevel))
- return((int) sstate);
- }
- }
- nulcmd = (m == 2);
- #else
- if (success == 0 && tlevel > -1 && takerr[tlevel]) {
- printf("Command file terminated by error.n");
- popclvl();
- cmini(ckxech); /* Clear the cmd buffer. */
- if (tlevel < 0) /* Just popped out of cmd files? */
- return(0); /* End of init file or whatever. */
- }
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- #ifdef MAC
- /* Check for TAKE initiated by menu. */
- if ((tlevel == -1) && lfiles)
- startlfile();
- #endif /* MAC */
- /* If in TAKE file, check for EOF */
- #ifndef NOSPL
- #ifdef MAC
- if
- #else
- while
- #endif /* MAC */
- ((cmdstk[cmdlvl].src == CMD_TF) /* If end of take file */
- && (tlevel > -1)
- && feof(tfile[tlevel])) {
- popclvl(); /* pop command level */
- cmini(ckxech); /* and clear the cmd buffer. */
- if (cmdlvl == 0) { /* Just popped out of all cmd files? */
- return(0); /* End of init file or whatever. */
- }
- }
- #ifdef MAC
- miniparser(1);
- if (sstate == 'a') { /* if cmd-. cancel */
- debug(F100, "parser: cancel take due to sstate", "", sstate);
- sstate = ' ';
- dostop();
- return(0); /* End of init file or whatever. */
- }
- #endif /* MAC */
- #else /* NOSPL */
- if ((tlevel > -1) && feof(tfile[tlevel])) { /* If end of take */
- popclvl(); /* Pop up one level. */
- cmini(ckxech); /* and clear the cmd buffer. */
- if (tlevel < 0) /* Just popped out of cmd files? */
- return(0); /* End of init file or whatever. */
- }
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- #ifndef NOSPL
- if (cmdstk[cmdlvl].src == CMD_MD) { /* Executing a macro? */
- debug(F100,"parser macro","",0);
- maclvl = cmdstk[cmdlvl].lvl; /* Get current level */
- debug(F101,"parser maclvl","",maclvl);
- cbp = cmdbuf; /* Copy next cmd to command buffer. */
- *cbp = NUL;
- if (*savbuf) { /* In case then-part of 'if' command */
- strcpy(cbp,savbuf); /* was saved, restore it. */
- *savbuf = ' ';
- } else { /* Else get next cmd from macro def */
- if (getncm(cbp,CMDBL) < 0) {
- if (m && (cmdlvl < inlevel))
- return((int) sstate);
- else /* if (!m) */ continue;
- }
- }
- debug(F110,"cmdbuf from macro",cmdbuf,0);
- } else if (cmdstk[cmdlvl].src == CMD_TF)
- #else
- if (tlevel > -1)
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- {
- #ifndef NOSPL
- if (*savbuf) { /* In case THEN-part of IF command */
- strcpy(cmdbuf,savbuf); /* was saved, restore it. */
- *savbuf = ' ';
- } else
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- /* Get next line from TAKE file */
- if ((tfcode = getnct(cmdbuf,CMDBL,tfile[tlevel],0)) < 0) {
- if (tfcode < -1) { /* Error */
- printf("?Error in TAKE command file: %sn",
- (tfcode == -2) ? "Memory allocation failure" :
- "Line too long or contains NUL characters"
- );
- dostop();
- }
- continue; /* -1 means EOF */
- }
- /* If interactive, get next command from user. */
- } else { /* User types it in. */
- if (pflag) prompt(xxstring);
- cmini(ckxech);
- }
- /* Now we know where next command is coming from. Parse and execute it. */
- repars = 1; /* 1 = command needs parsing */
- #ifndef NOXFER
- displa = 0; /* Assume no file transfer display */
- #endif /* NOXFER */
- while (repars) { /* Parse this cmd until entered. */
