资源名称:h323.zip [点击查看]
- /*
- * $Revision: 1.11 $
- * $Date: 1999/03/15 22:50:22 $
- */
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Copyright (c) 1996,97 Lucent Technologies //
- // All Rights Reserved //
- // //
- // CODE OF Lucent Technologies //
- // AND elemedia //
- // //
- // The copyright notice above does not evidence any //
- // actual or intended publication of such source code//
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // File : h225rastypes.h //
- // //
- // The classes used by the ras protocol api functions. //
- // //
- // History: //
- // //
- // 25_Mar_1997 Created //
- // 26_Aug_1997 Changed wchar_t to unsigned short //
- // (ISO/IEC 10646-1) //
- // 11_Feb_1998 Added methods to setting Duplicate Alias list //
- // in H225RASMsgRRJ class. //
- // 08_Apr_1998 Addition of MsgItemCallID class. //
- // ARQ, BRQ and DRQ derive from MSGItemCallID //
- // 09_Apr_1998 Added overloaded Get/SetProtocolID methods //
- // 05_May_1998 Added new messages: IACK, INAK, RIP, RAI,RAC. //
- // Added new Items: MsgItemAlternateGK, //
- // MsgItemAltGKInfo. //
- // Changed all MsgItems to Item. //
- // 05_May_1998 Added V2 msg types in H225RASMsgTypes. //
- // 08_May_1998 Changed prototypes for SetProtocolID and //
- // GetProtocolID in ItemPID class. //
- // 26_Aug_1998 Added DestinationInfo for ACF //
- // 11_Mar_1998 Added default constructor for ItemConferenceID //
- // //
- // //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #if (!defined(__H225RASTYPES_H__))
- #define __H225RASTYPES_H__
- #include "util/platform.h"
- #include "api/h225types.h"
- #include "api/h225raserr.h"
- // Forward declerations.
- class H225RasMessage;
- class H225RASProtocol;
- class H225NonStandardParameter;
- class H225EndpointType;
- class H225QseriesOptions;
- class H225AliasAddress;
- class H225ProtocolIdentifier;
- class H225VendorIdentifier;
- class H225GatekeeperIdentifier;
- class H225TransportAddress;
- class H225EndpointIdentifier;
- class H225ConferenceIdentifier;
- class H225TransportChannelInfo;
- class H225RTPSession;
- class H225PerCallInfoValue;
- class H225RASProtocol;
- class H225AlternateGK; // V2
- class H225AltGKInfo;
- class H225UUIEsRequested;
- class H225Endpoint;
- // The type values for RAS messages.
- enum H225RASMsgTypes
- {
- };
- // Values taken by the rejectReason field in the Gatekeeper Reject message.
- enum H225RASGRJReason
- {
- };
- // Values taken by the rejectReason field of the RegistrationReject message.
- enum H225RASRRJReason
- {
- };
- // Values taken by the rejectReason field of the UnregistrationReject message.
- enum H225RASURJReason
- {
- };
- // Values taken by the rejectReason field of the AdmissionReject message.
- enum H225RASARJReason
- {
- };
- // Values taken by the rejectReason field of the BandwidthReject message.
- enum H225RASBRJReason
- {
- };
- // Values taken by the rejectReason field of the LocationReject message.
- enum H225RASLRJReason
- {
- };
- // Values taken by the disengageReason field of the DisengageRequest message.
- enum H225RASDRQReason
- {
- };
- // Values taken by the rejectReason field of the DisengageReject message.
- enum H225RASDRJReason
- {
- };
- enum H225RASURQReason
- {
- };
- enum H225RASINAKReason
- {
- };
- enum H225RASTransportQOS
- {
- };
- //
- // Abstractions for elements that are used within messages..
- //
- // The abstraction for the H.225 TransportChannelInfo class, used in IRR msg.
- class DLLEXPORT H225RASTransportChannelInfo
- {
- public:
- // constructors and destructors.
- H225RASTransportChannelInfo();
- ~H225RASTransportChannelInfo();
- ProtReturnCode GetSendAddress(sockaddr *);
- ProtReturnCode SetSendAddress(sockaddr *);
- ProtReturnCode GetRecvAddress(sockaddr *);
- ProtReturnCode SetRecvAddress(sockaddr *);
- H225RASTransportChannelInfo& operator=(
- H225RASTransportChannelInfo&);
- // For protocol internal use...
- H225TransportChannelInfo * GetPriv();
- ProtReturnCode SetPriv(H225TransportChannelInfo *);
- private:
- H225TransportChannelInfo *trans_ch;
- H225TransportAddress *send;
- H225TransportAddress *recv;
- int mem_alloc_failed;
- };
- // The abstraction for the H.225 RTPSession class, used in IRR message.
- class DLLEXPORT H225RASRTPSessionInfo
- {
- public:
- // constructors and destructors.
- H225RASRTPSessionInfo();
- ~H225RASRTPSessionInfo();
- ProtReturnCode GetRTPAddr(H225RASTransportChannelInfo &);
- ProtReturnCode SetRTPAddr(H225RASTransportChannelInfo &);
- ProtReturnCode GetRTCPAddr(H225RASTransportChannelInfo &);
- ProtReturnCode SetRTCPAddr(H225RASTransportChannelInfo &);
- // returns a pointer to the internal copy.
- // Note that cname is a null terminated string.
- ProtReturnCode GetCName(char *&);
- ProtReturnCode SetCName(char *);
- ProtReturnCode GetSSRC(int &);
- ProtReturnCode SetSSRC(int);
- ProtReturnCode GetSessionID(unsigned short &);
- ProtReturnCode SetSessionID(unsigned short);
- ProtReturnCode GetNumAssocSessionIDs(int &count);
- ProtReturnCode GetAssocSessionIDs(unsigned short
- assoc_session_id_list[], int &count);
- ProtReturnCode AddAssocSessionID(unsigned short assoc_session_id);
- H225RASRTPSessionInfo& operator=(H225RASRTPSessionInfo&);
- // For protocol internal use...
