- /*
- * lists.h
- *
- * List Container Classes
- *
- * Portable Windows Library
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1993-1998 Equivalence Pty. Ltd.
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- * Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- * the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- * under the License.
- *
- * The Original Code is Portable Windows Library.
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Equivalence Pty. Ltd.
- *
- * Portions are Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
- *
- * $Log: lists.h,v $
- * Revision 1.19 2000/04/14 07:19:32 craigs
- * Fixed problem with assert when dequeueing from an empty queue
- *
- * Revision 1.18 1999/08/22 12:13:43 robertj
- * Fixed warning when using inlines on older GNU compiler
- *
- * Revision 1.17 1999/03/09 02:59:50 robertj
- * Changed comments to doc++ compatible documentation.
- *
- * Revision 1.16 1999/02/16 08:12:00 robertj
- * MSVC 6.0 compatibility changes.
- *
- * Revision 1.15 1998/09/23 06:20:49 robertj
- * Added open source copyright license.
- *
- * Revision 1.14 1997/06/08 04:49:12 robertj
- * Fixed non-template class descendent order.
- *
- * Revision 1.13 1997/04/27 05:50:10 robertj
- * DLL support.
- *
- * Revision 1.12 1997/02/14 13:53:59 robertj
- * Major rewrite of sorted list to use sentinel record instead of NULL pointers.
- *
- * Revision 1.11 1996/07/15 10:32:50 robertj
- * Fixed bug in sorted list (crash on remove).
- *
- * Revision 1.10 1996/05/26 03:25:13 robertj
- * Compatibility to GNU 2.7.x
- *
- * Revision 1.9 1996/01/23 13:13:32 robertj
- * Fixed bug in sorted list GetObjectsIndex not checking if is same object
- *
- * Revision 1.8 1995/08/24 12:35:00 robertj
- * Added assert for list index out of bounds.
- *
- * Revision 1.7 1995/06/17 11:12:43 robertj
- * Documentation update.
- *
- * Revision 1.6 1995/03/14 12:41:41 robertj
- * Updated documentation to use HTML codes.
- *
- * Revision 1.5 1995/02/22 10:50:30 robertj
- * Changes required for compiling release (optimised) version.
- *
- * Revision 1.4 1995/02/05 00:48:05 robertj
- * Fixed template version.
- *
- * Revision 1.3 1995/01/15 04:49:23 robertj
- * Fixed errors in template version.
- *
- * Revision 1.2 1994/12/21 11:53:12 robertj
- * Documentation and variable normalisation.
- *
- * Revision 1.1 1994/12/12 09:59:35 robertj
- * Initial revision
- *
- */
- #ifdef __GNUC__
- #pragma interface
- #endif
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // PList container class
- /**This class is a collection of objects which are descendents of the
- #PObject# class. It is implemeted as a doubly linked list.
- The implementation of a list allows very fast inserting and deleting of
- objects in the collection, but has severe penalties for random access. All
- object access should be done sequentially to avoid these speed penalties.
- The class remembers the last accessed element. This state information is
- used to optimise access by the "virtual array" model of collections. If
- access via ordinal index is made sequentially there is little overhead.
- The PAbstractList class would very rarely be descended from directly by
- the user. The #PDECLARE_LIST# and #PLIST# macros would normally
- be used to create descendent classes. They will instantiate the template
- based on #PList# or directly declare and define the class (using
- inline functions) if templates are not being used.
- The #PList# class or #PDECLARE_LIST# macro will define the
- correctly typed operators for subscript access (#operator[]#).
- */
- class PAbstractList : public PCollection
- {
- PCONTAINERINFO(PAbstractList, PCollection);
- public:
- /**@name Construction */
- //@{
- /**Create a new, empty, list.
- Note that by default, objects placed into the list will be deleted when
- removed or when all references to the list are destroyed.
- */
- PINLINE PAbstractList();
- //@}
- // Overrides from class PObject
- /**Get the relative rank of the two lists. The following algorithm is
- employed for the comparison:
- begin{description}
- item[#EqualTo#] if the two lists are identical in length
- and each objects values, not pointer, are equal.
