资源名称:tanksrc.zip [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * TankObj.inl
- *
- * Electrical Engineering Faculty - Software Lab
- * Spring semester 1998
- *
- * Tanks game
- *
- * Contents: Inline functions implementations.
- *
- * Authors: Eran Yariv - 28484475
- * Moshe Zur - 24070856
- *
- *
- * Date: 23/09/98
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
- inline
- CTankObj::~CTankObj()
- {
- }
- inline UINT
- CTankObj::GetID ()
- {
- return m_uTankID;
- }
- inline UINT
- CTankObj::GetShieldLevel ()
- {
- return m_uShieldLevel;
- }
- inline UINT
- CTankObj::GetShellsCount ()
- {
- return m_uShells;
- }
- inline UINT
- CTankObj::GetBulletsCount ()
- {
- return m_uBullets;
- }
- inline UINT
- CTankObj::GetMinesCount ()
- {
- return m_uMines;
- }
- inline UINT
- CTankObj::SetShieldLevel (UINT uShield)
- {
- UINT uOldShield = m_uShieldLevel;
- m_uShieldLevel = uShield;
- return uOldShield;
- }
- inline UINT
- CTankObj::SetShellsCount (UINT uShells)
- {
- UINT uOldShells = m_uShells;
- m_uShells = uShells;
- return uOldShells;
- }
- inline UINT
- CTankObj::SetBulletsCount (UINT uBullets)
- {
- UINT uOldBullets = m_uBullets;
- m_uBullets = uBullets;
- return uOldBullets;
- }
- inline UINT
- CTankObj::SetMinesCount (UINT uMines)
- {
- UINT uOldMines = m_uMines;
- m_uMines = uMines;
- return uOldMines;
- }
- inline HIMAGE
- CTankObj::GetImage()
- {
- m_GlobalImageManager.UpdateImage (*m_pCurrentImage, m_bImageChanged);
- return *m_pCurrentImage;
- }
- inline GameObjectType
- CTankObj::GetType()
- {
- return TANK;
- }
- inline ObjectHeightType
- CTankObj::GetHeight()
- {
- return LOWER_LEVEL;
- }
- inline BOOL
- CTankObj::IsLocal ()
- {
- return m_bLocal;
- }
- inline void
- CTankObj::RelinquishInput ()
- {
- m_bUseManouverSet = FALSE;
- }
- inline CManouverSet&
- CTankObj::GetManouverSet () const
- {
- return m_ManouverSet;
- }
- inline BOOL
- CTankObj::IsExploding ()
- {
- return (m_pCurrentImage == &m_hExplodedTankImage);
- }
- inline WORD
- CTankObj::GetStateCheckSum()
- { // Gets check sum (16 bits) of shield level, ammo level and fast fire rate
- return WORD(
- PackBits (WORD(m_uShieldLevel), 4) + // Pack shield level to 4 bits ( 0.. 3)
- (PackBits (WORD(m_uShells), 4) << 4) + // Pack shells count to 4 bits ( 4.. 7)
- (PackBits (WORD(m_uBullets), 4) << 8) + // Pack bullets count to 4 bits ( 8..11)
- (PackBits (WORD(m_uMines), 3) << 12) + // Pack mines count to 3 bits (12..14)
- (m_dwFireRateBonusLastTick ? 0x8000 : 0)); // Pack fast fire rate to a bit (15)
- }
- inline UINT
- CTankObj::GetDirection ()
- {
- return m_uDirectionIndex;
- }
- inline BOOL
- CTankObj::IsZombie ()
- {
- return m_bZombie;
- }
- inline void
- CTankObj::SetZombie (BOOL b)
- {
- m_bZombie = b;
- // Fix image to reflect zombie mode change:
- m_ImageManager.SetOverlay (m_hTankImage, m_bZombie ? &m_hZombieOverlay : NULL);
- }
- inline BOOL
- CTankObj::GetFastFire()
- {
- return (0 != m_dwFireRateBonusLastTick);
- }