- /*
- File: network.hh
- Description:
- This file contains all network functions to be used with the mpeg2player. This
- is a temporary solution. The complete AtmSocket API should be used for this
- in order to use configuration/testing facilities. Hopefully we can do that im
- June/July 1996
- This file has been re-organized big time to cover a more generic range of
- options not necesdarilly related to the mpeg2player.
- class Socket // Abstract class
- class SocketFile // Socket to file
- class SocketTcp // TCP stream socket
- class SocketUdp // UDP datagram socket - NOT TESTED
- class SocketAtmSpans // ATM Fore Spans signalling socket
- class SocketAtmPvc // ATM Fore PVC socket
- class SocketMulti // Socket accepts call from TCP, UDP, ATM spans, or PVC
- Created: April 1996, Alex Theo de Jong, NIST
- */
- #ifndef __network_hh_
- #define __network_hh_
- // Network
- #include <string.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/socket.h>
- #include <sys/uio.h>
- #include <sys/ioctl.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <netinet/in.h>
- #include <netdb.h>
- #include <arpa/inet.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <sys/fcntl.h>
- #ifdef FORE_ATM
- // Fore API
- #include <fore_atm/fore_atm_user.h>
- #define ATMDEVICE "/dev/fa0"
- #endif
- // Abstract class
- class Socket {
- friend class SocketMulti;
- protected:
- int socketfd;
- // variables for recv
- unsigned char* bfr;
- int bytes, read_bytes;
- public:
- Socket(){ socketfd=-1; }
- virtual ~Socket(){}
- virtual int accept() = 0;
- virtual int recv(unsigned char* data, int size) = 0;
- virtual int send(unsigned char* data, int size) = 0;
- virtual int close() = 0;
- };
- class SocketFile : public Socket {
- String filename;
- public:
- SocketFile(const char* filename=0);
- ~SocketFile();
- int accept(){ return (socketfd>=0); }
- int recv(unsigned char* data, int size);
- int send(unsigned char*, int){ return -1; }
- int close();
- };
- class SocketTcp : public Socket {
- int fd;
- public:
- SocketTcp(unsigned int asap, unsigned int pdu_size=0);
- ~SocketTcp();
- int accept();
- int recv(unsigned char* data, int size);
- int send(unsigned char* data, int size){
- return ::write(fd, data, size);
- }
- int close();
- };
- class SocketUdp : public Socket {
- sockaddr_in cli_addr;
- sockaddr* pcli_addr;
- int cli_len;
- int fd;
- public:
- SocketUdp(unsigned int asap, unsigned int pdu_size=0);
- ~SocketUdp();
- int accept();
- int recv(unsigned char* data, int size);
- int send(unsigned char* data, int size){
- return ::sendto(fd, (char*) data, size, 0, pcli_addr, cli_len);
- }
- int close();
- };
- #ifdef FORE_ATM
- class SocketAtmSpans : public Socket {
- unsigned int asap;
- Aal_type aal_type;
- Atm_qos qos;
- Atm_dataflow dataflow;
- Atm_endpoint atm_endpoint;
- int fd;
- public:
- SocketAtmSpans(unsigned int sap);
- ~SocketAtmSpans();
- int accept();
- int recv(unsigned char* data, int size);
- int send(unsigned char* data, int size){
- return ::atm_send(fd, (caddr_t) data, size);
- }
- int close();
- };
- class SocketAtmPvc : public Socket {
- Aal_type aal_type;
- Atm_dataflow dataflow;
- Vpvc vpvc;
- int fd;
- public:
- SocketAtmPvc(unsigned int vci, unsigned int vpi=0);
- ~SocketAtmPvc();
- int accept();
- int recv(unsigned char* data, int size);
- int send(unsigned char* data, int size){
- return ::atm_sendto(fd, (caddr_t) data, size, vpvc);
- }
- int close();
- };
- #endif // FORE_ATM
- // Multi socket that accepts the first available connection;
- // either TCP, UDP, ATM SPANS or ATM PVC
- #define SOCKETMULTI_MAX 10
- class SocketMulti {
- Socket** sockets;
- Socket* socket;
- int count; // number of sockets
- public:
- SocketMulti(const char* filename);
- SocketMulti(unsigned int asap, int pdu_size, unsigned int vci=60, unsigned int vpi=0);
- ~SocketMulti();
- int accept();
- int recv(unsigned char* data, int size){ return socket->recv(data, size); }
- int send(unsigned char* data, int size){ return socket->send(data, size); }
- int close(){ return socket->close(); }
- };
- #endif // __network_hh_