- item[#LessThan#] if the instances object value at an
- ordinal position is less than the corresponding objects value in the
- #obj# parameters list.
- This is also returned if all objects are equal and the instances list
- length is less than the #obj# parameters list length.
- item[#GreaterThan#] if the instances object value at an
- ordinal position is greater than the corresponding objects value in the
- #obj# parameters list.
- This is also returned if all objects are equal and the instances list
- length is greater than the #obj# parameters list length.
- end{description}
- @return
- comparison of the two objects, #EqualTo# for same,
- #LessThan# for #obj# logically less than the
- object and #GreaterThan# for #obj# logically
- greater than the object.
- */
- virtual Comparison Compare(const PObject & obj) const;
- /**@name Overrides from class PContainer */
- //@{
- /**This function is meaningless for lists. The size of the collection is
- determined by the addition and removal of objects. The size cannot be
- set in any other way.
- @return
- Always TRUE.
- */
- virtual BOOL SetSize(
- PINDEX newSize /// New size for the list, this is ignored.
- );
- //@}
- /**@name Overrides from class PCollection */
- //@{
- /**Append a new object to the collection. This places a new link at the
- "tail" of the list.
- @return
- index of the newly added object.
- */
- virtual PINDEX Append(
- PObject * obj /// New object to place into the collection.
- );
- /**Insert a new object immediately before the specified object. If the
- object to insert before is not in the collection then the equivalent of
- the #Append()# function is performed.
- Note that the object values are compared for the search of the
- #before# parameter, not the pointers. So the objects in the
- collection must correctly implement the #PObject::Compare()#
- function.
- @return
- index of the newly inserted object.
- */
- virtual PINDEX Insert(
- const PObject & before, /// Object value to insert before.
- PObject * obj /// New object to place into the collection.
- );
- /**Insert a new object at the specified ordinal index. If the index is
- greater than the number of objects in the collection then the
- equivalent of the #Append()# function is performed.
- @return
- index of the newly inserted object.
- */
- virtual PINDEX InsertAt(
- PINDEX index, /// Index position in collection to place the object.
- PObject * obj /// New object to place into the collection.
- );
- /**Remove the object from the collection. If the AllowDeleteObjects option
- is set then the object is also deleted.
- @return
- TRUE if the object was in the collection.
- */
- virtual BOOL Remove(
- const PObject * obj /// Existing object to remove from the collection.
- );
- /**Remove the object at the specified ordinal index from the collection.
- If the AllowDeleteObjects option is set then the object is also deleted.
- Note if the index is beyond the size of the collection then the
- function will assert.
- @return
- pointer to the object being removed, or NULL if it was deleted.
- */
- virtual PObject * RemoveAt(
- PINDEX index /// Index position in collection to place the object.
- );
- /**Set the object at the specified ordinal position to the new value. This
- will overwrite the existing entry. If the AllowDeleteObjects option is
- set then the old object is also deleted.
- The object accessed in this way is remembered by the class and further
- access will be fast. Access to elements one either side of that saved
- element, and the head and tail of the list, will always be fast.
- Note if the index is beyond the size of the collection then the
- function will assert.
- @return
- TRUE if the object was successfully added.
- */
- virtual BOOL SetAt(
- PINDEX index, /// Index position in collection to set.
- PObject * val /// New value to place into the collection.
- );
- /**Get the object at the specified ordinal position. If the index was
- greater than the size of the collection then NULL is returned.
- The object accessed in this way is remembered by the class and further
- access will be fast. Access to elements one either side of that saved
- element, and the head and tail of the list, will always be fast.
- @return
- pointer to object at the specified index.
- */
- virtual PObject * GetAt(
- PINDEX index // Index position in the collection of the object.
- ) const;
- /**Search the collection for the specific instance of the object. The
- object pointers are compared, not the values. A simple linear search
- from "head" of the list is performed.
- @return
- ordinal index position of the object, or P_MAX_INDEX.
- */
- virtual PINDEX GetObjectsIndex(
- const PObject * obj /// Object to find.
- ) const;
- /**Search the collection for the specified value of the object. The object
- values are compared, not the pointers. So the objects in the
- collection must correctly implement the #PObject::Compare()#
- function. A simple linear search from "head" of the list is performed.
