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Visual C++
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * CommManager.cpp
- *
- * Electrical Engineering Faculty - Software Lab
- * Spring semester 1998
- *
- * Tanks game
- *
- * Module description: The Communication Manager wraps the DPlay API, and
- * manages the communication setting, initializing,
- * termination, and messages traffic to and from the app.
- *
- * Authors: Eran Yariv - 28484475
- * Moshe Zur - 24070856
- *
- *
- * Date: 23/09/98
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include <objbase.h> // we need this or else initguid.h won't let us compile
- #include <initguid.h> // including the header makes DEFINE_GUID define the GUID.
- #include "Tanks.h"
- #include "Client.h"
- #include "Host.h"
- #include "EnumSession.h"
- #define SET_SESSION_START_TIME(t) {m_dwSessionStartTime=(t);
- m_dwLastSecTimeRecv = m_dwLastSecTimeSend = m_dwSessionStartTime;}
- #define INC_TOTAL_BYTES_SENT(cb) m_dwTotalBytesSent+=(cb);
- #define INC_TOTAL_BYTES_RECEIVED(cb) m_dwTotalBytesReceived+=(cb);
- #define INC_TOTAL_CLIENT_MESSAGES_SENT m_dwTotalClientMsgsSent++;
- #define INC_TOTAL_CLIENT_MESSAGES_RECEIVED m_dwTotalClientMsgsReceived++;
- #define INC_TOTAL_HOST_MESSAGES_SENT m_dwTotalHostMsgsSent++;
- #define INC_TOTAL_HOST_MESSAGES_RECEIVED m_dwTotalHostMsgsReceived++;
- #define UPDATE_BIGGEST_PACKET_SENT(cb) m_dwBiggestSentPacketSize = max (m_dwBiggestSentPacketSize, (cb));
- #define UPDATE_SMALLEST_PACKET_SENT(cb) m_dwSmallestSentPacketSize = min (m_dwSmallestSentPacketSize, (cb));
- #define UPDATE_BIGGEST_PACKET_RECEIVED(cb) m_dwBiggestReceivedPacketSize = max (m_dwBiggestReceivedPacketSize, (cb));
- #define UPDATE_SMALLEST_PACKET_RECEIVED(cb) m_dwSmallestReceivedPacketSize = min (m_dwSmallestReceivedPacketSize,(cb));
- #define INC_CLIENT_SEND_ERRORS m_dwClientSendErrors++;
- #define INC_HOST_SEND_ERRORS m_dwHostSendErrors++;
- #define INC_RECEIVE_ERRORS m_dwReceiveErrors++;
- #define UPDATE_RECEIVE UpdateReceive();
- #define UPDATE_SEND UpdateSend();
- #define TRACE_NETWORK_STATS TraceNetworkStats();
- #else // !defined GATHER_NETWORK_STATS
- #define INC_TOTAL_BYTES_SENT(cb)
- #define UPDATE_SEND
- #endif // defined GATHER_NETWORK_STATS
- char TANKS_SESSION_NAME[] = "Tanks Game";
- const BYTE CCommManager::ACK = 0xFF;
- CCommManager::CCommManager() :
- m_pIDP(NULL),
- m_fIsConnected(FALSE),
- m_fIsPlaying(FALSE),
- m_fIsHost(TRUE),
- m_IncomingMsgQ(TANKS_APP->m_gIncomingMsgQueue),
- m_OutgoingMsgQ(TANKS_APP->m_gOutgoingMsgQueue),
- m_idPlayer(INVALID_PLAYER_ID),
- m_pHost(NULL)
- ,
- m_dwTotalBytesSent (0),
- m_dwTotalBytesReceived (0),
- m_dwBiggestSentPacketSize (0),
- m_dwLastRecvTotal (0),
- m_dwLastSentTotal (0),
- m_dwSmallestSentPacketSize (MAX_DWORD),
- m_dwBiggestReceivedPacketSize (0),
- m_dwSmallestReceivedPacketSize (MAX_DWORD),
- m_dwMaxBytesSentInLastSecond (0),
- m_dwMaxBytesReceivedInLastSecond (0),
- m_dwTotalClientMsgsSent (0),
- m_dwTotalClientMsgsReceived (0),
- m_dwClientSendErrors (0),
- m_dwTotalHostMsgsSent (0),
- m_dwTotalHostMsgsReceived (0),
- m_dwHostSendErrors (0),
- m_dwReceiveErrors (0)
- {
- m_hRecvEvent = CreateEvent (NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
- m_hQuitEvent = CreateEvent (NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
- // Create client
- m_pClient = new CClient(*this);
- }
- CCommManager::~CCommManager ()
- {
- if (m_pIDP)
- m_pIDP->Release();
- if (m_pClient)
- delete m_pClient;
- if (m_pHost)
- delete m_pHost;
- CloseHandle (m_hRecvEvent);
- CloseHandle (m_hQuitEvent);
- }
- void
- CCommManager::SetCommParams()
- {
- CCommSettingDlg dlg;
- dlg.DoModal();
- return;
- }
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function: OnNewGame
- Purpose: Initailizes the DPlay object, and starts the connection protocol w/
- the server. In case this is a server machine, it also starts the
- host object.
