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资源名称:cku197.tar.Z [点击查看]
- char *protv = /* -*-C-*- */
- "C-Kermit Protocol Module 7.0.135, 1 Jan 2000";
- int kactive = 0; /* Kermit protocol is active */
- /* C K C P R O -- C-Kermit Protocol Module, in Wart preprocessor notation. */
- /*
- Author: Frank da Cruz <fdc@columbia.edu>,
- Columbia University Academic Information Systems, New York City.
- Copyright (C) 1985, 2000,
- Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York.
- All rights reserved. See the C-Kermit COPYING.TXT file or the
- copyright text in the ckcmai.c module for disclaimer and permissions.
- */
- #ifndef NOXFER
- #include "ckcsym.h"
- #include "ckcdeb.h"
- #include "ckcasc.h"
- #include "ckcker.h"
- #ifdef OS2
- #ifndef NT
- #define INCL_NOPM
- #define INCL_VIO /* Needed for ckocon.h */
- #include <os2.h>
- #undef COMMENT
- #endif /* NT */
- #include "ckocon.h"
- #endif /* OS2 */
- /*
- Note -- This file may also be preprocessed by the UNIX Lex program, but
- you must indent the above #include statements before using Lex, and then
- restore them to the left margin in the resulting C program before compilation.
- Also, the invocation of the "wart()" function below must be replaced by an
- invocation of the "yylex()" function. It might also be necessary to remove
- comments in the (%)(%)...(%)(%) section.
- */
- /* State definitions for Wart (or Lex) */
- %states ipkt rfile rattr rdpkt ssinit ssfile ssattr ssdata sseof sseot
- %states serve generic get rgen ssopkt ropkt
- _PROTOTYP(static VOID xxproto,(void));
- _PROTOTYP(int wart,(void));
- _PROTOTYP(static int sgetinit,(int,int));
- _PROTOTYP(int sndspace,(int));
- /* External C-Kermit variable declarations */
- extern char *versio, *srvtxt, *cmarg, *cmarg2, **cmlist, *rf_err;
- extern char *cdmsgfile[];
- extern char * snd_move, * snd_rename, * srimsg;
- extern char filnam[], fspec[], ttname[], ofn1[];
- extern CHAR sstate, *srvptr, *data;
- extern int timint, rtimo, nfils, hcflg, xflg, flow, mdmtyp, network;
- extern int oopts, omode, oname, opath, nopush, isguest;
- extern int rejection, moving, fncact, bye_active, urserver, fatalio;
- extern int protocol, prefixing, filcnt, carrier, fnspath, interrupted;
- extern int recursive, inserver, nzxopts, idletmo, srvidl, xfrint;
- extern struct ck_p ptab[];
- extern int remfile, rempipe, xferstat, filestatus, wearealike, fackpath;
- extern char * remdest;
- #define PKTZEROLEN 32
- static char ipktack[PKTZEROLEN];
- static int ipktlen = 0;
- #endif /* PKTZEROHACK */
- static int s_timint = -1; /* For saving timeout value */
- static int havefs = 0;
- #ifdef CK_LOGIN
- static int logtries = 0;
- #endif /* CK_LOGIN */
- #ifdef STREAMING
- extern int streaming, streamok;
- static int cancel = 0;
- int fackbug = 0;
- static VOID
- streamon() {
- if (streamok) {
- debug(F100,"streamon","",0);
- streaming = 1;
- timint = 0; /* No timeouts while streaming. */
- }
- }
- #ifdef COMMENT /* (not used) */
- static VOID
- streamoff() {
- if (streaming) {
- debug(F100,"streamoff","",0);
- streaming = 0;
- timint = s_timint; /* Restore timeout */
- }
- }
- #endif /* COMMENT */
- #else /* STREAMING */
- #define streamon()
- #define streamoff()
- #endif /* STREAMING */
- #ifndef NOSPL
- _PROTOTYP( int addmac, (char *, char *) );
- _PROTOTYP( int zzstring, (char *, char **, int *) );
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- #ifndef NOICP
- _PROTOTYP( int cmdsrc, (void) );
- #endif /* NOICP */
- #ifndef NOSERVER
- extern char * x_user, * x_passwd, * x_acct;
- extern int x_login, x_logged;
- #endif /* NOSERVER */
- #ifdef CK_SPEED
- extern int ttnproto; /* Network protocol */
- extern short ctlp[]; /* Control-character prefix table */
- #endif /* CK_SPEED */
- #include "ckcnet.h"
- #ifdef TNCODE
- extern int tn_b_nlm, tn_b_xfer, tn_nlm;
- extern int tn_no_encrypt_xfer;
- #endif /* CK_ENCRYPTION */
- #endif /* TNCODE */
- #ifdef TCPSOCKET
- #ifndef NOLISTEN
- extern int tcpsrfd;
- #endif /* NOLISTEN */
- #endif /* TCPSOCKET */
- extern int cxseen, czseen, server, srvdis, local, displa, bctu, bctr, bctl;
- extern int quiet, tsecs, parity, backgrd, nakstate, atcapu, wslotn, winlo;
- extern int wslots, success, xitsta, rprintf, discard, cdtimo, keep, fdispla;
- extern int timef, stdinf, rscapu, sendmode, epktflg, epktrcvd, epktsent;
- extern int binary, fncnv;
- extern long speed, ffc, crc16, calibrate, dest;
- #ifdef COMMENT
- extern char *TYPCMD, *DIRCMD, *DIRCM2;
- #endif /* COMMENT */
- #ifndef OS2
- extern char *SPACMD, *SPACM2, *WHOCMD;
- #endif /* OS2 */
- extern CHAR *rdatap;
- extern struct zattr iattr;
- #ifdef VMS
- extern int batch;
- #endif /* VMS */
- #ifdef GFTIMER
- extern CKFLOAT fptsecs;
- #endif /* GFTIMER */
- extern CHAR *srvcmd;
- extern CHAR *epktmsg;
- #ifdef CK_TMPDIR
- extern int f_tmpdir; /* Directory changed temporarily */
- extern char savdir[]; /* For saving current directory */
- extern char * dldir;
- #endif /* CK_TMPDIR */
- extern int query; /* Query-active flag */
- #ifndef NOSPL
- extern int cmdlvl;
- char querybuf[QBUFL+1] = { NUL, NUL }; /* QUERY response buffer */
- char *qbufp = querybuf; /* Pointer to it */
- int qbufn = 0; /* Length of data in it */
- #else
- extern int tlevel;
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- #ifndef NOICP
- extern int escape;
- #endif /* NOICP */
- /*
- If the following flag is nonzero when the protocol module is entered,
- then server mode persists for exactly one transaction, rather than
- looping until BYE or FINISH is received.
- */
- extern int justone;
- static int r_save = -1;
- static int p_save = -1;
- static VOID
- rdebug() {
- if (server)
- debug(F111,"RESUME","server=1",justone);
- else
- debug(F111,"RESUME","server=0",justone);
- }
- /* Flags for the ENABLE and DISABLE commands */
- extern int
- en_cpy, en_cwd, en_del, en_dir, en_fin, en_get, en_bye, en_mai, en_pri,
- en_hos, en_ren, en_sen, en_spa, en_set, en_typ, en_who, en_ret, en_xit,
- en_mkd, en_rmd;
- #ifndef NOSPL
- extern int en_asg, en_que;
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- extern int what, lastxfer;
- /* Global variables declared here */
- int whatru = 0; /* What are you. */
- int whatru2 = 0; /* What are you, cont'd. */
- /* Local variables */
- static char vstate = 0; /* Saved State */
- static char vcmd = 0; /* Saved Command */
- static int reget = 0; /* Flag for executing REGET */
- static int retrieve = 0; /* Flag for executing RETRIEVE */
- static int opkt = 0; /* Send Extended GET packet */
- static int x; /* General-purpose integer */
- static char *s; /* General-purpose string pointer */
- /* Macros - Note, BEGIN is predefined by Wart (and Lex) as "state = ", */
- /* BEGIN is NOT a GOTO! */
- #define TINIT if (tinit(1) < 0) return(-9)
- #define SERVE { TINIT; resetc(); nakstate=1; what=W_NOTHING; cmarg2="";
- sendmode=SM_SEND; havefs=0; recursive=r_save; fnspath=p_save; BEGIN serve; }
- #define RESUME { rdebug(); if (!server) { return(0); } else
- if (justone) { justone=0; return(0); } else { SERVE; } }
- #ifdef GFTIMER
- #define QUIT x=quiet; quiet=1; clsif(); clsof(1); tsecs=gtimer();
- fptsecs=gftimer(); quiet=x; return(success)
- #else
- #define QUIT x=quiet; quiet=1; clsif(); clsof(1); tsecs=gtimer(); quiet=x;
- return(success)
- #endif /* GFTIMER */
- /*
- By late 1999, the big switch() statement generated from the following state
- table began choking even gcc, so here we extract the code from the larger
- states into static void routines to reduce the size of the cases and the
- switch() overall. The routines follow the state table; the prototypes are
- here. Each of these routines simply contains the text from the
- corresponding case, but with return(-1) added in appropriate places; see
- instructions after the state table switcher.
- */
- static int rc; /* Return code for these routines */
- static int rcv_s_pkt(); /* Received an S packet */
- static int rcv_firstdata(); /* Received first Data packet */
- static int rcv_shortreply(); /* Short reply to a REMOTE command */
- static int srv_query(); /* Server answers an query */
- static int srv_copy(); /* Server executes REMOTE COPY */
- static int srv_rename(); /* Server executes REMOTE RENAME */
- static int srv_login(); /* Server executes REMOTE LOGIN */
- static int srv_timeout(); /* Server times out */
- %%
- /*
- Protocol entry points, one for each start state (sstate).
- The lowercase letters are internal "inputs" from the user interface.
- NOTE: The start state letters that appear on the left margin immediately
- below can NOT be used as packet types OR as G-packet subcodes.
- */
- s { TINIT; /* Send file(s) */
- if (sinit() > 0) BEGIN ssinit;
- else RESUME; }
- v { TINIT; nakstate = 1; BEGIN get; } /* Receive file(s) */
- r { /* Client sends a GET command */
- vstate = get;
- reget = 0;
- retrieve = 0;
- opkt = 0;
- vcmd = 0;
- ipktack[0] = NUL;
- #endif /* PKTZEROHACK */
- if (sipkt('I') >= 0)
- BEGIN ipkt;
- else
- }
- h { /* Client sends a RETRIEVE command */
- vstate = get;
- reget = 0;
- retrieve = 1;
- opkt = 0;
- vcmd = 0;
- if (sipkt('I') >= 0)
- BEGIN ipkt;
- else
- }
- j { /* Client sends a REGET command */
- vstate = get;
- reget = 1;
- retrieve = 0;
- opkt = 0;
- vcmd = 0;
- if (sipkt('I') >= 0)
- BEGIN ipkt;
- else
- }
- o { /* Client sends Extended GET Packet */
- vstate = get;
- reget = oopts & GOPT_RES;
- retrieve = oopts & GOPT_DEL;
- opkt = 1;
- vcmd = 0;
- if (sipkt('I') >= 0)
- BEGIN ipkt;
- else
- }
- c { /* Client sends a Host command */
- vstate = rgen;
- vcmd = 'C';
- if (sipkt('I') >= 0)
- BEGIN ipkt;
- else
- }
- k { TINIT; /* Client sends a Kermit command */
- vstate = rgen;
- vcmd = 'K';
- if (sipkt('I') >= 0)
- BEGIN ipkt;
- else
- }
- g { /* Client sends a REMOTE command */
- vstate = rgen;
- vcmd = 'G';
- if (sipkt('I') >= 0)
- BEGIN ipkt;
- else
- }
- x { /* Enter server mode */
- int x;
- x = justone;
- if (!ENABLED(en_del)) { /* If DELETE is disabled */
- if (fncact == XYFX_B || /* undo any file collision action */
- fncact == XYFX_U || /* that could result in deletion or */
- fncact == XYFX_A || /* modification of existing files. */
- fncact == XYFX_X) {
- #ifndef NOICP
- extern int g_fncact;
- g_fncact = fncact; /* Save current setting */
- #endif /* NOICP */
- fncact = XYFX_R; /* Change to RENAME */
- debug(F101,"server DELETE disabled so fncact RENAME","",fncact);
- }
- }
- SERVE; /* tinit() clears justone... */
- justone = x;
- #ifdef IKSDB
- if (ikdbopen) slotstate(what, "SERVER", "", "");
- #endif /* IKSDB */
- }
- a {
- int b1 = 0, b2 = 0;
- if (!data) TINIT; /* "ABEND" -- Tell other side. */
- #ifndef pdp11
- if (epktflg) { /* If because of E-PACKET command */
- b1 = bctl; b2 = bctu; /* Save block check type */
- bctl = bctu = 1; /* set it to 1 */
- }
- #endif /* pdp11 */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"User cancelled"); /* Send the packet */
- #ifndef pdp11
- if (epktflg) { /* Restore the block check */
- epktflg = 0;
- bctl = b1; bctu = b2;
- }
- #endif /* pdp11 */
- success = 0;
- return(0); /* Return from protocol. */
- }
- /*
- Dynamic states: <current-states>input-character { action }
- nakstate != 0 means we're in a receiving state, in which we send ACKs & NAKs.
