资源名称:tanksrc.zip [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * TankObj.cpp
- *
- * Electrical Engineering Faculty - Software Lab
- * Spring semester 1998
- *
- * Tanks game
- *
- * Module description: Implements the characteristics of the tank object.
- *
- * Authors: Eran Yariv - 28484475
- * Moshe Zur - 24070856
- *
- *
- * Date: 23/09/98
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include <math.h>
- #include "tanks.h"
- #include "TankObj.h"
- #include "GameManager.h"
- #include "Bullet.h"
- #include "Shell.h"
- #include "Mine.h"
- #include "Message.h"
- #include "Bomber.h"
- // Regular delay between shells and bullets:
- const UINT SHELL_FIRE_DELAY = UINT(1000.0 / double(SHELL_FIRE_RATE));
- // Extra short delay, when bonus is effective:
- const DirOffsetType CTankObj::m_SpawnOffsets [24] =
- { // Bullet Shell Mine
- { 0, 20, -6, 17, 37, 16 }, // 0 ( <-- )
- { 1, 25, -4, 22, 37, 8 }, // 15
- { 2, 29, -3, 28, 35, 3 }, // 30
- { 6, 33, 2, 32, 30, -3 }, // 45
- { 9, 36, 5, 36, 26, -5 }, // 60
- { 15, 38, 11, 38, 21, -7 }, // 75
- { 20, 38, 17, 38, 16, -9 }, // 90 ( up )
- { 25, 38, 23, 38, 9, -6 }, // 105
- { 30, 36, 28, 36, 4, -4 }, // 120
- { 32, 32, 32, 32, -2, 1 }, // 135
- { 36, 29, 36, 27, -5, 2 }, // 150
- { 37, 24, 37, 22, -7, 10 }, // 165
- { 37, 18, 37, 16, -9, 15 }, // 180 ( --> )
- { 37, 13, 37, 10, -7, 20 }, // 195
- { 36, 9, 36, 5, -4, 26 }, // 210
- { 32, 5, 32, 1, -2, 30 }, // 225
- { 28, 2, 26, -2, 3, 33 }, // 240
- { 24, 0, 22, -5, 9, 36 }, // 255
- { 17, -1, 15, -5, 15, 38 }, // 270 ( down )
- { 13, -1, 10, -6, 20, 38 }, // 285
- { 8, 2, 5, -2, 26, 36 }, // 300
- { 4, 5, 0, 1, 32, 31 }, // 315
- { 2, 9, -3, 6, 34, 26 }, // 330
- { 0, 14, -5, 11, 37, 21 } // 345
- };
- const PosEntry UNUSED_POS_ENTRY;
- CTankObj::CTankObj ( UINT uID, UINT uXPos, UINT uYPos, UINT uDirIndex, BOOL bLocal, UINT uShieldLevel, UINT uShells,
- UINT uBullets, UINT uMines, BYTE bFireRateBonusSecsLeft) :
- CMovingGameObject(uXPos, uYPos, TANK_WIDTH, TANK_HEIGHT, uDirIndex, double(TANK_MAX_VELOCITY)),
- m_uTankID(uID),
- m_uShieldLevel(uShieldLevel),
- m_uShells(uShells),
- m_uBullets(uBullets),
- m_uMines(uMines),
- m_pDlgWnd ((CTanksDlg*)(TANKS_APP->m_pMainWnd)),
- m_ManouverSet(TANKS_APP->m_gManouverSets[uID & 0x3]),
- m_ImageManager(TANKS_APP->m_gImageManager),
- m_ObjList(TANKS_APP->m_gGameManager.ExposeObjects()),
- m_MsgQueue(TANKS_APP->m_gIncomingMsgQueue),
- m_CommManager(TANKS_APP->m_gCommManager),
- m_Timer(TANKS_APP->m_gTimer),
- m_dwLastBulletFiredTick(0),
- m_dwLastShellFiredTick(0),
- m_dwLastMineDropTick(0),
- m_dwBulletFireDelay(BULLET_FIRE_DELAY),
- m_dwShellFireDelay(SHELL_FIRE_DELAY),
- m_bLocal (bLocal),
- m_dwLastRotationTime (0),
- m_bUseManouverSet (TRUE),
- m_bBomberInSetup (FALSE),
- m_bBomberAvail (FALSE),
- m_bForceNewPos (FALSE),
- m_bZombie (FALSE),
- {
- m_hTankImage = m_ImageManager.GetImage ((CImageManager::ImageType)uID);
- m_hExplodedTankImage = m_ImageManager.GetImage (CImageManager::IMG_TANK_EXPLODE);
- m_hZombieOverlay = m_ImageManager.GetImage (CImageManager::IMG_TANK_ZOMBIE);
- // Test code **************:
- m_ImageManager.RotateImage (m_hTankImage, m_uDirectionIndex);
- // End of test code **************
- m_pCurrentImage = &m_hTankImage;