- @return
- ordinal index position of the object, or P_MAX_INDEX.
- */
- virtual PINDEX GetValuesIndex(
- const PObject & obj /// Object to find value of.
- ) const;
- //@}
- protected:
- /**Get the object at the specified ordinal position. If the index was
- greater than the size of the collection then this asserts.
- The object accessed in this way is remembered by the class and further
- access will be fast. Access to elements one either side of that saved
- element, and the head and tail of the list, will always be fast.
- @return
- reference to object at the specified index.
- */
- PINLINE PObject & GetReferenceAt(
- PINDEX index /// Ordinal index of the list element to set as current.
- ) const;
- /**Move the internal "cursor" to the index position specified. This
- function will optimise the sequential move taking into account the
- previous current position and the position at the head and tail of the
- list. Whichever of these three points is closes is used as the starting
- point for a sequential move to the required index.
- @return
- TRUE if the index could be set as the current element.
- */
- BOOL SetCurrent(
- PINDEX index /// Ordinal index of the list element to set as current.
- ) const;
- class Element {
- public:
- Element(PObject * theData);
- Element * prev;
- Element * next;
- PObject * data;
- };
- class Info {
- public:
- Info() { head = tail = lastElement = NULL; }
- Element * head;
- Element * tail;
- Element * lastElement;
- PINDEX lastIndex;
- } * info;
- };
- /**This template class maps the PAbstractList to a specific object type. The
- functions in this class primarily do all the appropriate casting of types.
- Note that if templates are not used the #PDECLARE_LIST# macro will
- simulate the template instantiation.
- */
- template <class T> class PList : public PAbstractList
- {
- PCLASSINFO(PList, PAbstractList);
- public:
- /**@name Construction */
- //@{
- /**Create a new, empty, list.
- Note that by default, objects placed into the list will be deleted when
- removed or when all references to the list are destroyed.
- */
- PList()
- : PAbstractList() { }
- //@}
- /**@name Overrides from class PObject */
- //@{
- /**Make a complete duplicate of the list. Note that all objects in the
- array are also cloned, so this will make a complete copy of the list.
- */
- virtual PObject * Clone() const
- { return PNEW PList(0, this); }
- //@}
- /**@name New functions for class */
- //@{
- /**Retrieve a reference to the object in the list. If there was not an
- object at that ordinal position or the index was beyond the size of the
- array then the function asserts.
- The object accessed in this way is remembered by the class and further
- access will be fast. Access to elements one either side of that saved
- element, and the head and tail of the list, will always be fast.
- @return
- reference to the object at #index# position.
- */
- T & operator[](PINDEX index) const
- { return (T &)GetReferenceAt(index); }
- //@}
- protected:
- PList(int dummy, const PList * c)
- : PAbstractList(dummy, c) { }
- };
- /**Declare a list class.
- This macro is used to declare a descendent of PAbstractList class,
- customised for a particular object type {bf T}. This macro closes the
- class declaration off so no additional members can be added.
- If the compilation is using templates then this macro produces a typedef
- of the #PList# template class.
- See the #PList# class and #PDECLARE_LIST# macro for more
- information.
- */
- #define PLIST(cls, T) typedef PList<T> cls
- /**Begin declaration of list class.
- This macro is used to declare a descendent of PAbstractList class,
- customised for a particular object type {bf T}.
- If the compilation is using templates then this macro produces a descendent
- of the #PList# template class. If templates are not being used then the
- macro defines a set of inline functions to do all casting of types. The
- resultant classes have an identical set of functions in either case.
- See the #PList# and #PAbstractList# classes for more information.
- */
- #define PDECLARE_LIST(cls, T)
- PLIST(cls##_PTemplate, T);
- PDECLARE_CLASS(cls, cls##_PTemplate)
- protected:
- cls(int dummy, const cls * c)
- : cls##_PTemplate(dummy, c) { }
- public:
- cls()
- : cls##_PTemplate() { }
- virtual PObject * Clone() const
- { return PNEW cls(0, this); }
- /**This template class maps the PAbstractList to a specific object type, and
- adds functionality that allows the list to be used as a first in first out
- queue. The functions in this class primarily do all the appropriate casting
- of types.