- */
- <rgen,get,serve,ropkt>S { /* Receive Send-Init packet. */
- rc = rcv_s_pkt();
- debug(F101,"rcv_s_pkt","",rc);
- if (rc > -1) return(rc); /* (see below) */
- }
- /* States in which we get replies back from commands sent to a server. */
- /* Complicated because direction of protocol changes, packet number */
- /* stays at zero through I-G-S sequence, and complicated even more by */
- /* sliding windows buffer allocation. */
- <ipkt>Y { /* Get ack for I-packet */
- int x = 0;
- ckstrncpy(ipktack,(char *)rdatap,PKTZEROLEN); /* Save a copy of the ACK */
- ipktlen = strlen(ipktack);
- #endif /* PKTZEROHACK */
- spar(rdatap); /* Set parameters */
- winlo = 0; /* Set window-low back to zero */
- debug(F101,"<ipkt>Y winlo","",winlo);
- urserver = 1; /* So I know I'm talking to a server */
- if (vcmd) { /* If sending a generic command */
- if (tinit(0) < 0) return(-9); /* Initialize many things */
- x = scmd(vcmd,(CHAR *)cmarg); /* Do that */
- if (x >= 0) x = 0; /* (because of O-Packet) */
- debug(F101,"proto G packet scmd","",x);
- vcmd = 0; /* and then un-remember it. */
- } else if (vstate == get) {
- debug(F101,"REGET sstate","",sstate);
- x = srinit(reget, retrieve, opkt); /* GET or REGET, etc */
- }
- if (x < 0) { /* If command was too long */
- if (!srimsg)
- srimsg = "Error sending string";
- errpkt((CHAR *)srimsg); /* cancel both sides. */
- success = 0;
- } else if (x > 0) { /* Need to send more O-Packets */
- BEGIN ssopkt;
- } else {
- rtimer(); /* Reset the elapsed seconds timer. */
- #ifdef GFTIMER
- rftimer();
- #endif /* GFTIMER */
- winlo = 0; /* Window back to 0, again. */
- debug(F101,"<ipkt>Y vstate","",vstate);
- nakstate = 1; /* Can send NAKs from here. */
- BEGIN vstate; /* Switch to desired state */
- }
- }
- <ssopkt>Y { /* Got ACK to O-Packet */
- debug(F100,"CPCPRO <ssopkt>Y","",0);
- x = sopkt();
- debug(F101,"CPCPRO <ssopkt>Y x","",x);
- if (x < 0) { /* If error */
- errpkt((CHAR *)srimsg); /* cancel both sides. */
- success = 0;
- } else if (x == 0) { /* This was the last O-Packet */
- rtimer(); /* Reset the elapsed seconds timer. */
- #ifdef GFTIMER
- rftimer();
- #endif /* GFTIMER */
- winlo = 0; /* Window back to 0, again. */
- debug(F101,"<ssopkt>Y winlo","",winlo);
- nakstate = 1; /* Can send NAKs from here. */
- BEGIN vstate; /* Switch to desired state */
- }
- debug(F101,"CPCPRO <ssopkt>Y not changing state","",x);
- }
- <ipkt>E { /* Ignore Error reply to I packet */
- int x = 0;
- winlo = 0; /* Set window-low back to zero */
- debug(F101,"<ipkt>E winlo","",winlo);
- if (vcmd) { /* In case other Kermit doesn't */
- if (tinit(0) < 0) return(-9);
- x = scmd(vcmd,(CHAR *)cmarg); /* understand I-packets. */
- if (x >= 0) x = 0; /* (because of O-Packet) */
- vcmd = 0; /* Otherwise act as above... */
- } else if (vstate == get) x = srinit(reget, retrieve, opkt);
- if (x < 0) { /* If command was too long */
- errpkt((CHAR *)srimsg); /* cancel both sides. */
- success = 0;
- } else if (x > 0) { /* Need to send more O-Packets */
- BEGIN ssopkt;
- } else {
- winlo = 0; /* Back to packet 0 again. */
- debug(F101,"<ipkt>E winlo","",winlo);
- freerpkt(winlo); /* Discard the Error packet. */
- nakstate = 1; /* Can send NAKs from here. */
- BEGIN vstate;
- }
- }
- <get>Y { /* Resend of previous I-pkt ACK, same seq number! */
- srinit(reget, retrieve, opkt); /* Send the GET packet again. */
- }
- /* States in which we're being a server */
- <serve,get>I { /* Get I-packet */
- #ifndef NOSERVER
- spar(rdatap); /* Set parameters from it */
- ack1(rpar()); /* Respond with our own parameters */
- #ifdef COMMENT
- pktinit(); /* Reinitialize packet numbers */
- #else
- #ifdef COMMENT
- /* This can't be right - it undoes the stuff we just negotiated */
- x = justone;
- tinit(1); /* Reinitialize EVERYTHING */
- justone = x; /* But this... */
- #else
- tinit(0); /* Initialize most things */
- #endif /* COMMENT */
- #endif /* COMMENT */
- #endif /* NOSERVER */
- }
- <serve>R { /* GET */
- #ifndef NOSERVER
- if (x_login && !x_logged) {
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Login required");
- } else if (sgetinit(0,0) < 0) {
- } else {
- #ifdef CKSYSLOG
- if (ckxsyslog >= SYSLG_PR && ckxlogging)
- cksyslog(SYSLG_PR, 1, "server", "GET", (char *)srvcmd);
- #endif /* CKSYSLOG */
- BEGIN ssinit;
- }
- #endif /* NOSERVER */
- }
- <serve>H { /* GET /DELETE (RETRIEVE) */
- #ifndef NOSERVER
- if (x_login && !x_logged) {
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Login required");
- } else if (!ENABLED(en_del)) {
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Deleting files is disabled");
- } else if (sgetinit(0,0) < 0) {
- } else {
- moving = 1;
- #ifdef CKSYSLOG
- if (ckxsyslog >= SYSLG_PR && ckxlogging)
- cksyslog(SYSLG_PR, 1, "server", "GET /DELETE", (char *)srvcmd);
- #endif /* CKSYSLOG */
- BEGIN ssinit;
- }
- #endif /* NOSERVER */
- }
- <serve>V { /* GET /RECURSIVE */
- #ifndef NOSERVER
- recursive = 1; /* Set these before sgetinit() */
- if (fnspath == PATH_OFF)
- fnspath = PATH_REL; /* Don't worry, they will be */
- if (x_login && !x_logged) { /* reset next time through. */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Login required");
- } else if (sgetinit(0,0) < 0) {
- } else {
- #ifdef CKSYSLOG
- if (ckxsyslog >= SYSLG_PR && ckxlogging)
- cksyslog(SYSLG_PR, 1, "server", "GET /RECURSIVE", (char *)srvcmd);
- #endif /* CKSYSLOG */
- BEGIN ssinit;
- }
- #endif /* NOSERVER */
- }
- <serve>W { /* GET /RECURSIVE /DELETE */
- #ifndef NOSERVER
- recursive = 1; /* Set these before sgetinit() */
- if (fnspath == PATH_OFF)
- fnspath = PATH_REL; /* Don't worry, they will be */
- moving = 1; /* reset next time through. */
- if (x_login && !x_logged) {
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Login required");
- } else if (!ENABLED(en_del)) {
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Deleting files is disabled");
- } else if (sgetinit(0,0) < 0) {
- } else {
- #ifdef CKSYSLOG
- if (ckxsyslog >= SYSLG_PR && ckxlogging)
- cksyslog(SYSLG_PR,1,"server",
- "GET /RECURSIVE /DELETE",(char *)srvcmd);
- #endif /* CKSYSLOG */
- BEGIN ssinit;
- }
- #endif /* NOSERVER */
- }
- <serve>J { /* GET /RECOVER (REGET) */
- #ifndef NOSERVER
- if (x_login && !x_logged) {
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Login required");
- } else if (sgetinit(1,0) < 0) {
- } else {
- #ifdef CKSYSLOG
- if (ckxsyslog >= SYSLG_PR && ckxlogging)
- cksyslog(SYSLG_PR, 1, "server", "GET /RECOVER", (char *)srvcmd);
- #endif /* CKSYSLOG */
- BEGIN ssinit;
- }
- #endif /* NOSERVER */
- }
- <serve>O { /* Extended GET */
- #ifndef NOSERVER
- if (x_login && !x_logged) { /* (any combination of options) */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Login required");
- } else if ((x = sgetinit(0,1)) < 0) {
- debug(F101,"CKCPRO <serve>O sgetinit fail","",x);
- } else if (x == 0) {
- debug(F101,"CKCPRO <serve>O sgetinit done","",x);
- #ifdef CKSYSLOG
- if (ckxsyslog >= SYSLG_PR && ckxlogging)
- cksyslog(SYSLG_PR, 1, "server", "EXTENDED GET", (char *)srvcmd);
- #endif /* CKSYSLOG */
- BEGIN ssinit;
- } else { /* Otherwise stay in this state */
- debug(F101,"CKCPRO <serve>O sgetinit TBC","",x);
- ack();
- BEGIN ropkt;
- }
- #endif /* NOSERVER */
- }
- <ropkt>O {
- #ifndef NOSERVER
- if (x_login && !x_logged) { /* (any combination of options) */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Login required");
- } else if ((x = sgetinit(0,1)) < 0) {
- debug(F101,"CKCPRO <ropkt>O sgetinit fail","",x);
- } else if (x == 0) {
- debug(F101,"CKCPRO <ropkt>O sgetinit done","",x);
- #ifdef CKSYSLOG
- if (ckxsyslog >= SYSLG_PR && ckxlogging)
- cksyslog(SYSLG_PR, 1, "server", "EXTENDED GET", (char *)srvcmd);
- #endif /* CKSYSLOG */
- BEGIN ssinit;
- } else { /* Otherwise stay in this state */
- debug(F101,"CKCPRO <ropkt>O sgetinit TBC","",x);
- ack();
- }
- #endif /* NOSERVER */
- }
- <serve>G { /* Generic server command */
- #ifndef NOSERVER
- srvptr = srvcmd; /* Point to command buffer */
- decode(rdatap,putsrv,0); /* Decode packet data into it */
- putsrv(NUL); /* Insert a couple nulls */
- putsrv(NUL); /* for termination */
- if (srvcmd[0]) {
- sstate = srvcmd[0]; /* Set requested start state */
- if (x_login && !x_logged && /* Login required? */
- /* Login, Logout, and Help are allowed when not logged in */
- sstate != 'I' && sstate != 'L' && sstate != 'H') {
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Login required");
- } else {
- nakstate = 0; /* Now I'm the sender. */
- what = W_REMO; /* Doing a REMOTE command. */
- #ifdef STREAMING
- if (!streaming)
- #endif /* STREAMING */
- if (timint < 1)
- timint = chktimo(rtimo,timef); /* Switch to per-packet timer */
- binary = XYFT_T; /* Switch to text mode */
- BEGIN generic; /* Switch to generic command state */
- }
- } else {
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Badly formed server command"); /* report error */
- RESUME; /* & go back to server command wait */
- }
- #endif /* NOSERVER */
- }
- <serve>C { /* Receive Host command */
- #ifndef NOSERVER
- if (x_login && !x_logged) {
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Login required");
- } else if (!ENABLED(en_hos)) {
- errpkt((CHAR *)"REMOTE HOST disabled");
- } else if (nopush) {
- errpkt((CHAR *)"HOST commands not available");
- } else {
- srvptr = srvcmd; /* Point to command buffer */
- decode(rdatap,putsrv,0); /* Decode command packet into it */
- putsrv(NUL); /* Null-terminate */
- nakstate = 0; /* Now sending, not receiving */
- binary = XYFT_T; /* Switch to text mode */
- if (syscmd((char *)srvcmd,"")) { /* Try to execute the command */
- what = W_REMO; /* Doing a REMOTE command. */
- #ifdef STREAMING
- if (!streaming)
- #endif /* STREAMING */
- if (timint < 1)
- timint = chktimo(rtimo,timef); /* Switch to per-packet timer */
- #ifdef CKSYSLOG
- if (ckxsyslog >= SYSLG_PR && ckxlogging)
- cksyslog(SYSLG_PR, 1, "server", "REMOTE HOST", (char *)srvcmd);
- #endif /* CKSYSLOG */
- BEGIN ssinit; /* If OK, send back its output */
- } else { /* Otherwise */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Can't do system command"); /* report error */
- RESUME; /* & go back to server command wait */
- }
- }
- #endif /* NOSERVER */
- }
- <serve>q { /* Interrupted or connection lost */
- rc = srv_timeout();
- debug(F101,"srv_timeout","",rc);
- if (rc > -1) return(rc); /* (see below) */
- }
- <serve>N { /* Server got a NAK in command-wait */
- #ifndef NOSERVER
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Did you say RECEIVE instead of GET?");
- #endif /* NOSERVER */
- }
- <serve>. { /* Any other command in this state */
- #ifndef NOSERVER
- if (c != ('E' - SP) && c != ('Y' - SP)) /* except E and Y packets. */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Unimplemented server function");
- /* If we answer an E with an E, we get an infinite loop. */
- /* A Y (ACK) can show up here if we sent back a short-form reply to */
- /* a G packet and it was echoed. ACKs can be safely ignored here. */
- RESUME; /* Go back to server command wait. */
- #endif /* NOSERVER */
- }
- <generic>I { /* Login/Out */
- rc = srv_login();
- debug(F101,"<generic>I srv_login","",rc);
- if (rc > -1) return(rc); /* (see below) */
- }
- <generic>C { /* Got REMOTE CD command */
- #ifndef NOSERVER
- #ifdef CKSYSLOG
- if (ckxsyslog >= SYSLG_PR && ckxlogging)
- cksyslog(SYSLG_PR, 1, "server", "REMOTE CD", (char *)srvcmd);
- #endif /* CKSYSLOG */
- if (!ENABLED(en_cwd)) {
- errpkt((CHAR *)"REMOTE CD disabled");
- } else {
- char * p = NULL;
- x = cwd((char *)(srvcmd+1)); /* Try to change directory */
- #ifdef IKSDB
- if (ikdbopen) slotstate(what,"REMOTE CD", (char *)(srvcmd+2), "");
- #endif /* IKSDB */
- if (!x) { /* Failed */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Can't change directory");