- m_dwFireRateBonusLastTick = DWORD(bFireRateBonusSecsLeft) * 1000 + GetTickCount();
- if (m_bLocal) {
- m_pDlgWnd->SetShieldLevel (m_uShieldLevel);
- m_pDlgWnd->SetShellsCount (m_uShells);
- m_pDlgWnd->SetBulletsCount (m_uBullets);
- m_pDlgWnd->SetMinesCount (m_uMines);
- m_pDlgWnd->SetAerialSupport (FALSE);
- m_pDlgWnd->SetFastFireRate (m_dwFireRateBonusLastTick != 0);
- }
- }
- CReaction
- CTankObj::React(CGameObject *pTo)
- {
- ASSERT(pTo);
- CReaction res;
- switch (pTo->GetType())
- {
- case TANK: // detect collision, and block the other object movement:
- case SHELL:
- case BULLET:
- case BOMB:
- if (CollidesWith(pTo))
- {
- res = CReaction(0, HIT_TANK, BONUS_NONE, m_uTankID);
- }
- break;
- }
- return res;
- }
- #pragma warning (disable : 4701)
- /* warning C4701: local variable 'CurObjHImg', 'himgLastImage', 'uLastDir'
- may be used without having been initialized
- God damn it, trust me on this one - I know what I'm doing here....
- */
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function: CalcState
- Purpose: The main Tank object function. Called every game loop, the function
- collects the tank's maneuver, calculates the new position, and gathers
- the other game objects reaction to the new position. Upon return the
- tanks status (shield, ammo, bonuses) are updated.
- Input: The local game time of the current game loop.
- Output: Tank's new state.
- Remarks: There's a difference between local and remote tanks behavior:
- The local tanks are allowed to set their state to dead, they need to
- update the game display (ammo etc.) and to dispatch the maneuver that
- was in use. Remote tanks don't need to do the above.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- StateType
- CTankObj::CalcState (DWORD dwCurTime)
- {
- m_bImageChanged = FALSE; // Assume no change since last CalcState
- if (m_pCurrentImage == &m_hExplodedTankImage)
- { // if state==exploded - advance explosion or terminate
- if (m_ImageManager.ImageEnded(*m_pCurrentImage)) // That's it - we are done :-(
- { // Explosion is over
- if (m_bLocal) // It's the local tank that dies
- {
- // Go to game over animation mode
- m_pDlgWnd->GameOver ();
- }
- return STATE_DEAD;
- }
- return STATE_ALIVE; // Still exploding
- }
- if (m_bZombie && !m_bForceNewPos)
- return STATE_ALIVE; // Zombie tank reacts to nothing !!
- // From here on starts the normal tank behaviour:
- CManouverSet ms; // Detect manouver set (for network messages)
- BOOL bTryToRotate; // Did the user dare to rotate ?
- HIMAGE himgLastImage; // Current image, for undo purposes
- UINT uLastDir; // Current rotation index, for undo purposes
- UINT ManouverSet;
- if (m_bUseManouverSet)
- { // Can we use the manouver set to react to the user's whim
- //
- // Save movement params (for Undo option)
- //
- SaveMovement ();
- //
- // handle manouver set:
- //
- ManouverSet = m_ManouverSet.GetAll();
- // Each time we call GetAll on the MS we need to reset its values:
- TANKS_APP->m_gKbdManager.RefreshManouverSet();
- //
- // Calc new direction:
- //
- bTryToRotate = FALSE;
- himgLastImage = m_hTankImage;
- uLastDir = m_uDirectionIndex;
- //
- // In cases of remote tanks, we occasionally get an absolute
- // direction from the net.
