资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * WorkerThread.cpp
- *
- * Electrical Engineering Faculty - Software Lab
- * Spring semester 1998
- *
- * Tanks game
- *
- * Module description: Abstract base class, defining methods to launch and
- * stop a worker thread. All worker threads in our
- * application derive from this class.
- *
- * Authors: Eran Yariv - 28484475
- * Moshe Zur - 24070856
- *
- *
- * Date: 23/09/98
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
- #include <stdafx.h>
- #include "WorkerThread.h"
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function: StartWorkerThread
- Purpose: Starts the main worker function - ThreadEntry. We make sure only a
- single instance of the thread is running.
- Input: Pointer to the thread's params.
- Output: None.
- Remarks: Since we want ThreadEntry to be a virtual function, we can't start
- the thread from this function. Instead we call the static function
- InvokeThreadEntry, passing to it the pointer to our class. This way
- we can invoke the dynamically binded thread entry, and pass the
- params (as class private members).
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void
- CWorkerThread::StartWorkerThread (LPVOID pvParam)
- {
- if (m_bThreadIsRunning) // Only one worker thread is handled at a time !
- return;
- m_bEndThread = FALSE; // This flag is checked by thread, making it TRUE ends thread.
- m_pvParam = pvParam;
- CWinThread* pThread = AfxBeginThread( InvokeThreadEntry, this );
- if (pThread)
- {
- m_hThread = pThread -> m_hThread;
- m_bThreadIsRunning = TRUE;
- }
- }
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function: EndWorkerThread
- Purpose: Stops the thread, by changing the appropiate flag.
- Input: bWaitForTermination : If flag is on we wait on the thread terminate
- event.
- Output: None.
- Remarks: In some cases, the thread main loop be blocked for a long time
- before reaching the flag. In this cases the derived class may
- override this method in order to use their own signal to terminate.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void
- CWorkerThread::EndWorkerThread (BOOL bWaitForTermination)
- {
- if (m_bThreadIsRunning)
- {
- m_bEndThread = TRUE; // Notify thread to die
- if (bWaitForTermination)
- WaitForSingleObject ( m_hThread, INFINITE );
- m_bThreadIsRunning = FALSE;
- }
- }
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function: InvokeThreadEntry
- Purpose: Static function passed to AfxBeginThread. It's purpose is to invoke
- the working thread main loop - ThreadEntry.
- Input: pvParam : Pointer to the derived class.
- Output: None.
- Remarks: See explanation at StartWorkerThread.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- CWorkerThread::InvokeThreadEntry (LPVOID pvParam)
- {
- CWorkerThread *pWorkerThread = (CWorkerThread*)pvParam;
- return pWorkerThread ? pWorkerThread -> ThreadEntry (pWorkerThread -> m_pvParam)
- : 0;
- }