- /*
- File: recon.hh
- */
- #include "all.hh"
- // #define HAVE_3Dnow
- #ifdef HAVE_MMX
- #ifndef HAVE_3Dnow
- static long long ADD_1 = 0x0101010101010101LL;
- static long long MASK_AND = 0x7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7fLL;
- #endif
- #endif
- #ifdef HAVE_MMX
- #ifndef HAVE_3Dnow
- extern "C" void recva(unsigned char *s, unsigned char *d, int lx, int lx2, int h);
- extern "C" void recvac(unsigned char *s, unsigned char *d, int lx, int lx2, int h);
- extern "C" void rech(unsigned char *s, unsigned char *d, int lx2, int h);
- extern "C" void rechc(unsigned char *s, unsigned char *d, int lx2, int h);
- #else
- inline void recva(unsigned char *s, unsigned char *d, int lx, int lx2, int h);
- inline void recvac(unsigned char *s, unsigned char *d, int lx, int lx2, int h);
- inline void rech(unsigned char *s, unsigned char *d, int lx2, int h);
- inline void rechc(unsigned char *s, unsigned char *d, int lx2, int h);
- #endif
- #else
- inline void recva(unsigned char *s, unsigned char *d, int lx, int lx2, int h);
- inline void recvac(unsigned char *s, unsigned char *d, int lx, int lx2, int h);
- inline void rech(unsigned char *s, unsigned char *d, int lx2, int h);
- inline void rechc(unsigned char *s, unsigned char *d, int lx2, int h);
- #endif
- inline void rec(unsigned char *s, unsigned char *d, int lx2, int h);
- inline void recc(unsigned char *s, unsigned char *d, int lx2, int h);
- inline void reca(unsigned char *s, unsigned char *d, int lx2, int h);
- inline void recac(unsigned char *s, unsigned char *d, int lx2, int h);
- inline void recv(unsigned char *s, unsigned char *d, int lx, int lx2, int h);
- inline void recvc(unsigned char *s, unsigned char *d, int lx, int lx2, int h);
- inline void recha(unsigned char *s, unsigned char *d, int lx2, int h);
- inline void rechac(unsigned char *s, unsigned char *d, int lx2, int h);
- inline void rec4(unsigned char *s, unsigned char *d, int lx, int lx2, int h);
- inline void rec4c(unsigned char *s, unsigned char *d, int lx, int lx2, int h);
- inline void rec4a(unsigned char *s, unsigned char *d, int lx, int lx2, int h);
- inline void rec4ac(unsigned char *s, unsigned char *d, int lx, int lx2, int h);
- void recon_comp(unsigned char *src, unsigned char *dst,
- int lx, int lx2, int w, int h, int x, int y, int dx, int dy, int addflag);
- void recon(unsigned char *src[], int sfield,
- unsigned char *dst[], int dfield, int lx,int lx2,
- int w, int h, int x, int y, int dx, int dy, int addflag){
- /*
- unsigned char *src[]; * prediction source buffer *
- int sfield; * prediction source field number (0 or 1) *
- unsigned char *dst[]; * prediction destination buffer *
- int dfield; * prediction destination field number (0 or 1)*
- int lx,lx2; * horizontal offsets *
- int w,h; * prediction block/sub-block width, height *
- int x,y; * pixel co-ordinates of top-left sample in current MB *
- int dx,dy; * horizontal, vertical motion vector *
- int addflag; * add prediction error to prediction ? *
- */
- /* Y */
- recon_comp((src[0]+(sfield?lx2>>1:0)),
- dst[0]+(dfield?lx2>>1:0),
- lx,lx2,w,h,x,y,dx,dy,addflag);
- if (chroma_format!=CHROMA444){
- lx>>=1; dx/=2;lx2>>=1; w = 0; x>>=1;
- }
- if (chroma_format==CHROMA420){
- h>>=1; dy/=2;y>>=1;
- }
- /* Cb */
- recon_comp((src[1]+(sfield?lx2>>1:0)),
- dst[1]+(dfield?lx2>>1:0),
- lx,lx2,w,h,x,y,dx,dy,addflag);
- /* Cr */
- recon_comp((src[2]+(sfield?lx2>>1:0)),
- dst[2]+(dfield?lx2>>1:0),
- lx,lx2,w,h,x,y,dx,dy,addflag);
- }
- //#define WIDTH 16
- #define WIDTH 1
- void LayerData::reconstruct(int bx, int by, int mb_type, int motion_type,
- int PMV[2][2][2], int mv_field_sel[2][2],
- int dmvector[2], int stwtype){
- int currentfield;
- unsigned char **predframe;
- int DMV[2][2];
- int stwtop, stwbot;
- stwtop = stwtype%3; /* 0:temporal, 1:(spat+temp)/2, 2:spatial */
- stwbot = stwtype/3;
- if ((mb_type & MB_FORWARD) || (pict_type==P_TYPE)){
- if (pict_struct==FRAME_PICTURE){
- if ((motion_type==MC_FRAME) || !(mb_type & MB_FORWARD)){
- /* frame-based prediction */
- {
- if (stwtop<2)
- recon(oldrefframe,0,newframe,0,
- coded_picture_width,coded_picture_width<<1,WIDTH,8,bx,by,
- PMV[0][0][0],PMV[0][0][1],stwtop);
- if (stwbot<2)
- recon(oldrefframe,1,newframe,1,
- coded_picture_width,coded_picture_width<<1,WIDTH,8,bx,by,
- PMV[0][0][0],PMV[0][0][1],stwbot);
- }
- }
- else if (motion_type==MC_FIELD) /* field-based prediction */
- {
- /* top field prediction */
- if (stwtop<2)
- recon(oldrefframe,mv_field_sel[0][0],newframe,0,
- coded_picture_width<<1,coded_picture_width<<1,WIDTH,8,bx,by>>1,
- PMV[0][0][0],PMV[0][0][1]>>1,stwtop);
- /* bottom field prediction */
- if (stwbot<2)
- recon(oldrefframe,mv_field_sel[1][0],newframe,1,
