资源名称:tanksrc.zip [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * Tanks.h
- *
- * Electrical Engineering Faculty - Software Lab
- * Spring semester 1998
- *
- * Tanks game
- *
- * Module description: Interface of the main application class.
- *
- *
- * Authors: Eran Yariv - 28484475
- * Moshe Zur - 24070856
- *
- *
- * Date: 23/09/98
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
- #if !defined(AFX_TANKS_H__22F0A6A5_E0C9_11D1_9738_E570871C4325__INCLUDED_)
- #define AFX_TANKS_H__22F0A6A5_E0C9_11D1_9738_E570871C4325__INCLUDED_
- #if _MSC_VER >= 1000
- #pragma once
- #endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000
- #ifndef __AFXWIN_H__
- #error include 'stdafx.h' before including this file for PCH
- #endif
- #include "resource.h" // main symbols
- #include <ImageManager.h>
- #include <ManouverSet.h>
- #include <KbdManager.h>
- #include <GameManager.h>
- #include <Timer.h>
- #include <MsgQueue.h>
- #include <CommManager.h>
- #include <SoundManager.h>
- // Registry sections
- #define GAME_SETUP_SECTION "GameSetup"
- #define KEYBOARD_SECTION "Keyboard mapping"
- #define COMM_SECTION "Communication setting"
- // Registry entries
- #define TANK_TYPE_ENTRY "TankType"
- #define MAP_DIFF_ENTRY "MapComplexity"
- #define RIGHT_KEY_ENTRY "Key-Right"
- #define LEFT_KEY_ENTRY "Key-Left"
- #define FORWARD_KEY_ENTRY "Key-Forward"
- #define BACKWARD_KEY_ENTRY "Key-Backward"
- #define SHELL_KEY_ENTRY "Key-Shell"
- #define BULLET_KEY_ENTRY "Key-Bullet"
- #define MINE_KEY_ENTRY "Key-Mine"
- #define AERIAL_KEY_ENTRY "Key-Aerial"
- #define PLAYER_NAME_ENTRY "Player name"
- #define IS_HOST_ENTRY "Is Host"
- #define CONNECTION_GUID_ENTRY "Connection GUID"
- #define MAX_RTT_ENTRY "Max RTT (ms)"
- #define MUTE_MODE_ENTRY "Game Sound"
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CTanksApp:
- // See Tanks.cpp for the implementation of this class
- //
- class CTanksApp : public CWinApp
- {
- public:
- CTanksApp();
- ~CTanksApp();
- BOOL StartGameThreads ();
- void EndGameThreads ();
- // Persistence :
- UINT GetStoredPreferedTankID ()
- { return GetProfileInt (GAME_SETUP_SECTION, TANK_TYPE_ENTRY, 0); }
- UINT GetStoredMapComplexity ()
- { return GetProfileInt (GAME_SETUP_SECTION, MAP_DIFF_ENTRY, 10); }
- UINT GetStoredRightKey (UINT uDefault)
- { return GetProfileInt (KEYBOARD_SECTION, RIGHT_KEY_ENTRY, uDefault); }
- BOOL SetStoredRightKey (UINT uKey)
- { return WriteProfileInt (KEYBOARD_SECTION, RIGHT_KEY_ENTRY, uKey); }
- UINT GetStoredLeftKey (UINT uDefault)
- { return GetProfileInt (KEYBOARD_SECTION, LEFT_KEY_ENTRY, uDefault); }
- BOOL SetStoredLeftKey (UINT uKey)
- { return WriteProfileInt (KEYBOARD_SECTION, LEFT_KEY_ENTRY, uKey); }
- UINT GetStoredForwardKey (UINT uDefault)
- { return GetProfileInt (KEYBOARD_SECTION, FORWARD_KEY_ENTRY, uDefault); }
- BOOL SetStoredForwardKey (UINT uKey)
- { return WriteProfileInt (KEYBOARD_SECTION, FORWARD_KEY_ENTRY, uKey); }
- UINT GetStoredBackwardKey (UINT uDefault)
- { return GetProfileInt (KEYBOARD_SECTION, BACKWARD_KEY_ENTRY, uDefault); }