- Input: None.
- Output: Return TRUE if succeeded to connect to a game session.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- CCommManager::OnNewGame()
- {
- try {
- // Create DirectPlay2 interface
- CreateDPInterface();
- // Start session
- OpenSession();
- // Create player
- CreatePlayer();
- } catch (CString &strErr) {
- AfxMessageBox(strErr, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
- return FALSE;
- }
- //
- // At last - all is well, start the message pumping:
- //
- // Empty both queues:
- TANKS_APP->m_gOutgoingMsgQueue.Empty();
- TANKS_APP->m_gOutgoingMsgQueue.Empty();
- m_bLostServerConnection = FALSE;
- TANKS_APP->SetMaxRTT(MAX_VALID_RTT); // Init the global max RTT param from the reg.
- StartWorkerThread();
- if (! m_pClient->WaitForGameProperties()) {
- AfxMessageBox("Server timed out");
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- CCommManager::OnStopGame()
- {
- if (m_fIsPlaying) {
- // Stop the working thread:
- EndThread(TRUE);
- // Destroy the player object:
- DestroyPlayer();
- // Stop the session:
- CloseSession();
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- void
- CCommManager::CreateDPInterface ()
- {
- LPDIRECTPLAY lpDirectPlay1 = NULL;
- //
- // Get the GUID of the connection provider.
- //
- GUID guidCurr;
- if (! TANKS_APP->GetStoredGUID(&guidCurr))
- { // Its the first run on this machine and no connection was selected.
- throw CString ("No connection was selected.n"
- "Use Setting->Communication prefernces menun"
- "to select a connection and try again.");
- return;
- }
- //
- // Release previous interface.
- //
- if (m_pIDP)
- {
- CloseSession(); // Just to make sure
- m_pIDP->Release(); // Release the old interface
- m_pIDP = NULL; // Prepare for a failure
- }
- //
- // Get a new interface.
- //
- // Retrieve a DirectPlay 1.0 interface.
- hr = DirectPlayCreate(&guidCurr, &lpDirectPlay1, NULL);
- if FAILED(hr) {
- TRACE("DirectPlayCreate failed HR=%uln", hr);
- throw CString("Communication failure.n(DirectPlayCreate failed)");
- return;
- }
- // Query for an ANSI DirectPlay2 interface.
- hr = lpDirectPlay1->QueryInterface(IID_IDirectPlay2A, (LPVOID *) &m_pIDP);
- // Release DirectPlay 1.0 interface
- if (lpDirectPlay1)
- lpDirectPlay1->Release();
- if FAILED(hr) {
- TRACE("QueryInterface for IID_IDirectPlay2A failed HR=%uln", hr);
- throw CString("Communication failure.n"
- "(QueryInterface failed)");
- return;
- }
- }
- void
- CCommManager::OpenSession()
- {
- // Close any exiting session.
