资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * Message.cpp
- *
- * Electrical Engineering Faculty - Software Lab
- * Spring semester 1998
- *
- * Tanks game
- *
- * Module description: Messages are send between the game threads (in process)
- * and over the network between the host and players.
- * We use pool allocation techniques to make message
- * allocation fast and bit fields to compact the size of
- * messages when send over the net.
- *
- * Authors: Eran Yariv - 28484475
- * Moshe Zur - 24070856
- *
- *
- * Date: 23/09/98
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "Message.h"
- #include "Tanks.h"
- #pragma pack (push)
- #pragma pack (1)
- CPool<CMessage> CMessage::m_Pool; // The message pool. We overload the new and
- // delete methods to use the pools fast allocation
- // and deallocation methods.
- #define VAR_LEN 0xFF // Variable message length
- #define TNK_CHK_SUM_TO_TANK_ID(pb) (BYTE(( ((PBYTE(pb))[2]) >> 2) & 0x03))
- #define MSG_HEADER_SIZE 5 // Msg type (1 Byte) + Msg time (DWORD)
- static BYTE MsgSizeArr[] = // Messages size look up table:
- {
- MSG_HEADER_SIZE + sizeof (BonusParamTag), // ADD_BONUS
- // (See BonusParamTag for description)
- MSG_HEADER_SIZE + sizeof (TankParamTag), // ADD_TANK
- // (See TankParamTag for description)
- MSG_HEADER_SIZE + sizeof (BoardParamTag), // ADD_BOARD
- // (See BoardParamTag for description)
- MSG_HEADER_SIZE + sizeof (BomberParamTag), // ADD_BOMBER
- // (See BomberParamTag for description)
- MSG_HEADER_SIZE + sizeof (TankRemoveParamTag), // REMOVE_TANK
- // (See TankRemoveParamTag for description)
- MSG_HEADER_SIZE + sizeof (ManouverSetParamTag), // MANOUVER_SET
- // (See ManouverSetParamTag for description)
- MSG_HEADER_SIZE + sizeof (TankStatusParamTag), // SET_TANK_STATUS
- // (See TankStatusParamTag for description)
- MSG_HEADER_SIZE + sizeof (TankPosParamTag), // SET_TANK_POS
- // (See TankPosParamTag for description)
- MSG_HEADER_SIZE + sizeof (TankZombieParamTag), // SET_TANK_ZOMBIE
- // (See TankZombieParamTag for description)
- MSG_HEADER_SIZE + sizeof (TankRequestParamTag), // REQUEST_TANK
- // (See TankRequestParamTag for description)
- // (See SingleTankChkSumType for description)
- };
- BYTE * CMessage::m_MsgSizeArr = MsgSizeArr;
- TIMER_CLASS * CMessage::m_pTimer = NULL;
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function: Constructor.
- Purpose: Constructor for messages created internally (not from network)
- Input: type: Type of message to be constructed.
- data: Data of message to be constructed.
- typ: Flag to indicate if message contains our local game time
- (internal message between threads) or the host game time
- (external message sent over the net).
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- CMessage::CMessage (MessageType type,
- union MessageData& data,
- GameMessageType typ) :
- m_Type (type),
- m_UnionData (data)
- {
- if (NULL == m_pTimer)
- m_pTimer = &(TANKS_APP->m_gTimer);
- memcpy (&m_UnionData, &data, sizeof(union MessageData));
- if (PLAYER_MSG == typ)
- { // Message created internally (not from network) and is directed out.
- // This only happens for clients.
- // Convert to server's time (game time)
- m_dwMsgTime = m_pTimer->GetRemoteTime ();
- }
- else
- // Just store local time as message time:
- m_dwMsgTime = m_pTimer->GetLocalTime();
- }
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function: Constructor.
- Purpose: Constructor for messages arriving from network (not created internally)
- Input: pData: Pointer to data buffer.
- bDataSize: Size of data buffer.
- typ: Flag indicating if message time is global (host) or local
- (any player).
