资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * GameConsts.h
- *
- * Electrical Engineering Faculty - Software Lab
- * Spring semester 1998
- *
- * Tanks game
- *
- * Module description: The collection of the game constant parameters in use.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Eran Yariv - 28484475
- * Moshe Zur - 24070856
- *
- *
- * Date: 23/09/98
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
- #pragma warning (disable : 4239)
- // warning C4239: nonstandard extension used : conversion from 'class XXX' to 'class XXX &'
- #pragma warning (disable : 4201)
- // warning C4201: nonstandard extension used : nameless struct/union
- #ifndef GAME_CONSTS_H
- #define GAME_CONSTS_H
- #define MAX_TANKS 4 // Max number of tanks in one game
- #define MAX_POSSIBLE_OBJECTS 100 // Max number of objects that appear concurrently
- // Renderer:
- #define MIN_RENDER_FREQ 1 // Minimal rendering rate (frames per second)
- #define MAX_RENDER_FREQ 40 // Maximal rendering rate (frames per second)
- #define DEFAULT_RENDER_FREQ 20 // Default rendering rate (frames per second)
- // Map:
- #define MAP_WIDTH 500 // Width (in pixels) of game map
- #define MAP_HEIGHT 500 // Height (in pixels) of game map
- #define MAP_WIDTH_BITS 9 // Number of bits to hold map width
- #define MAP_HEIGHT_BITS 9 // Number of bits to hold map height
- #define SECTOR_DIVISION 4 // Each axis is divided SECTOR_DIVISION times
- // Maximal sector number (e.g: 0..15 = 4 x 4 division)
- #define MAP_WIDTH_BITS 9 // Number of bits to hold map width
- #define MAP_HEIGHT_BITS 9 // Number of bits to hold map height
- // Orientation
- #define MAX_DIRECTIONS 24 // Possible rotations (15 degrees)
- // Indicates invalid direction index
- // Tank selection animation:
- #define TANK_ANIM_WIDTH 110 // Width (in pixels) of tank animation AVI
- #define TANK_ANIM_HEIGHT 70 // Height (in pixels) of tank animation AVI
- // Status bars:
- #define SHIELD_STATUS_WIDTH 20 // Width of shield status bar
- #define AMMO_STATUS_WIDTH 50 // Width of ammunition status bar
- #define AMMO_STATUS_HEIGHT 220 // Height of ammunition status bar
- #define DIGIT_WIDTH 9 // Width of single digit (ammo. status bar)
- #define DIGIT_HEIGHT 13 // Height of single digit (ammo. status bar)
- #define MAX_STATUS_VALUE 500 // Max value of status counters
- // Transparency:
- #define TRANSP_COLOR 10
- // Mine object:
- #define MINE_WIDTH 10 // Width of mine object
- #define MINE_HEIGHT 10 // Height of mine object
- #define MINE_INTENSITY 40 // Constant explosion intensity of a mine
- #define MINE_EXPIRATION DWORD(120000) // Mine time-out (2 minutes)
- // Bullet object:
- #define BULLET_WIDTH 3 // Width of bullet object
- #define BULLET_HEIGHT 3 // Height of bullet object
- #define BULLET_SPEED 80 // Pixels / second
- #define BULLET_INTENSITY 7 // Constant explosion intensity of a bullet
- #define BULLET_DISTANCE_SQR 10000 // Max distance of a bullet (squared)
- // Shell object:
- #define SHELL_WIDTH 8 // Width of shell object
- #define SHELL_HEIGHT 8 // Height of shell object
- #define SHELL_SPEED 100 // Pixels / second
- #define SHELL_INTENSITY 40 // Maximal explosion intensity of a shell
- #define MIN_SHELL_RADIUS 20 // Minimal explosion radius
- // (below this distance you get a full blast power)
- #define MAX_SHELL_RADIUS 40 // Maximal explosion radius
- // (above this distance you don't feel a thing)
- // Bomber object
- #define BOMBER_WIDTH 50 // Width of bomber image
- #define BOMBER_HEIGHT 50 // Height of bomber image
- #define BOMBER_SPEED 40 // Speed of bomber (pixels / sec)
- #define BOMBS_TIME_GAP 2000 // Time gap between bombs (msecs)
- #define BOMBER_ROTATION_DELAY 25 // Millisecs between rotation / movement in setup mode
- #define EDGE_TICKS 50 // Number of setup positions on a single map edge
- // Bomb object:
- #define BOMB_WIDTH 50 // Width of bomb object
- #define BOMB_HEIGHT 50 // Height of bomb object
- #define BOMB_INTENSITY 50 // Maximal explosion intensity of a bomb
- #define BOMB_SPEED 15 // Bomb speed equals the bomber's speed
- #define MIN_BOMB_RADIUS 20 // Minimal explosion radius
- #define MAX_BOMB_RADIUS 100 // Maximal explosion radius
- // Tank object:
- #define TANK_BLOCK_WIDTH 4 // Width of tank in map blocks
- #define TANK_BLOCK_HEIGHT 4 // Height of tank in map blocks
- #define TANK_WIDTH 40 // Width of tank in pixels
- #define TANK_HEIGHT 40 // Height of tank in pixels
- #define TANK_INIT_SHELLS 40 // Number of shells a tank begins with
- #define TANK_INIT_BULLETS 250 // Number of bullets a tank begins with
- #define TANK_INIT_MINES 5 // Number of mines a tank begins with
- #define TANK_INIT_SHIELD_LEVEL 100 // Quantity of initial shield level
- #define TANK_BONUS_SHELLS 10 // Number of shells granted by a bonus object
- #define TANK_BONUS_BULLETS 50 // Number of bullets granted by a bonus object
- #define TANK_BONUS_MINES 2 // Number of mines granted by a bonus object
- #define TANK_BONUS_SHIELD 30 // Quantity of shield granted by a bonus object
- #define BULLET_FIRE_RATE 3 // Number of bullets per sec.
