资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * Host.cpp
- *
- * Electrical Engineering Faculty - Software Lab
- * Spring semester 1998
- *
- * Tanks game
- *
- * Module description: Handles the network messages directed to the host of
- * the game session. Acts as the game judge using the game
- * manager of the local player on this machine.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Eran Yariv - 28484475
- * Moshe Zur - 24070856
- *
- *
- * Date: 23/09/98
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "Tanks.h"
- #include "Host.h"
- #include <time.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #define INC_SYNC_MSG(t) m_TanksSyncStats[(t)].dwSyncMsgsArrived++;
- #define INC_SYNC_MSG_SIZE(t,sz) m_TanksSyncStats[(t)].dwTotSyncMsgSize+=(sz);
- #define INC_BONUS_MISMATCH(t) m_TanksSyncStats[(t)].dwBonusMismatch++;
- #define INC_MINES_MISMATCH(t) m_TanksSyncStats[(t)].dwMinesMismatch++;
- #define INC_ZOMBIE_MISMATCH(t) m_TanksSyncStats[(t)].dwZombieMismatch++;
- #define INC_OTHER_TANK_STATUS_MISMATCH(t) m_TanksSyncStats[(t)].dwOtherTankStatusMismatch++;
- #define INC_MISSING_TANK(t) m_TanksSyncStats[(t)].dwMissingTanks++;
- #define INC_EXTRA_TANKS(t) m_TanksSyncStats[(t)].dwExtraTanks++;
- #define INC_ZOMBIE_IN(t) m_TanksSyncStats[(t)].dwZombieIn++;
- #define INC_ZOMBIE_OUT(t) m_TanksSyncStats[(t)].dwZombieOut++;
- #define UPDATE_SYNC_MSG_TIME(t) UpdateSyncMsgTime((t));
- #define ZERO_TANK_SYNC_STATS(t) ZeroTankSyncStats((t));
- #define PRINT_TANK_SYNC_STATS(t) PrintTankSyncStats((t));
- #else // !defined GATHER_SYNC_STATS
- #define INC_SYNC_MSG(t)
- #define INC_SYNC_MSG_SIZE(t,sz)
- #define INC_MISSING_TANK(t)
- #define INC_EXTRA_TANKS(t)
- #define INC_ZOMBIE_IN(t)
- #define INC_ZOMBIE_OUT(t)
- #endif // defined GATHER_SYNC_STATS
- CHost::CHost (CCommManager &CommManager) :
- m_CommManager(CommManager),
- m_GameManager(TANKS_APP->m_gGameManager),
- m_Timer (TANKS_APP->m_gTimer),
- m_Message(CommManager.ExposeMessage()),
- m_bComplexity (BYTE(TANKS_APP->GetStoredMapComplexity())),
- #if defined (REAL_RANDOM)
- m_wSeed (WORD(time( NULL ))) // Randomness according to current time
- #else
- m_wSeed (WORD(10))
- #endif
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TANKS; i++)
- {
- m_aPlayersID[i] = CCommManager::INVALID_PLAYER_ID;
- m_JudgeViewOfTanks[i].Exists = FALSE;
- m_JudgeViewOfTanks[i].Zombie = FALSE;
- m_JudgeViewOfTanks[i].BadRTTCount = 0;
- m_JudgeViewOfTanks[i].LastRTTWasGood = TRUE;
- }
- }
- CHost::~CHost()
- {
- for (UINT i = 0; i < MAX_TANKS; i++)
- if (CCommManager::INVALID_PLAYER_ID != m_aPlayersID[i])
- // Player still exists upon termination - display its sync stats
- }
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function: HandleRequestTank
- Purpose: Handles the tank request message send by a new game player.
- Position the new tank in a vacant and safe (far enough from all
- other tanks) place, and maps a vacant ID for the player (the
- requested ID if still vacant). The ADD_TANK message is then send to
- all game players.
- This is also a trigger for the ADD_BOARD message to the new player.
- Input: bReqTankID - the players requested ID (defines the tanks color).
- Output: None.