- coded_picture_width<<1,coded_picture_width<<1,WIDTH,8,bx,by>>1,
- PMV[1][0][0],PMV[1][0][1]>>1,stwbot);
- }
- else if (motion_type==MC_DMV){ /* dual prime prediction */
- /* calculate derived motion vectors */
- ld->calc_DMV(DMV,dmvector,PMV[0][0][0],PMV[0][0][1]>>1);
- if (stwtop<2){
- /* predict top field from top field */
- recon(oldrefframe,0,newframe,0,
- coded_picture_width<<1,coded_picture_width<<1,WIDTH,8,bx,by>>1,
- PMV[0][0][0],PMV[0][0][1]>>1,0);
- /* predict and add to top field from bottom field */
- recon(oldrefframe,1,newframe,0,
- coded_picture_width<<1,coded_picture_width<<1,WIDTH,8,bx,by>>1,
- DMV[0][0],DMV[0][1],1);
- }
- if (stwbot<2)
- {
- /* predict bottom field from bottom field */
- recon(oldrefframe,1,newframe,1,
- coded_picture_width<<1,coded_picture_width<<1,WIDTH,8,bx,by>>1,
- PMV[0][0][0],PMV[0][0][1]>>1,0);
- /* predict and add to bottom field from top field */
- recon(oldrefframe,0,newframe,1,
- coded_picture_width<<1,coded_picture_width<<1,WIDTH,8,bx,by>>1,
- DMV[1][0],DMV[1][1],1);
- }
- }
- else
- /* invalid motion_type */
- if (!quiet) printf("invalid motion_typen");
- }
- else /* TOP_FIELD or BOTTOM_FIELD */
- {
- /* field picture */
- currentfield = (pict_struct==BOTTOM_FIELD);
- /* determine which frame to use for prediction */
- if ((pict_type==P_TYPE) && secondfield
- && (currentfield!=mv_field_sel[0][0]))
- predframe = refframe; /* same frame */
- else
- predframe = oldrefframe; /* previous frame */
- if ((motion_type==MC_FIELD) || !(mb_type & MB_FORWARD))
- {
- /* field-based prediction */
- if (stwtop<2)
- recon(predframe,mv_field_sel[0][0],newframe,0,
- coded_picture_width<<1,coded_picture_width<<1,WIDTH,16,bx,by,
- PMV[0][0][0],PMV[0][0][1],stwtop);
- }
- else if (motion_type==MC_16X8)
- {
- if (stwtop<2)
- {
- recon(predframe,mv_field_sel[0][0],newframe,0,
- coded_picture_width<<1,coded_picture_width<<1,WIDTH,8,bx,by,
- PMV[0][0][0],PMV[0][0][1],stwtop);
- /* determine which frame to use for lower half prediction */
- if ((pict_type==P_TYPE) && secondfield
- && (currentfield!=mv_field_sel[1][0]))
- predframe = refframe; /* same frame */
- else
- predframe = oldrefframe; /* previous frame */
- recon(predframe,mv_field_sel[1][0],newframe,0,
- coded_picture_width<<1,coded_picture_width<<1,WIDTH,8,bx,by+8,
- PMV[1][0][0],PMV[1][0][1],stwtop);
- }
- }
- else if (motion_type==MC_DMV) /* dual prime prediction */
- {
- if (secondfield)
- predframe = refframe; /* same frame */
- else
- predframe = oldrefframe; /* previous frame */
- /* calculate derived motion vectors */
- calc_DMV(DMV,dmvector,PMV[0][0][0],PMV[0][0][1]);
- /* predict from field of same parity */
- recon(oldrefframe,currentfield,newframe,0,
- coded_picture_width<<1,coded_picture_width<<1,WIDTH,16,bx,by,
- PMV[0][0][0],PMV[0][0][1],0);
- /* predict from field of opposite parity */
- recon(predframe,!currentfield,newframe,0,
- coded_picture_width<<1,coded_picture_width<<1,WIDTH,16,bx,by,
- DMV[0][0],DMV[0][1],1);
- }
- else
- /* invalid motion_type */
- printf("invalid motion_typen");
- }
- stwtop = stwbot = 1;
- }
- if (mb_type & MB_BACKWARD)
- {
- if (pict_struct==FRAME_PICTURE)
- {
- if (motion_type==MC_FRAME)
- {
- /* frame-based prediction */
- if (stwtop<2)
- recon(refframe,0,newframe,0,
- coded_picture_width,coded_picture_width<<1,WIDTH,8,bx,by,
- PMV[0][1][0],PMV[0][1][1],stwtop);
- if (stwbot<2)
- recon(refframe,1,newframe,1,
- coded_picture_width,coded_picture_width<<1,WIDTH,8,bx,by,
- PMV[0][1][0],PMV[0][1][1],stwbot);
- }
- else { /* field-based prediction */
- /* top field prediction */
- if (stwtop<2){
- recon(refframe,mv_field_sel[0][1],newframe,0,
- (coded_picture_width<<1), (coded_picture_width<<1),WIDTH,8,bx, (by>>1),
- PMV[0][1][0], (PMV[0][1][1]>>1), stwtop);
- }
- /* bottom field prediction */
- if (stwbot<2){
- recon(refframe, mv_field_sel[1][1], newframe, 1, (coded_picture_width<<1),
- (coded_picture_width<<1), WIDTH, 8, bx, (by>>1),
- PMV[1][1][0], (PMV[1][1][1]>>1), stwbot);
- }
- }
- }
- else { /* TOP_FIELD or BOTTOM_FIELD */
- /* field picture */
- if (motion_type==MC_FIELD){
- /* field-based prediction */
- recon(refframe,mv_field_sel[0][1],newframe,0,
- coded_picture_width<<1,coded_picture_width<<1,WIDTH,16,bx,by,
- PMV[0][1][0],PMV[0][1][1],stwtop);
- }
- else if (motion_type==MC_16X8)
- {
- recon(refframe,mv_field_sel[0][1],newframe,0,
- coded_picture_width<<1,coded_picture_width<<1,WIDTH,8,bx,by,
- PMV[0][1][0],PMV[0][1][1],stwtop);
- recon(refframe,mv_field_sel[1][1],newframe,0,
- coded_picture_width<<1,coded_picture_width<<1,WIDTH,8,bx,by+8,
- PMV[1][1][0],PMV[1][1][1],stwtop);
- }
- else
- /* invalid motion_type */
- printf("invalid motion_typen");
- }
- } /* mb_type & MB_BACKWARD */
- }
- inline void rec(unsigned char *s, unsigned char *d, int lx2, int h)
