资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * KeysTable.cpp
- *
- * Electrical Engineering Faculty - Software Lab
- * Spring semester 1998
- *
- * Tanks game
- *
- * Module description: Each player defines it's own set of keys to control the
- * tank. The key table object loads the last mapping to
- * a table, either from the registry file or from a default
- * hard coded table (when playing for the 1st time).
- * During the game, each key pressed is looked in the table,
- * and if it's one of the control keys, it alters the
- * maneuver set object assigned to our local tank.
- *
- * Authors: Eran Yariv - 28484475
- * Moshe Zur - 24070856
- *
- *
- * Date: 23/09/98
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
- #include <stdafx.h>
- #include "Tanks.h"
- #include "KeysTable.h"
- #include "GameConsts.h"
- CKeysTable::~CKeysTable()
- {
- TANKS_APP -> SetStoredRightKey (m_uKeysArr[0]);
- TANKS_APP -> SetStoredLeftKey (m_uKeysArr[1]);
- TANKS_APP -> SetStoredForwardKey (m_uKeysArr[2]);
- TANKS_APP -> SetStoredBackwardKey (m_uKeysArr[3]);
- TANKS_APP -> SetStoredShellKey (m_uKeysArr[4]);
- TANKS_APP -> SetStoredBulletKey (m_uKeysArr[5]);
- TANKS_APP -> SetStoredMineKey (m_uKeysArr[6]);
- TANKS_APP -> SetStoredAerialKey (m_uKeysArr[7]);
- }
- CKeysTable::CKeysTable (const CKeysTable& rhs)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < CManouverSet::MAX_MANOUVER_BIT; i++)
- m_uKeysArr[i] = rhs.m_uKeysArr[i];
- }
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function: SetKey
- Purpose: Assigns a new control key to the indicated action.
- Input: ind: Index of the action in the table.
- key: Virtual key code of the requested key.
- Output: Return TRUE if key could be assigned.
- Remarks: Method return FALSE in case the key is allready in use for a
- different action.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- CKeysTable::SetKey (int ind, UINT key)
- {
- BOOL bRes = FALSE;
- // Checks index is in bounds:
- if (0 <= ind && CManouverSet::MAX_MANOUVER_BIT > ind)
- {
- BOOL Duplicated = FALSE; // Indicates key is already in use
- // Check that key is unique:
- for (int i = 0; i < CManouverSet::MAX_MANOUVER_BIT && !Duplicated; i++)
- Duplicated = (m_uKeysArr[i] == key);
- if (!Duplicated)
- {
- m_uKeysArr[ind] = key;
- bRes = TRUE;
- }
- }
- return bRes;
- }
- void
- CKeysTable::RestoreDefault()
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < CManouverSet::MAX_MANOUVER_BIT; i++)
- m_uKeysArr[i] = DEFAULT_KEYS_SETTINGS[i];
- }
- void
- CKeysTable::InitTable()
- {
- m_uKeysArr[0] = TANKS_APP -> GetStoredRightKey (DEFAULT_KEYS_SETTINGS[0]);
- m_uKeysArr[1] = TANKS_APP -> GetStoredLeftKey (DEFAULT_KEYS_SETTINGS[1]);
- m_uKeysArr[2] = TANKS_APP -> GetStoredForwardKey (DEFAULT_KEYS_SETTINGS[2]);
- m_uKeysArr[3] = TANKS_APP -> GetStoredBackwardKey (DEFAULT_KEYS_SETTINGS[3]);
- m_uKeysArr[4] = TANKS_APP -> GetStoredShellKey (DEFAULT_KEYS_SETTINGS[4]);
- m_uKeysArr[5] = TANKS_APP -> GetStoredBulletKey (DEFAULT_KEYS_SETTINGS[5]);
- m_uKeysArr[6] = TANKS_APP -> GetStoredMineKey (DEFAULT_KEYS_SETTINGS[6]);
- m_uKeysArr[7] = TANKS_APP -> GetStoredAerialKey (DEFAULT_KEYS_SETTINGS[7]);
- }
- CKeysTable&
- CKeysTable::operator= (const CKeysTable& rhs)
- {
- if (this != &rhs) // Just copy arrays, if it's not the same object:
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < CManouverSet::MAX_MANOUVER_BIT; i++)
- m_uKeysArr[i] = rhs.m_uKeysArr[i];
- }
- return *this;
- }