- Remarks:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void
- CHost::HandleRequestTank (BYTE bReqTankID)
- {
- CMessage::MessageData MsgData;
- //
- // Prepare add tank message
- //
- int x,y,dir;
- // Find a safe and vacant position, and point the tank toward the
- // center of the map:
- LocateNewTankPos (x,y,dir);
- MsgData.TankParam.XPos = x;
- MsgData.TankParam.YPos = y;
- MsgData.TankParam.Direction = dir;
- // Get a vacant ID:
- MsgData.TankParam.ID = MapAndGetAvailTankID(bReqTankID);
- MsgData.TankParam.Local = FALSE;
- MsgData.TankParam.ShieldLevel = TANK_INIT_SHIELD_LEVEL;
- MsgData.TankParam.Shells = TANK_INIT_SHELLS;
- MsgData.TankParam.Bullets = TANK_INIT_BULLETS;
- MsgData.TankParam.Mines = TANK_INIT_MINES;
- MsgData.TankParam.FireRateBonusSecsLeft = 0;
- MsgData.TankParam.Bomber = FALSE;
- MsgData.TankParam.FastFire = FALSE;
- CMessage Msg(CMessage::ADD_TANK, MsgData, SERVER_MSG);
- m_Message.m_dwLength = Msg.GetBuffer(m_Message.m_aBuffer);
- //
- // Send add tank message
- //
- SendToAllButSender (); // All players get add remote tank
- // Requesting tank get add local tank:
- Msg.m_UnionData.TankParam.Local = TRUE;
- Msg.GetBuffer(m_Message.m_aBuffer);
- ReplyToSender ();
- PlayerJoinsGame (MsgData.TankParam.ID);
- //
- // Add board message:
- //
- MsgData.BoardParam.Seed = m_wSeed;
- MsgData.BoardParam.Complexity = m_bComplexity;
- CMessage BoardMsg (CMessage::ADD_BOARD, MsgData, SERVER_MSG);
- m_Message.m_dwLength = BoardMsg.GetBuffer(m_Message.m_aBuffer);
- ReplyToSender ();
- }
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function: ValueCloseEnough
- Purpose: A hueristic comparison function. If one of the values is smaller
- then the minimal tolerance allowed, then perform an accurate
- comparison, otherwise - allways return "equal".
- Input: val1, val2 - the values to be compared
- MinTolerance - the value which underneath, an accurate comparison
- should be performed.
- Output: Return TRUE if values are "equal"
- Remarks: Used to decide if a remote player needs an update after sending its
- game checksum.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- CHost::ValueCloseEnough (int val1, int val2, int MinTolerance)
- {
- if ((val1 < MinTolerance) || (val2 < MinTolerance))
- return (val1 == val2);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function: HandleCheckSum
- Purpose: Handles the check sum message. The message contains the remote
- player's game status, and is checked against the host game status.
- Updates are send only when the mismatch affects the remote player's
- game severely.
- Input: msg - the decoded check sum message
- bJudgeReporting - flag indicating the sender is the local player on
- the host machine (nick name - judge)
- Output: None.
- Remarks: The reporting tank's position is dispatched to all player
- immediatly.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void
- CHost::HandleCheckSum (CMessage &msg, BOOL bJudgeReporting)
- {
- int i; // For loops
- int iReportingTank = LookupTankID (m_idFrom);
- // This flag indicates that the host of the session is still working,
- // but its tank was destroyed, means we can ignore some parts of the
- // message:
- BOOL bDeadHostReport = msg.m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.DeadHostReport;
- ASSERT (!bDeadHostReport || bJudgeReporting);
- if (!bDeadHostReport)
- {
- UPDATE_SYNC_MSG_TIME (iReportingTank);
- INC_SYNC_MSG (iReportingTank);
- INC_SYNC_MSG_SIZE (iReportingTank,
- sizeof (FixedSizeChkSumType) +
- msg.m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.NumberOfTanks *
- sizeof (SingleTankChkSumType));
- }
- // Update the judge's view of other tanks existance:
- for (i=0; i<MAX_TANKS; i++)
- m_JudgeViewOfTanks[i].Exists = m_GameManager.IsAlive (i);
- ASSERT(bJudgeReporting || // Either dead judge reports or reporting tank exists
- msg.m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.TanksChkSums[iReportingTank].TankExists);
- if (!bDeadHostReport)
- { // The reporting tank is alive -
- // 1st we store it's ammo counts and FF:
- m_JudgeViewOfTanks[iReportingTank].Shells =
- msg.m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.TanksChkSums[iReportingTank].Shells;
- m_JudgeViewOfTanks[iReportingTank].Bullets =
- msg.m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.TanksChkSums[iReportingTank].Bullets;
- m_JudgeViewOfTanks[iReportingTank].Mines =
- msg.m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.TanksChkSums[iReportingTank].Mines;
- m_JudgeViewOfTanks[iReportingTank].FastFire =
- msg.m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.TanksChkSums[iReportingTank].FastFire;
- // Than we send to all other it's position:
- SendTankPos(iReportingTank,
- msg.m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.XPos,
- msg.m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.YPos);
- }
- // Finally we compare the reporting tank's view of others' ammo counts:
- for (i = 0; i<MAX_TANKS; i++) {
- // Skip reporting tank
- if (i == iReportingTank)
- continue;
- // Update reporting tank with tanks he isn't aware off:
- if (!m_JudgeViewOfTanks[i].Exists &&
- msg.m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.TanksChkSums[i].TankExists)
- {
- SendRemoveTank(i);
- continue;
- } else
- if (m_JudgeViewOfTanks[i].Exists &&
- !msg.m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.TanksChkSums[i].TankExists)
- {
- SendAddTank(i);
- continue;
- }
- // Now both the reporter and the judge agree upon tanks existance / inexistance
- if (!m_JudgeViewOfTanks[i].Exists)
- continue;
- // TODO: this comparison may be to strict, since we ignore the
- // reporting time of the counter. We need to consider a more tolerant
- // comparison.