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- CMessage::CMessage (PBYTE pData, BYTE bDataSize, GameMessageType typ)
- {
- if (NULL == m_pTimer)
- m_pTimer = &(TANKS_APP->m_gTimer);
- // Get message ID
- BYTE bType = BYTE((pData[0]) & 0x000F);
- // Make sure the message has a valid type
- ASSERT (bType < sizeof (MsgSizeArr) / sizeof(MsgSizeArr[0]));
- // Make sure the data fits the size according to its type
- ASSERT ((VAR_LEN == m_MsgSizeArr[bType]) || // Variable length or (ignored)
- (bDataSize == m_MsgSizeArr[bType])); // exact length
- // Message type ok - store it.
- m_Type = MessageType(bType);
- pData++;
- // Read time from message
- PDWORD pTime = PDWORD(pData);
- if (PLAYER_MSG == typ)
- { // Requested by player (coming from server), convert to local time
- m_dwMsgTime = m_pTimer->GetLocalTime (*pTime);
- }
- else
- { // Requested by server (coming from a client to server), already in server's time
- m_dwMsgTime = *pTime;
- }
- pData += sizeof(DWORD);
- // Handle decoding of incoming message according to type
- switch (m_Type)
- {
- case ADD_BONUS: // Server => Client
- DecodeAddBonus (pData);
- break;
- case ADD_TANK: // Server => Client
- DecodeAddTank (pData);
- break;
- case ADD_BOARD: // Server => Client
- DecodeAddBoard (pData);
- break;
- case ADD_BOMBER: // Server => Client
- DecodeAddBomber (pData);
- break;
- case REMOVE_TANK: // Server => Client
- DecodeRemoveTank (pData);
- break;
- case MANOUVER_SET: // Server <=> Client
- DecodeManouverSet (pData);
- break;
- case REQUEST_TANK: // Client => Server
- DecodeRequestTank (pData);
- break;
- case CHECK_SUM: // Client => Server;
- DecodeCheckSum (pData);
- break;
- case SET_TANK_STATUS: // Server => Client
- DecodeSetTankStatus (pData);
- break;
- case SET_TANK_POS: // Server => Client
- DecodeSetTankPos (pData);
- break;
- case SET_TANK_ZOMBIE: // Server => Client
- DecodeSetTankZombie (pData);
- break;
- case CHAT:
- DecodeChat(pData);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function: GetBuffer
- Purpose: Spools the message contents to buffer, minimizing buffer size by
- using bit fields to store the message contents.
- Input: pRes: Pointer to buffer.
- Output: Return the buffer length.
- Remarks: Each type of message has an encoding method to convert data to
- compact structure w/o loosing information.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- CMessage::GetBuffer (PBYTE pRes)
- {
- // Store the type
- pRes[0] = BYTE(m_Type);
- pRes++;
- // Store the remote time
- *((PDWORD)pRes) = m_dwMsgTime;
- pRes += sizeof (DWORD);
- // Handle encoding of message according to type
- switch (m_Type)
- {
- case REQUEST_TANK: // Client => Server
- return EncodeRequestTank (pRes);
- case ADD_BONUS: // Server => Client
- return EncodeAddBonus (pRes);
- case ADD_TANK: // Server => Client
- return EncodeAddTank (pRes);
- case ADD_BOARD: // Server => Client
- return EncodeAddBoard (pRes);
- case ADD_BOMBER: // Server => Client
- return EncodeAddBomber (pRes);
- case REMOVE_TANK: // Server => Client
- return EncodeRemoveTank (pRes);
- case MANOUVER_SET: // Server <=> Client
- return EncodeManouverSet (pRes);
- case CHECK_SUM: // Client => Server
- return EncodeCheckSum (pRes);
- case SET_TANK_STATUS: // Server => Client
- return EncodeSetTankStatus (pRes);
- case SET_TANK_POS: // Server => Client
- return EncodeSetTankPos (pRes);
- case SET_TANK_ZOMBIE: // Server => Client
- return EncodeSetTankZombie (pRes);
- case CHAT:
- return EncodeChat(pRes);
- default:
- return 0;
- }
- }
- // Encoding & decoding functions:
- // ------------------------------