- debug(F101,"parser top of while loop","",0);
- /* In case of "send /recursive ./?<Ctrl-U>" etc */
- #ifdef RECURSIVE
- recursive = 0; /* This is never sticky */
- #endif /* RECURSIVE */
- /* This might have been changed by a switch */
- if (g_matchdot > -1) {
- matchdot = g_matchdot;
- g_matchdot = -1;
- }
- if (saveask > -1) {
- xaskmore = saveask;
- saveask = -1;
- }
- cmres(); /* Reset buffer pointers. */
- #ifdef OS2
- #ifdef COMMENT
- /* we check to see if a macro is waiting to be executed */
- /* if so, we call domac on it */
- if (cmdmac) {
- ckstrncpy(cmdbuf, cmdmac, CMDBL);
- free(cmdmac);
- cmdmac = NULL;
- }
- #endif /* COMMENT */
- #endif /* OS2 */
- #ifndef NOXFER
- bye_active = 0;
- #endif /* NOXFER */
- xx = cmkey2(cmdtab,ncmd,"Command","",toktab,xxstring,1);
- debug(F101,"top-level cmkey2","",xx);
- if (xx == -5) {
- yy = chktok(toktab);
- debug(F101,"top-level cmkey token","",yy);
- ungword();
- switch (yy) {
- case '#': xx = XXCOM; break; /* Comment */
- case ';': xx = XXCOM; break; /* Comment */
- #ifndef NOSPL
- case '.': xx = XXDEF; xxdot = 1; break; /* Assignment */
- case ':': xx = XXLBL; break; /* GOTO label */
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- #ifndef NOPUSH
- #ifdef CK_REDIR
- case '<':
- #endif /* CK_REDIR */
- case '@':
- case '!':
- if (!nopush) {
- switch(yy) {
- #ifdef CK_REDIR
- case '<': xx = XXFUN; break; /* REDIRECT */
- #endif /* CK_REDIR */
- case '@':
- case '!': xx = XXSHE; break; /* Shell escape */
- }
- }
- break;
- #endif /* NOPUSH */
- #ifdef CK_RECALL
- case '^': xx = XXREDO; break;
- #endif /* CK_RECALL */
- #ifndef NOSPL
- case '{': xx = XXMACRO; break;
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- default:
- if (!quiet) {
- printf("n?Invalid - "%s"n",cmdbuf);
- #ifdef COMMENT
- #ifndef NOSPL
- if (maclvl > -1 && cmdsrc() == 2)
- printf("Macro: %s; ",
- m_arg[maclvl][0] ?
- m_arg[maclvl][0] : "");
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- if (tlevel > -1) {
- printf("Command file: %s, line %dn",
- tfnam[tlevel] ? tfnam[tlevel] : "",
- tfline[tlevel]
- );
- }
- #else
- if (cmdsrc() > 0) {
- printf("Command stack:n");
- shostack();
- }
- #endif /* COMMENT */
- }
- xx = -2;
- }
- }
- topcmd = xx; /* Top-level command index */
- #ifndef NOSPL
- /* Special handling for IF..ELSE */
- if (ifcmd[cmdlvl]) /* Count stmts after IF */
- ifcmd[cmdlvl]++;
- if (ifcmd[cmdlvl] > 2 && xx != XXELS && xx != XXCOM)
- ifcmd[cmdlvl] = 0;
- /* Execute the command and take action based on return code. */
- if (nulcmd) { /* Ignoring this command? */
- xx = XXCOM; /* Make this command a comment. */
- }
- fnsuccess = 1; /* For catching function() errors */
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- zz = docmd(xx); /* Parse rest of command & execute. */
- #ifndef NOSPL
- if (fnerror && !fnsuccess)
- success = 0;
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- debug(F101,"docmd returns","",zz);
- debug(F110,"cmdbuf",cmdbuf,"");
- debug(F110,"atmbuf",atmbuf,"");
- #ifdef CK_RECALL
- if (zz < 0 && cmflgs == 1)
- addcmd(cmdbuf);
- #endif /* CK_RECALL */
- #ifdef MAC
- if (tlevel > -1) {