- if (!ValueCloseEnough (m_JudgeViewOfTanks[i].Shells,
- msg.m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.TanksChkSums[i].Shells,
- 3) ||
- !ValueCloseEnough (m_JudgeViewOfTanks[i].Bullets,
- msg.m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.TanksChkSums[i].Bullets,
- 6) ||
- !ValueCloseEnough (m_JudgeViewOfTanks[i].Mines,
- msg.m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.TanksChkSums[i].Mines,
- 2) ||
- (m_JudgeViewOfTanks[i].FastFire !=
- msg.m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.TanksChkSums[i].FastFire)
- )
- {
- SendTankStatus(i);
- }
- // Update zombies:
- if (m_JudgeViewOfTanks[i].Zombie !=
- msg.m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.TanksChkSums[i].Zombie)
- {
- SendTankZombie(i, m_JudgeViewOfTanks[i].Zombie, FALSE);
- }
- }
- // A judge gets to set a few things and other just follow.
- // A judge is the nickname of the local player on the server's machine.
- if (bJudgeReporting)
- { // The judge sets the following game checksums for the others to compare with:
- // Save current bonus status:
- m_JudgeViewOfBonus = msg.m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.ActiveBonusType;
- // Save current game sectors mine statuses:
- memcpy (m_JudgeViewOfMines,
- msg.m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.MinesSectorsChkSum,
- sizeof(BYTE) * (MAX_SECTOR + 1));
- }
- else
- { // Non-judge, compare with judge settings
- // Compare current bonus status:
- if (msg.m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.ActiveBonusType !=
- m_JudgeViewOfBonus)
- { // Bonus type mismatch
- SendBonusStatus();
- INC_BONUS_MISMATCH (iReportingTank);
- }
- // Compare current game sectors mine statuses:
- for (i=0; i <= MAX_SECTOR; i++)
- if (m_JudgeViewOfMines[i] !=
- msg.m_UnionData.CheckSumParam.MinesSectorsChkSum[i])
- { // Sector i mines mismatch
- SendMinesStatus (i);
- INC_MINES_MISMATCH (iReportingTank);
- }
- }
- }
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function: LocateNewTankPos
- Purpose: Finds a position for the new tank. Make sure the rectangle is vacant
- and that the distance from other tanks is suitable. Calculates the
- tanks direction to point to the center of the map.
- Input: XPos,YPos, Dir - output params.
- Output: None.
- Remarks:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void
- CHost::LocateNewTankPos(int &XPos, int &YPos, int &Dir)
- {
- #define PI double( 3.14159265359 )
- #define MAX_TRIES 10
- #define MIN_SQR_DIST (100 * 100)
- DWORD dwMaxDist = 0;
- CPoint BestPos;
- for (int i=0; i<MAX_TRIES; i++)
- { // Start looking
- CPoint pos;
- TANKS_APP->m_gGameManager.FindVacantRect(size, pos);
- DWORD dwCurDist = TANKS_APP->m_gGameManager.GetMinDistanceFromTanks (pos);
- if (MIN_SQR_DIST < dwCurDist)
- { // We found a spot that satisfies us - stop looking
- BestPos = pos;
- break;
- }
- if (dwMaxDist < dwCurDist)
- { // Found better position
- dwMaxDist = dwCurDist;
- BestPos = pos;
- }
- }
- XPos = BestPos.x;
- YPos = BestPos.y;
- // Let's place all tanks facing the center of the board:
- double dx = XPos - (MAP_WIDTH / 2);
- double dy = YPos - (MAP_HEIGHT / 2);
- if (0.0 == dx)
- { // Either point up or down
- Dir = (dy > 0.0) ? 18 : 6;
- }
- double alpha = atan2 (dy, dx) * 180.0 / PI; // -180 <= alpha <= 180
- Dir = (MAX_DIRECTIONS - int(alpha / 15.0)) % MAX_DIRECTIONS;
- ASSERT (Dir >= 0 && Dir < MAX_DIRECTIONS);
- if (Dir < 0 || Dir >= MAX_DIRECTIONS)
- Dir = 0;
- }
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function: MapAndGetAvailTankID
- Purpose: Get the new tank's ID. Try to satisfy the player's request.
