- #ifndef DVD_UDF_H
- #define DVD_UDF_H
- #define DVD_UDF_VERSION 19991124
- /***********************************************************************************/
- /* The length of one Logical Block of a DVD Video */
- /***********************************************************************************/
- #define DVD_VIDEO_LB_LEN 2048
- /***********************************************************************************/
- /* reads Logical Block of the disc or image */
- /* lb_number: disc-absolute logical block number */
- /* block_count: number of 2048 byte blocks to read */
- /* data: pointer to enough allocated memory */
- /* returns number of read bytes on success, 0 on error */
- /***********************************************************************************/
- int UDFReadLB(unsigned long int lb_number, unsigned int block_count, unsigned char *data);
- /***********************************************************************************/
- /* looks for a file on the UDF disc/imagefile */
- /* filename: absolute pathname on the UDF filesystem, starting with '/' */
- /* returns absolute LB number, or 0 on error */
- /***********************************************************************************/
- unsigned long int UDFFindFile(char *filename);
- /***********************************************************************************/
- /* Initializes the CSS process with the drive */
- /* returns positive AGID on success, -1 on error, -2 if no CSS support in CD-ROM driver */
- /***********************************************************************************/
- int UDFCSSRequestAGID(void);
- /***********************************************************************************/
- /* Post host challenge (10 bytes) into drive */
- /* and retreive drive response (5 bytes) for host */
- /* returns 0 on success, -1 on error, -2 if no CSS support in CD-ROM driver */
- /***********************************************************************************/
- int UDFCSSDriveAuth(char *data);
- /***********************************************************************************/
- /* Retreive drive challenge (10 bytes) */
- /* returns 0 on success, -1 on error, -2 if no CSS support in CD-ROM driver */
- /***********************************************************************************/
- int UDFCSSHostAuthChallenge(char *data);
- /***********************************************************************************/
- /* Post host response (5 bytes) into drive */
- /* returns 0 on success, -1 on error, -2 if no CSS support in CD-ROM driver */
- /***********************************************************************************/
- int UDFCSSHostAuthResponse(char *data);
- /***********************************************************************************/
- /* Retreive disc key (2048 byte) from drive */
- /* returns 0 on success, -1 on error, -2 if no CSS support in CD-ROM driver */
- /***********************************************************************************/
- int UDFCSSDiscKey(char *data);
- /***********************************************************************************/
- /* Retreive title key (5 byte) from drive */
- /* lba: absolute number of logical block containing the title key */
- /* returns 0 on success, -1 on error, -2 if no CSS support in CD-ROM driver */
- /***********************************************************************************/
- int UDFCSSTitleKey(unsigned long int lba, char *data);
- /***********************************************************************************/
- /* opens block device or image file */
- /* filename: path to the DVD ROM block device or to the image file in UDF format */
- /* returns fileno() of the file on success, or -1 on error */
- /***********************************************************************************/
- int UDFOpenDisc(char *filename);
- #endif /* DVD_UDF_H */