- RESUME; /* Back to server command wait */
- } else if (x == 2) { /* User wants message */
- if (!ENABLED(en_typ)) { /* Messages (REMOTE TYPE) disabled? */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"REMOTE TYPE disabled");
- } else { /* TYPE is enabled */
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
- if (zchki(cdmsgfile[i]) > -1) {
- break;
- }
- }
- binary = XYFT_T; /* Use text mode for this. */
- if (i < 8 && sndtype(cdmsgfile[i])) { /* Have readme file? */
- BEGIN ssinit; /* OK */
- } else { /* not OK */
- p = zgtdir();
- if (!p) p = "";
- success = (*p) ? 1 : 0;
- ack1((CHAR *)p); /* ACK with new directory name */
- success = 1;
- RESUME; /* wait for next server command */
- }
- }
- } else { /* User doesn't want message */
- p =zgtdir();
- if (!p) p = "";
- success = (*p) ? 1 : 0;
- ack1((CHAR *)p);
- success = 1;
- RESUME; /* Wait for next server command */
- }
- }
- #endif /* NOSERVER */
- }
- <generic>A { /* Got REMOTE PWD command */
- #ifndef NOSERVER
- #ifdef CKSYSLOG
- if (ckxsyslog >= SYSLG_PR && ckxlogging)
- cksyslog(SYSLG_PR, 1, "server", "REMOTE PWD", NULL);
- #endif /* CKSYSLOG */
- if (!ENABLED(en_cwd)) {
- errpkt((CHAR *)"REMOTE CD disabled");
- } else {
- if (encstr((CHAR *)zgtdir()) > -1) { /* Encode current directory */
- ack1(data); /* If it fits, send it back in ACK */
- success = 1;
- } else { /* Failed */
- ack(); /* Send empty ACK */
- success = 0; /* and indicate failure locally */
- }
- RESUME; /* Back to server command wait */
- }
- #endif /* NOSERVER */
- }
- <generic>D { /* REMOTE DIRECTORY command */
- #ifndef NOSERVER
- char *n2;
- #ifdef CKSYSLOG
- if (ckxsyslog >= SYSLG_PR && ckxlogging)
- cksyslog(SYSLG_PR, 1, "server", "REMOTE DIRECTORY", (char *)srvcmd);
- #endif /* CKSYSLOG */
- if (!ENABLED(en_dir)) { /* If DIR is disabled, */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"REMOTE DIRECTORY disabled"); /* refuse. */
- } else { /* DIR is enabled. */
- #ifdef IKSDB
- if (ikdbopen) slotstate(what,"REMOTE DIR", (char *)(srvcmd+2), "");
- #endif /* IKSDB */
- if (!ENABLED(en_cwd)) { /* But CWD is disabled */
- zstrip((char *)(srvcmd+2),&n2); /* and they included a pathname, */
- if (strcmp((char *)(srvcmd+2),n2)) { /* so refuse. */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Access denied");
- RESUME; /* Remember, this is not a goto! */
- }
- }
- if (state == generic) { /* It's OK to go ahead. */
- #ifdef COMMENT
- n2 = (*(srvcmd+2)) ? DIRCMD : DIRCM2;
- if (syscmd(n2,(char *)(srvcmd+2))) /* If it can be done */
- #else
- int x;
- if ((x = snddir((char*)(srvcmd+2))) > 0)
- #endif /* COMMENT */
- {
- BEGIN ssinit; /* send the results back; */
- } else { /* otherwise */
- if (x < 0)
- errpkt((CHAR *)"No files match");
- else
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Can't list directory");
- RESUME; /* return to server command wait */
- }
- }
- }
- #endif /* NOSERVER */
- }
- <generic>E { /* REMOTE DELETE (Erase) */
- #ifndef NOSERVER
- char *n2;
- #ifdef CKSYSLOG
- if (ckxsyslog >= SYSLG_PR && ckxlogging)
- cksyslog(SYSLG_PR, 1, "server", "REMOTE DELETE", (char *)srvcmd);
- #endif /* CKSYSLOG */
- if (!ENABLED(en_del)) {
- errpkt((CHAR *)"REMOTE DELETE disabled");
- } else { /* DELETE is enabled */
- #ifdef IKSDB
- if (ikdbopen) slotstate(what,"REMOTE DELETE", (char *)(srvcmd+2), "");
- #endif /* IKSDB */
- if (!ENABLED(en_cwd)) { /* but CWD is disabled */
- zstrip((char *)(srvcmd+2),&n2); /* and they included a pathname, */
- if (strcmp((char *)(srvcmd+2),n2)) { /* so refuse. */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Access denied");
- RESUME; /* Remember, this is not a goto! */
- }
- } else if (isdir((char *)(srvcmd+2))) { /* A directory name? */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"It's a directory");
- }
- if (state == generic) { /* It's OK to go ahead. */
- int x;
- if ((x = snddel((char*)(srvcmd+2))) > 0) {
- BEGIN ssinit; /* If OK send results back */
- } else { /* otherwise */
- if (x < 0)
- errpkt((CHAR *)"File not found"); /* report failure */
- else
- errpkt((CHAR *)"DELETE failed");
- RESUME; /* & return to server command wait */
- }
- }
- }
- #endif /* NOSERVER */
- }
- <generic>F { /* FINISH */
- #ifndef NOSERVER
- #ifdef CKSYSLOG
- if (ckxsyslog >= SYSLG_PR && ckxlogging)
- cksyslog(SYSLG_PR, 1, "server", "FINISH", NULL);
- #endif /* CKSYSLOG */
- #ifdef IKSDB
- if (ikdbopen) slotstate(what,"SERVER FINISH", "", "");
- #endif /* IKSDB */
- if (!ENABLED(en_fin)) {
- errpkt((CHAR *)"FINISH disabled");
- } else {
- ack(); /* Acknowledge */
- xxscreen(SCR_TC,0,0L,""); /* Display */
- success = 1;
- return(0); /* Done */
- }
- #endif /* NOSERVER */
- }
- <generic>X { /* EXIT */
- #ifndef NOSERVER
- #ifdef CKSYSLOG
- if (ckxsyslog >= SYSLG_PR && ckxlogging)
- cksyslog(SYSLG_PR, 1, "server", "REMOTE EXIT", NULL);
- #endif /* CKSYSLOG */
- #ifdef IKSDB
- if (ikdbopen) slotstate(what,"REMOTE EXIT", "", "");
- #endif /* IKSDB */
- if (!ENABLED(en_xit)) {
- errpkt((CHAR *)"EXIT disabled");
- } else {
- ack(); /* Acknowledge */
- xxscreen(SCR_TC,0,0L,""); /* Display */
- doexit(GOOD_EXIT,xitsta);
- }
- #endif /* NOSERVER */
- }
- <generic>L { /* BYE (Logout) */
- #ifndef NOSERVER
- #ifdef CKSYSLOG
- if (ckxsyslog >= SYSLG_PR && ckxlogging)
- cksyslog(SYSLG_PR, 1, "server", "BYE", NULL);
- #endif /* CKSYSLOG */
- #ifdef IKSDB
- if (ikdbopen) slotstate(what,"SERVER BYE", "", "");
- #endif /* IKSDB */
- if (!ENABLED(en_bye)) {
- errpkt((CHAR *)"BYE disabled");
- } else {
- ack(); /* Acknowledge */
- success = 1;
- msleep(750); /* Give the ACK time to get out */
- if (local)
- ttres(); /* Reset the terminal */
- xxscreen(SCR_TC,0,0L,""); /* Display */
- doclean(1); /* Clean up files, etc */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- debug(F100,"C-Kermit BYE - Loggin out...","",0);
- zclose(ZDFILE);
- #endif /* DEBUG */
- #ifdef IKSD
- #ifdef CK_LOGIN
- if (inserver)
- ckxlogout();
- else
- #endif /* CK_LOGIN */
- #endif /* IKSD */
- #ifdef TCPSOCKET
- #ifndef NOLISTEN
- if (network && tcpsrfd > 0 && !inserver)
- doexit(GOOD_EXIT,xitsta);
- else
- #endif /* NOLISTEN */
- #endif /* TCPSOCKET */
- return(zkself()); /* Try to log self out */
- }
- #endif /* NOSERVER */
- }
- <generic>H { /* REMOTE HELP */
- #ifdef CKSYSLOG
- if (ckxsyslog >= SYSLG_PR && ckxlogging)
- cksyslog(SYSLG_PR, 1, "server", "REMOTE HELP", NULL);
- #endif /* CKSYSLOG */
- #ifdef IKSDB
- if (ikdbopen) slotstate(what,"REMOTE HELP", "", "");
- #endif /* IKSDB */
- #ifndef NOSERVER
- if (sndhlp(NULL)) {
- BEGIN ssinit; /* try to send it */
- } else { /* If not ok, */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Can't send help"); /* send error message instead */
- RESUME; /* and return to server command wait */
- }
- #endif /* NOSERVER */
- }
- <generic>R { /* REMOTE RENAME */
- rc = srv_rename();
- debug(F101,"srv_rename","",rc);
- if (rc > -1) return(rc); /* (see below) */
- }
- <generic>K { /* REMOTE COPY */
- rc = srv_copy();
- debug(F101,"srv_copy","",rc);
- if (rc > -1) return(rc); /* (see below) */
- }
- <generic>S { /* REMOTE SET */
- #ifdef CKSYSLOG
- if (ckxsyslog >= SYSLG_PR && ckxlogging)
- cksyslog(SYSLG_PR, 1, "server", "REMOTE SET", (char *)srvcmd);
- #endif /* CKSYSLOG */
- #ifndef NOSERVER
- #ifdef IKSDB
- if (ikdbopen) slotstate(what,"REMOTE SET", (char *)(srvcmd+1), "");
- #endif /* IKSDB */
- if (!ENABLED(en_set)) {
- errpkt((CHAR *)"REMOTE SET disabled");
- } else {
- if (remset((char *)(srvcmd+1))) { /* Try to do what they ask */
- success = 1;
- ack(); /* If OK, then acknowledge */
- } else /* Otherwise */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Unknown REMOTE SET parameter"); /* give error msg */
- RESUME; /* Return to server command wait */
- }
- #endif /* NOSERVER */
- }
- <generic>T { /* REMOTE TYPE */
- #ifndef NOSERVER
- char *n2;
- #ifdef CKSYSLOG
- if (ckxsyslog >= SYSLG_PR && ckxlogging)
- cksyslog(SYSLG_PR, 1, "server", "REMOTE TYPE", (char *)srvcmd);
- #endif /* CKSYSLOG */
- if (!ENABLED(en_typ)) {
- errpkt((CHAR *)"REMOTE TYPE disabled");
- } else {
- #ifdef IKSDB
- if (ikdbopen) slotstate(what,"REMOTE TYPE", (char *)(srvcmd+2), "");
- #endif /* IKSDB */
- if (!ENABLED(en_cwd)) { /* If CWD disabled */
- zstrip((char *)(srvcmd+2),&n2); /* and they included a pathname, */
- if (strcmp((char *)(srvcmd+2),n2)) { /* refuse. */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Access denied");
- RESUME; /* Remember, this is not a goto! */
- }
- }
- if (state == generic) { /* It's OK to go ahead. */
- binary = XYFT_T; /* Use text mode for this. */
- if ( /* (RESUME didn't change state) */
- #ifdef COMMENT
- syscmd(TYPCMD,(char *)(srvcmd+2)) /* Old way */
- #else
- sndtype((char *)(srvcmd+2)) /* New way */
- #endif /* COMMENT */
- )
- BEGIN ssinit; /* OK */
- else { /* not OK */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Can't type file"); /* give error message */
- RESUME; /* wait for next server command */
- }
- }
- }
- #endif /* NOSERVER */
- }
- <generic>m { /* REMOTE MKDIR */
- #ifndef NOSERVER
- #ifdef CK_MKDIR
- #ifdef CKSYSLOG
- if (ckxsyslog >= SYSLG_PR && ckxlogging)
- cksyslog(SYSLG_PR, 1, "server", "REMOTE MKDIR", (char *)srvcmd);
- #endif /* CKSYSLOG */
- #ifdef IKSDB
- if (ikdbopen) slotstate(what,"REMOTE MKDIR", (char *)(srvcmd+2), "");
- #endif /* IKSDB */
- if (!ENABLED(en_mkd)) {
- errpkt((CHAR *)"REMOTE MKDIR disabled");
- } else if (!ENABLED(en_cwd)) { /* If CWD disabled */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Directory access restricted");
- RESUME; /* Remember, this is not a goto! */
- }
- if (state == generic) { /* OK to go ahead. */
- char *p = NULL;
- x = ckmkdir(0,(char *)(srvcmd+2),&p,0,1); /* Make the directory */
- if (!p) p = "";
- if (x > -1) {
- encstr((CHAR *)p); /* OK - encode the name */
- ack1(data); /* Send short-form response */
- success = 1;
- } else { /* not OK */
- if (!*p) p = "Directory creation failure";
- errpkt((CHAR *)p); /* give error message */
- RESUME; /* Wait for next server command */
- }
- }
- #else
- errpkt((CHAR *)"REMOTE MKDIR not available");
- #endif /* CK_MKDIR */
- #endif /* NOSERVER */
- }
- <generic>d { /* REMOTE RMDIR */
- #ifndef NOSERVER
- #ifdef CK_MKDIR
- #ifdef CKSYSLOG
- if (ckxsyslog >= SYSLG_PR && ckxlogging)
- cksyslog(SYSLG_PR, 1, "server", "REMOTE RMDIR", (char *)srvcmd);
- #endif /* CKSYSLOG */
- #ifdef IKSDB
- if (ikdbopen) slotstate(what,"REMOTE RMDIR", (char *)(srvcmd+2), "");
- #endif /* IKSDB */
- if (!ENABLED(en_rmd)) {
- errpkt((CHAR *)"REMOTE RMDIR disabled");
- } else if (!ENABLED(en_cwd)) { /* If CWD disabled */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Directory access restricted");
- RESUME; /* Remember, this is not a goto! */
- }
- if (state == generic) { /* OK to go ahead. */
- char *p = NULL;
- x = ckmkdir(1,(char *)(srvcmd+2),&p,0,1);
- if (!p) p = "";
- if (x > -1) {
- encstr((CHAR *)p); /* OK - encode the name */
- ack1(data); /* Send short-form response */
- success = 1;
- } else { /* not OK */
- if (!*p) p = "Directory removal failure";
- errpkt((CHAR *)p); /* give error message */
- RESUME; /* Wait for next server command */
- }
- }
- #else
- errpkt((CHAR *)"REMOTE RMDIR not available");
- #endif /* CK_MKDIR */
- #endif /* NOSERVER */
- }
- <generic>U { /* REMOTE SPACE */
- #ifndef NOSERVER
- #ifdef CKSYSLOG
- if (ckxsyslog >= SYSLG_PR && ckxlogging)
- cksyslog(SYSLG_PR, 1, "server", "REMOTE SPACE", (char *)srvcmd);
- #endif /* CKSYSLOG */
- if (!ENABLED(en_spa)) {
- errpkt((CHAR *)"REMOTE SPACE disabled");
- } else {
- x = srvcmd[1]; /* Get area to check */
- x = ((x == NUL) || (x == SP)
- #ifdef OS2
- || (x == '!') || (srvcmd[3] == ':')
- #endif /* OS2 */
- );
- #ifdef IKSDB
- if (ikdbopen) slotstate(what,
- (x ? "" : (char *)srvcmd),
