- /*
- File: vstream.hh
- By: Alex Theo de Jong
- Created: Fabruary 1996
- */
- #ifdef HAVE_MMX
- #include <mmx.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef __vstream_hh
- #define __vstream_hh
- #ifdef __GNUG__
- #pragma interface
- #endif
- class VideoStream {
- Mpeg2Buffer* inputstream;
- Synchronization* sync;
- unsigned int bfr, value; // bfr = buffer for integer, value=temporary storage for getbits
- int bytes, bytes_available, chunksize; // chunk of data to be read from buffer
- int incnt;
- bool file; // reading from file?
- protected:
- #ifndef DEBUG
- void fill(){ if (!incnt) bfr=0; for (; incnt<=24; incnt+=8) bfr|=(getbyte() << (24 - incnt)); }
- #else
- void fill();
- #endif
- // void refill(){ for (bfr=0, incnt=0; incnt<=24; incnt+=8) bfr|=(getbyte() << (24 - incnt)); }
- void refill() {
- if (bytes > 4) {
- bfr = inputstream->getbits32(); incnt = 32; bytes -= 4;
- } else {
- for (bfr=0, incnt=0; incnt<=24; incnt+=8) bfr|=(getbyte() << (24 - incnt));
- }
- }
- unsigned int getNewByte();
- unsigned int getbyte(void){ return (--bytes<0) ? getNewByte() : inputstream->getbyte(); }
- public:
- VideoStream(const char* filename, int bitrate=0);
- VideoStream(Mpeg2Buffer* input, Synchronization* s);
- ~VideoStream();
- void flushbits(int n){
- if (incnt<n){ n-=incnt; refill(); }
- incnt-=n;
- bfr<<=n;
- }
- unsigned int showbits(int n);
- unsigned int startcode();
- unsigned int getbits(int n);
- int getposition() const { return (8*(bytes_available-bytes)); }
- int set_read_block_size(int size){ return (size>0) ? (chunksize=size) : -1; }
- };
- #ifndef DEBUG
- inline unsigned int VideoStream::startcode(){
- if (incnt&7){ bfr<<=(incnt&7); incnt-=(incnt&7); } // Byte align & fill bfr
- fill();
- for (; ((bfr >> 8)!=Packet_start_code_prefix); ){ bfr<<=8; bfr|=getbyte(); } // search
- return bfr;
- }
- #endif
- inline unsigned int VideoStream::showbits(int n){
- fill();
- return (n==32) ? bfr : (bfr >> (32-n));
- }
- inline unsigned int VideoStream::getbits(int n){
- value = 0;
- if (incnt<n){
- if (incnt){
- n-=incnt;
- value=((bfr >> (32 - incnt)) << n);
- }
- refill();
- }
- value|=(bfr >> (32-n));
- incnt-=n;
- bfr<<=n;
- return value;
- }
- #endif // __vstream_hh