- // -*- C++ -*-
- /*
- File: TDPList.hh
- Template based Double linked Pointer List
- By Alex Th. de Jong
- March 1995
- */
- #pragma interface
- #ifndef __TDPList_hh__
- #define __TDPList_hh__
- // Error codes:
- #define E_TDP_NOERROR 0
- #define E_TDP_OUTOFRANGE 1
- #define E_TDP_NULL 2
- /*
- Template item class which is a placeholder for the
- pointer to the actual item stored in the list
- */
- template<class TDPItem>
- class TDPListItem {
- protected:
- friend class TDPList<TDPItem>;
- friend class TDPListIter<TDPItem>;
- TDPItem* item;
- TDPListItem<TDPItem>* next;
- TDPListItem<TDPItem>* prev;
- TDPListItem(TDPItem* ti){ item=ti, next=0, prev=0; }
- ~TDPListItem(){ delete item; }
- };
- /*
- Template for a list iterator
- */
- template <class TDPItem>
- class TDPListIter {
- protected:
- const TDPList<TDPItem>* ptl;
- TDPListItem<TDPItem>* pti;
- int dn;
- public:
- TDPListIter(const TDPList<TDPItem>& tl){ ptl=&tl; pti=ptl->head; dn=(pti==0) ? 1 : 0; }
- TDPListIter(){ ptl=0, pti=0, dn=0; }
- int set(const TDPList<TDPItem>& tl){ ptl=&tl; pti=ptl->head; return (dn=(pti==0) ? 1 :0); }
- int reset() { pti=(ptl!=0) ? ptl->head : 0; return (dn=(pti==0) ? 1 :0); }
- int resetToTail() { pti=(ptl!=0) ? ptl->tail : 0; return (dn=(pti==0) ? 1 :0); }
- int done(){ return dn; }
- TDPListIter& operator++(){ if ((pti=pti->next)==0) dn=1; return *this; } // prefix
- TDPListIter& operator--(){ if ((pti=pti->prev)==0) dn=1; return *this; }
- TDPListIter& operator++(int){ if ((pti=pti->next)==0) dn=1; return *this; } // postfix
- TDPListIter& operator--(int){ if ((pti=pti->prev)==0) dn=1; return *this; }
- TDPItem* value(){ return pti->item; }
- };
- /*
- Template list
- N.B. An iterator should be used to access list items
- */
- template<class TDPItem>
- class TDPList {
- protected:
- friend class TDPListIter<TDPItem>;
- TDPListItem<TDPItem>* head;
- TDPListItem<TDPItem>* tail;
- int size;
- public:
- // Default constructor
- TDPList() { size=0, head=0, tail=0; }
- // Constructor that takes the first item for the list
- TDPList(TDPItem* ti) { head=tail=new TDPListItem<TDPItem>(ti); size=1; }
- // Destructor
- ~TDPList() { clear(); }
- // Inserts an item in the list before the item at the given index
- int insert(int, TDPItem*);
- // Appends an item after the item at the given index
- int append(int, TDPItem*);
- // Appends an item to the end of the list
- int append(TDPItem*);
- // Removes the item at the given index
- int remove(int);
- // Removes the item at tail
- int removeTail();
- // Removes the item with the corresponding item pointer
- int remove(TDPItem*);
- // Return the number of items in list
- int length() const { return size; }
- // Clears the list and resets its members
- void clear();
- };
- /*
- Implementation of template list member functions
- N.B. these functions should be placed here in order
- for the compiler to generate code when templates are
- initiated.
- */
- template <class TDPItem>
- int TDPList<TDPItem>::remove(int index){
- if (index>=0 && index<size){
- TDPListItem<TDPItem>* tli=head;
- for (int i=0; i<index; i++) tli=tli->next;
- if (tli!=0){
- if (tli->prev!=0) tli->prev->next=tli->next;
- else head=tli->next;
- if (tli->next!=0) tli->next->prev=tli->prev;
- else tail=tli->prev;
- delete tli;
- size--;
- return E_TDP_NOERROR;
- }
- }
- }
- template <class TDPItem>
- int TDPList<TDPItem>::removeTail(){
- if (tail){
- TDPListItem<TDPItem>* tli=tail;
- tail=tail->prev;
- if (tail) tail->next=0;
- else head=0;
- tli->prev=0;
- delete tli;
- size--;
- return E_TDP_NOERROR;
- }
- }
- template <class TDPItem>
- int TDPList<TDPItem>::remove(TDPItem* ti){
- if (ti==0) return E_TDP_NULL;
- else {
- TDPListItem<TDPItem>* tli=head;
- while (tli!=0){
- if (tli->item==ti){
- if (tli->prev!=0) tli->prev->next=tli->next;
- else head=tli->next;
- if (tli->next!=0) tli->next->prev=tli->prev;
- else tail=tli->prev;
- delete tli;
- size--;
- return E_TDP_NOERROR;
- }
- tli=tli->next;
- }
- }
- }
- template <class TDPItem>
- int TDPList<TDPItem>::insert(int index, TDPItem* ti){
- if (ti==0) return E_TDP_NULL;
- if ((index>0)&&(index<size)){
- TDPListItem<TDPItem>* tli=head;
- TDPListItem<TDPItem>* tliNew=new TDPListItem<TDPItem>(ti);
- for (int i=0; i<index; i++) tli=tli->next;
- if (tli->prev!=0) tli->prev->next=tliNew;
- else head=tliNew;
- tliNew->prev=tli->prev;
- tliNew->next=tli;
- tli->prev = tliNew;
- size++;
- return E_TDP_NOERROR;
- }
- }
- template <class TDPItem>
- int TDPList<TDPItem>::append(int index, TDPItem* ti){
- if (ti==0) return E_TDP_NULL;
- if ((index>=0)&&(index<size)){
- TDPListItem<TDPItem>* tli=head;
- TDPListItem<TDPItem>* tliNew=new TDPListItem<TDPItem>(ti);
- for (int i=0; i<index; i++) tli=tli->next;
- if (tli->next!=0) tli->next->prev=tliNew;
- else tail=tliNew;
- tliNew->next=tli->next;
- tliNew->prev=tli;
- tli->next=tliNew;
- size++;
- return E_TDP_NOERROR;
- }
- if (index==size) return append(ti);
- }
- template <class TDPItem>
- int TDPList<TDPItem>::append(TDPItem* ti){
- if (ti==0) return E_TDP_NULL;
- TDPListItem<TDPItem>* tli=new TDPListItem<TDPItem>(ti);
- if (tail!=0){
- tail->next=tli;
- tli->prev=tail;
- tail=tail->next;
- }
- else head=tail=tli;
- size++;
- return E_TDP_NOERROR;
- }
- template <class TDPItem>
- void TDPList<TDPItem>::clear(){
- for (TDPListItem<TDPItem>* tli=tail; tli!=0; tli=tli->prev) delete tli->next;
- delete head;
- head=tail=0;
- size=0;
- }
- #endif
- #endif