- /*
- File:
- */
- #include "all.hh"
- #include <string.h>
- static void spatpred(int prog_frame, int llprog_frame,
- unsigned char *fld0, unsigned char *fld1, short *tmp, unsigned char *dst,
- int llx0, int lly0, int llw, int llh, int horizontal_size, int vertical_size,
- int vm, int vn, int hm, int hn, int aperture);
- static void deinterlace(unsigned char *fld0, unsigned char *fld1,
- int j0, int lx, int ly, int aperture);
- static void subv(unsigned char *s, short *d,
- int lx, int lys, int lyd, int m, int n, int j0, int dj);
- static void subh(short *s, unsigned char *d,
- int x0, int lx, int lxs, int lxd, int ly, int m, int n);
- /* get reference frame */
- void getspatref(){
- int i, j, llw2, llh2;
- FILE *fd;
- char fname[80];
- llw2 = llw>>1;
- llh2 = llh>>1;
- sprintf(fname,llinputname,lltempref,'a');
- strcat(fname,".Y");
- if (verbose>1)
- printf("reading %sn",fname);
- fd=fopen(fname,"rb");
- for (j=0; j<llh; j+=2)
- for (i=0; i<llw; i++)
- llframe0[0][llw*j+i]=getc(fd);
- fclose(fd);
- sprintf(fname,llinputname,lltempref,'b');
- strcat(fname,".Y");
- if (verbose>1)
- printf("reading %sn",fname);
- fd=fopen(fname,"rb");
- for (j=1; j<llh; j+=2)
- for (i=0; i<llw; i++)
- llframe1[0][llw*j+i]=getc(fd);
- fclose(fd);
- sprintf(fname,llinputname,lltempref,'a');
- strcat(fname,".U");
- if (verbose>1)
- printf("reading %sn",fname);
- fd=fopen(fname,"rb");
- for (j=0; j<llh2; j+=2)
- for (i=0; i<llw2; i++)
- llframe0[1][llw2*j+i]=getc(fd);
- fclose(fd);
- sprintf(fname,llinputname,lltempref,'b');
- strcat(fname,".U");
- if (verbose>1)
- printf("reading %sn",fname);
- fd=fopen(fname,"rb");
- for (j=1; j<llh2; j+=2)
- for (i=0; i<llw2; i++)
- llframe1[1][llw2*j+i]=getc(fd);
- fclose(fd);
- sprintf(fname,llinputname,lltempref,'a');
- strcat(fname,".V");
- if (verbose>1)
- printf("reading %sn",fname);
- fd=fopen(fname,"rb");
- for (j=0; j<llh2; j+=2)
- for (i=0; i<llw2; i++)
- llframe0[2][llw2*j+i]=getc(fd);
- fclose(fd);
- sprintf(fname,llinputname,lltempref,'b');
- strcat(fname,".V");
- if (verbose>1)
- printf("reading %sn",fname);
- fd=fopen(fname,"rb");
- for (j=1; j<llh2; j+=2)
- for (i=0; i<llw2; i++)
- llframe1[2][llw2*j+i]=getc(fd);
- fclose(fd);
- spatpred(prog_frame,llprog_frame,llframe0[0],llframe1[0],lltmp,newframe[0],
- llx0,lly0,llw,llh,horizontal_size,vertical_size,vm,vn,hm,hn,
- pict_struct!=FRAME_PICTURE); /* this changed from CD to DIS */
- spatpred(prog_frame,llprog_frame,llframe0[1],llframe1[1],lltmp,newframe[1],
- llx0/2,lly0/2,llw2,llh2,horizontal_size>>1,vertical_size>>1,vm,vn,hm,hn,1);
- spatpred(prog_frame,llprog_frame,llframe0[2],llframe1[2],lltmp,newframe[2],
- llx0/2,lly0/2,llw2,llh2,horizontal_size>>1,vertical_size>>1,vm,vn,hm,hn,1);
- }
- /* form spatial prediction */
- static void spatpred(int prog_frame, int llprog_frame,
- unsigned char *fld0, unsigned char *fld1,
- short *tmp, unsigned char *dst,
- int llx0,int lly0,int llw,int llh,int horizontal_size,int vertical_size,int vm,int vn,int hm,int hn,int aperture){
- int w, h, x0, llw2, llh2;
- #if 0
- if (llprog_frame){
- /* progressive -> progressive / interlaced */
- subv(fld0,tmp,horizontal_sizell,vertical_sizell,vertical_size,m,n,0,1);
- subh(tmp,dst,0,horizontal_size,horizontal_sizell,horizontal_size,vertical_size,m,n);
- }
- else if (prog_frame){
- /* interlaced -> progressive */