- ""
- );
- #endif /* IKSDB */
- if (!x && !ENABLED(en_cwd)) { /* CWD disabled */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Access denied"); /* and non-default area given, */
- RESUME; /* refuse. */
- } else {
- #ifdef OS2
- _PROTOTYP(int sndspace,(int));
- if (sndspace(x ? toupper(srvcmd[2]) : 0)) {
- BEGIN ssinit; /* send the report. */
- } else { /* If not ok, */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Can't send space"); /* send error message */
- RESUME; /* and return to server command wait */
- }
- #else
- if (nopush)
- x = 0;
- else
- x = (x ? syscmd(SPACMD,"") : syscmd(SPACM2,(char *)(srvcmd+2)));
- if (x) { /* If we got the info */
- BEGIN ssinit; /* send it */
- } else { /* otherwise */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Can't check space"); /* send error message */
- RESUME; /* and await next server command */
- }
- #endif /* OS2 */
- }
- }
- #endif /* NOSERVER */
- }
- <generic>W { /* REMOTE WHO */
- #ifndef NOSERVER
- #ifdef CKSYSLOG
- if (ckxsyslog >= SYSLG_PR && ckxlogging)
- cksyslog(SYSLG_PR, 1, "server", "REMOTE WHO", (char *)srvcmd);
- #endif /* CKSYSLOG */
- #ifdef IKSDB
- if (ikdbopen) slotstate(what,"REMOTE WHO", (char *)(srvcmd+2), "");
- #endif /* IKSDB */
- if (!ENABLED(en_who)) {
- errpkt((CHAR *)"REMOTE WHO disabled");
- } else {
- #ifdef OS2
- _PROTOTYP(int sndwho,(char *));
- if (sndwho((char *)(srvcmd+2))) {
- BEGIN ssinit; /* try to send it */
- } else { /* If not ok, */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Can't do who command"); /* send error msg */
- RESUME; /* and return to server command wait */
- }
- #else
- if (syscmd(WHOCMD,(char *)(srvcmd+2))) {
- BEGIN ssinit;
- } else {
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Can't do who command");
- }
- #endif /* OS2 */
- }
- #endif /* NOSERVER */
- }
- <generic>V { /* Variable query or set */
- rc = srv_query();
- debug(F101,"srv_query","",rc);
- if (rc > -1) return(rc);
- }
- <generic>q { /* Interrupted or connection lost */
- #ifndef NOSERVER
- if (fatalio) { /* Connection lost */
- #ifdef CKSYSLOG
- if (ckxsyslog >= SYSLG_PR && ckxlogging)
- cksyslog(SYSLG_PR, 1, "server", "Interrupted", NULL);
- #endif /* CKSYSLOG */
- success = 0;
- xitsta |= what;
- } else if (interrupted) {
- if (!ENABLED(en_fin)) { /* Ctrl-C typed */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"QUIT disabled");
- } else {
- #ifdef CKSYSLOG
- if (ckxsyslog >= SYSLG_PR && ckxlogging)
- cksyslog(SYSLG_PR, 1, "server", "Interrupted", NULL);
- #endif /* CKSYSLOG */
- success = 0;
- xitsta |= what;
- }
- } else { /* Shouldn't happen */
- debug(F100,"SERVER (generic) GOT UNEXPECTED 'q'","",0);
- }
- #endif /* NOSERVER */
- }
- <generic>. { /* Anything else in this state... */
- #ifndef NOSERVER
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Unimplemented REMOTE command"); /* Complain */
- RESUME; /* and return to server command wait */
- #endif /* NOSERVER */
- }
- <rgen>q { /* Sent BYE and connection broken */
- if (bye_active && ttchk() < 0) {
- msleep(500);
- bye_active = 0;
- ttclos(0); /* Close our end of the connection */
- clsof(0);
- return(success = 1);
- } else { /* Other generic command */
- return(success = 0); /* or connection not broken */
- }
- }
- <rgen>Y { /* Short-Form reply */
- rc = rcv_shortreply();
- debug(F101,"<rgen>Y rcv_shortreply","",rc);
- if (rc > -1) return(rc);
- }
- <rgen,rfile>F { /* File header */
- char *n2;
- extern int rsn;
- debug(F101,"<rfile>F winlo 1","",winlo);
- xflg = 0; /* Not screen data */
- cancel = 0; /* Reset cancellation counter */
- #ifdef CALIBRATE
- if (dest == DEST_N)
- calibrate = 1;
- #endif /* CALIBRATE */
- if (!rcvfil(filnam)) { /* Figure out local filename */
- errpkt((CHAR *)rf_err); /* Trouble */
- } else { /* Real file, OK to receive */
- char * fnp;
- debug(F111,"<rfile>F winlo 2",fspec,winlo);
- if (filcnt == 1) /* rcvfil set this to 1 for 1st file */
- crc16 = 0L; /* Clear file CRC */
- fnp = fspec; /* This is the full path */
- if (server && !ENABLED(en_cwd) || /* if DISABLE CD */
- !fackpath /* or F-ACK-PATH OFF */
- ) {
- zstrip(fspec,&fnp); /* don't send back full path */
- }
- encstr((CHAR *)fnp);
- if (fackbug)
- ack();
- else
- ack1(data); /* Send it back in ACK */
- initattr(&iattr); /* Clear file attribute structure */
- streamon();
- if (window(wslotn) < 0) { /* Allocate negotiated window slots */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Can't open window");
- }
- #ifdef IKSDB
- if (ikdbopen) slotstate(what,
- server ? "SERVER" : "",
- fspec
- );
- #endif /* IKSDB */
- BEGIN rattr; /* Now expect Attribute packets */
- }
- }
- <rgen,rfile>X { /* X-packet instead of file header */
- xflg = 1; /* Screen data */
- cancel = 0; /* Reset cancellation counter */
- ack(); /* Acknowledge the X-packet */
- initattr(&iattr); /* Initialize attribute structure */
- streamon();
- if (window(wslotn) < 0) { /* allocate negotiated window slots */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Can't open window");
- }
- #ifndef NOSPL
- if (query) { /* If this is the response to */
- qbufp = querybuf; /* a query that we sent, initialize */
- qbufn = 0; /* the response buffer */
- querybuf[0] = NUL;
- }
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- what = W_REMO; /* we're doing a REMOTE command */
- #ifdef IKSDB
- if (ikdbopen) slotstate(what,
- server ? "SERVER" : "",
- fspec
- );
- #endif /* IKSDB */
- BEGIN rattr; /* Expect Attribute packets */
- }
- <rattr>A { /* Attribute packet */
- if (gattr(rdatap,&iattr) == 0) { /* Read into attribute structure */
- #ifdef CK_RESEND
- ack1((CHAR *)iattr.reply.val); /* Reply with data */
- #else
- ack(); /* If OK, acknowledge */
- #endif /* CK_RESEND */
- } else { /* Otherwise */
- extern long fsize;
- char *r;
- r = getreason(iattr.reply.val);
- ack1((CHAR *)iattr.reply.val); /* refuse to accept the file */
- xxscreen(SCR_ST,ST_REFU,0L,r); /* reason */
- #ifdef TLOG
- if (tralog && !tlogfmt)
- doxlog(what,filnam,fsize,binary,1,r);
- #endif /* TLOG */
- }
- }
- <rattr>D { /* First data packet */
- rc = rcv_firstdata();
- debug(F101,"srv_firstdata","",rc);
- if (rc > -1) return(rc); /* (see below) */
- }
- <rfile>B { /* EOT, no more files */
- ack(); /* Acknowledge the B packet */
- reot(); /* Do EOT things */
- #ifdef CK_TMPDIR
- /* If we were cd'd temporarily to another device or directory ... */
- if (f_tmpdir) {
- int x;
- x = zchdir((char *) savdir); /* ... restore previous directory */
- f_tmpdir = 0; /* and remember we did it. */
- debug(F111,"ckcpro.w B tmpdir restoring",savdir,x);
- }
- #endif /* CK_TMPDIR */
- RESUME; /* and quit */
- }
- <rdpkt>D { /* Data packet */
- if (cxseen || discard) { /* If file interrupt */
- #ifdef STREAMING
- if (streaming) {
- if (cancel++ == 0)
- ack1((CHAR *)"X"); /* put "X" in ACK */
- else
- fastack();
- } else
- #endif /* STREAMING */
- ack1((CHAR *)"X"); /* put "X" in ACK */
- } else if (czseen) { /* If file-group interrupt */
- #ifdef STREAMING
- if (streaming) {
- if (cancel++ == 0)
- ack1((CHAR *)"Z"); /* put "Z" in ACK */
- else
- fastack();
- } else
- #endif /* STREAMING */
- ack1((CHAR *)"Z"); /* put "Z" in ACK */
- } else {
- int rc, qf;
- #ifndef NOSPL
- qf = query;
- #else
- qf = 0;
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- #ifdef CKTUNING
- rc = (binary && !parity) ?
- bdecode(rdatap,putfil):
- decode(rdatap, qf ? puttrm : putfil, 1);
- #else
- rc = decode(rdatap, qf ? puttrm : putfil, 1);
- #endif /* CKTUNING */
- if (rc < 0) {
- discard = (keep == 0 || (keep == SET_AUTO && binary != XYFT_T));
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Error writing data"); /* If failure, */
- } else /* Data written OK, send ACK */
- #ifdef STREAMING
- if (streaming)
- fastack();
- else
- #endif /* STREAMING */
- ack();
- }
- }
- <rattr>Z { /* EOF immediately after A-Packet. */
- rf_err = "Can't create file";
- timint = s_timint;
- if (discard) { /* Discarding a real file... */
- x = 1;
- } else if (xflg) { /* If screen data */
- if (remfile) { /* redirected to file */
- if (rempipe) /* or pipe */
- x = openc(ZOFILE,remdest); /* Pipe: start command */
- else
- x = opena(remdest,&iattr); /* File: open with attributes */
- } else { /* otherwise */
- x = opent(&iattr); /* "open" the screen */
- }
- #ifdef CALIBRATE
- } else if (calibrate) { /* If calibration run */
- x = ckopenx(&iattr); /* do this */
- #endif /* CALIBRATE */
- } else { /* otherwise */
- x = opena(filnam,&iattr); /* open the file, with attributes */
- }
- if (!x || reof(filnam, &iattr) < 0) { /* Now close & dispose of the file */
- errpkt((CHAR *) rf_err); /* If problem, send error msg */
- RESUME; /* and quit */
- } else { /* otherwise */
- ack(); /* acknowledge the EOF packet */
- BEGIN rfile; /* and await another file */
- }
- }
- <rdpkt>q { /* Ctrl-C or connection loss. */
- timint = s_timint;
- window(1); /* Set window size back to 1... */
- cxseen = 1;
- x = clsof(1); /* Close file */
- return(success = 0); /* Failed */
- }
- <rdpkt>Z { /* End Of File (EOF) Packet */
- /* wslots = 1; */ /* (don't set) Window size back to 1 */
- #ifndef COHERENT /* Coherent compiler blows up on this switch() statement. */
- x = reof(filnam, &iattr); /* Handle the EOF packet */
- switch (x) { /* reof() sets the success flag */
- case -3: /* If problem, send error msg */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Can't print file"); /* Fatal */
- break;
- case -2:
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Can't mail file"); /* Fatal */
- break;
- case 2:
- case 3:
- xxscreen(SCR_EM,0,0L,"Can't delete temp file"); /* Not fatal */
- break;
- default:
- if (x < 0) { /* Fatal */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Can't close file");
- } else { /* Success */
- #ifndef NOSPL
- if (query) /* Query reponses generally */
- conoll(""); /* don't have line terminators */
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- ack(); /* Acknowledge the EOF packet */
- BEGIN rfile; /* and await another file */
- }
- }
- #else
- if (reof(filnam, &iattr) < 0) { /* Close the file */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Error at end of file");
- } else { /* reof() sets success flag */
- ack();
- BEGIN rfile;
- }
- #endif /* COHERENT */
- }
- <ssinit>Y { /* ACK for Send-Init */
- spar(rdatap); /* set parameters from it */
- bctu = bctr; /* switch to agreed-upon block check */
- bctl = (bctu == 4) ? 2 : bctu; /* Set block-check length */
- #ifdef CK_RESEND
- if ((sendmode == SM_RESEND) && (!atcapu || !rscapu)) { /* RESEND */
- errpkt((CHAR *) "RESEND capabilities not negotiated");
- } else {
- #endif /* CK_RESEND */
- what = W_SEND; /* Remember we're sending */
- lastxfer = W_SEND;
- x = sfile(xflg); /* Send X or F header packet */
- cancel = 0; /* Reset cancellation counter */
- if (x) { /* If the packet was sent OK */
- if (!xflg && filcnt == 1) /* and it's a real file */
- crc16 = 0L; /* Clear the file CRC */
- resetc(); /* reset per-transaction counters */
- rtimer(); /* reset timers */
- #ifdef GFTIMER
- rftimer();
- #endif /* GFTIMER */
- streamon(); /* turn on streaming */
- #ifdef IKSDB
- if (ikdbopen) slotstate(what,
- (server ? "SERVER" : ""),
- "SEND",
- filnam,
- "");
- #endif /* IKSDB */
- BEGIN ssfile; /* and switch to receive-file state */
- } else { /* otherwise send error msg & quit */
- s = xflg ? "Can't execute command" : (char *)epktmsg;
- if (!*s) s = "Can't open file";
- errpkt((CHAR *)s);
- }
- #ifdef CK_RESEND
- }
- #endif /* CK_RESEND */
- }
- /*
- These states are necessary to handle the case where we get a server command
- packet (R, G, or C) reply with an S packet, but the client retransmits the
- command packet. The input() function doesn't catch this because the packet
- number is still zero.