- H225RTPSession * GetPriv();
- ProtReturnCode SetPriv(H225RTPSession *);
- private:
- H225RTPSession *rtp_session;
- H225TransportChannelInfo *rtp_addr;
- H225TransportChannelInfo *rtcp_addr;
- char *cname;
- unsigned int ssrc;
- unsigned short session_id;
- void *assoc_session_ids;
- int asi_list_length;
- int mem_alloc_failed;
- };
- class DLLEXPORT H225RASPregrantedARQ
- {
- public:
- H225RASPregrantedARQ();
- ~H225RASPregrantedARQ();
- ProtReturnCode SetMakeCall(boolean);
- ProtReturnCode GetMakeCall(boolean&);
- ProtReturnCode SetUseGKCallSigToMakeCall(boolean);
- ProtReturnCode GetUseGKCallSigToMakeCall(boolean&);
- ProtReturnCode SetAnswerCall(boolean);
- ProtReturnCode GetAnswerCall(boolean&);
- ProtReturnCode SetUseGKCallSigToAnswerCall(boolean);
- ProtReturnCode GetUseGKCallSigToAnswerCall(boolean&);
- private:
- boolean make_call;
- boolean use_gkcsig_make_call;
- boolean answer_call;
- boolean use_gkcsig_answer_call;
- };
- class DLLEXPORT H225RASUUIEsRequested
- {
- public:
- H225RASUUIEsRequested();
- ~H225RASUUIEsRequested();
- ProtReturnCode SetSetup(boolean value);
- ProtReturnCode GetSetup(boolean &value);
- ProtReturnCode SetCallProceeding(boolean value);
- ProtReturnCode GetCallProceeding(boolean &value);
- ProtReturnCode SetConnect(boolean value);
- ProtReturnCode GetConnect(boolean &value);
- ProtReturnCode SetAlerting(boolean value);
- ProtReturnCode GetAlerting(boolean &value);
- ProtReturnCode SetUserInformation(boolean value);
- ProtReturnCode GetUserInformation(boolean &value);
- ProtReturnCode SetReleaseComplete(boolean value);
- ProtReturnCode GetReleaseComplete(boolean &value);
- ProtReturnCode SetFacility(boolean value);
- ProtReturnCode GetFacility(boolean &value);
- ProtReturnCode SetProgress(boolean value);
- ProtReturnCode GetProgress(boolean &value);
- ProtReturnCode SetEmpty(boolean value);
- ProtReturnCode GetEmpty(boolean &value);
- // For protocol internal use..
- H225UUIEsRequested * GetPriv();
- ProtReturnCode SetPriv(H225UUIEsRequested *);
- private:
- H225UUIEsRequested *uuies_req;
- boolean setup;
- boolean call_proceeding;
- boolean connect;
- boolean alerting;
- boolean user_information;
- boolean release_complete;
- boolean facility;
- boolean progress;
- boolean empty;
- };
- class DLLEXPORT ItemUUIEsRequested
- {
- public:
- ItemUUIEsRequested(int is_mand);
- virtual ~ItemUUIEsRequested();
- virtual ProtReturnCode SetUUIEsRequested(
- H225RASUUIEsRequested& uuir);
- virtual ProtReturnCode GetUUIEsRequested(
- H225RASUUIEsRequested& uuir);
- protected:
- H225UUIEsRequested *uuies_requested;
- };
- class DLLEXPORT ItemCallID
- {
- public :
- ItemCallID(int is_mandatory);
- virtual ~ItemCallID();
- virtual ProtReturnCode GetCallID(H225CSCallID &call_id);
- virtual ProtReturnCode SetCallID(H225CSCallID &call_id);
- // Protected sections are for protocol internal use.
- protected:
- H225CSCallID callid;
- int is_dummy_callid;
- };
- class DLLEXPORT ItemConferenceID
- {
- public:
- ItemConferenceID(int is_mandatory);
- ItemConferenceID();
- virtual ~ItemConferenceID();
- virtual ProtReturnCode GetConfID(char*& buf, int& length);
- virtual ProtReturnCode SetConfID(char *buf, int length);
- // Protected sections are for protocol internal use.
- protected:
- H225ConferenceIdentifier *conf_id;
- };
- class DLLEXPORT ItemCallSigAddressList
- {
- public:
- ItemCallSigAddressList(int is_mandatory);
- virtual ~ItemCallSigAddressList();
- virtual ProtReturnCode GetNumCallSigAddrs(int& count);
- virtual ProtReturnCode GetCallSigAddrs(sockaddr list[],
- int& count);
- virtual ProtReturnCode AddCallSigAddr(sockaddr* addr);
- // Protected sections are for protocol internal use.
- protected:
- void* call_sig_addr_list;
- };
- // The abstraction for the percallinfo list element found in the
- // InfoRequestResponse message.