- Input: bReqTankID - the requested tank ID.
- Output: The new tanks ID.
- Remarks:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- CHost::MapAndGetAvailTankID(BYTE bReqTankID)
- {
- BYTE bInd = bReqTankID; // Assume we take the request
- if (m_aPlayersID[bInd] != CCommManager::INVALID_PLAYER_ID) {
- // We can't satisfy the request - lets find a vacant place:
- for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TANKS; i++)
- if (CCommManager::INVALID_PLAYER_ID == m_aPlayersID[i])
- break;
- ASSERT(i != MAX_TANKS); // We must have a vacant place
- if (i == MAX_TANKS) // In case of emergency - take any place:
- i = bReqTankID;
- bInd = BYTE(i);
- }
- m_aPlayersID[bInd] = m_idFrom;
- return bInd;
- }
- int
- CHost::LookupTankID (DPID id)
- { // Returns 0..MAX_TANKS-1 or -1 (no found) or -2 (host)
- if (id == m_CommManager.GetHostID())
- return -2; //Host
- for (UINT i = 0; i < MAX_TANKS; i++)
- if (id == m_aPlayersID[i])
- return int(i);
- return -1; // Not found
- }
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function: HandleMessage
- Purpose: Handle message send to the game host from a game player (either
- remote or local).
- Input: idFrom - the DirectPlay ID of the sending player
- bFromJudge - flag indicating the message was send by the local tank.
- Output: None.
- Remarks:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void
- CHost::HandleMessage(DPID idFrom, BOOL bFromJudge)
- {
- // Save message originator locally for reply options:
- m_idFrom = idFrom;
- // Decode the buffer into a message:
- CMessage Msg(m_Message.m_aBuffer, (BYTE)m_Message.m_dwLength, SERVER_MSG);
- // Update table of player's RTTs:
- UpdatePlayerRTT (Msg.GetTime());
- switch (Msg.GetType()) {
- case CMessage::MANOUVER_SET:// All players get the manouver set (excluding the sender)
- // One of the tanks is dispatching his manouver set notification to all:
- // The message contains the data that should be
- // send to all other tanks except the sender of this message.
- // The message params are exactly the same, so we simply re-dispatch it!
- NET_GAME_TRACE (("Host got MANOUVER_SET from tank %d (game time = %d)",
- LookupTankID(m_idFrom), Msg.GetTime ()));
- SendToAllButSender();
- break;
- case CMessage::REMOVE_TANK: // Tell all the players a tank dies
- NET_GAME_TRACE (("Host got REMOVE_TANK from tank %d (game time = %d)",
- LookupTankID(m_idFrom), Msg.GetTime ()));
- SendToAllButSender ();
- break;
- case CMessage::ADD_BONUS: // Tell all the players a bonus is added / eaten
- // Set message time to current game time:
- *(PDWORD(&m_Message.m_aBuffer[1])) = TANKS_APP->m_gTimer.GetLocalTime();
- NET_GAME_TRACE (("Host got ADD_BONUS from tank %d (game time = %d)",
- LookupTankID(m_idFrom), *(PDWORD(&m_Message.m_aBuffer[1]))));
- SendToAll ();
- break;
- case CMessage::ADD_BOMBER: // Tell all the players a bomber is in the air
- NET_GAME_TRACE (("Host got ADD_BOMBER from tank %d (game time = %d)",
- LookupTankID(m_idFrom), Msg.GetTime ()));
- SendToAll ();
- break;
- case CMessage::REQUEST_TANK: // A new tank (player) is joining the game session:
- NET_GAME_TRACE (("Host got REQUEST_TANK from tank %d (game time = %d)",
- LookupTankID(m_idFrom), Msg.GetTime ()));
- HandleRequestTank (BYTE(Msg.m_UnionData.TankRequestParam.bID));
- break;
- case CMessage::CHECK_SUM: // Check sum message from a remote or local player
- NET_SYNC_TRACE (("Host got CHECK_SUM from tank %d (game time = %d)",
- LookupTankID(m_idFrom), Msg.GetTime ()));
- HandleCheckSum (Msg, bFromJudge);
- break;
- case CMessage::CHAT: // Dispatch msg to all players except sender:
- SendToAll();
- break;
- default:
- NET_GAME_TRACE (("Host got unknown game message from tank %d (game time = %d)",
- LookupTankID(m_idFrom), Msg.GetTime ()));
- }
- }
- void
- CHost::RemovePlayerFromArray(DPID idPlayer)
- {
- int i = LookupTankID (idPlayer);
- ASSERT (i >= 0);
- if (i < 0) // This should never happen
- return;
- m_aPlayersID[i] = CCommManager::INVALID_PLAYER_ID;
- if (m_GameManager.IsAlive (i))
- { // Non-gracefull player disconnection happaned
- CMessage::MessageData Params;
- // Create tank removal notification message:
- Params.TankRemoveParam.ID = BYTE(i);
- Params.TankRemoveParam.Explode = TRUE;
- // Compose message from data:
- CMessage Msg(CMessage::REMOVE_TANK, Params, SERVER_MSG);
- // Pack message to buffer:
- m_Message.m_dwLength = Msg.GetBuffer(m_Message.m_aBuffer);
- SendToAll ();
- }
- }
- void
- CHost::SendToAllButSender()
- {
- for (UINT i = 0; i < MAX_TANKS; i++)
- if ((m_aPlayersID[i] != m_idFrom) &&
- (m_aPlayersID[i] != CCommManager::INVALID_PLAYER_ID)) {
- m_CommManager.SendAsHost (m_aPlayersID[i]);
- }
- }
- void
- CHost::SendToAll ()
- {
- for (UINT i = 0; i < MAX_TANKS; i++)
- if (m_aPlayersID[i] != CCommManager::INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
- { // A valid player
- m_CommManager.SendAsHost (m_aPlayersID[i]); // Send as host
- }
- }
- void
- CHost::SendBonusStatus()
- {
- CMessage::MessageData MsgData;
- // Get Bonus state from GameManager:
- m_GameManager.GetBonusState(MsgData);
- // Compose new message from data:
- CMessage Msg(CMessage::ADD_BONUS, MsgData, SERVER_MSG);
- // Pack message to buffer:
- m_Message.m_dwLength = Msg.GetBuffer(m_Message.m_aBuffer);
- // Send to last reported:
- ReplyToSender();
- }
- void
- CHost::SendAddTank(int iTankID)
- {
- CMessage::MessageData MsgData;
- // Get tank's state and position:
- BOOL bRes = m_GameManager.GetTankStatusAndPos(iTankID, MsgData);
- if (!bRes)
- return; // Tank just died between our fingers...
- // Under no-circumstances should a remote player get it's local tanks this way:
- MsgData.TankParam.Local = FALSE;
- CMessage Msg(CMessage::ADD_TANK, MsgData, SERVER_MSG);
- // Pack message to buffer:
- m_Message.m_dwLength = Msg.GetBuffer(m_Message.m_aBuffer);
- // Send to last reporter:
- ReplyToSender();
- }
- void
- CHost::SendTankPos
- ( int iTankID, // Setting position of tank ID
- int nXPos, // X Pos
- int nYPos) // Y Pos
- {
- CMessage::MessageData MsgData;
- MsgData.TankPosParam.XPos = nXPos;
- MsgData.TankPosParam.YPos = nYPos;
- MsgData.TankPosParam.ID = iTankID;
- // Compose message from data:
- CMessage Msg(CMessage::SET_TANK_POS, MsgData, SERVER_MSG);
- // Pack message to buffer:
- m_Message.m_dwLength = Msg.GetBuffer(m_Message.m_aBuffer);
- // Send to all other tanks, except reporter:
- SendToAllButSender();
- }
- void
- CHost::SendTankZombie(int iTankID, BOOL bZombie, BOOL bToAll)
- {
- CMessage::MessageData MsgData;
- MsgData.TankZombieParam.ID = BYTE(iTankID);
- MsgData.TankZombieParam.Zombie = BYTE(bZombie);
- // Compose message from data:
- CMessage Msg(CMessage::SET_TANK_ZOMBIE, MsgData, SERVER_MSG);
- // Pack message to buffer:
- m_Message.m_dwLength = Msg.GetBuffer(m_Message.m_aBuffer);
- if (bToAll)
- { // Send to all tanks:
- SendToAll();
- } else
- {
- ReplyToSender();
- }
- }
- void
- CHost::SendTankStatus(int iTankID)
- {
- CMessage::MessageData MsgData;
- // Get tank's status:
- BOOL bRes = m_GameManager.GetTankStatus(iTankID, MsgData);
- if (! bRes)
- return;
- // Override the judge's game-manager ammo counters and FF flag, with
- // data from the judge's tables:
- MsgData.TankParam.Shells = m_JudgeViewOfTanks[iTankID].Shells;
- MsgData.TankParam.Bullets = m_JudgeViewOfTanks[iTankID].Bullets;
- MsgData.TankParam.Mines = m_JudgeViewOfTanks[iTankID].Mines;
- MsgData.TankParam.FastFire =
- m_JudgeViewOfTanks[iTankID].FastFire;
- // Under no-circumstances should a remote player get it's local tanks this way:
- MsgData.TankParam.Local = FALSE;
- // Compose message from data:
- CMessage Msg(CMessage::SET_TANK_STATUS, MsgData, SERVER_MSG);
- // Pack message to buffer:
- m_Message.m_dwLength = Msg.GetBuffer(m_Message.m_aBuffer);
- // Send to last reporter:
- ReplyToSender();
- }
- void
- CHost::SendRemoveTank(int iTankID)
- {
- CMessage::MessageData MsgData;
- MsgData.TankRemoveParam.ID = BYTE(iTankID);
- MsgData.TankRemoveParam.Explode = TRUE;
- // Compose message from data:
- CMessage Msg(CMessage::REMOVE_TANK, MsgData, SERVER_MSG);
- // Pack message to buffer:
- m_Message.m_dwLength = Msg.GetBuffer(m_Message.m_aBuffer);
- // Send to last reporter:
- ReplyToSender();
- }
- void CHost::SendMinesStatus(int iSector)
- {
- /* NOTICE: This is a special case. Since the information on all the mines in
- a given sector is of variable length and may get very big, we don't construct
- a structure for it in the MessageData union like we do for all the other
- message type.
