- #include "quicktime.h"
- static int quicktime_ima4_step[89] =
- {
- 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17,
- 19, 21, 23, 25, 28, 31, 34, 37, 41, 45,
- 50, 55, 60, 66, 73, 80, 88, 97, 107, 118,
- 130, 143, 157, 173, 190, 209, 230, 253, 279, 307,
- 337, 371, 408, 449, 494, 544, 598, 658, 724, 796,
- 876, 963, 1060, 1166, 1282, 1411, 1552, 1707, 1878, 2066,
- 2272, 2499, 2749, 3024, 3327, 3660, 4026, 4428, 4871, 5358,
- 5894, 6484, 7132, 7845, 8630, 9493, 10442, 11487, 12635, 13899,
- 15289, 16818, 18500, 20350, 22385, 24623, 27086, 29794, 32767
- };
- static int quicktime_ima4_index[16] =
- {
- -1, -1, -1, -1, 2, 4, 6, 8,
- -1, -1, -1, -1, 2, 4, 6, 8
- };
- // Known by divine revelation
- #define BLOCK_SIZE 0x22
- #define SAMPLES_PER_BLOCK 0x40
- // ================================== private for ima4
- // Convert the number of samples in a chunk into the number of bytes in that
- // chunk. The number of samples in a chunk should end on a block boundary.
- int ima4_decode_block(quicktime_audio_map_t *atrack, QUICKTIME_INT16 *output, unsigned char *input)
- {
- int predictor;
- int index;
- int step;
- int i, nibble, nibble_count, block_size;
- unsigned char *block_ptr;
- unsigned char *input_end = input + BLOCK_SIZE;
- quicktime_ima4_codec_t *codec = &(atrack->codecs.ima4_codec);
- // Get the chunk header
- predictor = *input++ << 8;
- predictor |= *input++;
- index = predictor & 0x7f;
- if(index > 88) index = 88;
- predictor &= 0xff80;
- if(predictor & 0x8000) predictor -= 0x10000;
- step = quicktime_ima4_step[index];
- // Read the input buffer sequentially, one nibble at a time
- nibble_count = 0;
- while(input < input_end)
- {
- nibble = nibble_count ? (*input++ >> 4) & 0x0f : *input & 0x0f;
- ima4_decode_sample(&predictor, &nibble, &index, &step);
- *output++ = predictor;
- nibble_count ^= 1;
- }
- }
- int ima4_decode_sample(int *predictor, int *nibble, int *index, int *step)
- {
- int difference, sign;
- // Get new index value
- *index += quicktime_ima4_index[*nibble];
- if(*index < 0) *index = 0;
- else
- if(*index > 88) *index = 88;
- // Get sign and magnitude from nibble
- sign = *nibble & 8;
- *nibble = *nibble & 7;
- // Get difference
- difference = *step >> 3;
- if(*nibble & 4) difference += *step;
- if(*nibble & 2) difference += *step >> 1;
- if(*nibble & 1) difference += *step >> 2;
- // Predict value
- if(sign)
- *predictor -= difference;
- else
- *predictor += difference;
- if(*predictor > 32767) *predictor = 32767;
- else
- if(*predictor < -32768) *predictor = -32768;
- // Update the step value
- *step = quicktime_ima4_step[*index];
- return 0;
- }
- int ima4_encode_block(quicktime_audio_map_t *atrack, unsigned char *output, QUICKTIME_INT16 *input, int step, int channel)
- {
- quicktime_ima4_codec_t *codec = &(atrack->codecs.ima4_codec);
- int i, nibble_count = 0, nibble, header;
- header = codec->last_samples[channel];
- if(header < 0) header += 0x10000;