- class DLLEXPORT H225RASIRRPerCallInfoElem : public ItemConferenceID,
- public ItemCallID
- {
- public:
- H225RASIRRPerCallInfoElem();
- ~H225RASIRRPerCallInfoElem();
- ProtReturnCode GetNonStd(H225CSNonStdParameter &);
- ProtReturnCode SetNonStd(H225CSNonStdParameter &);
- ProtReturnCode GetCRV(unsigned short &);
- ProtReturnCode SetCRV(unsigned short);
- ProtReturnCode GetOriginator(boolean &);
- ProtReturnCode SetOriginator(boolean);
- ProtReturnCode GetNumAudio(int &count);
- ProtReturnCode GetAudio(H225RASRTPSessionInfo audio_list[], int &count);
- ProtReturnCode AddAudio(H225RASRTPSessionInfo& audio);
- ProtReturnCode GetNumVideo(int &count);
- ProtReturnCode GetVideo(H225RASRTPSessionInfo video_list[], int &count);
- ProtReturnCode AddVideo(H225RASRTPSessionInfo& video);
- ProtReturnCode GetNumData(int &count);
- ProtReturnCode GetData(H225RASTransportChannelInfo data_list[],
- int &count);
- ProtReturnCode AddData(H225RASTransportChannelInfo& data);
- ProtReturnCode GetH245(H225RASTransportChannelInfo &);
- ProtReturnCode SetH245(H225RASTransportChannelInfo &);
- ProtReturnCode GetCallSig(H225RASTransportChannelInfo &);
- ProtReturnCode SetCallSig(H225RASTransportChannelInfo &);
- ProtReturnCode GetCallType(int &);
- ProtReturnCode SetCallType(int);
- ProtReturnCode GetBandwidth(int &);
- ProtReturnCode SetBandwidth(int);
- ProtReturnCode GetCallModel(int &);
- ProtReturnCode SetCallModel(int);
- ProtReturnCode GetNumSubstConfIDs(int &count);
- ProtReturnCode GetSubstConfID(ItemConferenceID confid_list[],
- int &count);
- ProtReturnCode AddSubstConfID(ItemConferenceID &confid);
- H225RASIRRPerCallInfoElem&
- operator=(H225RASIRRPerCallInfoElem&);
- // For protocol internal use...
- H225PerCallInfoValue * GetPriv();
- ProtReturnCode SetPriv(H225PerCallInfoValue *);
- private:
- H225NonStandardParameter *nsp;
- unsigned short crv;
- int originator;
- void *audio;
- void *video;
- void *data;
- H225TransportChannelInfo *h245;
- H225TransportChannelInfo *call_sig;
- int call_type;
- int bandwidth;
- int call_model;
- int mem_alloc_failed;
- H225PerCallInfoValue *pci_val;
- void *subst_conf_id_list;
- };
- // The RAS message class. This is the super class for all the various
- // individual ras messages. Note that this is an abstract class and
- // cannot be directly instantiated. Use the Factory method to create
- // an object of one of the derived message classes and then use
- // polymorphism.
- class DLLEXPORT H225RASMessage
- {
- public:
- // constructor and destructor.
- H225RASMessage(int type, H225RASProtocol *);
- virtual ~H225RASMessage();
- // Get the type of this ras message.
- int GetType();
- // Get the sequence number for this ras message.
- int GetSequenceNumber();
- void SetSequenceNumber(int seq_number);
- // Factory message to create the appropriate message
- // for the specified type.
- static ProtReturnCode Factory(H225RASMessage *&, int type,
- H225RASProtocol *);
- H225RASMessage& operator=(H225RASMessage &);
- // For protocol internal use..
- virtual H225RasMessage* GetPriv() = 0;
- virtual ProtReturnCode SetPriv(H225RasMessage*) = 0;
- // Protected sections are for protocol internal use only.
- protected:
- // Pointers to internal data, used by derived classes..
- H225RASProtocol *proto;
- H225RasMessage *message;
- void SetType(int type);
- private:
- // the type of the message.
- int type;
- int seq_no;
- };
- class DLLEXPORT H225RASEndpoint : public ItemNonStdParam,
- public ItemCallSigAddressList
- {
- public:
- H225RASEndpoint();
- ~H225RASEndpoint();
- ProtReturnCode SetPriority(int);
- ProtReturnCode GetPriority(int &);
- ProtReturnCode GetEndpointType(H225CSEndpointType &);
- ProtReturnCode SetEndpointType(H225CSEndpointType &);
- ProtReturnCode GetNumAliasAddrs(int &count);
- ProtReturnCode GetAliasAddrs(H225CSAliasAddress addrs[], int &count);
- ProtReturnCode AddAliasAddr(H225CSAliasAddress &addr);
- ProtReturnCode GetNumRASAddrs(int& count);
- ProtReturnCode GetRASAddrs(sockaddr list[], int& count);
- ProtReturnCode AddRASAddr(sockaddr* addr);
- ProtReturnCode GetNumRemoteExtAddrs(int &count);
- ProtReturnCode GetRemoteExtAddrs(H225CSAliasAddress addrs[],
- int &count);
- ProtReturnCode AddRemoteExtAddr(H225CSAliasAddress &addr);
- ProtReturnCode GetNumDstXtraCallInfo(int &count);
- ProtReturnCode GetDstXtraCallInfo(H225CSAliasAddress addrs[],
- int &count);
- ProtReturnCode AddDstXtraCallInfo(H225CSAliasAddress &addr);
- H225RASEndpoint& operator=(H225RASEndpoint&);
- // For protocol internal use...
- H225Endpoint *GetPriv();
- ProtReturnCode SetPriv(H225Endpoint *ep);
- private:
- int priority;
- void *alias_addr_list;
- void *ras_addr_list;
- void *remote_ext_addr_list;
- void *dest_extra_call_info_list;
- H225EndpointType *etype;
- H225Endpoint *endpoint;
- };
- // The elements that are common to more than one RAS message.
- // These messages derive from these classes. The functions
- // declared in the public sections of these classes add up to
- // the methods available in the public section of the message class.
- {
- public:
- ItemPID(int is_mandatory, H225RASProtocol *);
- virtual ~ItemPID();
- // Set/Get the protocol identifier and length.
- virtual ProtReturnCode SetProtocolID(unsigned long* buf,
- unsigned short length);
- virtual ProtReturnCode GetProtocolID(unsigned long*& buf,
- unsigned short & length);
- // Set/Get the protocol identifier, based on version.
- // version is one of H225VersionNumber
- virtual ProtReturnCode SetProtocolID(int version);
- virtual ProtReturnCode GetProtocolID(int &version);
- protected:
- H225ProtocolIdentifier *pid;
- };
- class DLLEXPORT ItemRASAddress
- {
- public:
- ItemRASAddress(int is_mandatory);
- virtual ~ItemRASAddress();
- virtual ProtReturnCode GetRASAddr(struct sockaddr *);
- virtual ProtReturnCode SetRASAddr(struct sockaddr *);
- // Protected sections are for protocol internal use.