- Instead, we make the encoding in-place directly to the DPlay output buffer
- (using a static member function of CMessage) and don't keep any message structure.
- */
- // Fill array of positions with the data of all the existing mines in the given sector
- DWORD dwMinesFound = m_GameManager.GetMinesInSector (iSector, AllMinesInSector);
- m_Message.m_aBuffer[0] = CMessage::SET_MINES; // Set message type in 1st byte
- m_Message.m_dwLength = 1 + // The message type takes 1 byte
- CMessage::EncodeSectorMines (&m_Message.m_aBuffer[1],
- iSector,
- dwMinesFound,
- AllMinesInSector);
- // Send to last reporter:
- ReplyToSender();
- }
- void
- CHost::PlayerJoinsGame (UINT uID)
- {
- memset (&m_PlayersRTT[uID], 0, sizeof (PlayerRTT));
- m_PlayersRTT[uID].dwPlayerJoinTime =
- m_PlayersRTT[uID].dwLastMsgTime = GetTickCount();
- m_PlayersRTT[uID].dwPlayerMinRTT = MAX_DWORD;
- }
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function: UpdatePlayerRTT
- Purpose: Calculates the round trip time from our host to the reporting player.
- Check if the zombie status should be updated.
- Input: dwMsgTime - the time stamp of the message
- Output: None.
- Remarks: A tank becomes zombie if 5 sequential messages have RTT larger then
- the maximal allowed (this parameter is configurable via the
- registry, and is set to 1.5 sec. by default).
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void
- CHost::UpdatePlayerRTT (DWORD dwMsgTime)
- {
- int i = LookupTankID (m_idFrom);
- if (0 > i)
- // Tank ID not associated yet
- return;
- DWORD dwNow = m_Timer.GetLocalTime();
- DWORD dwCurLat = (dwNow >= dwMsgTime) ?
- (dwNow - dwMsgTime) : (dwMsgTime - dwNow);
- m_PlayersRTT[i].dwLastMsgTime = dwNow;
- m_PlayersRTT[i].dwPlayerCurRTT = dwCurLat;
- // TRACE (" Now = %d, MsgTime = %d, RTT = %dn", dwNow, dwMsgTime, dwCurLat);
- m_PlayersRTT[i].dwPlayerMaxRTT = max (
- m_PlayersRTT[i].dwPlayerMaxRTT, dwCurLat);
- m_PlayersRTT[i].dwPlayerMinRTT = min (
- m_PlayersRTT[i].dwPlayerMinRTT, dwCurLat);
- m_PlayersRTT[i].dwPlayerTotalRTTs += dwCurLat;
- m_PlayersRTT[i].dwTotMsgs++;
- m_PlayersRTT[i].adwPlayerRTTCounts[min (7, dwCurLat >> 7)]++;
- m_PlayersRTT[i].adwPlayerRTTTotals[min (7, dwCurLat >> 7)] += dwCurLat;
- //
- // Check for zombies:
- //
- BOOL bZombie = m_JudgeViewOfTanks[i].Zombie; // Store current state
- if (m_JudgeViewOfTanks[i].Zombie)
- { // Check if zombie's condition is improving:
- if (dwCurLat < TANKS_APP->GetMaxRTT()) // RTT is valid again
- {
- if (m_JudgeViewOfTanks[i].LastRTTWasGood) // if the former one was too -
- m_JudgeViewOfTanks[i].BadRTTCount--; // dec. counter, or else
- else // reset counter as we begin a new series
- m_JudgeViewOfTanks[i].BadRTTCount = MAX_BAD_RTT_COUNT - 1;
- }
- // If there were MAX_BAD_RTT_COUNT good RTTs in a row -
- // tank is back in business:
- if (m_JudgeViewOfTanks[i].BadRTTCount <= 0)
- {
- m_JudgeViewOfTanks[i].BadRTTCount = 0;
- bZombie = FALSE;
- }
- } else
- { // Check if tank needs to become zombie:
- if (dwCurLat > TANKS_APP->GetMaxRTT()) // RTT is too big
- {
- if (! m_JudgeViewOfTanks[i].LastRTTWasGood) // if the former one was too
