- #ifndef HEADER_H
- #define HEADER_H
- #ifdef __GNUG__
- #pragma interface
- #endif
- enum e_mode { stereo, joint_stereo, dual_channel, single_channel };
- enum e_sample_frequency { fourtyfour_point_one, fourtyeight, thirtytwo };
- // Class for extraction information from a frame header:
- class Header {
- static const uint32 frequencies[3];
- uint32 h_layer, h_protection_bit, h_bitrate_index,
- h_padding_bit, h_mode_extension;
- e_mode h_mode;
- e_sample_frequency h_sample_frequency;
- uint32 h_number_of_subbands, h_intensity_stereo_bound;
- bool h_copyright, h_original;
- Crc16 *crc;
- uint16 checksum;
- uint32 calculate_framesize ();
- public:
- Header (void) { crc = (Crc16 *)0; }
- ~Header (void) { if (crc) delete crc; }
- int read_header (AudioStream *, Crc16 **);
- // read a 32-bit header from the bitstream
- // functions to query header contents:
- uint32 layer (void) { return h_layer; };
- uint32 bitrate_index (void) { return h_bitrate_index; };
- e_sample_frequency sample_frequency (void) { return h_sample_frequency; };
- uint32 frequency (void) { return frequencies[h_sample_frequency]; }
- static uint32 frequency (e_sample_frequency rate) { return frequencies[rate]; }
- e_mode mode (void) { return h_mode; };
- bool checksums(void){ return (!h_protection_bit) ? True : False; }
- bool copyright(void){ return h_copyright; }
- bool original(void){ return h_original; }
- bool checksum_ok(void){ return (checksum==crc->checksum()) ? True : False; }
- // compares computed checksum with stream checksum
- // functions which return header informations as strings:
- const char * layer_string (void);
- const char * bitrate_string (void);
- const char * sample_frequency_string (void);
- const char * mode_string (void);
- uint32 number_of_subbands (void) { return h_number_of_subbands; };
- // returns the number of subbands in the current frame
- uint32 intensity_stereo_bound (void) {return h_intensity_stereo_bound; };
- // (Layer II joint stereo only)
- // returns the number of subbands which are in stereo mode,
- // subbands above that limit are in intensity stereo mode
- };
- #endif