- protected:
- H225TransportAddress *ras_addr;
- };
- class DLLEXPORT ItemDstCallSigAddress
- {
- public:
- ItemDstCallSigAddress(int is_mandatory);
- virtual ~ItemDstCallSigAddress();
- virtual ProtReturnCode GetDstCallSigAddr(struct sockaddr *);
- virtual ProtReturnCode SetDstCallSigAddr(struct sockaddr *);
- // Protected sections are for protocol internal use.
- protected:
- H225TransportAddress *dst_call_sig_addr;
- };
- class DLLEXPORT ItemReplyToAddress
- {
- public:
- ItemReplyToAddress(int is_mandatory);
- virtual ~ItemReplyToAddress();
- virtual ProtReturnCode GetReplyToAddr(struct sockaddr *);
- virtual ProtReturnCode SetReplyToAddr(struct sockaddr *);
- // Protected sections are for protocol internal use.
- protected:
- H225TransportAddress *reply_to_addr;
- };
- class DLLEXPORT ItemEndpointType
- {
- public:
- ItemEndpointType(int is_mandatory, H225RASProtocol* proto);
- virtual ~ItemEndpointType();
- virtual ProtReturnCode GetEndpointType(H225CSEndpointType &);
- virtual ProtReturnCode SetEndpointType(H225CSEndpointType &);
- // Protected sections are for protocol internal use.
- protected:
- H225EndpointType *ep;
- H225RASProtocol* proto;
- };
- class DLLEXPORT ItemGatekeeperID
- {
- public:
- ItemGatekeeperID(int is_mandatory);
- virtual ~ItemGatekeeperID();
- virtual ProtReturnCode GetGKID(unsigned short *&id, int &len);
- virtual ProtReturnCode SetGKID(unsigned short *id, int len);
- // Protected sections are for protocol internal use.
- protected:
- H225GatekeeperIdentifier *gk_id;
- };
- class DLLEXPORT ItemCallServices
- {
- public:
- ItemCallServices(int is_mandatory);
- virtual ~ItemCallServices();
- virtual ProtReturnCode GetCallSvcs(H225CSQSeriesOptions &);
- virtual ProtReturnCode SetCallSvcs(H225CSQSeriesOptions &);
- // Protected sections are for protocol internal use.
- protected:
- H225QseriesOptions *call_svcs;
- };
- class DLLEXPORT ItemEndpointAliasList
- {
- public:
- ItemEndpointAliasList(int is_mandatory);
- virtual ~ItemEndpointAliasList();
- virtual ProtReturnCode GetNumEndpointAliases(int &num);
- virtual ProtReturnCode GetEndpointAliases(H225CSAliasAddress list[],
- int& count);
- virtual ProtReturnCode AddEndpointAlias(H225CSAliasAddress& alias);
- // Protected sections are for protocol internal use.
- protected:
- void *ep_alias_list;
- };
- class DLLEXPORT ItemAltEndpointsList
- {
- public:
- ItemAltEndpointsList(int is_mandatory);
- virtual ~ItemAltEndpointsList();
- virtual ProtReturnCode GetNumAltEndpoints(int &num);
- virtual ProtReturnCode GetAltEndpoints(H225RASEndpoint list[],
- int& count);
- virtual ProtReturnCode AddAltEndpoints(H225RASEndpoint& endpoint);
- // Protected sections are for protocol internal use.
- protected:
- void *alt_ep_list;
- };
- class DLLEXPORT ItemReason
- {
- public:
- ItemReason(int is_mandatory,int reason);
- virtual ~ItemReason();
- virtual int GetReason();
- virtual void SetReason(int reason);
- // Protected sections are for protocol internal use.
- protected:
- int reason;
- };
- class DLLEXPORT ItemEndpointID
- {
- public:
- ItemEndpointID(int is_mandatory);
- virtual ~ItemEndpointID();
- virtual ProtReturnCode GetEndpointID(unsigned short*& id, int& length);
- virtual ProtReturnCode SetEndpointID(unsigned short* id, int length);
- // Protected sections are for protocol internal use.
- protected:
- H225EndpointIdentifier* eid;
- };
- class DLLEXPORT ItemVendorID
- {
- public:
- ItemVendorID(int is_mandatory, H225RASProtocol* proto);
- virtual ~ItemVendorID();
- virtual ProtReturnCode GetVendorID(H225CSVendorID& vend);
- virtual ProtReturnCode SetVendorID(H225CSVendorID& vend);
- // Protected sections are for protocol internal use.
- protected:
- H225VendorIdentifier* vend_id;
- H225RASProtocol* proto;
- };
- {
- public:
- ItemCRV(int is_mandatory);
- virtual ~ItemCRV();
- virtual ProtReturnCode GetCRV(unsigned short& crv);
- virtual ProtReturnCode SetCRV(unsigned short crv);
- // Protected sections are for protocol internal use.
- protected:
- unsigned short crv;
- };
- class DLLEXPORT ItemDstInfoList
- {
- public:
- ItemDstInfoList(int is_mandatory);
- virtual ~ItemDstInfoList();
- virtual ProtReturnCode GetNumDstInfo(int &num);
- virtual ProtReturnCode GetDstInfo(H225CSAliasAddress list[],
- int& count);
- virtual ProtReturnCode AddDstInfo(H225CSAliasAddress& alias);
- // Protected sections are for protocol internal use.
- protected:
- void *dst_info_list;
- };
- class DLLEXPORT H225RASAltGK : public
- ItemGatekeeperID, public ItemRASAddress
- {
- public:
- H225RASAltGK();
- virtual ~H225RASAltGK();
- ProtReturnCode SetNeedToRegister(boolean flag);
- ProtReturnCode GetNeedToRegister(boolean& flag);
- // priority is a value in the range [0,127].