- if (m_fIsConnected)
- CloseSession();
- ZeroMemory(&SessionDesc, sizeof(DPSESSIONDESC2));
- SessionDesc.dwSize = sizeof(DPSESSIONDESC2);
- SessionDesc.guidApplication = TANKS_GUID;
- // Get user choice from registry:
- m_fIsHost = TANKS_APP->GetStoredIsHostFlag();
- //
- // Open session:
- //
- if (m_fIsHost)
- { // Create a new session
- CString strName = TANKS_APP->GetStoredPlayerName();
- SessionDesc.dwFlags = DPSESSION_KEEPALIVE |
- // We add one for our Host that occupies an additional player.
- SessionDesc.dwMaxPlayers = MAX_TANKS + 1;
- SessionDesc.lpszSessionNameA = const_cast<LPSTR>((LPCSTR)strName);
- hr = m_pIDP->Open(&SessionDesc, DPOPEN_CREATE);
- if FAILED(hr) {
- throw CString("Cannot create new session");
- return;
- }
- // Create the host object:
- m_CSHost.Lock();
- m_pHost = new CHost(*this);
- if (! m_pHost)
- {
- m_CSHost.Unlock();
- throw CString("Cannot create new session");
- return;
- }
- m_CSHost.Unlock();
- }
- else
- {
- //
- // Let user select a session.
- //
- ZeroMemory(&dpDesc, sizeof(DPSESSIONDESC2));
- dpDesc.dwSize = sizeof(DPSESSIONDESC2);
- dpDesc.guidApplication = TANKS_GUID;
- // Bring the select session dialog.
- CEnumSession dlg(m_pIDP, &dpDesc.guidInstance);
- if (IDOK != dlg.DoModal())
- { // User aborted or EnumSession failed.
- throw CString("No session selected");
- return;
- }
- // Join the session:
- hr = m_pIDP->Open(&dpDesc, DPOPEN_JOIN);
- if FAILED(hr) {
- throw CString("Cannot join session");
- return;
- }
- }
- /* The remarked code was used to check if its a TCP/IP connection.
- // Check the session is supporting guarentied delivery:
- ZeroMemory(&m_SessionCaps, sizeof(DPCAPS));
- m_SessionCaps.dwSize = sizeof(DPCAPS);
- hr = m_pIDP->GetCaps(&m_SessionCaps, DPGETCAPS_GUARANTEED);
- if (FAILED(hr) ||
- ! (m_SessionCaps.dwFlags & DPCAPS_GUARANTEEDSUPPORTED)) {
- // We don't support the connection chosen by user:
- m_pIDP->Close();
- throw CString("The connection selected isn't supported.n"
- "Select another connectionnand try again");
- return;
- }
- */
- m_fIsConnected = TRUE;
- }
- void
- CCommManager::CloseSession()
- {
- if (m_fIsConnected) {
- m_fIsConnected = FALSE;
- if (m_fIsHost) {
- m_pIDP->DestroyPlayer(m_idHost);
- ASSERT (m_pHost);
- m_CSHost.Lock();
- delete m_pHost;
- m_pHost = NULL;
- m_CSHost.Unlock();
- }
- hr = m_pIDP->Close();
- if FAILED(hr)
- {
- TRACE("DirectPlay Close() session failed HR=%uln", hr);
- throw CString("Communication failure.nFailed to close session");
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- void
- CCommManager::CreatePlayer()
- {
- DPNAME dpName;
- ASSERT (! m_fIsPlaying); // We shouldn't be here if we are playing!!