- if (sstate == 'a') { /* if cmd-. cancel */
- debug(F110, "parser: cancel take, sstate:", "a", 0);
- sstate = ' ';
- dostop();
- return(0); /* End of init file or whatever. */
- }
- }
- #endif /* MAC */
- switch (zz) {
- case -4: /* EOF (e.g. on redirected stdin) */
- doexit(GOOD_EXIT,xitsta); /* ...exit successfully */
- case -1: /* Reparse needed */
- repars = 1; /* Just set reparse flag and... */
- continue;
- #ifdef OS2
- case -7: /* They typed a disk letter */
- if (!zchdir((char *)cmdbuf)) {
- perror((char *)cmdbuf);
- success = 0;
- } else success = 1;
- repars = 0;
- continue;
- #endif /* OS2 */
- case -6: /* Invalid command given w/no args */
- case -2: /* Invalid command given w/args */
- #ifdef COMMENT
- #ifndef NOSPL
- /* This is going to be really ugly... */
- yy = mlook(mactab,atmbuf,nmac); /* Look in macro table */
- if (yy > -1) { /* If it's there */
- if (zz == -2) { /* insert "do" */
- char *mp;
- mp = malloc((int)strlen(cmdbuf) + 5);
- if (!mp) {
- printf("?malloc error 1n");
- return(-2);
- }
- sprintf(mp,"do %s ",cmdbuf);
- strcpy(cmdbuf,mp);
- free(mp);
- mp = NULL;
- } else sprintf(cmdbuf,"do %s %c",atmbuf, CR);
- if (ifcmd[cmdlvl] == 2) /* This one doesn't count! */
- ifcmd[cmdlvl]--;
- debug(F111,"stuff cmdbuf",cmdbuf,zz);
- repars = 1; /* Go for reparse */
- continue;
- } else {
- char *p;
- int n;
- p = cmdbuf;
- lp = line;
- if (cmflgs == 0) printf("n");
- if (zzstring(p,&lp,&n) > -1)
- printf("?Invalid: %sn",line);
- else
- printf("?Invalid: %sn",cmdbuf);
- } /* (fall thru...) */
- #else
- printf("?Invalid: %sn",cmdbuf);
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- #else /* Not COMMENT */
- printf("?Invalid: %sn",cmdbuf);
- #endif /* COMMENT */
- case -9: /* Bad, error message already done */
- success = 0;
- debug(F110,"top-level cmkey failed",cmdbuf,0);
- /* If in background w/ commands coming stdin, terminate */
- if (pflag == 0 && tlevel < 0)
- fatal("Kermit command error in background execution");
- /*
- Command retry feature, edit 190. If we're at interactive prompting level,
- reprompt the user with as much of the command as didn't fail.
- */
- #ifdef CK_RECALL
- if (cm_retry && !cmdsrc()) { /* If at top level */
- int len;
- char *p, *s;
- len = strlen(cmdbuf); /* Length of command buffer */
- p = malloc(len + 1); /* Allocate space for copy */
- if (p) { /* If we got the space */
- strcpy(p,cmdbuf); /* copy the command buffer. */
- /* Chop off final field, the one that failed. */
- s = p + len - 1; /* Point to end */
- while (*s == SP && s > p) /* Trim blanks */
- s--;
- while (*s != SP && s > p) /* Trim last field */
- s--;
- if (s > p) /* Keep the space */
- s++; /* after last good field */
- if (s >= p) /* Cut off remainder */
- *s = NUL;
- cmini(ckxech); /* Reinitialize the parser */
- strcpy(cmdbuf,p); /* Copy truncated cmd back */
- free(p); /* Free temporary storage */
- p = NULL;
- prompt(xxstring); /* Reprint the prompt */
- printf("%s",cmdbuf); /* Reprint partial command */
- repars = 1; /* Force reparse */
- continue;
- }
- } else
- #endif /* CK_RECALL */
- if (!quiet) {
- #ifdef COMMENT
- #ifndef NOSPL
- if (maclvl > -1)
- printf("Macro: %s; ",
- m_arg[maclvl][0] ?
