- /*
- File:
- By: Alex Theo de Jong
- Created: February 1996
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <fstream.h>
- #include <sys/time.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include "athread.hh"
- #include "error.hh"
- #include "debug.hh"
- #include "util.hh"
- #include "sync.hh"
- #include "mpeg2const.hh"
- #include "mpeg2buff.hh"
- #include "astream.hh"
- /*
- *
- * AudioStream
- *
- */
- AudioStream::AudioStream(const char *filename) :
- word(0), frames(0), bitindex(0), file(True), bytes(0)
- {
- inputstream=new Mpeg2Input(filename, 8196);
- sync=0;
- }
- AudioStream::AudioStream(Mpeg2Buffer* input, Synchronization* s) :
- word(0), frames(0), bitindex(0), file(False), bytes(0)
- {
- if (!(inputstream=input)){
- error("no audio input buffer");
- athr_exit(0);
- }
- sync=s;
- }
- AudioStream::~AudioStream(void){
- if (inputstream) inputstream->close();
- if (file) delete inputstream;
- }
- #if DEBUG
- unsigned int AudioStream::get_bits(int n){
- for (; bytes && bitindex <= 24; bitindex += 8, bytes--)
- word|=(inputstream->getbyte() << (24 - bitindex));
- value=0;
- value=(word >> (32-n));
- bitindex-=n;
- word<<=n;
- return value;
- }
- bool AudioStream::get_header(unsigned int& headerstring){
- TRACER("bool AudioStream::get_header(unsigned int& headerstring)");
- if (bytes) inputstream->skipbytes(bytes);
- if (sync) sync->usedbytes(2, 4); // 2 is audio ID, 4 is number of bytes
- if (inputstream->waitforbytes(4)!=4){
- TRACER("audio stream failed - exit");
- athr_exit(0);
- return False;
- }
- headerstring=inputstream->getbits32();
- inputstream->signal_buffer();
- while (((headerstring & 0xfff00000)!=0xfff00000) ){
- // In search mode for next header
- if (inputstream->waitforbytes(1)!=1){
- TRACER("audio stream failed - exit");
- athr_exit(0);
- return False;
- }
- headerstring<<=8;
- headerstring|=(inputstream->getbyte() & 0x000000ff);
- inputstream->signal_buffer();
- }
- return (headerstring) ? True : False;
- }
- bool AudioStream::read_frame(int bytesize){
- if ((bytes=inputstream->waitforbytes(bytesize))!=bytesize){
- TRACER("audio stream failed - exit");
- athr_exit(0);
- return False;
- }
- if (sync) sync->usedbytes(2, bytesize); // 2 is audio ID, bytesize is number of bytes
- frames++;
- bitindex=0;
- return True;
- }
- #endif