- // Check the RecvEvent handle:
- if (! m_hRecvEvent) {
- throw CString("Cannot create player:nReceive event is null");
- return;
- }
- // Create host's player object:
- if (m_fIsHost) {
- ZeroMemory (&dpName, sizeof(DPNAME));
- dpName.dwSize = sizeof(DPNAME);
- dpName.lpszShortNameA = "Host";
- hr = m_pIDP->CreatePlayer(&m_idHost, &dpName, m_hRecvEvent, NULL, 0, 0);
- if FAILED(hr) {
- TRACE ("CreatePlayer failed HR=%uln", hr);
- throw CString("Communication failure.nCannot create host player");
- return;
- }
- }
- // Get user name:
- CString strPlayerName = TANKS_APP->GetStoredPlayerName();
- ZeroMemory (&dpName, sizeof(DPNAME));
- dpName.dwSize = sizeof(DPNAME);
- dpName.lpszLongNameA =
- dpName.lpszShortNameA = const_cast<char*>((LPCSTR)strPlayerName);
- // Try to create player object:
- hr = m_pIDP->CreatePlayer(&m_idPlayer, &dpName, m_hRecvEvent, NULL, 0, 0);
- if FAILED(hr) {
- TRACE ("CreatePlayer failed HR=%uln", hr);
- throw CString("Communication failure.n"
- "Cannot create client player");
- return;
- }
- m_pIDP->SetPlayerData (
- m_idPlayer,
- dpName.lpszLongNameA,
- strPlayerName.GetLength() + 1,
- m_fIsPlaying = TRUE;
- }
- void
- CCommManager::DestroyPlayer()
- {
- if (m_fIsPlaying) {
- m_fIsPlaying = FALSE;
- m_pIDP->DestroyPlayer(m_idPlayer);
- m_idPlayer = INVALID_PLAYER_ID;
- }
- }
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function: ThreadEntry
- Purpose: Main message loop. Thread is waiting for signals from outgoing and
- incoming queues and when signaled delivers messages to their destination.
- Input: None.
- Output: None.
- Remarks: Incoming messages are dispatched to host or client objects to be
- processed.
- All outgoing messages are sent to the host machine.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- CCommManager::ThreadEntry (LPVOID /*pParam*/)
- {
- #define WAIT_OBJECT_1 (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1)
- #define WAIT_OBJECT_2 (WAIT_OBJECT_1 + 1)
- HANDLE aHandles[3];
- // Check the QuitEvent handle:
- if (! m_hQuitEvent) {
- ASSERT(m_hQuitEvent);
- return 1;
- }
- // Attempt to create the enqueue event:
- HANDLE hEnqueueEvent = CreateEvent (NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
- if (! hEnqueueEvent) {
- ASSERT(hEnqueueEvent);
- return 1;
- }
- // Ask the incoming message queue to set the enqueue event on every enqueue.
- m_OutgoingMsgQ.SetNotificationEvent (hEnqueueEvent);
- aHandles[0] = m_hRecvEvent;
- aHandles[1] = hEnqueueEvent;
- aHandles[2] = m_hQuitEvent;
- while (! m_bEndThread) {
- DWORD nResult = WaitForMultipleObjects(3, aHandles, FALSE, INFINITE);
- switch (nResult) {
- case WAIT_OBJECT_0: // new message arrived (from the network):
- {
- DWORD dwMsgCount = 0;
- DWORD dwHostMsgCount = 0;
- // Get messages for both players:
- hr = m_pIDP->GetMessageCount(m_idPlayer, &dwMsgCount);
- if FAILED(hr)
- break;
- if (m_fIsHost)
- { // Also host message may exist
- hr = m_pIDP->GetMessageCount(m_idHost, &dwHostMsgCount);
- if FAILED(hr)
- break;
- }
- for (UINT i = 0; i < dwHostMsgCount + dwMsgCount; i++) {
- m_Message.m_dwLength = CCommMessage::MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH;
- hr = m_pIDP->Receive(&m_idFrom, &m_idTo, DPRECEIVE_ALL,
- m_Message.m_aBuffer, &m_Message.m_dwLength);
- if SUCCEEDED(hr)
- {
- if (m_idTo == m_idPlayer)
- { // New message for the player (client)
- HandleClientMessage ();
- }
- else if (m_fIsHost && m_idTo == m_idHost)
- { // New message for the host
- HandleHostMessage();
- }
- else
- INC_TOTAL_BYTES_RECEIVED (m_Message.m_dwLength);
- } // End of successful message received
- else
- {
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case WAIT_OBJECT_1: // new message to send (from the outgoing queue):
- {
- CMessage msg;
- // Empty outgoing queue:
- for (int count = m_OutgoingMsgQ.GetQueueSize(); count > 0; count--)
- {
- // Get uncompressed message:
- if (! m_OutgoingMsgQ.Dequeue(msg))
- // TODO: although we were signaled after enqueue, we still encounter
- // empty Q occasionly.