- m_arg[maclvl][0] : "");
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- if (tlevel > -1)
- printf("Command file: %s, line %dn",
- tfnam[tlevel] ? tfnam[tlevel] : "",
- tfline[tlevel]
- );
- #else
- if (cmdsrc() > 0) {
- printf("Command stack:n");
- shostack();
- }
- #endif /* COMMENT */
- }
- cmini(ckxech); /* (fall thru) */
- case -3: /* Empty command OK at top level */
- repars = 0; /* Don't need to reparse. */
- continue; /* Go back and get another command. */
- default: /* Command was successful. */
- #ifndef NOSPL
- debug(F101,"parser preparing to continue","",maclvl);
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- repars = 0; /* Don't need to reparse. */
- continue; /* Go back and get another command. */
- }
- }
- #ifndef NOSPL
- debug(F101,"parser breaks out of while loop","",maclvl);
- if (m && (cmdlvl < inlevel)) return((int) sstate);
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- }
- /* Got an action command, return start state. */
- return((int) sstate);
- }
- #ifndef NOSPL
- /*
- OUTPUT command.
- Buffering and pacing added by L.I. Kirby, 5A(189), June 1993.
- */
- #define OBSIZE 80 /* Size of local character buffer */
- static int obn; /* Buffer offset (high water mark) */
- static char obuf[OBSIZE+1]; /* OUTPUT buffer. */
- static char *obp; /* Pointer to output buffer. */
- _PROTOTYP( static int oboc, (char) );
- _PROTOTYP( static int xxout, (char *, int) );
- static int
- #ifdef CK_ANSIC
- xxout(char *obuf, int obsize)
- #else
- xxout(obuf, obsize) char *obuf; int obsize;
- #endif /* CK_ANSIC */
- /* xxout */ { /* OUTPUT command's output function */
- int i, rc;
- debug(F101,"xxout obsize","",obsize);
- debug(F101,"xxout pacing","",pacing);
- debug(F111,"xxout string",obuf,strlen(obuf));
- rc = 0; /* Initial return code. */
- if (!obuf || (obsize <= 0)) /* Nothing to output. */
- goto xxout_x; /* Return successfully */
- rc = -1; /* Now assume failure */
- if (pacing == 0) { /* Is pacing enabled? */
- if ((local ? /* No, write entire string at once */
- ttol((CHAR *)obuf, obsize) : /* to communications device */
- conxo(obsize, obuf)) /* or to console */
- != obsize)
- goto xxout_x;
- } else {
- for (i = 0; i < obsize; i++) { /* Write individual chars */
- if ((local ? ttoc(obuf[i]) : conoc(obuf[i])) < 0)
- goto xxout_x;
- msleep(pacing);
- }
- }
- if (duplex) {
- #ifdef OS2
- if (inecho && local) {
- for (i = 0; i < obsize; i++) { /* Write to emulator */
- scriptwrtbuf((USHORT)obuf[i]); /* which also logs session */
- }
- conxo(obsize,obuf);
- } else if (seslog) { /* or log session here */
- logstr((char *) obuf, obsize);
- }
- #else /* OS2 */
- if (seslog) {
- logstr((char *) obuf, obsize);
- }
- if (inecho && local) {
- conxo(obsize,obuf);
- }
- #endif /* OS2 */
- }
- rc = 0; /* Success */
- xxout_x:
- obn = 0; /* Reset count */
- obp = obuf; /* and pointers */
- return(rc); /* return our return code */
- }
- #ifdef COMMENT
- /*
- Macros for OUTPUT command execution, to make it go faster.
