资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * ChatDlg.cpp
- *
- * Electrical Engineering Faculty - Software Lab
- * Spring semester 1998
- *
- * Tanks game
- *
- * Module description: The Chat Dialog implementation.
- *
- * Authors: Eran Yariv - 28484475
- * Moshe Zur - 24070856
- *
- *
- * Date: 23/09/98
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "tanks.h"
- #include "ChatDlg.h"
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CChatDlg dialog
- CChatDlg * CChatDlg::m_pDlg = NULL;
- CChatDlg::CChatDlg(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/)
- : CDialog(CChatDlg::IDD, pParent),
- m_gCommManager (TANKS_APP->m_gCommManager)
- {
- //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CChatDlg)
- }
- void CChatDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
- {
- CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX);
- //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CChatDlg)
- DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CHAT_LIST, m_List);
- DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CHAT_EDIT, m_Edit);
- }
- //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CChatDlg)
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CChatDlg message handlers
- BOOL CChatDlg::OnInitDialog()
- {
- CDialog::OnInitDialog();
- // Set edit as default control:
- m_Edit.LimitText(MAX_CHAT_MSG_LEN);
- m_Edit.SetFocus();
- return FALSE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
- // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE
- }
- void
- CChatDlg::Close()
- {
- if (m_pDlg)
- m_pDlg->DestroyWindow();
- }
- void
- CChatDlg::PostNcDestroy( )
- {
- Clean ();
- }
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function: Open
- Purpose: This static function creates a new Chat dialog. It allows single
- dialog Chat to be open at a time.
- Input: pParent: Pointer to the main game dialog.
- Output: None.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void
- CChatDlg::Open (CWnd *pParent)
- { // This function is static !!!!
- if (NULL != m_pDlg)
- return; // Already open
- m_pDlg = new CChatDlg (pParent);
- ASSERT (m_pDlg);
- m_pDlg->Create (IDD_CHAT_DIALOG, pParent);
- m_pDlg->ShowWindow (SW_SHOW);
- m_pDlg->SetFocus ();
- }
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function: Clean
- Purpose: Called just before exiting the dialog, to delete the object.
- Input: None.
- Output: None.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void
- CChatDlg::Clean ()
- { // This function is static !!!!
- if (NULL == m_pDlg)
- return; // Already closed
- delete m_pDlg; // Tricky - delete only after call to PostNcDestroy !!!
- m_pDlg = NULL;
- }
- void
- CChatDlg::OnCancel ()
- {
- DestroyWindow ();
- }
- void
- CChatDlg::OnClose()
- {
- CDialog::OnClose();
- }
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function: OnOK
- Purpose: Send Chat message when user press the Enter key.
- Input: None.
- Output: None.
- Remarks:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void
- CChatDlg::OnOK()
- {
- CString cstrMsg;
- m_Edit.GetWindowText(cstrMsg);
- if (cstrMsg.IsEmpty())
- return;
- if (cstrMsg.GetLength() > MAX_CHAT_MSG_LEN)
- cstrMsg.SetAt(MAX_CHAT_MSG_LEN, ' ');
- m_gCommManager.NotifyChatMsg (cstrMsg);
- // Clear edit box:
- m_Edit.SetSel (0, -1); // All
- m_Edit.Clear();
- return;
- }
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function: AddMessage
- Purpose: The function is called on the arrival of a Chat message over the net.
- The Chat message contains the string and information used to get the
- sending player's name and tank's color.
- Input: idFrom: DirectPlay ID of the sending player.
- dwTankID: ID of tank in game manager.
- szMsg: String containing the message.
- Output: None.
- Remarks: When the dialog is opened, we have 2 instances of CChatDlg:
- The one in the main dialog which we use for the open and close calls,
- and the one we point to after the call to open.
- Since we are interesting in the 2nd object when a new message should
- be displayed, we need to look at the this pointer to determine which
- instance of ChatDlg is currently invoked.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void
- CChatDlg::AddMessage(DPID idFrom, DWORD dwTankID, LPCSTR szMsg)
- {
- if (! m_pDlg) // User didn't open the dialog
- return;
- if (this != (CChatDlg*)m_pDlg)
- { // Marshal the call to the dlg object:
- m_pDlg->AddMessage(idFrom, dwTankID, szMsg);
- return;
- }
- m_List.SetRedraw (FALSE);
- // Format String
- CString str;
- CString cstrName;
- m_gCommManager.GetPlayerName(idFrom, cstrName);
- str.Format ("%s: %s", cstrName, szMsg);
- // Try to add string to list box:
- int ind = m_List.AddString (str);
- if (LB_ERRSPACE == ind)
- { // Delete the oldest string in the list box
- m_List.DeleteString (0);
- ind = m_List.AddString (str);
- }
- if (LB_ERR == ind) // Unknown error
- {
- m_List.SetRedraw (TRUE);
- return;
- }
- m_List.SetItemData (ind, dwTankID); // attach tank ID to line
- m_List.SetTopIndex (ind);
- m_List.SetRedraw (TRUE);
- }
- /*
- HBRUSH CChatDlg::OnCtlColor(CDC* pDC, CWnd* pWnd, UINT nCtlColor)
- {
- HBRUSH hbr = CDialog::OnCtlColor(pDC, pWnd, nCtlColor);
- if (CTLCOLOR_LISTBOX == nCtlColor &&
- m_List.GetCount())
- {
- COLORREF crColor;
- switch (m_List.GetItemData(m_List.GetCount()-1))
- {
- case 0: crColor = RGB(128, 64, 8); break; // Brown
- case 1: crColor = RGB( 0, 0, 255); break; // Blue
- case 2: crColor = RGB(255, 0, 0); break; // Red
- case 3: crColor = RGB(180, 180, 20); break; // Yellow
- default:
- }
- pDC->SetTextColor (crColor);
- }
- // TODO: Return a different brush if the default is not desired
- return hbr;
- }
- */