- ProtReturnCode GetPriority(int& p);
- ProtReturnCode SetPriority(int p);
- H225RASAltGK& operator=(H225RASAltGK&);
- // For stack internal use.
- H225AlternateGK *GetPriv();
- ProtReturnCode SetPriv(H225AlternateGK*);
- private:
- H225AlternateGK *altgk;
- unsigned short pri;
- boolean need_to_register;
- };
- class DLLEXPORT H225RASAltGKInfo
- {
- public:
- H225RASAltGKInfo();
- virtual ~H225RASAltGKInfo();
- ProtReturnCode GetNumAltGK(int& count);
- ProtReturnCode GetAltGK(H225RASAltGK gklist[],
- int& count);
- ProtReturnCode AddAltGK(H225RASAltGK& gk);
- ProtReturnCode SetAltGKisPermanent(boolean flag);
- ProtReturnCode GetAltGKisPermanent(boolean& flag);
- H225RASAltGKInfo& operator=(H225RASAltGKInfo&);
- // For Stack internal use.
- H225AltGKInfo* GetPriv();
- ProtReturnCode SetPriv(H225AltGKInfo*);
- private:
- void *altgk_list;
- boolean is_perm;
- H225AltGKInfo *altgkinfo;
- };
- class DLLEXPORT ItemAltGKList
- {
- public:
- ItemAltGKList(int is_mandatory);
- virtual ~ItemAltGKList();
- virtual ProtReturnCode GetNumAltGK(int& count);
- virtual ProtReturnCode GetAltGK(H225RASAltGK agk_list[],
- int& count);
- virtual ProtReturnCode AddAltGK(H225RASAltGK& agk);
- protected:
- void *alt_gk_list;
- };
- class DLLEXPORT ItemAltGKInfo
- {
- public:
- ItemAltGKInfo(int is_mandatory);
- virtual ~ItemAltGKInfo();
- virtual ProtReturnCode SetAltGKInfo(H225RASAltGKInfo& agki);
- virtual ProtReturnCode GetAltGKInfo(H225RASAltGKInfo& agki);
- protected:
- H225AltGKInfo *agkinfo;
- };
- // The various RAS message classes.
- class DLLEXPORT H225RASMsgGRQ : public H225RASMessage, public ItemRASAddress,
- public ItemEndpointType, public ItemCallServices,
- public ItemEndpointAliasList, public ItemGatekeeperID,
- public ItemNonStdParam, public ItemPID,
- public ItemAltEndpointsList
- {
- public:
- H225RASMsgGRQ(H225RASProtocol *);
- ~H225RASMsgGRQ();
- // For protocol internal use...
- H225RasMessage * GetPriv();
- ProtReturnCode SetPriv(H225RasMessage *);
- };
- class DLLEXPORT H225RASMsgGCF : public H225RASMessage, public ItemRASAddress,
- public ItemGatekeeperID, public ItemNonStdParam,
- public ItemPID, public ItemAltGKList
- {
- public:
- H225RASMsgGCF(H225RASProtocol *);
- ~H225RASMsgGCF();
- // For protocol internal use...
- H225RasMessage * GetPriv();
- ProtReturnCode SetPriv(H225RasMessage *);
- };
- class DLLEXPORT H225RASMsgGRJ : public H225RASMessage, public ItemReason,
- public ItemGatekeeperID, public ItemNonStdParam,
- public ItemPID, public ItemAltGKInfo
- {
- public:
- H225RASMsgGRJ(H225RASProtocol *, int reason = GRJ_UNDEFINED);
- ~H225RASMsgGRJ();
- // For protocol internal use...
- H225RasMessage * GetPriv();
- ProtReturnCode SetPriv(H225RasMessage *);
- };
- class DLLEXPORT H225RASMsgRRQ : public H225RASMessage, public ItemCallSigAddressList,
- public ItemEndpointType, public ItemEndpointAliasList,
- public ItemGatekeeperID, public ItemVendorID,
- public ItemNonStdParam, public ItemPID,
- public ItemAltEndpointsList, public ItemEndpointID
- {
- public:
- H225RASMsgRRQ(H225RASProtocol *);
- ~H225RASMsgRRQ();
- ProtReturnCode GetDiscoveryComplete(boolean&);
- ProtReturnCode SetDiscoveryComplete(boolean);
- ProtReturnCode GetNumRASAddrs(int &num);
- ProtReturnCode GetRASAddrs(struct sockaddr [], int &num);
- ProtReturnCode AddRASAddr(struct sockaddr *);
- ProtReturnCode GetKeepAlive(boolean&);
- ProtReturnCode SetKeepAlive(boolean);
- ProtReturnCode GetWillSupplyUUIEs(boolean&);
- ProtReturnCode SetWillSupplyUUIEs(boolean);
- ProtReturnCode GetTimeToLive(int&);
- ProtReturnCode SetTimeToLive(int);
- // For protocol internal use...
- H225RasMessage * GetPriv();
- ProtReturnCode SetPriv(H225RasMessage *);
- private:
- void* ras_addr_list;
- int discovery_complete;
- int keep_alive;
- int will_supply_uuies;
- int time_to_live;
- };
- class DLLEXPORT H225RASMsgRCF : public H225RASMessage, public ItemCallSigAddressList,
- public ItemEndpointAliasList, public ItemEndpointID,
- public ItemGatekeeperID, public ItemNonStdParam,
- public ItemPID, public ItemAltGKList
- {
- public:
- H225RASMsgRCF(H225RASProtocol *);
- ~H225RASMsgRCF();
- ProtReturnCode GetWillRespondToIRR(boolean&);
- ProtReturnCode SetWillRespondToIRR(boolean);
- ProtReturnCode GetTimeToLive(int&);
- ProtReturnCode SetTimeToLive(int);
- ProtReturnCode SetPregrantedARQ(H225RASPregrantedARQ &p_arq);
- ProtReturnCode GetPregrantedARQ(H225RASPregrantedARQ &p_arq);
- // For protocol internal use...