- *output = (header & 0xff00) >> 8;
- output++;
- *output++ = (header & 0x80) | (codec->last_indexes[channel] & 0x7f);
- for(i = 0; i < SAMPLES_PER_BLOCK; i++)
- {
- ima4_encode_sample(&(codec->last_samples[channel]),
- &(codec->last_indexes[channel]),
- &nibble,
- *input);
- if(nibble_count)
- *output++ |= (nibble << 4);
- else
- *output = nibble;
- input += step;
- nibble_count ^= 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int ima4_encode_sample(int *last_sample, int *last_index, int *nibble, int next_sample)
- {
- int difference, new_difference, mask, step;
- difference = next_sample - *last_sample;
- *nibble = 0;
- step = quicktime_ima4_step[*last_index];
- new_difference = step >> 3;
- if(difference < 0)
- {
- *nibble = 8;
- difference = -difference;
- }
- mask = 4;
- while(mask)
- {
- if(difference >= step)
- {
- *nibble |= mask;
- difference -= step;
- new_difference += step;
- }
- step >>= 1;
- mask >>= 1;
- }
- if(*nibble & 8)
- *last_sample -= new_difference;
- else
- *last_sample += new_difference;
- if(*last_sample > 32767) *last_sample = 32767;
- else
- if(*last_sample < -32767) *last_sample = -32767;
- *last_index += quicktime_ima4_index[*nibble];
- if(*last_index < 0) *last_index = 0;
- else
- if(*last_index > 88) *last_index= 88;
- return 0;
- }
- long ima4_samples_to_bytes(long samples, int channels)
- {
- long bytes = samples / SAMPLES_PER_BLOCK * BLOCK_SIZE * channels;
- return bytes;
- }
- // Decode the chunk into the work buffer
- int ima4_decode_chunk(quicktime_t *file, int track, long chunk, int channel)
- {
- int result = 0;
- int i, j;
- long chunk_samples, chunk_bytes;
- unsigned char *chunk_ptr, *block_ptr;
- quicktime_trak_t *trak = file->atracks[track].track;
- quicktime_ima4_codec_t *codec = &(file->atracks[track].codecs.ima4_codec);
- // Get the byte count to read.
- chunk_samples = quicktime_chunk_samples(trak, chunk);
- chunk_bytes = ima4_samples_to_bytes(chunk_samples, file->atracks[track].channels);
- // Get the buffer to read into.
- if(codec->work_buffer && codec->work_size < chunk_samples)
- {
- free(codec->work_buffer);
- codec->work_buffer = 0;
- }
- if(!codec->work_buffer)
- {
- codec->work_size = chunk_samples;
- codec->work_buffer = malloc(sizeof(QUICKTIME_INT16) * codec->work_size);
- }
- if(codec->read_buffer && codec->read_size < chunk_bytes)
- {
- free(codec->read_buffer);
- codec->read_buffer = 0;
- }
- if(!codec->read_buffer)
- {
- codec->read_size = chunk_bytes;
- codec->read_buffer = malloc(codec->read_size);
- }
- // codec->work_size now holds the number of samples in the last chunk
- // codec->read_size now holds number of bytes in the last read buffer
- // Read the entire chunk regardless of where the desired sample range starts.
- result = quicktime_read_chunk(file, codec->read_buffer, track, chunk, 0, chunk_bytes);
- // Now decode the chunk, one block at a time, until the total samples in the chunk
- // is reached.