- */
- #define obfls() ((xxout(obuf,obn)<0)?-1:0)
- #define oboc(c) ((*obp++=(char)(c)),*obp=0,(((++obn)>=OBSIZE)?obfls():0))
- #else /* The macros cause some compilers to generate bad code. */
- static int
- #ifdef CK_ANSIC
- oboc(char c)
- #else
- oboc(c) char c;
- #endif /* CK_ANSIC */
- /* oboc */ { /* OUTPUT command's output function */
- *obp++ = c; /* Deposit character */
- *obp = NUL; /* Flush buffer if it's now full */
- return(((++obn) >= OBSIZE) ? xxout(obuf,obn) : 0);
- }
- #endif /* COMMENT */
- /* Routines for handling local variables -- also see popclvl(). */
- freelocal(m) int m; { /* Free local variables */
- struct localvar * v, * tv; /* at macro level m... */
- debug(F101,"freelocal level","",m);
- if (m < 0) return;
- v = localhead[m]; /* List head for level m */
- while (v) {
- if (v->lv_name) /* Variable name */
- free(v->lv_name);
- if (v->lv_value) /* Value */
- free(v->lv_value);
- tv = v; /* Save pointer to this node */
- v = v->lv_next; /* Get next one */
- if (tv) /* Free this one */
- free(tv);
- }
- localhead[m] = (struct localvar *) NULL; /* Done, set list head to NULL */
- }
- #define MAXLOCALVAR 64
- int
- dolocal() { /* Do the LOCAL command */
- int i, x, z;
- char * s, * p;
- char * list[MAXLOCALVAR+2]; /* Up to 64 variables per line */
- int fe;
- struct localvar * v, *prev = (struct localvar *)NULL;
- extern int tra_asg; int tra_tmp;
- tra_tmp = tra_asg;
- if ((x = cmtxt("Variable name(s)","",&s,NULL)) < 0)
- return(x);
- xwords(s,MAXLOCALVAR,list,0); /* Break up line into "words" */
- /*
- loop thru variable list.
- if variable is defined, allocate a node for it,
- copy its value to the node,
- and undefine it.
- */
- if (v = localhead[cmdlvl]) { /* Already have some at this level? */
- while (v) { /* Find end of list */
- prev = v;
- v = v->lv_next;
- }
- }
- /* Note: Arrays do not use the localhead list, but have their own stack */
- for (i = 1; i < MAXLOCALVAR && list[i]; i++) { /* Go through the list */
- p = list[i]; /* This element */
- if (*p == CMDQ) { /* Starts with backslash? */
- int xx;
- if (*(p+1) == '&') { /* Array? */
- xx = arraynam(p,&x,&z); /* Check name but not whether it */
- if (xx < 0 && z != -17) /* is defined. */
- continue;
- if (z == -17) z = 0; /* Secret code for empty brackets */
- pusharray(x,z); /* It's an array name, push it */
- continue;
- } else if (parsevar(p,&x,&z) < 0) /* Variable other than array */
- continue;
- sprintf(tmpbuf,"\fcontents(%s)",p); /* Get definition */
- } else { /* Macro */
- sprintf(tmpbuf,"\fdefinition(%s)",p); /* Get def */
- }
- debug(F110,"dolocal tmpbuf",tmpbuf,0);
- s = line; /* Point to destination buffer */
- x = LINBUFSIZ; /* Length of destination buffer */
- zzstring(tmpbuf,&s,&x); /* Get definition */
- debug(F110,"dolocal line",line,0);
- /* Name is in list[i], definition is in line[] */
- v = (struct localvar *) malloc(sizeof(struct localvar));
- if (!v) {
- printf("?Failure to allocate storage for local variables");
- return(-9);
- }
- if (!localhead[cmdlvl]) /* If first, set list head */
- localhead[cmdlvl] = v;
- else /* Otherwise link previous to this */
- prev->lv_next = v;
- prev = v; /* And make this previous */
- v->lv_next = (struct localvar *) NULL; /* No next yet */