- H225RasMessage * GetPriv();
- ProtReturnCode SetPriv(H225RasMessage *);
- private:
- int will_respond_to_irr;
- int time_to_live;
- H225RASPregrantedARQ pregranted_arq;
- };
- class DLLEXPORT H225RASMsgRRJ : public H225RASMessage, public ItemGatekeeperID,
- public ItemReason, public ItemNonStdParam, public ItemPID,
- public ItemAltGKInfo
- {
- public:
- H225RASMsgRRJ(H225RASProtocol *proto,int reason = RRJ_UNDEFINED);
- ~H225RASMsgRRJ();
- // Methods to manipulate duplicate alias list.
- // This list must be supplied when Reason =
- ProtReturnCode GetNumDuplicateAliases(int &count);
- ProtReturnCode GetDuplicateAliases(H225CSAliasAddress dup_list[],
- int& count);
- ProtReturnCode AddDuplicateAlias(H225CSAliasAddress& alias);
- // For protocol internal use...
- H225RasMessage * GetPriv();
- ProtReturnCode SetPriv(H225RasMessage *);
- private:
- void *dup_alias_list;
- };
- class DLLEXPORT H225RASMsgURQ : public H225RASMessage, public ItemCallSigAddressList,
- public ItemEndpointAliasList, public ItemEndpointID,
- public ItemNonStdParam, public ItemReason,
- public ItemGatekeeperID, public ItemAltEndpointsList
- {
- public:
- H225RASMsgURQ(H225RASProtocol *);
- ~H225RASMsgURQ();
- // For protocol internal use...
- H225RasMessage * GetPriv();
- ProtReturnCode SetPriv(H225RasMessage *);
- };
- class DLLEXPORT H225RASMsgUCF : public H225RASMessage, public ItemNonStdParam
- {
- public:
- H225RASMsgUCF(H225RASProtocol *);
- ~H225RASMsgUCF();
- // For protocol internal use...
- H225RasMessage * GetPriv();
- ProtReturnCode SetPriv(H225RasMessage *);
- };
- class DLLEXPORT H225RASMsgURJ : public H225RASMessage, public ItemReason,
- public ItemNonStdParam, public ItemAltGKInfo
- {
- public:
- H225RASMsgURJ(H225RASProtocol *, int reason = URJ_UNDEFINED);
- ~H225RASMsgURJ();
- // For protocol internal use...
- H225RasMessage * GetPriv();
- ProtReturnCode SetPriv(H225RasMessage *);
- };
- class DLLEXPORT H225RASMsgARQ : public H225RASMessage, public ItemEndpointID,
- public ItemCallServices, public ItemConferenceID,
- public ItemDstCallSigAddress, public ItemDstInfoList,
- public ItemCRV, public ItemNonStdParam, public ItemCallID,
- public ItemGatekeeperID
- {
- public:
- H225RASMsgARQ(H225RASProtocol *);
- ~H225RASMsgARQ();
- ProtReturnCode SetCallType(int type);
- ProtReturnCode GetCallType(int &type);
- ProtReturnCode SetCallModel(int model);
- ProtReturnCode GetCallModel(int &model);
- ProtReturnCode GetNumDstXtraCallInfo(int &);
- ProtReturnCode GetDstXtraCallInfo(H225CSAliasAddress list[],
- int& count);
- ProtReturnCode AddDstXtraCallInfo(H225CSAliasAddress&);
- ProtReturnCode GetNumSrcInfo(int &);
- ProtReturnCode GetSrcInfo(H225CSAliasAddress list[], int& count);
- ProtReturnCode AddSrcInfo(H225CSAliasAddress&);
- ProtReturnCode GetSrcCallSigAddr(struct sockaddr *);
- ProtReturnCode SetSrcCallSigAddr(struct sockaddr *);
- ProtReturnCode GetBandwidth(int&);
- ProtReturnCode SetBandwidth(int);
- ProtReturnCode SetActiveMC(boolean);
- ProtReturnCode GetActiveMC(boolean &);
- ProtReturnCode SetAnswerCall(boolean);
- ProtReturnCode GetAnswerCall(boolean &);
- ProtReturnCode SetCanMapAlias(boolean);
- ProtReturnCode GetCanMapAlias(boolean &);
- ProtReturnCode GetWillSupplyUUIEs(boolean&);
- ProtReturnCode SetWillSupplyUUIEs(boolean);
- // value is one of enum H225TransportQos.
- ProtReturnCode SetTransportQOS(int value);
- ProtReturnCode GetTransportQOS(int &value);
- // For protocol internal use...
- H225RasMessage * GetPriv();
- ProtReturnCode SetPriv(H225RasMessage *);
- private:
- int call_type;
- int call_model;
- void *dst_extra_call_info;
- void *src_info;
- H225TransportAddress* src_call_sig_addr;
- int bandwidth;
- int active_mc;
- int answer_call;
- int can_map_alias;
- int will_supply_uuies;
- int transport_qos;
- };
- class DLLEXPORT H225RASMsgACF : public H225RASMessage,
- public ItemDstCallSigAddress, public ItemNonStdParam,
- public ItemAltEndpointsList , public ItemUUIEsRequested,
- public ItemDstInfoList
- {
- public:
- H225RASMsgACF(H225RASProtocol *);
- ~H225RASMsgACF();
- ProtReturnCode GetBandwidth(int &);
- ProtReturnCode SetBandwidth(int);
- ProtReturnCode GetCallModel(int &);
- ProtReturnCode SetCallModel(int);
- ProtReturnCode GetIRRFreq(unsigned short &);
- ProtReturnCode SetIRRFreq(unsigned short);
- ProtReturnCode SetWillRespondToIRR(boolean);
- ProtReturnCode GetWillRespondToIRR(boolean &);
- // value is one of enum H225TransportQos.