- CMessage::EncodeAddBomber (PBYTE pData)
- {
- // Validate data to encode
- ASSERT (m_UnionData.BomberParam.Direction < 24);
- *((BomberParamTag *)pData) = m_UnionData.BomberParam;
- return m_MsgSizeArr[ADD_BOMBER];
- }
- void
- CMessage::DecodeAddBomber (PBYTE pData)
- {
- m_UnionData.BomberParam = *((BomberParamTag *)pData);
- ASSERT (m_UnionData.BomberParam.Direction < 24);
- }
- CMessage::EncodeRequestTank (PBYTE pData) const
- {
- // Validate data to encode
- ASSERT (m_UnionData.TankRequestParam.bID < 4);
- *pData = m_UnionData.TankRequestParam.bID;
- return m_MsgSizeArr[REQUEST_TANK];
- }
- void
- CMessage::DecodeRequestTank (PBYTE pData)
- {
- m_UnionData.TankRequestParam.bID = *pData;
- ASSERT (m_UnionData.TankRequestParam.bID < 4);
- }
- CMessage::EncodeManouverSet (PBYTE pData) const
- {
- // Validate data to encode
- ASSERT (m_UnionData.ManouverSetParam.Direction < 24);
- *((ManouverSetParamTag *)pData) = m_UnionData.ManouverSetParam;
- return m_MsgSizeArr[MANOUVER_SET];
- }
- void
- CMessage::DecodeManouverSet (PBYTE pData)
- {
- m_UnionData.ManouverSetParam = *((ManouverSetParamTag *)pData);
- ASSERT (m_UnionData.ManouverSetParam.Direction < 24);
- }
- CMessage::EncodeAddBonus (PBYTE pData) const
- {
- ASSERT (m_UnionData.BonusParam.XPos < 512);
- ASSERT (m_UnionData.BonusParam.YPos < 512);
- ASSERT (BonusType(m_UnionData.BonusParam.Type) < NUM_BONUSES);
- *((BonusParamTag *)pData) = m_UnionData.BonusParam;
- return m_MsgSizeArr[ADD_BONUS];
- }
- void
- CMessage::DecodeAddBonus (PBYTE pData)
- {
- m_UnionData.BonusParam = *((BonusParamTag *)pData);
- ASSERT (BonusType(m_UnionData.BonusParam.Type) < NUM_BONUSES);
- }
- CMessage::EncodeAddTank (PBYTE pData) const
- {
- ASSERT (m_UnionData.TankParam.ShieldLevel < 101);
- ASSERT (m_UnionData.TankParam.Direction < 24);
- *((TankParamTag*)pData) = m_UnionData.TankParam;
- return m_MsgSizeArr[ADD_TANK];
- }
- void
- CMessage::DecodeAddTank (PBYTE pData)
- {
- m_UnionData.TankParam = *((TankParamTag*)pData);
- ASSERT (m_UnionData.TankParam.ShieldLevel < 101);
- ASSERT (m_UnionData.TankParam.Direction < 24);
- }
- CMessage::EncodeAddBoard (PBYTE pData) const
- {
- ASSERT (m_UnionData.BoardParam.Seed < 0xFFFF);
- ASSERT (m_UnionData.BoardParam.Complexity < 0x001F);
- *((BoardParamTag *)pData) = m_UnionData.BoardParam;
- return m_MsgSizeArr[ADD_BOARD];
- }
- void
- CMessage::DecodeAddBoard (PBYTE pData)
- {
- m_UnionData.BoardParam = *((BoardParamTag *)pData);
- }
- CMessage::EncodeRemoveTank (PBYTE pData) const
- {
- *((TankRemoveParamTag *)pData) = m_UnionData.TankRemoveParam;
- return m_MsgSizeArr[REMOVE_TANK];
- }
- void
- CMessage::DecodeRemoveTank (PBYTE pData)
- {
- m_UnionData.TankRemoveParam = *((TankRemoveParamTag *)pData);
- }
- CMessage::EncodeSetTankStatus (PBYTE pBuffer) const
- {
- *(TankStatusParamTag*)pBuffer = m_UnionData.TankStatusParam;
- return m_MsgSizeArr[SET_TANK_STATUS];
- }
- void
- CMessage::DecodeSetTankStatus (PBYTE pBuffer)
- {
- m_UnionData.TankStatusParam = *((TankStatusParamTag *)pBuffer);
- }
- CMessage::EncodeSetTankPos (PBYTE pBuffer) const
- {
- *(TankPosParamTag*)pBuffer = m_UnionData.TankPosParam;
- return m_MsgSizeArr[SET_TANK_POS];
- }
- void
- CMessage::DecodeSetTankPos (PBYTE pBuffer)
- {
- m_UnionData.TankPosParam = *(TankPosParamTag*)pBuffer;
- }
- CMessage::EncodeSetTankZombie (PBYTE pBuffer) const
- {
- *(TankZombieParamTag*)pBuffer = m_UnionData.TankZombieParam;
- return m_MsgSizeArr[SET_TANK_ZOMBIE];
- }
- void
- CMessage::DecodeSetTankZombie (PBYTE pBuffer)
- {
- m_UnionData.TankZombieParam = *(TankZombieParamTag*)pBuffer;
- }