- By default, objects placed into the set will {bf not} be deleted when
- removed or when all references to the set are destroyed. This is different
- from the default on most collection classes.
- Note that if templates are not used the #PDECLARE_QUEUE# macro will
- simulate the template instantiation.
- */
- template <class T> class PQueue : public PAbstractList
- {
- PCLASSINFO(PQueue, PAbstractList);
- public:
- /**@name Construction */
- //@{
- /**Create a new, empty, queue.
- Note that by default, objects placed into the queue will {bf not} be
- deleted when removed or when all references to the queue are destroyed.
- This is different from the default on most collection classes.
- */
- PQueue()
- : PAbstractList() { DisallowDeleteObjects(); }
- //@}
- /**@name Overrides from class PObject */
- //@{
- /**Make a complete duplicate of the list. Note that all objects in the
- array are also cloned, so this will make a complete copy of the list.
- */
- virtual PObject * Clone() const
- { return PNEW PQueue(0, this); }
- //@}
- /**@name New functions for class */
- //@{
- /**Add a new object to the queue. This places a new link at the "tail" of
- the list, which is the "in" side of the queue.
- */
- virtual void Enqueue(
- T * obj /// Object to add to the queue.
- ) { PAbstractList::Append(obj); }
- /**Remove an object that was added to the queue.
- @return
- first object added to the queue or NULL if queue empty.
- */
- virtual T * Dequeue()
- { if (GetSize() == 0) return NULL; else return (T *)PAbstractList::RemoveAt(0);}
- //@}
- protected:
- PQueue(int dummy, const PQueue * c)
- : PAbstractList(dummy, c)
- { reference->deleteObjects = c->reference->deleteObjects; }
- };
- /**Declare a queue class.
- This macro is used to declare a descendent of PAbstractList class,
- customised for a particular object type {bf T}, and adds functionality
- that allows the list to be used as a first in first out queue. This macro
- closes the class declaration off so no additional members can be added.
- If the compilation is using templates then this macro produces a typedef
- of the #PQueue# template class.
- See the #PList# class and #PDECLARE_QUEUE# macro for more
- information.
- */
- #define PQUEUE(cls, T) typedef PQueue<T> cls
- /**Begin declataion of a queue class.
- This macro is used to declare a descendent of PAbstractList class,
- customised for a particular object type {bf T}, and adds functionality
- that allows the list to be used as a first in first out queue.
- If the compilation is using templates then this macro produces a descendent
- of the #PQueue# template class. If templates are not being used then
- the macro defines a set of inline functions to do all casting of types. The
- resultant classes have an identical set of functions in either case.
- See the #PQueue# and #PAbstractList# classes for more information.
- */
- #define PDECLARE_QUEUE(cls, T)
- PQUEUE(cls##_PTemplate, T);
- PDECLARE_CLASS(cls, cls##_PTemplate)
- protected:
- cls(int dummy, const cls * c)
- : cls##_PTemplate(dummy, c) { }
- public:
- cls()
- : cls##_PTemplate() { }
- virtual PObject * Clone() const
- { return PNEW cls(0, this); }
- /**This template class maps the PAbstractList to a specific object type, and
- adds functionality that allows the list to be used as a last in first out
- stack. The functions in this class primarily do all the appropriate casting
- of types.
- By default, objects placed into the set will {bf not} be deleted when
- removed or when all references to the set are destroyed. This is different
- from the default on most collection classes.
- Note that if templates are not used the #PDECLARE_STACK# macro will
- simulate the template instantiation.
- */
- template <class T> class PStack : public PAbstractList
- {
- PCLASSINFO(PStack, PAbstractList);
- public:
- /**@name Construction */
- //@{
- /**Create a new, empty, stack.
- Note that by default, objects placed into the stack will {bf not} be
- deleted when removed or when all references to the stack are destroyed.
- This is different from the default on most collection classes.
- */
- PStack()
- : PAbstractList() { DisallowDeleteObjects(); }
- //@}
- /**@name Overrides from class PObject */
- //@{
- /**Make a complete duplicate of the stack. Note that all objects in the
- array are also cloned, so this will make a complete copy of the stack.