- //
- if (! m_bLocal && TANKS_APP->m_guRemoteTanksDirs[m_uTankID] != INVALID_DIRECTION)
- { // We just got an absolute direction from a remote tank
- m_uDirectionIndex = TANKS_APP->m_guRemoteTanksDirs[m_uTankID];
- TANKS_APP->m_guRemoteTanksDirs[m_uTankID] = INVALID_DIRECTION;
- bTryToRotate = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- // Normal game play - Either a local tank, or a remote w/o absolute direction:
- if (ManouverSet & CManouverSet::TURN_RIGHT_MASK)
- { // Rotate right
- ms.SetBit (CManouverSet::TURN_RIGHT);
- if (dwCurTime - m_dwLastRotationTime >= TANK_ROTATION_DELAY)
- { // enough time has passed sine last rotation
- m_uDirectionIndex = (m_uDirectionIndex + 1) % MAX_DIRECTIONS;
- bTryToRotate = TRUE;
- ASSERT (m_uDirectionIndex < MAX_DIRECTIONS);
- }
- }
- else if (ManouverSet & CManouverSet::TURN_LEFT_MASK)
- { // Rotate left
- ms.SetBit (CManouverSet::TURN_LEFT);
- if (dwCurTime - m_dwLastRotationTime >= TANK_ROTATION_DELAY)
- { // enough time has passed sine last rotation
- m_uDirectionIndex = (m_uDirectionIndex == 0) ?
- (MAX_DIRECTIONS - 1) : (m_uDirectionIndex - 1);
- bTryToRotate = TRUE;
- ASSERT (m_uDirectionIndex < MAX_DIRECTIONS);
- }
- }
- } // end of local tank or remote w/o absolute direction
- if (bTryToRotate)
- { // There's an attmept to rotate - Rotate the image
- m_ImageManager.RotateImage (m_hTankImage, m_uDirectionIndex);
- // Check if we're out of the map now
- if (GetMapPosition(m_Pos) != (X_FULL_IN_MAP | Y_FULL_IN_MAP))
- { // Out of map situation - undo rotation
- m_uDirectionIndex = uLastDir;
- m_hTankImage = himgLastImage;
- ms.UnsetBit (CManouverSet::TURN_RIGHT); // Cancel roations
- ms.UnsetBit (CManouverSet::TURN_LEFT);
- }
- else
- { // Rotation o.k. - apply changes
- m_dwLastRotationTime = dwCurTime;
- m_bImageChanged = TRUE;
- }
- } // End of rotation attempt
- //
- // Calc new position:
- //
- BOOL bTryToMove = FALSE;
- if (m_bForceNewPos)
- { // We got a forced position and direction (due to checksum mismatch)
- SetNewPos (m_iNewForcedXPos, m_iNewForcedYPos);
- m_bForceNewPos = FALSE; // Turn it off
- m_bImageChanged = TRUE;
- }
- else
- { // Normal game play
- if (ManouverSet & CManouverSet::FORWARD_MASK)
- { // Move forward
- m_dVelocity = fabs(m_dVelocity);
- ms.SetBit (CManouverSet::FORWARD);
- bTryToMove = TRUE;
- } else if (ManouverSet & CManouverSet::BACKWARD_MASK)
- { // Move backwards
- m_dVelocity = -1.0 * fabs(m_dVelocity);
- ms.SetBit (CManouverSet::BACKWARD);
- bTryToMove = TRUE;
- }
- else
- StopMovement (); // No movement chosen
- if (bTryToMove)
- { // Tank tried to move
- if (CalcNewPos(dwCurTime) < 0)
- { //
- // Failed to move - out of map case
- //
- UndoMovement ();
- if (m_uDirectionIndex != uLastDir)
- { // If we moved AND rotated, cancel rotation as well.