- if (!(v->lv_name = (char *) malloc((int) strlen(list[i]) + 1)))
- goto localbad;
- strcpy(v->lv_name, list[i]); /* Copy name into new node */
- if (*line) {
- if (!(v->lv_value = (char *) malloc((int) strlen(line) + 1)))
- goto localbad;
- strcpy(v->lv_value, line); /* Copy value into new node */
- } else
- v->lv_value = NULL;
- tra_asg = 0;
- delmac(list[i]); /* Delete the original macro */
- tra_asg = tra_tmp;
- }
- return(success = 1);
- localbad:
- printf("?Failure to allocate storage for local variables");
- freelocal(cmdlvl);
- return(-9);
- }
- /* D O O U T P U T -- Returns 0 on failure, 1 on success */
- #ifndef NOKVERBS
- #define K_BUFLEN 30
- #define SEND_BUFLEN 255
- #define sendbufd(x) { osendbuf[sendndx++] = x;
- if (sendndx == SEND_BUFLEN) {dooutput(s,cx); sendndx = 0;}}
- #endif /* NOKVERBS */
- int outesc = 1; /* Process special OUTPUT escapes */
- int
- dooutput(s, cx) char *s; int cx; {
- int x, xx, y, quote; /* Workers */
- int is_tn = 0;
- is_tn = (local && network && ttnproto == NP_TELNET) ||
- (!local && sstelnet);
- debug(F111,"dooutput s",s,(int)strlen(s));
- if (local) { /* Condition external line */
- #ifdef NOLOCAL
- goto outerr;
- #else
- if (ttchk() < 0) {
- printf("?Connection %s %s is not open.n",
- network ? "to" : "on",
- ttname
- );
- return(0);
- }
- if (ttvt(speed,flow) < 0) {
- printf("?OUTPUT initialization errorn");
- return(0);
- }
- #endif /* NOLOCAL */
- }
- if (!cmdgquo()) { /* COMMAND QUOTING OFF */
- x = strlen(s); /* Just send the string literally */
- xx = local ? ttol((CHAR *)s,x) : conxo(x,s);
- return(success = (xx == x) ? 1 : 0);
- }
- quote = 0; /* Initialize backslash () quote */
- obn = 0; /* Reset count */
- obp = obuf; /* and pointers */
- outagain:
- while (x = *s++) { /* Loop through the string */
- y = 0; /* Error code, 0 = no error. */
- debug(F000,"dooutput","",x);
- if (quote) { /* This character is quoted */
- #ifndef NOKVERBS
- if (x == 'k' || x == 'K') { /* k or K */
- extern struct keytab kverbs[];
- extern int nkverbs;
- extern char * keydefptr;
- extern int keymac;
- extern int keymacx;
- int x, y, brace = 0;
- int pause;
- char * p, * b;
- char kbuf[K_BUFLEN + 1]; /* Key verb name buffer */
- char osendbuf[SEND_BUFLEN +1];
- int sendndx = 0;
- if (xxout(obuf,obn) < 0) /* Flush buffer */
- goto outerr;
- debug(F100,"OUTPUT KVERB","",0); /* Send a KVERB */
- { /* Have K verb? */
- if (!*s) {
- break;
- }
- /*
- We assume that the verb name is {braced}, or it extends to the end of the
- string, s, or it ends with a space, control character, or backslash.
- */
- p = kbuf; /* Copy verb name into local buffer */
- x = 0;
- while ((x++ < K_BUFLEN) && (*s > SP) && (*s != CMDQ)) {
- if (brace && *s == '}') {
- break;
- }
- *p++ = *s++;
- }
- if (*s && !brace) /* If we broke because of , etc, */
- s--; /* back up so we get another look. */
- brace = 0;
- *p = NUL; /* Terminate. */
- p = kbuf; /* Point back to beginning */
- debug(F110,"dooutput kverb",p,0);
- y = xlookup(kverbs,p,nkverbs,&x); /* Look it up */
- debug(F101,"dooutput lookup",0,y);
- if (y > -1) {
- if (sendndx) {
- dooutput(osendbuf,cx);
- sendndx = 0;
- }
- dokverb(VCMD,y);
- #ifndef NOSPL
- } else { /* Is it a macro? */
- y = mxlook(mactab,p,nmac);