- m_JudgeViewOfTanks[i].BadRTTCount++; // inc. counter, or else
- else // reset counter as a new series starts
- m_JudgeViewOfTanks[i].BadRTTCount = 1;
- }
- // If there were MAX_BAD_RTT_COUNT bad RTTs in a row -
- // tank is out of business:
- if (m_JudgeViewOfTanks[i].BadRTTCount >= MAX_BAD_RTT_COUNT)
- {
- bZombie = TRUE;
- }
- }
- // Update last RTT evaluation:
- m_JudgeViewOfTanks[i].LastRTTWasGood = (dwCurLat < TANKS_APP->GetMaxRTT());
- if (bZombie != m_JudgeViewOfTanks[i].Zombie) // There is a status change:
- {
- m_JudgeViewOfTanks[i].Zombie = bZombie;
- if (bZombie)
- {
- }
- else
- {
- }
- NET_SYNC_TRACE (("Tank %d is %s zombie: "
- "current latency = %d (max = %d),"
- " bad RTT count = %dn",
- i,
- bZombie ? "becoming" : "stopping being",
- dwCurLat,
- m_PlayersRTT[i].dwPlayerMaxRTT,
- m_JudgeViewOfTanks[i].BadRTTCount));
- SendTankZombie (i, bZombie, TRUE /* Send to all */);
- }
- }
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function: ChkForZombies
- Purpose: Another zombie check - this method is called by the game manager
- every iteration, to check for tanks that have stopped reporting for
- a long period of time (MAX_COMM_MUTE_PERIOD)
- Input: None.
- Output: None.
- Remarks:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void
- CHost::ChkForZombies()
- {
- DWORD dwNow = m_Timer.GetLocalTime();
- for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TANKS; i++)
- {
- if (CCommManager::INVALID_PLAYER_ID == m_aPlayersID[i])
- continue;
- // Check if time of last message from tank[i] arrived in reasonable time:
- if (((dwNow - m_PlayersRTT[i].dwLastMsgTime) > MAX_COMM_MUTE_PERIOD) &&
- !m_JudgeViewOfTanks[i].Zombie)
- { // This player wasn't heard for too long time:
- m_JudgeViewOfTanks[i].Zombie = TRUE;
- NET_SYNC_TRACE (("Tank %d is becoming zombie"
- " - last message arrived %d millisecs ago.n",
- i, dwNow - m_PlayersRTT[i].dwLastMsgTime));
- SendTankZombie (i, TRUE, TRUE /* Send to all */);
- }
- }
- }
- CHost::GetPlayerInfo (UINT ind, DWORD &dwDuration, DWORD &dwRTT)
- {
- if (CCommManager::INVALID_PLAYER_ID == m_aPlayersID[ind])
- return FALSE; // Player not playing now
- dwDuration = GetTickCount() - m_PlayersRTT[ind].dwPlayerJoinTime;
- dwRTT = m_PlayersRTT[ind].dwPlayerCurRTT;
- return TRUE;
- }
- CHost::GetDirectPlayID (UINT uPlayerID)
- {
- return m_aPlayersID[uPlayerID];
- }
- void
- CHost::ZeroTankSyncStats (UINT uTankID)
- {
- TRACE ("tTank #%d is joining session, starting sync statistics for it.n", uTankID);
- memset (&m_TanksSyncStats[uTankID], 0, sizeof (TankSyncStats));
- m_TanksSyncStats[uTankID].dwSmallestTimeGap = MAX_DWORD;
- m_TanksSyncStats[uTankID].dwStartTime = GetTickCount();
- }
- void
- CHost::PrintTankSyncStats (UINT uTankID)
- {
- TRACE ( "nnttt**** Game sync statistics for tank %d ****n",
- uTankID);
- TRACE ( "Total time player %d was active = %.3f secsn",
- uTankID,
- double(GetTickCount() - m_TanksSyncStats[uTankID].dwStartTime) / 1000.0);
- TRACE ( "Sync messages arriving from tank %d = %dn",
- uTankID, m_TanksSyncStats[uTankID].dwSyncMsgsArrived);
- TRACE ("Average size of sync message = %dn",
- m_TanksSyncStats[uTankID].dwSyncMsgsArrived ?