- */
- virtual PObject * Clone() const
- { return PNEW PStack(0, this); }
- //@}
- /**@name New functions for class */
- //@{
- /**Add an object to the stack. This object will be on "top" of the stack
- and will be the object returned by the #Pop()#
- function.
- */
- virtual void Push(
- T * obj /// Object to add to the stack.
- ) { PAbstractList::InsertAt(0, obj); }
- /**Remove the last object pushed onto the stack.
- @return
- object on top of the stack.
- */
- virtual T * Pop()
- { return (T *)PAbstractList::RemoveAt(0); }
- /**Get the element that is currently on top of the stack without removing
- it.
- @return
- reference to object on top of the stack.
- */
- virtual T & Top()
- { PAssert(GetSize() > 0, PStackEmpty); return *(T *)GetAt(0); }
- //@}
- protected:
- PStack(int dummy, const PStack * c)
- : PAbstractList(dummy, c)
- { reference->deleteObjects = c->reference->deleteObjects; }
- };
- /**Declare a stack class.
- This macro is used to declare a descendent of PAbstractList class,
- customised for a particular object type {bf T}, and adds functionality
- that allows the list to be used as a last in first out stack. This macro
- closes the class declaration off so no additional members can be added.
- If the compilation is using templates then this macro produces a typedef
- of the #PStack# template class.
- See the #PStack# class and #PDECLARE_STACK# macro for more
- information.
- */
- #define PSTACK(cls, T) typedef PStack<T> cls
- /**Begin declaration of a stack class.
- This macro is used to declare a descendent of PAbstractList class,
- customised for a particular object type {bf T}, and adds functionality
- that allows the list to be used as a last in first out stack.
- If the compilation is using templates then this macro produces a descendent
- of the #PStack# template class. If templates are not being used then
- the macro defines a set of inline functions to do all casting of types. The
- resultant classes have an identical set of functions in either case.
- See the #PStack# and #PAbstractList# classes for more information.
- */
- #define PDECLARE_STACK(cls, T)
- PSTACK(cls##_PTemplate, T);
- PDECLARE_CLASS(cls, cls##_PTemplate)
- protected:
- cls(int dummy, const cls * c)
- : cls##_PTemplate(dummy, c) { }
- public:
- cls()
- : cls##_PTemplate() { }
- virtual PObject * Clone() const
- { return PNEW cls(0, this); }
- #define PLIST(cls, T)
- class cls : public PAbstractList {
- PCLASSINFO(cls, PAbstractList);
- protected:
- inline cls(int dummy, const cls * c)
- : PAbstractList(dummy, c) { }
- public:
- inline cls()
- : PAbstractList() { }
- inline virtual PObject * Clone() const
- { return PNEW cls(0, this); }
- inline T & operator[](PINDEX index) const
- { return (T &)GetReferenceAt(index); }
- }
- #define PDECLARE_LIST(cls, T)
- PLIST(cls##_PTemplate, T);
- PDECLARE_CLASS(cls, cls##_PTemplate)
- protected:
- cls(int dummy, const cls * c)
- : cls##_PTemplate(dummy, c) { }
- public:
- cls()
- : cls##_PTemplate() { }
- virtual PObject * Clone() const
- { return PNEW cls(0, this); }
- #define PQUEUE(cls, T)
- class cls : public PAbstractList {
- PCLASSINFO(cls, PAbstractList);
- protected:
- inline cls(int dummy, const cls * c)
- : PAbstractList(dummy, c)
- { reference->deleteObjects = c->reference->deleteObjects; }
- public:
- inline cls()
- : PAbstractList() { DisallowDeleteObjects(); }
- inline virtual PObject * Clone() const
- { return PNEW cls(0, this); }
- virtual inline void Enqueue(T * t)
- { PAbstractList::Append(t); }
- virtual inline T * Dequeue()
- { if (GetSize() == 0) return NULL; else return (T *)PAbstractList::RemoveAt(0);}
- }
- #define PDECLARE_QUEUE(cls, T)
- PQUEUE(cls##_PTemplate, T);
- PDECLARE_CLASS(cls, cls##_PTemplate)
- protected:
- cls(int dummy, const cls * c)
- : cls##_PTemplate(dummy, c) { }
- public:
- cls()
- : cls##_PTemplate() { }
- virtual PObject * Clone() const
- { return PNEW cls(0, this); }
- #define PSTACK(cls, T)
- class cls : public PAbstractList {
- PCLASSINFO(cls, PAbstractList);
- protected:
- inline cls(int dummy, const cls * c)
- : PAbstractList(dummy, c)
- { reference->deleteObjects = c->reference->deleteObjects; }
- public:
- inline cls()
- : PAbstractList() { DisallowDeleteObjects(); }
- inline virtual PObject * Clone() const
- { return PNEW cls(0, this); }
- virtual inline void Push(T * t)
- { PAbstractList::InsertAt(0, t); }
- virtual inline T * Pop()
- { PAssert(GetSize() > 0, PStackEmpty); return (T *)PAbstractList::RemoveAt(0); }
- virtual inline T & Top()
- { PAssert(GetSize() > 0, PStackEmpty); return *(T *)GetAt(0); }
- }
- #define PDECLARE_STACK(cls, T)
- PSTACK(cls##_PTemplate, T);
- PDECLARE_CLASS(cls, cls##_PTemplate)
- protected:
- cls(int dummy, const cls * c)
- : cls##_PTemplate(dummy, c) { }
- public:
- cls()
- : cls##_PTemplate() { }
- virtual PObject * Clone() const
- { return PNEW cls(0, this); }
- #endif // PHAS_TEMPLATES
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Sorted List of PObjects
- /**This class is a collection of objects which are descendents of the
- #PObject# class. It is implemeted as a Red-Black binary tree to
- maintain the objects in rank order. Note that this requires that the
- #PObject::Compare()# function be fully implemented oin objects
- contained in the collection.
- The implementation of a sorted list allows fast inserting and deleting as
- well as random access of objects in the collection. As the objects are being
- kept sorted, "fast" is a relative term. All operations take o(lg n) unless
- a particular object is repeatedly accessed.
- The class remembers the last accessed element. This state information is
- used to optimise access by the "virtual array" model of collections. If
- repeated access via ordinal index is made there is little overhead. All
- other access incurs a minimum overhead, but not insignificant.
- The PAbstractSortedList class would very rarely be descended from directly
- by the user. The #PDECLARE_LIST# and #PLIST# macros would normally
- be used to create descendent classes. They will instantiate the template
- based on #PSortedList# or directly declare and define the class (using
- inline functions) if templates are not being used.
- The #PSortedList# class or #PDECLARE_SORTED_LIST# macro will
- define the correctly typed operators for subscript access
- (#operator[]#).
- */
- class PAbstractSortedList : public PCollection
- {
- PCONTAINERINFO(PAbstractSortedList, PCollection);
- public:
- /**@name Construction */
- //@{
- /**Create a new, empty, sorted list.
- Note that by default, objects placed into the list will be deleted when
- removed or when all references to the list are destroyed.
- */
- PAbstractSortedList();
- //@}
- /**@name Overrides from class PObject */
- //@{
- /**Get the relative rank of the two lists. The following algorithm is
- employed for the comparison:
- begin{descriptions}
- item[#EqualTo#] if the two lists are identical in length
- and each objects values, not pointer, are equal.
- item[#LessThan#] if the instances object value at an
- ordinal position is less than the corresponding objects value in the
- #obj# parameters list.
- This is also returned if all objects are equal and the instances list
- length is less than the #obj# parameters list length.
- item[#GreaterThan#] if the instances object value at an
- ordinal position is greater than the corresponding objects value in the
- #obj# parameters list.
- This is also returned if all objects are equal and the instances list
- length is greater than the #obj# parameters list length.
- end{descriptions}
- @return
- comparison of the two objects, #EqualTo# for same,
- #LessThan# for #obj# logically less than the
- object and #GreaterThan# for #obj# logically
- greater than the object.
- */
- virtual Comparison Compare(const PObject & obj) const;
- //@}
- /**@name Overrides from class PContainer */
- //@{
- /**This function is meaningless for lists. The size of the collection is
- determined by the addition and removal of objects. The size cannot be
- set in any other way.