- if (ll_fldsel){
- deinterlace(fld1,fld0);
- subv(fld1,tmp);
- subh(tmp,dst);
- }
- else {
- deinterlace(fld0,fld1);
- subv(fld0,tmp);
- subh(tmp,dst);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- #endif
- /* interlaced -> interlaced */
- llw2 = (llw*hn)/hm;
- llh2 = (llh*vn)/vm;
- deinterlace(fld0,fld1,1,llw,llh,aperture);
- deinterlace(fld1,fld0,0,llw,llh,aperture);
- subv(fld0,tmp,llw,llh,llh2,vm,vn,0,2);
- subv(fld1,tmp,llw,llh,llh2,vm,vn,1,2);
- /* vertical limits */
- if (lly0<0)
- {
- tmp-= llw*lly0;
- llh2+= lly0;
- if (llh2<0)
- llh2 = 0;
- h = (vertical_size<llh2) ? vertical_size : llh2;
- }
- else
- {
- dst+= horizontal_size*lly0;
- h= vertical_size - lly0;
- if (h>llh2)
- h = llh2;
- }
- /* horizontal limits */
- if (llx0<0)
- {
- x0 = -llx0;
- llw2+= llx0;
- if (llw2<0)
- llw2 = 0;
- w = (horizontal_size<llw2) ? horizontal_size : llw2;
- }
- else
- {
- dst+= llx0;
- x0 = 0;
- w = horizontal_size - llx0;
- if (w>llw2)
- w = llw2;
- }
- subh(tmp,dst,x0,w,llw,horizontal_size,h,hm,hn);
- #if 0
- }
- #endif
- }
- /* deinterlace one field (interpolate opposite parity samples)
- *
- * deinterlacing is done in-place: if j0=1, fld0 contains the input field in
- * its even lines and the odd lines are interpolated by this routine
- * if j0=0, the input field is in the odd lines and the even lines are
- * interpolated
- *
- * fld0: field to be deinterlaced
- * fld1: other field (referenced by the two field aperture filter)
- * j0: 0: interpolate even (top) lines, 1: interpolate odd (bottom) lines
- * lx: width of fld0 and fld1
- * ly: height of the deinterlaced field (has to be even)
- * aperture: 1: use one field aperture filter (two field otherwise)
- */
- static void deinterlace(unsigned char *fld0, unsigned char *fld1,
- int j0, int lx, int ly, int aperture){
- int i,j,v;
- unsigned char *p0, *p0m1, *p0p1, *p1, *p1m2, *p1p2;
- /* deinterlace one field */
- for (j=j0; j<ly; j+=2){
- p0 = fld0+lx*j;
- p0m1 = (j==0) ? p0+lx : p0-lx;
- p0p1 = (j==ly-1) ? p0-lx : p0+lx;
- if (aperture)
- for (i=0; i<lx; i++)
- p0[i] = (unsigned int)(p0m1[i] + p0p1[i] + 1)>>1;
- else {
- p1 = fld1 + lx*j;
- p1m2 = (j<2) ? p1 : p1-2*lx;
- p1p2 = (j>=ly-2) ? p1 : p1+2*lx;
- for (i=0; i<lx; i++){
- v = 8*(p0m1[i]+p0p1[i]) + 2*p1[i] - p1m2[i] - p1p2[i];
- p0[i] = clp[(v + ((v>=0) ? 8 : 7))>>4];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* vertical resampling */
- static void subv(unsigned char *s, short *d, int lx, int lys,
- int lyd,int m,int n,int j0,int dj){
- int i, c1, c2, jd;
- unsigned char *s1, *s2;
- short *d1;
- for (int j=j0; j<lyd; j+=dj){
- d1 = d + lx*j;
- jd = (j*m)/n;
- s1 = s + lx*jd;
- s2 = (jd<lys-1)? s1+lx : s1;
- c2 = (16*((j*m)%n) + (n>>1))/n;
- c1 = 16 - c2;
- for (i=0; i<lx; i++) d1[i] = c1*s1[i] + c2*s2[i];
- }
- }
- /* horizontal resampling */
- static void subh(short *s, unsigned char *d,
- int x0, int lx, int lxs, int lxd, int ly, int m, int n){
- int i, i1, j, id, c1, c2, v;
- short *s1, *s2;
- unsigned char *d1;
- for (i1=0; i1<lx; i1++){
- d1 = d + i1;
- i = x0 + i1;
- id = (i*m)/n;
- s1 = s+id;
- s2 = (id<lxs-1) ? s1+1 : s1;
- c2 = (16*((i*m)%n) + (n>>1))/n;
- c1 = 16 - c2;
- for (j=0; j<ly; j++){
- v = c1*(*s1) + c2*(*s2);
- *d1 = (v + ((v>=0) ? 128 : 127))>>8;
- d1+= lxd;
- s1+= lxs;
- s2+= lxs;
- }
- }
- }