- package example;
- import*;
- import java.sql.*;
- import postgresql.largeobject.*;
- /**
- * This test attempts to create a blob in the database, then to read
- * it back.
- *
- * Important note: You will notice we import the postgresql.largeobject
- * package, but don't import the postgresql package. The reason for this is
- * that importing postgresql can confuse javac (we have conflicting class names
- * in postgresql.* and java.sql.*). This doesn't cause any problems, as long
- * as no code imports postgresql.
- *
- * Under normal circumstances, code using any jdbc driver only needs to import
- * java.sql, so this isn't a problem.
- *
- * It's only if you use the non jdbc facilities, do you have to take this into
- * account.
- *
- */
- public class blobtest
- {
- Connection db;
- Statement s;
- LargeObjectManager lobj;
- public blobtest(String args[]) throws ClassNotFoundException, FileNotFoundException, IOException, SQLException
- {
- String url = args[0];
- String usr = args[1];
- String pwd = args[2];
- // Load the driver
- Class.forName("postgresql.Driver");
- // Connect to database
- System.out.println("Connecting to Database URL = " + url);
- db = DriverManager.getConnection(url, usr, pwd);
- System.out.println("Connected...Now creating a statement");
- s = db.createStatement();
- // Now run tests using postgresql's own Large object api
- // NOTE: The methods shown in this example are _NOT_ JDBC, but are
- // an implementation of the calls found in libpq. Unless you need to
- // use this functionality, look at the jdbc tests on how to access blobs.
- ownapi();
- // Now run tests using JDBC methods
- //jdbcapi(db,s);
- // Finally close the database
- System.out.println("Now closing the connection");
- s.close();
- db.close();
- }
- /**
- * Now this is an extension to JDBC, unique to postgresql. Here we fetch
- * an PGlobj object, which provides us with access to postgresql's
- * large object api.
- */
- public void ownapi() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, SQLException
- {
- System.out.println("n----------------------------------------------------------------------nTesting postgresql large object apin");
- // Internally, the driver provides JDBC compliant methods to access large
- // objects, however the unique methods available to postgresql makes things
- System.out.println("Gaining access to large object api");
- lobj = ((postgresql.Connection)db).getLargeObjectAPI();
- int oid = ownapi_test1();
- ownapi_test2(oid);
- //ownapi_test3(oid);
- System.out.println("nnOID="+oid);
- }
- private int ownapi_test1() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, SQLException
- {
- System.out.println("Test 1 Creating a large objectn");
- // Ok, test 1 is to create a large object. To do this, we use the create
- // method.
- System.out.println("Creating a large object");
- int oid = lobj.create(LargeObjectManager.READ|LargeObjectManager.WRITE);
- DriverManager.println("got large object oid="+oid);
- LargeObject obj =,LargeObjectManager.WRITE);
- DriverManager.println("got large object obj="+obj);
- // Now open a test file - this class will do
- System.out.println("Opening test source object");
- FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("example/");
- // copy the data
- System.out.println("Copying file to large object");
- byte buf[] = new byte[2048];
- int s,tl=0;
- while((,0,2048))>0) {
- System.out.println("Block size="+s+" offset="+tl);
- //System.out.write(buf);
- obj.write(buf,0,s);
- tl+=s;
- }
- DriverManager.println("Copied "+tl+" bytes");
- // Close the object
- System.out.println("Closing object");
- obj.close();
- return oid;
- }
- private void ownapi_test2(int oid) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, SQLException
- {
- System.out.println("Test 2 Reading a large object and save as a filen");
- // Now open the large object
- System.out.println("Opening large object "+oid);
- LargeObject obj =,LargeObjectManager.READ);
- DriverManager.println("got obj="+obj);
- // Now open a test file - this class will do
- System.out.println("Opening test destination object");
- FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("blob_testoutput");
- // copy the data
- System.out.println("Copying large object to file");
- byte buf[] = new byte[512];
- int s=obj.size();
- int tl=0;
- while(s>0) {
- int rs = buf.length;
- if(s<rs) rs=s;
- fos.write(buf,0,rs);
- tl+=rs;
- s-=rs;
- }
- DriverManager.println("Copied "+tl+"/"+obj.size()+" bytes");
- // Close the object
- System.out.println("Closing object");
- obj.close();
- }
- private void ownapi_test3(int oid) throws SQLException
- {
- System.out.println("Test 3 Deleting a large objectn");
- // Now open the large object
- System.out.println("Deleting large object "+oid);
- lobj.unlink(oid);
- }
- //=========================================================================
- public static void instructions()
- {
- System.err.println("java example.blobtest jdbc-url user password [debug]");
- System.err.println("nExamples:n");
- System.err.println("java -Djdbc.driver=postgresql.Driver example.blobtest jdbc:postgresql:test postgres passwordnThis will run the tests on the database test on the local host.n");
- System.err.println("java -Djdbc.driver=postgresql.Driver example.blobtest jdbc:postgresql:test postgres password debugnThis is the same as above, but will output debug information.n");
- System.err.println("This example tests the binary large object api of the driver.nThis allows images or java objects to be stored in the database, and retrievednusing both postgresql's own api, and the standard JDBC api.");
- }
- public static void main(String args[])
- {
- System.out.println("PostgreSQL blobtest v6.3 rev 1n");
- if(args.length<3) {
- instructions();
- System.exit(1);
- }
- // This line outputs debug information to stderr. To enable this, simply
- // add an extra parameter to the command line
- if(args.length>3)
- DriverManager.setLogStream(System.err);
- // Now run the tests
- try {
- blobtest test = new blobtest(args);
- } catch(Exception ex) {
- System.err.println("Exception caught.n"+ex);
- ex.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- }