- #define SHELL_FIRE_RATE 1 // Number of shells per sec.
- #define MINE_FIRE_DELAY 600 // We allow less than 2 mines per sec.
- #define TANK_ROTATION_DELAY 108 // Millisecs between 15 degrees rotations
- #define FIRE_RATE_BONUS 2 // Factor of fire rate when bonus is effective
- #define FIRE_RATE_BONUS_DURATION 25000 // Duration of fire rate bonus in msec
- #define TANK_MAX_VELOCITY double( 40.0 ) // Tank's velocity in pixel per sec.
- #define TANK_75_VELOCITY double(TANK_MAX_VELOCITY * 0.75)
- #define TANK_50_VELOCITY double(TANK_MAX_VELOCITY * 0.50)
- #define TANK_25_VELOCITY double(TANK_MAX_VELOCITY * 0.25)
- #define MAX_POS_TABLE 30 // Table of last 30 tanks positions
- #define MAX_BAD_RTT_COUNT 5 // After X continous bad RTTs,
- // a tank becomes zombie, and vice versa
- #define MAX_VALID_RTT 1500 // Maximal Round Trip Time considered valid
- // Bonus object:
- #define BONUS_WIDTH 16 // Width of bonus object
- #define BONUS_HEIGHT 16 // Height of bonus object
- #define BONUS_MIN_LIFESPAN 6000 // Minimal life span of a bonus
- #define BONUS_LIFESPAN_RANGE 3000 // Life span range for rand func.
- // Game-over animation
- // Communication object:
- #define COMM_TIME_OUT 600000 // Time out for wait event
- #define CHKSUM_TIME_GAP_BITS 10 // Time gap (msecs) between checksum is 2 to the power ot this.
- #define MAX_COMM_MUTE_PERIOD 5000 // Max period of time the host didn't hear from a tank
- // before it becomes zombie
- #define MAX_PLAYER_NAME 10 // Max length of a player name
- #define MAX_CHAT_MSG_LEN 30 // Max length of a chat msg
- /************ Monitoring definitions and macros ****************/
- /* Define NET_MON_GAME to allow network monitoring of game messages:
- All incoming and outgiong game messages will
- be TRACEd (excluding chksums).
- */
- //#define NET_MON_GAME
- /* Define NET_MON_SYNC to allow network monitoring of game synchronization messages:
- All incoming and outgiong game synchronization messages will
- be TRACEd (chksums and checksum checking results).
- */
- //#define NET_MON_SYNC
- /* Define NET_MON_SYS to allow network monitoring of DPlay system messages:
- All incoming and outgiong DPlay system messages will
- be TRACEd.
- */
- #define NET_MON_SYS
- /* Trace game message */
- #ifdef NET_MON_GAME
- #define NET_GAME_TRACE(x) {TRACE ("tGame message:"); TRACE x; TRACE ("n");}
- #else
- #define NET_GAME_TRACE(x)
- #endif
- /* Trace game synch message */
- #ifdef NET_MON_SYNC
- #define NET_SYNC_TRACE(x) {TRACE ("tGame synch message:"); TRACE x; TRACE ("n");}
- #else
- #define NET_SYNC_TRACE(x)
- #endif
- /* Trace DirectPlay system message */
- #ifdef NET_MON_SYS
- #define NET_SYS_TRACE(x) {TRACE ("tDPlay system message:"); TRACE x; TRACE ("n");}
- #else
- #define NET_SYS_TRACE(x)
- #endif
- /************ Statistics definitions ****************/
- /* Define GATHER_RENDERING_STATS to allow the system to collect
- statistics about the rendering performance (frame per second,
- free time in each frame, etc.).
- */
- /* Define GATHER_NETWORK_STATS to allow the system to collect
- statistics about the network performance (bytes send / received per second,
- round trip times and propogation delay).
- */
- /* Define GATHER_SYNC_STATS to allow the system to collect
- statistics about the synchronization system performance
- (checksum mismatch rate etc.)
- */
- /************ General definitions ****************/
- /* Define REAL_RANDOM to make the random elements of the game completely random.
- If you disable real randomness, each activation of the program will yield the same
- random numbers (good for debugging)
- */
- #define REAL_RANDOM
- /* Use the following two definitions to manage the priorities of the
- game manager threrad (renderer) and the communication manager thread.
- The main application thread (the GUI thread) remains in THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL
- */
- // Default keyboard assignments
- const int DEFAULT_KEYS_SETTINGS[] = {
- VK_RIGHT, // Turn Right
- VK_LEFT, // Turn Left
- VK_UP, // Forward
- VK_DOWN, // BackWard
- VK_CONTROL, // Fire Shell
- VK_RETURN, // Fire Bullet
- 'M', // Drop Mine
- 'A' }; // Aerial Support
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #else
- #endif
- #endif // !defined ( UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER )
- #endif // GAME_CONSTS_H