- if(!result)
- {
- block_ptr = codec->read_buffer;
- for(i = 0; i < chunk_samples; i += SAMPLES_PER_BLOCK)
- {
- for(j = 0; j < file->atracks[track].channels; j++)
- {
- if(j == channel)
- ima4_decode_block(&(file->atracks[track]), &(codec->work_buffer[i]), block_ptr);
- block_ptr += BLOCK_SIZE;
- }
- }
- }
- codec->buffer_channel = channel;
- codec->chunk = chunk;
- return result;
- }
- // =================================== public for ima4
- int quicktime_init_codec_ima4(quicktime_audio_map_t *atrack)
- {
- quicktime_ima4_codec_t *codec = &(atrack->codecs.ima4_codec);
- codec->work_buffer = 0;
- codec->read_buffer = 0;
- codec->chunk = 0;
- codec->buffer_channel = 0;
- codec->work_overflow = 0;
- codec->work_size = 0;
- codec->read_size = 0;
- codec->last_samples = 0;
- codec->last_indexes = 0;
- //printf("quicktime_init_codec_ima4 1 %x %x %xn", atrack, codec, codec->work_buffer);
- return 0;
- }
- int quicktime_delete_codec_ima4(quicktime_audio_map_t *atrack)
- {
- quicktime_ima4_codec_t *codec = &(atrack->codecs.ima4_codec);
- if(codec->work_buffer) free(codec->work_buffer);
- if(codec->read_buffer) free(codec->read_buffer);
- if(codec->last_samples) free(codec->last_samples);
- if(codec->last_indexes) free(codec->last_indexes);
- codec->last_samples = 0;
- codec->last_indexes = 0;
- codec->read_buffer = 0;
- codec->work_buffer = 0;
- codec->chunk = 0;
- codec->buffer_channel = 0; // Channel of work buffer
- codec->work_size = 0; // Size of work buffer
- codec->read_size = 0;
- return 0;
- }
- int quicktime_decode_ima4(quicktime_t *file,
- QUICKTIME_INT16 *output_i,
- float *output_f,
- long samples,
- int track,
- int channel,
- int do_float)
- {
- int result = 0;
- long chunk, chunk_sample, chunk_bytes, chunk_samples;
- long i, chunk_start, chunk_end;
- quicktime_trak_t *trak = file->atracks[track].track;
- quicktime_ima4_codec_t *codec = &(file->atracks[track].codecs.ima4_codec);
- // Get the first chunk with this routine and then increase the chunk number.
- quicktime_chunk_of_sample(&chunk_sample, &chunk, trak, file->atracks[track].current_position);
- // Read chunks and extract ranges of samples until the output is full.
- for(i = 0; i < samples && !result; )
- {
- // Get chunk we're on.
- chunk_samples = quicktime_chunk_samples(trak, chunk);
- if(!codec->work_buffer ||
- codec->chunk != chunk ||
- codec->buffer_channel != channel)
- {
- // read a new chunk if necessary
- result = ima4_decode_chunk(file, track, chunk, channel);
- }
- // Get boundaries from the chunk
- chunk_start = 0;
- if(chunk_sample < file->atracks[track].current_position)
- chunk_start = file->atracks[track].current_position - chunk_sample;
- chunk_end = chunk_samples;
- if(chunk_sample + chunk_end > file->atracks[track].current_position + samples)
- chunk_end = file->atracks[track].current_position + samples - chunk_sample;
- // Read from the chunk
- if(output_i)
- {
- //printf("decode_ima4 1 chunk %ld %ld-%ld output %ldn", chunk, chunk_start + chunk_sample, chunk_end + chunk_sample, i);
- while(chunk_start < chunk_end)
- {
- output_i[i++] = codec->work_buffer[chunk_start++];
- }
- //printf("decode_ima4 2n");
- }
- else
- if(output_f)
- {
- while(chunk_start < chunk_end)
- {
- output_f[i++] = (float)codec->work_buffer[chunk_start++] / 32767;
- }
- }
- chunk++;
- chunk_sample += chunk_samples;
- }
- return result;
- }
- int quicktime_encode_ima4(quicktime_t *file,
- QUICKTIME_INT16 **input_i,
- float **input_f,
- int track,
- long samples)
- {
- int result = 0;
- long i, j, step;
- long chunk_bytes;
- long overflow_start;
- long offset;
- long chunk_samples; // Samples in the current chunk to be written
- quicktime_audio_map_t *track_map = &(file->atracks[track]);
- quicktime_ima4_codec_t *codec = &(track_map->codecs.ima4_codec);
- QUICKTIME_INT16 *input_ptr;
- unsigned char *output_ptr;
- // Get buffer sizes
- if(codec->work_buffer && codec->work_size < (samples + codec->work_overflow) * track_map->channels)
- {
- // Create new buffer
- long new_size = (samples + codec->work_overflow) * track_map->channels;
- QUICKTIME_INT16 *new_buffer = malloc(sizeof(QUICKTIME_INT16) * new_size);
- // Copy overflow
- for(i = 0; i < codec->work_overflow * track_map->channels; i++)
- new_buffer[i] = codec->work_buffer[i];
- // Swap pointers.