- (uTankID, m_TanksSyncStats[uTankID].dwTotSyncMsgSize /
- m_TanksSyncStats[uTankID].dwSyncMsgsArrived) : 0);
- TRACE ( "Sync mismatches:n");
- TRACE ( "tBonus = %d, Mines = %d, Zombie = %dn",
- m_TanksSyncStats[uTankID].dwBonusMismatch,
- m_TanksSyncStats[uTankID].dwMinesMismatch,
- m_TanksSyncStats[uTankID].dwZombieMismatch);
- TRACE ( "tTanks status = %dn",
- m_TanksSyncStats[uTankID].dwOtherTankStatusMismatch);
- TRACE ( "tMissing tanks = %d, Extra tanks = %dn",
- m_TanksSyncStats[uTankID].dwMissingTanks,
- m_TanksSyncStats[uTankID].dwExtraTanks);
- TRACE ( "Zombie:n");
- TRACE ( "tTank became zombie %d times, and came back alive %d times.n",
- m_TanksSyncStats[uTankID].dwZombieIn,
- m_TanksSyncStats[uTankID].dwZombieOut);
- TRACE ( "Sync msgs timing:n");
- TRACE ( "tTime gap between reports: min = %d millisecs, max = %d, avg = %dn",
- m_TanksSyncStats[uTankID].dwSmallestTimeGap,
- m_TanksSyncStats[uTankID].dwBiggestTimeGap,
- m_TanksSyncStats[uTankID].dwTotalGapsCnt ?
- DWORD(double(m_TanksSyncStats[uTankID].dwTotalGaps) /
- double(m_TanksSyncStats[uTankID].dwTotalGapsCnt)) : 0);
- DWORD dwAvg = m_PlayersRTT[uTankID].dwPlayerTotalRTTs ?
- DWORD(double(m_PlayersRTT[uTankID].dwPlayerTotalRTTs) /
- double(m_PlayersRTT[uTankID].dwTotMsgs)) : 0;
- TRACE ( "Round Trip Times:n");
- TRACE ( "tMax = %d msecs, Min = %d msecs , Avg = %d msecsn",
- m_PlayersRTT[uTankID].dwPlayerMaxRTT,
- m_PlayersRTT[uTankID].dwPlayerMinRTT,
- dwAvg);
- TRACE ( "tRTT histogram:n" );
- for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(m_PlayersRTT[uTankID].adwPlayerRTTCounts) /
- sizeof (m_PlayersRTT[uTankID].adwPlayerRTTCounts[0]) - 1; i++)
- {
- TRACE ( "tRTT between %d and %d was counted %d times (Avg = %d)n",
- i << 7,
- ((i + 1) << 7) - 1,
- m_PlayersRTT[uTankID].adwPlayerRTTCounts[i],
- m_PlayersRTT[uTankID].adwPlayerRTTCounts[i] ?
- m_PlayersRTT[uTankID].adwPlayerRTTTotals[i] /
- m_PlayersRTT[uTankID].adwPlayerRTTCounts[i] : 0);
- }
- TRACE ( "tRTT above %d was counted %d times (Avg = %d)nn",
- i << 7,
- m_PlayersRTT[uTankID].adwPlayerRTTCounts[i],
- m_PlayersRTT[uTankID].adwPlayerRTTCounts[i] ?
- m_PlayersRTT[uTankID].adwPlayerRTTTotals[i] /
- m_PlayersRTT[uTankID].adwPlayerRTTCounts[i] : 0);
- }
- void
- CHost::UpdateSyncMsgTime (UINT uTankID)
- {
- if (!m_TanksSyncStats[uTankID].dwLastReportTime)
- { // First time around
- m_TanksSyncStats[uTankID].dwLastReportTime = GetTickCount();
- m_TanksSyncStats[uTankID].dwTotalGapsCnt = 0;
- m_TanksSyncStats[uTankID].dwTotalGaps = 0;
- return;
- }
- DWORD dwNow = GetTickCount();
- DWORD dwTimeGap = dwNow - m_TanksSyncStats[uTankID].dwLastReportTime;
- m_TanksSyncStats[uTankID].dwLastReportTime = dwNow;
- m_TanksSyncStats[uTankID].dwSmallestTimeGap = min (dwTimeGap,
- m_TanksSyncStats[uTankID].dwSmallestTimeGap);
- m_TanksSyncStats[uTankID].dwBiggestTimeGap = max (dwTimeGap,
- m_TanksSyncStats[uTankID].dwBiggestTimeGap);
- m_TanksSyncStats[uTankID].dwTotalGaps += dwTimeGap;
- m_TanksSyncStats[uTankID].dwTotalGapsCnt++;
- }
- #endif // defined GATHER_SYNC_STATS