- {
- #ifdef HAVE_MMX
- __asm__ __volatile__(
- ".align 8n"
- "1:t"
- "movq ( %1 ), %%mm0n" /* 8 s */
- "movq 8( %1 ), %%mm2n" /* 16 s */
- "movq %%mm0, ( %2 )n"
- "addl %3, %1n"
- "movq %%mm2, 8( %2 )n"
- "decl %0n"
- "leal (%2, %3), %2n"
- "jnz 1b"
- :
- : "c" (h), "r" (s), "r" (d), "r" (lx2)
- );
- #else
- for (int j=0; j<h; j++, s+=lx2, d+=lx2){
- d[0] = s[0];d[1] = s[1];d[2] = s[2];d[3] = s[3];
- d[4] = s[4];d[5] = s[5];d[6] = s[6];d[7] = s[7];
- d[8] = s[8];d[9] = s[9];d[10] = s[10];d[11] = s[11];
- d[12] = s[12];d[13] = s[13];d[14] = s[14];d[15] = s[15];
- }
- #endif
- }
- inline void recc(unsigned char *s, unsigned char *d, int lx2, int h){
- #ifdef HAVE_MMX
- __asm__ __volatile__(
- ".align 8n"
- "1:t"
- "movq ( %1 ), %%mm0n"
- "addl %3, %1n"
- "movq %%mm0, ( %2 )n"
- "decl %0n"
- "leal (%2, %3), %2n"
- "jnz 1b"
- :
- : "c" (h), "r" (s), "r" (d), "r" (lx2)
- );
- #else
- for (int j=0; j<h; j++, s+=lx2, d+=lx2){
- d[0] = s[0];d[1] = s[1];d[2] = s[2];d[3] = s[3];
- d[4] = s[4];d[5] = s[5];d[6] = s[6];d[7] = s[7];
- }
- #endif
- }
- inline void reca(unsigned char *s,unsigned char *d, int lx2, int h){
- #ifdef HAVE_MMX
- #ifdef HAVE_3Dnow
- __asm__ (
- ".align 8n"
- "1:"
- "movq (%1), %%mm0n" /* 8 s */
- "movq (%2), %%mm2n" /* 8 d */
- "movq 8(%1), %%mm1n" /* 8 s */
- "movq 8(%2), %%mm3n" /* 8 d */
- "pavgusb %%mm2, %%mm0n"
- "addl %3, %1n"
- "pavgusb %%mm3, %%mm1n"
- "movq %%mm0, (%2)n"
- "movq %%mm1, 8(%2)n"
- "addl %3, %2n"
- "loop 1bn"
- :
- : "c" (h), "r" (s), "r" (d), "r" (lx2)
- );
- #else
- __asm__ (
- "movq MASK_AND, %%mm5n"
- "movq ADD_1, %%mm6n"
- "1:t"
- "movq (%1),%%mm0n"
- "movq (%2),%%mm1n"
- "movq 8(%1),%%mm2n"
- "movq 8(%2),%%mm3n"
- "psrlw $1,%%mm0n"
- "psrlw $1,%%mm1n"
- "psrlw $1,%%mm2n"
- "psrlw $1,%%mm3n"
- "pand %%mm5,%%mm0n"
- "pand %%mm5,%%mm1n"
- "pand %%mm5,%%mm2n"
- "pand %%mm5,%%mm3n"
- "paddusb %%mm1,%%mm0n"
- "paddusb %%mm3,%%mm2n"
- "paddusb %%mm6,%%mm0n"
- "paddusb %%mm6,%%mm2n"
- "movq %%mm0,(%2)n"
- "addl %3,%1n"
- "movq %%mm2, 8(%2)n"
- "decl %0n"
- "leal (%2, %3), %2n"
- "jnz 1bn"
- :
- : "c" (h), "r" (s), "r" (d), "r" (lx2)
- );
- #endif
- #else
- for (int j=0; j<h; j++, s+=lx2, d+=lx2){
- d[0] = (unsigned int)(d[0] + s[0] + 1)>>1;
- d[1] = (unsigned int)(d[1] + s[1] + 1)>>1;
- d[2] = (unsigned int)(d[2] + s[2] + 1)>>1;
- d[3] = (unsigned int)(d[3] + s[3] + 1)>>1;
- d[4] = (unsigned int)(d[4] + s[4] + 1)>>1;
- d[5] = (unsigned int)(d[5] + s[5] + 1)>>1;
- d[6] = (unsigned int)(d[6] + s[6] + 1)>>1;
- d[7] = (unsigned int)(d[7] + s[7] + 1)>>1;
- d[8] = (unsigned int)(d[8] + s[8] + 1)>>1;
- d[9] = (unsigned int)(d[9] + s[9] + 1)>>1;
- d[10] = (unsigned int)(d[10] + s[10] + 1)>>1;
- d[11] = (unsigned int)(d[11] + s[11] + 1)>>1;
- d[12] = (unsigned int)(d[12] + s[12] + 1)>>1;
- d[13] = (unsigned int)(d[13] + s[13] + 1)>>1;
- d[14] = (unsigned int)(d[14] + s[14] + 1)>>1;
- d[15] = (unsigned int)(d[15] + s[15] + 1)>>1;
- }
- #endif
- }
- inline void recac(unsigned char *s, unsigned char *d, int lx2, int h){
- #ifdef HAVE_MMX
- #ifdef HAVE_3Dnow
- __asm__ (
- ".align 8n"
- "1:"
- "movq (%1), %%mm0n" /* 8 s */
- "movq (%2), %%mm2n" /* 8 d */
- "pavgusb %%mm2, %%mm0n"
- "addl %3, %1n"
- "movq %%mm0, (%2)n"
- "addl %3, %2n"
- "loop 1bn"
- :
- : "c" (h), "r" (s), "r" (d), "r" (lx2)
- );
- #else
- __asm__ (
- "movq MASK_AND, %%mm5n"
- "movq ADD_1, %%mm6n"
- "1:t"
- "movq (%1),%%mm0n"
- "movq (%2),%%mm1n"
- "psrlw $1,%%mm0n"
- "psrlw $1,%%mm1n"
- "pand %%mm5,%%mm0n"
- "pand %%mm5,%%mm1n"
- "paddusb %%mm1,%%mm0n"
- "paddusb %%mm6,%%mm0n"
- "addl %3,%1n"
- "movq %%mm0,(%2)n"
- "decl %0n"
- "leal (%2, %3), %2n"
- "jnz 1bn"
- :
- : "c" (h), "r" (s), "r" (d), "r" (lx2)
- );
- #endif
- #else
- for (int j=0; j<h; j++, s+= lx2, d+= lx2){
- d[0] = (unsigned int)(d[0] + s[0] + 1)>>1;
- d[1] = (unsigned int)(d[1] + s[1] + 1)>>1;
- d[2] = (unsigned int)(d[2] + s[2] + 1)>>1;
- d[3] = (unsigned int)(d[3] + s[3] + 1)>>1;
- d[4] = (unsigned int)(d[4] + s[4] + 1)>>1;
- d[5] = (unsigned int)(d[5] + s[5] + 1)>>1;
- d[6] = (unsigned int)(d[6] + s[6] + 1)>>1;
- d[7] = (unsigned int)(d[7] + s[7] + 1)>>1;
- }
- #endif
- }
- inline void recv(unsigned char *s, unsigned char *d, int lx,int lx2, int h){
- #ifdef HAVE_MMX
- #ifdef HAVE_3Dnow
- __asm__(
- ".align 8n"
- "1:"
- "movq (%1), %%mm0n" /* 8 s */
- "movq (%4), %%mm2n" /* 8 s +lx */
- "movq 8(%1), %%mm1n" /* 8 s */
- "movq 8(%4), %%mm3n" /* 8 s +lx **/
- "pavgusb %%mm2, %%mm0n"
- "addl %3, %1n"
- "pavgusb %%mm3, %%mm1n"
- "movq %%mm0, (%2)n"
- "addl %3, %4n"
- "movq %%mm1, 8(%2)n"
- "addl %3, %2n"
- "loop 1bn"
- :
- : "c" (h), "r" (s), "r" (d), "r" (lx2), "r" (s +lx)
- );
- #else
- __asm__ (
- "movq MASK_AND, %%mm5n"
- "movq ADD_1, %%mm6n"
- "1:t"