- */
- <ssinit>R { /* R packet was retransmitted. */
- xsinit(); /* Resend packet 0 */
- }
- <ssinit>G { /* Same deal if G packet comes again */
- xsinit();
- }
- /* should probably add cases for O, W, V, H, J, ... */
- <ssinit>C { /* Same deal if C packet comes again */
- xsinit();
- }
- <ssfile>Y { /* ACK for F or X packet */
- srvptr = srvcmd; /* Point to string buffer */
- decode(rdatap,putsrv,0); /* Decode data field, if any */
- putsrv(NUL); /* Terminate with null */
- ffc = 0L; /* Reset file byte counter */
- if (*srvcmd) { /* If remote name was recorded */
- if (sendmode != SM_RESEND) {
- extern char * srfspec;
- if (fdispla == XYFD_C || fdispla == XYFD_S)
- xxscreen(SCR_AN,0,0L,(char *)srvcmd);
- tlog(F110," remote name:",(char *) srvcmd,0L);
- makestr(&srfspec,(char *)srvcmd);
- }
- }
- if (atcapu) { /* If attributes are to be used */
- if (sattr(xflg | stdinf, 1) < 0) { /* send them */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Can't send attributes"); /* if problem, say so */
- RESUME; /* and quit */
- } else BEGIN ssattr; /* if ok, switch to attribute state */
- } else { /* Attributes not negotiated */
- if (window(wslotn) < 0) { /* Open window */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Can't open window");
- }
- if ((x = sdata()) == -2) { /* Send first data packet data */
- window(1); /* Failed, put window size back to 1 */
- x = clsif(); /* Close input file */
- return(success = 0); /* Return failure */
- } else if (x == -9) { /* User interrupted */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"User cancelled"); /* Send Error packet */
- window(1); /* Set window size back to 1... */
- timint = s_timint; /* Restore timeout */
- return(success = 0); /* Failed */
- } else if (x == -1) { /* EOF (empty file) */
- window(1); /* put window size back to 1, */
- debug(F101,"<ssfile>Y cxseen","",cxseen);
- x = clsif(); /* If not ok, close input file, */
- if (x < 0) /* treating failure as interruption */
- cxseen = 1; /* Send EOF packet */
- seof(cxseen||czseen);
- BEGIN sseof; /* and switch to EOF state. */
- } else { /* First data sent OK */
- BEGIN ssdata; /* All ok, switch to send-data state */
- }
- }
- }
- <ssattr>Y { /* Got ACK to A packet */
- ffc = 0L; /* Reset file byte counter */
- if (rsattr(rdatap) < 0) { /* Was the file refused? */
- discard = 1; /* Set the discard flag */
- clsif(); /* Close the file */
- sxeof(1); /* send EOF with "discard" code */
- BEGIN sseof; /* switch to send-EOF state */
- } else if ((x = sattr(xflg | stdinf, 0)) < 0) { /* Send more? */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Can't send attributes"); /* Trouble... */
- } else if (x == 0) { /* No more to send so now the data */
- if (window(wslotn) < 0) { /* Allocate negotiated window slots */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Can't open window");
- }
- if ((x = sdata()) == -2) { /* File accepted, send first data */
- return(success = 0); /* Failed */
- } else if (x == -9) { /* User interrupted */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"User cancelled"); /* Send Error packet */
- window(1); /* Set window size back to 1... */
- timint = s_timint; /* Restore timeout */
- return(success = 0); /* Failed */
- } else if (x == -1) { /* EOF */
- window(1); /* put window size back to 1, */
- debug(F101,"<ssattr>Y cxseen","",cxseen);
- if (clsif() < 0) /* Close input file */
- cxseen = 1; /* Send EOF packet */
- seof(cxseen||czseen);
- BEGIN sseof; /* and switch to EOF state. */
- } else {
- BEGIN ssdata; /* All ok, switch to send-data state */
- }
- }
- }
- <ssdata>q { /* Ctrl-C or connection loss. */
- window(1); /* Set window size back to 1... */
- cxseen = 1; /* To indicate interruption */
- x = clsif(); /* Close file */
- return(success = 0); /* Failed */
- }
- <ssdata>Y { /* Got ACK to Data packet */
- canned(rdatap); /* Check if file transfer cancelled */
- if ((x = sdata()) == -2) { /* Try to send next data */
- window(1); /* Set window size back to 1... */
- x = clsif(); /* Close file */
- return(success = 0); /* Failed */
- } else if (x == -9) { /* User interrupted */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"User cancelled"); /* Send Error packet */
- window(1); /* Set window size back to 1... */
- timint = s_timint; /* Restore original timeout */
- return(success = 0); /* Failed */
- } else if (x == -1) { /* EOF - finished sending data */
- debug(F101,"<ssdata>Y cxseen","",cxseen);
- window(1); /* Set window size back to 1... */
- if (clsif() < 0) /* Close input file */
- cxseen = 1; /* Send EOF packet */
- debug(F101,"<ssdata>Y CALLING SEOF()","",cxseen);
- seof(cxseen||czseen);
- BEGIN sseof; /* and enter send-eof state */
- }
- }
- <sseof>Y { /* Got ACK to EOF */
- int g;
- success = (cxseen == 0 && czseen == 0); /* Transfer status... */
- if (success && rejection > 0) /* If rejected, succeed if */
- if (rejection != '#' && /* reason was date */
- rejection != 1 && rejection != '?') /* or name; */
- success = 0; /* fail otherwise. */
- cxseen = 0; /* This goes back to zero. */
- if (success) { /* Only if transfer succeeded... */
- if (moving) { /* If MOVE'ing */
- tlog(F110," deleting",filnam,0); /* delete the file */
- zdelet(filnam);
- } else if (snd_move) { /* Or move it */
- int x;
- tlog(F110," moving source to",snd_move,0);
- x = zrename(filnam,snd_move);
- debug(F111,"send MOVE zrename",snd_move,x);
- } else if (snd_rename) { /* Or rename it */
- char *s = snd_rename; /* Renaming string */
- #ifndef NOSPL
- int y; /* Pass it thru the evaluator */
- extern int cmd_quoting; /* for v(filename) */
- if (cmd_quoting) { /* But only if cmd_quoting is on */
- y = MAXRP;
- s = (char *)srvcmd;
- zzstring(snd_rename,&s,&y);
- s = (char *)srvcmd;
- }
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- if (s) if (*s) {
- int x;
- x = zrename(filnam,s);
- debug(F111,"send RENAME zrename",snd_rename,x);
- if (x > -1)
- tlog(F110," renaming source to",s,0);
- #ifdef COMMENT
- *s = NUL;
- #endif /* COMMENT */
- }
- }
- }
- g = gnfile();
- debug(F111,"<seof>Y gnfile",filnam,g);
- if (g > 0) { /* Any more files to send? */
- if (sfile(xflg)) /* Yes, try to send next file header */
- BEGIN ssfile; /* if ok, enter send-file state */
- else { /* otherwise */
- s = xflg ? "Can't execute command" : (char *)epktmsg;
- if (!*s) s = "Can't open file";
- errpkt((CHAR *)s); /* send error message */
- RESUME; /* and quit */
- }
- } else { /* No next file */
- tsecs = gtimer(); /* get statistics timers */
- #ifdef GFTIMER
- fptsecs = gftimer();
- #endif /* GFTIMER */
- seot(); /* send EOT packet */
- BEGIN sseot; /* enter send-eot state */
- }
- }
- <sseot>Y { /* Got ACK to EOT */
- debug(F101,"sseot justone","",justone);
- RESUME; /* All done, just quit */
- }
- E { /* Got Error packet, in any state */
- char *s = "";
- window(1); /* Close window */
- timint = s_timint; /* Restore original timeout */
- if (*epktmsg) /* Message from Error packet */
- s = (char *)epktmsg;
- if (!*s) { /* If not there then maybe here */
- s = (char *)rdatap;
- ckstrncpy((char *)epktmsg,(char *)rdatap,PKTMSGLEN);
- }
- if (!*s) /* Hopefully we'll never see this. */
- s = "Unknown error";
- success = 0; /* For IF SUCCESS/FAIL. */
- debug(F101,"ckcpro.w justone at E pkt","",justone);
- x = quiet; quiet = 1; /* Close files silently, */
- epktrcvd = 1; /* Prevent messages from clsof() */
- clsif(); clsof(1); /* discarding any output file. */
- success = 0; /* Transfer failed */
- xferstat = success; /* Remember transfer status */
- ermsg(s); /* Issue the message (calls screen). */
- tstats(); /* Get stats */
- quiet = x; /* Restore quiet state */
- /*
- If we are executing commands from a command file or macro, let the command
- file or macro decide whether to exit, based on SET { TAKE, MACRO } ERROR.
- */
- if (
- #ifndef NOICP
- !cmdsrc() &&
- #endif /* NOICP */
- backgrd && !server)
- fatal("Protocol error");
- xitsta |= what; /* Save this for doexit(). */
- #ifdef CK_TMPDIR
- /* If we were cd'd temporarily to another device or directory ... */
- if (f_tmpdir) {
- int x;
- x = zchdir((char *) savdir); /* ... restore previous directory */
- f_tmpdir = 0; /* and remember we did it. */
- debug(F111,"ckcpro.w E tmpdir restored",savdir,x);
- }
- #endif /* CK_TMPDIR */
- #ifdef IKSDB
- if (ikdbopen) slotstate(what,"ERROR", (char *)epktmsg, "");
- #endif /* IKSDB */
- }
- q { success = 0; QUIT; } /* Ctrl-C or connection loss. */
- . { /* Anything not accounted for above */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Unexpected packet type"); /* Give error message */
- window(1);
- xitsta |= what; /* Save this for doexit(). */
- RESUME; /* and quit */
- }
- %%
- /*
- From here down to proto() are routines that were moved out of the state
- table switcher because the resulting switch() had become too large.
- To move the contents of a state-table case to a routine:
- 1. Add a prototype to the list above the state table switcher.
- 2. Make a routine with an appropriate name, returning int.
- 3. Move the code into it.
- 4. Put a call to the new routine in the former spot:
- rc = name_of_routine();
- if (rc > -1) return(rc);
- 5. Add "return(-1);" after every RESUME, SERVE, or BEGIN macro and
- at the end if the code is open-ended.
- */
- static int
- rcv_firstdata() {
- if (discard) { /* if we're discarding the file */
- ack1((CHAR *)"X"); /* just ack the data like this. */
- cancel++; /* and count it */
- BEGIN rdpkt; /* and wait for more data packets. */
- return(-1);
- } else { /* Not discarding. */
- rf_err = "Can't open file";
- if (xflg) { /* If screen data */
- if (remfile) { /* redirected to file */
- if (rempipe) /* or pipe */
- x = openc(ZOFILE,remdest); /* Pipe: start command */
- else
- x = opena(remdest,&iattr); /* File: open with attributes */
- } else { /* otherwise */
- x = opent(&iattr); /* "open" the screen */
- }
- } else { /* otherwise */
- #ifdef CALIBRATE
- if (calibrate) { /* If calibration run */
- x = ckopenx(&iattr); /* open nothing */
- #ifdef STREAMING
- if (streaming) /* Streaming */
- fastack(); /* ACK without ACKing. */
- else
- #endif /* STREAMING */
- ack(); /* Send real ACK */
- BEGIN rdpkt; /* Proceed to next state */
- return(-1);
- } else
- #endif /* CALIBRATE */
- #ifdef UNIX
- /*
- In UNIX we can pipe the file data into the mail program, which is to be
- preferred to writing it out to a temp file and then mailing it afterwards.
- This depends rather heavily on all UNIXes having a mail command that
- accepts '-s "subject"' on the command line. MAILCMD (e.g. mail, Mail, mailx)
- is defined in ckufio.c.
- */
- if (*(iattr.disp.val) == 'M') {
- char *s;
- char tmp[1024];
- extern char *MAILCMD;
- s = iattr.disp.val + 1;
- sprintf(tmp,"%s -s %c%s%c %s", MAILCMD, '"', ofn1, '"', s);
- x = openc(ZOFILE,(char *)tmp);
- } else if (*(iattr.disp.val) == 'P') { /* Ditto for print */
- char tmp[1024];
- extern char *PRINTCMD;
- sprintf(tmp,"%s %s", PRINTCMD, iattr.disp.val + 1);
- x = openc(ZOFILE,(char *)tmp);
- } else
- #endif /* UNIX */
- x = opena(filnam,&iattr); /* open the file, with attributes */
- }
- if (x) { /* If file was opened ok */
- int rc, qf;
- #ifndef NOSPL
- qf = query;
- #else
- qf = 0;
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- #ifdef CKTUNING
- rc = (binary && !parity) ?