- m_uDirectionIndex = uLastDir;
- m_hTankImage = himgLastImage;
- }
- ms.UnsetBit (CManouverSet::FORWARD); // Cancel movements:
- ms.UnsetBit (CManouverSet::BACKWARD);
- ms.UnsetBit (CManouverSet::TURN_RIGHT); // Cancel roations
- ms.UnsetBit (CManouverSet::TURN_LEFT);
- m_bImageChanged = FALSE;
- }
- else
- {
- // Tries to move and successded (so far, collision not tested yet)
- m_bImageChanged = TRUE;
- }
- } // end of movement attempt
- } // end of normal game play
- } // end of if (m_bUseManouverSet)
- //
- // handle reaction:
- //
- CReaction Reaction = m_ObjList.GetGameReaction (this);
- if (m_CommManager.IsHost() && (BONUS_NONE != Reaction.GetBonusType()))
- //
- // If this the host machine and a tank just hit a bonus, tell all the other
- // players (including this player) that the bonus has just been eaten.
- // This will cause a ADD_BONUS message to arrive with the Tank ID in
- // the LifeSpan. The game manager, upon receipt of such a message will call
- // the EatBonus method for the correct tank object.
- //
- m_CommManager.NotifyBonusEaten (m_uTankID);
- //
- // update state (shield level, image)
- //
- UINT ExplosionReact = Reaction.GetExplosionIntensity();
- if (ExplosionReact)
- { // We are hit:
- m_uShieldLevel -= ExplosionReact;
- if (LONG(m_uShieldLevel) < 0)
- {
- // We are hit badly - that's the end:
- if (m_bLocal) // If it's a remote tank, we have to
- // wait for the judge decision...
- Kill();
- else
- m_uShieldLevel = 0;
- }
- if (m_bLocal)
- // If it's a local tank, update shield status.
- m_pDlgWnd->SetShieldLevel (m_uShieldLevel);
- }
- //
- // update position:
- //
- TerrainType TerrainReact = Reaction.GetTerrainDifficulty();
- switch (TerrainReact)
- {
- case HIT_TANK:
- // we are blocked - rewind the new position:
- UndoMovement ();
- if (m_uDirectionIndex != uLastDir) {
- // There was also a rotation, undo it.
- m_uDirectionIndex = uLastDir;
- m_hTankImage = himgLastImage;
- }
- m_bImageChanged = FALSE;
- // Cancel all movements and rotations:
- ms.UnsetBit (CManouverSet::TURN_RIGHT);
- ms.UnsetBit (CManouverSet::TURN_LEFT);
- ms.UnsetBit (CManouverSet::FORWARD);
- ms.UnsetBit (CManouverSet::BACKWARD);
- break;
- case TERR_EMPTY:
- m_dVelocity = TANK_MAX_VELOCITY;
- break;
- case TERR_75SPEED:
- m_dVelocity = TANK_75_VELOCITY;
- break;
- case TERR_50SPEED:
- m_dVelocity = TANK_50_VELOCITY;
- break;
- case TERR_25SPEED:
- m_dVelocity = TANK_25_VELOCITY;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- if (m_bUseManouverSet)
- { // Can we use the manouver set to react to the user's whim
- //
- // check the fire controls, and spawn bullet/shell/mine if needed:
- //
- if ((ManouverSet & CManouverSet::FIRE_SHELL_MASK) && // Fire shell button is pressed and
- m_uShells) // we have shells
- {
- if (ShellsEnabled(dwCurTime)) // we can fire a new shell
- FireShell(dwCurTime);
- ms.SetBit (CManouverSet::FIRE_SHELL);
- }
- if ((ManouverSet & CManouverSet::FIRE_BULLET_MASK) && // Fire bullet button is pressed and
- m_uBullets) // we have bullets and
- {
- if (BulletsEnabled(dwCurTime)) // we can fire a new bullet
- FireBullet(dwCurTime);
- ms.SetBit (CManouverSet::FIRE_BULLET);
- }
- if ((ManouverSet & CManouverSet::DROP_MINE_MASK) && // Drop mine button is pressed and
- m_uMines) // we have mines
- {
- if (MinesEnabled(dwCurTime)) // we can fire a new mine
- // Try to drop a mine (may fail if there's no vacant room on the map)
- DropMine(dwCurTime);
- ms.SetBit (CManouverSet::DROP_MINE);
- }
- if ((ManouverSet & CManouverSet::AERIAL_SUPPORT_MASK) && // Bomber button is pressed and
- !m_bBomberInSetup && // we don't already have a bomber in setup mode and
- m_bBomberAvail) // we have the bomber icon on
- {
- LaunchBomber();
- // Notice, we don't set the bomber bit in the ms. Only when the bomber starts to fly
- // (after its setup mode) it sends ADD_BOMBER to all other players.