- CMessage::EncodeCheckSum (PBYTE pData) const
- {
- ASSERT (m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.NumberOfTanks <= 4);
- ASSERT ((m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.ActiveBonusType >= BONUS_NONE) &&
- (m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.ActiveBonusType < NUM_BONUSES));
- PBYTE pb = pData;
- // First, do fixed part:
- FixedSizeChkSumType *p = (FixedSizeChkSumType *)pb;
- p->Header.NumberOfTanks = m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.NumberOfTanks;
- p->Header.DeadHostReport = BYTE(m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.DeadHostReport ? 1 : 0);
- p->Header.ActiveBonusType = BYTE(m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.ActiveBonusType);
- p->Header.XPos = m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.XPos;
- p->Header.YPos = m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.YPos;
- // Encode sector mines checksums:
- int sect = 0;
- for (int i=0; i<8; i++)
- {
- p->MinesSectorsChkSum[i].LoNibble = BYTE((m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.MinesSectorsChkSum[sect++]) & 0x0F);
- p->MinesSectorsChkSum[i].HiNibble = BYTE((m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.MinesSectorsChkSum[sect++]) & 0x0F);
- }
- // Encode tanks - variable part:
- pb += sizeof (FixedSizeChkSumType);
- for (i=0; i<4; i++)
- if (m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.TanksChkSums[i].TankExists)
- { // i'th tank exists
- // Tank's encoding includes tank's ID
- SingleTankChkSumType *p = (SingleTankChkSumType *)pb;
- p->TankID = i;
- p->Zombie = m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.TanksChkSums[i].Zombie;
- p->Shells = m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.TanksChkSums[i].Shells;
- p->Bullets = m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.TanksChkSums[i].Bullets;
- p->Mines = m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.TanksChkSums[i].Mines;
- p->FastFire = m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.TanksChkSums[i].FastFire;
- pb += sizeof (SingleTankChkSumType);
- }
- // Return true (varaible) message size
- DWORD dwMsgSize = sizeof (FixedSizeChkSumType) +
- m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.NumberOfTanks * sizeof (SingleTankChkSumType);
- ASSERT (pb == pData+dwMsgSize);
- return dwMsgSize + 5; // Including message header
- }
- void
- CMessage::DecodeCheckSum (PBYTE pData)
- {
- FixedSizeChkSumType *p = (FixedSizeChkSumType *)pData;
- m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.NumberOfTanks = p->Header.NumberOfTanks;
- m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.DeadHostReport = p->Header.DeadHostReport;
- m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.ActiveBonusType = BonusType(p->Header.ActiveBonusType);
- m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.XPos = p->Header.XPos;
- m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.YPos = p->Header.YPos;
- // Decode sector mines checksums:
- int sect = 0;
- for (int i=0; i<8; i++)
- {
- m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.MinesSectorsChkSum[sect++] = p->MinesSectorsChkSum[i].LoNibble;
- m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.MinesSectorsChkSum[sect++] = p->MinesSectorsChkSum[i].HiNibble;
- }
- ASSERT (m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.NumberOfTanks <= 4);
- ASSERT ((m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.ActiveBonusType >= BONUS_NONE) &&
- (m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.ActiveBonusType < NUM_BONUSES));
- // Decode tanks - variable part:
- // Clear all tanks data