- if (y > -1) {
- cmpush();
- keymac = 1; /* Flag for key macro active */
- keymacx = y; /* Key macro index */
- keydefptr = s; /* Where to resume next time */
- debug(F111,"dooutput mxlook",keydefptr,y);
- parser(1);
- cmpop();
- }
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- }
- }
- quote = 0;
- continue;
- } else
- #endif /* NOKVERBS */
- if (outesc && (x == 'n' || x == 'N')) { /* n or N */
- if (xxout(obuf,obn) < 0) /* Flush buffer */
- goto outerr;
- debug(F100,"OUTPUT NUL","",0); /* Send a NUL */
- if (local)
- ttoc(NUL);
- else
- conoc(NUL);
- quote = 0;
- continue;
- } else if (outesc && (x == 'b' || x == 'B')) { /* b or B */
- if (xxout(obuf,obn) < 0) /* Flush buffer first */
- goto outerr;
- debug(F100,"OUTPUT BREAK","",0);
- #ifndef NOLOCAL
- ttsndb(); /* Send BREAK signal */
- #else
- if (local)
- ttoc(NUL);
- else
- conoc(NUL);
- #endif /* NOLOCAL */
- quote = 0; /* Turn off quote flag */
- continue; /* and not the b or B */
- #ifdef CK_LBRK
- } else if (outesc && (x == 'l' || x == 'L')) { /* l or L */
- if (xxout(obuf,obn) < 0) /* Flush buffer first */
- goto outerr;
- debug(F100,"OUTPUT Long BREAK","",0);
- #ifndef NOLOCAL
- ttsndlb(); /* Send Long BREAK signal */
- #else
- if (local)
- ttoc(NUL);
- else
- conoc(NUL);
- #endif /* NOLOCAL */
- quote = 0; /* Turn off quote flag */
- continue; /* and not the l or L */
- #endif /* CK_LBRK */
- } else if (x == CMDQ) { /* Backslash itself */
- debug(F100,"OUTPUT CMDQ","",0);
- xx = oboc(dopar(CMDQ)); /* Output the backslash. */
- if (xx < 0)
- goto outerr;
- quote = 0;
- continue;
- } else { /* if not followed by special esc */
- /* Note: Atari ST compiler won't allow macro call in "if ()" */
- xx = oboc(dopar(CMDQ)); /* Output the backslash. */
- if (xx < 0)
- goto outerr;
- quote = 0; /* Turn off quote flag */
- }
- } else if (x == CMDQ) { /* This is the quote character */
- quote = 1; /* Go back and get next character */
- continue; /* which is quoted */
- }
- xx = oboc(dopar((char)x)); /* Output this character */
- debug(F111,"dooutput",obuf,obn);
- if (xx < 0)
- goto outerr;
- #ifdef COMMENT
- if (seslog && duplex) { /* Log the character if log is on */
- logchar((char)x);
- }
- #endif /* COMMENT */
- if (x == ' 15') { /* String contains carriage return */
- int stuff = -1, stuff2 = -1;
- if (tnlm) { /* TERMINAL NEWLINE ON */
- stuff = LF; /* Stuff LF */
- }
- #ifdef TNCODE
- if (is_tn) {
- tn_b_nlm :
- tn_nlm
- ) {
- case TNL_CR:
- break;
- case TNL_CRNUL:
- stuff2 = stuff;
- stuff = NUL;
- break;
- case TNL_CRLF:
- stuff2 = stuff;
- stuff = LF;
- break;
- }
- }
- #endif /* TNCODE */
- if (stuff > -1) { /* Stuffing another character... */
- xx = oboc(dopar((CHAR)stuff));
- if (xx < 0)
- goto outerr;
- #ifdef COMMENT
- if (seslog && duplex) { /* Log stuffed char if appropriate */
- logchar((char)stuff);
- }
- #endif /* COMMENT */
- }
- if (stuff2 > -1) { /* Stuffing another character... */
- xx = oboc(dopar((CHAR)stuff2));
- if (xx < 0)
- goto outerr;
- #ifdef COMMENT
- if (seslog && duplex) { /* Log stuffed char if appropriate */
- logchar((char)stuff2);
- }
- #endif /* COMMENT */
- }
- if (xxout(obuf,obn) < 0) /* Flushing is required here! */
- goto outerr;
- }
- }
- if (cx == XXLNOUT) {
- s = "