- }
- }
- // Before we leave - update the last tick calculated:
- // Check the fire rate bonus expiration time:
- if (m_dwFireRateBonusLastTick && (m_dwFireRateBonusLastTick <= dwCurTime))
- { // turn off the fire rate bonus (timeout):
- m_dwBulletFireDelay = BULLET_FIRE_DELAY;
- m_dwShellFireDelay = SHELL_FIRE_DELAY;
- m_dwFireRateBonusLastTick = 0;
- if (m_bLocal)
- // Turn of the icon
- m_pDlgWnd->SetFastFireRate (FALSE);
- }
- SendManouverSet (ms); // Notify other tanks on the network of our actions.
- // Store newly calculated position in table:
- PosEntry NewPos(dwCurTime, m_Pos.x, m_Pos.y);
- m_PosTable.AddHead(NewPos);
- return STATE_ALIVE;
- }
- #pragma warning (default : 4701)
- inline BOOL
- CTankObj::BulletsEnabled(DWORD dwCurTime)
- {
- return (dwCurTime - m_dwLastBulletFiredTick >= m_dwBulletFireDelay);
- }
- inline BOOL
- CTankObj::MinesEnabled(DWORD dwCurTime)
- {
- return (dwCurTime - m_dwLastMineDropTick >= MINE_FIRE_DELAY);
- }
- inline BOOL
- CTankObj::ShellsEnabled(DWORD dwCurTime)
- {
- return (dwCurTime - m_dwLastShellFiredTick >= m_dwShellFireDelay);
- }
- void
- CTankObj::FireShell(DWORD dwCurTime)
- {
- // update flags:
- m_uShells--;
- m_dwLastShellFiredTick = dwCurTime;
- // spawn shell and send message to game mananger:
- CMessage::MessageData Params;
- Params.ShellParam.wXPos = WORD(m_SpawnOffsets[m_uDirectionIndex].iShellXOffset + m_Pos.x);
- Params.ShellParam.wYPos = WORD(m_SpawnOffsets[m_uDirectionIndex].iShellYOffset + m_Pos.y);
- Params.ShellParam.bDirectionIndex = BYTE(m_uDirectionIndex);
- Params.ShellParam.bParentTankID = BYTE(m_uTankID);
- VERIFY (m_MsgQueue.Enqueue(CMessage::ADD_SHELL, Params));
- if (m_bLocal)
- {
- // Update display
- m_pDlgWnd->SetShellsCount(m_uShells);
- }
- // Play the sound
- TANKS_APP->m_gSoundManager.Play(CSoundManager::FIRE_SHELL);
- }
- void
- CTankObj::FireBullet(DWORD dwCurTime)
- {
- // update flags:
- m_uBullets--;
- m_dwLastBulletFiredTick = dwCurTime;
- // spawn bullet and send message to game mananger:
- CMessage::MessageData Params;
- Params.BulletParam.wXPos = WORD(m_SpawnOffsets[m_uDirectionIndex].iBulletXOffset + m_Pos.x);
- Params.BulletParam.wYPos = WORD(m_SpawnOffsets[m_uDirectionIndex].iBulletYOffset + m_Pos.y);
- Params.BulletParam.bDirectionIndex = BYTE(m_uDirectionIndex);
- Params.BulletParam.bParentTankID = BYTE(m_uTankID);
- VERIFY (m_MsgQueue.Enqueue(CMessage::ADD_BULLET, Params));
- if (m_bLocal)
- {
- // Update display
- m_pDlgWnd->SetBulletsCount(m_uBullets);
- }
- // Play sound
- TANKS_APP->m_gSoundManager.Play(CSoundManager::FIRE_BULLET);
- }
- CTankObj::DropMine(DWORD dwCurTime)
- {