- break;
- // Send message over net to game host:
- m_Message.m_dwLength = msg.GetBuffer(m_Message.m_aBuffer);
- #if defined (NET_MON_SYNC) || defined (NET_MON_GAME)
- if (msg.GetType() != CMessage::CHECK_SUM) // Not checksum message
- {
- NET_GAME_TRACE (("Client sending to host %s, size=%d (msg time = %d), game time = %d",
- msg.GetName(), m_Message.m_dwLength, msg.GetTime(),
- TANKS_APP->m_gTimer.GetLocalTime()))
- }
- else
- {
- NET_SYNC_TRACE (("Client sending checksum to host, size=%d (game time = %d)",
- m_Message.m_dwLength, msg.GetTime()));
- }
- #endif // defined (NET_MON_SYNC) || defined (NET_MON_GAME)
- HRESULT hr = m_pIDP->Send( m_idPlayer,
- m_idHost,
- m_Message.m_aBuffer,
- m_Message.m_dwLength);
- if (!SUCCEEDED(hr))
- { // Can't send message
- TRACE ("tERROR: Client cannot send message to host !!!n");
- }
- else
- { // Message sent successfully
- INC_TOTAL_BYTES_SENT (m_Message.m_dwLength);
- UPDATE_BIGGEST_PACKET_SENT (m_Message.m_dwLength);
- UPDATE_SMALLEST_PACKET_SENT (m_Message.m_dwLength);
- }
- } // End while
- } // End case block
- break;
- case WAIT_OBJECT_2: // we should quit thread:
- m_bEndThread = TRUE;
- break;
- case WAIT_FAILED: {
- CString strErr;
- strErr.Format("CommManager thread failed with error code: %08X",
- GetLastError());
- AfxMessageBox(strErr);
- }
- default:
- m_bEndThread = TRUE;
- }
- } // end of major comm. manager loop
- // Ask the incoming message queue to stop setting the enqueue event on every enqueue.
- m_OutgoingMsgQ.SetNotificationEvent (NULL);
- // Terminate the enqueue event
- CloseHandle (hEnqueueEvent);
- return 0;
- }
- void
- CCommManager::HandleClientMessage()
- {
- // First lets take care of system msgs, such as NEWPLAYER..
- if (DPID_SYSMSG==m_idFrom)
- {
- switch (((DPMSG_GENERIC*)&m_Message.m_aBuffer[0])->dwType)
- {
- case DPSYS_CREATEPLAYERORGROUP: // a new player is joining
- // Store player name in the array (where ?)
- NET_SYS_TRACE (("Client got Create player or group (player ID = %d)",
- ((DPMSG_CREATEPLAYERORGROUP*)m_Message.m_aBuffer)->dpId));
- break;
- if (((DPMSG_DESTROYPLAYERORGROUP*)&m_Message.m_aBuffer[0])->dpId == m_idHost)
- { // this means the host closed the session
- DisplayMessageAndEndGame (IDS_LOST_SEVER_CONNECTION);
- }
- NET_SYS_TRACE (("Client got Destroy player or group (player id = %d",
- ((DPMSG_DESTROYPLAYERORGROUP*)&m_Message.m_aBuffer[0])->dpId));
- break;
- case DPSYS_SESSIONLOST: // We can't proceed playing - stop game:
- DisplayMessageAndEndGame (IDS_LOST_SEVER_CONNECTION);
- NET_SYS_TRACE (("Client got session lost"));
- break;
- default:
- // Disregard other DirectPlay system messages
- NET_SYS_TRACE (("Client got unhandled message (Msg ID = %d)",
- ((DPMSG_GENERIC*)&m_Message.m_aBuffer[0])->dwType));
- break;
- }
- return;
- }
- m_pClient->HandleMessage();
- }
- void
- CCommManager::HandleHostMessage()
- {
- // First lets take care of system msgs, such as NEWPLAYER..