- "movq (%1), %%mm0n" /* 8 s */
- "movq (%4), %%mm1n" /* 8 s +lx */
- "movq 8(%1), %%mm2n" /* 8 s */
- "movq 8(%4), %%mm3n" /* 8 s +lx **/
- "psrlw $1,%%mm0n"
- "psrlw $1,%%mm1n"
- "psrlw $1,%%mm2n"
- "psrlw $1,%%mm3n"
- "pand %%mm5,%%mm0n"
- "pand %%mm5,%%mm1n"
- "pand %%mm5,%%mm2n"
- "pand %%mm5,%%mm3n"
- "paddusb %%mm1,%%mm0n"
- "paddusb %%mm3,%%mm2n"
- "paddusb %%mm6,%%mm0n"
- "paddusb %%mm6,%%mm2n"
- "movq %%mm0,(%2)n"
- "addl %3,%1n"
- "movq %%mm2, 8(%2)n"
- "addl %3,%4n"
- "decl %0n"
- "leal (%2, %3), %2n"
- "jnz 1bn"
- :
- : "c" (h), "r" (s), "r" (d), "r" (lx2), "r" (s +lx)
- );
- #endif
- #else
- unsigned char *dp,*sp,*sp2;
- sp = s;
- sp2 = s+lx;
- dp = d;
- for (int j=0; j<h; j++){
- dp[0] = (unsigned int)(sp[0]+sp2[0]+1)>>1;
- dp[1] = (unsigned int)(sp[1]+sp2[1]+1)>>1;
- dp[2] = (unsigned int)(sp[2]+sp2[2]+1)>>1;
- dp[3] = (unsigned int)(sp[3]+sp2[3]+1)>>1;
- dp[4] = (unsigned int)(sp[4]+sp2[4]+1)>>1;
- dp[5] = (unsigned int)(sp[5]+sp2[5]+1)>>1;
- dp[6] = (unsigned int)(sp[6]+sp2[6]+1)>>1;
- dp[7] = (unsigned int)(sp[7]+sp2[7]+1)>>1;
- dp[8] = (unsigned int)(sp[8]+sp2[8]+1)>>1;
- dp[9] = (unsigned int)(sp[9]+sp2[9]+1)>>1;
- dp[10] = (unsigned int)(sp[10]+sp2[10]+1)>>1;
- dp[11] = (unsigned int)(sp[11]+sp2[11]+1)>>1;
- dp[12] = (unsigned int)(sp[12]+sp2[12]+1)>>1;
- dp[13] = (unsigned int)(sp[13]+sp2[13]+1)>>1;
- dp[14] = (unsigned int)(sp[14]+sp2[14]+1)>>1;
- dp[15] = (unsigned int)(sp[15]+sp2[15]+1)>>1;
- sp+= lx2;
- sp2+= lx2;
- dp+= lx2;
- }
- #endif
- }
- inline void recvc(unsigned char *s, unsigned char *d, int lx, int lx2, int h){
- #ifdef HAVE_MMX
- #ifdef HAVE_3Dnow
- __asm__(
- ".align 8n"
- "1:"
- "movq (%1), %%mm0n" /* 8 s */
- "movq (%4), %%mm2n" /* 8 s +lx */
- "addl %3, %1n"
- "pavgusb %%mm2, %%mm0n"
- "addl %3, %4n"
- "movq %%mm0, (%2)n"
- "addl %3, %2n"
- "loop 1bn"
- :
- : "c" (h), "r" (s), "r" (d), "r" (lx2), "r" (s +lx)
- );
- #else
- __asm__ (
- "movq MASK_AND, %%mm5n"
- "movq ADD_1, %%mm6n"
- "1:t"
- "movq (%1), %%mm0n" /* 8 s */
- "movq (%4), %%mm1n" /* 8 s +lx */
- "psrlw $1,%%mm0n"
- "psrlw $1,%%mm1n"
- "pand %%mm5,%%mm0n"
- "pand %%mm5,%%mm1n"
- "paddusb %%mm1,%%mm0n"
- "addl %3,%1n"
- "paddusb %%mm6,%%mm0n"
- "addl %3,%4n"
- "movq %%mm0,(%2)n"
- "decl %0n"
- "leal (%2, %3), %2n"
- "jnz 1bn"
- :
- : "c" (h), "r" (s), "r" (d), "r" (lx2), "r" (s +lx)
- );
- #endif
- #else
- unsigned char *dp,*sp,*sp2;
- sp = s;
- sp2 = s+lx;
- dp = d;
- for (int j=0; j<h; j++){
- dp[0] = (unsigned int)(sp[0]+sp2[0]+1)>>1;
- dp[1] = (unsigned int)(sp[1]+sp2[1]+1)>>1;
- dp[2] = (unsigned int)(sp[2]+sp2[2]+1)>>1;
- dp[3] = (unsigned int)(sp[3]+sp2[3]+1)>>1;
- dp[4] = (unsigned int)(sp[4]+sp2[4]+1)>>1;
- dp[5] = (unsigned int)(sp[5]+sp2[5]+1)>>1;
- dp[6] = (unsigned int)(sp[6]+sp2[6]+1)>>1;
- dp[7] = (unsigned int)(sp[7]+sp2[7]+1)>>1;
- sp+= lx2;
- sp2+= lx2;
- dp+= lx2;
- }
- #endif
- }
- #ifdef HAVE_3Dnow
- inline void recva(unsigned char *s, unsigned char *d, int lx, int lx2, int h)
- {
- __asm__(
- ".align 8n"
- "1:"
- "movq (%1), %%mm0n" /* 8 s */
- "movq 8(%1), %%mm1n" /* 8 s */
- "movq (%4), %%mm2n" /* 8 s +lx */
- "movq 8(%4), %%mm3n" /* 8 s +lx **/
- "pavgusb %%mm2, %%mm0n"
- "addl %3, %1n"
- "pavgusb %%mm3, %%mm1n"
- "movq (%2), %%mm2n" /* 8 d */
- "movq 8(%2), %%mm3n" /* 8 d */
- "pavgusb %%mm2, %%mm0n"
- "addl %3, %4n"
- "pavgusb %%mm3, %%mm1n"
- "movq %%mm0, (%2)n"
- "movq %%mm1, 8(%2)n"
- "addl %3, %2n"
- "loop 1bn"
- :
- : "c" (h), "r" (s), "r" (d), "r" (lx2), "r" (s +lx)
- );
- }
- inline void recvac(unsigned char *s, unsigned char *d, int lx,int lx2, int h)
- {
- __asm__(
- ".align 8n"
- "1:"
- "movq (%1), %%mm0n" /* 8 s */
- "movq (%4), %%mm2n" /* 8 s +lx */
- "addl %3, %1n"
- "pavgusb %%mm2, %%mm0n"
- "movq (%2), %%mm3n" /* 8 d */
- "addl %3, %4n"
- "pavgusb %%mm3, %%mm0n"
- "movq %%mm0, (%2)n"
- "addl %3, %2n"
- "loop 1bn"
- :
- : "c" (h), "r" (s), "r" (d), "r" (lx2), "r" (s +lx)
- );
- }
- inline void rech(unsigned char *s, unsigned char *d, int lx2, int h)
- {
- __asm__ (
- ".align 8n"
- "1:"
- "movq (%1), %%mm0n" /* 8 s */
- "movq 8(%1), %%mm1n" /* 8 s */
- "movq 1(%1), %%mm2n" /* 8 s */
- "movq 9(%1), %%mm3n" /* 8 s */
- "pavgusb %%mm2, %%mm0n"
- "addl %3, %1n"
- "pavgusb %%mm3, %%mm1n"
- "movq %%mm0, (%2)n"
- "movq %%mm1, 8(%2)n"
- "addl %3, %2n"
- "loop 1bn"
- :
- : "c" (h), "r" (s), "r" (d), "r" (lx2)
- );
- }
- inline void rechc(unsigned char *s,unsigned char *d, int lx2, int h){
- __asm__ (
- ".align 8n"
- "1:"
- "movq (%1), %%mm0n" /* 8 s */
- "movq 1(%1), %%mm2n" /* 8 s +1 */
- "addl %3, %1n"
- "pavgusb %%mm2, %%mm0n"
- "movq %%mm0, (%2)n"
- "addl %3, %2n"
- "loop 1bn"
- :
- : "c" (h), "r" (s), "r" (d), "r" (lx2)
- );
- }
- inline void recha(unsigned char *s, unsigned char *d,int lx2, int h)
- {
- __asm__ (