- @return
- Always TRUE.
- */
- virtual BOOL SetSize(
- PINDEX newSize // New size for the sorted list, this is ignored.
- );
- //@}
- /**@name Overrides from class PCollection */
- //@{
- /**Add a new object to the collection. The object is always placed in the
- correct ordinal position in the list. It is not placed at the "end".
- @return
- index of the newly added object.
- */
- virtual PINDEX Append(
- PObject * obj // New object to place into the collection.
- );
- /**Add a new object to the collection.
- The object is always placed in the correct ordinal position in the list.
- It is not placed at the specified position. The #before#
- parameter is ignored.
- @return
- index of the newly inserted object.
- */
- virtual PINDEX Insert(
- const PObject & before, // Object value to insert before.
- PObject * obj // New object to place into the collection.
- );
- /**Add a new object to the collection.
- The object is always placed in the correct ordinal position in the list.
- It is not placed at the specified position. The #index#
- parameter is ignored.
- @return
- index of the newly inserted object.
- */
- virtual PINDEX InsertAt(
- PINDEX index, // Index position in collection to place the object.
- PObject * obj // New object to place into the collection.
- );
- /**Remove the object from the collection. If the AllowDeleteObjects option
- is set then the object is also deleted.
- Note that the comparison for searching for the object in collection is
- made by pointer, not by value. Thus the parameter must point to the
- same instance of the object that is in the collection.
- @return
- TRUE if the object was in the collection.
- */
- virtual BOOL Remove(
- const PObject * obj // Existing object to remove from the collection.
- );
- /**Remove the object at the specified ordinal index from the collection.
- If the AllowDeleteObjects option is set then the object is also deleted.
- Note if the index is beyond the size of the collection then the
- function will assert.
- @return
- pointer to the object being removed, or NULL if it was deleted.
- */
- virtual PObject * RemoveAt(
- PINDEX index // Index position in collection to place the object.
- );
- /**Remove all of the elements in the collection. This operates by
- continually calling #RemoveAt()# until there are no objects left.
- The objects are removed from the last, at index
- #(GetSize()-1)# toward the first at index zero.
- */
- virtual void RemoveAll();
- /**Set the object at the specified ordinal position to the new value. This
- will overwrite the existing entry. If the AllowDeleteObjects option is
- set then the old object is also deleted.
- Note, the object placed at #index# will not stay at that
- ordinal position. It is actually placed at the correct position for its
- rank.
- @return
- TRUE if the object was successfully added.
- */
- virtual BOOL SetAt(
- PINDEX index, // Index position in collection to set.
- PObject * val // New value to place into the collection.
- );
- /**Get the object at the specified ordinal position. If the index was
- greater than the size of the collection then NULL is returned.
- @return
- pointer to object at the specified index.
- */
- virtual PObject * GetAt(
- PINDEX index // Index position in the collection of the object.
- ) const;
- /**Search the collection for the specific instance of the object. The
- object pointers are compared, not the values. A binary search is
- employed to locate the entry.
- Note that that will require value comparisons to be made to find the
- equivalent entry and then a final check is made with the pointers to
- see if they are the same instance.
- @return
- ordinal index position of the object, or P_MAX_INDEX.
- */
- virtual PINDEX GetObjectsIndex(
- const PObject * obj
- ) const;
- /**Search the collection for the specified value of the object. The object
- values are compared, not the pointers. So the objects in the
- collection must correctly implement the #PObject::Compare()#
- function. A binary search is employed to locate the entry.
- @return
- ordinal index position of the object, or P_MAX_INDEX.
- */
- virtual PINDEX GetValuesIndex(
- const PObject & obj
- ) const;
- //@}
- class Element {
- public:
- Element(PObject * theData);
- private:
- void DeleteSubTrees(BOOL deleteObject);
- Element * Successor() const;
- Element * Predecessor() const;
- Element * OrderSelect(PINDEX index);
- PINDEX ValueSelect(const PObject & obj, Element * & lastElement);
- Element * parent;
- Element * left;
- Element * right;
- PObject * data;
- PINDEX subTreeSize;
- enum { Red, Black } colour;
- friend class PAbstractSortedList;
- };
- friend class Element;
- protected:
- class Info {
- public:
- Info();
- Element * root;
- Element * lastElement;
- PINDEX lastIndex;
- } * info;
- friend class Info;
- // New functions for class
- void RemoveElement(Element * node);
- void LeftRotate(Element * node);
- void RightRotate(Element * node);
- };
- /**This template class maps the PAbstractSortedList to a specific object type.