- if (DPID_SYSMSG==m_idFrom) {
- switch (((DPMSG_GENERIC*)&m_Message.m_aBuffer[0])->dwType)
- {
- { // a new player is joining
- DPID idFrom = ((DPMSG_CREATEPLAYERORGROUP*)m_Message.m_aBuffer)->dpId;
- NET_SYS_TRACE (("Server got Create player or group (player ID = %d)",idFrom));
- if (idFrom==m_idHost) // We received new player about our own object
- return;
- // Respond with ACK:
- m_Message.m_aBuffer[0] = ACK;
- m_Message.m_dwLength = 1;
- SendAsHost(idFrom); // As host
- }
- break;
- { // a player just left the session:
- DPID idFrom = ((DPMSG_CREATEPLAYERORGROUP*)m_Message.m_aBuffer)->dpId;
- NET_SYS_TRACE (("Server got Destroy player or group (player ID = %d)",idFrom));
- // Notify other players ?
- // Remove the ID from the array:
- m_CSHost.Lock();
- m_pHost->RemovePlayerFromArray(idFrom);
- m_CSHost.Unlock();
- }
- break;
- case DPSYS_SESSIONLOST: // We can't proceed playing - stop game:
- NET_SYS_TRACE (("Server got Session lost"));
- DisplayMessageAndEndGame (IDS_LOST_SEVER_CONNECTION);
- break;
- default:
- // Disregard other DirectPlay system messages
- NET_SYS_TRACE (("Server got unhandled message (Msg ID = %d)",
- ((DPMSG_GENERIC*)&m_Message.m_aBuffer[0])->dwType));
- break;
- }
- return;
- }
- m_CSHost.Lock();
- m_pHost->HandleMessage( m_idFrom, // Send the player ID of the sender
- m_idFrom == m_idPlayer);// If this is the local player, it's the judge
- m_CSHost.Unlock();
- }
- void
- CCommManager::SendAsHost(DPID idTo)
- {
- ASSERT (m_pIDP);
- // Always called by host:
- NET_GAME_TRACE (("Host sending %s to player ID %d (size=%d) at time %lu, msg.time=%lu",
- CMessage::GetName (m_Message.m_aBuffer[0]),
- idTo,
- m_Message.m_dwLength,
- TANKS_APP->m_gTimer.GetLocalTime(),
- *((PDWORD)&m_Message.m_aBuffer[1])));
- HRESULT hr = m_pIDP->Send( m_idHost,
- idTo,
- m_Message.m_aBuffer,
- m_Message.m_dwLength);
- if (!SUCCEEDED(hr))
- { // Can't send message
- TRACE ("tERROR: Host cannot send message to client !!!n");
- }
- else
- { // Message sent successfully
- INC_TOTAL_BYTES_SENT (m_Message.m_dwLength);
- UPDATE_BIGGEST_PACKET_SENT (m_Message.m_dwLength);
- UPDATE_SMALLEST_PACKET_SENT (m_Message.m_dwLength);
- }
- }
- void
- CCommManager::NotifyBonusEaten (UINT uTankID)
- {
- // This function is called by a tank object in this machine.
- // It is called only if we're the host machine => the prime judge of the game.
- // A tank eats a bonus and wishes to notify all the players (including himself)
- // of this happy event.
- ASSERT (IsHost()); // Only a tank on a host machine can issue this call
- CMessage::MessageData Params;
- // Create bonus eating notification message:
- Params.BonusParam.Type = BONUS_NONE; // Bonus is removed, not added
- Params.BonusParam.LifeSpan = uTankID;
- // Send it to the comm. managers outgoing queue - it'll spread to all from there.
- // The host player will receive it and will spread it to all players.
- TANKS_APP->m_gOutgoingMsgQueue.Enqueue (CMessage::ADD_BONUS, Params);
- }
- void
- CCommManager::NotifyNewBonus (BonusType typ, DWORD ttl, CPoint &loc)
- {
- // This function is called by the game manager in the host machine.
- // It is called only if we're the host machine => the prime judge of the game.
- // It's time to tell all of the game managers (including the local one)
- // that a new bonus is added.
- ASSERT (IsHost()); // Only the game manager on a host machine can issue this call
- CMessage::MessageData Params;
- // Create bonus eating notification message:
- Params.BonusParam.Type = typ;
- Params.BonusParam.LifeSpan = ttl / 1000; // Convert ttl to seconds
- Params.BonusParam.XPos = WORD(loc.x);
- Params.BonusParam.YPos = WORD(loc.y);
- // Send it to the comm. managers outgoing queue - it'll spread to all from there.