- BOOL SetStoredBackwardKey (UINT uKey)
- { return WriteProfileInt (KEYBOARD_SECTION, BACKWARD_KEY_ENTRY, uKey); }
- UINT GetStoredShellKey (UINT uDefault)
- { return GetProfileInt (KEYBOARD_SECTION, SHELL_KEY_ENTRY, uDefault); }
- BOOL SetStoredShellKey (UINT uKey)
- { return WriteProfileInt (KEYBOARD_SECTION, SHELL_KEY_ENTRY, uKey); }
- UINT GetStoredBulletKey (UINT uDefault)
- { return GetProfileInt (KEYBOARD_SECTION, BULLET_KEY_ENTRY, uDefault); }
- BOOL SetStoredBulletKey (UINT uKey)
- { return WriteProfileInt (KEYBOARD_SECTION, BULLET_KEY_ENTRY, uKey); }
- UINT GetStoredMineKey (UINT uDefault)
- { return GetProfileInt (KEYBOARD_SECTION, MINE_KEY_ENTRY, uDefault); }
- BOOL SetStoredMineKey (UINT uKey)
- { return WriteProfileInt (KEYBOARD_SECTION, MINE_KEY_ENTRY, uKey); }
- UINT GetStoredAerialKey (UINT uDefault)
- { return GetProfileInt (KEYBOARD_SECTION, AERIAL_KEY_ENTRY, uDefault); }
- BOOL SetStoredAerialKey (UINT uKey)
- { return WriteProfileInt (KEYBOARD_SECTION, AERIAL_KEY_ENTRY, uKey); }
- CString GetStoredPlayerName ()
- { return GetProfileString (COMM_SECTION, PLAYER_NAME_ENTRY, "Anonymous"); }
- BOOL SetStoredPlayerName (CString strName)
- { return WriteProfileString (COMM_SECTION, PLAYER_NAME_ENTRY, strName); }
- BOOL GetStoredIsHostFlag ()
- { return (0 != GetProfileInt (COMM_SECTION, IS_HOST_ENTRY, 1)); }
- BOOL SetStoredIsHostFlag (UINT uKey)
- { return WriteProfileInt (COMM_SECTION, IS_HOST_ENTRY, uKey); }
- BOOL GetStoredMuteMode ()
- { return (0 != GetProfileInt (GAME_SETUP_SECTION, MUTE_MODE_ENTRY, 1)); }
- BOOL SetStoredMuteMode (BOOL bMuteMode)
- { return WriteProfileInt (GAME_SETUP_SECTION, MUTE_MODE_ENTRY, bMuteMode); }
- void SetMaxRTT (UINT uDefault)
- {
- m_uMaxRTT = GetProfileInt (COMM_SECTION, MAX_RTT_ENTRY, uDefault);
- WriteProfileInt (COMM_SECTION, MAX_RTT_ENTRY, m_uMaxRTT);
- }
- UINT GetMaxRTT ()
- { return m_uMaxRTT; }
- void SetMapHWND (HWND h) {m_gHwndMap = h;}
- // Overrides
- // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
- //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CTanksApp)
- public:
- virtual BOOL InitInstance();
- // Implementation
- //{{AFX_MSG(CTanksApp)
- //}}AFX_MSG
- private:
- BOOL IsOnlyInstance ();
- HANDLE m_hSingleInstanceSemaphore;
- UINT m_uMaxRTT; // Init from reg.when starting new game
- public:
- CImageManager m_gImageManager;
- CManouverSet m_gManouverSets[MAX_TANKS];
- UINT m_guRemoteTanksDirs[MAX_TANKS];
- CKbdManager m_gKbdManager;
- CGameManager m_gGameManager;
- TIMER_CLASS m_gTimer;
- CMsgQueue m_gIncomingMsgQueue;
- CMsgQueue m_gOutgoingMsgQueue;
- CCommManager m_gCommManager;
- HWND m_gHwndMap;
- CDrawDib m_gDrawDIB; // DIB drawing mechanism
- CSoundManager m_gSoundManager;
- };
- #define TANKS_APP ((CTanksApp*)AfxGetApp())
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Microsoft Developer Studio will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.
- #endif // !defined(AFX_TANKS_H__22F0A6A5_E0C9_11D1_9738_E570871C4325__INCLUDED_)