- The functions in this class primarily do all the appropriate casting of
- types.
- Note that if templates are not used the #PDECLARE_SORTED_LIST# macro
- will simulate the template instantiation.
- */
- template <class T> class PSortedList : public PAbstractSortedList
- {
- PCLASSINFO(PSortedList, PAbstractSortedList);
- public:
- /**@name Construction */
- //@{
- /**Create a new, empty, sorted list.
- Note that by default, objects placed into the list will be deleted when
- removed or when all references to the list are destroyed.
- */
- PSortedList()
- : PAbstractSortedList() { }
- //@}
- /**@name Overrides from class PObject */
- //@{
- /**Make a complete duplicate of the list. Note that all objects in the
- array are also cloned, so this will make a complete copy of the list.
- */
- virtual PObject * Clone() const
- { return PNEW PSortedList(0, this); }
- //@}
- /**@name New functions for class */
- //@{
- /**Retrieve a reference to the object in the list. If there was not an
- object at that ordinal position or the index was beyond the size of the
- array then the function asserts.
- The object accessed in this way is remembered by the class and further
- access will be fast.
- @return
- reference to the object at #index# position.
- */
- T & operator[](PINDEX index) const
- { return *(T *)GetAt(index); }
- //@}
- protected:
- PSortedList(int dummy, const PSortedList * c)
- : PAbstractSortedList(dummy, c) { }
- };
- /**Declare a sorted list class.
- This macro is used to declare a descendent of PAbstractSortedList class,
- customised for a particular object type {bf T}. This macro closes the
- class declaration off so no additional members can be added.
- If the compilation is using templates then this macro produces a typedef
- of the #PSortedList# template class.
- See the #PSortedList# class and #PDECLARE_SORTED_LIST# macro for
- more information.
- */
- #define PSORTED_LIST(cls, T) typedef PSortedList<T> cls
- /**Begin declaration of a sorted list class.
- This macro is used to declare a descendent of PAbstractSortedList class,
- customised for a particular object type {bf T}.
- If the compilation is using templates then this macro produces a descendent
- of the #PSortedList# template class. If templates are not being used
- then the macro defines a set of inline functions to do all casting of types.
- The resultant classes have an identical set of functions in either case.
- See the #PSortedList# and #PAbstractSortedList# classes for more
- information.
- */
- #define PDECLARE_SORTED_LIST(cls, T)
- PSORTED_LIST(cls##_PTemplate, T);
- PDECLARE_CLASS(cls, cls##_PTemplate)
- protected:
- cls(int dummy, const cls * c)
- : cls##_PTemplate(dummy, c) { }
- public:
- cls()
- : cls##_PTemplate() { }
- virtual PObject * Clone() const
- { return PNEW cls(0, this); }
- #define PSORTED_LIST(cls, T)
- class cls : public PAbstractSortedList {
- PCLASSINFO(cls, PAbstractSortedList);
- protected:
- inline cls(int dummy, const cls * c)
- : PAbstractSortedList(dummy, c) { }
- public:
- inline cls()
- : PAbstractSortedList() { }
- inline virtual PObject * Clone() const
- { return PNEW cls(0, this); }
- inline T & operator[](PINDEX index) const
- { return *(T *)GetAt(index); }
- }
- #define PDECLARE_SORTED_LIST(cls, T)
- PSORTED_LIST(cls##_PTemplate, T);
- PDECLARE_CLASS(cls, cls##_PTemplate)
- protected:
- cls(int dummy, const cls * c)
- : cls##_PTemplate(dummy, c) { }
- public:
- cls()
- : cls##_PTemplate() { }
- virtual PObject * Clone() const
- { return PNEW cls(0, this); }
- #endif // PHAS_TEMPLATES
- // End Of File ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////