- CMine tmpMine (m_SpawnOffsets[m_uDirectionIndex].iMineXOffset + m_Pos.x,
- m_SpawnOffsets[m_uDirectionIndex].iMineYOffset + m_Pos.y);
- CReaction Reaction = m_ObjList.GetGameReaction (&tmpMine);
- // check that we can spawn:
- if ((Reaction.GetTerrainDifficulty() == TERR_EMPTY) && // board is empty
- (tmpMine.GetMapPosition(tmpMine.GetPos()) == (X_FULL_IN_MAP | Y_FULL_IN_MAP))) // and fully in map
- {
- // update flags:
- m_uMines--;
- m_dwLastMineDropTick = dwCurTime;
- // spawn mine and send message to game mananger:
- CMessage::MessageData Params;
- Params.MineParam.wXPos = WORD(tmpMine.GetPos().x);
- Params.MineParam.wYPos = WORD(tmpMine.GetPos().y);
- VERIFY (m_MsgQueue.Enqueue(CMessage::ADD_MINE, Params));
- if (m_bLocal)
- {
- // Update display
- m_pDlgWnd->SetMinesCount(m_uMines);
- }
- return TRUE; // Mine dropped
- }
- return FALSE; // Mine cannot be dropped
- }
- void
- CTankObj::LaunchBomber()
- {
- ASSERT (m_bLocal);
- ASSERT (m_bBomberAvail);
- ASSERT (!m_bBomberInSetup);
- CBomber *pBomber = new CBomber (this);
- // spawn mine and send message to game mananger:
- CMessage::MessageData Params;
- Params.pGameObj = pBomber;
- VERIFY (m_MsgQueue.Enqueue(CMessage::ADD_OBJECT, Params));
- m_bBomberInSetup = TRUE;
- m_bBomberAvail = FALSE;
- m_pDlgWnd->SetAerialSupport (FALSE);
- }
- void
- CTankObj::RegainInput (BOOL bBomberLaunched)
- {
- m_bUseManouverSet = TRUE;
- m_bBomberInSetup = FALSE;
- if (!bBomberLaunched)
- { // Bomber canceled - re-enable it
- m_bBomberAvail = TRUE;
- m_pDlgWnd->SetAerialSupport (TRUE);
- }
- }
- void
- CTankObj::SendManouverSet ( CManouverSet &ms )
- {
- if (!m_bLocal)
- return; // Don't send manouver set for remote tanks
- if (ms.GetAll() == m_PrevManouverSet.GetAll())
- // No change => Don't send
- return;
- CMessage::MessageData Params;
- // Create manouver set notification message:
- Params.ManouverSetParam.TankID = BYTE(m_uTankID);
- Params.ManouverSetParam.ManouverSet = ms.GetAll();
- Params.ManouverSetParam.Direction = BYTE(m_uDirectionIndex);
- // Send it
- TANKS_APP->m_gOutgoingMsgQueue.Enqueue (CMessage::MANOUVER_SET, Params);
- // Update last manouver set sent over the network
- m_PrevManouverSet = ms;
- }
- void
- CTankObj::EatBonus (BonusType t, DWORD dwEatTime)
- {
- switch (t)
- {
- m_uShells = min (MAX_STATUS_VALUE, m_uShells + TANK_BONUS_SHELLS);
- if (m_bLocal)
- m_pDlgWnd->SetShellsCount(m_uShells);
- break;
- m_uBullets = min (MAX_STATUS_VALUE, m_uBullets + TANK_BONUS_BULLETS);
- if (m_bLocal)
- m_pDlgWnd->SetBulletsCount(m_uBullets);
- break;
- m_uMines = min (MAX_STATUS_VALUE, TANK_BONUS_MINES + m_uMines);
