- /*
- File: mpeg2audio.hh
- By: Alex Theo de Jong
- Created: Febraury 1996
- Description:
- MPEG2 Audio player. The class creates a threaded audio player that plays
- audio on the speaker, headphones, or line-out.
- Note:
- Should work on SUN Sparc 5 and SUN Sparc 10, and Sparc 20 or SGI Indigo
- and SGI Indy. It has been tested on SGI Indigo Impact and SGI Indy running
- Irix 5.3 and SUN Sparc 20 running Solaris 2.4 .
- */
- #ifndef __mpeg2audio_hh
- #define __mpeg2audio_hh
- #ifdef __GNUG__
- #pragma interface
- #endif
- #include "astream.hh"
- #include "crc.hh"
- #include "header.hh"
- #include "obuffer.hh"
- #include "synthesis_filter.hh"
- #include "subband.hh"
- #include "subband_layer_1.hh"
- #include "subband_layer_2.hh"
- class Mpeg2Audio {
- AudioStream *stream;
- Synchronization* sync;
- Header *header;
- Crc16 *crc;
- Subband *subbands[32];
- SynthesisFilter *filter1, *filter2;
- Obuffer *buffer;
- char *filename;
- bool verbose_mode;
- bool filter_check;
- bool stdout_mode;
- enum e_channels which_channels;
- bool use_speaker;
- bool use_headphone;
- bool use_line_out;
- bool use_own_scalefactor;
- real scalefactor;
- // data extracted from header of first frame:
- uint32 layer;
- e_mode mode;
- e_sample_frequency sample_frequency;
- int argc;
- char** argv;
- athr_t thread_id;
- int terminate; // action
- int terminated; // inidication
- protected:
- static void* player(Mpeg2Audio* base);
- static void* ac3_player(Mpeg2Audio* base);
- void usage(const char* name);
- int options();
- public:
- Mpeg2Audio(Mpeg2Buffer* input, Synchronization* s, int audio, int c, char** v);
- ~Mpeg2Audio();
- int play();
- int stop(){ terminate=1; return (terminated); } // check when thread is done
- };
- #endif // __mpeg2audio_hh