- bdecode(rdatap,putfil):
- decode(rdatap, qf ? puttrm : putfil, 1);
- #else
- rc = decode(rdatap, qf ? puttrm : putfil, 1);
- #endif /* CKTUNING */
- if (rc < 0) {
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Error writing data");
- return(-1);
- }
- #ifdef STREAMING
- if (streaming) /* Streaming was negotiated */
- fastack(); /* ACK without ACKing. */
- else
- #endif /* STREAMING */
- ack(); /* acknowledge it */
- BEGIN rdpkt; /* and switch to receive-data state */
- return(-1);
- } else { /* otherwise */
- errpkt((CHAR *) rf_err); /* send error packet */
- RESUME; /* and quit. */
- return(-1);
- }
- }
- }
- static int
- rcv_shortreply() {
- success = 0;
- debug(F111,"rcv_shortreply",rdatap,ipktlen);
- if (!strncmp(ipktack,(char *)rdatap,ipktlen)) {
- /* No it's the ACK to the I packet again */
- x = scmd(vcmd,(CHAR *)cmarg); /* So send the REMOTE command again */
- /* Maybe this should be resend() */
- debug(F110,"IPKTZEROHACK",ipktack,x);
- if (x < 0) {
- errpkt((CHAR *)srimsg);
- return(-1);
- }
- } else {
- ipktack[0] = NUL;
- #endif /* PKTZEROHACK */
- urserver = 1;
- #ifndef NOSERVER
- #ifndef NOSPL
- if (query) { /* If to query, */
- qbufp = querybuf; /* initialize query response buffer */
- qbufn = 0;
- querybuf[0] = NUL;
- }
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- x = 1;
- if (remfile) { /* Response redirected to file */
- rf_err = "Can't open file";
- if (rempipe) /* or pipe */
- x =
- #ifndef NOPUSH
- zxcmd(ZOFILE,remdest) /* Pipe: Start command */
- #else
- 0
- #endif /* NOPUSH */
- ;
- else
- x = opena(remdest,&iattr); /* File: Open with attributes */
- debug(F111,"rcv_shortreply remfile",remdest,x);
- } else {
- x = opent(&iattr); /* "open" the screen */
- }
- if (x) { /* If file was opened ok */
- if (decode(rdatap,
- #ifndef NOSPL
- (query || !remfile) ? puttrm :
- #else
- !remfile ? puttrm :
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- zputfil, 1) < 0) { /* Note: zputfil, not putfil. */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Error writing data");
- return(-1);
- } else {
- if (rdatap) /* If we had data */
- if (*rdatap) /* add a line terminator */
- if (remfile) { /* to file */
- zsoutl(ZOFILE,"");
- } else { /* or to screen. */
- #ifndef NOICP
- if (!query || !cmdsrc())
- #endif /* NOICP */
- conoll("");
- }
- if (bye_active && network) { /* I sent BYE or REMOTE LOGOUT */
- msleep(500); /* command and got the ACK... */
- bye_active = 0;
- ttclos(0);
- }
- clsof(0);
- if (!epktsent && !epktrcvd) /* If no error packet... */
- success = 1; /* success. */
- return(-1);
- }
- } else { /* File not opened OK */
- errpkt((CHAR *) rf_err); /* send error message */
- RESUME; /* and quit. */
- return(-1);
- }
- #endif /* NOSERVER */
- }
- #endif /* PKTZEROHACK */
- debug(F101,"rcv_shortreply fallthru","",success);
- return(-1);
- }
- static int
- srv_query() {
- #ifndef NOSERVER
- #ifndef NOSPL
- char c;
- #ifdef CKSYSLOG
- if (ckxsyslog >= SYSLG_PR && ckxlogging)
- cksyslog(SYSLG_PR, 1, "server", "REMOTE QUERY", (char *)srvcmd);
- #endif /* CKSYSLOG */
- #ifdef IKSDB
- if (ikdbopen) slotstate(what,"REMOTE QUERY", (char *)(srvcmd+2), "");
- #endif /* IKSDB */
- c = *(srvcmd+2); /* Q = Query, S = Set */
- if (c == 'Q') { /* Query */
- if (!ENABLED(en_que)) { /* Security */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"REMOTE QUERY disabled");
- return(-1);
- } else { /* Query allowed */
- int n; char *p, *q;
- qbufp = querybuf; /* Wipe out old stuff */
- qbufn = 0;
- querybuf[0] = NUL;
- p = (char *) srvcmd + 3; /* Pointer for making wrapper */
- n = strlen((char *)srvcmd); /* Position of end */
- c = *(srvcmd+4); /* Which type of variable */
- if (*(srvcmd+6) == CMDQ) { /* Starts with command quote? */
- p = (char *) srvcmd + 6; /* Take it literally */
- if (*p == CMDQ) p++;
- } else { /* They played by the rules */
- if (c == 'K') { /* Kermit variable */
- int k;
- k = (int) strlen(p);
- if (k > 0 && p[k-1] == ')') {
- p = (char *)(srvcmd + 4);
- *(srvcmd+4) = CMDQ;
- *(srvcmd+5) = 'f'; /* Function, so make it f...() */
- } else {
- *(srvcmd+3) = CMDQ; /* Stuff wrapping into buffer */
- *(srvcmd+4) = 'v'; /* Variable, so make it v(...) */
- *(srvcmd+5) = '('; /* around variable name */
- *(srvcmd+n) = ')';
- *(srvcmd+n+1) = NUL;
- }
- } else {
- *(srvcmd+3) = CMDQ; /* Stuff wrapping into buffer */
- *(srvcmd+4) = 'v'; /* Variable, so make it v(...) */
- *(srvcmd+5) = '('; /* around variable name */
- *(srvcmd+n) = ')';
- *(srvcmd+n+1) = NUL;
- if (c == 'S') { /* System variable */
- *(srvcmd+4) = '$'; /* so it's $(...) */
- } else if (c == 'G') { /* Non- Global variable */
- *(srvcmd+4) = 'm'; /* so wrap it in m(...) */
- }
- }
- } /* Now evaluate it */
- n = QBUFL; /* Max length */
- q = querybuf; /* Where to put it */
- if (zzstring(p,&q,&n) < 0) {
- errpkt((n > 0) ? (CHAR *)"Can't get value"
- : (CHAR *)"Value too long"
- );
- return(-1);
- } else {
- if (encstr((CHAR *)querybuf) > -1) { /* Encode it */
- ack1(data); /* If it fits, send it back in ACK */
- success = 1;
- return(-1);
- } else if (sndstring(querybuf)) { /* Long form response */
- BEGIN ssinit;
- return(-1);
- } else { /* sndhlp() fails */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Can't send value");
- return(-1);
- }
- }
- }
- } else if (c == 'S') { /* Set (assign) */
- if (!ENABLED(en_asg)) { /* Security */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"REMOTE ASSIGN disabled");
- return(-1);
- } else { /* OK */
- int n;
- n = xunchar(*(srvcmd+3)); /* Length of name */
- n = 3 + n + 1; /* Position of length of value */
- *(srvcmd+n) = NUL; /* Don't need it */
- if (addmac((char *)(srvcmd+4),(char *)(srvcmd+n+1)) < 0)
- errpkt((CHAR *)"REMOTE ASSIGN failed");
- else {
- ack();
- success = 1;
- }
- return(-1);
- }
- } else {
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Badly formed server command");
- return(-1);
- }
- #else
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Variable query/set not available");
- return(-1);
- #endif /* NOSPL */
- #endif /* NOSERVER */
- }
- static int
- srv_copy() {
- #ifndef NOSERVER
- #ifdef CKSYSLOG
- if (ckxsyslog >= SYSLG_PR && ckxlogging)
- cksyslog(SYSLG_PR, 1, "server", "REMOTE COPY", (char *)srvcmd);
- #endif /* CKSYSLOG */
- #ifdef ZCOPY
- if (!ENABLED(en_cpy)) {
- errpkt((CHAR *)"REMOTE COPY disabled");
- return(-1);
- } else {
- char *str1, *str2, f1[256], f2[256];
- int len1, len2;
- len1 = xunchar(srvcmd[1]); /* Separate the parameters */
- len2 = xunchar(srvcmd[2+len1]);
- strncpy(f1,(char *)(srvcmd+2),len1);
- f1[len1] = NUL;
- strncpy(f2,(char *)(srvcmd+3+len1),len2);
- f2[len2] = NUL;
- #ifdef IKSDB
- if (ikdbopen) slotstate(what,"REMOTE COPY", f1, f2);
- #endif /* IKSDB */
- if (!ENABLED(en_cwd)) { /* If CWD is disabled */
- zstrip(f1,&str1); /* and they included a pathname, */
- zstrip(f2,&str2);
- if (strcmp(f1,str1) || strcmp(f2,str2)) { /* Refuse. */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Access denied");
- RESUME; /* Remember, this is not a goto! */
- return(-1);
- }
- }
- if (state == generic) { /* It's OK to go ahead. */
- if (zcopy(f1,f2)) { /* Try */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Can't copy file"); /* give error message */
- } else {
- success = 1;
- ack();
- }
- RESUME; /* wait for next server command */
- return(-1);
- }
- }
- return(-1);
- #else /* no ZCOPY */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"REMOTE COPY not available"); /* give error message */
- RESUME; /* wait for next server command */
- return(-1);
- #endif /* ZCOPY */
- #endif /* NOSERVER */
- }
- static int
- srv_rename() {
- #ifndef NOSERVER
- #ifdef CKSYSLOG
- if (ckxsyslog >= SYSLG_PR && ckxlogging)
- cksyslog(SYSLG_PR, 1, "server", "REMOTE RENAME", (char *)srvcmd);
- #endif /* CKSYSLOG */
- #ifdef ZRENAME
- if (!ENABLED(en_ren)) {
- errpkt((CHAR *)"REMOTE RENAME disabled");
- return(-1);
- } else { /* RENAME is enabled */
- char *str1, *str2, f1[256], f2[256];
- int len1, len2;
- len1 = xunchar(srvcmd[1]); /* Separate the parameters */
- len2 = xunchar(srvcmd[2+len1]);
- strncpy(f1,(char *)(srvcmd+2),len1);
- f1[len1] = NUL;
- strncpy(f2,(char *)(srvcmd+3+len1),len2);
- f2[len2] = NUL;
- len2 = xunchar(srvcmd[2+len1]);
- strncpy(f1,(char *)(srvcmd+2),len1);
- f1[len1] = NUL;
- strncpy(f2,(char *)(srvcmd+3+len1),len2);
- f2[len2] = NUL;
- #ifdef IKSDB
- if (ikdbopen) slotstate(what,"REMOTE RENAME", f1, f2);
- #endif /* IKSDB */
- if (!ENABLED(en_cwd)) { /* If CWD is disabled */
- zstrip(f1,&str1); /* and they included a pathname, */
- zstrip(f2,&str2);
- if ( strcmp(f1,str1) || strcmp(f2,str2) ) { /* refuse. */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Access denied");
- RESUME; /* Remember, this is not a goto! */
- return(-1);
- }
- }
- if (state == generic) { /* It's OK to go ahead. */
- if (zrename(f1,f2)) { /* Try */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Can't rename file"); /* Give error msg */
- } else {
- success = 1;
- ack();
- }
- RESUME; /* Wait for next server command */
- return(-1);
- }
- }
- return(-1);
- #else /* no ZRENAME */
- /* Give error message */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"REMOTE RENAME not available");
- RESUME; /* Wait for next server command */
- return(-1);
- #endif /* ZRENAME */
- #endif /* NOSERVER */
- }
- static int
- srv_login() {
- #ifndef NOSERVER
- char f1[LOGINLEN+1], f2[LOGINLEN+1], f3[LOGINLEN+1];
- CHAR *p;
- int len, i;
- debug(F101,"REMOTE LOGIN x_login","",x_login);
- debug(F101,"REMOTE LOGIN x_logged","",x_logged);
- f1[0] = NUL; f2[0] = NUL; f3[0] = NUL;
- len = 0;
- if (srvcmd[1]) /* First length field */
- len = xunchar(srvcmd[1]); /* Separate the parameters */
- if (x_login) { /* Login required */
- if (x_logged) { /* And already logged in */
- if (len > 0) { /* Logging in again */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Already logged in.");
- } else { /* Logging out */
- debug(F101,"REMOTE LOGOUT","",x_logged);
- #ifdef CKSYSLOG
- if (ckxsyslog >= SYSLG_PR && ckxlogging)
- cksyslog(SYSLG_PR, 1, "server", "REMOTE LOGOUT", NULL);
- #endif /* CKSYSLOG */
- #ifdef IKSDB
- if (ikdbopen) slotstate(what,"REMOTE LOGOUT", "", "");
- #endif /* IKSDB */
- tlog(F110,"Logged out",x_user,0);
- ack1((CHAR *)"Logged out");
- success = 1;
- msleep(500);
- #ifdef CK_LOGIN
- x_logged = 0;
- #ifdef IKSD
- if (inserver)
- ckxlogout();
- #endif /* IKSD */
- #endif /* CK_LOGIN */
- }
- } else { /* Not logged in yet */
- debug(F101,"REMOTE LOGIN len","",len);
- if (len > 0) { /* Have username */
- #ifdef CKSYSLOG
- if (ckxsyslog >= SYSLG_PR && ckxlogging)
- cksyslog(SYSLG_PR, 1, "server", "REMOTE LOGIN", NULL);
- #endif /* CKSYSLOG */
- if (len > LOGINLEN) {
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Username too long");
- }
- p = srvcmd + 2; /* Point to it */
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++) /* Copy it */
- f1[i] = p[i];
- f1[len] = NUL; /* Terminate it */
- p += len; /* Point to next length field */
- if (*p) { /* If we have one */
- len = xunchar(*p++); /* decode it */
- if (len > 0 && len <= LOGINLEN) {
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++) /* Same deal for password */
- f2[i] = p[i];
- f2[len] = NUL;
- p += len; /* And account */
- if (*p) {
- len = xunchar(*p++);
- if (len > 0 && len <= LOGINLEN) {
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
- f3[i] = p[i]; /* Set but never used */
- f3[len] = NUL; /* (because account not used) */
- }
- }
- }
- }
- debug(F101,"REMOTE LOGIN 1","",x_logged);
- #ifdef IKSD
- #ifdef CK_LOGIN
- if (inserver) { /* Log in to system for real */
- x_logged = ckxlogin((CHAR *)f1,(CHAR *)f2,NULL,0);
- debug(F101,"REMOTE LOGIN 2","",x_logged);
- if (x_logged) { /* Count attempts */
- logtries = 0;
- justone = 1;
- } else {
- logtries++;
- sleep(logtries);
- }
- } else
- #endif /* CK_LOGIN */
- #endif /* IKSD */
- if (x_user && x_passwd) { /* User and password must match */
- if (!strcmp(x_user,f1)) /* SET SERVER LOGIN */
- if (!strcmp(x_passwd,f2))
- x_logged = 1;
- debug(F101,"REMOTE LOGIN 3","",x_logged);
- } else if (x_user) { /* Only username given, no password */
- if (!strcmp(x_user,f1)) /* so only username must match */
- x_logged = 1;
- debug(F101,"REMOTE LOGIN 4","",x_logged);
- }
- if (x_logged) { /* Logged in? */
- tlog(F110,"Logged in", x_user, 0);
- if (isguest)
- ack1((CHAR *)"Logged in as guest - restrictions apply");
- else
- ack1((CHAR *)"Logged in");
- success = 1;
- } else {
- tlog(F110,"Login failed", f1, 0);
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Access denied.");
- #ifdef IKSD
- #ifdef CK_LOGIN
- if (inserver && logtries > 2)
- ckxlogout();
- #endif /* CK_LOGIN */
- #endif /* IKSD */
- }
- } else { /* LOGOUT */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Logout ignored");
- }
- }
- } else { /* Login not required */
- if (len > 0)
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Login ignored.");
- else
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Logout ignored.");
- }
- #endif /* NOSERVER */
- return(-1);
- }
- static int
- srv_timeout() {
- #ifndef OS2
- /* K95 does this its own way */
- if (idletmo) {
- #ifdef IKSD
- if (inserver) {
- printf("rnIKSD IDLE TIMEOUT: %d secrn", srvidl);
- doexit(GOOD_EXIT,xitsta);
- }
- #endif /* IKSD */
- idletmo = 0;
- printf("rnSERVER IDLE TIMEOUT: %d secrn", srvidl);
- xitsta |= what;
- }
- #endif /* OS2 */
- #ifndef NOSERVER
- #ifndef OS2
- else
- #endif /* OS2 */
- if (fatalio) { /* Connection lost */
- #ifdef CKSYSLOG
- if (ckxsyslog >= SYSLG_PR && ckxlogging)
- cksyslog(SYSLG_PR, 1, "server", "Connection lost", NULL);
- #endif /* CKSYSLOG */
- #ifdef IKSDB
- if (ikdbopen) slotstate(what,"SERVER DISCONNECT",(char *)srvcmd, "");
- #endif /* IKSDB */
- xitsta |= what;
- } else if (interrupted) { /* Interrupted by hand */
- if (!ENABLED(en_fin)) {
- errpkt((CHAR *)"QUIT disabled");
- return(-1);
- } else {
- if (what == W_SEND || what == W_RECV || what == W_REMO) {
- success = 0;
- #ifdef CKSYSLOG
- if (ckxsyslog >= SYSLG_PR && ckxlogging)
- cksyslog(SYSLG_PR, 1, "server", "Interrupted", NULL);
- #endif /* CKSYSLOG */
- } else if (what == W_NOTHING && filcnt == 0) {
- success = 1;
- } /* Otherwise leave success alone */
- xitsta |= what;
- }
- } else { /* Shouldn't happen */
- debug(F100,"SERVER (top) GOT UNEXPECTED 'q'","",0);
- }
- #endif /* NOSERVER */
- }
- static int
- rcv_s_pkt() {
- #ifndef NOSERVER
- if (state == rgen)
- urserver = 1;
- if (/* state == serve && */ x_login && !x_logged) {
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Login required");
- } else
- #endif /* NOSERVER */
- if (state == serve && !ENABLED(en_sen)) { /* Not in server mode */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"SEND disabled"); /* when SEND is disabled. */
- return(-1);
- } else { /* OK to go ahead. */
- #ifdef CK_TMPDIR
- if (dldir && !f_tmpdir) { /* If they have a download directory */
- debug(F110,"receive download dir",dldir,0);
- if (s = zgtdir()) { /* Get current directory */
- debug(F110,"receive current dir",s,0);
- if (zchdir(dldir)) { /* Change to download directory */
- debug(F100,"receive zchdir ok","",0);
- ckstrncpy(savdir,s,TMPDIRLEN);
- f_tmpdir = 1; /* Remember that we did this */
- } else
- debug(F100,"receive zchdir failed","",0);
- }
- }
- #endif /* CK_TMPDIR */
- nakstate = 1; /* Can send NAKs from here. */
- rinit(rdatap); /* Set parameters */
- bctu = bctr; /* Switch to agreed-upon block check */
- bctl = (bctu == 4) ? 2 : bctu; /* Set block-check length */
- what = W_RECV; /* Remember we're receiving */
- lastxfer = W_RECV;
- resetc(); /* Reset counters */
- rtimer(); /* Reset timer */
- #ifdef GFTIMER
- rftimer();
- #endif /* GFTIMER */
- streamon();
- BEGIN rfile; /* Go into receive-file state */
- }
- return(-1);
- }
- /* P R O T O -- Protocol entry function */
- static int is_tn = 0; /* It's a Telnet connection */
- #ifdef CK_SPEED
- int f_ctlp = 0; /* Control-character prefix table */
- #ifdef COMMENT
- short s_ctlp[256];
- #endif /* COMMENT */
- #endif /* CK_SPEED */
- /*
- This is simply a wrapper for the real protocol function just below,
- that saves any items that might be changed automatically by protocol
- negotiations and then restores them upon exit from protocol mode.