- if (m_bLocal)
- m_pDlgWnd->SetMinesCount(m_uMines);
- break;
- if (m_bLocal)
- m_pDlgWnd->SetAerialSupport (TRUE);
- m_bBomberAvail = TRUE;
- break;
- if (!m_dwFireRateBonusLastTick) { // We don't already own the bonus
- m_dwBulletFireDelay = RAPID_BULLET_FIRE_DELAY;
- m_dwShellFireDelay = RAPID_SHELL_FIRE_DELAY;
- }
- m_dwFireRateBonusLastTick = dwEatTime + FIRE_RATE_BONUS_DURATION;
- if (m_bLocal)
- m_pDlgWnd->SetFastFireRate (TRUE);
- break;
- m_uShieldLevel = min (100, m_uShieldLevel + TANK_BONUS_SHIELD);
- if (m_bLocal)
- m_pDlgWnd->SetShieldLevel (m_uShieldLevel);
- break;
- default:
- ASSERT (FALSE); // Unsupported bonus type
- break;
- }
- // Play sound
- TANKS_APP->m_gSoundManager.Play(CSoundManager::PICK_BONUS);
- }
- CTankObj::PackBits (WORD wVal, WORD wNumBits)
- {
- // If the value can be fully represented by wNumBits bits, return it:
- if (wVal < (1 << wNumBits))
- return wVal;
- // First, find the position of the most significant bit :
- int iPos=15;
- WORD wValBackup = wVal;
- while (!(wVal & 0x8000))
- {
- wVal = WORD(wVal << 1);
- iPos--;
- }
- // Now, simply shift right so that wNumBits MSBits fit into the result
- return WORD(wValBackup >> (iPos - wNumBits + 1));
- }
- void
- CTankObj::GetStatus(CMessage::MessageData &MsgData)
- {
- MsgData.TankStatusParam.bID = BYTE(m_uTankID);
- MsgData.TankStatusParam.bShieldLevel = (BYTE)m_uShieldLevel;
- MsgData.TankStatusParam.dwShells = m_uShells;
- MsgData.TankStatusParam.dwBullets = m_uBullets;
- MsgData.TankStatusParam.dwMines = m_uMines;
- MsgData.TankStatusParam.bFireRateBonusSecsLeft =
- BYTE(m_dwFireRateBonusLastTick - GetTickCount());
- MsgData.TankStatusParam.bBomber = BYTE(m_bBomberAvail);
- MsgData.TankStatusParam.bFastFire = (0 != m_dwFireRateBonusLastTick);
- MsgData.TankStatusParam.bZombie = BYTE(m_bZombie);
- }
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function: SetPos
- Purpose: Calculates tanks position, and tries to enforce it, next time we calc
- the tanks state. This function is used for REMOTE tanks only, when
- receiving updates from the tank's "owner" (a player in this game session
- that controls this tank).
- Input: dwTime: Local game time in which the tanks position was recorded.
- XPos, YPos: Tank's position.
- Output: None.
- Remarks: Since this information arrived from the player that owns this tank,
- the time when the info was recored is at the past in our local game
- time. That means we can't just set the tanks position to the new one.
- Instead we keep a record of the tanks last positions and time in a
- table, and look through this table to find the closest available entry.