- // The host player will receive it and will spread it to all players.
- TANKS_APP->m_gOutgoingMsgQueue.Enqueue (CMessage::ADD_BONUS, Params);
- }
- void
- CCommManager::NotifyExplodingTank (UINT uTankID)
- { // This function is called by a tank object in this machine.
- // It is called only if we're the host machine => the prime judge of the game.
- // A tank reaches the conclusion he's dying now wishes to notify all the
- // players (including himself) of this sad event.
- // ASSERT (IsHost()); // Only a tank on a host machine can issue this call
- CMessage::MessageData Params;
- // Create tank removal notification message:
- Params.TankRemoveParam.ID = BYTE(uTankID);
- Params.TankRemoveParam.Explode = TRUE;
- // Send it to the comm. managers outgoing queue - it'll spread to all from there
- // The host player will receive it and will spread it to all players.
- TANKS_APP->m_gOutgoingMsgQueue.Enqueue (CMessage::REMOVE_TANK, Params);
- }
- void
- CCommManager::NotifyCheckSum (CMessage::MessageData &msgdata)
- { // This function is called by a the game manager in this machine.
- // It is called when the game manager wishes to send a game check sum
- m_OutgoingMsgQ.Enqueue (CMessage::CHECK_SUM, msgdata);
- // We take advantage of the fact that this method is called every sec.
- // to trigger the zombie check:
- if (m_pHost)
- m_pHost->ChkForZombies();
- }
- void
- CCommManager::NotifyChatMsg (LPCSTR szMsg)
- {
- CMessage::MessageData Params;
- strcpy (Params.ChatParam.Msg, szMsg);
- Params.ChatParam.TankID = BYTE(TANKS_APP->m_gGameManager.GetLocalTankID());
- Params.ChatParam.idFrom = m_idPlayer;
- m_OutgoingMsgQ.Enqueue (CMessage::CHAT, Params);
- }
- void
- CCommManager::DisplayMessageAndEndGame (UINT uMsgID)
- {
- if (m_bLostServerConnection)
- return;
- m_bLostServerConnection = TRUE;
- if (0 != uMsgID)
- AfxMessageBox (uMsgID, MB_OK | MB_ICONHAND);
- // Simulate a user menu selection of "Stop Game":
- ::PostMessage(TANKS_APP->m_pMainWnd->m_hWnd, WM_COMMAND, ID_STOP_GAME, 0);
- }
- CCommManager::GetPlayerInfo (
- UINT ind,
- BOOL &bIsJudge,
- CString &cstrName,
- DWORD &dwDuration,
- {
- m_CSHost.Lock();
- BOOL bRes = FALSE;
- if (m_pHost)
- { // Server active
- bRes = m_pHost->GetPlayerInfo (ind, dwDuration, dwRTT);
- if (bRes)
- { // Successfully queried server
- DWORD dwDPID = m_pHost->GetDirectPlayID (ind);
- bIsJudge = (m_idPlayer == dwDPID);
- char szBuf[1024];
- DWORD dwSize = 1024;
- HRESULT hres = m_pIDP->GetPlayerData (dwDPID, szBuf, &dwSize, 0);
- cstrName = (DP_OK == hres) ? szBuf : "";
- }
- }
- m_CSHost.Unlock();
- return bRes;
- }
- void
- CCommManager::GetPlayerName (DPID id, CString& cstrName)
- {
- m_CSHost.Lock();
- char szBuf[256];
- DWORD dwSize = 256;
- HRESULT hres = m_pIDP->GetPlayerData (id, szBuf, &dwSize, 0);
- cstrName = (DP_OK == hres && dwSize) ? szBuf : "Unknown";
- m_CSHost.Unlock();
- }
- BOOL CCommManager::KillPlayer (UINT uTankID)
- {
- BOOL bRes = FALSE;
- m_CSHost.Lock();
- if (m_pHost)
- {