- ".align 8n"
- "1:"
- "movq (%1), %%mm0n" /* 8 s */
- "movq 8(%1), %%mm1n" /* 8 s */
- "movq 1(%1), %%mm2n" /* 8 s */
- "movq 9(%1), %%mm3n" /* 8 s */
- "pavgusb %%mm2, %%mm0n"
- "addl %3, %1n"
- "pavgusb %%mm3, %%mm1n"
- "movq (%2), %%mm2n" /* 8 d */
- "movq 8(%2), %%mm3n" /* 8 d */
- "pavgusb %%mm2, %%mm0n"
- "pavgusb %%mm3, %%mm1n"
- "movq %%mm0, (%2)n"
- "movq %%mm1, 8(%2)n"
- "addl %3, %2n"
- "loop 1bn"
- :
- : "c" (h), "r" (s), "r" (d), "r" (lx2)
- );
- }
- inline void rechac(unsigned char *s,unsigned char *d, int lx2, int h)
- {
- __asm__ (
- ".align 8n"
- "1:"
- "movq (%1), %%mm0n" /* 8 s */
- "movq 1(%1), %%mm2n" /* 8 s */
- "addl %3, %1n"
- "pavgusb %%mm2, %%mm0n"
- "movq (%2), %%mm1n" /* 8 d */
- "pavgusb %%mm1, %%mm0n"
- "movq %%mm0, (%2)n"
- "addl %3, %2n"
- "loop 1bn"
- :
- : "c" (h), "r" (s), "r" (d), "r" (lx2)
- );
- }
- inline void rec4(unsigned char *s, unsigned char *d, int lx, int lx2, int h)
- {
- __asm__ __volatile__(
- "movq (%1), %%mm0n" /* 8 s */
- "movq 8(%1), %%mm1n" /* 8 s */
- "movq 1(%1), %%mm2n" /* 8 s +1*/
- "movq 9(%1), %%mm3n" /* 8 s +1*/
- ".align 8n"
- "1:"
- "movq (%4), %%mm4n" /* 8 s+lx */
- "pavgusb %%mm2, %%mm0n"
- "movq 8(%4), %%mm5n" /* 8 s+lx */
- "pavgusb %%mm3, %%mm1n"
- "movq 1(%4), %%mm6n" /* 8 s+lx +1*/
- "pavgusb %%mm4, %%mm0n"
- "movq 9(%4), %%mm7n" /* 8 s+lx +1*/
- "pavgusb %%mm5, %%mm1n"
- "pavgusb %%mm6, %%mm0n"
- "addl %3, %4n"
- "pavgusb %%mm7, %%mm1n"
- "movq %%mm0, (%2)n"
- "movq %%mm6, %%mm2n"
- "movq %%mm7, %%mm3n"
- "movq %%mm1, 8(%2)n"
- "movq %%mm4, %%mm0n"
- "movq %%mm5, %%mm1n"
- "addl %3, %2n"
- "loop 1bn"
- :
- : "c" (h), "r" (s), "r" (d), "r" (lx2), "r" (s +lx)
- );
- }
- inline void rec4c(unsigned char *s,unsigned char *d, int lx, int lx2, int h)
- {
- __asm__ __volatile__(
- "movq (%1), %%mm0n" /* 8 s */
- "movq 1(%1), %%mm2n" /* 8 s +1*/
- ".align 8n"
- "1:"
- "movq (%4), %%mm4n" /* 8 s+lx */
- "pavgusb %%mm2, %%mm0n"
- "movq 1(%4), %%mm6n" /* 8 s+lx +1*/
- "pavgusb %%mm4, %%mm0n"
- "addl %3, %4n"
- "pavgusb %%mm6, %%mm0n"
- "movq %%mm0, (%2)n"
- "movq %%mm6, %%mm2n"
- "movq %%mm4, %%mm0n"
- "addl %3, %2n"
- "loop 1bn"
- :
- : "c" (h), "r" (s), "r" (d), "r" (lx2), "r" (s +lx)
- );
- }
- inline void rec4a(unsigned char *s,unsigned char *d, int lx, int lx2, int h)
- {
- __asm__ __volatile__(
- "movq (%1), %%mm0n" /* 8 s */
- "movq 8(%1), %%mm1n" /* 8 s */
- "movq 1(%1), %%mm2n" /* 8 s +1*/
- "movq 9(%1), %%mm3n" /* 8 s +1*/
- ".align 8n"
- "1:"
- "movq (%4), %%mm4n" /* 8 s+lx */
- "pavgusb %%mm2, %%mm0n"
- "movq 8(%4), %%mm5n" /* 8 s+lx */
- "pavgusb %%mm3, %%mm1n"
- "movq 1(%4), %%mm6n" /* 8 s+lx +1*/
- "pavgusb %%mm4, %%mm0n"
- "movq 9(%4), %%mm7n" /* 8 s+lx +1*/
- "pavgusb %%mm5, %%mm1n"
- "movq (%2), %%mm2n"
- "pavgusb %%mm6, %%mm0n"
- "movq 8(%2), %%mm3n"
- "pavgusb %%mm2, %%mm0n"
- "addl %3, %4n"
- "pavgusb %%mm3, %%mm1n"
- "movq %%mm0, (%2)n"
- "pavgusb %%mm7, %%mm1n"
- "movq %%mm6, %%mm2n"
- "movq %%mm7, %%mm3n"
- "movq %%mm1, 8(%2)n"
- "movq %%mm4, %%mm0n"
- "movq %%mm5, %%mm1n"
- "addl %3, %2n"
- "loop 1bn"
- :
- : "c" (h), "r" (s), "r" (d), "r" (lx2), "r" (s +lx)
- );
- }
- inline void rec4ac(unsigned char *s,unsigned char *d, int lx, int lx2, int h)
- {
- __asm__ __volatile__(
- "movq (%1), %%mm0n" /* 8 s */
- "movq 1(%1), %%mm2n" /* 8 s +1*/
- ".align 8n"
- "1:"
- "movq (%4), %%mm4n" /* 8 s+lx */
- "pavgusb %%mm2, %%mm0n"
- "movq 1(%4), %%mm6n" /* 8 s+lx +1*/
- "pavgusb %%mm4, %%mm0n"
- "movq (%2), %%mm1n" /* 8 d */
- "pavgusb %%mm6, %%mm0n"
- "addl %3, %4n"
- "pavgusb %%mm1, %%mm0n"
- "movq %%mm6, %%mm2n"
- "movq %%mm0, (%2)n"
- "movq %%mm4, %%mm0n"
- "addl %3, %2n"
- "loop 1bn"
- :
- : "c" (h), "r" (s), "r" (d), "r" (lx2), "r" (s +lx)
- );
- }
- #endif
- void recon_comp(unsigned char *src, unsigned char *dst, int lx, int lx2,
- int w, int h, int x, int y, int dx, int dy, int addflag){
- // int xint, xh, yint, yh;
- int switcher;
- unsigned char *s, *d;
- /* half pel scaling */
- // xint = dx>>1;
- // xh = dx & 1;
- // yint = dy>>1;
- // yh = dy & 1;
- // switcher = (dx & 1) << 3 | (dy & 1) << 2 | (w !=8) & 1;
- switcher = (dx & 1) << 3 | (dy & 1) << 2 | w;
- if (addflag)
- switcher |= 2;
- /* origins */
- s = src + lx*(y+(dy>>1)) + x + (dx>>1);
- d = dst + lx*y + x;
- switch (switcher) {
- case 0x3: reca(s,d,lx2,h);
- break;
- case 0x2: recac(s,d,lx2,h);
- break;
- case 0x1: rec(s,d,lx2,h);
- break;
- case 0x0: recc(s,d,lx2,h);
- break;
- case 0x7: recva(s,d,lx,lx2,h);
- break;
- case 0x6: recvac(s,d,lx,lx2,h);
- break;
- case 0x5: recv(s,d,lx,lx2,h);
- break;
- case 0x4: recvc(s,d,lx,lx2,h);
- break;
- case 0xb: recha(s,d,lx2,h);
- break;
- case 0xa: rechac(s,d,lx2,h);
- break;
- case 0x9: rech(s,d,lx2,h);
- break;
- case 0x8: rechc(s,d,lx2,h);
- break;