- If no such entry is found - the update is abandoned, other wise, we
- take the position offset between our record and the update we received,
- and use it to correct the current tank's position.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void
- CTankObj::SetPos (DWORD dwTime, int XPos, int YPos)
- {
- // Force a new position and direction (will take effect only on next call to CalcState)
- m_bForceNewPos = TRUE;
- // First we need to search the history table for a position near the time given:
- int ind = -1, min = INT_MAX;
- for (int i = 0; i < MAX_POS_TABLE; i++) {
- PosEntry posEntry = m_PosTable[i];
- if (DWORD(-1) == posEntry.m_dwTime)
- break; // we covered all entries in use, and reached unused entry - just leave
- int delta = abs(posEntry.m_dwTime - dwTime);
- if (min > delta) {
- min = delta;
- ind = i;
- }
- }
- // Get rid of extreme points:
- // - Table is still empty (ind was never updated)
- // - The best entry found is still not relevant to the time stamp reported:
- if ((-1 == ind) ||
- ((UINT)abs(m_PosTable[ind].m_dwTime - dwTime) > TANKS_APP->GetMaxRTT()))
- {
- if (-1 == ind)
- NET_SYNC_TRACE(("TankObj::SetPos - empty tablen"))
- if (-1 != ind)
- NET_SYNC_TRACE(("TankObj::SetPos - time delta %dn",
- m_PosTable[ind].m_dwTime - dwTime))
- m_bForceNewPos = FALSE;
- return;
- }
- // Now we calc the offset from our position to tanks real position
- int dx = m_PosTable[ind].m_uXPos - XPos;
- int dy = m_PosTable[ind].m_uYPos - YPos;
- // And finally we apply the offset to tank's current position:
- m_iNewForcedXPos = m_Pos.x - dx;
- m_iNewForcedYPos = m_Pos.y - dy;
- }
- void
- CTankObj::SetStatus(CMessage::MessageData &MsgData)
- {
- // Make sure the message arrived at the right tank:
- ASSERT(MsgData.TankStatusParam.bID == m_uTankID);
- m_uShieldLevel = MsgData.TankStatusParam.bShieldLevel;
- m_uShells = MsgData.TankStatusParam.dwShells;
- m_uBullets = MsgData.TankStatusParam.dwBullets;
- m_uMines = MsgData.TankStatusParam.dwMines;
- SetZombie (MsgData.TankStatusParam.bZombie);
- m_dwFireRateBonusLastTick = MsgData.TankStatusParam.bFireRateBonusSecsLeft +
- GetTickCount();
- m_bBomberAvail = MsgData.TankStatusParam.bBomber;
- if (MsgData.TankStatusParam.bFastFire)
- { // Fast fire rate is set on:
- m_dwFireRateBonusLastTick = FIRE_RATE_BONUS_DURATION + GetTickCount();
- }
- if (m_bLocal)
- { // Local tank - refresh display accordingly
- m_pDlgWnd->SetFastFireRate (MsgData.TankStatusParam.bFastFire);
- m_pDlgWnd->SetAerialSupport (m_bBomberAvail);
- m_pDlgWnd->SetShieldLevel (m_uShieldLevel);
- m_pDlgWnd->SetShellsCount (m_uShells);
- m_pDlgWnd->SetBulletsCount (m_uBullets);
- m_pDlgWnd->SetMinesCount (m_uMines);
- }
- }
- void
- CTankObj::GetStatusAndPos(CMessage::MessageData &MsgData)
- {
- MsgData.TankParam.ID = m_uTankID;
- MsgData.TankParam.XPos = m_Pos.x;
- MsgData.TankParam.YPos = m_Pos.y;
- MsgData.TankParam.ShieldLevel = m_uShieldLevel;
- MsgData.TankParam.Shells = m_uShells;
- MsgData.TankParam.Bullets = m_uBullets;
- MsgData.TankParam.Mines = m_uMines;
- MsgData.TankParam.FireRateBonusSecsLeft = BYTE(m_dwFireRateBonusLastTick - GetTickCount());
- MsgData.TankParam.Bomber = m_bBomberAvail;
- MsgData.TankParam.FastFire = (0 != m_dwFireRateBonusLastTick);
- MsgData.TankParam.Direction = m_uDirectionIndex;
- }
- void
- CTankObj::Kill ()
- {
- m_uShieldLevel = 0;
- m_pCurrentImage = &m_hExplodedTankImage;
- if (m_bLocal)
- m_pDlgWnd->SetShieldLevel (m_uShieldLevel);
- // Play sound
- TANKS_APP->m_gSoundManager.Play(CSoundManager::TANK_EXPLODE);
- }
- CRect &
- CTankObj::GetUpdateRectangle()
- {
- if (m_pCurrentImage != &m_hExplodedTankImage)
- // Moving tank
- return CMovingGameObject::GetUpdateRectangle();
- else
- { // Exploding tank
- CSize size;
- CPoint offset;
- m_GlobalImageManager.GetImageSize(*m_pCurrentImage, size);
- m_GlobalImageManager.GetImageOffset(*m_pCurrentImage, offset);
- m_UpdateRect = CRect (m_Pos + offset, size);
- }
- return m_UpdateRect;
- }