- NotifyExplodingTank (uTankID);
- bRes = TRUE;
- }
- m_CSHost.Unlock();
- return bRes;
- }
- void
- CCommManager::UpdateReceive ()
- {
- DWORD dwCurTime = GetTickCount();
- DWORD dwWindowSize = dwCurTime - m_dwLastSecTimeRecv;
- if (dwWindowSize < 1000)
- return;
- m_dwLastSecTimeRecv = dwCurTime;
- DWORD dwAmountInWindow = m_dwTotalBytesReceived - m_dwLastRecvTotal;
- m_dwLastRecvTotal = m_dwTotalBytesReceived;
- DWORD dwBPS = DWORD(double(dwAmountInWindow) * double(1000.0) / double(dwWindowSize));
- m_dwMaxBytesReceivedInLastSecond = max (m_dwMaxBytesReceivedInLastSecond, dwBPS);
- }
- void
- CCommManager::UpdateSend ()
- {
- DWORD dwCurTime = GetTickCount();
- DWORD dwWindowSize = dwCurTime - m_dwLastSecTimeSend;
- if (dwWindowSize < 1000)
- return;
- m_dwLastSecTimeSend = dwCurTime;
- DWORD dwAmountInWindow = m_dwTotalBytesSent - m_dwLastSentTotal;
- m_dwLastSentTotal = m_dwTotalBytesSent;
- DWORD dwBPS = DWORD(double(dwAmountInWindow) * double(1000.0) / double(dwWindowSize));
- m_dwMaxBytesSentInLastSecond = max (m_dwMaxBytesSentInLastSecond, dwBPS);
- }
- void
- CCommManager::TraceNetworkStats ()
- {
- TRACE ( "nnttt**** Network statistics ****n");
- DWORD dwNow = GetTickCount();
- DWORD dwTotTime = dwNow - m_dwSessionStartTime;
- TRACE ( "Session time = %.3f secs.n",
- double(dwTotTime) / 1000.0);
- TRACE ( "Send:n");
- DWORD dwTotMsgs = m_dwTotalClientMsgsSent + m_dwTotalHostMsgsSent;
- TRACE ( "tTotal bytes sent = %d (biggest packet size = %d, smallest packet size = %d, avg size = %d)n",
- m_dwTotalBytesSent,
- m_dwBiggestSentPacketSize,
- m_dwSmallestSentPacketSize,
- dwTotMsgs ? DWORD(double(m_dwTotalBytesSent) / double(dwTotMsgs)) : 0);
- TRACE ( "tTotal messages sent = %d (client messages = %d, host messages = %d)n",
- dwTotMsgs,
- m_dwTotalClientMsgsSent,
- m_dwTotalHostMsgsSent);
- TRACE ( "tTotal send errors = %d (client errors = %d, host errors = %d)n",
- m_dwClientSendErrors + m_dwHostSendErrors,
- m_dwClientSendErrors,
- m_dwHostSendErrors);
- TRACE ( "tMaximum bytes sent per second = %d (avg = %d)n",
- m_dwMaxBytesSentInLastSecond,
- dwTotTime ? DWORD(double(m_dwTotalBytesSent) / (double(dwTotTime) / double(1000.0))) : 0);
- TRACE ( "Receive:n");
- dwTotMsgs = m_dwTotalClientMsgsReceived + m_dwTotalHostMsgsReceived;
- TRACE ( "tTotal bytes received = %d (biggest packet size = %d, smallest packet size = %d, avg size = %d)n",
- m_dwTotalBytesReceived,
- m_dwBiggestReceivedPacketSize,
- m_dwSmallestReceivedPacketSize,
- dwTotMsgs ? DWORD(double(m_dwTotalBytesReceived) / double(dwTotMsgs)) : 0);
- TRACE ( "tTotal messages received = %d (client messages = %d, host messages = %d)n",
- dwTotMsgs,
- m_dwTotalClientMsgsReceived,
- m_dwTotalHostMsgsReceived);
- TRACE ( "tTotal receive errors = %dn",
- m_dwReceiveErrors);
- TRACE ( "tMaximum bytes received per second = %d (avg = %d)nn",
- m_dwMaxBytesReceivedInLastSecond,
- dwTotTime ? DWORD(double(m_dwTotalBytesReceived) / (double(dwTotTime) / double(1000.0))) : 0);
- }