- ProtReturnCode SetTransportQOS(int value);
- ProtReturnCode GetTransportQOS(int &value);
- // For protocol internal use...
- H225RasMessage * GetPriv();
- ProtReturnCode SetPriv(H225RasMessage *);
- private:
- int bandwidth;
- int call_model;
- unsigned short irr_freq;
- int will_respond_to_irr;
- int transport_qos;
- };
- class DLLEXPORT H225RASMsgARJ : public H225RASMessage, public ItemReason,
- public ItemNonStdParam, public ItemAltGKInfo, public ItemCallSigAddressList
- {
- public:
- H225RASMsgARJ(H225RASProtocol *, int reason = ARJ_UNDEFINED);
- ~H225RASMsgARJ();
- // For protocol internal use...
- H225RasMessage * GetPriv();
- ProtReturnCode SetPriv(H225RasMessage *);
- };
- class DLLEXPORT H225RASMsgBRQ : public H225RASMessage, public ItemEndpointID,
- public ItemConferenceID, public ItemCRV, public ItemNonStdParam,
- public ItemCallID, public ItemGatekeeperID
- {
- public:
- H225RASMsgBRQ(H225RASProtocol *);
- ~H225RASMsgBRQ();
- ProtReturnCode GetCallType(int &);
- ProtReturnCode SetCallType(int);
- ProtReturnCode GetBandwidth(int &);
- ProtReturnCode SetBandwidth(int);
- ProtReturnCode GetAnsweredCall(boolean &);
- ProtReturnCode SetAnsweredCall(boolean);
- // For protocol internal use...
- H225RasMessage * GetPriv();
- ProtReturnCode SetPriv(H225RasMessage *);
- private:
- int bandwidth;
- int call_type;
- int answered_call;
- };
- class DLLEXPORT H225RASMsgBCF : public H225RASMessage, public ItemNonStdParam
- {
- public:
- H225RASMsgBCF(H225RASProtocol *);
- ~H225RASMsgBCF();
- ProtReturnCode GetBandwidth(int &);
- ProtReturnCode SetBandwidth(int);
- // For protocol internal use...
- H225RasMessage * GetPriv();
- ProtReturnCode SetPriv(H225RasMessage *);
- private:
- int bandwidth;
- };
- class DLLEXPORT H225RASMsgBRJ : public H225RASMessage, public ItemReason,
- public ItemNonStdParam, public ItemAltGKInfo
- {
- public:
- H225RASMsgBRJ(H225RASProtocol *, int reason = BRJ_UNDEFINED);
- ~H225RASMsgBRJ();
- ProtReturnCode GetBandwidth(int &);
- ProtReturnCode SetBandwidth(int);
- // For protocol internal use...
- H225RasMessage * GetPriv();
- ProtReturnCode SetPriv(H225RasMessage *);
- private:
- int bandwidth;
- };
- class DLLEXPORT H225RASMsgDRQ : public H225RASMessage, public ItemEndpointID,
- public ItemConferenceID, public ItemReason, public ItemCRV,
- public ItemNonStdParam, public ItemCallID,
- public ItemGatekeeperID
- {
- public:
- H225RASMsgDRQ(H225RASProtocol *);
- ~H225RASMsgDRQ();
- ProtReturnCode GetAnsweredCall(boolean &);
- ProtReturnCode SetAnsweredCall(boolean);
- // For protocol internal use...
- H225RasMessage * GetPriv();
- ProtReturnCode SetPriv(H225RasMessage *);
- private:
- int answered_call;
- };
- class DLLEXPORT H225RASMsgDCF : public H225RASMessage, public ItemNonStdParam
- {
- public:
- H225RASMsgDCF(H225RASProtocol *);
- ~H225RASMsgDCF();
- // For protocol internal use...
- H225RasMessage * GetPriv();
- ProtReturnCode SetPriv(H225RasMessage *);
- };
- class DLLEXPORT H225RASMsgDRJ : public H225RASMessage, public ItemReason,
- public ItemNonStdParam, public ItemAltGKInfo
- {
- public:
- H225RASMsgDRJ(H225RASProtocol *);
- ~H225RASMsgDRJ();
- // For protocol internal use...
- H225RasMessage * GetPriv();
- ProtReturnCode SetPriv(H225RasMessage *);
- };
- class DLLEXPORT H225RASMsgLRQ : public H225RASMessage, public ItemEndpointID,
- public ItemDstInfoList, public ItemReplyToAddress,
- public ItemNonStdParam, public ItemGatekeeperID
- {
- public:
- H225RASMsgLRQ(H225RASProtocol *);
- ~H225RASMsgLRQ();
- ProtReturnCode SetCanMapAlias(boolean);
- ProtReturnCode GetCanMapAlias(boolean &);
- ProtReturnCode GetNumSrcInfo(int &);
- ProtReturnCode GetSrcInfo(H225CSAliasAddress list[], int& count);
- ProtReturnCode AddSrcInfo(H225CSAliasAddress&);
- // For protocol internal use...
- H225RasMessage * GetPriv();
- ProtReturnCode SetPriv(H225RasMessage *);
- private:
- int can_map_alias;
- void *src_info;
- };
- class DLLEXPORT H225RASMsgLCF : public H225RASMessage, public ItemRASAddress,
- public ItemNonStdParam, public ItemAltEndpointsList
- {
- public:
- H225RASMsgLCF(H225RASProtocol *);
- ~H225RASMsgLCF();
- ProtReturnCode GetCallSigAddr(struct sockaddr *);
- ProtReturnCode SetCallSigAddr(struct sockaddr *);
- // For protocol internal use...