- memset (m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.TanksChkSums,
- 0,
- sizeof (CheckSumParamTag::TankCheckSumParamTag) * MAX_TANKS);
- pData += sizeof (FixedSizeChkSumType);
- for (i=0; i<m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.NumberOfTanks; i++)
- {
- SingleTankChkSumType *p = (SingleTankChkSumType *)pData;
- BYTE bTankID = BYTE(p->TankID); // Get tank ID
- ASSERT (bTankID < 4);
- m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.TanksChkSums[bTankID].TankExists = TRUE;
- m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.TanksChkSums[bTankID].Zombie = p->Zombie;
- m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.TanksChkSums[bTankID].Shells = WORD(p->Shells);
- m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.TanksChkSums[bTankID].Bullets = WORD(p->Bullets);
- m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.TanksChkSums[bTankID].Mines = WORD(p->Mines);
- m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.TanksChkSums[bTankID].FastFire = p->FastFire;
- pData += sizeof (SingleTankChkSumType);
- }
- }
- CMessage::EncodeChat (PBYTE pData) const
- {
- *pData++ = m_UnionData.ChatParam.TankID;
- PDWORD pdw = (PDWORD)pData;
- *pdw++ = m_UnionData.ChatParam.idFrom;
- pData = (PBYTE)pdw;
- strcpy ((char *)pData, m_UnionData.ChatParam.Msg);
- return DWORD(sizeof (m_UnionData.ChatParam) - // Entire message
- sizeof (m_UnionData.ChatParam.Msg) + // Leave const size
- strlen(m_UnionData.ChatParam.Msg) + 1 + // Variable string
- MSG_HEADER_SIZE); // Msg header
- }
- void
- CMessage::DecodeChat (PBYTE pData)
- {
- m_UnionData.ChatParam.TankID = *pData++;
- m_UnionData.ChatParam.idFrom = *((PDWORD)(pData));
- pData+=sizeof(DWORD);
- // Assert msg length :
- int len = strlen ((char *)pData);
- if (len > MAX_CHAT_MSG_LEN)
- { // Chop string at last available char:
- pData[MAX_CHAT_MSG_LEN] = ' ';
- }
- strcpy (m_UnionData.ChatParam.Msg, (char *)pData);
- }
- /* Special case - static mines per sector encoding / decoding functions : */
- CMessage::EncodeSectorMines (PBYTE pData, int iSector, DWORD dwMinesFound, DWORD *pAllMinesInSector)
- {
- pData[0] = BYTE(iSector);
- pData[1] = BYTE(dwMinesFound);
- DWORD dwDataSize = dwMinesFound * sizeof (DWORD);
- memcpy (&pData[2], pAllMinesInSector, dwDataSize);
- return dwDataSize + 2;
- }
- CMessage::DecodeSectorMines (PBYTE pData, DWORD dwBufferSize, int &iSector, DWORD *pAllMinesInSector)
- {
- ASSERT (dwBufferSize >= 2);
- iSector = int(pData[0]);
- DWORD dwMinesFound = DWORD(pData[1]);
- DWORD dwDataSize = dwMinesFound * sizeof (DWORD);
- ASSERT (dwBufferSize == dwDataSize + 2);
- memcpy (pAllMinesInSector, &pData[2], dwDataSize);
- return dwMinesFound;
- }
- /* End of special case - static mines per sector encoding / decoding functions */
- #ifdef NET_MON_GAME
- char *
- CMessage::GetName()
- { // Get message name
- return CMessage::GetName (BYTE(m_Type));
- }
- char *
- CMessage::GetName(BYTE bID)
- { // Get message name (static)
- switch (bID)
- {
- case ADD_BONUS:
- return "ADD_BONUS";
- case ADD_TANK:
- return "ADD_TANK";
- case ADD_BOARD:
- return "ADD_BOARD";
- case ADD_BOMBER:
- return "ADD_BOMBER";
- return "REMOVE_TANK";
- return "MANOUVER_SET";
- return "SET_TANK_STATUS";
- case SET_TANK_POS:
- return "SET_TANK_POS";
- return "REQUEST_TANK";
- case CHECK_SUM:
- return "CHECK_SUM";
- case ADD_OBJECT:
- return "ADD_OBJECT";
- case ADD_SHELL:
- return "ADD_SHELL";
- case ADD_BULLET:
- return "ADD_BULLET";
- return "ADD_GAME_OVER";
- case 0xff:
- return "PING";
- default:
- return "unknown";
- }
- }
- #endif NET_MON_GAME
- #pragma pack (pop)