- case 0xf: rec4a(s,d,lx,lx2,h);
- break;
- case 0xe: rec4ac(s,d,lx,lx2,h);
- break;
- case 0xd: rec4(s,d,lx,lx2,h);
- break;
- case 0xc: rec4c(s,d,lx,lx2,h);
- break;
- }
- #if 0
- if (!xh && !yh)
- if (addflag){
- if (w!=8) reca(s,d,lx2,h);
- else recac(s,d,lx2,h);
- }
- else {
- if (w!=8) rec(s,d,lx2,h);
- else recc(s,d,lx2,h);
- }
- else if (!xh && yh)
- if (addflag){
- if (w!=8) recva(s,d,lx,lx2,h);
- else recvac(s,d,lx,lx2,h);
- }
- else {
- if (w!=8) recv(s,d,lx,lx2,h);
- else recvc(s,d,lx,lx2,h);
- }
- else if (xh && !yh)
- if (addflag){
- if (w!=8) recha(s,d,lx2,h);
- else rechac(s,d,lx2,h);
- }
- else {
- if (w!=8) rech(s,d,lx2,h);
- else rechc(s,d,lx2,h);
- }
- else /* if (xh && yh) */
- if (addflag){
- if (w!=8) rec4a(s,d,lx,lx2,h);
- else rec4ac(s,d,lx,lx2,h);
- }
- else {
- if (w!=8) rec4(s,d,lx,lx2,h);
- else rec4c(s,d,lx,lx2,h);
- }
- #endif
- }
- #ifndef HAVE_MMX
- inline void recva(unsigned char *s, unsigned char *d, int lx, int lx2, int h){
- unsigned char *dp,*sp,*sp2;
- sp = s;
- sp2 = s+lx;
- dp = d;
- for (int j=0; j<h; j++){
- dp[0] = (dp[0] + ((unsigned int)(sp[0]+sp2[0]+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- dp[1] = (dp[1] + ((unsigned int)(sp[1]+sp2[1]+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- dp[2] = (dp[2] + ((unsigned int)(sp[2]+sp2[2]+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- dp[3] = (dp[3] + ((unsigned int)(sp[3]+sp2[3]+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- dp[4] = (dp[4] + ((unsigned int)(sp[4]+sp2[4]+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- dp[5] = (dp[5] + ((unsigned int)(sp[5]+sp2[5]+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- dp[6] = (dp[6] + ((unsigned int)(sp[6]+sp2[6]+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- dp[7] = (dp[7] + ((unsigned int)(sp[7]+sp2[7]+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- dp[8] = (dp[8] + ((unsigned int)(sp[8]+sp2[8]+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- dp[9] = (dp[9] + ((unsigned int)(sp[9]+sp2[9]+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- dp[10] = (dp[10] + ((unsigned int)(sp[10]+sp2[10]+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- dp[11] = (dp[11] + ((unsigned int)(sp[11]+sp2[11]+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- dp[12] = (dp[12] + ((unsigned int)(sp[12]+sp2[12]+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- dp[13] = (dp[13] + ((unsigned int)(sp[13]+sp2[13]+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- dp[14] = (dp[14] + ((unsigned int)(sp[14]+sp2[14]+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- dp[15] = (dp[15] + ((unsigned int)(sp[15]+sp2[15]+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- sp+= lx2;
- sp2+= lx2;
- dp+= lx2;
- }
- }
- inline void recvac(unsigned char *s, unsigned char *d, int lx,int lx2, int h){
- unsigned char *dp,*sp,*sp2;
- sp = s;
- sp2 = s+lx;
- dp = d;
- for (int j=0; j<h; j++){
- dp[0] = (dp[0] + ((unsigned int)(sp[0]+sp2[0]+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- dp[1] = (dp[1] + ((unsigned int)(sp[1]+sp2[1]+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- dp[2] = (dp[2] + ((unsigned int)(sp[2]+sp2[2]+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- dp[3] = (dp[3] + ((unsigned int)(sp[3]+sp2[3]+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- dp[4] = (dp[4] + ((unsigned int)(sp[4]+sp2[4]+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- dp[5] = (dp[5] + ((unsigned int)(sp[5]+sp2[5]+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- dp[6] = (dp[6] + ((unsigned int)(sp[6]+sp2[6]+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- dp[7] = (dp[7] + ((unsigned int)(sp[7]+sp2[7]+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- sp+= lx2;
- sp2+= lx2;
- dp+= lx2;
- }
- }
- inline void rech(unsigned char *s, unsigned char *d, int lx2, int h){
- unsigned char *dp,*sp;
- unsigned int s1,s2;
- sp = s;
- dp = d;
- for (int j=0; j<h; j++){
- s1=sp[0];
- dp[0] = (unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[1])+1)>>1;
- dp[1] = (unsigned int)(s2+(s1=sp[2])+1)>>1;
- dp[2] = (unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[3])+1)>>1;
- dp[3] = (unsigned int)(s2+(s1=sp[4])+1)>>1;
- dp[4] = (unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[5])+1)>>1;
- dp[5] = (unsigned int)(s2+(s1=sp[6])+1)>>1;
- dp[6] = (unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[7])+1)>>1;
- dp[7] = (unsigned int)(s2+(s1=sp[8])+1)>>1;
- dp[8] = (unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[9])+1)>>1;
- dp[9] = (unsigned int)(s2+(s1=sp[10])+1)>>1;
- dp[10] = (unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[11])+1)>>1;
- dp[11] = (unsigned int)(s2+(s1=sp[12])+1)>>1;