- H225RasMessage * GetPriv();
- ProtReturnCode SetPriv(H225RasMessage *);
- private:
- H225TransportAddress* call_sig_addr;
- };
- class DLLEXPORT H225RASMsgLRJ : public H225RASMessage, public ItemReason,
- public ItemNonStdParam, public ItemAltGKInfo
- {
- public:
- H225RASMsgLRJ(H225RASProtocol *, int reason = LRJ_UNDEFINED);
- ~H225RASMsgLRJ();
- // For protocol internal use...
- H225RasMessage * GetPriv();
- ProtReturnCode SetPriv(H225RasMessage *);
- };
- class DLLEXPORT H225RASMsgIRQ : public H225RASMessage,
- public ItemReplyToAddress, public ItemCRV,
- public ItemNonStdParam, public ItemCallID,
- public ItemUUIEsRequested
- {
- public:
- H225RASMsgIRQ(H225RASProtocol *);
- ~H225RASMsgIRQ();
- // For protocol internal use...
- H225RasMessage * GetPriv();
- ProtReturnCode SetPriv(H225RasMessage *);
- };
- class DLLEXPORT H225RASMsgIRR : public H225RASMessage, public ItemEndpointType ,
- public ItemEndpointID, public ItemRASAddress,
- public ItemCallSigAddressList, public ItemEndpointAliasList,
- public ItemNonStdParam
- {
- public:
- H225RASMsgIRR(H225RASProtocol *);
- ~H225RASMsgIRR();
- ProtReturnCode GetNumPerCallInfo(int& count);
- ProtReturnCode GetPerCallInfo(H225RASIRRPerCallInfoElem [], int &count);
- ProtReturnCode AddPerCallInfo(H225RASIRRPerCallInfoElem &);
- ProtReturnCode SetNeedResponse(boolean);
- ProtReturnCode GetNeedResponse(boolean &);
- // For protocol internal use...
- H225RasMessage * GetPriv();
- ProtReturnCode SetPriv(H225RasMessage *);
- private:
- void * per_call_info;
- int need_response;
- };
- class DLLEXPORT H225RASMsgNSM : public H225RASMessage,
- public ItemNonStdParam
- {
- public:
- H225RASMsgNSM(H225RASProtocol *);
- ~H225RASMsgNSM();
- // For protocol internal use...
- H225RasMessage * GetPriv();
- ProtReturnCode SetPriv(H225RasMessage *);
- };
- class DLLEXPORT H225RASMsgXRS : public H225RASMessage
- {
- public:
- H225RASMsgXRS(H225RASProtocol *);
- ~H225RASMsgXRS();
- // For protocol internal use...
- H225RasMessage * GetPriv();
- ProtReturnCode SetPriv(H225RasMessage *);
- };
- class DLLEXPORT H225RASMsgRIP : public H225RASMessage,
- public ItemNonStdParam
- {
- public:
- H225RASMsgRIP(H225RASProtocol *);
- ~H225RASMsgRIP();
- // Methods to set/get the delay field in the RIP message.
- // delay field can take any value in the range [1..65K]
- ProtReturnCode SetDelay(unsigned short delay);
- ProtReturnCode GetDelay(unsigned short& delay);
- // For stack internal use.
- H225RasMessage *GetPriv();
- ProtReturnCode SetPriv(H225RasMessage*);
- private:
- unsigned short delay;
- };
- class DLLEXPORT H225RASMsgRAI : public H225RASMessage,
- public ItemNonStdParam, public ItemPID,
- public ItemEndpointID
- {
- public:
- H225RASMsgRAI(H225RASProtocol *);
- ~H225RASMsgRAI();
- // Returns the number of SupportedProtocol items present.
- ProtReturnCode GetNumProtocols(int& count);
- // Retrieve the list of supported protocols. input is a pointer
- // to an array, of atleast the size returned by the previous call,
- // namely, GetNumProtocols. On return the array will be initialized
- // with the protocols that are supported by the gateway. The array
- // elements would be from H225CSSUpportedProtocolsEnum. count specifies
- // the size of the array.
- ProtReturnCode GetProtocolTypes(int types_array[], int& count);
- // Retrieve the capability information associated with a protocol.
- // index is the index(starting from 0) of the protocol, in the array
- // returned by the GetTypes call, for which the capability
- // information is requested.
- // supp_prot should be instantiated as the appropriate derived
- // class based on the type.
- ProtReturnCode GetProtocols(int index,
- H225CSSupportedProtocols& supp_prot);
- ProtReturnCode AddProtocols(H225CSSupportedProtocols& protocol);
- ProtReturnCode SetAlmostOutOfResources(boolean flag);
- ProtReturnCode GetAlmostOutOfResource(boolean& flag);
- // For stack internal use.
- H225RasMessage *GetPriv();
- ProtReturnCode SetPriv(H225RasMessage*);
- private:
- void *protocol_list;
- boolean almost_out;
- };
- class DLLEXPORT H225RASMsgRAC : public H225RASMessage,
- public ItemNonStdParam, public ItemPID
- {
- public:
- H225RASMsgRAC(H225RASProtocol *);
- ~H225RASMsgRAC();
- // For stack internal use.
- H225RasMessage *GetPriv();
- ProtReturnCode SetPriv(H225RasMessage*);
- };
- class DLLEXPORT H225RASMsgIACK : public H225RASMessage,
- public ItemNonStdParam
- {
- public:
- H225RASMsgIACK(H225RASProtocol *);
- ~H225RASMsgIACK();
- // For stack internal use.
- H225RasMessage *GetPriv();
- ProtReturnCode SetPriv(H225RasMessage*);
- };
- class DLLEXPORT H225RASMsgINAK : public H225RASMessage,
- public ItemNonStdParam, public ItemAltGKInfo,
- public ItemReason
- {
- public:
- H225RASMsgINAK(H225RASProtocol *,int reason = INAK_INVALID);
- ~H225RASMsgINAK();
- // For stack internal use.
- H225RasMessage *GetPriv();
- ProtReturnCode SetPriv(H225RasMessage*);
- };
- #endif // __H225RASTYPES_H__