- */
- proto() {
- extern int b_save, f_save, c_save, ss_save, slostart, reliable, urclear;
- #ifndef NOCSETS
- extern int fcharset, fcs_save, tcharset, tcs_save;
- #endif /* NOCSETS */
- #ifdef PIPESEND
- extern int pipesend;
- #endif /* PIPESEND */
- #ifdef OS2
- extern int cursorena[], cursor_save, term_io;
- extern BYTE vmode;
- extern int display_demo;
- int term_io_save;
- #endif /* OS2 */
- #ifdef TNCODE
- int _u_bin=0, _me_bin=0;
- #ifdef IKS_OPTION
- int _u_start=0, _me_start=0;
- #endif /* IKS_OPTION */
- #endif /* TNCODE */
- #ifdef PATTERNS
- extern int patterns;
- int pa_save;
- int i;
- #endif /* PATTERNS */
- #ifdef PATTERNS
- pa_save = patterns;
- #endif /* PATTERNS */
- #ifdef CK_LOGIN
- if (isguest) { /* If user is anonymous */
- en_pri = 0; /* disable printing */
- en_mai = 0; /* and disable email */
- en_del = 0; /* and file deletion */
- }
- #endif /* CK_LOGIN */
- #ifdef OS2
- cursor_save = cursorena[vmode];
- cursorena[vmode] = 0;
- term_io_save = term_io;
- term_io = 0;
- #endif /* OS2 */
- b_save = binary; /* SET FILE TYPE */
- f_save = fncnv; /* SET FILE NAMES */
- c_save = bctr;
- p_save = fnspath;
- r_save = recursive;
- s_timint = timint;
- ss_save = slostart;
- #ifndef NOCSETS
- fcs_save = fcharset;
- tcs_save = tcharset;
- #endif /* NOCSETS */
- #ifdef COMMENT
- /* Don't do this because then user can never find out what happened. */
- #ifdef CK_SPEED
- for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
- s_ctlp[i] = ctlp[i];
- f_ctlp = 1;
- #endif /* CK_SPEED */
- #endif /* COMMENT */
- if (reliable == SET_ON)
- slostart = 0;
- is_tn = (!local && sstelnet)
- #ifdef TNCODE
- || (local && network && ttnproto == NP_TELNET)
- #endif /* TNCODE */
- ;
- #ifdef TNCODE
- if (is_tn) {
- if (tn_b_xfer && !(sstelnet || inserver)) {
- /* Save the current state of Telnet Binary */
- /* If either direction is not Binary attempt to negotiate it */
- if (!_u_bin && TELOPT_U_MODE(TELOPT_BINARY) != TN_NG_RF) {
- tn_sopt(DO,TELOPT_BINARY);
- }
- if (!_me_bin && TELOPT_ME_MODE(TELOPT_BINARY) != TN_NG_RF) {
- }
- if (!(_me_bin && _u_bin))
- tn_wait("proto set binary mode");
- }
- #ifdef IKS_OPTION
- if (sstate == 'x' || sstate == 'v') { /* Responding to a request */
- if (!inserver && TELOPT_U(TELOPT_KERMIT) &&
- TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.u_start) {
- iks_wait(KERMIT_REQ_STOP,0); /* Stop the other Server */
- _u_start = 1;
- }
- !TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.me_start) {
- tn_siks(KERMIT_START); /* Send Kermit-Server Start */
- TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.me_start = 1;
- }
- } else { /* Initiating a request */
- TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.me_start) {
- tn_siks(KERMIT_STOP); /* I'm not servering */
- TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.me_start = 0;
- _me_start = 1;
- }
- !TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.u_start) {
- /* Send Req-Server-Start */
- if (!iks_wait(KERMIT_REQ_START,0)) {
- if (sstate != 's') {
- success = 0; /* Other Kermit refused to serve */
- if (local)
- printf("A Kermit server is not availablern");
- debug(F110,"proto()",
- "A Kermit Server is not available",0);
- tlog(F110,"IKS client/server failure",
- "A Kermit Server is not available",0);
- goto xxprotox;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- #endif /* IKS_OPTION */
- if (tn_no_encrypt_xfer && !(sstelnet || inserver)) {
- ck_tn_enc_stop();
- }
- #endif /* CK_ENCRYPTION */
- }
- #endif /* TNCODE */
- if (!xfrint) connoi();
- xxproto(); /* Call the real protocol function */
- #ifdef IKS_OPTION
- xxprotox:
- #endif /* IKS_OPTION */
- xferstat = success; /* Remember transfer status */
- kactive = 0;
- #ifdef TNCODE
- if (tn_no_encrypt_xfer && !(sstelnet || inserver)) {
- ck_tn_enc_start();
- }
- #endif /* CK_ENCRYPTION */
- #ifdef IKS_OPTION
- TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.me_start && !_me_start) {
- tn_siks(KERMIT_STOP); /* Server is stopped */
- TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.me_start = 0;
- }
- #endif /* IKS_OPTION */
- if (is_tn && tn_b_xfer && !(sstelnet || inserver)) {
- /* if we negotiated Binary mode try to reset it */
- if (!_u_bin) {
- /* Check to see if the state changed during the transfer */
- } else
- _u_bin = 1; /* So we don't call tn_wait() */
- }
- if (!_me_bin) {
- /* Check to see if the state changed during the transfer */
- } else
- _me_bin = 1; /* So we don't call tn_wait() */
- }
- if (!(_me_bin && _u_bin))
- tn_wait("proto reset binary mode");
- }
- #endif /* TNCODE */
- #ifdef PATTERNS
- patterns = pa_save;
- #endif /* PATTERNS */
- #ifdef STREAMING
- streaming = 0;
- /* streamok = 0; */
- #endif /* STREAMING */
- #ifdef COMMENT
- #ifdef CK_SPEED
- for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
- ctlp[i] = s_ctlp[i];
- f_ctlp = 0;
- #endif /* CK_SPEED */
- #endif /* COMMENT */
- urclear = 0;
- if (!success) {
- xitsta |= what;
- tlog(F110," failed:",(char *)epktmsg,0);
- }
- debug(F111,"proto xferstat",epktmsg,xferstat);
- slostart = ss_save;
- if (s_timint > -1) { /* Because of REMOTE SET */
- timint = s_timint;
- s_timint = -1;
- }
- recursive = r_save;
- fnspath = p_save;
- if (c_save > -1) { /* Because of REMOTE SET */
- bctr = c_save;
- c_save = -1;
- }
- fncnv = f_save;
- binary = b_save;
- #ifdef PIPESEND
- pipesend = 0; /* Next time might not be pipesend */
- #endif /* PIPESEND */
- #ifdef OS2
- cursorena[vmode] = cursor_save;
- term_io = term_io_save;
- display_demo = 1;
- #endif /* OS2 */
- }
- static VOID
- xxproto() {
- int x;
- long lx;
- #ifdef CK_XYZ
- _PROTOTYP( int pxyz, (int) );
- #endif /* XYZ_INTERNAL */
- #endif /* CK_XYZ */
- char xss[2]; /* String representation of sstate */
- xss[0] = sstate;
- xss[1] = NUL;
- s_timint = timint;
- debug(F101,"xxproto entry justone","",justone);
- success = 0;
- retrieve = 0; /* Reset these ... */
- reget = 0;
- opkt = 0;
- if (local && ttchk() < 0) { /* Giving BYE or FIN */
- if (bye_active) { /* but there is no connection */
- ttclos(0);
- success = 1;
- return;
- }
- /* Ditto for any REMOTE command */
- if (sstate == 'g' && cmarg ) {
- if (*cmarg == 'L' || *cmarg == 'F' || *cmarg == 'X')
- success = 1;
- else
- printf("?No connectionrn");
- return;
- }
- }
- /* Set up the communication line for file transfer. */
- if (local && (speed < 0L) && (network == 0)) {
- xxscreen(SCR_EM,0,0L,"Sorry, you must 'set speed' first");
- return;
- }
- x = -1;
- if (ttopen(ttname,&x,mdmtyp,cdtimo) < 0) {
- debug(F111,"failed: proto ttopen local",ttname,local);
- xxscreen(SCR_EM,0,0L,"Can't open line");
- return;
- }
- if (x > -1) local = x;
- debug(F111,"proto ttopen local",ttname,local);
- lx = (local && !network) ? speed : -1;
- #ifdef NETCONN
- #ifdef CK_SPEED
- if (is_tn) {
- ctlp[(unsigned)255] = ctlp[CR] = 1;
- if (parity == 'e' || parity == 'm') ctlp[127] = 1;
- if (flow == FLO_XONX) { /* Also watch out for Xon/Xoff */
- ctlp[17] = ctlp[19] = 1;
- ctlp[17+128] = ctlp[19+128] = 1;
- }
- }
- #endif /* CK_SPEED */
- #endif /* NETCONN */
- if (ttpkt(lx,flow,parity) < 0) { /* Put line in packet mode, */
- xxscreen(SCR_EM,0,0L,"Can't condition line");
- return;
- }
- if (local && !network && carrier != CAR_OFF) {
- int x; /* Serial connection */
- x = ttgmdm(); /* with carrier checking */
- if (x > -1) {
- if (!(x & BM_DCD)) {
- debug(F101,"proto ttgmdm","",0);
- xxscreen(SCR_EM,0,0L,"Carrier required but not detected");
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Send remote side's "receive" or "server" startup string, if any */
- if (local && ckindex((char *)xss,"srgcjhk",0,0,1)) {
- char *s = NULL;
- if (
- #ifdef IKS_OPTION
- /* Don't send auto-blah string if we know other side is serving */
- !TELOPT_SB(TELOPT_KERMIT).kermit.u_start
- #else
- 1
- #endif /* IKS_OPTION */
- ) {
- if (sstate == 's') { /* Sending file(s) */
- s = binary ? ptab[protocol].h_b_init : ptab[protocol].h_t_init;
- } else if (protocol == PROTO_K) { /* Command for server */
- s = ptab[protocol].h_x_init;
- }
- }
- #ifdef CK_SPEED
- if (protocol == PROTO_K) /* Because of C-strings... */
- ctlp[0] = 1;
- #endif /* UNPREFIXZERO */
- #endif /* CK_SPEED */
- if (s) if (*s) { /* If we have a command to send... */
- char tmpbuf[356];
- int stuff = -1, stuff2 = -1, len = 0;
- extern int tnlm;
- strcpy(tmpbuf,s);
- if (sstate == 's') /* Sending file(s) */
- sprintf(tmpbuf, s, cmarg2[0] ? cmarg2 : cmarg); /* For XMODEM */
- else /* Command for server */
- sprintf(tmpbuf, s);
- strcat(tmpbuf, "15");
- if (tnlm) /* TERMINAL NEWLINE ON */
- stuff = LF; /* Stuff LF */
- #ifdef TNCODE
- if (is_tn) {
- switch (TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_BINARY) ? tn_b_nlm : tn_nlm) {
- case TNL_CR:
- break;
- case TNL_CRNUL:
- break;
- case TNL_CRLF:
- stuff2 = stuff;
- stuff = LF;
- break;
- }
- }
- #endif /* TNCODE */
- #ifdef NETCONN
- #ifdef TCPSOCKET
- #ifdef RLOGCODE
- if (network && ttnproto == NP_RLOGIN) {
- switch (tn_b_nlm) { /* Always BINARY */
- case TNL_CR:
- break;
- case TNL_CRNUL:
- stuff2 = stuff;
- stuff = NUL;
- break;
- case TNL_CRLF:
- stuff2 = stuff;
- stuff = LF;
- break;
- }
- }
- #endif /* RLOGCODE */
- #endif /* TCPSOCKET */
- #endif /* NETCONN */
- len = strlen(tmpbuf);
- if (stuff >= 0) {
- tmpbuf[len++] = stuff;
- if (stuff2 >= 0)
- tmpbuf[len++] = stuff2;
- tmpbuf[len] = NUL;
- }
- ttol((CHAR *)tmpbuf,len);
- if (protocol == PROTO_K) /* Give remote Kermit time to start */
- msleep(400);
- }
- }
- #ifdef CK_XYZ
- if (protocol != PROTO_K) { /* Non-Kermit protocol selected */
- char tmpbuf[356];
- char * s = "";
- #ifdef XYZ_INTERNAL /* Internal */
- success = !pxyz(sstate);
- #else
- #ifdef CK_REDIR /* External */