- dp[12] = (unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[13])+1)>>1;
- dp[13] = (unsigned int)(s2+(s1=sp[14])+1)>>1;
- dp[14] = (unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[15])+1)>>1;
- dp[15] = (unsigned int)(s2+sp[16]+1)>>1;
- sp+= lx2;
- dp+= lx2;
- }
- }
- inline void rechc(unsigned char *s,unsigned char *d, int lx2, int h){
- unsigned char *dp,*sp;
- unsigned int s1,s2;
- sp = s;
- dp = d;
- for (int j=0; j<h; j++){
- s1=sp[0];
- dp[0] = (unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[1])+1)>>1;
- dp[1] = (unsigned int)(s2+(s1=sp[2])+1)>>1;
- dp[2] = (unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[3])+1)>>1;
- dp[3] = (unsigned int)(s2+(s1=sp[4])+1)>>1;
- dp[4] = (unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[5])+1)>>1;
- dp[5] = (unsigned int)(s2+(s1=sp[6])+1)>>1;
- dp[6] = (unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[7])+1)>>1;
- dp[7] = (unsigned int)(s2+sp[8]+1)>>1;
- sp+= lx2;
- dp+= lx2;
- }
- }
- #endif
- #ifndef HAVE_3Dnow
- inline void recha(unsigned char *s, unsigned char *d,int lx2, int h){
- unsigned char *dp,*sp;
- unsigned int s1,s2;
- sp = s;
- dp = d;
- for (int j=0; j<h; j++){
- s1=sp[0];
- dp[0] = (dp[0] + ((unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[1])+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- dp[1] = (dp[1] + ((unsigned int)(s2+(s1=sp[2])+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- dp[2] = (dp[2] + ((unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[3])+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- dp[3] = (dp[3] + ((unsigned int)(s2+(s1=sp[4])+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- dp[4] = (dp[4] + ((unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[5])+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- dp[5] = (dp[5] + ((unsigned int)(s2+(s1=sp[6])+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- dp[6] = (dp[6] + ((unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[7])+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- dp[7] = (dp[7] + ((unsigned int)(s2+(s1=sp[8])+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- dp[8] = (dp[8] + ((unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[9])+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- dp[9] = (dp[9] + ((unsigned int)(s2+(s1=sp[10])+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- dp[10] = (dp[10] + ((unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[11])+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- dp[11] = (dp[11] + ((unsigned int)(s2+(s1=sp[12])+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- dp[12] = (dp[12] + ((unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[13])+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- dp[13] = (dp[13] + ((unsigned int)(s2+(s1=sp[14])+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- dp[14] = (dp[14] + ((unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[15])+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- dp[15] = (dp[15] + ((unsigned int)(s2+sp[16]+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- sp+= lx2;
- dp+= lx2;
- }
- }
- inline void rechac(unsigned char *s,unsigned char *d, int lx2, int h){
- unsigned char *dp,*sp;
- unsigned int s1,s2;
- sp = s;
- dp = d;
- for (int j=0; j<h; j++){
- s1=sp[0];
- dp[0] = (dp[0] + ((unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[1])+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- dp[1] = (dp[1] + ((unsigned int)(s2+(s1=sp[2])+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- dp[2] = (dp[2] + ((unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[3])+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- dp[3] = (dp[3] + ((unsigned int)(s2+(s1=sp[4])+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- dp[4] = (dp[4] + ((unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[5])+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- dp[5] = (dp[5] + ((unsigned int)(s2+(s1=sp[6])+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- dp[6] = (dp[6] + ((unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[7])+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- dp[7] = (dp[7] + ((unsigned int)(s2+sp[8]+1)>>1) + 1)>>1;
- sp+= lx2;
- dp+= lx2;
- }
- }
- inline void rec4(unsigned char *s, unsigned char *d, int lx, int lx2, int h){
- unsigned char *dp,*sp,*sp2;
- unsigned int s1,s2,s3,s4;
- sp = s;
- sp2 = s+lx;
- dp = d;
- for (int j=0; j<h; j++){
- s1=sp[0]; s3=sp2[0];
- dp[0] = (unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[1])+s3+(s4=sp2[1])+2)>>2;
- dp[1] = (unsigned int)(s2+(s1=sp[2])+s4+(s3=sp2[2])+2)>>2;
- dp[2] = (unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[3])+s3+(s4=sp2[3])+2)>>2;
- dp[3] = (unsigned int)(s2+(s1=sp[4])+s4+(s3=sp2[4])+2)>>2;
