- /*
- File:
- By: Alex Theo de Jong
- Created: February 1996
- Description:
- Test Synchronization object for multiple streams
- */
- #pragma implementation
- #include "athread.hh" // Test OS independent threads/sema/lock classes
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <String.h>
- #include <iostream.h>
- #include <fstream.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include "error.hh"
- #include "debug.hh"
- #include "util.hh"
- #include "sync.hh"
- extern "C" {
- unsigned int sleep(unsigned int);
- }
- int c1(0), c2(0);
- void* producer_thread(Synchronization* s){
- int counter1=5, counter2=10, counter3=5;
- ifstream file("mpeg2buff.o");
- char data[3];
- msg("producer_thread"); message(itoa(getpid()));
- while (1){
-, 2);
- s->put(double(counter1));
- s->put(1, double(counter2), 8);
- // s->put(2, double(counter2), 100);
- if ((counter2 % 2)==0){
- // s->put(1, double(counter2), 100);
- // s->put(2, double(counter2), 100);
- }
- // if ((counter3 % 3)==0) s->put(2, double(counter3), 100);
- if ((counter1 % 10)==0){
- msg("n");
- }
- if (counter1++>40) break;
- counter2++;
- counter3++;
- sleep(1);
- }
- athr_exit(0);
- return 0;
- }
- void* consumer2_thread(Synchronization* s);
- Synchronization* snc=0;
- void* consumer1_thread(Synchronization* s){
- msg("consumer1_thread"); message(itoa(getpid()));
- athr_t id3;
- // athr_create((void*(*)(void*))consumer2_thread, snc, &id3);
- while (1){
- printf("byte %dn",s->usedbytes(1, 100));
- printf("byte %dn",s->usedbytes(1, 100));
- printf("consumer 1 vor wait 1n");
- s->wait(1);
- printf("consumer 1 nach wait 1n");
- msg(">");
- c1++;
- }
- athr_exit(0);
- return 0;
- }
- void* consumer2_thread(Synchronization* s){
- msg("consumer2_thread"); message(itoa(getpid()));
- while (1){
- s->usedbytes(2, 100);
- s->wait(2);
- // sleep(1);
- msg("<");
- c2++;
- }
- athr_exit(0);
- return 0;
- }
- main(){
- Synchronization* sync=0;
- athr_t id, id2; // id3;
- /*
- if (schedctl(NDPRI, 0, 40)<0) // default priority
- cerr << "could not set NDPNORMMAX for mainn";
- */
- snc=sync=new Synchronization(0, 100, 200); // Default = type 0, 2x Data, 1x Timer
- athr_create((void*(*)(void*))producer_thread, sync, &id);
- athr_create((void*(*)(void*))consumer1_thread, sync, &id2);
- sched_param param;
- int policy=0;
- if (athr_getschedparam(athr_self(), &policy, ¶m)<0){
- error("could not get scheduling params");
- athr_exit(0);
- }
- else {
- #ifdef LINUX
- msg("MAIN PRIORITY="); message(itoa(param.sched_priority));
- #else
- msg("MAIN PRIORITY="); message(itoa(param.prio));
- #endif
- }
- char* c=new char[10];
- /*
- cout << "testn"; // small test to see if cin blocks! and cout really
- cout << "test2"; // put stuff on the screeen
- cout.flush();
- printf("did I stop?n");
- cin.gets(&c);
- printf("I guess not!");
- */
- do {
- msg("Type 'q' to quit: ");
- c[0]=getchar();
- switch(c[0]){
- case '0' : msg("ok"); break;
- default : break;
- }
- }
- while (c[0]!='q' && c[0]!='Q');
- delete c;
- athr_join(id);
- String text="Consumer 1 : ";
- text+=itoa(c1);
- text+=", Consumer 2 : ";
- text+=itoa(c2);
- message(text.chars());
- printf("vor deleten");
- delete sync;
- printf("nach deleten");
- exit(0);
- }