- free(codec->work_buffer);
- codec->work_buffer = new_buffer;
- codec->work_size = new_size;
- }
- else
- if(!codec->work_buffer)
- {
- // No buffer in the first place.
- codec->work_size = (samples + codec->work_overflow) * track_map->channels;
- codec->work_buffer = malloc(sizeof(QUICKTIME_INT16) * codec->work_size);
- }
- // Get output size
- chunk_bytes = ima4_samples_to_bytes(samples + codec->work_overflow, track_map->channels);
- if(codec->read_buffer && codec->read_size < chunk_bytes)
- {
- free(codec->read_buffer);
- codec->read_buffer = 0;
- }
- if(!codec->read_buffer)
- {
- codec->read_buffer = malloc(chunk_bytes);
- codec->read_size = chunk_bytes;
- }
- if(!codec->last_samples)
- {
- codec->last_samples = malloc(sizeof(int) * track_map->channels);
- for(i = 0; i < track_map->channels; i++)
- {
- codec->last_samples[i] = 0;
- }
- }
- if(!codec->last_indexes)
- {
- codec->last_indexes = malloc(sizeof(int) * track_map->channels);
- for(i = 0; i < track_map->channels; i++)
- {
- codec->last_indexes[i] = 0;
- }
- }
- // Arm the input buffer after the last overflow
- step = track_map->channels;
- for(j = 0; j < track_map->channels; j++)
- {
- input_ptr = codec->work_buffer + codec->work_overflow * track_map->channels + j;
- if(input_i)
- {
- for(i = 0; i < samples; i++)
- {
- *input_ptr = input_i[j][i];
- input_ptr += step;
- }
- }
- else
- if(input_f)
- {
- for(i = 0; i < samples; i++)
- {
- *input_ptr = (QUICKTIME_INT16)(input_f[j][i] * 32767);
- input_ptr += step;
- }
- }
- }
- // Encode from the input buffer to the read_buffer up to a multiple of
- // blocks.
- input_ptr = codec->work_buffer;
- output_ptr = codec->read_buffer;
- for(i = 0;
- i + SAMPLES_PER_BLOCK <= samples + codec->work_overflow;
- {
- for(j = 0; j < track_map->channels; j++)
- {
- ima4_encode_block(track_map, output_ptr, input_ptr + j, track_map->channels, j);
- output_ptr += BLOCK_SIZE;
- }
- input_ptr += SAMPLES_PER_BLOCK * track_map->channels;
- }
- // Write to disk
- chunk_samples = (long)((samples + codec->work_overflow) / SAMPLES_PER_BLOCK) * SAMPLES_PER_BLOCK;
- // The block division may result in 0 samples getting encoded.
- // Don't write 0 samples.
- if(chunk_samples)
- {
- offset = quicktime_position(file);
- result = quicktime_write_data(file, codec->read_buffer, chunk_bytes);
- if(result) result = 0; else result = 1; // defeat fwrite's return
- quicktime_update_tables(track_map->track,
- offset,
- track_map->current_chunk,
- track_map->current_position,
- chunk_samples,
- 0);
- file->atracks[track].current_chunk++;
- }
- // Move the last overflow to the front
- overflow_start = i;
- input_ptr = codec->work_buffer;
- for(i = overflow_start * track_map->channels ;
- i < (samples + codec->work_overflow) * track_map->channels;
- i++)
- {
- *input_ptr++ = codec->work_buffer[i];
- }
- codec->work_overflow = samples + codec->work_overflow - overflow_start;
- return result;
- }