- switch (sstate) {
- case 's': /* 'Tis better to SEND... */
- s = binary ? ptab[protocol].p_b_scmd : ptab[protocol].p_t_scmd;
- break;
- case 'v': /* ... than RECEIVE */
- s = binary ? ptab[protocol].p_b_rcmd : ptab[protocol].p_t_rcmd;
- break;
- }
- if (!s) s = "";
- if (*s) {
- sprintf(tmpbuf,s,(sstate == 's') ? fspec : cmarg2);
- debug(F110,"ckcpro ttruncmd",tmpbuf,0);
- success = ttruncmd(tmpbuf);
- } else {
- printf("?Sorry, no external protocol defined for %srn",
- ptab[protocol].p_name
- );
- }
- #else
- printf(
- "Sorry, only Kermit protocol is supported in this version of Kermitn"
- );
- #endif /* CK_REDIR */
- #endif /* XYZ_INTERNAL */
- return;
- }
- #endif /* CK_XYZ */
- #ifdef NTSIGX
- conraw();
- connoi();
- #else
- if (!local)
- connoi(); /* No console interrupts if remote */
- #endif /* NTSIG */
- kactive = 1;
- if (sstate == 'x') { /* If entering server mode, */
- server = 1; /* set flag, */
- debug(F101,"server backgrd","",backgrd);
- debug(F101,"server quiet","",quiet);
- if (!local) { /* and issue appropriate message. */
- if (!quiet && !backgrd
- #ifdef IKS_OPTION
- && !TELOPT_ME(TELOPT_KERMIT) /* User was told by negotiation */
- #endif /* IKS_OPTION */
- ) {
- conoll(srvtxt);
- conoll("KERMIT READY TO SERVE...");
- }
- } else {
- conol("Entering server mode on ");
- conoll(ttname);
- conoll("Type Ctrl-C to quit.");
- if (srvdis) intmsg(-1L);
- #ifdef TCPSOCKET
- #ifndef NOLISTEN
- if (network && tcpsrfd > 0)
- ttol((CHAR *)"KERMIT READY TO SERVE...1512",26);
- #endif /* NOLISTEN */
- #endif /* TCPSOCKET */
- }
- } else
- server = 0;
- #ifdef VMS
- if (!quiet && !backgrd) /* So message doesn't overwrite prompt */
- conoll("");
- if (local) conres(); /* So Ctrl-C will work */
- #endif /* VMS */
- /*
- If in remote mode, not shushed, not in background, and at top command level,
- issue a helpful message telling what to do...
- */
- if (!local && !quiet && !backgrd) {
- if (sstate == 'v') {
- conoll("Return to your local Kermit and give a SEND command.");
- conoll("");
- } else if (sstate == 's') {
- conoll("Return to your local Kermit and give a RECEIVE command.");
- conoll("");
- conoll("KERMIT READY TO SEND...");
- } else if ( sstate == 'g' || sstate == 'r' || sstate == 'h' ||
- sstate == 'j' || sstate == 'c' ) {
- conoll("Return to your local Kermit and give a SERVER command.");
- conoll("");
- conoll((sstate == 'r' || sstate == 'j' || sstate == 'h') ?
- }
- }
- #ifdef COMMENT
- if (!local) sleep(1);
- #endif /* COMMENT */
- /*
- The 'wart()' function is generated by the wart program. It gets a
- character from the input() routine and then based on that character and
- the current state, selects the appropriate action, according to the state
- table above, which is transformed by the wart program into a big case
- statement. The function is active for one transaction.
- */
- rtimer(); /* Reset elapsed-time timer */
- #ifdef GFTIMER
- rftimer();
- #endif /* GFTIMER */
- resetc(); /* & other per-transaction counters. */
- debug(F101,"proto calling wart, justone","",justone);
- wart(); /* Enter the state table switcher. */
- /*
- Note: the following is necessary in case we have just done a remote-mode
- file transfer, in which case the controlling terminal modes have been
- changed by ttpkt(). In particular, special characters like Ctrl-C and
- Ctrl- might have been turned off (see ttpkt). So this call to ttres() is
- essential. IMPORTANT: restore interrupt handlers first, otherwise any
- terminal interrupts that occur before this is done in the normal place
- later will cause a crash.
- */
- #ifdef OS2
- ttres(); /* Reset the communication device */
- #else
- if (!local) {
- setint(); /* Arm interrupt handlers FIRST */
- msleep(500);
- ttres(); /* Then restore terminal. */
- }
- #endif /* OS2 */
- xxscreen(SCR_TC,0,0L,""); /* Transaction complete */
- x = quiet;
- quiet=1;
- clsif(); /* Failsafe in case we missed */
- clsof(1); /* a case in the state machine. */
- quiet = x;
- if (server) { /* Back from packet protocol. */
- if (!quiet && !backgrd
- #ifdef IKSD
- && !inserver
- #endif /* IKSD */
- ) { /* Give appropriate message */
- conoll("");
- conoll("C-Kermit server done");
- }
- server = 0; /* Not a server any more */
- }
- }
- /* S G E T I N I T -- Handle incoming GET-Class packets */
- /*
- Returns:
- -1: On error
- 0: GET packet processed OK - ready to Send.
- 1: Extended GET processed OK - wait for another.
- */
- static int
- sgetinit(reget,xget) int reget, xget; { /* Server end of GET command */
- char * fs = NULL; /* Pointer to filespec */
- int i, n, done = 0;
- #ifdef PATTERNS
- extern int patterns;
- #endif /* PATTERNS */
- #ifdef PIPESEND
- extern int usepipes, pipesend;
- #endif /* PIPESEND */
- if (!ENABLED(en_get)) { /* Only if not disabled! */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"GET disabled");
- return(-1);
- }
- /* OK to proceed */
- #ifdef WHATAMI
- /* If they are alike this was already done in whoarewe() */
- debug(F101,"sgetinit whatru","",whatru);
- if (whatru & WMI_FLAG) { /* Did we get WHATAMI info? */
- debug(F101,"sgetinit binary (1)","",binary);
- #ifdef VMS
- if (binary != XYFT_I && binary != XYFT_L)
- #else
- #ifdef OS2
- if (binary != XYFT_L)
- #endif /* OS2 */
- #endif /* VMS */
- binary = (whatru & WMI_FMODE) ? /* Yes, set file type */
- XYFT_B : XYFT_T; /* automatically */
- debug(F101,"sgetinit binary (2)","",binary);
- if (!wearealike)
- fncnv = (whatru & WMI_FNAME) ? 1 : 0; /* And name conversion */
- }
- #endif /* WHATAMI */
- fs = (char *)srvcmd;
- srvptr = srvcmd; /* Point to server command buffer */
- decode(rdatap,putsrv,0); /* Decode the GET command into it */
- /* Accept multiple filespecs */
- cmarg2 = ""; /* Don't use cmarg2 */
- cmarg = ""; /* Don't use cmarg */
- done = 1; /* Only 1 packet needed... */
- if (xget) { /* Special decoding for Extended GET */
- char L, next, c; /* PLV items */
- int len, val; /* More PLV items */
- char * p = (char *)srvcmd; /* String to decode */
- done = 0; /* Maybe more packets needed */
- fs = NULL; /* We don't know the filespec yet */
- c = *p++; /* Get first parameter */
- while (c) { /* For all parameters... */
- debug(F000,"sgetinit c","",c);
- L = *p++; /* Get length */
- if (L >= SP) /* Decode length */
- len = xunchar(L);
- else if (c == '@') { /* Allow missing EOP length field */
- len = 0;
- } else {
- len = (xunchar(*p++) * 95);
- len += xunchar(*p++);
- }
- debug(F101,"sgetinit len","",len);
- next = *(p+len); /* Get next parameter */
- *(p+len) = NUL; /* Zero it out to terminal value */
- debug(F110,"sgetinit p",p,0);
- switch (c) { /* Do the parameter */
- case 'O': /* GET Options */
- val = atoi(p); /* Convert to int */
- debug(F101,"sgetinit O val","",val);
- if (val & GOPT_DEL) moving = 1;
- if (val & GOPT_RES) reget = 1;
- if (val & GOPT_REC) {
- recursive = 1;
- if (fnspath == PATH_OFF)
- fnspath = PATH_REL;
- }
- break;
- case 'M': /* Transfer Mode */
- val = atoi(p);
- debug(F101,"sgetinit M val","",val);
- if (val < 1)
- break;
- #ifdef PATTERNS
- patterns = 0; /* Takes precedence over patterns */
- #endif /* PATTERNS */
- if (val == GMOD_TXT) binary = XYFT_T; /* Text */
- if (val == GMOD_BIN) binary = XYFT_B; /* Binary */
- if (val == GMOD_LBL) binary = XYFT_L; /* Labeled */
- break;
- case 'F': /* Filename */
- fs = p;
- debug(F110,"sgetinit filename",fs,0);
- break;
- case '@': /* End Of Parameters */
- done = 1;
- debug(F100,"sgetinit EOP","",0);
- break;
- default:
- errpkt((CHAR *)"Unknown GET Parameter");
- debug(F100,"sgetinit unknown parameter","",0);
- return(-1);
- }
- p += (len + 1);
- c = next;
- }
- }
- if (!fs) fs = ""; /* A filename is required */
- if (*fs) {
- havefs = 1;
- n = 0; /* Check for quoted name */
- if ((n = strlen(fs)) > 1) {
- /* Note: this does not allow for multiple quoted names */
- if ((fs[0] == '{' && fs[n-1] == '}') ||
- (fs[0] == '"' && fs[n-1] == '"')) {
- fs[n-1] = '';
- fs++;
- debug(F111,"sgetinit unquoted filename",fs,n);
- } else
- n = 0; /* This means no quoting */
- }
- #ifdef PIPESEND
- debug(F111,"sgetinit",fs,usepipes);
- if (usepipes && ENABLED(en_hos) && *fs == '!') {
- cmarg = fs + 1; /* Point past the bang */
- *fs = NUL;
- nfils = -1;
- pipesend = 1;
- debug(F111,"sgetinit pipesend",cmarg,pipesend);
- }
- if (!pipesend) { /* If it's not a pipe */
- #endif /* PIPESEND */
- if (n == 0) { /* If the name was not quoted */
- #ifndef NOMSEND
- nfils = fnparse(fs); /* Allow it to be a list of names */
- } else { /* If it was quoted */
- #endif /* NOMSEND */
- nzxopts = 0;
- #ifdef UNIXOROSK
- if (matchdot) nzxopts |= ZX_MATCHDOT;
- #endif /* UNIXOROSK */
- if (recursive) nzxopts |= ZX_RECURSE;
- /* Treat as a single filespec */
- nfils = 0 - nzxpand(fs,nzxopts);
- cmarg = fs;
- }
- #ifdef PIPESEND
- }
- #endif /* PIPESEND */
- }
- if (!done) { /* Need more O packets... */
- debug(F100,"sgetinit O-Packet TBC","",0); /* To Be Continued */
- return(1);
- }
- debug(F100,"sgetinit O-Packet done - havefs","",havefs);
- if (!havefs) { /* Done - make sure we have filename */
- errpkt((CHAR *)"GET without filename");
- return(-1);
- }
- freerpkt(winlo);
- winlo = 0; /* Back to packet 0 again. */
- debug(F101,"sgetinit winlo","",winlo);
- nakstate = 0; /* Now I'm the sender! */
- if (reget) sendmode = SM_RESEND;
- if (sinit() > 0) { /* Send Send-Init */
- #ifdef STREAMING
- if (!streaming)
- #endif /* STREAMING */
- timint = chktimo(rtimo,timef); /* Switch to per-packet timer */
- return(0); /* If successful, switch state */
- } else return(-1); /* Else back to server command wait */
- }
- #else /* NOXFER */
- #include "ckcdeb.h"
- proto() {
- extern int success;
- success = 0;
- }
- #endif /* NOXFER */