- dp[4] = (unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[5])+s3+(s4=sp2[5])+2)>>2;
- dp[5] = (unsigned int)(s2+(s1=sp[6])+s4+(s3=sp2[6])+2)>>2;
- dp[6] = (unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[7])+s3+(s4=sp2[7])+2)>>2;
- dp[7] = (unsigned int)(s2+(s1=sp[8])+s4+(s3=sp2[8])+2)>>2;
- dp[8] = (unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[9])+s3+(s4=sp2[9])+2)>>2;
- dp[9] = (unsigned int)(s2+(s1=sp[10])+s4+(s3=sp2[10])+2)>>2;
- dp[10] = (unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[11])+s3+(s4=sp2[11])+2)>>2;
- dp[11] = (unsigned int)(s2+(s1=sp[12])+s4+(s3=sp2[12])+2)>>2;
- dp[12] = (unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[13])+s3+(s4=sp2[13])+2)>>2;
- dp[13] = (unsigned int)(s2+(s1=sp[14])+s4+(s3=sp2[14])+2)>>2;
- dp[14] = (unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[15])+s3+(s4=sp2[15])+2)>>2;
- dp[15] = (unsigned int)(s2+sp[16]+s4+sp2[16]+2)>>2;
- sp+= lx2;
- sp2+= lx2;
- dp+= lx2;
- }
- }
- inline void rec4c(unsigned char *s,unsigned char *d, int lx, int lx2, int h){
- unsigned char *dp,*sp,*sp2;
- unsigned int s1,s2,s3,s4;
- sp = s;
- sp2 = s+lx;
- dp = d;
- for (int j=0; j<h; j++){
- s1=sp[0]; s3=sp2[0];
- dp[0] = (unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[1])+s3+(s4=sp2[1])+2)>>2;
- dp[1] = (unsigned int)(s2+(s1=sp[2])+s4+(s3=sp2[2])+2)>>2;
- dp[2] = (unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[3])+s3+(s4=sp2[3])+2)>>2;
- dp[3] = (unsigned int)(s2+(s1=sp[4])+s4+(s3=sp2[4])+2)>>2;
- dp[4] = (unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[5])+s3+(s4=sp2[5])+2)>>2;
- dp[5] = (unsigned int)(s2+(s1=sp[6])+s4+(s3=sp2[6])+2)>>2;
- dp[6] = (unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[7])+s3+(s4=sp2[7])+2)>>2;
- dp[7] = (unsigned int)(s2+sp[8]+s4+sp2[8]+2)>>2;
- sp+= lx2;
- sp2+= lx2;
- dp+= lx2;
- }
- }
- inline void rec4a(unsigned char *s,unsigned char *d, int lx, int lx2, int h){
- unsigned char *dp=d, *sp=s, *sp2=s+lx;
- unsigned int s1, s2, s3, s4;
- /*
- sp = s;
- sp2 = s+lx;
- dp = d;
- */
- for (int j=0; j<h; j++){
- s1=sp[0]; s3=sp2[0];
- dp[0] = (dp[0] + ((unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[1])+s3+(s4=sp2[1])+2)>>2) + 1)>>1;
- dp[1] = (dp[1] + ((unsigned int)(s2+(s1=sp[2])+s4+(s3=sp2[2])+2)>>2) + 1)>>1;
- dp[2] = (dp[2] + ((unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[3])+s3+(s4=sp2[3])+2)>>2) + 1)>>1;
- dp[3] = (dp[3] + ((unsigned int)(s2+(s1=sp[4])+s4+(s3=sp2[4])+2)>>2) + 1)>>1;
- dp[4] = (dp[4] + ((unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[5])+s3+(s4=sp2[5])+2)>>2) + 1)>>1;
- dp[5] = (dp[5] + ((unsigned int)(s2+(s1=sp[6])+s4+(s3=sp2[6])+2)>>2) + 1)>>1;
- dp[6] = (dp[6] + ((unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[7])+s3+(s4=sp2[7])+2)>>2) + 1)>>1;
- dp[7] = (dp[7] + ((unsigned int)(s2+(s1=sp[8])+s4+(s3=sp2[8])+2)>>2) + 1)>>1;
- dp[8] = (dp[8] + ((unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[9])+s3+(s4=sp2[9])+2)>>2) + 1)>>1;
- dp[9] = (dp[9] + ((unsigned int)(s2+(s1=sp[10])+s4+(s3=sp2[10])+2)>>2) + 1)>>1;
- dp[10] = (dp[10] + ((unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[11])+s3+(s4=sp2[11])+2)>>2) + 1)>>1;
- dp[11] = (dp[11] + ((unsigned int)(s2+(s1=sp[12])+s4+(s3=sp2[12])+2)>>2) + 1)>>1;
- dp[12] = (dp[12] + ((unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[13])+s3+(s4=sp2[13])+2)>>2) + 1)>>1;
- dp[13] = (dp[13] + ((unsigned int)(s2+(s1=sp[14])+s4+(s3=sp2[14])+2)>>2) + 1)>>1;
- dp[14] = (dp[14] + ((unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[15])+s3+(s4=sp2[15])+2)>>2) + 1)>>1;
- dp[15] = (dp[15] + ((unsigned int)(s2+sp[16]+s4+sp2[16]+2)>>2) + 1)>>1;
- sp+= lx2;
- sp2+= lx2;
- dp+= lx2;
- }
- }
- inline void rec4ac(unsigned char *s,unsigned char *d, int lx, int lx2, int h){
- unsigned char *dp=d, *sp=s, *sp2=s+lx;
- unsigned int s1,s2,s3,s4;
- /*
- sp = s;
- sp2 = s+lx;
- dp = d;
- */
- for (int j=0; j<h; j++){
- s1=sp[0]; s3=sp2[0];
- dp[0] = (dp[0] + ((unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[1])+s3+(s4=sp2[1])+2)>>2) + 1)>>1;
- dp[1] = (dp[1] + ((unsigned int)(s2+(s1=sp[2])+s4+(s3=sp2[2])+2)>>2) + 1)>>1;
- dp[2] = (dp[2] + ((unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[3])+s3+(s4=sp2[3])+2)>>2) + 1)>>1;
- dp[3] = (dp[3] + ((unsigned int)(s2+(s1=sp[4])+s4+(s3=sp2[4])+2)>>2) + 1)>>1;
- dp[4] = (dp[4] + ((unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[5])+s3+(s4=sp2[5])+2)>>2) + 1)>>1;
- dp[5] = (dp[5] + ((unsigned int)(s2+(s1=sp[6])+s4+(s3=sp2[6])+2)>>2) + 1)>>1;
- dp[6] = (dp[6] + ((unsigned int)(s1+(s2=sp[7])+s3+(s4=sp2[7])+2)>>2) + 1)>>1;
- dp[7] = (dp[7] + ((unsigned int)(s2+sp[8]+s4+sp2[8]+2)>>2) + 1)>>1;
- sp+= lx2;
- sp2+= lx2;
- dp+= lx2;
- }
- }
- #endif