资源名称:tanksrc.zip [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * Queue.cpp
- *
- * Electrical Engineering Faculty - Software Lab
- * Spring semester 1998
- *
- * Tanks game
- *
- * Module description: Implements a multi threaded safe queue, using a linked
- * list to hold the data. A semaphor is used to signal the
- * thread for a new incoming data.
- *
- * Authors: Eran Yariv - 28484475
- * Moshe Zur - 24070856
- *
- *
- * Date: 23/09/98
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "queue.h"
- #include "Message.h"
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: CloseQueue
- Purpose: Empty the queue and delete all it's elements.
- Input: None.
- Output: None.
- ****************************************************************************/
- void CQueue::CloseQueue()
- {
- Empty();
- m_bQueueIsDead = TRUE;
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: GetQueueSize
- Purpose: Get the current total number of items in the queue
- Input: None.
- Output: Number of items in the queue.
- ****************************************************************************/
- int CQueue::GetQueueSize()
- {
- int nQueueSize;
- if (m_bQueueIsDead) // close Q flag is set
- return 0; // Size of dead queue is zero
- m_QueueCS.Lock(); // Lock the option of accessing the queue
- nQueueSize = m_Queue.GetCount();
- m_QueueCS.Unlock(); // Release the option of accessing the queue
- return nQueueSize;
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: Enqueue
- Purpose: Insert a given element into the queue.
- Input: Pointer to the new element.
- Output: TRUE upon success, otherwise - FALSE.
- ****************************************************************************/
- BOOL CQueue::Enqueue(CObject* pNewElement)
- {
- if (m_bQueueIsDead) // close Q flag is set
- return FALSE; // Cannot add messages to a dead queue
- m_QueueCS.Lock(); // Lock the option of accessing the queue
- if (m_bQueueIsDead) // close Q flag is set
- return FALSE; // Cannot add messages to a dead queue
- if (pNewElement == KILL_Q_MSG)
- m_bQueueIsDead = TRUE;
- else
- {
- m_Queue.AddTail(pNewElement); // Insert the new alement at the tail of the queue
- }
- if(m_bBlocking) // should wait until there are elements in the queue
- m_DispatchSem.Unlock(); // Update the dispatch semaphore - the queue is not empty
- m_QueueCS.Unlock(); // Release the option of accessing the queue
- if (NULL != m_hEnqueueEvent)
- {
- SetEvent (m_hEnqueueEvent);
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- Function: Dequeue
- Purpose: Get the head object out of the queue.
- Input: Return object address.
- Output: BOOL - FALSE if there are no objects in the queue,
- so that no object removed from the list, otherewise - TRUE.
- Remarks: The head object removed out of the queue but not deleted.
- ****************************************************************************/
- BOOL CQueue::Dequeue(CObject*& pRes)
- {
- if (m_bQueueIsDead) // close Q flag is set
- {
- pRes = KILL_Q_MSG;
- return TRUE;
- }
- if(m_bBlocking) {// should wait until there are elements in the queue
- m_DispatchSem.Lock(); // wait until there are objects in the queue
- if (m_bQueueIsDead) { // close Q flag was set while were sleeping on the locked semaphore
- pRes = KILL_Q_MSG;
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- m_QueueCS.Lock(); // Lock the option of accessing the queue
- if (m_bQueueIsDead) { // Close Q flag was set while were sleeping on the locked semaphore
- pRes = KILL_Q_MSG;
- return TRUE;
- }
- if(m_Queue.IsEmpty()){ // No items in the queue
- m_QueueCS.Unlock();
- return FALSE;
- }
- pRes = m_Queue.RemoveHead (); // Get the queue's head object and remove it
- m_QueueCS.Unlock(); // Release the option of accessing the queue
- return TRUE;
- }
- void
- CQueue::SetNotificationEvent (HANDLE h)
- {
- m_hEnqueueEvent = h;
- }
- void
- CQueue::Empty()
- {
- CObject* pElement;
- m_QueueCS.Lock(); // Lock the option of accessing the queue
- for (POSITION pos = m_Queue.GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL; ) // walk through the queue
- {
- pElement = m_Queue.GetNext(pos);
- if(pElement) // not the kill Q message
- {
- delete(pElement); // throw exception
- m_DispatchSem.Unlock ();
- }
- }
- m_Queue.RemoveAll();
- ASSERT(m_Queue.IsEmpty()); // check if the queue is empty after removing the elements
- m_QueueCS.Unlock(); // Release the option of accessing the queue
- }
- BOOL CQueue::Enqueue(CObject* pNewElement, DWORD dwKey)
- {
- if (m_bQueueIsDead) // close Q flag is set
- return FALSE; // Cannot add messages to a dead queue
- m_QueueCS.Lock(); // Lock the option of accessing the queue
- if (m_bQueueIsDead) // close Q flag is set
- return FALSE; // Cannot add messages to a dead queue
- if (pNewElement == KILL_Q_MSG)
- m_bQueueIsDead = TRUE;
- else
- {
- BOOL fInsertDone = FALSE; // Was an item inserted
- for (POSITION pos = m_Queue.GetHeadPosition(); pos; )
- {
- POSITION CurPos = pos;
- if (((CMessage*)m_Queue.GetNext(pos))->GetTime() > dwKey)
- {
- m_Queue.InsertBefore(CurPos, pNewElement);
- fInsertDone = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (! fInsertDone) // empty loop, or new message has the highest key:
- m_Queue.AddTail(pNewElement); // Insert the new alement at the tail of the queue
- }
- if(m_bBlocking) // should wait until there are elements in the queue
- m_DispatchSem.Unlock(); // Update the dispatch semaphore - the queue is not empty
- m_QueueCS.Unlock(); // Release the option of accessing the queue
- if (NULL != m_hEnqueueEvent)
- {
- SetEvent (m_hEnqueueEvent);
- }
- return TRUE;
- }